A person with a sharp appearance, Jesse is tall, slim, and lanky. His skin is dark, face flecked with freckles, and is shaped more like a stick than a woman or man. They have a thin face, close-cropped black hair, and dull gray eyes which always seem to have a sleepy feel to them. With such a well sculpted face and body, it might be obvious that she has a very natural female fatale air to her, yet despite her slender body, he is unfit and surprisingly weak, often needing to have a cool down period after psychical movement. His main advantage is how fast she can run due to their natural long legs. Has the West African Adinkra symbol of wisdom tattooed on her right hand. (6'0; 151 lbs)
NAME:Jesse Wells
OCCUPATION:Student; Forensics Major; Part Time Barista; Part Time Daycare Assistant
PERSONALITY:Jesse is, more times than not, angry. Just imagine a ball of constant stress and annoyance, put a face on it, and you've got the lovely Jesse Wells. Unlike other people, who might talk about their emotions or cry it out, Jesse remains stoic and unnerved, bottling her emotions until she just explodes one day into a full on rant. He will not show weakness, she will not cry. Jesse has always believed there is weakness in such things, and they were not weak. She was strong, courageous, and stubborn, even if she didn't want to be. Growing up with his younger brother and busy parents, Jesse had to learn to be strong to protect herself and her sibling from the terrors of middle-class America, and from this she has also gained a very protective, maternal personality towards those who she considers friends or family.
When not angry, she can be considerably kind, often clinging close to friends and sharing funny childhood stories to lighten the mood, even if her realist brain thinks its not the right time. He enjoys calculation, and is a rather smart, perceptive cookie, often looking much deeper into things then others would. Her thirst for knowledge has also given her a rather reckless streak, especially when her curiosity gets too strong for her to resist. Other then that, she is ridiculously ambitious and stubborn, and always gives her one hundred and ten percent into whatever she does. He makes up for his lack of strength with her brain. A brain that can plan, catch on to sudden differences in the environment, a brain that can keep them alive even in a stressful situation. Jesse's mind is her greatest weapon.
EQUIPMENT: Satchel filled with:
Two Bottles of Water (small)Forensics and Biology TextbooksThree NotebooksIPhone ChargerPack of Gum (mint)General Makeup ItemsIPhone 4S (cracked)Wallet ($31.67)Other:
College SweatshirtWorking WatchWEAPONS: Being a student, Jess has no access to any firearms or swords, but he does have the taser his lovely (and now deceased) friend Debra gifted her one day after a certain drunk excursion. Jess isn't stupid enough to go and to taze any walkers, though, so they are currently unarmed.
FAMILY: Mother: Kimberlyn Wells - Unknown - Last seen/heard at her office in New York CityFather: Jessan Wells - Unknown - Last seen/heard at his office in New York CityBrother: Kimbel Wells - Unknown - Last seen/heard on the night before the incident in New York apartment.PAST: Jesse was born into a middle-class, hard working family on a snowy January night in the restless city of New York. Her life growing up was simple enough; she would play with her dolls while her parents worked, go to school and work twice as hard as any other kid to stay afloat, and constantly question her reason of living and her body. Pretty much normal for a gender-confused child. Once their brother was born, they suddenly found a place in the world, and that was protecting this small bundle of joy. She would defend him in school, breaking up fights with her own fists, and despite her bother's constant annoying teasing, Jesse loved him dearly. Family is extremely important to him.In high school, she was confused. Jesse definitely knew that they were not female, even if her body begged to differ, and after a few internet searches she began to realize her own orientation. Agender, or, the lack of gender. Realizing this about himself suddenly made the dysphoria they had felt in her past begin to melt away.Jesse was obviously a smart cookie, especially in biology and environmental sciences. He aspired to be a forensics scientist, though, and wished to be of help to people in whatever way they can be. With her impressive grades in the sciences and math, she managed to get into a relatively good college in Atlanta. While leaving her family behind was rather upsetting, they do like their new found freedom.She easily befriended her new roommate, Debra Jones, who found it as easy to get used to their lack of gender. College was simple as well, since Jesse was such a try hard when it came to studying.He manages to sleep around a bit throughout their time in college, never really can hold down a relationship though. Then again, Jesse seems to believe that dating was a distraction for the bigger picture in life, which would be maintaining a perfect picture as a notable and impressive scientist. Still, sex wasn't a bad thing per say, and it helped with her stress.Woke up on the day the world ended believing she was late for a biology quiz.OTHER INTERESTING INFORMATION: Agender (She/He/They Pronouns)Pansexual, hella proudHas a Brooklyn accent, though it has begun to simmer down thanks to her moving to Atlanta.Kept up with quite a few part time jobs, giving her an array of different, somewhat useless abilities.WRITING SAMPLE: It wasn't unnatural for a college student to stay up passed two. With countless papers to write, parties to have, drugs to take, and booze to chug, it would only make sense for all of them to wander the night in a sleepless stupor, or drill away at their dorm desks as music pounds from above or below. Jesse was no exception. She was currently perched on her desk's stool-like chair, toes beating against the shining metal rhythmically as her eyes traced the lines of a large textbook with her only source of light being the neon-pink covered lamp on the right side of her desk.
The rest of the room was pitch black and silent, save for the moments where her roommate, Debra, would shift lazily around in her bed, causing the blankets and sheets to stir in a quick symphony of fabric-on-fabric. Jesse, however, couldn't hear that anyway, as on her head a pair of black and red headphones shielded her ears from any annoyances that could play during the night, instead pumping a familiar band into her brain quietly. Her eyes, which had begun to water and burn from the lack of sleep, continued to read the same stanza of her science textbook over and over again, thin lips pursing and clenching as she read it at least nine times before skipping over to the next paragraph.
"Nine times. Go over something nine times and you'll have it stored in your memory forever."Her high school English teacher had said this once, many years ago, during one particular lecture on how to study vocabulary and key terms in whatever book they had been discussing. While the class had bored her to near death, Jesse had never really forgotten the older teach's study tips, and each time she got a passing grade on her plentiful tests Jesse would give a silent prayer to the (probably dead) Mrs. Miggs as thanks. A yawn breaks her concentration, and she opens her mouth and lets out a long sigh, raising her arms high to stretch both them and her back out until the buzz of her phone draws her attention to the glowing screen to her left. A few text messages had piled up while she had been lost in a sea of words and knowledge. She scrolled lazily, ignoring the few unnamed messages from a few folks she had probably given numbers to while drunk, instead focusing on one in particular. The most recent one, from her lovely little bro, Kimbel. A smile pierced her chapped lips as she skimmed the message, and then laughter simmered in her throat.
I know your awake Jess! Go the eff to sleep already studying too hard is gonna rot your brainAn array of comical emoticons followed after, and then the message was done. Jesse continued to snort, typing back a quick reply for him to do the same before turning to stare at the curtain-covered window just beyond her desk. The light of the moon and the lamps that lit the campus pathways shimmered through the rims faintly, encouraging Jesse to get up and observe whatever nightlife was wandering below her dorm room. After glancing back and forth between the desk and the window she finally stood, taking the headphones, which were currently playing a live version of S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W, off in one swift motion before tip-toeing over to the window. A finger slipped between the dark fabric, and very slowly she pulled it open, keeping one eye on her roommates bed before finally staring off into the Atlanta night.
The moon was waning beautifully, a crescent line in the blue-black sky that allowed the ample amount of light to shine down on the dew-coated grass below. It was faintly hidden behind the far trees and sky scrapers of the city, and the stars were hiding behind the glow of the nightlife. Below, old, black lamps skipped across the green campus lawn and circled around the limestone path, which was devoid of any moving thing. Kudzu draped across the distant walls of the university buildings, devouring the faded brick in their viney hold slowly but surely. The silence of her room was somewhat disrupted by the honks and growls of distant cars and the boom of club music from the party that was probably just down the street, but those were normal noises. Normal things. There was calmness in normalcy, serenity, a feeling that you know this and will be okay. Despite the stress she had accumulated from the aspect that she had a major quiz tomorrow, right now, she was calm and happy. A smile was planted on her dark lips, and her eyes were creased with lines of cheerfulness, but it all faded when the familiar sound of a buzz and a groan pulled her from her thoughts.
Debra had sat up suddenly, brown eyes already wide open as she scanned whatever message she had been sent just a few seconds ago. Jesse slowly pulled away from the window and turned, a sheepish smile forming as she whispered a soft 'good morning'. The red-haired roommate glanced up momentarily, nodded, and then went back to her phone, face growing more and more agitated with each line she read until she finally threw it lazily at her feet, huffing with annoyance.
"What's up, Deb? Job issues?" Jesse asked, slowly walking back over to sit on her own bed as Debra threw the covers (and her phone) to the side before standing up, hands already working to tame the messy mane above her head,
"Yes, obviously, job issues. Who else calls me at three in the morning besides you, Jess?" She sighed, finally just tying up her bed head into a high ponytail before she began to dress herself in the same garb she wore every night to her job as a waitress at a twenty-four hour sports bar and club.
"They need me to come in, Jack says they're really packed for some reason and they need all the hands they can get. I'll be back around six or seven maybe." The light flicked on for a moment, allowing Debra to check her face in the mirror beside her bed before she turned to the exit, smirking at Jess, "get some sleep, kitten. If I come back and find you still staring at that textbook I'll slap you so hard you'll see stars. Night!" And then she was gone, sprinting down the dormitory hall at the speed of light. Jesse blinked at the lights above, wincing as their afterimages filled her eyes for a moment with blue dots, yawned once more, then slowly slipped towards the front of the room, flicking off the blaring bulbs once more.
Her gray eyes rose to stare at the desk, where her brain begged her to go and sit and study for at least two more hours, but her body was screaming from sleep deprivation, and instead she slumped back down into the warmth of the mattress. As soon as her head hit the pillow she was gone, mind swallowed by the darkness of sleep. Her dreams would be a mess of calculations and theories, and she would not wake to anything. Not even the familiar scream which sounded four hours later, just below their window.