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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tirarian's eyes narrowed. "Is this all life is to you? Calculated, 'kill a man here and everyone will fear me.' I can see why your sigil is a hound."
She sighed. "There is no point in dwelling on it. You did 'the right thing'," she made the sentence sound bitter, "You are just carrying a bucket of blood around in public, we could be associated with a certain crime you know."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"What crime?" James asked. "This is pig's blood from the butcher. I got it because I was in the mood for a black pudding."

He waited a moment, then added, "It's a family recipe though, so I can't share."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Shisa Rival Character

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Anya nodded, and immediately began looking for the book that Remington wanted. "Sir Jerry" with some numbers tacked on. It sounded like a series of books about knights! Perfect to read to a sick friend. Mister Elric's buddy really was kind and considerate.

"I'll check the book case at the end and work back," announced Anya, climbing on the thing so that she could get a good look at the top. She would find 'Sir Jerry', and then join Mister Elric and his friend for a day of heroic knight stories like the ones her papa told. She wondered if she was allowed to bring snacks.

"Can I have snacks, mister Elric's friend?" asked Anya, wobbling slightly on the shelf.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NecroticCarnage


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Leara walked the streets of the lower end hopeing to catch wind of any activity the pecked her interest. She had not found a particular job for the area but if she could stir up a few fledglings hiding in the shadows she may be able to drum some business up. One of the tactics she had been taught by him was if no work was readily available do it for free, let them see what your worth before asking for gold. As always her presence drew the unwanted eyes of leering men and scoffing wives. It wasn't offer however that a man would actually approach her without stopping dead in their tracks after seeing her eyes. In fact it was more Lilly that they would attack her first, but that hadn't happened for a few weeks now.

Her plate boots dug into the dirt as she stopped dead in her tracks and turned to hear what she thought to be demons chattering. A woman holder her baby now stood before her frozen in fear as Leara turned to her. But Leara was not even aware the woman was there anymore, her attention was fixated farther past.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by annalynne_d


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Their conversation was brief, yet pleasant during their travels. "By the name of my father, I, Sebastian Vaudrey, swear not to let a traveller spend on good liquor. I must treat you to a drink, my lady. It would only be fair. You should spend your coin wisely, the roads can be rather harsh mistresses.", Sebastian carried on. “I am fairly good on harsh roads, sir, but we shall see then, when the time comes.”, Julia replied, her lips curling into a small grin.

Her attentions swiftly turned to Corinne as she spoke, a careful and curious gaze upon the elf’s features. “Please, just call me Julia, or ‘Jules’. I am no lady, just a sell sword wandering the roads.”, she says quietly, her gaze darting towards the ground as she finished her sentence. “That being said, I believe you are right in this instance. Your kindness is more than enough payment.”. Julia seemed a bit more reserved as they continued on from this point, pulling her hood over her head, just enough to hide her magnificent blue eyes from Corinne, considering her view from atop the horse. As she dismounted though, they would’ve been easy enough to see. Julia nodded slowly as the girl gave her directions to The Den, her gaze drifting up to the sky a moment, curious about the flash of light. Upon inspection, Corinne would notice how the brightness of her hair and eyes seemed to contrast her pale skin, the circles under her eyes seeming to denote a lack of sleep - to match that with the dirt under her fingernails and the dirt that covered her boots, though her demeanor seemed to lighten a bit.

“I thank you again for your kindness, and will keep your advice in mind. And about your uncle, you can trust that I would do just that. After all, isn't that what drinking partners are for?" She grins mischievously, offering a wink before she turns on her heels. She starts for the forge, glancing around at the various tools.

Detaching her sword from its place on her back, she inspected it for a moment before presenting it to Rowan. The polished silver pommel was shaped into a dragon's head, the hilt was bound with a red cord. The sword was definitely in need of repairs, dull and scratched, even chipped in places, blood stained the etched markings within the blade, but it was certainly a masterful sword, forged from the finest steel. "My apologies, sir. I don't mean to interrupt. May I leave this for repairs, I'll come by and pick it up tomorrow." She hefts the sword up, carefully placing it on the table with a nod. "Thank you" she adds politely. All ready to leave, Julia tugs lightly on the tip of her hood as she dips her head towards Corinne and Sebastian "Thank you again, for the directions and the company".

And with that, she turned to head for The Hunters' Den, ready for whatever was next to come. She was after all, a hunter, in some sense of the word. Perhaps this would be a better fit for her. And with the hopes of finding some good whiskey and a comfortable rest, she marched on, seemingly with a bit more ease, lacking the burden of such a large sword. "I wonder what that flash of light was about", she said, glancing up at the sky every now and then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NecroticCarnage


Member Offline since relaunch

~"please"~ Leara snapped out of focus as the woman cried out. Her attention now became drawn to the human before her as well as the small child, The scene itself allot enough to make her smile or even cry. It had been so long yet that one vent still bothered her.
"I'm not here to hurt anyone" Leara stated this coldly and stepped past the woman. As Leara neared a set of barrels the noise stopped suddenly. Leara knew her presence had been noticed by it now, she would ether be attacked or it would run. She took one more step toward the barrels when it bolted out and across into the street. Leara stood frozen in place her eyes wide with fear, No one told me about these things here, this place will end up killing me.
Here eyes still wide with fear Leara slowly turned too the woman who was now staring in confusion. Staking a deep breath Leara shakily spoke " W-why are your rats so big?" The woman just continued her confused look unable to answer as Leara walked past her and back into the street. Leara was now unnerved and one thing was for certain that you don't hunt when your mind is unbalanced. Leara sighed now walking with a faster pace she had a destination. She needed a drink.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Outside the Astronomer's Guild
Rovtar glanced up as the sky flashed, as he grinned a most satisfactory grin. "That is the Vor'groth, well at least in Orcish tongue, Constellation! Sages of the Assorted Clans say that when it lights up, it is a sign from Ilneval, that the Orcish Clans who wield his banner will gain much success in war and get to bathe in the blood of all who oppose the Orcs. It is a rather lucky sign, and we..." He gestured to Shork, and smiled, "Are lucky to see it." He kept his murky yellow fangs bared, as he turned back to Trafalgar, as he mentioned he'd like to see his mentor. "All you need are the clothes on your back and an open mind." Glancing back at Shork, "Would you care to see my mentor as well?"
Smith's Smithy.
Rowan continued banging on the molten ingot as he was carefully finishing up the horseshoe. He raised his right eyebrow as he looked up at the sky, just after the flash occurred. "No, I don't see anything." Bang. Then Julia left her blade and headed off. Rowan turned towards her and shouted, "As long as you pay the proper amount of coins! I can make sure you'd get it back." He grabbed the tongs again as he dunked the hot iron in a lengthy horizontal trow, filled with water, as it created a loud hiss and bellowed with steam.

Rowan pulled it out and set it on his work bench as he glanced at Corinne, and smiled, creating noticeable wrinkles around his face which helped draw attention to some missing teeth. "Ben'll be back fairly soon if that's why you came." Rowan smirked as he glanced at Sebastian."Seb!" He quickly approached the man and embraced him in a bear hug, before quickly releasing and stepping back. "Oh yeah, I got the last horseshoe finished up fo..." Rowan scratched at his his chin as he tried to recall who this order was for, "Oh right, one of the Guardsmen. Ah, but how've ya been? I've been up to the same old, same old, working at the forge, grabbing some ale, getting nagged out by the wife, getting nagged out by my boy... grabbing more ale, working at the forge and so on." Rowan shook his head as he chuckled, "But well, that's life for ya."
South End of Estermere
Mimsy was carrying Elric for, well he wasn't sure how long, but he felt a nagging feeling at the back of his head. He glanced around as he noticed very confused and worried citizens watching him, "OH! Elric! Dear friend, why did this have to happen to you!?" He declared as that nagging feeling came back to his mind as he wandered past a nearby back alley. Mimsy, there is a time and a place for ever- ARE YOU CARRYING A HOSTAGE OUT IN PUBLIC AGAIN!? For... Damn it Mimsy! Get a sack or something! He thought, as his face contorted into a sour grimace.

"Oh jeez, boss is right!" Mimsy quickly went into the back alley, that was in between two nondescript buildings. In the distance he saw some people. Oh jeez. he thought to himself worried about being caught after coming so far. However, peering to the side he noticed an old burlap sack laying against one of the buildings. Mimsy smiled, resisting the urge to whistle out a tune, as he took Elric off, and shoved him in the sack, which was followed by a loud thump, alongside the gathered items the Boss's Boss told him to get. He grabbed the bag back up and held it with both hands.
Gnoll Village
The Dwarf nodded as Ark talked about how people would cheer bringing death to Gnolls. "Yes... That's what I am most curious about. And most likely they are." He glanced at the coin-purse and tossed it towards the Human female. "Hold onto it." The Human Male glanced at Ark, "You'll do no-" The Dwarf raised his hand, "He brought us the information, and it has dealt with his tribe. You know how I feel about Clan Matters..." The man grumbled, as the Dwarf peered at Ark. "You can enter the village. ... In chains, while working under my authority."

The human male glanced at the Dwarf in shock, "Y-you can't be serious!?" The Dwarf smirked, "What better beast to hunt a Gnoll than a Gnoll?" The Dwarf glanced at Ark'kruy'ek, "Now then, if you will be working with us, which would be in your interests, you should damn well memorize our names." The dwarf stuck out his thumb as he pointed at his chest, "Rihar Stonegut." He gestured towards the Human male, "Randolf Rogers." Then he gestured towards the Human Female, "Cateline Northbridge."

Rihar paused, "Now then, do you wish to find the culprit behind the attack of your village?"
Harkness Street.
Jeoffry chuckled, along a few of the crowd, who did not remain silent. "You better get back to that graveyard of yours. Don't want to miss the message from the clergy." The woman who calmed down Jeoffry, glanced around the crowd as she whistled, "As citizens it is our duty to inform the priesthood of what we have seen." They all nodded in union, as she thrust her hand out, and led them from Harkness Street, and to the Church of Pelor.

The street quickly became empty, except for a few inhabitants of the area, who wearily eyed the creature that had performed such blasphemy in the area. Behind where the crowd was, there was a boy of five who was snivveling, as tears and boogers mixed as he produced bubbles with it. He was sitting in the lap of an older woman who had a rather wiry frame, frizzled hair, and caked in mud and grime. She began cooing to the child, "Sssh... everything will be okay my little bird." The boy continued crying, as he plunged his head in the woman's chest,the sobs being muffled by the grimy tunic she wore. "Everything will be okay..." She said while stroking the boy's head lovingly.
Elric's Abode.
Remington continued his search through Elric's annoyingly large collection of books. Why couldn't he just have the ones I needed!? He thought to himself. He was reaching over and checking the spine of a book as the child asked for snacks. "AFTER, you find the book sure." He said. Why do I have to deal with this brat? Come on you little twerp find the book I need so I can leave, and check up on Mimsy and see if he screwed up at any point in the process. He thought to himself.

Once the job was done though, he'd get quite a bit of gold, and that was the one thing that truly mattered.
Hunter's Den
Julia was easily able to find the Hunter's Den as she followed the directions given to her by Corinne. It was a dark building, made of brick. Out on the side of the building a wooden sign flew back and forth in the wind. It had 'Den' written on it in black, and underneath was a carved picture of a cave, with some small red eyes visible from the inside. From the outside the bar sounded rather rowdy. This would be confirmed to be the case, as from the front door a man was flung out, through the rickety, swing open doors. As the human man's head curved back from the strike, chunks of teeth and blood sprayed back as his head slammed down onto the cobble-pathed path below.

"THAT'S WHATCHA GET FOR TRYING TO STEAL MY WOMAN!" A, surprisingly high-pitched voiced declared. It was not the voice of a woman, but of some man who appeared to not have his voice grow out of boyhood. The individual who made the declaration quickly returned back into the tavern, as quick as he yelled out the message. The man on the ground though, well he was still there. He had dark brown hair, a freshly received black eye around his left eye, a large chunk of hair torn out on the right side of his head. He was dressed in tanned leather, from his torso to his toes. There was a small dink, as a broken knife was tossed just to the side of the man. He groaned out in agony, somehow still conscious despite the beating he received.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tirarian froze, unsure of what she just saw. She nudged James
"Was that thug just carrying someone out in public?"
She blinked and didn't wait for a response
"And am I going crazy, or was that Elric? Why would anyone want to kidnap Elric? And more importantly what does that mean for your daughter back at his place?"
She looked over at the knight, unsure of how he would react
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"What it means is bad for all involved. We're splitting. Tail the bag-man." James whispered, increasing his speed.
"I'll take the house."

The knight grit his teeth, and walked forward at an almost normal pace, waiting until he'd passed Mimsy to run, then to sprint. He wasn't supposed to let it happen again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The knight was off before the gnome could stop him. She inwardly cursed, how was she supposed to follow someone at her height?
She grabbed her sword from her cart and set off after him, with the intention of confronting him. Luckily the streets weren't too busy today, so she could follow him and if she needed to, take a shot at him. Perhaps she could convince him she was here to help him 'escort' Erlic with the cart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Seeker
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Seeker The Founded

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The wind flutter through his white hood as he walks with long strides towards the small town of Estermere, it has been a while since he had any contact with any townsfolk though he most certainly wasn't alone during his journey. Almost in response, an unusually large pouch strapped to his left waist suddenly rattled and spout out "Oy, Delvin me lad are we there yet?'

Delvin quickly tapped the pouch and whispered "Be quite Zeld, people don't take kindly to others carrying skulls of dead people, especially one's who talks like a dwarf that is only a day old." The skull chuckled at the little dig by the feisty boy. "You don't need to answer, I can see through the pouch, nice town eh? Hopefully we get to sit and drink, and by we I mean you since me bowels are long gone." said Feld the Skull. Delvin rolled his eyes and quickly walk towards a tavern called "The Jolly Hippogriff". A merry place commented by the skull before receiving another tap by Delvin, he walked over to the owner of the establishment who said his name was Pucksy. He asked the dwarf if he has heard of anyone seeking mercenary jobs or possibly a powerful mage passing by. Unfortunately both seem to be in short supply however he did hear that a "demon girl" is about to be purified in the church for her evil powers. Thanking the dwarf he quickly made his way to an empty alleyway before consulting with Zeld

"A demon girl that terrorised the townsfolk? A bit far-fetched if you ask me, but we should make sure if it's really a demon possessed her." Zeld commented
"Well said, we'll go visit the church then and see what we can do." Delvin said as he make his ways towards the church and waiting to see what happens before he would act.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rainmaker


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Aye, I would." Shork smiled back at the scholar, before looking up and getting a better look at the flashing constellation above him, his lips curving into a grin that revealed his fangs which seemed to be in similar shape as Rovtar's. "Heh... Vor'groth. I saw it once before, I think, before I found Estermere. I'll admit to you, i didn't grow up in an Orcish clan, and I know very little of my own culture. All I know is from those few half-orc and orc travellers that I met on my travels, those that were willing to talk rather than fight or try and rob me... but of those that did, many of them would speak of their Gods, and that their day would come." The hunter looked back at his fellow half-breed and let out a deep laugh - Ilneval was a deity of war, this much he knew, and though he agreed that it was a lucky sign, he could care less for a war - especially not after all the.work he did trying to be accepted in the community. Relationships between orcs and their breed and humans were tense enough as it was, Shork thought, and while many orcs and half-orcs seemed to not be completely opposed to taking their place in the world by force, he always thought that trying to join their communities in a friendly way was better. At least ever since he experienced how friendly humans could be first-hand - if that hadn't happened, the half-orc pondered, he might still think the same, that they would have to carve their place out violently.
"From what I heard, Ilneval can be a cruel master, but he cares for his own, and he rewards the courageous. Though believe me, I don't hope for a war between orcs and others. Ah well... seems like today is a good day after all... let's see your mentor, Rovtar."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ark'kruy'ek growled a bit when he heard the word 'chains' come from the dwarfs mouth. Ark'kruy'ek let out a sigh. He knew that when he got back he would have to fight to prove he was still the one that should be leading. "Fine....but no collar and no muzzle. I'm not taking off armor either. I need it in case people be ignorant." Ark'kruy'ek then let out a chuckle at the dwarf. "I do want to find culprit. But why does something tell me you do too?" Ark'kruy'ek thought for a bit. "Rihar. No chains till close to the village. I only go to where incident happened...nowhere else." Ark'kruy'ek looked at Randolf. "You lost family and friends to Gnolls....didn't you? You can't hide it. Even girl showed more tolerance. You think you the only one to suffer? What about my friends...my family? Their death by you people caused the raids. Intolerance seems like a practice you enjoy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

South End of Estermere.

Mimsy was smiling a most cheerful expression, much like a puppy who did a good job. Boss's Boss is gonna be real, real happy when I get there! He said as he carried the sack under his hands, cradling it, as he walked out of the alley, and into the streets proper again. I can just imagine what Boss would say, 'Mooooooooney.... aaaaaahhh....' as he would roll around in the money his boss would give him, while completely ignoring me.

As Mimsy began heading closer to the edge of town, he checked from side to side, and behind. He did not notice the Gnome that was trailing him, because Gnomes were short, and Mimsy was a large burly man. And all the other citizens of Estermere were dealing with their own activities. Though unlike when he was kidnapping Elric out completely in the open, they weren't looking at him in a worried fashion, or in a confused fashion. They fell for my ingenious ploy! Yay! Mimsy thought as the grin occurred on his face. And as he was passing by, he noticed another Guardsman, Guardsman Ferris who whistled towards him.

"Hey! Apparently some people say you were taking Elric, or something? You match the description." Ferris inquired, as he reached towards his shortsword. I must rely on all my cunning to get away and not disappoint the boss! OR Boss's Boss! Mimsy shook his head, "Oh no, this is a sack of potatoes." The inside of the sack began squirming, Elric must have regained consciousness. "MAGIC Potatoes." Mimsy said as peered to the nearby landscape out of the town, and as the sack fell towards the ground as Mimsy was distracted by how close he was to success.
Elric's Abode.

James did attract many a glance as the plate-armored knight sprinted off to Elric's. Other than that, nothing else particularly happened and he reached his destination.
Astronomer's Guild

Rovtar paid much attention as Shork talked about his own upbringing and of Ilneval. Nodding Rovtar spoke, "Grew up in the Howlblade Clan myself. My mother was acquired by my father to be part of his personal concubine." Rovtar began rubbing his left temple, "I believe he had seven at the most. Anyway, he'd let the concubines keep one child as long as they didn't revolt or try to escape. I was one of those children. And when father didn't demand them for services, they'd all share duties in raising us." Rovtar shook his head, "Ah, I could go on, but I think you'd rather meet my mentor."

Rovtar opened the oaken doors of the Astronomer Guild as he led the two inside the first section of the building. Immediately inside to both the left and the right there were several bookshelves that were levitating in place and spinning around bright blue crystals. Their was a bit of tapestry, as large banners hanged ach of them were detailing a series of stars and constellations. "My mentor, if I know her right is most likely out in the Courtyard." Rovtar quickly went through the building, passing by some spiraling stairways, and by a class of the youth being taught principle mathematics. Well the ones who could afford the fee that is. Rovtar paused, as he noticed that, his mentor was taking another Guild Member's shift in tutoring the children and stayed behind.

Ashera smiled at the group of children assembled, "... And that is how you do division. Class dismissed, you may go out and play." The children all shrieked in a happy yay, as they ran out to the courtyard. Ashera brushed a few strands of her blonde hair which was beginning to grow grey, as she swayed to Rovtar with an air of nobility, with something else, upon her.
She was dressed in red silken robes, that were gilded with a dash of bronze. She stood at five feet and six inches, and had noticeable crows feet around her eyes which looked like they were treated, but it failed to do the result. Rovtar gave a courteous nod and handed over his research papers. Ashera thumbed through them, as her crimson red nails marched through the papers as her eyes kept focus on it. "The Ashrin Constellation, lovely work as always Rovtar."
Gnoll Village

Rihar paused, "What made you think I'd put you on a muzzle? I can promise no muzzle. Collar, that I can't promise you. However you will have two chains around your arms, that I guarantee you. Armor is fine." Rihar stroked his beard as he closed his good eye, Catline kept a incredibly good eye out when Rihar did that. Opening it back up, "Considering my fellow Guardsmen would skin you alive if you got to close and especially if you didn't have a muzzle. I can accept that. And of course I wish to catch the culprit behind this. Threat to the community." Randolf glared at Ark'kruy'ek as he hissed out behind gritted teeth and a foul glare. "Maybe I just hate you disease ridden monsters with a passion because of just that. And the only GOOD GNOLL is a DEAD GNOLL." Rihar paused as he glanced towards Randolf, "You'll back down. NOW." He barked out, as Randolf quickly squirmed back down, hunching his back in defeat.

Cateline did another quick observation of the area around. "Correct assumption. Judging by his rash behavior when it comes to Gnolls, it is a rather plausible theory to create. And the death of family and friends will drive people into a much more negative state of mind." She quickly turned her head to Rihar, "May we head out to the site where this event occurred, in an attempt to gather more information?" Rihar nodded as he turned to Ark. "We're going. Show us the location of where it happened. Possibly some clues still left in the area."
Church of Pelor

The Church of Pelor was a wondrous sight. It was a masterpiece of stone, which had several glass-stained windows depicting various images reflecting upon the Holiness of Pelor, and had a few spires. Above the entrance of two oak doors, was a bronze sun depicting Pelor's image. Alongside the stone of the building attached to various beams, others were carved into the wall itself were Gargoyles, repugnant creatures whose presence would keep evil spirits at bay. There were several, some depicting men with contorted faces and strange beaks. Others were serpentine creatures with the body of a woman, who had uncovered breasts. While others were pig like creatures with several jowls. They were all adorned to the church.

Below in front of the stone steps leading up to the Church was the crowd from Harkness Street. "When will you kill the blasphemous one!?" One shouted. Another shouted out, "They've been a threat to the community for too long!" Another spoke up, "I saw it! I can testify of the heresy I saw!"

They were interrupted by a man who was on the church-steps who raised up his left arm that held a cane, and the arm itself was strangely shriveled up. The hand itself had flesh that could barely cover the bone of his arm and hand. The cane was a simple wooden thing with a small silver orb on it. The man slammed it down as the crowd hushed silent. The man stood at six feet and six inches, and had light brown hair, and was dressed a white tunic and white pants both with golden trims. He held out his right arm, which was fitting for a knight with the amount of muscle that was on it, as his blue eyes gazed into the crowd. "We of the Clergy first heard of this from the Farmer Mortimer. He is currently being treated inside, due to him quickly falling into an unconscious state, soon after he spoke of the heresy he saw. Your testimony will be appreciated and..." The Priest whistled as a pigeon flew out from the church with a piece of paper attached to its right leg.

"The Trial stage of the Tribunal will happen within three days time, at the absolute longest wait." The Priest nodded at the crowd, "This is an urgent matter for us, especially considering the level of blasphemy and heresy committed. If you see the child, if you would bring her to the church."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Professor_Wyvern said
Mimsy was smiling a most cheerful expression, much like a puppy who did a good job. He said as he carried the sack under his hands, cradling it, as he walked out of the alley, and into the streets proper again. As Mimsy began heading closer to the edge of town, he checked from side to side, and behind. He did not notice the Gnome that was trailing him, because Gnomes were short, and Mimsy was a large burly man. And all the other citizens of Estermere were dealing with their own activities. Though unlike when he was kidnapping Elric out completely in the open, they weren't looking at him in a worried fashion, or in a confused fashion. Mimsy thought as the grin occurred on his face. And as he was passing by, he noticed another Guardsman, Guardsman Ferris who whistled towards him."Hey! Apparently some people say you were taking Elric, or something? You match the description." Ferris inquired, as he reached towards his shortsword. Mimsy shook his head, "Oh no, this is a sack of potatoes." The inside of the sack began squirming, Elric must have regained consciousness. "MAGIC Potatoes." Mimsy said as peered to the nearby landscape out of the town, and as the sack fell towards the ground as Mimsy was distracted by how close he was to success.

Tirarian grabbed her crossbow and from her cart, as well as tranquilliser bolts. Chances are he couldn't get past that checkpoint without causing a lot of kerfuffle and without being killed. She wound up the weapon as he approached and under-armed it as he started talking. The sack dropped the ground at the same time a soft 'thunk' landed in his right buttock, the perfect place for such a shot, though it landing there was more by chance than design. She walked up to the scene and tipped her hat to the guard.
"Morning guard, I suppose this makes us even."
Without waiting for a reply nimble gnome hands moved over the knot in the bag to reveal a wide eyed Elric, probably due to the light. After all, nothing surprised Elric.
"And no, guardsmen. You can't have this thug. I think Elric might want to have a word with him first, as a surgeon he is quite... qualified. If you ask the captain I'm sure he will agree, if not come find us later. You win either way." She turned her attention to Elric "Are you alright?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

South Side of Estermere

Mimsy's plate-armor was not enough as the cross-bolt actually and successfully pierced through Mimsy's armor. "...Boss..." He then fell down face first onto the street, with a loud clang and thud.

Ferris raised an eyebrow at Tirarian, "Well, I suppose I don't need my shortsword then. Good thing it went through the armor." Elric peered up at Tirarian, "Well, I still can breath, and... From last night, I feel that the ribs were injured more due to this." He breathed in and began wheezing, "Yes, confirmed that...And I most likely have a bruise somewhere on the top of my skull. At least I'm still intact."

Ferris glanced at Elric and Tirarian, "Right well, I'll go tell the Captain to expect a strange sort of thug then." He gave a nod as he headed northwards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tirarian raised an inquisative eyebrow while giving him a hand up (to the best of her ability, considering she is 3'6")
"Any idea why someone would want to capture a charismatic barber?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Charismatic Barber-Surgeon." Elric stated, as he felt something near his legs. He accepted Tirarian's help, which somewhat worked, as he slowly got out of the bag. He reached into it and pulled out the green box and a book from his study. "Well... I can think of a few reasons, possibly a few individuals. And I now doubt it was the work of Baxter the Bull and his cronies."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"James is heading back to your house, we should meet him there. Can you walk?"
She headed back to her cart to put her gear away
"If you feel nauseas I have something for it, and maybe something for any wounds."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Elric kept a hold of the book and the box as he took a step, grimacing as he wheezed and stumbling. "I can but it is painful." He glanced back at Tirarian, "Right well I very well could use those."
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