Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MusesFallFirst


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"Do you know how lucky you are? You better god damn recognize!" The man's voice boomed through the crowd. The villain only known as "The End" hefted his anti-matter cannon as he readied for the next hero to do battle. "Come on Asyr! I'm WAITING!" The man seemed more interested at the sky then the rubble surrounding the battlefield. The bodies of several heroes littered the field. Some barely moving, scorch marks adorning their bodies. The lesser heroes weren't so lucky...

The End had come for one simple purpose, to kill Lady Asyr. The one title every villain had been itching for, he was going to do this! The police force could do nothing but set up barricades. Hopefully preventing anyone without powers from becoming another victim in the crossfire. It wasn't like the rest of the world didn't have a front row seat to the death anyways. He'd hijacked and broadcast his kills over every television, internet stream and radio in the hopes of drawing Asyr from her tower.

It worked....

There was a soft rustling, as if something too fast for most to see moved past them, before crashing down in front of the chaos. Lady Asyr, her royal blue cape fluttered in the breeze, casting a shadow across the fallen heroes as she looked over the scene.

Her hard gaze softened at the mindless violence. All this, just to get her attention...eyes turning towards The End. Her mouth clenching as she stepped towards the killer of heroes. "Why?" Her voice was soft, as she tried to believe even villains deserved to get a fair trial. She never pushed herself too hard, she never wanted to be a killer.

This man was changing the philosophy. She wanted to crush this man like he had just dispatched so many friends, allies, those who depended on her..

Her vision swept over this man, he had nothing special. Just a really large gun and some stupid armor.

She was not impressed.

There was a blink as Asyr's super-speed propelled her towards The End. Tearing the anti-matter cannon from his hands before slamming her foe into the concrete. The very ground shook as the very earth broke. Whirling the armored villain around, Asyr launched him into the closest building, the shockwave caused sent several abandoned cars skittering away from the building like leaves in the wind. Asyr felt her emotions take hold, she wanted to pummel this one into the ground, break every last bone in his miserable body,make him regret each life he stole!

He's getting back up?

The suit of armor slowly stood back up, Asyr didn't give him a chance to react. Rushing the monster again, grabbing him by the throat, both heroine and villain ascended to the heavens. Yet the recording continued as the view of the battle changed to behind the eyes of The End. Confusion turned to dread as bright red letters adorned the screen.

Self Destruct Initiated...

The explosion was a muffled pop, but to Asyr, it could have been a sun exploding. The heat was unbearable, she felt her body be thrown backwards from the robot. Falling back to the earth she willed herself to fly like she had so often before.

She kept falling...

Panic ensued as she realized her power of flight was gone! Crashing back to the earth hurt, more then she'd ever hurt before. Asyr slowly got to her feet, believing the threat was over at least, she had time to heal. A white-hot muzzle flash of the Anti-Matter cannon threw her across the battlefield. Stunned, Asyr looked about for the threat. The same suit of armor, assumed the real villain chuckled as he hefted the cannon towards her.

"Bet that smarted a little more? How did losing the power of flight feel?" He discharged another round. Asyr tried to dash out of the way. The cannon blast caught her square on again. Sending her crashing to the ground. She tried to sputter a response, The End casually reloaded another round into the anti-matter gun before he replied.

"I'm sorry, you may have a little blood in your mouth. I'm guessing you're shocked about not being able to fly and your super speed down to half. You can thank my little robotic friend. I loaded him with a little something for you. A virus that is breaking down your powers, your body is no longer invulnerable..." He fired another round as Asyr got to her feet. "You no longer have super speed!" He blasted her again, the monitors displaying a morbid display as The End fired again, "Your powers are dying! Much like you! You know how long I dreamed of this!" He raised the cannon point blank to Asyr's head. Her bloodied hand raised up, begging him to stop...

"One day..."

The End tilted his head, almost interested in what she had to ask, Asyr slowly got to her feet. "Please..one day, let me be human for one day. We will meet here again in 24 hours. Then we can finish this..." Her breath was ragged, her body broken, she was barely able to stand.

The End lowered his anti-matter cannon before replying. "Fine...if you do not return here in one day. I will march across this city and I will burn it to the ground! I will not stop, I will not hesitate." He lifted Asyr by the front of her white costume, his face mere inches from the woman who the world thought was indestructible.

"One day, and then you die...."

You are a hero, you are superpowered, you are unbeatable. Villains fear you, citizens adore you! Even if you get a little in over your head. There's Her, the biggest baddest heroine to ever grace this world, or any parallel dimension to save you if you're in it too deep!

Until the day the countdown began. She is promised to die in twenty four hours. She's okay with this...her battle is done. How will you as a hero keep her legend alive?

You're a citizen, the idea of heroes and villains began with her. Now she's going to be gone, will another hero take up her mantle? Will the villains rush in and seize power with her downfall. Can you change fate as a mortal?

You are a villain, the biggest thorn in your side is going to die in one day. How do you feel? Is she a worthy rival meant to fall by your hand? Glad to see her finally die? What is your plan for tomorrow?

And Now You Die!

Character Sheet

Real Name/Hero name:

Role: (Hero, Villain or Civilian?)

Appearance: Description or Image is fine.

Powers: (Please keep this within reason. You all fall below Lady Asyr, otherwise go to town. Civilians need not apply here.

Talents: List anything here of merit, martial arts training, military background, etc.

Personality: What are their motivations, aspirations, reasons for being them?

Background: Personal History, origin story, etc.

How do they take the death of Lady Asyr?


1.) If there's a battle, please understand that there's a give and take. The best part of being a hero or villain is to trade blows. Feel free to PM eachother with the fight details, or ask me for help!

2.) Keep it pg-13ish...

3.) Death is welcomed! As the title, if you plan to die, let me know. I'll do my part to ensure heroes/villains live on.

4.) Once I see your sheets, I will try to work your story in, possibly make someone the focus. If this isn't you, don't worry. I will have something special planned for everyone!

5.) Please don't be a god. Asyr was unbeatable and I shut her down! It's not about the size of your hammer, or the noise you make. it's about the hope and coming back to keep fighting that makes a real hero. ...or a really cool outfit.

6.) Any questions, ask away. I want this to be everyone's story!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

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App on the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Richard_III


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Real Name/Hero name: Skeritt

Role: Hero, Former villain


-Flight through costume
-Slightly enhanced body compared to a humans because of the high gravity on his home planet
-Hyper Intelligence

- Former High Justiciar and general of the disbanded Zenoth fleet
- Skilled with plasma and laser based weaponry which he utilizes on the battlefield
- Trained in hand to hand combat
- Invents and uses various weaponry that he carries on his person

Personality: What are their motivations, aspirations, reasons for being them?
Skeritt has changed a lot since his days of villainy. Originally he was a stern, cruel, merciless and ruthless leader who was dead set on proving to the galaxy that the Zenothians were the greatest race in the galaxy and that the Zenothian fleet was able to destroy any enemy who would stand in their way. After the loss and disbanding of the fleet after the crushing defeat at the hands of Earth's greatest heroes, Skeritt resorted to villainy by himself. Soon enough though, he saw that evil does not prosper as well as good does and that no race was actually better than another completely. He began to change for the better, with the help of various heroes who began to teach him more and more about humanity and its beauties. He became more and more merciful and approachable and less and less ruthless and cruel. He is now dedicated to seeing life no matter how small prosper and at least tries to save as many people as possible in certain situations.

Background: Personal History, origin story, etc.
Skeritt was born in the capital of Neyar on the giant planet of Zenoth. His upbringing was tough, his family was rather poor by Neyar's standards because of the very bad economy that Neyar housed. Around 48% of the population were living in poverty around the time that Skeritt was born with 36% being middle to upper middle class and the remaining 6% being the upper classes. Skeritt's father worked at a local factory building weapons and armour for the ongoing war against the nearby country of Yarop. Neyar was winning by a small amount, but at the cost of a large amount of food along with a lot of luxuries productions being halted in order to provide more workers for the arms and vehicle trade.

Something was different in Skeritt though from a young age he grasped mathematics and languages at an amazing rate. At the age of 4 he had learned how to play the Zenoth equivalent to a grand piano at an intermediate level. He had practically skipped primary school by the time he was in his second year and was quickly fast tracked into high school. As a result of his fast tracking, he was very lonely. After all, being in the same maths class as a 5 year old who is doing better than you on tests without revision than you are with hours of work put in. His parents had decided to hold him back until his teenage years before he progressed onto university.

In the meantime he worked on various projects by himself. Of course, during his child years he was mainly focused on playing on the swings or watching children's programming. But in his tween years he was more occupied in building models and then moving onto actual working machines. He started with a miniature model of an old retired car model and then eventually moved on to building it from spare parts he took from the junkyard across town.

He majored in mechanics, sciences and mathematics in university. He passed all with flying colours and was now in his late teens and was creating and inventing at an exponential rate. His main objective was to cure the plague that infected his home countries economy and made so many Zenothians like him live in a situation where they had to choose between heating their homes or eating proper quality food. The main problem he had to solve was the ongoing war with Yarop. The war had gone on for many years and no agreement that both countries could agree on without taking a massive part of each other's land could be made. Skeritts only option was to help invent and manufacture weapons. To do so, he had to learn about them first, he decided to do it firsthand and join the Neyar military.

He saw many atrocities during the war, but his keen intellect and expert tactics helped win many battles and got him promoted a great deal before his term of service ended. He quickly got to work manufacturing weapons for the Neyar military before he got back into the line of duty to win more battles and eventually the war. Needless to say, the advanced weaponry added a great advantage to the Neyar military that the opposing force could not replicate in time to win the war. Peace spread over both countries after Neyar had captured Yarop and engulfed it within its own borders and Skeritt was now in the public eye as a massively rich playboy which was only slightly off from the truth. He was massively rich from all the weapons he had sold to the Neyar government and was now spending his time using that money to repair and rebuild various buildings in both countries.

He had also caught the attention of King S'Nireg who had noticed Skeritt after it was revealed that he had both contributed new weaponry and his own life to the Neyar army. He began to talk more and more with Skeritt and they soon became good friends with King S'Nireg eventually appointing Skeritt as his high justiciar and leading general. Skeritt also made huge advances in the space travel industry with the help of a crack team of scientists provided by the governments of just about every country in the hope that if it advanced enough it would unite the planet of Zenoth in mutual exploration. Surprisingly enough, it did. They began to discover new worlds filled with life primitive to theirs and Skeritt began to discover the corrupt, general Lorpos. Lorpos was largely xenophobic and racist and disliked the fact that the other countries were co-operating with Neyar in its space advancements. He eventually convinced the young and naive Skeritt that the planets should have been overtaken by the Zenoth empire and used as various prison or mining planets. Skeritt may have been smart, but he was not wise.

The Zenoth empire began a universal holocaust, killing off entire races and selling slaves of said races to the highest bidder. When they reached Earth though, they faced a bigger challenge. Earth's first form of alien contact was a threat, and a threat that Lady Asyr did not like. She gathered many of the best superheroes along with a few of the villains to fight against the Zenoth empire. Skeritt could never have expected what had happened next. Lady Asyr tore through squadrons like paper and with the help of the other superpeople it was just a matter of time until the fleet fell. Skeritt managed to rise from the ashes though and dedicated himself to killing Lady Asyr and rebuilding the Zenoth fleet.

He started off with intelligence gathering. He began to learn the language at night by hiding in dark alleys and at various docks while shipments came in. He then moved on to rebuilding some of the technology that he had used on his home planet. His base of operations was in an abandoned warehouse on the docks and he began by rebuilding the plasma rifle largely used in the Zenothian military as a base weapon for its soldiers. The only problem was that he didn't have the proper equipment to extract the plasma from things like lightning or neon lighting. He opted to use a rather primitive form of weaponry and made makeshift bullets for his rifle.

He began a rampage of terror on the city, his suit was largely damaged and its flight function was broken, but he soon caught the attention of Lady Asyr. She made short work of him to say the least, but spared his life. She eventually convinced him to turn to the side of good under her supervision or risk being pinned down on a table and cut open like a frog in a biology project. Of course, she was only joking, but sarcasm was a foreign concept to Skeritt at that point. She began to teach him about the human race, among other things that they had discovered and invented. Skeritt began to become less and less like the man that General Lorpos had converted him into and into a new, merciful man. He began to realize the error of his past ways and went through a short period of depression before deciding that he would start to right his wrongs and stop General Lorpos from spreading more corruption.

He rebuilt one of the smaller Zenothian ships with the help of the US government and Lady Asyr before returning home to Zenoth and telling king S'Nireg about General Lorpos evil ways. He banished Lorpos to one of the prison planets and with the help of Skeritt began to release the slaves forced to mining and all the people wrongfully accused within the prison planets before converting most of the mining and prison planets back to their original states.

Skeritt then returned to Earth to assist it's heroes in their crusade against Earth's villains. In doing so, he created the first ever sentient robot, Asclepius who was originally built to just be a medical droid. He vowed never to create another sentient robot again after that though, as he soon discovered that Asclepius could feel pain and was horrified that he had created such a thing.

How do they take the death of Lady Asyr?:
As one of the major people helping in his rehabilitation, Skeritt was devastated by the news of Lady Asyr's humiliation and oncoming death. He worked as hard as he could, with the aid of, Asclepius his trusty sentient medi-bot. Alas, it was a failed attempt and he did not have nearly enough time to complete his antidote which only prolonged her suffering in his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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I'll get an app up tonight or tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scio
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Just wondering, is there a pre-existing organization of super heroes or anything similar to that?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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Scheduled to work a 12hr shift today & tomorrow, but will try to get my character as soon as possible.

@MusesFallFirst, will it be possible for PC civilians to maybe gain powers and/or become heroes or villains in the game?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MusesFallFirst


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Loose fit organizations, if you would like to suggest one or create an association, I'm ok with that :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MusesFallFirst


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Divine Darkness said
Scheduled to work a 12hr shift today & tomorrow, but will try to get my character as soon as possible.@MusesFallFirst, will it be possible for PC civilians to maybe gain powers and/or become heroes or villains in the game?

Of course :) Feel free to rock an origin story !
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

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Also thinking of a villain character.

Character Sheet

Real Name/Hero name: Electron ((Real name unknown))

Role: Hero

Appearance: 6'7 with Green eyes, Electron wears a black trench coat and a mask that covers his entire face except for his eyes

Powers: Almost unlimited control over electricity. Has a limited healing ability due to electric powers that allows him to restart stopped hearts but only if the subject's heart is strong enough to withstand the jump. Above average endurance

Talents: Extremely creative inventor and gifted hand to hand combatant.

Personality: Electron became a hero for one reason. To be like Lady Asyr. He idolized her and saw her as the best example of what humanity could be.

Background: Much of Electron's history is unknown. It is suspected that Lady Asyr may have saved him before he became a hero but that's could just be a rumor. Electron first appeared after a lab accident that destroyed a small laboratory and has steadily grown as a hero since he first appeared.

How do they take the death of Lady Asyr: Not well. Electron idolizes Lady Asyr and he has seen the battle between his idol and the villain known as the The End. Since he saw what the End managed to do he has been applying everything he has towards trying to figure out a way to save Lady Asyr. He can't fathom a world without her and he believes that a world without her turn out well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Real Name: Asclepius-0

Hero name: None

Role: Hero

Asclepius' visual receptors and mouth glow a soft green, as a result of the Zenothian power core located within his metallic skull.

Powers: Moderate Super Strength, Speed, and Endurance due to the Zenothian metal Asclepius is composed of, he was also programmed with high intelligence. Finally, Asclepius has several surgical tools such as a scalpel, a bonesaw and anesthetics situated in his arms and chest respectively.


  • Asclepius' memory banks contain a vast amount of medical and biological knowledge

  • Asclepius was programmed to speak various languages, including English, Portuguese, Swedish and Zenothian

  • Asclepius' advanced brain processes at a rate as fast as multiple computers. This also allows him to enhance his audio and visual sensors.

  • Asclepius, as an android, doesn't need to eat, sleep or even recharge. He can survive in space and underwater without an issue.

  • Personality: Although most assume Asclepius lacks emotion because of his mechanical nature, on the contrary, he is fully sentient and can experience a wide range of emotions in some form. Asclepius is often viewed as being naive, despite this, he is deadly proficient at melee combat if needed, utilising his surgical equipment as weapons. Almost childishly curious - which reflects his technical young age - he is extremely interested in biology and medicine, while also being passionate in his attempt to understand the complex mental processes of the human mind, an almost impossible challenge yet to be achieved.

    Background: Asclepius-0 was manufactured only two years ago by a Zenothian villain-turned-hero by the name of Skeritt, who intended him to be the first in the line of many, a predecessor of intelligent android medics to be gifted to humanity. Though something went wrong, Asclepius turned out to be fully sentient, even to the point of feeling pain and emotions. The implications of a truly sapient artificial lifeform horrified Skeritt, but he could not bring himself to end the android's miniscule life or unethically wipe its mind clean.

    Instead Skeritt felt sympathetic for the mechanical mistake and took him on as a steward, valet and personal doctor.

    How do they take the death of Lady Asyr?: Asclepius never really got the chance to meet Lady Asyr and therefore was not emotionally affected by her impending death, although he is grateful to her as she technically ensured his creation by sparing Skeritt.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MusesFallFirst


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    Chev, approved
    Arg, as per our PM, approved
    Lucius...do I even have to say it? lol, welcome to the story :) Nice to have a familiar face!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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    Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

    Member Seen 1 mo ago

    Nice to RP with you too Inked! You're starting rather strong for someone who just joined a few days ago. I knew you had it in you though, without a doubt.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lixvari


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Character Sheet

    Real Name: Cain Berith / Nightmare

    Role: Villain

    Age: 27


    Electromagnetism: Through his control of electromagnetism Cain is able to control the electricity as well as any ferrous metals. This involves pushing and pulling or shaping them into constructs. Combining the two he can even attract and repel objects that aren't magnetic. These also allow him to interact with electronics hacking them and using his knowledge to build technology.

    Cybernetics: Since about 99 percent of Cain's body is covered in electronics human limitations are not something he worries about. As of right now though the cybernetics are only capable of exerting strength and speed on par of Olympic athletes. His reflexes however are extremely heightened yet mean little if he can not react in time.

    Talents: The only talent Cain possesses is his knowledge of technology and knowing the natural limits of it. This is what allows him to upgrade the mechanical parts of his body with new cybernetics that are pushing technical innovations to a new level, yet none of this would be possible without his powers to aid him in the process of understanding technology.

    Personality: Cain is just as broken mentally as he is physically. He now looks as almost everybody as scum sucking vermin that aren't even worth living. He wishes to crush and kill all that call themselves heroes though his main target had always been Asyr. Cain can even seem to be a bit sadistic using his creations to cause other pain and taking delight in it. Yet this attitude is only aimed towards adults and the ones that had forsaken him. At all costs Cain will protect children and highschoolers due to not wanting them to suffer what he had. He wanted a future without heroes or villains so the generations to come would have peace.

    Personal History: Cain was just a regular high school student before he lost everything in one accident. One caused by the one everyone called a hero. Cain had been nothing but a bystander as the women and one of the villains she fought destroyed the building that he was in at the time. Cain had risked his life making sure his fellow classmates escaped the school but him waiting till he was the last one is what truly caused his fate. The building shook as Asyr and the villain Nightmare fought constantly and before Cain could exit a large chuck from the ceiling fell crushing his right leg and ripping it completely free. Cain fell to the ground screaming, pleading for help but no one had come to him. He laid there till he was silenced by another piece of rubble falling and crushing the boy. His body lay completely broken buried beneath rubble till he was stumbled upon by the very same villain that had been fighting Asyr.

    Cain had thought he had been saved but instead Nightmare took Cain to his laboratory where be performed experiments on the boy. Almost all of Cain's body had been destroyed during the accident and only the upper half of his head was left. What truly helped Cain survive this was his hatred for the ones that did this to him. To the ones that had not came and helped him in his time of need when he had helped them. For three years, three excruciatingly painful years Cain's body was rebuilt by Nightmare with cybernetics. Nightmare was limited by the technology at his disposal however building Cain nothing but a basic armor. One that wasn't even good enough, wires were exposed all over the body and it was missing a hand. It was sufficient enough for Cain though however his powers had emerged due to the tragic experience and his rage allowed Cain to kill Nightmare.

    Claiming the villains laboratory as his own Cain spent numerous years in hiding repairing himself and refitting his body with cybernetics that put everything up till that point to shame. Then he put down his claim on the name Nightmare posing as the villain that had fought Asyr numerous times. Yet he never truly did any crimes he just made his presence known by hacking into government systems leaving only the word Nightmare.

    Lady Asyr: With the death of Asyr coming Cain couldn't be more pissed. His one chance at revenge against the women would be gone. That one urge would never be satisfied unless he could find some way to just keep her alive long enough to regain her powers. His target was now The End, he was going to have to kill him one day anyway to get his perfect world so why not do it early.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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    TJByrum Jed Connors

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    Vigil will be my 'hero' character while Miranda will be a secondary character, but she is very important to Vigil's story and operations. The bios are finished, but I am working on pictures/

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Richard_III


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    Quick question, does the RP start before or after Lady Asyrs death?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keia Vewyx
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    Keia Vewyx

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    The villain made hero Skreritt played by Richard_III.
    The hero Electron played by Chev.
    The villain Scorn played by Argetlam350.
    The hero Asclepius-0 played by Larfleeze.
    The hero and villain Empress and Damon played by Lucius Cypher.
    The villain Nightmare played by Iixvari.
    The villain Jaaku played by BlackCat.
    The hero Vigil (and civvy Miranda) played by TJByrum.

    Four heroes and five villains. Surprisingly balanced for the most part.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Richard_III


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    Finished my app
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