Thought I should add my cs before the gates close forever...
Name: Anais, moniker 'The Thorn'
Gender: Female
Age 28

Physical Appearance: Standing at around 5'7, Anais is sturdy in posture and wiry in frame, limbs corded with firm muscle and hands rough and calloused. As her age is beginning to show, crows feet are slowly setting in around her brown eyes and the slightest gray can be seen in her hair, though it does little to diminish the effect of the bright red. Her face is square and perhaps in a certain light might be called handsome, but for the most part is fairly lackluster, with a coarse of freckles running across her cheeks and a nose permanently broken from a past tournament.
Personality: Strict and stiff in attitude but ceaselessly loyal in nature, Anais cuts the perfect Knight, dedicated to her role as a protector of the people and faithful to the orders of her Captain and Lord Commander. Abiding by the Rules of Chivalry, Anais is courtesous to most all people but can easily recognise when force is needed and is more than alright with delivering force herself. In social situations she's fairly inept and gives off the impression of trying too hard to appease everyone, however in smaller gatherings or when given a topic of conversation she is well versed at she can become looser and more comfortable quite quickly.
Biography: Born to two Miners, Anais came into the world as the youngest out of seven Brothers and Sisters, and for the first nine years of her life was raised in the village of Larton, a township halfway between the city Fordton and the borders of Tarnton, known for its brimful copper mine as well as the packed, squalid conditions of the fairly over-populated town. When the lordship of Tarnton fell into the hands of Lady Millescenta she took note of the overpopulation concern, which had rapidly become a problem throughout the entire region over the past two decades, and offered a solution to the problem by arranging to have the two youngest children of any large family throughout Tarnton delivered to Fordton to be fostered. Children delivered to Stowerling Keep were usually set to work within the castle but were also offered rudimentry lessons in writing and reading as well as training in basic swordplay if judged to have excelled in physical endurance, strength or speed.
Anais, who was fostered alongside her older Brother, was employed first as a kitchen girl at Stowerling, but was regularly tasked with delivering messages to and from different parts of the castle, and was noted for her speed and ability to evade by one Sir Dorrin Kell when on one unfortunate occasion the girl accidentally ran across the Knights yard when archery practise was due. Interested in her skill, Sir Kell had Anais summoned to swordplay training alongside the other children and, upon seeing her potential, had her committed to regular practise sessions much to the girls confusion. Over the next two years Anais grasped the foundations of swordplay, progressed in combat and outshone her peers, swiftly graduating to learning horsemanship, hunting and hawking as well as being granted a more concentrated and advanced academic education under the silent, watchful eyes of her secret Patron Sir Kell.
Flourishing in the weights of her talents, upon turning 12 Anais was at last approached by Sir Kell who revealed himself as her Patron and requested that she heed his high expectations by continuing her training and becoming a Page. Anais, eager to pay back Sir Kell's faith and pleased at having such high prospects in her future, conceeded and was in service as a Page until the age of 15, when she graduated to become a Squire to Sir Kell himself. It was here that Anais was introduced to Lady Overton who Anais grew to regard in awe, creating a small skirmish at Stowerling when, at Anais' Knighting Ceremony, she deliberately replaced 'in service to the King' with a dedication of service to Lady Overton when reciting the Knights Vows. Proving her bravery and ability at combat during a series of raids by bandits at the outer townships, Anais became a Knight at the age of 21, becoming a standout for her skill in swordplay and loyalty to Tarnton, serving directly under her mentor Sir Kell. When Sir Kell was promoted to Captain of the Guard, Anais took on many of his previous duties, such as running patrols throughout the region, answering distress calls at the border and guarding along the Osk Road.
For the most part, Anais is sworn to her home and her people and wouldn't willingly seek a life outside of the holds borders, but when pockets of people begin to go missing from Tarnton, most peculiarly a group of miners mid-way through a days work underground, Anais is elected by Tarntons Council to travel beyond the borders of the hold to deliver news of the disappearances to the King, as well as investigate into the problem at hand. Anais herself is convinced that it is the fault of a trafficking ring, nonetheless, she can't shake the foreboding feeling that something else might be amiss.
Skills: Anais is most noted for her skill with the sword, which compliments her swift feet and quick reactions to create a sharp offensive and defense in combat, making up for her lack of pure strength by utilising an ability that allows her to evade her opponents attacks and strike quickly, usually where they are most defenceless and sensitive. This ability has earned her the nickname 'The Thorn', gifted to her by the public after witnessing the sting-like motions of her sword and swift takedown during melee fights at various Tournaments. Though she's lightly mocked for the moniker within the Guard, Anais has appeased the public by wearing the name with little to no humiliation, even naming her sword 'Stem', as the platform from which she serves her 'sting'. As a Knight, Anais is also fairly skilled in horseridind and archery.
Outside of combat, Anais is educated in survival, and can track and hunt, as well as set up camp and negotiate trading.
Though she's not too well versed in the arts, Anais can weave a listenable story if beackoned.