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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I like dumb asshole, this Tae seems smart." Touzo looked at Kenta as his gaze looked at Takara, this caused him to chuckle to himself. "Oh has she told you about me. Does she think if she gets outside help she can dethrone me? What a naive brat, its the whole reason I'm making them do this. I mean look at her, she is literally sleeping under a waterfall. I could have killed her many times over by now due to this one mistake. My clan is a proud one that hosts many great assassins. I will not let it be tarnished by these lazy brats! So fair warning to you Kenta. Even if you were to help her. You would only die a pointless death. Now.... you may want to help her, I think she finally starting to drown." He stated walking away from kenta and Takara whos head was now plunged into the water still sleeping.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

"Well someone is confident, not very bright though," Kenta spoke as Touzo walked away from him and Takara. Cocky bastard thinking he was an easy kill, he would have allot to learn if he actually thought that. Kenta scowled before walking over to Takara and grabbing the back of her shirt lifting her out of the water before flicking her head with his free hand. "Alright, wake up shitty hips," Kenta said as he shook her a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Being lifted out of the water she was flicked in the head when made her face frown when he began speaking, opening her eyes and pouting at him. "Hey now, lie about more believable things. I'll have you know I have the best hips. Also why are you here? I was sleeping with the fishes. Its the only way to see if they sleep, and that they simply don't fool us into thinking they don't sleep. So what were you doing? Did you go see Rio while you were gone?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hirako grinned at what she said "You can't be sure until you try, it's apparent she has one major weakness, I'm not too sure since your shikai blocked my view. But I'm guessing it has something to do with her mentally correct?" He asked, genuinely interested since he knew they would end up fighting in the future. But before Scarlett could answer, Hirako raised his hand "Actually, don't answer that. It'll be more of a challenge to find out myself" He said with a confident smirk. He chuckled at Scarlett's idea "That does make sense, but id out Squad 2 would allow such a thing. But I think I would need a recommendation to help out, care to test me?" He turned to Scarlett, his eyes attempting to meet theirs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Zane620 said
Being lifted out of the water she was flicked in the head when made her face frown when he began speaking, opening her eyes and pouting at him. "Hey now, lie about more believable things. I'll have you know I have the best hips. Also why are you here? I was sleeping with the fishes. Its the only way to see if they sleep, and that they simply don't fool us into thinking they don't sleep. So what were you doing? Did you go see Rio while you were gone?"

"You were doing what? Know what, I don't even care," Kenta said as he walked further onto land while holding onto Takara still. He would ignore the comment about her hips being the best, it was whatever she thought. He dropped her onto the ground and hovered over her while sticking his hands into his pockets. "I did go see Rio, but that ain't why I left," Kenta replied as he rubbed the back of his head, "Let's just say I left to go get information about some things, and let's just say through certain events I decided to try and join the Gotei 13 again."

Phobos said
Hirako grinned at what she said "You can't be sure until you try, it's apparent she has one major weakness, I'm not too sure since your shikai blocked my view. But I'm guessing it has something to do with her mentally correct?" He asked, genuinely interested since he knew they would end up fighting in the future. But before Scarlett could answer, Hirako raised his hand "Actually, don't answer that. It'll be more of a challenge to find out myself" He said with a confident smirk. He chuckled at Scarlett's idea "That does make sense, but id out Squad 2 would allow such a thing. But I think I would need a recommendation to help out, care to test me?" He turned to Scarlett, his eyes attempting to meet theirs.

When Hirako asked his question Scarlett opened their mouth to say something but closed it once he told them not to answer the question, and it'd be more of a challenge to find out themselves. When did they agree to that? Scarlett was also getting tired of not being able to say much, or always being cut off before they could. As Hirako asked if Scarlett could test them, they covered their nose and replied, "Sure, but you should really wash that egg smell away later." Their eyes traveled in any direction that was away from his.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Takara frowned at his sour attitude, then flailed her arms as she was dragged away from the water and dumped on the ground. He then hovered over her which made her look up at him as he spoke, being right on him seeing Rio, but that he went to get information, and something along the way led him to deciding to rejoin the Gotei 13. She sat up rubbing the back of her head as she stared at him. " I see, does this mean they forgave you for what you did? And what squad were you planning on joining?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

"I see, does this mean they forgave you for what you did? And what squad were you planning on joining?" He heard her ask both questions. He gave a small shrug before backing up a little bit, giving her some room as he looked down at her as she looked up at him. "Well that's the thing, I haven't addressed anyone about that yet. I hope to speak to the Juki about it, and I know one Captain who'll atleast speak in my favor. Not to mention Captain Kuchiki spoke about me in his last words," Kenta looked away for a bit before looking back at Takara, "...So maybe that'll help my case a little bit. As for which Squad I'm not sure, but I'll find one...And maybe one day you can come back as well." Kenta extended a hand to try and help her up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Juki huh? Well lets hope this one captain is on good terms with Juki, anyone that makes the kenpachi look like a weakling is terrifying.And his last words? So hes dead then? I have to say that.... seems hard to believe. Well if they vouch for you then I'm certain you'll be accepted..... It's not that simple, you have captains willing to vouch for you, respectable people, who earned their trust.... I have no one who would vouch for me. What can i say? I'm sorry I tried to kill her? it..... just won't work. " She spoke as she grabbed his hand pulling herself up and dusting herself off and shaking her head sending the water in her hair flying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

"As hard as it is to believe, he's dead," Kenta said then listened to the next part of what she was saying. He put his arm up to his face as she began shaking her hair water everywhere. He mumbled something before he went behind her and gently took her hair, pushing it all back before giving a squeeze letting the water pour out onto the ground. He let go of her hair then shook his hands a little bit, letting the water fly and drip off almost immediately. He then grabbed her hand and pulled her around towards him, "It can work...I mean, you have me. I can put in a good word for you to a few people...I know you aren't bad. If anything you can explain it was because of your clan. I'm sure if I'm forgiven you could be too..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka had turned to say something to her temporary partner, only for the Hollow to make its appearance. With trepidation, Haruka turned to look over her shoulder.

A violent shiver made its way through her body as that trepidation flared into hatred. Her cornflower eyes darkened into a stormy gray, cold and filled with promises of a painful annihilation. The muscles in her jaw bulged slightly, her neck tensed before she jumped over the Hollow.


The dog heeded his master's call and fired off a surprisingly quick Cero at the Hollow. Above the spider, Haruka pointed at the monster with her palm and yelled out, "Hado number 33: Sokatsui!" Blue flames gathered at the middle of her hand and engulfed the appendage before surging forward. The tendrils writhed and twisted together in an almost grotesque fashion, until the tendrils formed at a point right about the Hollow. She wanted this thing obliterated.

After all...what else would you do to giant spider?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Eggs?" Was Hirakos first response when she stated that he smelled like eggs. He raised his right arm and smelled his armpit, his face showing displeasure and slight anger. He smelled the rest of his clothes, noticing the smell of eggs now. He sighed "I swear, I'm gonna fucking kill those bastards when I get back" He removed his shirt, which was the source of the smell. He took another whiff, no longer smelling eggs from his body. He rummaged through his shirt, pulling out 2 rotten eggs from an inside pocket "Is this any better?" He said as he tossed the eggs to the side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Juki stood in the center of the room looking down at his chest that had a slight cut to it, this caused his eyes to narrow as he then looked up at Kagiko who sheathed his Zanpakuto "That Bankai...it's impressive...in fact...if you were a bit stronger and put in more effort you could have struck me down in one strike...I see why you don't use it for long though, that must be very taxing on you..." Kagiko nodded then spoke "This is why I have developed various ways to use my Shikai as well as creating inventions to compensate for my Bankai...as powerful as it is I'd like to keep it a last resort...or use it if someone is holding me up..." Juki nodded then spoke "Well Kagiko...I have one thing to ask you. When the time comes...will you be on the front lines? I understand that Squad 12 and the SRDI are not combat orientated...but with skills such as yours it'd be very helpful..." Kagiko chuckled a little then spoke "Whoever set the rule for Squad 12 and the SRDI being nothing more then office workers was a true fool...I can tell you right now that the weird and wonderful of Squad 12 is something that should be embraced and if it is...well...the Shinigami produced from this squad will not only be immensely intelligent but also strong...some of the Squads Zanpakuto's are by far interesting...this has led to me studying Zanpakuto's closer...I have a certain task to fulfil but this I cannot share details about...I promise you it has the Gotei 13's best interest's at heart..." Kagiko then bowed as he then heard Juki speak "I see...well then Kagiko, I dismiss you...go back to Squad 12 the Captain...do not let me down, I expect great things of you..." Kagiko straightened up then smiled "You will not be let down Head Captain...In fact...I promise you, I'll blow you away with what I am capable of..." Kagiko then bowed his head before leaving Juki's office and making his way back to Squad 12
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kaizo was in the courtyard in which the Onmitsukido train, he looked at the Shinigami before him that were lined up perfectly, hands behind their backs as they looked forward and held a straight posture. It was true...these Shinigami were some of the best, they were trained well...but for Kaizo...not good enough, they'd be going into unfamiliar terrain, places to hide would be scarce and so they'd have to learn how to fight more upfront and against stronger opponents...Kaizo wanted the Onmitsukido to be able to take on any number of enemies and dispatch of them with perfect co-ordination, they not only needed to read each others moves but eachothers minds....

"Well...I look at you all and see what great Shinigami you all are. However. You aren't good enough...in fact...if you go out there now thinking you are then you'll be dead in no time at all...so...those who think highly of themselves and think they are strong enough then please, do step forward...because if you think you don't need training then you can go relax...go and chill out...because when your laying on the cold sands of Hueco Mundo trying to hold your fucking guts in your body as you lay in a pool of your own blood all you will see is your comrades passing you, they wont turn and help you...no...instead you will die there...you'll sink into the sand and be forgotten...or you can try get stronger and fight the enemy with such skill and speed they are blown away! It's no good being able to think I'll save your ass! I'm your Captain and if you can't do the job properly then you deserve to lay on those cold sands and die! I will be fighting some of the best the enemy has to offer and if I have to take on more than one then so be it! I'll tear them apart...I'm sick of the enemy underestimating us! if a Captain as skilled as Kurisa Kuchiki can see potential in all of us then we damn well best believe him! I don't know who the hell managed to kill that man but when I fought him I was terrified...I was outmatched in everything..I couldn't reach him...now I will train till I drop! and even then I will continue to go! I will make that man proud! we will make that man proud! The Gotei 13 will make him proud! Because let me tell you right now! FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION! WE WILL WIN! There are no doubts about it...The Gotei 13 are the strongest military force, we protect the peace between these worlds and we don't just kill those before us...we crush them..." Kaizo then unsheathed his Zanpakuto then spoke "Ban-Kai!"

After releasing his Bankai he stood infront of the Onmitsukido then spoke, a dead serious expression on his face "...I want you to try kill me...those who hesitate will lose their own life...Now come at me!" Kaizo watched the Onmitsukido members as some then darted off to move into position to surround Kaizo however a few stood still, unable to move. Kaizo appeared infront of one and slammed his left knee into one of their guts and sent them flying off into a wall, Kaizo then slammed his left foot onto the ground as he ducked an Onmitsukido's members attempt to cut Kaizo, another then came at Kaizo aiming to stab his chest, Kaizo then moved just enough back to grip the members right wrist with his left and and redirect the course of the mans attack to block another incoming Onmitsukido members attack, kaizo then slammed his right elbow into the first one that tried to attack him, and sent him flying as he then slammed his right palm onto the ground as he then slammed his left foot into the last member who tried to attack him gut, then Kaizo twisted and slammed his right foot into the last members chin sending him flying into the air, Kaizo then continued to spin till he got back to his feet and stood up straight, looking back over his left shoulder as he then spoke "If this is all you lot have to offer then I'm disappointed...You best up your game if you ever hope to get those Zanpakuto near me..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"As hard as it is to believe, he's dead," Kenta said then listened to the next part of what she was saying. He put his arm up to his face as she began shaking her hair water everywhere. He mumbled something before he went behind her and gently took her hair, pushing it all back before giving a squeeze letting the water pour out onto the ground. He let go of her hair then shook his hands a little bit, letting the water fly and drip off almost immediately. He then grabbed her hand and pulled her around towards him, "It can work...I mean, you have me. I can put in a good word for you to a few people...I know you aren't bad. If anything you can explain it was because of your clan. I'm sure if I'm forgiven you could be too..."

Stopping her shaking she watched him go behind her and push her hair back and squeezing the water out, which was a kind gesture, making up for his little sour moment he had. He took her hand, pulling her around towards him. She stared up at him and smiled at him, giving him a hug. "For a sour person, you are really sweet to me. But it does mean a lot, even though it might not work. People dont tend to shrug off attempted murder, mostly when its one of their own allies."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Nicias Askani said
Sinai didn't get an answer to her question. A giant spider like hollow landed in front of them before Haruka spoke. "Holy hell that's a big spider" she stopped in ther tracks as to not run right into it. A spider was NOT the form she was expecting, she hated spiders. While she wasn't afraid of them she did have the urge to burn them on sight. This time was no different, but she didn't have a big enough flame. She reached for her zanpakuto but hesitated to release it. Spiders had webs and it wouldnt be good if her butterflies got caught in one."Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hado 33 shakkaho" she blasted a red fireball at its face while jumping backwards. It looked like it had already been in a fight already, it couldn't have been the same hollow hit by the lightning bolt from earlier. The answer to that came in the form of a man yelling at the hollow. Sinai drew her zanpakuto holding it in a reverse grip style keeping her eyes on the hollow

AeronFarron said
Haruka had turned to say something to her temporary partner, only for the Hollow to make its appearance. With trepidation, Haruka turned to look over her shoulder.A violent shiver made its way through her body as that trepidation flared into hatred. Her cornflower eyes darkened into a stormy gray, cold and filled with promises of a painful annihilation. The muscles in her jaw bulged slightly, her neck tensed before she jumped over the Hollow."ALUCARD!" The dog heeded his master's call and fired off a surprisingly quick Cero at the Hollow. Above the spider, Haruka pointed at the monster with her palm and yelled out, "Hado number 33: Sokatsui!" Blue flames gathered at the middle of her hand and engulfed the appendage before surging forward. The tendrils writhed and twisted together in an almost grotesque fashion, until the tendrils formed at a point right about the Hollow. She wanted this thing obliterated. After all...what else would you do to giant spider?

the dog fired a cero?...now was so not the time to be confused. With Haruka not above the damn spider she blasted it it hard with a shokatsui. clearly sinai wasnt the only one who believed in killing it with fire. "spread your wings, Cho Seji" her zanpakuto glowed a bright pink and 12 butterflies emerged from the light. unfortunately she needed all 12 for what she was about to do. she lept backwards into a tree and then high into their air, past Haruka. once she reached the height of her climb"convergance" she held out both her hands and all the butterfies shot toward the space between her hands. she tucked her knees to her chest and began spinning down toward the ground, gaining momentum as her butterflies solidified into a construct. she looked like a spinning pink wheel as she decended on the hollow, untill she broke out of her ball form swinging down a freshly formed giant axe. the force from her fall by gravity and the spinning motion generated enough force to cleave the hollow in too and even crater the ground. She would be screwed if she missed though. even tho she used all her butterflies the force would probably shatter the axe as well as the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Once Rio left the Squad Two training room, she took a few steps before stopping, staring at the floor with both fists clenched... As much as she hated to admit, there was much more to this simple 'headache'... That was made painfully clear to her during Scarlett's attack. Residing within her thoughts, Rio thought back to the event... Everything ran smoothly until she was chained, but it wasn't Scarlett's attack that effected her. 'I could of easily broke free and handled that illusion, even if it wasn't an illusion I'd still be able to with little effort... but... something stopped me.... The move had nothing to do with how I acted.... but then what was it? It's been happening alot lately...' Rio then thought back to when she was training Keisa and Nohime which ended in her being stopped by Kenta, funny how he just suddenly shows up out of nowhere then disappears.... Rio just figured he was enjoying his time with Takara too much to even want to stick around near here.... But anyway, that was beside the point. The fact was Rio knew what she was doing, but couldn't understand why she was doing it or stop it... 'Tch... This is ridiculous... I don't want to involve others, but if this continues, I may end up becoming a threat.... No, I can handle this, I am strong enough to control it and find out what it is... before it takes control of me...' Looking down at her clenched fists, Rio sighed and closed her eye. 'What should you do now Rio?...' She thought to herself, unsure of whether to go back to the training room, go to find Kaizo and inform him of what happened or go to Squad Four to get checked out.... Opening her eye, Rio looked towards her inner pocket, a different idea in mind as she started walking out of the barracks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hyperion continued running until he caught up the the source, were he once again saw the spider hollow plus Haruka and someone else. However while they did some attacks, the dog included. Hyperion kept his gaze on the spider with a devious smirk as he walked over to a tree and grit his teeth as he gripped it and began pulling it up by the roots tearing up from the ground, with a piece of the ground still clinging to it. "I swear i will squash this thing!" Hyperion then tightened his muscles as he held the tree like a projectile and threw it right at the spider hollow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Seki sat against a tree glaring at Niki. The only reason she was here was because she said the captain was going to train people. And a chance like this came rarely. So why was this taking so long? I swear if this dumb bitch lied, I will kick her ass for wasting my time. She thought to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shoske stood in the back if people Nishiki had gathered, his arms crossed and leaning against a wall. She had woken him up from a nap but the look in her eyes was serious. That caused him to follow her, rather than going back to sleep. Plus, she mentioned training from the captain which was rare in itself. He waited for the next announcement, patiently waiting and training his breathing exercises.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Keina kept her distance since it seemed like getting close wasn't exactly a good thing with all the attacks being thrown at it....Did that dog just...? She shook her head and pointed her palm forward and spoke, "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hado #31 Shakkahō!" The red orb of death fired forward colliding with the hollow the same time as the other Kido, melee attack, and the fucking tree which should have been in a category of it's own! Once all the attacks hit it caused a large amount of dust to kick up around them. Haruka would notice half a tree flying towards her face that was almost certain to hit, that was until Hikari appeared in front of her and sliced upwards causing the tree to slice in half and fly past them, one of the halves flying towards Sinai.

As the dust cleared the spider hollow was revealed to still be alive yet heavily battle damaged, yet it moved as if it hadn't been at all. "Shitty old man, this mission was way too high leveled for you all and he knew it," Hikari said as he stared over at Hype, even further back at Keina. The spider hollow bent over and sent a thousand eggs flying towards the two. Keina's eyes widened and she jumped down the tree she was from, landing on Hype's head before jumping off and running away. The eggs closed in on Hype before they cracked and a thousand baby spiders popped out soon exploding in a wave of acid that rained towards him. The hollow then shot towards Hikari, Haruka, and Sinai before suddenly stopping and turning around sending eggs towards them. "I want to rebuild my clan but on second thought I'm not ready to be a father!" Hikari said before quickly turning around and shunpo'ing away from the area completely, leaving the four alone again.
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