I finished my CS =3
Name: Maximus (Max for short)
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Appearance: he stands at six feet tall with an athletic build

Fatigue T-shirt + Vest

Fatigue Cargo Pant's + Boots

Equipment: Bullet Resistant Vest, Map, Compass, flashlight, ammo pouches, small med-kit.
M4 Carbine

Desert Eagle

Survival Knife

Max was raised in a fairly nice neighborhood, in a house that most people couldn't afford without years of saving, his farther was in the Military since he was old enough to join, allowing him to save up for the house they were living in, and the fancy car that stayed in the garage in the winter only to come out when summer was on it's way. His mother was a doctor, she wasn't home most nights because of her work, not that Max minded it, ever since he could remember he had a thing for the military, I guess having a soldier for a father does that to some people. If he wasn't playing war with the neighbors kids he was playing first person shooters or playing in his backyard with his airsoft rifle.
Sure enough when he reached the age of enlisting, he did it, but it wasn't as "fun" as he'd thought it'd be, some times he woke up so sore he thought he wouldn't be able to move, but over time his persistence got him through training, he got fit, and made it to Infantry. When he got home he was welcomed with open arms, his father and mother were proud of him, even though his mother insisted he became a doctor out of fear of losing him if he was ever called to action, but it was his choice, and she respected that. One night when he was at the shooting range with his father his dad received a call from his mother, she had told them that she wouldn't be home that night, people were arriving at the hospital and she'd need to he there to help them.
What was strange was all the people arriving at the hospital had been attacked and bitten by strangers, some bites weren't that bad, just teeth marks that broke the skin, but others looked like they had whole chunks of flesh missing, and the patients all had a burning fever. After the call Max and his father decided to head home, but before they could they received another call, it was for both of them. There were riots happening down south and the police couldn't handle it on their own, people were going crazy and attacking each other, the military was being called in to stop these riots.
Max and his father had their orders, they were to pack their things and get on the next available helicopter on its way down south, Max's father called his mother to tell her what's happening, she answered and listened to him. She wished them luck but before she ended the call she had to tell them about the patients, they were all burning up with a terrible fever, and nothing they tried was working. She just couldn't wrap her head around it, with that she prayed for there safety and hung up, when she turned to see her patient, his heart monitor stopped and she sighed.
Logging the time of death Max's mother covered the patients body with a sheet before leaving the room, a few minutes passed before the patients fingers twitched as his eye's opened. Max and his father had made it to the army base where their helicopter was waiting, soldiers where still loading in it, as Max and his father got on the co-pilot got on after them. Something seemed off with the co-pilot, he was sweating, and looked like he had a fever, but nether Max or his father got to ask if he was okay as the back door of the helicopter closed while the propellers spun up, taking them to the air to head down south.
Their destination would have them pass a place called Jonesboro on the way there, but unfortunately, they'll never make it to where they were going.
Occupation Pre-Apocalypse: U.S Military, Infantry