Name:Anneka Lavelle
Appearance: Anneka is considered a beauty, with her bright eyes and even brighter hair. She sticks out mostly because of her hair, a pink-orange shade usually tied into pigtails, and despite her unimpressive height, her slender figure keeps her from appearing pixie-like and cute. Her skin is tanned from all of her loitering and exploring in the sun, and she has a couple of faint scars from getting attacked by thieves a few years ago. She dresses strangely, obsessed with beads and bangles and looking pretty. She wears a pink bralette and a brown skirt with a belt that contains various bags to hold her money and other strange trinkets.
Style/Levels: Fisticuffs 5 // Healing Magic 4 // Weaponry (Bow and Arrow) // Combat Magic 1
Current Abilities:Level 1 Fisticuffs -
Anneka is strong enough to fight and inflict major injuries, lift heavy things, and carry on throughout her journey without getting tired as easily as others, but has little skill and/or experience actually fighting.Scream - With a single scream, her strength is increased, the amount by which she is strengthened changing with the vibrations and frequency of her scream. The higher it goes, the stronger she gets - and the more pain she inflicts, on both the victim's body and ears. The extra strength persists for the duration of her scream.
Palm - Whether it be a slap to the face, a pat to the bottom, or a shove to the chest, her palm releases power with extra strength.
Strike - Anneka's accuracy is increased for one blow, and the blow she chooses to inflict is one that inflicts nearly no external damage but a completely internal one. However, it requires more preparation than other etras and is harder to use during actual combat because of her inexperience and the lack of time allowed.
Grip - Once Anneka wraps her hand around a certain body part, her opponent is unable to move it for a few moments, varying depending on the strength with which Anneka grabbed the opponent and how long she was able to grip it. It is said to feel like an invisible hand literally crushing the bone. However, she is only able to use the grip when the opponent is already significantly weakened.
Block-Blow - Once close enough to her opponent, Anneka blocks all attacks and lands a single punch to the chest, causing the victim to lose their breath for a few seconds
Weapons:A bow and a bag of arrows that Anneka stole from her father when she ran away. She's been practicing and she's able to hit her target about 70% of the time. It's rather inconvenient to carry around a bow and arrows on her back as she travels, but Anneka is determined to master it.
Personality:Anneka is... a handful. She's bright and eager, impulsive, curious, and almost always excited about something. She acts on her emotions and impulses, often jumping into various situations and even conversations without completely understanding going on. She's a little ignorant of the world's evils, and although her naivety can be charming, it can also be unsettling and even foolish. She's eager to help others, and even more eager to be useful to someone, anyone, but her innate desire to please everyone around her usually ends in disappointment on her part. Anneka is extremely loyal and likes everyone she meets, finding them interesting at the very least. She's childish, laughing often and playing often. She prefers to be silly than to be serious, and when she is expected to calm down, she gets quiet and introspective, reflecting on every word she says before she actually speaks. She's rather maternal and tries to look out for everyone, whether her help is needed or not. She's passionate and feels everything with great strength, but is rather fickle and easily persuaded to think otherwise.
History: Try growing up under an oppressive father who won't let you leave the house alone even when you're 22. Anneka grew up painfully sheltered, shielded due to being the fourth child of the Lavelle family, but the first to stay alive after the age of four - mostly because her mother was a little insane and tried to 'burn away the impurities' of her children through the flames when her husband wasn't looking. By the time Anneka was born, her father knew better. He sent his wife to another home faraway, and raised little Anneka, his Annie, on his own. That is, he hired maids and governesses to look after her. The Lavelles had a long history of wealth, and Anneka was by no means lonely. She became everyone's favorite. The cook made special treats for her, the maids let her jump on her bed even as they were trying to straighten the sheets, and her governess helped her cheat on her homework. They did their best to keep her down to earth, but regardless of their best efforts, she grew up headstrong and insistent, overly curious, a little rude, but always sweet enough to balance everything out. The older she became, the more she longed for some adventure, some actual fun, but her father was very clear on her staying home, where he could keep an eye on her. With a pout, Anneka obeyed, but her friends at home were getting older and eventually, most of the people she had grown up with were either passed away, or they had been fired. She was bored, and lonely, and worst of all, impulsive. She had a few friends but she never saw them, and was therefore the 'strange girl,' who had almost no street smarts, knew nothing about how to live on her own, and was practically useless. She knew how to get along with adults, but her peers all routinely rejected her, again and again. She was too eager, too enthusiastic, too curious and too expectant to have any real friends, and most of them thought she was strange. Thus, Anneka grew up alone.
She figured things would be easier if she had a real mother, but she had no idea who her mother was, or where she was, or what had happened to her. She had been biting her tongue for a long eighteen years because she was afraid to bring it up, for fear of hurting her father, the only man in her life, but the question burned on her lips and she finally blurted it out, a frenzied falling of words like rain from the sky. Her father looked at Anneka and told her, plainly, the truth, without feeling, as if he had grown used to the cold emptiness of his bed after the years. Shocked, appalled, and overwhelmed, impulsive Anneka ran to her room and stayed there, thinking, refusing to cry or mourn her mother, only processing the information. She had been kept close to her father because of a woman who was already far away. Although Anneka wasn't extraordinarily clever, she was quick enough to realize how strange the overall situation was and decided to venture out on her own anyways. She packed up her things, stole a few things from the house that she reasoned her father wouldn't miss, and left. Not just because she had lost her sense of family in the world, but also because she figured a nice adventure would be fun, too. And didn't she deserve it, after so many years of restrictions?
It wasn't hard finding people who wanted to help Anneka; people were drawn to her like a moth to a flame, she burned so brightly and her smile glowed even brighter. But there were always strange men on the roads, too, and although it took her quite a few unfortunate events, Anneka figured out how to survive on her own - just barely.
Why are you on this journey?: "It seems like an adventure to me!"
Miscellaneous: Anneka's extremely sensitive about her family and her past, thinking people will find her strange again if they know how sheltered she was.