Calm, Collected, and the aura that seems to change. These are the few of many simple words that can be used to describe Rumiko. She is has rather average sized female who has shown her experience to many who know her. Her hair is light brown and has a weird shine to, the evidence of power circulates around her. These are small descriptions that will be expanded later, the most noticeable her body is her physical frame. She has a rather slim and toned body, having a sense of balance in the middle, she is not skinny to the point where it seems she has no muscles but her muscles are not toned to the point where it seems that she is mainly muscle and thats it.
Her face is also the place that shows a great story. The first things that one would notice on her face is it's changing demeanor. She is able to go from a calm and very collected to exasperated and angry. The scar that goes from her left eye to her chin are the remnants of the warrior that killed clansmen, telling the story of how she obtained her scar. The scar is a remnant of the faithful event that left Rumiko asking for help until meeting someone capable of healing her eye. Now she uses it as a base for her personality and to remind her never to fall into the same trust and trap she was in when she killed the Women who killed her family. Besides her scar, her cheeks are a bit chubby and give her a cutesy face, which she hates with a firm passion. Others might notice her lips that somehow fit her chubby cheeks and make her even cuter, which again she hates. Her wrinkles don't show much anymore, instead giving her dimples when she smiles. One would not be able to tell that she is 30, nor does she lead on to be, the only thing that would tell a person that she is old, is her infinite wisdom and attempts to guide the younger generation in the right path.
Rumiko's voice is another way of telling how old she is, it is not that it's that old sounding, but it is deep and somewhat raspy, some might even say a bit seductive, but she likes her voice, she claims it makes what she says much more deeper than intended. Though it is deep, when she is embarrassed her voice will crack and she gets even more embarrassed. Her tone can very different though from time to time, it's a tad bit childish at times, but at the same time have a mother or aunt vibe. It can be quite the opposite as well, as when she is training or fighting it can be rather harsh to the extent you would not recognize her if your back was turned and you were completely focused on the task at hand. She does have a bit of an accent as well, though it is mixed and something completely different then one would expect to come from her mouth. It is not at all hard to understand but it is some how mixed between what a real world French and Romanian mixed accent. She has no idea where she picked it up from, but it has a french swuaving sound when she is anxious or angry.
The way Rumiko carries herself fits her almost perfectly, from her personality to her voice, it matches well. It is some what of a laid back person depending on the situation or a harsh drill sergeant vibe. When not helping train others or training herself, she carries herself as an old friend or relative, giving her a homey type feel whenever around her, it's said that when she is around it gets relaxing and makes you want to open up to her. She also carries herself almost like a mother when it comes down to certain things, especially when someone's emotions are in the hang of being broken, or changed. It is one of those things that she doesn't mean to do, but doesn't mind when it comes down to being able to help someone out and say something that could potentially leave a good mark on that persons mind. In those moments Rumiko will no longer care about how she carries herself, only to make sure that she is able to help him or her and save them from doing something utterly stupid and mark them for life.
Rumiko has a pretty well built body for a 30 year old, it actually is surprisingly close to that of a fully developed young adult and she is pretty thankful for that because saggy boobs are just...gross and hard to manage. She also shockingly sprouts a soft four pack on her stomach that isn't noticeable until she flexes. Her arms are generally unaffected visual wise but she has almost pure muscles and little to no fat on her arms. Her breast are a solid C almost D depending on the bra and she does her best to conceal them as she is super embarrassed about their size, they are too big in her opinion and she would much rather be B almost C if it was possible to change her size, but on to less perverted things. She has somewhat broad shoulders that allow her to carry herself high and with determination.
Name: Rumiko
Age: 30
Birthplace: Marahito Village
Side: Revolutionary Army
Personality: Rumiko is a generally nice natured person, not hating of anyone, no race, no color of skin, all that stuff is nothing in her mind, even gender doesn't matter to her. She cares nothing of the color of skin or race because simply it is not one act that defines a group of people but individuals acts that determine the person. Make them who they are and give them a reason to make Rumiko not like them. Even the most vile people on earth, Rumiko can get along with because she is simply fascinated with how they think and would love to have a one on one conversation with that said person. Nor does she discriminate or hate a certain race because she believes that everyone gets a second chance, with what they do with that is none of her business just that they deserve at least one more chance and if nothing was learned from the last time then they are only then a lost cause she will give up on them. In her eyes even the meanest of people can be nice, whether it be small or big, she will show kindness to all people until they prove to her that they don't deserve her niceness what so ever. The reason behind her kindness and acting like a mother, is because of having no one for her when she was younger, she knows what it means to be alone.
She can also be much like a sage when helping people through physical hardships, like giving advice, helping them social problems, even helping them with the problem directly. She tries her best to help strugglers out whenever possible, even ones that others think are a lost cause. If the person is willing, she do her best to help them , just ask nicely and she'll do her best to "fix" the situation. She loves giving advice that is honest regardless of if they will hurt your feelings she will not lie to you even if it comes down to saying something mean, she only wants you to get better and if things need to be said then she will say it, granted she does understand feelings and try to dial it back some but other then that you will get the truth out of her and nothing more. In the event that she does lie to you, which rarely will happen she would do it for the protection of not only herself but you and the people involved if it is that serious then at that point she will keep it to herself and only the people she is sure can handle it so that she does not cause mass panic.
She is a very particular person for someone of her race and stature someone that a lot of people would say a left curve for what job she has, some might even say it's a wonder how she’s wasn’t a human. She is one of the nicest beings one could meet, but there is something a bit off about her sometimes, it's not always apparent and some might even say one wouldn't notice it at all but there is sometimes a sudden change that she does when going from fighting to angry, it's almost like a 0-60 deal and it's scares a lot of people from how funny and quirky she can be to almost cruel like, one would call her unrecognizable when she is angry or serious. That being said she is able to hold in that part of her mind and personality in check and keep it from becoming who she is outside of fighting or training, though she could be considered Bipolar. She can also sport a sprouting of good spirit when the moment arrives and can be for the most part easy to hang out with and sometimes even a jokester when needed to be. Though when drunk she is almost a completely different person, one who is a bit of a flirt and tease and a big partier.
The silence of the world wrong in the little wood house as the sound of a babies cry rang the air, soon followed by tears of joy, you could almost feel the very happiness of the two in the air. Angeal knelled next to Kiyoko and looked at his wife and the little baby ”What are we going to name her?” he smiled and stood up washing his hands in the water bowl ”Why don’t we name her after you mother? Rumiko, and we’ll keep your last name for her, fits better I reckon anyways”
Kiyoko looked at the baby and nodded ”Rumiko it is…now help me up and lets wash me and little one o-“ the sound of screaming rung in the air and then silence. Angeal looked at Kiyoko through wide eyes and ran to grab his sword, helping her up, it almost seem she gained all her strength back and put the baby in the sling on her chest, quickly washing her hands and getting on her shoes. Angeal sheathed his swords and peered out the door.
What he saw was pure horror beyond belief, the Miu estate was being raided by the nearest bandits who were executing people. The elders were on their knees, all four of them and they peered at each other and laughed ”You filthy bloods can do nothing but set us free from our old bodies” the bandits looked at each other and laughed. Stabbing the one that talked in his throat he fell back and struggled for air as blood filled his throat before dying. The other three smiled in return and simply waited to die.
Angeal shook his head and picked up his spear, running out and throwing it, it collided with the bandit in charge of killing the Miu and impaled him, making him fly back and gasp for air as his ruptured lung was slowly filling with blood. Angeal ran and slid, slicing an incoming bandits knee in half horizontally. He rolled up to his feet and jumped over the elders, cutting arrows inches from hitting the elders ”I want you to go to the house, I have ready horses for you three and Kiyoko. Go now!”
They bowed quickly before getting up and running towards the house. Bandits tried to attack, but they laughed and each taking one. The eldest of the elders jumped in the air and kicked the man in the chest, actually having her foot go through his chest and spinning looking like a bloody drill and landed on her feet. The last male elder slid between the feet of his target and broke his bounded hands, then flipped up into the air and onto the bandits shoulder. Using the momentum to flip the bandit on his back and punching him swiftly in the face, but the punch was so hard that it caved in the bandits face killing him instantly.
The third elder cowered back acting ”Wait please don’t kill me, im just a little old lady, you wouldn’t kill a little old lady now would you?” the bandit laughed and ran at her. The old lady smirked and pulled out a knife from her sleeve and cut the rope that bound her wrist. Then at the last second side stepped the mans slash at her, in turn she stabbed him in the wrist and ran slicing up his arm to his shoulder, then jumped up and wrapped her arms around the mans neck and flipped him down, taking the knife and stabbing him in the throat before turning and throwing the knife towards Angeal and killing the bandit trying to sneak up on him.
They ran into the house and quickly helped Kiyoko onto her horse then got on theirs and rode towards Angeal. When they felt the spiritual pressure of a “demon” a very very powerful demon. The eldest elder stopped her horse and picked up Angeal jumping off and slapping the horse’s butt making it gallop off after the others. She quickly cleaned up the last 5 bandits no problem and stood in the circle of dead bodies when the “demon” showed itself and she held a stance
”Oh? What’s this? You’re one old bitch aren’t you?” the demon had pink hair and a bone fragment in her hair, a horn that made her look like the devil himself. She wore a white overcoat on top what seemed to be pure white samurai garments. The elder did not move ”What is your business demon?” the monster laughed and seemed to teleport in front of the women. Throwing a punch so fast the elder had almost no time to react, sliding under the her punch narrowly and returning a punch back into the demons stomach, making the women laugh ”Your fast, ill give you that”
She tried to send an elbow downward, but the elder blocked it and held her arm back, shaking ”oh? Strong as well it seems” the women teleported behind the elder, sending a kick, but the elder flipped over the demon and swept the women off her feet, sending a punch towards the ground were she was, but the demon in turn teleported in front of her. The elders fist met the ground and formed a small crater ”Well damn, granny got some moves eh? But enough play…you’ve proved your strong now let me return the favor”
She smiled and teleported in front of the old lady, sending a punch that seemed to disappear and reappear connecting to the elders stomach. Not even getting enough time to breath out in pain from the punch, the elder was lifted into the air and thrown up. The women teleported again, bringing her hands together and hammer slamming the old lady towards the earth. Soniding one last time and catching the old lady by her throat, then slamming her into the ground and forming a crater around the broken old lady. Blood flooded from her mouth and she could barely move her arm ”In the end you weren’t even much of a match, pathetic”
She went to pick up the elder from her throat and the elder smiled, grabbing her wrist and spitting blood onto the demon hand ”I seal my soul to purify thy’s broken mind and empty soul, have mercy on thee when thou’s body is purified and once again your vessel to be used” the blood turned bright neon blue and began to move together and form a sticky like cement sealing between the two’s arms. Then the elder arm slowly began to glow and the light slowly creep towards the demons arm.
A blue cross began to form on the woman's chest making her scream and try to pull away but a blue crystal began to form around her feet and engulf both her and the elder ”I will come back, and make sure everything you loved, will perish, that is a promise, believe that you old bitch” the elder was engulfed, soon followed by the demon and a giant blue jagged crystal rock stood.
Even at the young age, it was apparent that she was a valuable soul and it only became worse when the head of the family passed down a weapon for even him to handle. A Teigu but one that could not so easily be removed, almost impossible. The Teigu that Rumiko received quickly attached to her, forming her skin, or fur rather. In protest her father was killed, the head clansmen deeming him unworthy of being the childs father. It had slowly, but surely began to kill the head clansmen in possession of the Teigu, and after the Teigu was completely transferred over to Rumiko, it killed him. This had marked the day Rumiko became one of the most dangerous beings to walk the land.
In disbelief from both the elders and the other clansmen, the Teigu didn't kill or take over the baby. In fact the Teigu accepted Rumiko as a user, in fact she was able to do things that aren't accessible to the previous user. But it came with a catch, Youku would stay in a kid form instead of constantly in battle mode, being a pup instead of her huge form. This was to take off the stress of using the life force of the little child. Of course this brought a distress to her mother, but to the others they saw this as an opportunity to make the clan strong once more. The child was taken from Kiyoko who was to distraught of her husbands death and the curse that her child now had to care. Rumiko was brought to a secluded part of the woods where the three elders taught her everything that was needed to be learned. Though through her learning how to talk they came to realise that this was only still a child, even if she was learning beyond her age to talk like an adult. She was still innocent in a way, but the power that arose from her was too strong to have the child be a child anymore. Because of the Teigu, Rumiko was forced mentally and emotionally to grow up faster than any adult could imagine.
There was however an upside to the teachings, the elders inforced a mind set that would make sure that she would not become a raging monster, a blood lusting warrior ready to kill at any notice. They taught her words, the way she talked, the way she could act, was just as strong as her Teigu abilities, they held just as much as an impact. Of course she was to young to understand what her powers truly allowed her to do, but the elders made sure before she did, she understood that life holds a meaning, it's just up to the person what to do with it. "Everyone has a choice, to fight or to act without violence" that is what she was taught. She stayed in the woods for the better part of 19 years, before returning to the village. In the celebrations of her return, something happened that would change the course of her life for the better part of of 25 years.
In the heat of celebration, the village was attacked, by what, they were unsure of that night, but Rumiko knew who it was. The women whom they had believed to be another living Teigu, the same women from the night previously that she remembered killing the strongest elder. She could smell her scent, feel the woman's rage even, it was ungodly, like anything she had seen or felt. That night, the village was slaughtered, the Elders made Rumiko run, run until she couldn't in order to get away from the women. Of course it took a lot of get her to leave, but she was thrown across a rope bridge that was cut down before she could turn back. She watched from the confines of a bush, the massacre of her fellow clansmen. Then at the end of it all she saw it, an insignia on the women. She searched for years to find out what that insignia was apart of a city a ways away, but it has stuck with her since, the name of that city was Imperial City, ruled by others who crushed anyone in their way. It was when she found this out that she devoted herself to stopping the Emperor from crushing others.
Weapons and Equipment: She only has a scarf that she wears when in battle and fingerless gloves.
Theme Song: Others:Unserious out of battle- She doesn't mean to, but seriousness when out of battle is just so...unneeded. Seriously, why would you be serious, when you can joke around, drink, have fun. being serious sucks and there is literally no reason for it unless it's a serious situation and even then, it would have to be life or death, or someone getting married, or something like that for Rumiko to be serious. Seriousness all the time just isn't her, even when off duty she is pretty laid back when around her captain or comrades, but it almost completely different when on the field or in training.
To serious in battle and in training- It's almost crazy to see her suddenly change a couple of minutes during training, or all of the sudden be joking then serious when a battle is imminent. Some actually have called her cruel and a huge asshole when it comes to training, but that is only because she wants the best and nothing but the best from her fellow comrades. It's not like she wants to, but in the event that battle breaks out and lives are at stake she wants to make sure the ones she has trained are ready to do what is needed and not hesitate during a battle. Also as much as she doesn't like being serious, it is from good reasons that she acts very serious during a fight to the point someone would mistake her as a another person if they decided to fight her.
She has no Fear of Death- One of those things she's had since an incident that happened with her when she was a kid. It really doesn't bother her, the thought of death, honestly she learned that death is something she would much like to experience, when it comes down to the subject. Although she is a very live in the moment type person, she learned to deal with things in the now and not think about the future just focus on the now because over thinking things like death with get you killed indefinitely if you think to hard about it. Death is one of those things where it is neither a win or a loss in her opinion.
Will try to sort things out before fighting- Fighting is something Rumiko has never been overly fond of, which is interesting for someone of her kind, let alone one like her with such a dark mind deep deep in her true soul. She wont turn down a fight, but if it is possible for her to talk things out instead of fight she would much rather do that, she would much rather have both fighters or more comeback alive instead of her or the opponent dying over something that could have been avoided. It's also part of her personality and sane part of her mind, it wants to keep peace that can only be obtained by less fighting and more conversation.
She also trained for the greater part of her life, the style is called Mubona Sutairu-
Mubona Sutairu, a more aggressive form of what pencak silat is, that Rumiko's clan perfected and passed down to every generation. Mubona sutairu translate to Reckless style and for good reason. A user of Mubona sutairu and knows of it simply has one thought when fighting, the lack of fear for death, he or she who uses Mubona sutairu will fight to simply win, clean and easy, he or she won't care about numbers just fight and continue to fight until he or she is dead or the opponent/opponents are dead. A holder of this style is able to take hits and continue to keep going, like a tank almost, and fight and fight and fight until the enemy is dead. Mubona sutairu users for the most part fight clean, but they are deep down fighting and conflict junkies, which is a contradiction to Rumiko and how she is. Mubona sutairu users will fight with efficient moves, but they will take pride in killing or heavily injure the opponent, they will slowly but surely kill them, breaking ribs, breaking knees, breaking arms, they will break the person and finish them off in the moments they see fit for the person to die.
Teigu Name: God's Calamity Beast- Youko
Teigu Appearance:Teigu Type: Organic
Teigu Abilities:"Calamity's Essence"-
This form is activated when Youko howls, it takes ten seconds to activate (She must remain undisturbed for this form to activate), but once activated a purple aura rises from Youko's eyes. It engulfs Youko in clawed arms until all that is left is a small purple silhouette of a baby fox with white eyes. What follows is the silhouette expands into a ball around Youko and then explodes in mist. What comes out of the mist is a 5ft(1.52m) Fox/wolf hybrid with purple eyes much like Youko's normal form. This form however is much faster and stronger. The Teigu allows this form speed equal to 40 mph(64.36 km/h) for about five minutes before she has return to a slower pace and cool down, this can be used in short successions in order to cancel her cool down of 10 minutes. Not only does this form grant Youko speed, but it also allows her strength beyond that of any normal being. She is capable of pushing equal to a ton in weight, using her head, with little struggle. Her bones also can take about a ton in weight of pressure or force before cracking. This is quite possibly the most important ability of her Teigu.
"Calamity Burst"-
Can only be activated when "Calamity's Essence" is enabled, it takes twenty seconds to form, a charging attack though it can be used at a smaller level, but not as strong. If Calamity Burst Fully charges, a purple ball of spinning energy forms at the front of Youko's snout, and can be sent in only the direction that Youko's snout is pointing. When the ability collides with an object or surface is has a varying of effects, it explodes enough to vaporize a wooden house or things as strong as wood, for cement or things as strong a cement, it would cause a hole about 1 yard in diameter. If the ball comes into contact with metal objects, it will leave a rugged 12 inch hole where it collided (All these effects do not apply to Teigu, it varies from item to item, it's about the same caliber as getting a grenade thrown at you, but in the end will not break the Teigu unless the Teigu is highly breakable.) If Calamity Burst is not fully charged, it is half the size of a charged Burst(12 inches) and can be used in a rapid fire type attack (1 ball every 4 seconds can be fired) the ability instead becomes a half powered grenade type damage, it explodes and can blow back whatever it collides with(Unless stated otherwise that the object is immobile)
Trump Card:Calamity's SpawnYouko's Aura is so vast and so powerful,that simply moving can become an attack. By flexing and extending her muscles, she causes large arms of Aura to reach from her being. These "arms of Reiatsu" are completely visible to the naked eye, thanks to the sheer amount of their power causing them to glow. They appear much like Youko's arms, lithe and elongated...but outrageous strength hidden within. Though the ends form into hands, with fingers, there is no fine motor control. The fingers do no move, nor do they bend or squeeze. These behave more like an animal's' paw, in that, they digits are merely their for support or clawing.
The size of the arms can vary, depending on the level of exertion Youko uses. She can range the length of her arms from 1 single foot, all the way to 30 meters. The radius of the arms, which often take the very cylindrical form of her own anatomy, will vary from 1 meter to 5 meters. She can sling arms the size of people or buses, it all depends on her effort. What they lack in tactile function, they make up for with devastation. Whatever becomes struck by these limbs is hit with the full force of Youko's strength. The arm is a conduit for her deceptively, horrifying physicality. Though they cannot grab or clutch their targets, they can pummel and pulverize them to nothing. Dodging them is quite difficult, as they move at a set speed equal to her fox form. These arms can be cut, and they can even be severed by something that negates her ability for a short amount of time or something as fast as a bullet. What is best about them is not their size, speed, or density...but their fatigue. Fatigue, in that, they do not have it. These arms are as tireless as Youko, and will only give out when her spirit does. Basically...death will come first or someone fast enough to break her form.
They can't grapple or clutch things...and they can't have claws. She has no fine control over the Aura, which would allow her to articulate the fingers or make them squeeze...and this same lack of control prevents her from honing the ends of the aura into a fine, cutting point. What they do instead of grasping or they crush. These arms are formed out of her wildly vast Teigu energy, and possess the same strength as the soul who exerts them. Her ability to create limbs or "hammer-like" bodies of reiatsu, is determined by her previous damage. She can make an additional 1 for each injury, starting from the first injury she WOULD have received damage. The ability to cut or destroy these arms made of Aura, requires a speed faster than her, which in this case is the speed of a standarded bullet. She is limited to only 7 arms at a time and that is her final limit, she will no longer be able to get more arms after she receives 7 fatal or otherwise incapacitating injuries.
This ability comes out as soon as the first Fatal wound or injury is inflicted upon her. Cuts or slashes that would not put her in critical condition will not arise this form, only when her body is in danger of death.
Strengths:*Her Teigu allows her the physical capabilities of that such as a fox and wolf in normal form, this includes eyesight, smell and hearing.
*Beyond that her Teigu makes her not only strong enough to push weight to that of a car, it allows her speed equal to that of a car.
*While she is unable to fight hand to hand, or stand well on two legs, she is able to survive and fight like that of an animal. Even in her normal form she is much harder to hit, on account of how small she is.
*While it takes a moment to activate "Calamity's Essence" She is capable of holding it for as long as her body or rather her Teigu is capable.
Weaknesses:*While yes she does how a power like that of a powerhouse, she is no more durable than that of a human. The only thing that she is exempt from is longer fatigue but she still gets fatigued.
*The Teigu runs on life energy, not completely only hers, but also those around her, the more people she has around her, the longer she is able to use her Teigu. This is because The Teigu runs off half a mile radius(In the event that someone is not around and she is fighting solo, she can only use her Teigu for an hour and a half, before it runs on her own body, killing her slowly)
*While her Trump card is extremely powerful, it is a bit of a double edged sword. She is granted a huge amount of aura, but at the cost of losing control of Teigu. Her mind goes blank and runs on a feral like auto pilot. At first she will simply attack the person who she was fighting, but she will not hesitate to fight others, including her comrades. She has no sense of morality or whos who. In this form it is more like she is trying to kill everything rather than the target.
*Both her abilities have a charge up type drawback to their power, she is incapable of moving once the moves are put into place, so they are easily dodge-able or she is easy to stop her ability from forming by knocking her off balance.
*Her most vulnerable spot is on her chest dead square in the middle. Hitting this spot will break the Teigu.