Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Welcome to this interest check for my small-big medieval fantasy adventure!

Closed for admission, sorry :)
Anyone who has expressed interest so far may still submit a CS, but newcomers are kindly asked to refrain from posting here except for giggles^^

--> IC / OOC <---

Tales of Leyland


This is a recruitment thread for this RP since some people left right after the IC went up. I’m looking for one to three people maximum.

The idea of this rp is a small group of people in a medieval fantasy world that gathers together, each with their own personal reasons and motivations and start traveling together to unravel a larger, overarching mystery. While traveling, our characters accept a lot of "side quests" if you will; Things they do that might help further the main plot, but sometimes ultimately lead to apparent dead ends or end on their own note. This way, the story is separated into chapter or episode-like, smaller adventures that are incorporated into the overaching plot that again has an ultimate conclusion. With these sub-episodes it is also easily possible for you guys to bring in your own ideas or stories that you want your characters to experience, while I’ll gently usher you through the main story.

I was thinking that 4 to maximum 5 characters is a good number to play with. Possible, I’d like the gender dispersion to be 50/50, but it doesn’t absolutely have to be. The general, overarching plot would be set out by me for you, but I love input and I’d be happy if you have something to add to the story or wish to bring in your own thoughts. The pace of the rp would be each person posting minimum once a week, possibly more.

Now, to the meat on the bone!

Accepted Characters
Liam O'Neill (m) by Enigma
Ade Marconi (m) by aegyolk
Anais, moniker "The Thorn" (f) by EsmetheGreat
Alicia "Lady of the Leylines" Pentechast (f) by Amaranth
May Chaimbers (f) by Seagull Bay
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bosesbjorn


Member Offline since relaunch

Hey! This idea seems really interesting, and I'm always on the lookout for a good high fantasy themed rp. I'm still less experienced at forum games, and this would be one of my first ventures into higher casual territory. I am fairly experienced at role playing in general though, and I think most of my issues would just be how this format works/what is expected of me. If that sounds alright with you though I would be excited to join and may pm you a bit later with some character ideas.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Seagull Bay
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Seagull Bay

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Definitely interested in this!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amaranth
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Amaranth the Kasaanda

Member Seen 25 days ago

I love a good fantasy rp! Very interested! Just curious, when you say magic is secondary or inactive, does that mean I couldn't play a sorceress or witch or something? Not that something along those lines is my only character idea, but I'd like to know anyway ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EsmetheGreat
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EsmetheGreat a swarm of bees

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Interested. Had an idea for a character, possibly a vassal to a Lord, a lower vassal but with aspirations to rise through the ranks. Any chance I could get some specifics on the holdings? (holding names, lord names?)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Interested! working on a sheet :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Amaranth said
I love a good fantasy rp! Very interested! Just curious, when you say magic is secondary or inactive, does that mean I couldn't play a sorceress or witch or something? Not that something along those lines is my only character idea, but I'd like to know anyway ^^

I initially said no magic but I'm rather lenient to be honest ^^ If you'd really like to have a witch/sorceress-ish chracter you could say that she has the ability to sense the Leylines and - whenever near them or a cluster - is capable of drawing power from them. That way she'd be a bit of an on-off mage adjacent character^^ how does that sound?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

EsmetheGreat said
Interested. Had an idea for a character, possibly a vassal to a Lord, a lower vassal but with aspirations to rise through the ranks. Any chance I could get some specifics on the holdings? (holding names, lord names?)

Grab a hold and get blasting^^ as long as you keep the medieval setting in mind you're free to build a hold to suit your whims and needs for your character. There's 12 of them with only 3 set in stone so far for the main plot, counting the kings hold, so we have plenty to go around. Where were you thinking of placing him/her geographically? North, south..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EsmetheGreat
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EsmetheGreat a swarm of bees

Member Seen 4 mos ago

It'll be a Northern hold, something resembling Skye in Scotland. I like that we're able to have some room to give our own creative input to the worldbuilding for this rp. I have my idea for the hold below, lemme know if it fits in with your own lore/geography. etc.

Hold name: Tarnton
Geography: A largely sloping and rugged terrain, the centre of Tarnton is located from a collection of mountains and then spreads outwards down South. Tarnton is bountiful in metal mines, the majority of them spread out towards South throughout the hold, though two tin mines and one small silver mine exist in close distance to the city. A wide and powerful river, the Osk, runs from the foot of the mountains where a great natural rocky overpass fords over the mouth of the river and exists as the only bridge across this far North. As other manmade attempts to bridge the river have fallen to the waters ferocity, the river runs undisturbed until it reaches further South and branches off towards either the East sea or to a quieter trickle where bridges are able to be built. Tarntons one great road runs along the River Osk all the way down South towards the Capitol, making it the holds one trading route. The majority of townships within the hold are gathered fairly tightly around the city Fordton, but then spread out down South along the River Osk, with a fair amount of distance between each township, the furthest out being but a mere five miles from the hold border and a whole seventy miles from Fordton.

Lord Commander: Lady Overton, forename Millescenta, a shrewd and judicious leader with a keen nose for business. Does not possess as ardent a loyalty for the Monarchy as her Father and Grandfather did before her, but is agreeable enough for now considering that the Capitol is the primary consumer of Tarnton's exports.
City: Fordton, stood near the base of the mountains and named for the natural overpass that fords the River Osk. Home of the holdings keep, Stowerling Keep.
Townships: Eight

History: The youngest of the Holds, less than a hundred years ago Tarnton was established upon the discovery of several copious veins of tin and copper in a smattering of hills and mountains in the North, causing several mines to sprout up, and around them, a bundle of towns. The towns soon concentrated around the collection of mountains to the far North of the region and joined together to create something of a city. The monarchy, recognising the sheer wealth of material within the region were quick to establish a hold as well as a trade settlement that prioritised the selling and transport of metals to the capitol first and foremost. The running of Tarnton was granted to Lord Galter of House Overton, a merchant family with old noble blood and of strong loyalty to the monarchy. The hold has passed through two leaders and now rests in the hands of Lady Millescenta who has differentiated herself from her predecessors by being a Tarnton-born ruler who, having never known the Capitol or the Royal court, lacks the steadfast loyalty to the Royal Family, and is instead keen to expand the regions prospects by extending the selling of larger amounts of materials to other holds within the realm and possibly overseas.

Vassals: Four, the vassals act as both a small council for Lady Overton as well as overseers of the region, with the responsibility of travelling to the far reaches of the hold to govern the townships as well as patrol the land. At present, Tarntons vassals consist of:
Grand Steward Sir Jesper, Chief Administrator of the region and, alongside Lady Overton, manager of the finances of Tarnton.
Sheriff Emlyn Celtigar, acting mayor for the outer townships of Tarnton, collects taxes and establishes order along the river road.
Chaplain Thenn, Minister of the new Faith, runs all religious practise within Tarnton and represents the King.
Sir Dorrin Kell, Captain of the Guard, polices the subjects within the region, patrols the outer reaches, leads a small retinue of knights (my character is one of them).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amaranth
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Amaranth the Kasaanda

Member Seen 25 days ago

Enigma said
I initially said no magic but I'm rather lenient to be honest ^^ If you'd really like to have a witch/sorceress-ish chracter you could say that she has the ability to sense the Leylines and - whenever near them or a cluster - is capable of drawing power from them. That way she'd be a bit of an on-off mage adjacent character^^ how does that sound?

Oooh! That sounds lovely! Thank you for being so open-minded! I'll get to work on a sheet as soon as I can :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@EsmetheGreat: Looking good that hold of yours, I like it. I'll have to do some thinking but I don't believe there's anyhing interfering with the overall plot I had in mind, so Tarnton should be good to go^_^

Looking forward to everyone's CS! I'll announce the final cast once everyone has submitted and I've had a chance to review them :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amaranth
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Amaranth the Kasaanda

Member Seen 25 days ago

Name: Alicia 'Lady of the Leylines' Pentechast
Gender: Female
Age: 19

Physical Appearance:

Personality: Alicia is for the some of the time, outgoing and bubbly. She always tries to brighten up someone's day or bring optimism to an otherwise hopeless situation. However her optimism is only matched by her capacity to daydream and become lost in thought. She has almost a split personality, one side being a happy, adventurous free spirit and the other an introspective being, one that is absentminded and almost philosophically detached from the physical world. When travelling she prefers to be alone, though on occasion she will take a friend along. She likes to sing but never with others around. The most she will do is hum a tune as she walks with her friend. She loves to read and carries a few books with her, though mostly they are just magical tomes.

Biography: Alicia is one of the rare few that can tap into the mysterious Leylines that criss-cross Leyland. She was born to a fairly high class and extremely old family in a fairly large city with a reputation for producing fearsome warriors. Her father and mother both wanted a son they could mold into being the next Lord Pentechast; an name associated closely with loyal and legendary warriors of the crown. That was her first strike. Her second and final strike was her powers. They manifested at the age of 6 during a family outing towards a nearby Leyline. She ended up vapourising a guard with a burst of pure magic that also sent her into a coma for a few days. When she awoke her parents had decided for her own good, she would be sent to a village to learn from a man rumoured to be able to control ley-magics as well. The catch was that she would not be able to return. So she was exiled at the young age of six.

For the rest of her childhood she was taught how to control her powers, and channel them through a staff made of a rare wood. Alicia was the rose of the village, everyone loved her and she reveled in it. Eventually her mentor passed away peacefully in his sleep, but not before leaving everything he owned to her. Though he wasn't materially wealthy, he did leave her volumes and volumes of spells and incantations as well as herbs and medical techniques, many of which he himself had written. Despite the fact she now owned a home, wanderlust overtook her and she soon set out on the career of adventurer. Throughout the hold she became known as the "Lady of the Leylines" for her many powers as well as deeds. Outside of the hold, where she rarely has traveled, she is somewhat of a rumour. Men will come back from the hold swearing they were saved by a forest nymph or spirit of the leylines. She isn't really familiar with these stories as she mostly wanders around, investigating caves or ruins in search of adventures. That's not to say she doesn't stay in villages or towns, but she spends a good deal of time in the wilderness. Recently though, wanderlust has forced her to start venturing out of the hold she knows so well and into nearby holds.

Skills: Her powers range from awe-inspiring to weak, depending on how her concentration is and her distance from a Leyline. Naturally the closer she is, the more powerful she becomes, and the farther she gets the weaker her powers become. Some of her infrequent travelling companions have noted that the closer they are to a Leyline, the more her skin takes on an ethereal look. Supposedly her body starts giving off pale white light from the excess energy flowing through her body. She likes to carry her staff around as it helps her to channel her powers; she cast by hand, but it's harder and potentially painful.

I hope this isn't too terrible x.x
If there's anything that you don't want or you felt was lame or overpowered or whatever I'll be happy to change it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hey there, expressing my interest! ^.^ I'll get started on a CS sometime tomorrow and it should be up within a day or two. Depends on how busy I may or may not be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Amaranth: The biography section is pretty good, Iike it! However the personality partis a little scarce, if you could expand it a little that'd be grand^_^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Seagull Bay: So sorry, I managed to completely oversee your CS until now because it was so neatly tucked away! I like the biography, but I'd like to know a little more about May's personality, think you can give us a little more insight there? ;)

I'm starting to like the characters gathering here^_^ So so far we've got a golden tongued southerner, a scholarly bard who's no good with coin, a shy archer with a hard past and a bubbly, optimistic mage with daydreaming tendencies. this promises to be fun^_^ I'll wait around some more but I think from here on out goes:

This RP is closed for admission

That is, if you've previously expressed your interest you can still submit, but I won't be accepting any new admissions from now on. I'll wait for another day or two, but then we'll get this party rolling :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amaranth
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Amaranth the Kasaanda

Member Seen 25 days ago

I tried to add some more detail .~.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EsmetheGreat
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EsmetheGreat a swarm of bees

Member Seen 4 mos ago

This got posted twice accidentally for some bizzare reason wehhh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EsmetheGreat
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EsmetheGreat a swarm of bees

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Thought I should add my cs before the gates close forever...

Name: Anais, moniker 'The Thorn'
Gender: Female
Age 28

Physical Appearance: Standing at around 5'7, Anais is sturdy in posture and wiry in frame, limbs corded with firm muscle and hands rough and calloused. As her age is beginning to show, crows feet are slowly setting in around her brown eyes and the slightest gray can be seen in her hair, though it does little to diminish the effect of the bright red. Her face is square and perhaps in a certain light might be called handsome, but for the most part is fairly lackluster, with a coarse of freckles running across her cheeks and a nose permanently broken from a past tournament.

Personality: Strict and stiff in attitude but ceaselessly loyal in nature, Anais cuts the perfect Knight, dedicated to her role as a protector of the people and faithful to the orders of her Captain and Lord Commander. Abiding by the Rules of Chivalry, Anais is courtesous to most all people but can easily recognise when force is needed and is more than alright with delivering force herself. In social situations she's fairly inept and gives off the impression of trying too hard to appease everyone, however in smaller gatherings or when given a topic of conversation she is well versed at she can become looser and more comfortable quite quickly.

Biography: Born to two Miners, Anais came into the world as the youngest out of seven Brothers and Sisters, and for the first nine years of her life was raised in the village of Larton, a township halfway between the city Fordton and the borders of Tarnton, known for its brimful copper mine as well as the packed, squalid conditions of the fairly over-populated town. When the lordship of Tarnton fell into the hands of Lady Millescenta she took note of the overpopulation concern, which had rapidly become a problem throughout the entire region over the past two decades, and offered a solution to the problem by arranging to have the two youngest children of any large family throughout Tarnton delivered to Fordton to be fostered. Children delivered to Stowerling Keep were usually set to work within the castle but were also offered rudimentry lessons in writing and reading as well as training in basic swordplay if judged to have excelled in physical endurance, strength or speed.

Anais, who was fostered alongside her older Brother, was employed first as a kitchen girl at Stowerling, but was regularly tasked with delivering messages to and from different parts of the castle, and was noted for her speed and ability to evade by one Sir Dorrin Kell when on one unfortunate occasion the girl accidentally ran across the Knights yard when archery practise was due. Interested in her skill, Sir Kell had Anais summoned to swordplay training alongside the other children and, upon seeing her potential, had her committed to regular practise sessions much to the girls confusion. Over the next two years Anais grasped the foundations of swordplay, progressed in combat and outshone her peers, swiftly graduating to learning horsemanship, hunting and hawking as well as being granted a more concentrated and advanced academic education under the silent, watchful eyes of her secret Patron Sir Kell.

Flourishing in the weights of her talents, upon turning 12 Anais was at last approached by Sir Kell who revealed himself as her Patron and requested that she heed his high expectations by continuing her training and becoming a Page. Anais, eager to pay back Sir Kell's faith and pleased at having such high prospects in her future, conceeded and was in service as a Page until the age of 15, when she graduated to become a Squire to Sir Kell himself. It was here that Anais was introduced to Lady Overton who Anais grew to regard in awe, creating a small skirmish at Stowerling when, at Anais' Knighting Ceremony, she deliberately replaced 'in service to the King' with a dedication of service to Lady Overton when reciting the Knights Vows. Proving her bravery and ability at combat during a series of raids by bandits at the outer townships, Anais became a Knight at the age of 21, becoming a standout for her skill in swordplay and loyalty to Tarnton, serving directly under her mentor Sir Kell. When Sir Kell was promoted to Captain of the Guard, Anais took on many of his previous duties, such as running patrols throughout the region, answering distress calls at the border and guarding along the Osk Road.

For the most part, Anais is sworn to her home and her people and wouldn't willingly seek a life outside of the holds borders, but when pockets of people begin to go missing from Tarnton, most peculiarly a group of miners mid-way through a days work underground, Anais is elected by Tarntons Council to travel beyond the borders of the hold to deliver news of the disappearances to the King, as well as investigate into the problem at hand. Anais herself is convinced that it is the fault of a trafficking ring, nonetheless, she can't shake the foreboding feeling that something else might be amiss.

Skills: Anais is most noted for her skill with the sword, which compliments her swift feet and quick reactions to create a sharp offensive and defense in combat, making up for her lack of pure strength by utilising an ability that allows her to evade her opponents attacks and strike quickly, usually where they are most defenceless and sensitive. This ability has earned her the nickname 'The Thorn', gifted to her by the public after witnessing the sting-like motions of her sword and swift takedown during melee fights at various Tournaments. Though she's lightly mocked for the moniker within the Guard, Anais has appeased the public by wearing the name with little to no humiliation, even naming her sword 'Stem', as the platform from which she serves her 'sting'. As a Knight, Anais is also fairly skilled in horseridind and archery.

Outside of combat, Anais is educated in survival, and can track and hunt, as well as set up camp and negotiate trading.

Though she's not too well versed in the arts, Anais can weave a listenable story if beackoned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Very nice CS, I like it!

As far as I'm concerned, Amaranth, Seagull Bay and EsmetheGeat are good to go and to get your first post up in the IC :) Aegyolk already chatted up my character, so maybe you guys can do something less conversation related, like sitting in the tavern and taking in their surroundings. Or, alternatively, you guys might've just arrived in the city and are on your way to the tavern since it's the number one spot for travelers. Whatever you like ^_^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amaranth
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Amaranth the Kasaanda

Member Seen 25 days ago

Well I'd love to post again but that'd be rude of me...
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