Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

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Revans Exile said
I edited. Go back and look.

Perfection. Percival is open to confessions. That's ten Hail Mary's.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Might mess around with personality a bit but they're pretty much done. Also I haven't just popped in at random, just got a lovely invitation is all 0;

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jess is accepted. He's absolutely lovely. Also, I have no idea where you found that picture, but the person is fucking gorgeous.

McHaggis said

*Gasp* The Scottish flag has appeared!

Sixsmith said

Perfection. Percival is open to confessions. That's ten Hail Mary's.


ALSO SCREW STUDYING. Nah, I'm just taking a break. Honestly, I believe my recitation professor has prepared my class for the lecture mid more than the lecture professor. I mean, she seems like a nice lady, but god she is sooo timid when explaining things, and explains the bare minimum. Though it's worth noting that our first exam thus far had everything she taught us, and nothing she never reviewed. But she is just so...spacey and scared looking? Like you could yell at her and she wouldn't assert her authority. Or like she's afraid to explain some of the stuff she's teaching.

Meh. Anyways, I'm off to add Jess to the character links on the front page. I'm working on a post, as well. I figure we could start, as we already have quite a large group. If we need more characters, I'll go people hunting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

If you're in need of pretty pictures of pretty people, then I suggest you check out this and this Post where I got Jess' picture is at the very end/last page of the first link. Can't wait to start btw~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Strawberry425 said
*Gasp* The Scottish flag has appeared!LMFAOOOOALSO SCREW STUDYING. Nah, I'm just taking a break. Honestly, I believe my recitation professor has prepared my class for the lecture mid more than the lecture professor. I mean, she seems like a nice lady, but god she is sooo timid when explaining things, and explains the bare minimum. Though it's worth noting that our first exam thus far had everything she taught us, and nothing she never reviewed. But she is just so...spacey and scared looking? Like you could yell at her and she wouldn't assert her authority. Or like she's afraid to explain some of the stuff she's teaching.Meh. Anyways, I'm off to add Jess to the character links on the front page. I'm working on a post, as well. I figure we could start, as we already have quite a large group. If we need more characters, I'll go people hunting.

I'm glad that amused you. XD I love cracking jokes and attempting to be an ass. I told my father something about me being a snarky douche and he laughed and was pretty much like, "Lolno, go play your vidya games. God, kids these days." I've been told I'm one of the nicest people by a lot of my friends. I just think I'm a little too subtle and maybe just a little too genuine, even in my sarcasm. ;_;

Anyway, how open are you to characters coming in a little later in the story? I understand if you don't, I just wanna make sure just in case inspiration strikes and it works well in driving the plot forward or adding a reasonable twist. :o Kinda like a Michonne incident or a Tyreese and Sasha (I luv Sasha so much <3) thing.

Also, as you all probably aren't as oblivious and dense as I am you probably have already noticed, but omg the LGBT representation in this RP is astounding. You guys are lovely and I'm not alone. <3 *Goes to cry happily in his bed*

Is totally not shipping anybody's characters with anybody else's characters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

the LGBT representation in this RP is astounding.

It warms my cold butch heart. Especially Strawberry's characters <3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maestro


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I'm loving all the characters so much already. I'm so very excited!

Also, I added a picture of my character on the form. For some reason, editing posts didn't work when I originally tried, and it was only today that I was successful with uploading an image. Just in case anybody wants to check or wants to get an idea of what Heather looks like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Barksdale


Member Offline since relaunch

There is an awesome cast. I can't wait to see how they all develop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sixsmith said
.Also, as you all probably aren't as oblivious and dense as I am you probably have already noticed, but omg the LGBT representation in this RP is astounding. You guys are lovely and I'm not alone. <3 *Goes to cry happily in his bed*

McHaggis said
It warms my cold butch heart. Especially Strawberry's characters <3

Awww thanks Haggis <3

But yeah, all of the characters so far have made me reallllllyyyyy happy. Especially since I'm a bisexual WOC. I crave diversity, and many people, even if they are LGBT choose not to create characters that represent them in rp. Personally, I can see myself with a man or a women in my future ,and I wanted characters that represented me, which I have so rarely made in the past. Also, its iffy; if one out of every ten people you meet is LGBT then I feel like rps should have us more; we're pretty normal. And I don't blame straight people for not rping or writing about us. For some, it's hard to put themselves in the shoes of something they feel so alienated from, especially since the media implies same-sex relationships are so vastly different from "normal" relationships, and that bisexual women are sexual fiends that prey on innocent virgin girls and "turn them".

It's also sad that many LGBT people chose to rp a character of the opposite gender, so the character is straight, and the rper can have a romantic interest of their gender preference, just to avoid being judged. I've found, recently, if at least one brave person takes the step to introduce an LGBT character, then other people will shyly join in. The fact that out of those of you who applied, many of you chose to go with characters who are things other than straight, makes me super happy. It also makes me happy people chose to go with straight characters. Like, yassssss, let's represent the real, real, world here. Diversity. But anyway, I'm ecstatic.

On another note, at this point if you asked me, I'm really craving a girlfriend right now; went to a restaurant today, hot, hot, hot, hot waitress, and I kept giving her the eye. God, she was a hottie. And at one point, I think she realized I was checking her out, and kept looking back to see. Such a hottie.

Okay, but enough of that. I decided to play it safe and study. Midterm went alright. I'm going to write up a post now. We can get started. Also to answer your question Sixsmith, I think when we've got a nice established group, I'll be open to more characters from our present rpers. It would be weird if we didn't introduce new faces at some point. And eventually, we'll open back up to new rpers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

*Regrets putting in characters before all the LGBT ones came in.* Oh well, I consider both of their sexualities fluid-ish anyway.

...I'll be open to more characters from our present rpers.

Already getting ideas for Eddie Thornton, mostly 'cos there's a severe lack of characters who can actually shoot a gun ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Barksdale


Member Offline since relaunch

Awesome! So, three days in, is the city in utter chaos or is the city about to be in utter chaos? Haha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Strawberry425 said
Awww thanks Haggis <3But yeah, all of the characters so far have made me reallllllyyyyy happy. Especially since I'm a bisexual WOC. I crave diversity, and many people, even if they are LGBT choose not to create characters that represent them in rp. Personally, I can see myself with a man or a women in my future ,and I wanted characters that represented me, which I have so rarely made in the past. Also, its iffy; if one out of every ten people you meet is LGBT then I feel like rps should have us more; we're pretty normal. And I don't blame straight people for not rping or writing about us. For some, it's hard to put themselves in the shoes of something they feel so alienated from, especially since the media implies same-sex relationships are so vastly different from "normal" relationships, and that bisexual women are sexual fiends that prey on innocent virgin girls and "turn them". It's also sad that many LGBT people chose to rp a character of the opposite gender, so the character is straight, and the rper can have a romantic interest of their gender preference, just to avoid being judged. I've found, recently, if at least one brave person takes the step to introduce an LGBT character, then other people will shyly join in. The fact that out of those of you who applied, many of you chose to go with characters who are things other than straight, makes me super happy. It also makes me happy people chose to go with straight characters. Like, yassssss, let's represent the , , world here. . But anyway, I'm ecstatic.On another note, at this point if you asked me, I'm craving a girlfriend right now; went to a restaurant today, hot, hot, hot, waitress, and I kept giving her the eye. God, she was a hottie. And at one point, I think she realized I was checking her out, and kept looking back to see. Such a hottie.Okay, but enough of that. I decided to play it safe and study. Midterm went alright. I'm going to write up a post now. We can get started. Also to answer your question Sixsmith, I think when we've got a nice established group, I'll be open to more characters from our present rpers. It would be weird if we didn't introduce new faces at some point. And eventually, we'll open back up to new rpers.

Yeah, I've started to see a lot, a lot more LGBT characters in RPs that I've joined in and I think I instigate it sometimes because I almost always have at least one LGBT character that I play and it's always a gay male 'cause I myself am a gay male and that's my preference when I write. Though I diverge a lot and I like playing badass ladies; I've yet to try a hand at a bisexual/pan or lesbian lady. But that's probably because I'm not attracted to ladies myself and aren't positive I'll have any interest in any romance femslash romance that blossoms forth, sadly.

As well, I don't usually like playing females in straight romances just because of my sexuality, so a lot of my females are asexual, lol. I mean, I understand what that means, but I also understand that a lot of people who go looking for romance in group RPs are usually looking for the sex part of that romance. >_> I actually don't think I'd mind an asexual lady who prefers to romance women in a non-sexual, actually romantic romance. The kind where it's a lot of the emotional intimacy and none of the physical sexy time acts.

And when I feel like RPing some side plot romance in a roleplay I'm in but don't have anyone to partake in that romance, then I actually pair my characters off together. It gives me practice in character development both dependent on a partner, as well as working on individual character development and focusing on relationships and how they work in stories. I think RPguild, unless you drift off into the kinkier side of the 1x1 section has a lot of its romance, should they happen in an RP, be one of those quick look-at-the-person-you-made-your-character-to-romance-and-hop-to-it-like-fucking-bunnies, but aside from that they're very straightforward, typical romances that don't necessarily delve into how such relationships can work in one way or another. If you all understand where I'm getting at. Putting all of that in my own hands allows me to dissect the relationship a lot better without having any random variables that constitute most RPs and relationship between player characters. It gives me a better grasp on how certain relationships work and lets me pace it a lot better in the story (which often means that the characters I've decided will do the smoochies don't actually get together because the RP dies before then...). And it also lets me play out some romance fantasies (the nonsexual kind) out on paper without thinking how the other person feels about it or whether he/she is enjoying how the relationship is turning out or how slow I intend to take it.

I don't know why I'm rambling about this, but it interests me a lot. I like delving into the minds of characters, mainly relationships between other characters, whether platonic, romantic, or other. I enjoy it a lot and I have absolutely no idea why. Maybe something to do with psychology or philosophy, or something... I mean, I intend to switch my major to something in either subject as soon as I get enough money to jump back into school. I've been refraining from taking out any student loans and I honestly have no idea why I didn't apply for any scholarships during high school... probably something to do with low self-esteem and the fact that I'm pretty sure I'm anything but a leader or super-citizen like a shit ton of my classmates were. >_> I was the book nerd who was quiet for like 2 years and turned out to be extremely hilarious, but never the person do actively partake in a lot of public things 'cause he was an introvert and preferred the solace of his room, video games, a lot of movies, and some nice books.

Oh, and I also fully intend to introduce at least one new face into our motley crew! But, only as soon as it's relevant to the plot and when you say it'll be a-okay. :o

Gonna stop myself there 'cause I'm starting to talk about myself in the third person.

McHaggis said
*Regrets putting in characters before all the LGBT ones came in.* Oh well, I consider both of their sexualities fluid-ish anyway.Already getting ideas for Eddie Thornton, mostly 'cos there's a severe lack of characters who can actually shoot a gun ;)

By the time we get any guns in this RP, I'm certain the TWD gun-syndrome is gonna go into effect, you know, the one where no one misses headshots and don't run outta bullets in the name of the plot and badassery. lolol

EDIT: I was not lying, at all, when I said that I ramble and ramble and ramble and ramble. I'm tempted to put my hands in a pair of mitts and have someone duck tape 'em until I lose the urge to write so much about something random. ;_;

EDIT OF THE EDIT!: Like, whoa, look what I found.

Because I thought it relevant to this conversation. <3 In a way, I guess. Not being asexual myself and not understanding (but being open to understanding) asexuality, I see it more a general sexual scale than just an asexual one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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hey strawberry, can I apply? Given the other one is sorta... Stalled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I haven't seen many queer characters in RPguild role plays honestly, and those I have seen eventually became rather good friends of mine personally. I wrote Jesse with a certain idea in mind: POC LGBT woman. However, I have recently been feeling a bit anxious about my gender (or fluidness of said gender), which bore Jess' lack of it. I've needed more characters I can relate to, honestly. As for everyone else: I am shocked. I am happy. This is a fantastic group with a fantastic ability to write characters realistically and well. Can't wait to start writing with you all

In other news, I've got a show coming up which I gotta tech. I'll be busy most of next week and weekend. Send me strength, cause tech week is hell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

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Xenonia said
hey strawberry, can I apply? Given the other one is sorta... Stalled.

Sorry Xeno, but I am really not taking any more characters right now. I don't want the rp to be overwhelmed when it's only just begun.

I'm really sorry this is taking so long, but I might not be able to post till tomorrow. I have a bad case of writer's block, plus the people in my family are being very irritating. So, once again, might not have one till tomorrow, if that's okay. Sorry about that everyone :(

Also, good luck Liriia!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Happy Halloween everyone!

I made a very stunted post, but hopefully it's introductory enough. I'll be pressed for time, since I'm still studying for midterms and writing a small paper.

Just so everyone knows, we'll all be meeting at Emory University. Then our characters will travel to the more urban area of Atlanta, and from there, we'll see how things go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Heyo, here's one last character that I've been meaning to pump out. I'm just throwing her out there because she's kinda a side-character who happens to be Aldous' traveling companion and sister. :o If that's okay.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yay for big brother + younger sister combos! Overprotectiveness ahoy!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Happy Halloween!

I suppose I'll make a mobile post, so don't expect too much in terms of length. Also, Jess will most likely be holed up somewhere in Emory, just a heads up.

Also, so no one gets confused, I'm gonna stick to one pronoun for each post. This one I'll use "she", the next one maybe "he", ect. ect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Grace is good to go Sixsmith.

My sister had her friends over, and I was busy entertaining, but I've been freed up of time, and my paper has very little left (literally a very small paper). I do have to study, but I have an impulse to make my post bettersomehow, so I'm off to edit it a bit. The jest of it will stay the same however.
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