Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Hod nod as he took the rope as he looked around again to make sure that everyone was ready to start walking for them to finally start walk home to their homeland, their wife's and kids. As he was about to raise his arm to show that they could start moving he shifted towards the advisor that had come up to hod with another bag of sorts." Of course we got space. Bjorn!." He shouted as one of the men that would walk beside the carts ran towards them and stopped in front the advisor. " Bjorn take the bag and put it on the back of the card please." The guard did as Hod asked and took the bag carefully out of the advisors hand and put it back on the card. Seeing the advisor leave he took hi hand up in the air to signal to start moving out. " And good to hear that you have clothes for the cold weather." Hod said as he looked in front of the 'boat' " Well High king Olaf is a very blessed ruler, believing in the rule of law and sees justices and honor above everything else and would surely fight through the frost trolls and jettes to protect his people. "

He reply to her as he just gave a smile towards her " Well the country of Valhalskhia is as I said the most northern country on the continent within the old empire. The capital Cobenstock is surrounded by mountains in a big valley. High king olaf has ordered that a big wall should be carved out of the mountains stone to serve as a natural defense for the capital." He said as he just gave a chuckle. They arrive at the capital and was outside the palace gates and within the middle city " We get the wood from the big forests that are acound the areas "
Olaf and Hodor had a wonderful time the few hours as the great hunt had brought in fourteen dears and three bears that was about to be prepared for to celebrates to the gods. A sheep had been put on the alter that. Olaf stood at the side of it with a knife in his hands and slowly went own to cut the sheep throat while letting the blood run on the stone runic table. " For the gods to be happy tonight!" He shouted as he heard shouting of some guards that Hod had returned which made Olaf just happy to have three of his jarls present at the capital now as Jorgen had visit Olaf a few times in the short time. Dropping the knife he made sure to clean it in the wool of the dead sheep and holstered it again as he walks towards the gate with a big smile, since he got closer and closer towards the stone gate. Olaf could hear the rasleing of chains as the gate was opened and the iron bars that was there to not let the enemy come inside was heist up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zhen decided not to answer, her bakuzan was so close that if she answered the answer would be cutting his tongue.
She took a deep breath and then took one of the cookies, she ate it slowly trying to ignore the annoying king in fron of her.

Suddenly the door opened and a soldier walked in, "My Queen, the blacksmith said he would have the results in 2 days.
"The results?" Zhen Ji asked.
"Yes, he is not sure he can do much with diamons"
"I understand...Oh and send my regards to you wife, I heards she is pregnant. Congratulations"
"Thank you very much!" The soldier said with a huge smile and left closing the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Toby herd what the soldier told Zhen and only spoke what he could in the drunken state he was in."Yay sleep over!!!!" He downs the rest of the wine. Toby opened another bottle of wine." Once more for the mans wife!" He downed a third of the wine and wiped his mouth." H-Hey Zhen if you had e-enough money to buy s-so much wine , w-w-why does your house look likes this?" Toby asked swaying back and forth clearly drinking more than he can handle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"The anwser is simple, I do not need mor than this" She said crossing her arms, what made her breasts look even bigger than they already were.
"Why do you need so much luxury?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I don't know I guess I was just born with luxury. Where do you hold your meetings then? I hope not here." He laughed closing the wine bottle sobering up a little bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zhen Ji smirked "I hold them in the castle, but do not think you will find luxury there, it is mainly used as storehouse" she replied and layed down on the tatmi and watched the ceiling.
Two children entered the house "Ji! Ji! Do you want to play wit us!?" One of the children, holding aleather rubber ball asked.
Zhen Ji smiled and stood up, they played with the ball in the street
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Katelyn watches as the gate raises, she seems interested, considering the gates in Mandisa were basically large wooden doors. "That iron stuff is really interesting! It's like gold but for building!" I can't wait to meet my new friend King Olaf. Is he a nice person?" Katelyn seemed extra cheery ever since they arrived. Her patience was replaced with excitement as her long journey ended. "Even the people changed!" She seemed to look at all the differences between her and the people of Cobenstock and relate them back to Mandisa. She tried to remain polite but her excitement got the better of her as she watched common people go about their business, and for some reason, she was extremely interested and amused. She waved to the common folk and occasionally started a conversation as they passed by. Although she was very polite and patient, she related many different things back to her religion. She didn't mean to annoy people, but it was all she knew. "When will we meet the king?"

Katelyn smiles as the man kisses her hand. She had never had that happen in Mandisa because they felt she was too young. "A pleasure to meet you as well. I thank the gods for a chance to meet such a generous man. I am very interested in your culture and lifestyle, Sir. I cannot thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to experience it. From what I have heard, you are the one who is meant to be my 'suitor'." Katelyn was very formal as they introduced themselves. She wanted to make a very positive impression on her lovely host, who, to her knowledge, wanted to have a strong alliance and be her friend. She looks up at the palace as they near it. Katelyn seemed to be admiring its sheer beauty and architectural design as they traveled. She acted extremely polite because she wanted to be treated as an adult. She was the youngest girl she had seen so far. Her one pet peeve was not being treated as an adult, though she could be childish at times. Katelyn was prepared for this moment with all the classes she was required to take on elegance as well as being proper and polite. "Please, do tell me about what wondrous things happen in Cobenstock."
"Oh?" She begins to walk in, at his side, almost clinging to him childishly. She had been watching many different people speaking of the 'Great Hunt'. She was very interested she put it off until he spoke of it again. Katelyn looked at the elegant structure carved into the mountain. She was having a blast, learning all of these new things about her allies. "I can't help but notice that you have no river. Without a river what do you do during the Season of the Flood?" Katelyn had yet to understand that there were differences between cultures. She had assumed every country celebrated her holidays. She also very much enjoyed being around Olaf. To her he seemed like such a friendly and elegant king.

Katelyn seemed awestruck at the intricate palace. She had started to wonder if they used magic to carve all of it out. She touches the stone wall of the mountain, seemingly interested at such a small detail. "Even your stone is different." He soon started telling her about something called the 'Great Hunt'. She entered the mountainous palace as they conversed. "King Olaf Sir, what is 'Great Hunt'? I was never taught that in my classes." She looked up at him with curiosity "And..." She paused trying to think of a way not to be rude. "Why don't you worship?" She stated her question slowly trying not to be mean to her new found friend, yet still intent on learning why he didn't follow her religion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Hod stepped back as he just faced towards the little Pharaoh with a chuckle " Yes the iron bars that are being taking down again is also quite strong also while serving as an important part of making steel also but we don't have that set up. " He said as Olaf and Hod walked a little behind the carts that were moving towards the Palace. " So Milord how does the New Pharaoh suit you?" He ask olaf as he keep his sigh on her a she waved to the common folk and even started to have a conversation as they came closer and closer towards the palace. Stopping the palace gates Olaf and Hod walked up to Katelyn with a smile " Well why don't you ask himself if he's an nice person?" He replayed a little late after she had spoken the words, yes but at least Olaf had a good time seeing the little girls amusment and exitment. Olaf just walked up to her and looked down towards her with a smile. " Well it's a pleasure meeting you mt little lady " He said as he took her little hand and kissed it

Hod just stood beside Olaf as he kissed her hand. He had been wondering why his king had send him on the journey to the south to get this girl that surely couldn't be much older than Kurt was, maybe third-teen or four-teen years old who knows but he keep trying to guess how old she was. " The pleasures all mine, I'm just exited that you have accepted my invite up here to the north. " He said as he could see his own breath in the cold weather. The people were still noisy from the last part of the great hunt they had been celebrating " I am quite touched by the kind words you tell Young Pharaoh. And indeed I am the one that send Hod here with the letter to be your suitor or more or less courtship. " He said as he nod towards her, she was having quite the good impression on him as he already was enjoying her company around him Hod had decided that it was time for them to be left alone so he snuck away without Olaf noticing.

Olaf just stood there for a few seconds before shooting her a smile of her curiosity. " I am pleased that you are finding such an interest in Me and my wonderful capital" He said as they walk towards the palace entry. " As you can see my palace has been carved out from a park of the mountain. It has been worked on since my father had ordered it to be done. Well it's a shame that you had arrived now if you were a littler earlier you would had the luck to see our yearly great hunt event" He said as he entered his palace with torches on the wall to keep the place warm despite having windows to light the halls up.

He could tell that she exited, and the face that she was so close to him that he could feel her present which did make him happy as he had his plans for her if everything went as planned. He looked around the hallway towards the Throne room they were walking through and he could see that they had put new tables to the side of the walkway which wa at leat a improvement to everything, now they only needed to put a long cape on the stone floor towards the throne room and everything would be perfect. " Not to sound rude what what is the Season of the flood?. We haven't had a flood in the capital yet but I heard that one of my cities Mecca did have a flood a few years ago. " He said as he took it as the ignorance of her upbringing within the palace, but despite her lack of knowing some things she was quite the sweet girl and he wouldn't mind spending more time with her in the near future.

He could ee that she was amazed with the architectural design that was rining through the palaces hallway which just made him chuckle. " Yes the stone is very different I can think. " The great hunt is a yearly festival that lasts a month. The mighty warriors that dare to stand up goes out in the cold forests to hunt deers, bears even wolfs and brings them back to be feasted on at each week until the lat week where a sheep throat is cut open on a stone table to please the gods." He said as they arrived at the throne room now. Seeing Jarl Jogen standing there " Um we have our own set of gods little Pharaoh."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Kanji had dressed himself when A man in dank and blue clothing stepped in. "it seems those pesky royals have been dealt with but alas the assassin had yet to return we fear the worse" he man mutters as Kanji places his weapons on him and smiles. "he's trained to never speak, he'll lie his way out of this I can assure you, how are the others, have we learned of how to create the picks or steel?" he asked in a new tone, monotone and powerful with a clear darkness to it, he wasn't the swanky and loyal output he gave to those around him anymore but a coldblooded ex slave ready to become the most powerful at all cost. "no sir, those spies have yet to learn anything sir" The new man spoke hesitantly as his ruler smashed a fist hard on the sandstone table. "the fact they keep there secrets locked up makes me want it all the more, like a woman, caring of her chastity, but it can get old don't you agree my friend" he spoke irritated by the same news he ad heard year after year. "y-yes sir" the man seemed afraid. "bring me my salts, I wish to regain my composer, I cannot allow my ulcer to act up when I am to meet with yet another trading route" he spoke after a long pause and the man did as he was told and left after the began to burn. "one on these days, I will get these damn secrets and then we'll see who's in charge"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Toby was to drunk to play with them. But he thought a little sunlight would be great and crawled to the door." Ah!!! Why did I drink so much. Toby groaned leaning against the door watching Zhen play ball with the Children. He was clearly regretting drinking more wine then he could handle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zhen noticed Toby having a bad time with the wie, it was her chance...
She kicked the ball high in the air and when the time was right she made an over head kick, the ball got shot directly at Toby's face
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Toby to drunk to dodge the ball was slammed in the face and knocked on his back."What...the...hell...." He said slowly as he went unconscious. A little stream of blood dripped from his nose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

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"wah! Mister!" The children ran to help the unconcious Toby,
"Oh...My bad.." Zhen said not feeling sorry at all, now he could be silent for a while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

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Deruin Stood atop the Spire of Lichjink thinking about what he loved more, Death or Victory. climbing down he figures that his people are loosing courage in him so he had to think of a way to get people back on his side. he thought quickly of one way. War. but after long thinking he decided against it for now until he had means and allies. by now the villages and towns were getting hungry and sick so he needed support. He decided the best coarse of action was to find an ally, someone to help him intimes of need. he gets on his horse with his royal gaurds and leaves for adventure and help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bresn


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Despite sitting on the most comfortable chair in the meeting room, Jason was probably the most stressed out. To his left were the Council of Twelve, wearing robe-like clothing with purple, white and blue as their trademark color. They're the highest Council in power and second to Jason. To his right were the Council of War, twelve representatives wearing the same clothing as "The Twelve" but with the red and white of the Soaria flag.

The circular room was beautifully lit with many skyward windows and drawings, but the mood was serious and dark. There was nobody else but a small group of important people among Soaria's government and completely no guards. This is business.

"I think we can agree that we will strengthen our spy network and swiftly put at least seventy percent of our soldiers on duty." One of the Twelve said, the others nodding professionally in a way that scared Jason. He didn't like those war meetings, but things had to be done.

"I don't like our neighbors in the North. I suggest we strength the North defenses or all of them, shall we be attacked." Somebody said among the small group.

Jason coughed, ready to say something in the meeting. "Have our sources in Mandisa reported back?" He asked casually.

"Their ruler appeared to be en route to the Northern countries. I wonder what could she be doing. Treaties? Political agreements?" Captain Iceseeker of the Soaria spy division, which was awfully small and limited to neighboring kingdoms.

The room exploded with conversation as each said their thought on this new piece of information. Jason leaned back and sighed quietly, preparing to sit through hours of this meeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

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Aurora watched as the last people gathered into the now packed square. "Hello my people. You will not have been informed until now that our fair King and Queen, my father and mother, were murdered in cold blood whilst I was away. It has come to be to choose the fate of the murderer." She said glaring down at the murderer. The people called for her to kill him. She nodded acknowledging their opinion as she drew her sword. "Murderer you are punished with death for the murder of our fair King and Queen." She said as she brought her sword up and then swung down, killing the man. One of the guards cleaned up the mess as she turned her attention back to the people. "With the passing of the King and Queen it is my duty to claim the title of Queen. My coronation will be in three days time. I now bid you all farewell." She said as she hopped back up onto her horse and rode out of the square up to the castle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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-- On the Valturian/Cromanian border --

"This is what is left sir" said one of the 6th Legions Captains as he stood over the ruins of a small settlement which had been burnt to the ground and its inhabitants slaughtered, now cut in pieces and charred horribly "House Uyles is said to have left nothing behind, apparently they didn't even care to get slaves this time"
"I see" said Rathaeus who had been elected to solve this issue instead of some diplomate who was probably brought and had no real skill. He crouched down and touched the ashes and sifted them through his hands, thinking of the pain that the people here must have experienced when the Uyles came. But Rathaeus could do nothing for them, he knew that all he could do now was prepare for the meeting he arranged with a Diplomat from Cromania and of course tell his men to sharpen their swords and be prepared for anything in case the meeting went awry. Even if the meeting did not go to plan there was no doubt in his mind that he would crush the Cromanians, after all behind him was the entire 6th Legion who were skilled veterans and there was also a portion of the "Slave army" and while they did not carry any particular skill they used their numbers as a advantage over the enemy.

Rathaeus made his way back to the camp and waited for the Cromanian diplomats to arrive
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Toby slowly opened his eyes staring up at the ceiling."Children." Toby said in a low voice. " Who threw the ball?" He asked clenching his fist holding back the urge to attack first and ask questions later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I threw it" Zhen said without fear "Want me to do it again? she asked ready to do that deadly move again
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Now that they traversed inside the palace, Katelyn admired the strange interior decoration. Where was all their gold, silk, and art? They had some three dimensional artworks of some animals. She was surprised when he didn't understand what the Season of the Flood was, but she figured it was okay since she didn't know about the Great Hunt. "The Season of the Flood is when our great river rises and floods the crops so we get plenty of good food during that season. It happens when the god of unity comes to our river." She smiles happily up at him as she explains. Katelyn seemed to be very educated about the religion of Mandisa and it seemed she loved to talk about it.

Oh. Those are interesting animals. What is 'Bare'? I have heard of the others." Katelyn loved to learn, so she was a good listener when it came to Olaf's culture. She gazed around the large throne room, noticing the Jarl and sending a smile his way. She was very happy to be hear and she sure showed it. "Oh, what are your gods like? I mean, you have no river."

Katelyn disregarded Olaf speaking with his Jarl about a bride. She figured that it meant something different here. She seems very intrigued as he tells her about his religion. It was all so foreign to her that she thought he was a tad strange, not understanding her hypocrisy. He told her that she could learn more over dinner. She smiled and nodded. "When will we eat?" She asked, trying to be polite as she did. Katelyn wondered if they ate different things to.
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