Name: Sven Kanzi
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Faction/Allegiance: Othea
Relic Description: The
Eye of Continentia is a shaped ball of marble with what appears to be a eye in the center which has been placed inside a ring. This relic possesses the ability to allow the owner to Modify and control the thoughts of others and even allowing the evoker to drive the ones he targets insane but this takes long periods of exposure to the target. The evoker must make direct eye contact with the target to take over their minds and even then strong willed individuals will be able to fight it off. If the target is under the influence of alcohol or a drug however the evoker can enter their mind easily. It is harder to make someone do something that is out of their character and will take more effort to completely dominate someone and make them follow a command. While if you give simple nudges towards things they enjoy or that is in their nature the effect will be more long lasting and will be easier to use. To refuel this relic one must either use one's own life force or the life force of another. Using to much of one's own life force can tire the evoker, age them, and possibly kill them. While draining from another can have the same effects which requires for the evoker to have physical contact with the target with the hand the ring is worn on. Which the ring will begin the drain on its own. It is nowhere near powerful enough to kill anyone outright, but can age them if the contact is held long enough. The limit of draining needed to fuel the ring would take a full year from the evoker or from someone else. Or smaller amounts from numerous people. There will be no adverse effects from what the target can feel unless the drain is being held for a long period of time except if the target is incapacitated or under the influence.

-Sadistic: Enjoys every amount of pain that he inflicts on others.
-Swordsmanship: Can't use a sword to save his life
-Persistent: Will do anything in his power to reach his goal even if it means killing the ones that he wants to protect.
-Controlling attitude: See's almost everyone as almost nothing but tools for him to use.
-Dishonest: Will lie at almost any chance to preserve his goal and manipulate others
-Guilt: Is burdened by the death of his sister and still blames himself.
-Rationalizations: Finds any reason to paint himself in a good light no matter what sins he's committed.
-Voices: The dead that he controlled while they lived still live on in Sven and have a habit of popping up though this is more a figment of his imagination and is due to guilt.
-cannibalistic tendencies: HE has a habit of feasting on other humans but rarely indulges in it.
+Agile: Is more agile then most others able to outrun and dodge with ease due to his life in the outdoors.
+Manipulation: He is a skilled manipulator even without the use of his relic playing on what people believe, their fears, and their loves. He gained this skill naturally over time as most people do but he chooses to use it more.
+ Pain tolerance: Has a incredibly high pain tolerance due to the abuse he had received when he was younger.
Biography: Born to a family of serfs in Kalnach, Sven had a twin sister, the two were inseparable. Where one went the other went, what one did the other did. The first few years of life were easy for the two due to them being so young and the slavers truly having no use for young lings such as they. At the age of seven the two were tasked with typical house duties most thinking Sven was also a girl due to his long hair and face similar to his sisters. This was a blessing as well as a curse though neither would know this till they were the age of ten and a noble came to the farm to collect his dowry and the serfs that came with it. That was the night that his eyes were opened to the horrors and the evil of nobles.
The Noble used serfs as a way so he could please himself. Not just sexually either, he'd torture the serfs endlessly tying them to a wall their backs facing him where he'd burn and cut them. When he came first he went for Sven thinking him a girl which upon trying to rape the boy and realizing the truth he cared little and still continued to abuse the boy. This was the first step to Sven's mental breakdown as he felt a pain no one should've had to. Then the second step was when the same thing happened to his sister. Laying on the ground helpless Sven could do nothing but watch as his sister went through the same treatment. Then afterwards they were nothing but the man's toys as he began to torture them, first starting with dropping hot coals on their backs or beating them with whips. Then he moved on to cutting them drawing out their pain as long as he could. After two years of this treatment the two were broken physically and mentally being the only two serfs that had survived the noble's ways. This knowledge was not publicly known however, only the noble and his wife knew of what he did in his spare time. When the noble left to go take care of a dispute with another noble the two made their move.
First they entered his treasure room taking all they could carry which wasn't truly much but this was when Sven ran across the Ring of Continentia and placed it upon his finger as though it had called out to him. Sadly the two weren't able to escape due to their injuries they got caught before they even made it a mile away from the noble's home. When the two were found in their broken states news began to spread and the inquisition caught whiff of the situation. Being returned to the noble he saw the two as a threat to his reputation and life if knowledge of what he had done got out so he decided to kill them after one more session. That night Sven and his sister were tied to chairs right next to each other while the noble drew out a sword that had been sitting over a fire for hours. Sven looked over grasping his sisters hand trying to calm her and take her focus off what was coming next. As their eyes met everything she knew, everything she experienced and all her emotions flooded Sven and when the hot blade sunk into her he felt that as well. The excruciating burning sensation that started in the center of the chest and spread made him want to cry, and knew his sister would've as well if she hadn't died. When the noble approached him though Sven met eyes with the noble Sven's anger got the best of him as he activated the ring of Continentia off of instinct as though it guided him. Controlling the noble Sven made him first free him and then take Sven's spot. The tables had turned and Sven enjoyed gutting the noble like a fish and feasting on his intestines drinking and lapping at the man's blood like a animal. After truly realizing what he had done Sven left taking all the wealth the noble had and used it to forge a new life for his self.
First he stashed away all the treasure so he could get to it at a later day and scavenged learning to survive off the wild for a few years till he was twenty. Where he then returned to his stash of wealth and used it to forge himself a new life in Othea where he would use his wealth to open a tavern that not only supplied food and drink but a gaming place where many could come to spend their money, many more services were provided such as feminine entertainment that could be rented along with a room or even giving out loans. This was for the common rebel though while the upper class were given much more pleasantries such as renting private rooms for discussions among themselves, or renting one of the waitresses. Men usually spilled many secrets around women which made their way back to Sven which he could sell to someone for a decent price. Sven now seems to be nothing more then a businessman but no one knows his true goals.
Personality/motivation: At one point Sven was happy even with being a serf but after the death of his sister things took a turn for the worse. Delving into the mind of his dying sister Sven has had her memories permanently etched into his brain he felt her pain and it broke him mentally leaving the poor boy in shatters that not even living in the wild could erase. His hatred for nobles still festers inside him. Yet escaping to Othea seems to be helping the young man as he appears to have calmed down and owns a tavern but his true goals still aren't known.
Relations: He has no one left.
Final Point - Secrets: N/A
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