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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Allan Vicman Magical Boy
Age: 22
Gender: Male
He's a young, athletic, African American male with a penchant for dyeing his hair depending on his mood. He's 5'8 tends to wear sunglasses during the day and will wear whatever he feels is comfortable.
Personality: Allan has often been the called weird and even a drag queen considering the dress he occasionally dons. However Allan is not so different from the average American young adult male. What makes him part of a certain minority of people is his confidence and belief in himself. There is very little that can truly destroy his spirit. Even faced with a dangerous foe, whether its a Golem or trying to wake up early Allan will never give in. This can be an issue because he rarely can place a great deal a trust in others to the point where he can safely rely on them. As a result Allan prefers a very small group of friends when going out or to just be alone.


Magical Knowledge- Allan could be considered a rather lazy genius amongst his more nicer peers. His knowledge of the occult and magic is impressive. The potential he has to become a very powerful mage in a decade or two is there. Even now his intelligence and knowledge of magic far outpaces his own ability to properly use and control it. Allan may have potentially memorized "Chaos and Entropy" book, but won't be able to corrode a skyscraper in days or even weeks through magic.

Elemental Power- Allan Vicman comes from a family well known for their magical prowess. Specifically their control over the elements. Allan specializes in flames. From the smallest ember to a an inferno capable of burning down a house. His control over other elements are very limited forcing him to use them for very delicate tasks.

Summoning- Proficient in the use of summoning magic and can conjure any manner of spirit or demon. He has knowledge of more complex spells, but they are currently not within his ability to properly perform. At best he can conjure a being and speak with it or possibly conjure a tool maybe even a weapon from another realm. However, conjuring items especially powerful ones either takes a great deal of effort or impossible at the moment.

Spirit Energy- Knows spells that call upon power mostly reserved from spirits. The most complicated spell he can use a simple bolt of energy. It can knock a man off his feet or it can be used to destroy simple locks both mundane or magical. Currently working on this.


- This staff has been passed down the Vicman family for only a few generations, but it has been a very notable magical item used to defend the family. Due to Allan's interaction with a mystical fairy item and annoying Lich has changed it from a golden staff made to purge darkness, to a weapon that uses both light and darkness. This fire can burn both bright and dark, but altogether effective setting its target ablaze. Allan is more capable of using it encircle or occasionally shield himself from certain attacks.

(its half black)- Allan is very bad with names so he gave his newly discovered magical attire a name that seemed to fit rather well. The Dark Flame Dress enhances all physical attributes to be ten times that of the average human. Triples the wearers innate magical power and gives them other abilities such as barriers capable of resisting magical attacks and more mundane attacks like grenade level explosions. Allan can use teleportation by appearing where ever his dark fire is burning. Any fire he has burning will be immediately extinguished whenever he teleports. It can hold up to 20 (laptop size) items in a small dimension from under the skirt (think Mami from Madoka Magica). Of course most important of all it can be donned through a rather colorful transformation.

The clothes are of Fairy make and has their own healing capability. If the wearer is somehow stabbed the wound will be healed within a day or two depending on the severity. Due to the original owners nature Allan's own mindset has been somewhat influenced. He feels responsible for the well being of others more so than usual. Now with this power he can do more good than bad. However, because of what happened when he obtained this dress he will occasionally feel the urge to laugh maniacally after a victory. The darkness and light constantly in conflict has made the dress drain energy from the user. Allan if not using his abilities actively can possibly sit in his dress for hours or more. While very active he may last 30 minutes or less.

Allan Vicman was born in Chicago, but was never part of the Vicman family at first. He was an orphan and was adopted into the family but mainly raised by his Aunt Delilah. Of course, this wasn't the sort of old magical family that necessarily cared that much about keeping the blood pure. They were notable for being unusually powerful hippies amongst their kind for a long time. Always moving making new friends, new enemies, finding new quests and even occasionally losing a power family heirloom or two. Allan's aunt was far more interested in staying one place with him, teaching Allan about the supernatural as well as giving him a life with the majority non magical populace.

His life for a while wasn't very exciting. Allan made few friends and enjoyed staying by himself mostly to read, practice his magic, play games, eat junk food or when forced to jog and get some exercise. However, he never took his studies lightly. Whether magic education or otherwise they were serious to him and at times even exciting. The most was learning about more about his own family's history. His adopted father when he wasn't either in the jungle or trying to find some strange tome in the Mojave he did make sure Allan knew about the family history. The story of how countless generation failed to find the Illusive dress of the Fairy Princess was told very often. Most in the family thought it was a myth, but Allan was both at the right age to believe the story and confident enough to think he could find it. It didn't help that Allan was already thinking about how cool it would be to use that power to not only impress, but help out the people in the city.

Just out of highschool Allan had a couple strange friends all looking for a specific fairy item related to the fairy princess. Allan simply asked his father for some help and he was given the family staff which changes hands amongst the family often. The very old and seemingly drunk goblin and very morose necromancer had better leads taking the trio on a quest encountering ninja treasure hunters, crumbling temple filled with skeletons who loved a riddle or two, and finally a very annoyed powerful Lich who at the end of his near century old search for a Demon King's crown instead found a dead Fairy's wardrobe. When they found the Princess's property the very irritated and petty Lich infected the place using Dark Magic and as a result the items themselves were tainted. Instead of them being destroyed through the collision of light and dark they were mutated. All of them were changed including Allan who's own staff fell victim to the power. In the end he found himself dressed in the garments of a long dead princess. Instead of embarrassment he smiled at the power he had and had a new compulsion to save lives and show the world the power of justice and maybe a little darkness sprinkled on top.

He tried asking his friends about the other items, but one sold it living a life of luxury and the other is currently using the item to control a rather large horde of powerful undead creatures.

Edit: I wanted to make him weaker than Charlotte since she's a very old witch, but considering he has kind of a magical girl ability I wanted to make him a bit strong to. I feel that without the dress he wouldn't be anywhere near her level. With it Allan should be closer but her skill should trump his. Also do our characters have to belong to a specific organization?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Characters don't have to be part of any organization. They're just there as setting information.

As for your character, a quick look seems okay though things were kind of not-so-great today so I'm not sure I'll be actually giving my final word until tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

No problem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyrak


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Garrick Blackmare
Age: 26
Gender: M

Personality: cool, calm even under gun point (because he has a grenade under the table), patient, and when he sets a price you're not getting it for any cheeper.
Skills: Very good marksman, businessman, and he's got the mind of a genius.
Abilities: He can rearrange matter at the subatomic level, however it's a very slow process and requires that he's in a meditative state (it approximately takes about twenty seconds to do a cubic inch right now). During this is completely unaware of what's going on around him (aside from whatever materials he's working with) while he's mediating until he comes out or is pulled out. He's also got a much more capable mind them a regular human's, that's closer to a super computer in his capability to run several functions (like rearanging all the atoms inside a very small area).
Equipment: A whole collection of custom job guns ranging from sniper rifles to fully auto hand guns, most of them would be illegal if it was known they exist. He's also got a continuous work in progress power armor which he's dubbed Atapa (Advanced Tactical Assault Power Armor) which is nothing compared to Ironman's (current) power armor but still pretty good and always improving. Although technically not part of his equipment his surburban is more equiviant to a sci-fi light tank than a truck with it being effectively a super armored vehicle with a turret all hidden away looking as though it was just a normal (gun rack filled) truck.
Brief Backstory: As a boy he grew up in poverty and so having to help get food in the mouths of his family he ended up working as a mechanic when not at school. Using online resources he was able to understand a lot more stuff than his science teacher was teaching. When he graduated he went into college and while majoring in business and learned enough science to completely understand what he was doing when he used his power that he initially discovered at the age of 12. He's set up his own private business of creating and selling custom job weapons. His business has attracted the attention of several groups such as ARROW, The United Humanity Front, and Ordo Sientifica as well as several government agencies, as long as nobody ticks him off and people keep buying his weapons he doesn't care all to much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hark, a villain!

Name: Takahashi Noriko, Lucifer

Age: Though in her early twenties physically, and mentally in her twenties, Noriko is only ten years old chronologically. Fortunately, her birth certificate matches her physical appearance.

Gender: Female

Appearance: "Hold or face the consequences!"

Personality: Noriko is rather lacking on much in the way of subtlety or intrigue: she always assumes that people are telling the truth unless they contradict the knowledge she already has, and she doesn't get sarcasm or irony at all. Because of this, she's trivially easy to manipulate, since she isn't close enough to anyone to regard them as more trustworthy.

Skills: Noriko has had a few basic skills drilled into her, on top of essential lifeskills: using her sword to its maximum effect, manipulating computers, and utterly unnatural gymnastic ability.

Abilities: She is, simply put, a genetically engineered magical battery. Her equipment combines technology and magic to get some amazing effects--but it's not efficient, and thus a normal person, even one with a gift for magic, could no more use it long term than its creators could. She hasn't learned spellcasting or the like, however, and thus her only native use for it is to accelerate her healing.

Equipment: Seraph Battle Gear--three separate parts that can be transformed into a simple amulet and back again with a mental command, providing that it has been attuned to the wielder. Not even all three need to be summoned, too.
-Wings: The six wings provide flight, obviously, but also significant maneuverability and speed boosts. Due to being magical in nature, she can perform aerial manoeuvres that would otherwise be frankly impossible. Touching the wings is highly not recommended
-Boots: Defensive qualities aside, they kick with vastly more force than was actually put into them. They have the biggest downside of all the parts: because their summoning would destroy her shoes every time, Noriko tends to not wear any.
-Sword: At first, it's just a nigh-invulnerable and incredibly sharp sword, but with every hit against a target, a thin magical layer attunes itself. The tougher the target, the more blows it would take, but eventually it can adapt to sheering through any armour. Mere steel isn't capable of resisting it even with no magic supplied.

Brief Backstory: Noriko was created to try and supplement Japan's anti-kaiju forces, and raised in a very clinical environment. Due to skipping the whole puberty mess, and never having been a young child, she came out of it rather... naive, when she was instead assigned to work with the IJF in the USA. At first, she had little difficulty fitting in--but keeping an eye on one hero made her suspect corruption and protecting the supervillains.

It was this that a particularly clever member of ARROW seized upon: meeting her in his civilian form, and tricking the pink-haired heroine into believing that all of the IJF was as bad. When her suspect jumped ship to become a villain entirely, she left the IJF, swearing to bring it to an end--since then, she's gotten in the way more than she's helped, knowing their roster far too well. Being obviously IJF-affiliated also doesn't sit well in her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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@Hillbilly: Accepted. It'll be funny when I finally get my third character up.

@pyrak: I'd like to know more about the equipment you mention.

@RainehDaze: Accepted.

The lists will be updated by tomorrow. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cool I'll be thinking about my post for tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyrak


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

With the use of his ability Garrick essentially 3D prints his stuff with the main difference being that he can do just about any material, allowing him to make things without a lot of the little bits.

In the matter of guns he primarily uses sniper rifles, however he also uses assault rifles as well genuinely single shot but will use auto for cover fire. Since all his guns are made by him they're very hard to break, jam or over heat and have a greater efficiency over regular mass produced, in short his stuff's just a whole lot better quality than what you're going to find just about anywhere else.

His surburban is essentially a light tank from the future since the walls and windows can withstand anything short of a few anti-tank rounds (unfortuanly in super human terms that's often very small). Aside from it's armor its got a light turret which is concealed on top which does a transformers like unfolded before going all out dakka dakka, and it's got over 180 degrees of direction it can shoot in and a hefty amount of ammo (its got a limit on spinning in circles since it's essentially backpack fed). The truck is powered by a small nuclear fusion generator, also naturally has an electric motor, and due to its massive weight its got heavy duty suspension and wheels tucked away in the very normal looking truck (nothing actually looks heavy duty they're just stronger alloys than tyoical stuff).

Despite being a salesman and scientist he only sells stuff just ahead of the curve so he's not selling any fusion reactors (and therefore bombs) yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm done with my CS, it's on page 9.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Rao Jay

Age: 18


Appearance: Rao has slightly lengthy black hair and subtly almond-shaped jade green eyes along with an olive-skinned complexion and the build and full body muscle tone of someone who's spent their entire life harshly training to be the greatest martial artist in the world. He's only about 5'3" in height and 136 pounds despite this. In his costume as The Dragonfist he wears a crimson bandana mask with gold outlines around the eyes, a black undershirt under a red gi of sorts with a golden dragon design emblazoned on it along with black outlines and gold boots while his belt is also black. .

Personality: Rao is fairly out of touch with the modern world, having spent the majority of his life in the hidden city of Tian Yu in the Himalayas, where time has fairly little meaning. Currently he's intensely driven by the need to find the person or persons responsible for his parents deaths and despite his mentors attempts to raise him to follow a path towards enlightenment and inner peace his main motivations are anger and revenge. He does not trust easily given his history of betrayal from a young age, and at the moment his quest for vengeance makes him feel less than inclined to trust others. In ordinary circumstances he takes pride in his abilities in the martial arts and normally enjoys fighting not for the sake of violence but more out of a desire to test his skills and for the fun of friendly competition. Despite his currently being clouded by negative emotions, some of his teachers wisdom has rubbed off on him and he'll often pretend to sound wise and drop proverbs in friendly mockery of and homage to them along with displaying a slightly dry sense of humor. He possesses a strong sense of honor in combat, though he's not above thinking tactically if he has to and is actually fairly clever. Above all he has a burning sense of justice and belief that no innocent, especially young innocents, should have to suffer.


Martial Arts-Rao has spent over a decade training in martial arts under the Eternal Lords of Tian Yu, immortals with far more experience than any human master. Due to honing his skills with them nearly every day since the age of seven in order to master their own style of martial arts as well as many mundane ones, Rao is quite possibly one of the most skilled martial artists on Earth. He has mastered multiple styles of both unarmed combat and armed combat with traditional weaponry. Aside from Tian Yu's martial arts he's mastered styles ranging from aikido and Jiujitsu to Muay Thai and Kali, among many others.

Acrobatics, free-running, climbing: As part of his training in Tian Yu, Rao became a highly skilled acrobat and free-runner, equally adept at moving freely whether he's hopping rooftops, traversing treacherous mountain terrain or bounding his way through forests or jungles, if necessary.

Bodily control-As part of his training with the Eternal Masters, Rao is in near complete control of his body, making him capable of feats like deadening pain from his injuries, existing comfortably in extreme environments or even slowing his breathing and heartbeat down to achieve things like slowing the effects of poisons, going without oxygen for extended periods or even entering a state nearly indistinguishable from death.

near-peak-human abilities-Rao is about as fit as a human being can possibly be without actually being superhuman. His speed, reflexes, stamina, senses and strength are all close to human maximum without being superhuman.

The Dragon's Chi-As the last step to becoming the Dragon Fist Rao defeated Lao Gong the Ever-Burning, a powerful and ancient dragon, with his bare hands. As it was the only way to defeat the beast, Rao plunged his fists into its molten heart again and again until it was subdued. The process bathed his fists in the immortal serpent's chi, permanently linking it to Rao. Now he can draw upon its' chi at will. At the moment, the process tires him greatly and he can only use it to imbue his hands with temporary near invulnerability and massive concussive force a few times a day. However there are legends of previous bearers of the Dragon Fist who could use the fiery energy to do things like power themselves to superhuman physical levels temporarily, heal others, imbue projectiles and weapons with great power and heat, and tap into a sort of empathic oneness with the universe. If such powers lie within the Dragon's Chi, Rao has no idea as of yet.

Equipment: At the moment Rao has nothing but himself and the Dragon Fist costume. He is technically the sole heir and rightful majority shareholder in the influential Jay Corporation, but due to spending so long out of touch with society he currently neither knows nor cares.

Brief Backstory: Rao Jay was the son of multi-billionaire and captain of industry Robert D.Jay and Mako Ryuugamine, heiress to the powerful Ryuugamine zaibatsu. Though marriage between the two resulted in a corporate merger of legendary proportions, they preferred as quiet a life as possible with their son. Unfortunately for all of them, while on a private flight to vacation in China, their pilot revealed himself as a member of a strange organization bent on kidnapping the family and exploiting Jaycorp's wealth for their own ends. The plane went down in the resulting struggle and crashed in the Himalayas with Rao as the only survivor.

By sheer coincidence he made his way to the hidden city of Tian Yu. The immortal mystics who are masters of the city took pity upon the lost and injured child and took him in. After months of persistence on his part they also granted his wish to be trained in every way of combat they could possibly teach him, hoping the discipline would calm his wild heart though his wish was always for personal vengeance. They eventually grew to see his potential as a martial artist, and at the age of eighteen, he took the test held once in a generation to try and find the next Dragonfist, protector of the secret city and the hand of Tian Yu in the outside world. Rao was able to pass the many tests and even defeat the dragon Lao Gong, earning the title and power for himself. With his training complete, he denied all offers to give up on the path of revenge and live happily in Tian Yu, along with the possibility of one day gaining immortality for himself. Instead he set out into the modern world, promising to take up the duties of the Dragonfist should the need arise but otherwise pursue his own goals.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Tendo Godai, AKA "Racer King"
Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tendo is your typical Japanese male. Dark hair cut short, usually wearing a decent suit, as he IS a cop. On his off time, he wears t-shirts and shorts, since jeans tend to chafe at super speed.

Personality: Tendo, first and foremost, wants to help people. Though he may seem kind of distant, he's actually just easily distracted when not investigating. He's easily bored since he usually experiences time at 60x the normal rate. Thankfully, his fancy belt keeps him company, as it contains an advanced military AI that can store enough Velocity Power to temporarily return his perceptions to normal.

Skills: Firearms training, authorized to make arrests, police detective.

Abilities: Tendo's only abilities out of suit are super speed and the fact he percieves time at an accelerated rate. This means a second becomes a minute, a minute becomes an hour, so on and so forth. While this makes him seem aloof and distant, it also makes him the perfect choice to fight creatures in Supermass Zones where time stands still. His super speed does not come with enhanced strength or resistance to friction and impacts, however- using it is extremely dangerous. At high speeds, grains of sand in the air become a field of razors ready to tear him to shreds.

Enter the Racer Suit. This suit of armor, fired out of a particle accelerator straight at his position, is made of spacecraft parts, allowing it to withstand speeds even greater than Tendo's. By combining his natural speed with the protection of the Racer Suit, Tendo can fight Massiveroids on equal footing, inside Supermass Zones or out. In addition, the on-board AI in his belt can have the accelerator deliver tools to suit the situation at hand.

Equipment: Mr. Belt, a military-grade AI and his transformation device. Also has three weapons stashed at the subatomic level that Mr. Belt can grow to usable size- the Mach Magnum (a gun firing nonlethal foam rounds), Drive Shaft (a quarterstaff), Rush Riot (a riot shield, not much to write home about), and Volt Knuckle (a set of knuckles that convert the force of his blows into electrical charge). Most importantly, he has his badge.

Brief (HA!) Backstory: Once upon a time, Tendo was a rookie policeman in Kasoku City, home of Japan's largest physics lab. He joined the force with bright eyes, hoping to make a difference in the lives of others and make his hometown a better place. But when responding to a call at the Kasoku City physics lab, he came across a startling discovery- the culprit wasn't a human, but some kind of monster! A semi-humanoid figure, composed of equal parts bat and spider, was roughing up one of the scientists at the lab. Tendo took out his badge and shouted that the monster was under arrest... only for him to find himself inside a long metal corridor, the monster behind a window and laughing as it flipped a switch. This was the Kasoku particle accelerator, the largest in Japan, and he was trapped inside it! Bombarded with strange particles, he struggled at the door to the accelerator. That monster was still out there menacing the scientist. Eventually, he gave up on breaking the door... and made a running jump for the window. He didn't think it would work. But, then, he didn't think he'd suddenly shoot forward with a sonic boom.

Time moved slowly as he sailed through the bulletproof glass towards the startled monster, shattered glass floating slowly in midair. Blood from the obvious consequences of jumping through a window at supersonic speeds. The monster held his hand toward Tendo... and it stopped. The glass, the blood. But he kept sailing towards the monster. The monster began to panic, thrusting its arm forward again and again. He didn't know what it was trying to do, but Tendo connected and tackled the beast through a wall. Stunned, bleeding out, and panicking, Tendo collapsed. The monster, for some reason, ran away.

Over the next few days in the hospital, Tendo found that things were still absurdly slow. Nurses and doctors sounded like they were taking hours to have minute-long conversations. He got stressed, snapped at his family a bit, and felt bad about it. But later, was surprised that he had another visitor- the scientist from last night, a fairly pretty woman who gave her name as Dr. Rokuko. Amazingly, she was communicating with him at a normal rate! She explained that his time in the particle accelerator had exposed him to Velocity Power, particles of pure kinetic energy. But that was not the important part. She revealed that her labs had discovered that some atoms contained entire universes through long experimentation. After attempting to contact one of those universes, monsters began invading. These strange creatures, dubbed "Massiveroids" are capable of traversing atomic levels and invading foreign universes through something they call "Chikara Power." Their name comes from their startling ability- they can manipulate their own mass, causing space and time to warp! They use this power to reach out and conquer all they see before them. However, with their ability to warp space and time, it is impossible to strike against them... unless you have enough Velocity Power to unstick yourself from time. While the lab had been able to create a few particles of the strange force, it seemed that Tendo's body now naturally produced Velocity Power.

From downstairs, there was a commotion- the monster from earlier was roughing up the lobby. Though he was still wounded, and a doctor tried to stop him, he wasn't letting that thing hurt more people. Still in his hospital gown, he grabbed an IV rack and ran downstairs... Only to find out the dusty stairwells really hurt. He burst through a door, skidding to a stop before the monster. And then... it spoke.

"Ah... there you are! You really messed up our plans last night, man... but in the end, Spider-Bat always wins!"

Tendo tried to reply, but... well, super speed. "YoukeeptalkingbutallIhearisblahblahblahgodI'mugly."

"I... uh... what?" The monster muttered, scratching his head, before shrugging and throwing a chair at Tendo, who dived under it and jumped to try and put the beast in a chokehold. The monster thrust its hand forward again, and the chair stopped shortly before the creature threw Tendo through it. The monster slowly advancing on him, Tendo heard a shout from the stairs. Dr. Rokuko had... a big belt buckle? Whatever it was, it was currently floating lazily towards his head. But, given that this resembled a scene that was in a lot of TV shows from when he was a kid, Tendo ran up and grabbed the device, putting it on. A belt appeared around his waist... and a third voice joined the little conversation as a thumbs up and accelerator appeared on the belt in quick succession. The accelerator began spinning around like a clock winding down.

"Wowowow! That's a lotta Velocity Power, buddy! It's got me all fired up!"

"Okay, what the hell is going on?! Talking belts, superatomic universes, time's being weird for me, and... and..."

A question mark, followed by an exclamation point, appeared on the belt's display. "Still lagging behind, eh? That's alright, let me bring you up to speed! That is a Massiveroid, an evil invader from a superatomic universe! I am Mr. Belt, a military AI who'll be handling your equipment! And, as soon as you get Fired Up, you'll be Racer King- the hero who can fight the Massiveroids!"

"Fired Up? What does that even..."

The monster stomped the ground angrily, grabbing another chair and tossing it. "HEY! Are you ignoring me?!"

The belt piped up as Tendo was knocked backwards by the flying chair. "I'll explain later, but for now, just shout 'Fire Up' and do what a hero always does- protect people!"

"...Alright, Mr. Belt, but we're having a long conversation after this! FIRE UP!" Tendo shouted, throwing his arms back and punching the air in front of him.

"IGNITION! Racer Suit, Accelerate!" Mr. Belt shouted. In the physics lab, the particle accelerator roared to life, and a red suit launched through the walls at speeds great enough to pass through matter. Back in the hospital, Tendo felt a gust of powerful wind as a heavy suit of armor appeared around him.

"I... Velocity Power... Just who are you?!" The monster shouted, now wielding two chairs.

"Man, you're slow on the uptake! Mr. Belt, bring 'em up to speed."

"I hate to repeat myself, but he IS lagging behind... So! To recap: I am Mr. Belt, a Military AI! This is Racer King, a man with enough velocity power to move through a Supermass Zone! And you're going downtown!"

"Oh, I know this part," Tendo said, smiling under the helmet as he rushed forward, kicking the monster's shin.
"You are under arrest!" he rushed away, as the monster tossed a chair.
"The charges are-" catching the chair, winging it around to hit the monster in the face.
"-breaking and entering into the Kasoku City Physics Labratory!" he shouted with a a running punch to the gut.
"Two counts of attempted murder!" a kick to the chest.
"Assaulting an officer of the law!" a kick to the stomach.
"Destruction of public property!" And finally, a kick to the groin, causing the monster to crumple over.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to hire an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed by the court..."

That was the start of Tendo's life as Racer King. He now works as part of the Kasoku City PD's Special Crimes Unit, dealing with supervillains, ancient empires from beneath the earth's crust, and freaky cults in addition to typical crooks. He's also one of the more recent members of Choriki Action, serving as an arresting officer and resident speedster.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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@Rare: Um, is the gif supposed to be appearance? ^^; It doesn't really fill anything in. Also, hacking ability will not apply to any robotic characters at all.

@pyrak: Hmm, so he can't do things like assemble nukes from nothing, right?

@clanjos: Accepted.

@Dblade: Accepted.

Also, NPC's:

Name: Richard Wells/Jettank
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Appearance: "I just do my duty. It helps that I'm awesome at doing it."
Personality: Richard Wells has an air of utter arrogance. As Jettank, he feels incredibly accomplished and does not hesitate to flaunt his position as the armored superhero freely and without hesitation. He enjoys taking center stage and being the focus of everyone's attention, which is part of the reason he even started being Jettank. However, contrary to what some of his detractors seem to believe, Richard genuinely feels it is important to protect the innocent. This doesn't stop him from being arrogant about it, but he's not just a superhero for the fame. He wants to help and protect the people of the world as much as many other heroes. Due to one of his stated motivations, to combat superhuman crime even though he himself is not a superhuman, he is sometimes associated with the United Humanity Front. The UHF has even stated support for Jettank. Richard himself, however, is filled with nothing but disgust for the organization. He feels that superhumans are people, just like anyone else, and just because he made himself something to fight the ones of their number who would commit crimes doesn't mean he shares any of the UHF's beliefs. He went as far to post the letter they sent him online, exposing much of their bigoted language and hatred and drumming up a large amount of anti-UHF sentiment.
Skills: Richard is an excellent engineer and a technological genius, capable of engineering the Jettank suit by himself in under a month's time.
Abilities: Richard is a normal human being, and as such his abilities only extend as far as the average human male's do.
Equipment: Richard has a large amount of tools and gadgets so that he can tweak the Jettank suit.
-Jettank suit: The Jettank suit is a custom suit of powered armor designed to allow Richard to combat superhuman crime(and by extension any crime). Its entire frame is covered in armor plating, supplemented by a gel layer that absorbs impact and protects Richard's body. In this way, Jettank is immune to most guns and has protection against explosives. Of course, armor is not Jettank's only capability. The limbs are fitted with strength-enhancing servos that pack quite a punch into even Jettank's melee attacks. The Jettank suit's feet are also fitted with repulsers, allowing him to fly unaided. Armaments include a pair of solar-powered beam cannons mounted on the suit's shoulders, which can be raised or lowered in intensity in order to prevent lethal injury, and a pair of mini-gatling guns mounted inside each arm, usually loaded with stun rounds unless other ammunition proves necessary. The suit possesses an AI that automatically manages its functions and warns Jettank about damage to the suit, named Emily after Richard's younger sister. The Jettank suit's power pack is built into the suit's back, protected by thick armor to prevent damage. The charge can last for days.
Brief Backstory: Jettank's origins are rather simple. The oldest child of the Wells family, the founders and owners of the Wells Robotics Corporation, Richard found himself dismayed at how difficult it was for non-superhumans to combat superhuman crime. Oh, sure, there were non-superhuman heroes, but still... His natural arrogance prompted his response. Using his technological knowledge and vast amounts of funds, he began to engineer a powersuit that would allow him to fight crime. In under a month's time, he was finished. Christening the suit "Jettank", he took it out for some test spins before taking it to fight real crime, and it worked just as he had hoped. However, with his personality, well... how could he keep this kind of thing a secret? It wasn't long before he came out as Jettank. The oldest child of the Wells family, the armored superhero Jettank? He loved the spotlight, that was for sure. And he still does, relishing in the attention even as he continues to fight for the innocent. The UHF began to voice their support for him, and he rejected it entirely, even posting their letter to him to expose how bad they truly are, at least to the people who didn't already know. Jettank has continued to fight crime using his powersuit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

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I have fix my app. Now is it accepted?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm interested. I even have a character concept. However, said concept is inspired by DC's Richard Dragon, and Rā's al Ghūl. He is very dangerous, and more of an antihero really.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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What do you have in mind?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This was my concept.

Name: Benjamin R. O'Connor/The Wraith
Age: 35

NOTE: The costume contains the strap/shoulder-breastplate, not the quiver.
Under the hood and mask, Ben is a tall, well built young man with close cropped black hair . From the neck to his hips, and shoulder to fingertips, he is riddled with scars, and his face bears slices from forehead to jawline on the right side, as well as a scar from the tip of his lips to the middle of his cheek on the right side held in place by surgical sutures.

Personality: Calm, and dark. He is at times, possessive of a dark sense of humor, but is eerily calm in combat. Has a temper though. During times when he must use torture, he is sadistic, and apathetic towards the subject.

Skills: Hand to hand combat (Master): Extremely adept in combat, to the point of being able to analyze and pinpoint weaknesses and strengths in opposing combat strategies instantaneously and adapt accordingly.

Tactical Analysis: Ben is capable of analyzing complex combat strategies, including fighting at least two people simultaneously, in his head instantaneously.

Master Torturer: Knows how to exact maximum amount of pain and agony on a victim while keeping them alive as long as possibleAbilities: None. He is a normal Human.

Equipment: None.

Brief Backstory:Not much is known of his early life, but what is known is this: Ben was born in South Carolina, raised an orphan. As a child, he was very outwardly angry, and often struck out wards at other kids who bullied him. His rage at his situation would lead him to where he is today, as one day, The Wraith was watching him as a prospective protégée, the exact reasons and circumstances for which are unknown. What is known, however, is that he was adopted by his mentor at the age of five, and trained from that day forward into the master combatant he is today. However, how he gained his scars, is unknown.

When the Wraith took him in, he explained what the Mantle of the Wraith meant, and what it was. The mantle was created nearly five centuries ago by an Arabic assassin who broke free from the bonds of the order of assassins who worshipped hashish. He struck out on his own, wandering, bereft of purpose, until he saw what he could really do. Assassins like himself, masters of empty handed combat, could be ghosts, shapers of history, create their own purpose. So he created the mantle, and from generation to generation, the mantle has been passed to those deemed worthy, to those ready to forge their own purpose for the mantle.

Ben had a fire in him, and his master taught him to temper it, taught him the ways of empty handed combat honed over five centuries. He taught Ben to temper the rage, and use it to keep a clear head. Eventually, the master gave all his knowledge and passed the torch. Ben, in turn, made his master's passing painless. Turning his attention to the Superhuman situation in America, having spent his training in London and abroad, Ben heads home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Angel

Dark Angel

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Is this still open?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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It is, yes.

Um, sorry, I've been busy and this slipped my mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Before diving head first into what looks to be a fantastic role play I wanted to know if there was still room for one more? I would be wanting to play a single character who would have ties to an organisation similar to Anonymous whose goal is outing and reporting all hero and villains true identities. Considering the high concentration of activity involving secret identities in Greenfield it would make sense they would send an operative to investigate. Unsure how he would play into the role play, but I have always gotten inspiration from other peoples characters as to how he can be incorporated. More than likely his character would have a history of sorts with several of the characters involved iT this role play.

Look forward to hearing back!

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