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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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Hooooly shit, this RP is becoming so popular.

Meh staying. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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NecroticCarnage said
Name: Leara Si'LorenRace: High ElvenRace Description: the high elves are bred to be considered royalty among their own kind(even if they don't actually have royal blood). Higher senses, more agile reflexes, and over all better physical looks. Most of her race tend to favor more artistic or political professions. Age: 112 ( human looks of an early 20 year old)Gender:female. Appearance: Leara's most distinguishing characteristics are firstly her elvish beauty and then her green eyes which glow with an unnatural light. ( eyes are a side effect of making deals with demons) Clothing/Armor: A mix of plate and chain mail custom designed for ease of movement. While unable to strictly be considered good protection the armor protects areas she tends to forget about in fights. Her gauntlets are tipped and sharpened to allow for use as a weapon in desperation or if the opportunity calls for it. Weapons: A serrated short sword kept at her right hip. Often when used is enchanted with demonic taints to assist with demons. An old spell book is chained to her left hip. The pages appear tattered yet don't fall out or tear even when attempted to shake them loose. Sever tabs can be seen sticking out as if for quick referencing. Skills/Abilities: well practiced hand to hand, excellent one handed sword, moderate two handed skill, and basic combat tactics. Several magical spells and summons she gains through her professional demon hunting. Magic: Leara's book holds various casting spells and demonic 'contracts' as well as schematics for summoning circles and weapon taints. Only two demons may ever be present at one time due to her own limitations. One 'major' demon (succubus, fel knight, ex. ) and one 'minor' ( non combat/passive assist).While Leara has the ability to cast sever basic element spells these tend to draw more energy from her than her specialty spells which tend to be more evil in nature. Her more readily casted/memorized spells are.Death coil: A black bolt that causes an extreme sense of dread and weakness within its victim. Fel flame: an unnatural green fireball that burns even in water. Impact spreads the flames like oil. While the flames are extremely hot only living organically are effected. Soul snare: a channeled spell that calls for constant concentration. Causes the victim to loose some coordination and concentration while leaching a slight bit of life force. For demons the effect is nearly paralyzing after they have been weakened a fair amount. Inventory: 15g and several wanted fliers. A small satchel of various ingredients and candles used for summoning rings. A small book holding instructions for repairing her armor and sword for blacksmiths who don't already know. Backstory: Leara's family was slaughtered by a group of stray demons. A passing spell sword took her in and trained her the basics of swordplay and magic. They continued carrying out various contracts and bounties for nearly twenty years before the mans age caught up too him and he was forced to retire. Upon announcing his retirement she took up study in demonic magics until several years later when he passed on. Her studies then took her on the road as she began hunting demons in various places. After over fifty years of hunting demons she has come to Estermere after hearing whispers of an increase of activity in the area. I am more than happy to edit upon gm request ( of course) sorry for the crap bio.

Spells that affect things like emotions or concentration are impossible to implement in a freeform, so I'd recommend ditching those. Fel flame should also be altered; it's kinda BS to have an elemental skill that doesn't follow elemental traits.
If your spellbook has more spells, you should also pen out something more comprehensive.
Lastly, maybe limit summoning to like one at a time. And no summoning shit like Shub-Niggurath or other super high-end shit.

One more question before we continue, though. Why did the contracted demons agree to form a contract with a demon hunter? You should have a very good reason; people don't just team up with people who want to genocide them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NecroticCarnage


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The effects of dread would literally be up to the victem in fair rp. I don't choose how well it effects their character because that up to their persona really. One lesser demon one full demon. Their restrictions are they end up with a slight mortality. They die like anyone else would and are just banished until they recover. Non of which are really all that powerful. Lesser demons have no combat value save for an extra set of eyes. And I'm not a fan of writer vs writer anyway. I usually stick to filler enemy's and casual rp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Seeker
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I don't honestly feel like I need to change the enchantments bit for Delvin.Other than sensing magical energies through Feld, he has nothing to do against magic.At least with enchantments he has a chance to defeat spell casters with elemental powers and also keep in mind that it is situational, needing nearby resources to cast it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Seeker
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Seeker The Founded

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I don't honestly feel like I need to change the enchantments bit for Delvin.Other than sensing magical energies through Feld, he has nothing to do against magic.At least with enchantments he has a chance to defeat spell casters with elemental powers and also keep in mind that it is situational, needing nearby resources to cast it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Seeker said
Name: Delvis MagnumRace: HumanAge: 24Gender: MaleAppearance: Medium length hair that is combed down to his neck, blue sparkling eyes that reflects anyone that looks into his eyes very clearly with a hawk- like nose and a sharp face with slim features. Lean body and pale skin, Delvin stand at about 6ft tall. Unusual for his height, he's actually quite gentle to his surroundings even in combat, being careful not to hit into anything and being generally light on his feet.Clothing/Armor: Preferring lighter armour for mobility, he wears a leather jerkin that's dark blue in colour and a tunic inside for comfort. Apart from that shoulder pads and fingerless gloves and shoulder pads with leather boots. He also wears a a white hood in cities and during his journey. Strung around his back is his rucksack which is simple and nothing special. Around his waist there are several pouches most prominently one near to his left where there's an extra large one to house Felder the Skull. Weapons: Preferring to end the fight as quickly as possible, Delvis duel wield with an unusually long gladius and a dagger. He keeps his gladius which he calls "Guardian" to the right part of his waist and the dagger " dubbed Screech" close to his left near to Feld the Skull.Skills/Abilities: Skilled Fighter: Trained by mentors and experience in several mercenary jobs results in Delvin being an experienced fighter and capable of accessing his surroundings with almost a scary alertness. Aspiring Blacksmith: Delvin is able to forge a well crafted dagger to a greatly-functional sword. Throughout his journeys he has already impressed several townsfolk with his craftsmanship and ability to repair weapons in a relatively short time. Though not his own ability, Feld the skull enables him to watch into the more magical side of plane, able to detect magical energies as well as managing to harness it as his own however with no magical training, he's unable to do more that just light a fire with his finger and enchantments.Magic: Enchantments!: By focusing on his surroundings and depending on the materials and elements nearby, he can quickly enchant both his dagger and gladius with nearby elements like fire,ice,water and so on. They only last a relatively short before needing to be cast again and when can only be cast when there's sufficient resources nearby.Inventory: Gladius "Guardian" Dagger "Screech" Pouches containing rations on 5 days Water for 3 days Feld the Skull Several iron ores His hammer and chisel 3 gold coins Backstory: Delvin has always been the silent boy even when he was a toddler. His mother was even worried that he was mute and tried to get him to talk to other boys but Delvin didn't seem to care. All he ever cared about was adventuring out exploring caves and learning more about the world outside of the tiny town near Fullforge Keep. He would often venture there to see the dwarfs mining and forging weapons and armours. He eventually built the nerve to speak with one of the dwarfs, asking him if he could learn how to forge a weapon. When the dwarf asked him why he wanted to learn the art of forging, it made Delvin think for 3 days before coming back and answering the dwarf" Because you can be the creator of something, something to be proud of what your creation can strive to do and accomplished through your own arms.". The dwarf impressed with his answer, teached him the ways of the forge . When he was 17, he was on his way to his lessons before a noise from a cave stopped him in his tracks. It sounded like human voices and being curious, he entered the cave. The cave looked ancient and worn, with no one stepped in for a possible thousand years until he noticed 2 sets of footprints leading deeper into the cave. He follwed them into the dead end of the cave and there he found his future companion Feld the Skull.Delvin wasn't scared of most thing, even a skull but what did scared him was when the skull started talking and when the voice belonged to Feld, the dwarf who taught him how to forge. He was taken aback and asked what happened. Feld explained that a necromancer wanted a dwarf as an experiment for his research and ,long story short, managed to lure Feld into this cave and killed him. The spell backed into the necromancer however and his body disintegrated with Feld's soul entering into the necromancer's skull. Delvin then was absolute and was determined to find a way to get Feld back his dwarfen body and so set off to a journey where he met several people that managed to gain his trust, fought together with him and trained him to the fighter he is together. 7 years has passed since that incident however and he's still nowhere close to returning Feld to his body but a small part of him wished Feld to stay together with him, even Feld wished to stay with Delvin forever as well.

This is actually pretty decent. You're good.

Also, I think by long gladius, you mean the spatha. It's a cavalry sword that eventually evolved into cruciform swords. Neither were typically used alongside a dagger, but it's a fantasy game so I'll throw you a bone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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NecroticCarnage said
The effects of dread would literally be up to the victem in fair rp. I don't choose how well it effects their character because that up to their persona really. One lesser demon one full demon. Their restrictions are they end up with a slight mortality. They die like anyone else would and are just banished until they recover. Non of which are really all that powerful. Lesser demons have no combat value save for an extra set of eyes. And I'm not a fan of writer vs writer anyway. I usually stick to filler enemy's and casual rp.

You haven't even explained what a "minor" demon is. Demons in general tend to all be major threats in the first place.
You also failed to explain why any demon would choose to form a contract in which they serve a demon hunter, one in which they apparently gain nothing and there are no drawbacks on the hunter's behalf, which A) isn't a contract, and B) makes no damn sense.
And instead of listing a small pool (because there are oh so many types of demons each with their own abilities, traits, and skills, I could spend hours detailing them all), it implies you just summon whatever's convenient.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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I'm afraid I have to ask again, Bee. When are we reaching Elric's house? Not like I don't enjoy our little walks, it's just we can only hope that we will do something of any note soon as oppose to me keep repeating my disbelief at your character's savagery.

Edit: Also the text on the main page that says "I'm aware of the Guild's issues right now. I'm working on it." seriously gives me headache. Stahp!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

IncredibleBee said
You haven't even explained what a "minor" demon is. Demons in general tend to all be major threats in the first place.You also failed to explain why any demon would choose to form a contract in which they , one in which they apparently gain nothing and there are no drawbacks on the hunter's behalf, which A) isn't a contract, and B) makes no damn sense.And instead of listing a small pool (because there are oh so many types of demons each with their own abilities, traits, and skills, I could spend hours detailing them all), it implies you just summon whatever's convenient.

This exactly.
Do you mean to say that the spell being cast on a coward is far more effective than it being cast on some legendary war hero? What's the point?
An auxillary and a legate go into a battle. Both put up a good fight, but eventually the auxillary runs away when a large legion of veterans charge his position. The Legate tries to see them off, but is pushed back and forced to leg it (Legate, geddit?) when the enemies commander appears and makes a move for him. Both sides ran away, both experienced fear, but it is the different types of fear that made them retreat, and in different doses. One gave in because a large number of superior foes attacked, but the other ran because a lone superior foe attacked. Is the auxillary braver? But the legate stayed on longer. Does experience count? What sort of fear do you feel?
There is no catch-all for brave people and cowards. Different people respond to different stimuluses in the same way. If you cast that spell on someone who is terrified of spiders, then on someone who is scared of heights, does it affect them differently? Why? How?
Any which way, Fear effects are akin to mind control which is banned. No fear spells, please.
As for the summoning issue, Bee has hit the nail bang on the head. Why would demons agree to help their hunter? What's in it for them?
Look at my three 'summons'. I have Ghosts, Wraiths and Revenants. They all have a specific class, abilities and effects - it is clear what is being called if I cast a summoning spell. This also limits me and forces me to choose - A Wraith is stronger, a Ghost won't attack my allies and I might need that corpse later. You, by contrast, have a 'deus ex machina'. You need a strong fighter - go, Demon Knight! Need a sniper - I choose you, Storm Attronach! There is no end to the possibilities and armies at your disposal.
To reiterate a previous point, I can have Ghosts, Wraiths and Revenants. That's it. No Banshees, Poltergeists, Gloom Wraiths, Liches, Zombies, Skeletons or other such undead fiends. You, by contrast, have every mid-to-low level demon available. It's not specific enough at all.
To paraphrase a point put to me earlier, a character who can summon to creatures at a time - an immense task, even for two low-level summons - with an awesome book and god-like spells seems like an end goal, not a starting character. Play a novice, not an archmage. Start with a relatively weak character and build up.
Your character's level is too damn high!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Feigling said
This exactly. Do you mean to say that the spell being cast on a coward is far more effective than it being cast on some legendary war hero? What's the point?An auxillary and a legate go into a battle. Both put up a good fight, but eventually the auxillary runs away when a large legion of veterans charge his position. The Legate tries to see them off, but is pushed back and forced to leg it (Legate, geddit?) when the enemies commander appears and makes a move for him. Both sides ran away, both experienced fear, but it is the different types of fear that made them retreat, and in different doses. One gave in because a large number of superior foes attacked, but the other ran because a lone superior foe attacked. Is the auxillary braver? But the legate stayed on longer. Does experience count? What sort of fear do you feel?There is no catch-all for brave people and cowards. Different people respond to different stimuluses in the same way. If you cast that spell on someone who is terrified of spiders, then on someone who is scared of heights, does it affect them differently? Why? How?Any which way, Fear effects are akin to mind control which is banned. No fear spells, please.As for the summoning issue, Bee has hit the nail bang on the head. Why would demons agree to help their hunter? What's in it for them?Look at my three 'summons'. I have Ghosts, Wraiths and Revenants. They all have a specific class, abilities and effects - it is clear what is being called if I cast a summoning spell. This also limits me and forces me to choose - A Wraith is stronger, a Ghost won't attack my allies and I might need that corpse later. You, by contrast, have a 'deus ex machina'. You need a strong fighter - go, Demon Knight! Need a sniper - I choose you, Storm Attronach! There is no end to the possibilities and armies at your disposal.To reiterate a previous point, I can have Ghosts, Wraiths and Revenants. That's it. No Banshees, Poltergeists, Gloom Wraiths, Liches, Zombies, Skeletons or other such undead fiends. You, by contrast, have every mid-to-low level demon available. It's not specific enough at all.To paraphrase a point put to me earlier, a character who can summon to creatures at a time - an immense task, even for two low-level summons - with an awesome book and god-like spells seems like an end goal, not a starting character. Play a novice, not an archmage. Start with a relatively weak character and build up. Your character's level is too damn high!

It's not that the level's too high, it's mostly that it's really vague and leads too easily to deus ex machina.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

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There we go! Got IC stuff for everyone.

I have not done the Church just yet, because... reasons. Yes. Let's go with that. But I got every other scene for the characters at hand. The background scenes not directly relating to you fellows will happen as well.

But if I did that now, it'd be a lot more reading stuff. And typing from my end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Welcome to the crew then, Seeker. Let's hope you play Delvin's cards right!

...and is it just me, or does excessive swooning occur with the way Wyvern so skilfully creates and controls NPCs off a whim. No? Just me? I...see.
Props to you though, you do it well!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Seeker
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Seeker The Founded

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Woo great, I hope to have a great time role-playing with you guys! :)
Now can anyone summarise what you guys are doing right now like maybe someone's kidnapped or demon invasion or whatevs and I'll think of something that will get Delvin and Feld involve in it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

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Well, right now, Remington and his homies are members of the Estermere town militia bought over to the Nisceni Empire. Currently, they have captured Elric, a barber-surgeon who has in his possession various medical papers that contain revolutionary discoveries invaluable to Nisceni.

However, the plan above is plan B. Plan A was that, last night in the RP, anothoer Nisceni agent called Jel the gnoll commanded a giant hyena called Grushtov to rampage through Estermere to provide a distraction to gain the papers, Remington being his accomplice. But Grushtov and his master were eventually dispatched by Elric, James the knight, and Tira the gnome alchemist. A nearby gnoll tribe is being questioned on if Jel belonged to them, with a reply disproving so.

(Note: I have edited out the Nisceni invasion for purposes explained later.)

PMed you, Wyvern.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Remington/Estermerean Guard Concept:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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As for lesser characters doing their own thing:

At the Astronomer's guild, a half-elf traveller who has just arrived to our little town of Estermere and a half-orc scholar were exchanging information about how the elf could get taught there, which is what he's always wanted. Let's call him Trafalgar. The half-orc scholar's name I've forgotten. <<" Sorry Wyvern. Anyway, another half-orc, called Shork, (who is besties with my chara Corinne) joins them, surprised that the rumours of a half-elf scholar in Estermere are true, and just generally welcoming the half-elf as well because he knows how it is to be ill-treated by the fullbloods. They all bond and exchange information with the scholar about the guild.

A full elf, Corinne, and a half elf, Julia, just met at the remains of the tavern from the destruction by the Jel the gnoll and his ugly rabid dog pet thing the night before, where Julia had just arrived to the town at as well. Corinne was there to pick up her uncle, who had passed out by...a certain someone's doing. *AHEM TRAFALGAR* the night before. She was just checking if he was okay, because he was in one of the rooms upstairs and she left the tavern in a hurry to see where the gnoll and his pet's rampage led to, which happened to be Elric's home. Regardless, the two ladies meet, and they walk towards the smithy, and nearby also happens to be one of the more shadier taverns, The Hunters' Den. or more simply, The Den. They speak leisurely, Corinne, Julia and Corinne's uncle Sebastian Vaudrey, who happens to be a half-elf. So he's kind of her half-uncle, since her mother shares only a mother with the man. His father was human, and hers was elven.
Anyway, they reach the smithy, part ways with Julia there who heads to The Den. Corinne finds her love interest, the blacksmith Rowan's son, is not at the forge at the moment and chooses to sit and wait for him there. Both to see him and to ask him about some fruity rumours.
Uncle Seb is just having a good old time with Rowan.

Note: Elric the barber surgeon has a huge hole in the side of his house. In his house currently, we have Remmington, dealing with a little girl there who thinks his study is a playroom and is absolutely adorable and has no idea Remmy is...well, not what he seems at least, and helps him unknowingly to the best of her ability, but for someone her age it's not very...good. Also note, she's a vampire. She cannot leave the house. Her father however, James, has.gone out to scout the city and left her in Elric's care. Elric...well, at the moment, happens to be knocked out by some guards and taken from the house. Tirarian is currently in pursuit of the guard possessing him, who is called Mimsy, and James panics and makes for the house to check if his daughter's safe.
And who knows if she is, with Remmy being so close by and his temper being this short...

And in other news, a little 'demon girl' as they call her in the poorer part of the city, Harkness Street, was being harassed by the public, and she lost her cool and her ghost summoning powers manifested, and she scared everyone off and they think she's a witch and they're going to take her to church to 'purify' her again and make her repent for her sins and devil worship. Her name is Liesel. She's very quiet, but also very quaint. She spends a lot of time tending to the graveyards. Currently there are no active characters interacting with her, save NPCs. Perhaps Delvin would like to be her knight in shining armour, and tell the townsfolk to back off because she's just a child?
Note, she's unworldly pale. I don't know if he'd notice that off the bat.

Oh, and a high-elven missus is in the city as well, another traveller I'd suppose, and she's a demon hunter and came because of the high level of demon activity she heard of in the area. (Does this mean we'll have Liesel-Leara interaction soon? 'You're the demon?' 'No I'm no-' 'QUIET. BE GONE.') And she's trying to make a name for herself there. Though cleverly enough, she's actually a demon tool herself and made some sort of blood ritual pact with them and basically she has green eyes and is 2sp00py4me but also bewitchingly beautiful. Like all elves.

And SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW on gnollish plains, Ark the gnoll is being interrogated about his tribe because of the attack the night before by a dwarf and two pretty pissed humans but they figure out he captured a dark elf (elves tend to go hunting a lot, my chara Corinne is a hunter herself) who had wounded one of his tribe members, and they took him in and found out something wasn't quite right with him and so they are proceeding to claim Ark and his pack innocent. I think they also offer him a peaceful citizenship so long as they keep at bay with attacks and no elves are meant to hurt them ever.

So... (TL;DR)

Available characters and interactions:
Julia at The Den, currently probably rethinking her options and gulping because they're a rowdy bunch.
Corinne at the smithy, waiting for her lover from wherever he's gone out. Hopefully Wyvern hasn't killed him off yet. I'll skin him if he has.
Liesel at Harkness Street, being harassed by the people of the town in the area/
Leara at ??? location, dealing with a rat demon infestation, if I'm not mistaken.
Ark the gnoll, who is currently being interrogated by a dwarven member of Estermere guard about the attack last night. Has nothing to do with it. A dark elf discovered in his mitts. Will you be passing through gnollish plains in order to meet with this gnoll and the conversation happening here?

Shork and Trafalgar at the Astronomer's guild, talking to a scholar and discussing general magic and abilities.
Elric is knocked out, but he should be back soon enough. Tirarian the gnome is in hot pursuit of his captor. You could join.
James Hawthorne the human knight, currently rushing home to meet with his daughter Anya and make sure she's safe, though she prolly isn't with guard Remington so close by.

Have I forgotten anyone? Hope not. Hope this helps you see where to jump in!
god it's a matriarchy my fair ladies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rainmaker


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sorry about not responding yesterday, I didn't really have internet. I'll write up a post today!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Seeker
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Seeker The Founded

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I decided to let Delvin save Liesel but since he's not sure if a demon possessed her or if its a shapeshifter, he's gonna wait and see what happens before acting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The funny part is I intended my character to be male. but switched genders due to the RP being almost completely devoid of female characters.
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