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The effects of dread would literally be up to the victem in fair rp. I don't choose how well it effects their character because that up to their persona really. One lesser demon one full demon. Their restrictions are they end up with a slight mortality. They die like anyone else would and are just banished until they recover. Non of which are really all that powerful. Lesser demons have no combat value save for an extra set of eyes. And I'm not a fan of writer vs writer anyway. I usually stick to filler enemy's and casual rp.
~"please"~ Leara snapped out of focus as the woman cried out. Her attention now became drawn to the human before her as well as the small child, The scene itself allot enough to make her smile or even cry. It had been so long yet that one vent still bothered her.
"I'm not here to hurt anyone" Leara stated this coldly and stepped past the woman. As Leara neared a set of barrels the noise stopped suddenly. Leara knew her presence had been noticed by it now, she would ether be attacked or it would run. She took one more step toward the barrels when it bolted out and across into the street. Leara stood frozen in place her eyes wide with fear, No one told me about these things here, this place will end up killing me.
Here eyes still wide with fear Leara slowly turned too the woman who was now staring in confusion. Staking a deep breath Leara shakily spoke " W-why are your rats so big?" The woman just continued her confused look unable to answer as Leara walked past her and back into the street. Leara was now unnerved and one thing was for certain that you don't hunt when your mind is unbalanced. Leara sighed now walking with a faster pace she had a destination. She needed a drink.
Leara walked the streets of the lower end hopeing to catch wind of any activity the pecked her interest. She had not found a particular job for the area but if she could stir up a few fledglings hiding in the shadows she may be able to drum some business up. One of the tactics she had been taught by him was if no work was readily available do it for free, let them see what your worth before asking for gold. As always her presence drew the unwanted eyes of leering men and scoffing wives. It wasn't offer however that a man would actually approach her without stopping dead in their tracks after seeing her eyes. In fact it was more Lilly that they would attack her first, but that hadn't happened for a few weeks now.

Her plate boots dug into the dirt as she stopped dead in her tracks and turned to hear what she thought to be demons chattering. A woman holder her baby now stood before her frozen in fear as Leara turned to her. But Leara was not even aware the woman was there anymore, her attention was fixated farther past.
Name: Leara Si'Loren

Race: High Elven

Race Description: the high elves are bred to be considered royalty among their own kind(even if they don't actually have royal blood). Higher senses, more agile reflexes, and over all better physical looks. Most of her race tend to favor more artistic or political professions.

Age: 112 ( human looks of an early 20 year old)

Leara's most distinguishing characteristics are firstly her elvish beauty and then her green eyes which glow with an unnatural light. ( eyes are a side effect of making deals with demons)

Clothing/Armor: A mix of plate and chain mail custom designed for ease of movement. While unable to strictly be considered good protection the armor protects areas she tends to forget about in fights. Her gauntlets are tipped and sharpened to allow for use as a weapon in desperation or if the opportunity calls for it.

Weapons: A serrated short sword kept at her right hip. Often when used is enchanted with demonic taints to assist with demons. An old spell book is chained to her left hip. The pages appear tattered yet don't fall out or tear even when attempted to shake them loose. Sever tabs can be seen sticking out as if for quick referencing.

Skills/Abilities: well practiced hand to hand, excellent one handed sword, moderate two handed skill, and basic combat tactics. Several magical spells and summons she gains through her professional demon hunting.

Magic: Leara's book holds various casting spells and demonic 'contracts' as well as schematics for summoning circles and weapon taints.
Only two demons may ever be present at one time due to her own limitations. One 'major' demon (succubus, fel knight, ex. ) and one 'minor' ( non combat/passive assist).
While Leara has the ability to cast sever basic element spells these tend to draw more energy from her than her specialty spells which tend to be more evil in nature.
Her more readily casted/memorized spells are.
Death coil: A black bolt that causes an extreme sense of dread and weakness within its victim.
Fel flame: an unnatural green fireball that burns even in water. Impact spreads the flames like oil. While the flames are extremely hot only living organically are effected.
Soul snare: a channeled spell that calls for constant concentration. Causes the victim to loose some coordination and concentration while leaching a slight bit of life force. For demons the effect is nearly paralyzing after they have been weakened a fair amount.

Inventory: 15g and several wanted fliers. A small satchel of various ingredients and candles used for summoning rings. A small book holding instructions for repairing her armor and sword for blacksmiths who don't already know.

Backstory: Leara's family was slaughtered by a group of stray demons. A passing spell sword took her in and trained her the basics of swordplay and magic. They continued carrying out various contracts and bounties for nearly twenty years before the mans age caught up too him and he was forced to retire. Upon announcing his retirement she took up study in demonic magics until several years later when he passed on. Her studies then took her on the road as she began hunting demons in various places. After over fifty years of hunting demons she has come to Estermere after hearing whispers of an increase of activity in the area.

I am more than happy to edit upon gm request ( of course) sorry for the crap bio.
This where I post my character bio? And I read a little back too see what was going down. Demons? That's an honest qoincidence. (I spell that right?)
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