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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nilly


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I could be making jokes about you being "tied up" you know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhaevnn Xeno
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Rhaevnn Xeno Caster of Shadows

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

._. This is going places... scary, scary places... xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nilly


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It's a hobby, what can I say? A very, very fun hobby, that I can't really discuss here. >_>
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sessamaru
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Sessamaru The Grumpy Hermit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

...posted and I'm now ignoring Nilly for her dirty, dirty mind o.O
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nilly


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So for some reason the Guild didn't let me post for like forever which is annoying as shit but hopefully things are back to normal now.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sessamaru
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Sessamaru The Grumpy Hermit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

With amazing GM approval and much discussion... my Doctor Doom-on-crack inspired character:

Name: Malefane Nihil Omnis
Race: Dearmadta (Forerunner race of the Humans)
Gender: Male
Age: ???

Height/Weight: 6'7"; 320lbs

Nihil is a self-proclaimed god. He is calm and collected, possessing a great level of apathy towards all things. His is quite slow to anger, however, and when his ire is provoked, death is inevitable. He has no qualms about killing, for he makes a living out of it, and he does has no qualms about taking dominion. Nihil follows his whims, whether it is to destroy a world, rule over the world, or simply pass through. As such, he is a nihilist through and through with no true goals aside from what catches his fancy. He does, however, seek to create a Nihilverse (the complete eradication of the Omniverse), though he has much patience and an eternity to follow that path. Nihil also possesses great confidence in his own abilities and power, but he does not delude himself with arrogance. Nihil recognizes that he is still prone to die should he blind himself, but he also does not cast away the belief that he is a god-- he seeks to cure himself of "mortality."

Despite his apathy and patience, Nihil is prone to levels of cruelty that would even make devils and demons cringe. He's notorious for his distant and cold attitude during these events, when his whimsy drives him to amuse himself. Often times, these moments are not meant for amusement, but rather a display of power, to put "blasphemers" in their place or to "smite" those who he deems as petty or villainous-- an irony that is lost to him. Guided by his own whimsical nature, he often times finds a temporary goal to keep himself occupied and remains commited. However, he does not possess the ability to empathize with others and feels no connection with "mortals", believing them to be a mistake... a mistake he will rectify to ensure they are made in his own image. With no loyalties to bind him, Nihil is willing to do everything in his power to continue his course to surpass his current level, to become the All-Father of the Omniverse. Strangely, he can mimic "mortal" emotions despite not being able to feel them.

An intellectual of the highest caliber, he enjoys tinkering with objects and reverse engineering technologies that are new to him, no matter how archaic they may be to others. Interestingly, he speaks in the plural sense in regards to himself rather than the singular. As to why is unknown, but he never catches the strange syntax of his own words; either he truly is everything or he and the AI has become one.



Body build: Athletic, slender
Hair: Waist length; brushed back with two white locks falling on either side of his face, reaching an inch past his chin
Hair color: Black with white stripes
Skin color: Alabaster, with grey-green tints
Eye/Iris color: There are no irises nor pupils, just white sclera
Notable Features: Nihil has notable black circles around his eyes and his veins around his eyes are visible and black. His eyelids, lips, and fingernails are also jet black. Nihil has pointed ears and has a surreal feminine beauty about him. Embedded into his forehead is a scarlet crystal in the shape of a diamond. Without his clothing, he is riddled with battle scars and mesh; wounds prior to the nanomachines that inhabit his body. Despite the picture, he does NOT have horns, NOR does he have wings.

Clothing Description

Head: Mask

Body: White Battle Tunic; Alternative Image (The front and back of the tunic's tabard are longer and reach towards the middle of the shins)

Arms: White Bracers

Waist: Grey Utility Belt

Legs: White pants

Feet: White Boots

Back: White Robe


--His equipment is primarily his clothing--
Void-Mask: The mask serves two primary purposes. The first is the ability to breathe within any hostile environment, such as a place with little to no atmosphere or underwater (these being primary examples). The second purpose is for him to filter out harmful airs, such as poison or fungal spores (another set of examples).

Null-Bracers: These bracers also serve two functions; the first providing heat to his hands and forearms, consistently keeping them at a comfortable temperature. The second purpose are for hand-to-hand combat, mostly used as an aegis against swords, axes, and any other melee weapon; these bracers absorb the impact of most melee weapons (although weapons made of raw energy, like a lightsaber, are capable of cutting through). The bracers are made from a light steel, consisting of carbon and titanium, primarily. The padding beneath them are made from a special fabric used to store and distribute heat to the wearer.

His overall clothing, however, serve no other purpose than to keep him comfortable in any temperature. His clothing is designed from special fabrics that keep him at a constant 72 degrees (Fahrenheit) simply by using his body temperature as a form of constant. The clothing will regularly monitor the body temperature of the wearer and shift itself accordingly, whether the body temperature of the wearer changes (such as when there is a bacterial infection).

Utility Belt: The Utility Belt holds three holsters-- one for the Annihilator model-DE0, one for the sonic screwdriver, and one for the Voidsaber. The utility belt also has a pouch that stores food capsules. Near the back, seven Reaper Grenades are held. There are at least two other pouches that are used for miscellaneous objects; he also possesses an Obsidian Credit (an Omniversal card that holds an unlimited supply of Credits), which he had killed a Higher Power (an acknowledged Super Race that rules a portion of the Omniverse) to attain... before he destroyed the world.

Artificial Intelligence- Genesis: The AI he possesses was infused into his cerebral cortex during his moments of death as a part of a Super Soldier experiment. The AI was meant to use the corpse as a vessel and jumpstart the bodily functions, all the while destroying the Original Personality. However, Genesis revived Nihil, in which the two agreed to co-exist. The AI increased Nihil's intelligence by providing stored information. Genesis also used 25% of its capacity to keep the cybernetic implants active (which was heavily augmented by the heightened electromagnetic energy that was stored within Nihil). Though Genesis had a personality of its own, it had long since faded into nothingness during Rampancy. It is theorized that Genesis may have become one with Nihil's personality, their whimsy being a result of the psychological fusion.

Cybernetic Implants: While Nihil remained dead on the operating table for the macabre Super Soldier Project, most of his body was destroyed. The bones in his arms and legs were replaced by cybernetic substitutes, each linked to the spine wherein lay a receiver for Genesis. His skin was intact by a thread, which was enough for the nanomachines to literally rebuild the missing patches of skin and reconnect them to the bones at the cybernetic hands (coincidentally rebuilding the nerve tissue). Due to the cybernetic implants, he is heavier than his appearance portrays.

Sonic Screwdriver: A favored tool of Nihil's. It is a very versatile tool, capable of using sonic waves to vibrate an object into opening, detonating, and so on. The item has many setting and frequencies, all of which serve a unique purpose. However, it is not strong enough to cause extensive damage to organic beings, although unconsciousness from being blasted by a high frequency of sonic waves is known to happen. The sonic screwdriver does not work on wood.

Voidsaber: A black -bladed lightsaber found only in a certain universe. Nihil discovered it amongst his travels through the Omniverse. When activated, it greedily eats at the light surrounding it and its wielder; as well, its activation has a higher pitch and it seems as though it is constantly letting out a high pitched screech. Nihil, upon studying the weapon and its power source through reverse-engineering, understands the origins and make of the weapon.

Reaper Grenades x7: Specialized grenades that contain fungal spores to a bioengineered race. Those who breathe in the spores rot from the inside out, their physiology shifting to something alien, and becoming a part of a hivemind. They will appear as tall, serpentine monsters of fungal origins, with long tongues dripping with acid and an insatiable bloodlust, their skin black scales. Their skulls would elongate and their eyes will becoming milky white beads. They would also possess prehensile tails that could cut through stone. The grenades and the spores were created by Nihil, whose electronic signature harmonizes the Reapers into a hivemind, responding to the vibrations and fluctuations of his electromagnetic field.

Annihilator model DE0: Annihilator model "Dark Energy 0" is a .500 caliber, long-barreled handgun that siphons Dark Energy from the Omniverse and concentrates it into a single beam when fired, capable of dealing massive damage. It has a powerful kick, enough to break a person's entire arm from the tip of their trigger finger to their shoulder if they do not have the required strength and resiliency to use it. This gun was designed and crafted by Nihil and is the latest Annihilator model created during his vast aeons of life.

Talents and Abilities


After destroying his homeworld as an act of vengance, Nihil went about his days conquering planets as a space pirate, destroying them when they served him no more use. As time dragged on, he was hailed as a god. He took away those he deemed faithful and eventually changed, taking the title of God and Malefane with great pride. He toppled many civilizations, had served as both a kind and cruel leader, depending on his mood upon his visits. He had conquered universes and multiverses alike, destroying them as quickly as he had ruled them. In the end, he grew weary of the play. Nihil grew weary of existing. Malefane Nihil Omnis sought to change the Omniverse into his image, prophecising the Nihilverse, whereupon he'll create a new Omniverse in his own image, for people to know his pain and suffering. To assist in this prophecy, he began to increase his power with rigorous training and adopting meditation as a form of rest and relaxation. He experimented with his theories and began to dabble in creating life. When he succeeded, he was thus truly seen as God before all his servants and slaves.

Not a one dared to challenge him.

He eventually found himself reaching the Crossroad, where he felt with his entirety the flux of cosmic energy. The Crossroad, he reasoned, was the beginning of the end. Rather than send his legions of Reapers and Priests to conquer the planet, as he usually did, he thought it most prudent that he conquer the Crossroads with his own hands. After all, he would need to be the center of it all...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pajamas


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Nieet I. Nightingale
Race: Human

Height/Weight: 5’ 11” / 135lbs
Body build: Tall and lean, proportionately built
Hair: Long and thick, when let down it reaches to her lower back. She usually wears it in pigtails done high and back.
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Skin color: White, on the fair side it shimmers a bit in light (similar to but not as drastic as Twilight vampires)
Eye/Iris color: Purple
Notable Features: Physically attractive, rather cute. A bad attitude and a rude sarcastic tone. She is always defensive and offensive at any one moment. Due to Alexandria’s Genesis a rare genetic mutation she has purple eyes, far greater than average vision (like 20/40 or 20/50), shimmering fair burn resistant skin, a crazy fast metabolism, an unbelievable immune system, no menstrual cycle, and no body hair other than on her head.

Clothing Description:
She wears tall brown leather lace up copper toed boots, teal crocheted gators, a floppy gray skirt just above the knee with spandex shorts underneath, a teal blouse, and a tight white leather with gray trim and buttons. She also wears a titanium chastity belt that could only be opened on the night of her wedding; 'caus magic.

A strange phone stolen from “some future guy.” The phone is a Samsung Limitless S 7 released in 2351 about 50 years after the destruction of what we know as the internet, destroyed by a naturally occurring emp that rendered all computer networking impossible. Also during a time where petty crime is legal on a rather crowded Earth. It is filled with all her favorite girly metal, pop punk, Kpop, Jpop, and some choice mainstream music. It is also loaded with some modern and futuristic apps which include:

Camera app - Utilizes the phone’s built in Nikon Omni Cam. Features include: 25 megapixel rendition, 800mm zoom, x-ray and organic tissue scanner, and thermographic display. All included to create lasting memories to be displayed in any format!
Planet Trek Lite – Utilizes minor electromagnetic topographical imagery to create fairly detailed geographic map systems that can be displayed in 2d or in hologram.
Tap-Tap Surgeon – A fun and interactive way find out what ails you! You can diagnose anything from gonaria to compound fractures! Make all your friends green with envy by changing your profile pic to a full body skeletal x-rayed selfie! Worried about your doctor’s scruples? Well fret no more! Now you can nail ‘em with a male practice suit thanks to Tap-Tap Surgeon! -Warning- Tap-Tap Surgeon cannot replace your primary physician, surgeon or routine medical attention.

These are weapons I want her to have but she does NOT currently have them in the Crossroads.

-M48 style axe with a 4’ reinforced koa wood shaft.
-Sledge hammer, slightly elongated handle.


"Here is your iced coffee with... eight sugars... and cherry syrup..." The woman at the counter had a dumbfound look on her face as she held the coffee out to the girl. The barista had on a black apron and a tacky black visor. Everything about the woman holding the coffee and the cheap franchise she worked at irritated the girl, except the coffee itself of course. The girl took the coffee as the barista said, " That will be $3.25."

A look of disgust shot across the girl's face. Her voice was elevated and venomous,

"Bitch please! I don't pay for coffee, I don't pay for anything! I'll bet you screwed it up anyway!" The girl picked up her sledge hammer from where it leaned against the counter and walked out the door. The handful of customers as well as the employees where speechless. The few standing between her and the door quickly got out of the girl's path. Just outside the door she paused to look up at the sky and took a sip of her coffee. It was just the way she liked it. She took a deep breath, set her hammer down so that it stood straight up, and carefully set her coffee on top of the handle to balance. From a pocket in her skirt she pulled out a smart phone and tapped the music app which began to play Teenagers by All American Rejects. She grabbed the coffee and hammer took a couple of steps then raised the hammer above her head with one hand and began to destroy all the glass widows in the front of to store. Between swings she would take a sip of the coffee and relished every blissful second. The patrons inside cowered a bit and some called the police. And it made her grin with sardonic glee.

After finishing off the windows she took a stroll towards the docks and had a seat on a bench by the water underneath the evening sky. She had a dreamy look on her face as she sipped her coffee and watched the the sunset play its melancholy glow atop the waves.

Suddenly a loud clap of thunder struck right next to help with a quick flash of blue light.

She threw her hands up to cover her ringing, aching ears, spilling the last bit of her coffee.

When she recovered her sight and a bit of her hearing she realized there was a man sitting next to her. She jumped at the sight of him both mad and startled.

"What the hell?!" She screamed at the man still covering her ears.

He was in a stylish wool coat and jeans. He sat with his head nearly between his legs looking as though he vomit.

He turned towards her with some effort and just stared at her with a grimace of pain across his face. She kicked him square in the stomach and then the man proceeded to hurl and then passed out. He fell off the bench and she prodded him with her steel toed boot and when he didn't move she relieved him of his wallet and cell phone.

Blue and red lights flashed in the waning light and police sirens blared and she took off running in the opposite direction with hammer in hand, leaving the man lying in his own vomit.

She didn't get far before running out of breath. She did hate running. So turned to fight what ever the officers could dish out. Two officers got out of the squad car, one with a gun in hand. One yelled for her to drop her hammer. She gripped it tighter. They approached her from right and left, warning her again to lower her weapon. The officer holding his gun was a step ahead of the other in their slow approach and the other pulled out a tazer.

She was willing to bet her sweet ass that the one holding a gun wouldn't fire on a cute young girl so she lunged at him and thrust the head of the hammer in his rather large gut. Immediately after, ever muscle in her body went painfully tense and she froze and fell to the ground. She was read her rights and arrested on a handful of charges.

After a few boring hours in a communal cell someone shockingly bailed her out.

It was the man who appeared on the bench. He had changed his clothes but still smelled of vomit. They returned her belongings (minus the sledge hammer) and released her. The vomit scented man was waiting on the other side and she cautiously followed him out. Outside of the station he turned and demanded, " Give me my phone!"

She responded with a quick "Hell no!" and a stomp to the top of his foot. And she proceeded to run from him while he nursed his foot. She made it a solid city block before turning the corner and running straight into someone. She fell backward to the ground. "Who the hell... do... you..." Was all she could get out when she looked up to see the same man she just ran from right in front of her.

"Give me the phone!" His tone was more serious but less loud this time.

She was more than a bit baffled. All she could think to say was, "Who are you?"

A grin appeared on his face and he seemed pleased to have finally got her attention and he said, "They call me the time traveler." He looked quite satisfied with himself.

She kicked him in the testicles. And he fell to the ground in a great deal of pain. She pulled out the phone and pressed the power button. A greenish circle lite up in the middle on the screen and the man attempted to complain but he couldn't breath. She kicked him again, this time in ribs. She turned her attention back to the phone and a laser looking ray of light scanned her eyes. She dropped the phone, startled, and kicked the man again.

"That better not give me cancer!" She yelled at him and picked it back up. This time it spoke to her,

"Hello Nieet."

"How does it know my name?!" She demanded, a bit creeped out now.

Yes stared at what looked like a normal smart phone and said, "Phone?"

It responded, "Yes Nieet?"

She was excited now. "Can you take me back in time?"



"With your Time Travel Pro app of course."

"Oh, or course! How stupid of me!" She said sarcastically. Now she was getting excited. She had nothing keeping her here why not do a little traveling.

So she asked, "Could you do me a favor Phone?"

"Of course Nieet, what can I do for you?"

"Could you open the time travel thing and take me back in time?"

The man on the ground gave an exasperated moan in protest, he was still in a deal of pain and had not caught his breath.

"Certainly. What period of time would you like to travel to?"

Another pitiful sound came from the man who still held his genitles with one hand while he tried to reach for the phone with the other. She kicked him in the ribs once more.

"Why don't you surprise me Phone? I'm feeling rather plucky right now." She said this while grinning cynically at the man writhing on the ground.

"As you wish Nieet." There was a short pause then Nieet saw the colorful logo for the Time Travel Pro app displayed on the screen. The phone then said, "Opening app... Initiating travel sequence... Setting date for 1751... Warning configuration error!" The screen emitted flashing red lights with the word Warning displayed in 3-D.

"What the hell Phone?" She turned to the man, nearly hysterical. "What is this?!"

The grimace of pain on his face turned into an uncomfortable grin.

A blue light crackled like electricity from the phone and before she could do anything Nieet here a clap of thunder and her stomach lurched forward and her in her skin she felt a cold prickling sensation and her head spun in every direction and all she could see was a white blue light. Suddenly she felt that she was falling. She dropped the phone and grabbed blindly in front of her. Her right hand made contact with what felt like a metal railing and she grabbed at it frantically. She hung to the railing with her feet dangling beneath her. She couldn't see clearly but she could tell where ever she was was poorly lit. She smelled something foul that burned her nostrils and throat when she breathed. There was a heat radiating up towards her from somewhere below. Her sight slowly returned and she saw a metal cat-walk, the guard railing of which she clung to. It appeared to be a factory of some sort. It was dimly lit by some green glow. She noticed that the phone ended up on on the edge of the cat-walk just out of her reach. It looked as though it was about to fall of the edge. She glared at it furiously and asked, "Phone?"

It lit up and responded, "Yes Nieet?"

"I fucking hate you!"

The phone's light dimmed almost completely off, "I'm sorry Nieet..."

"Pitiful!" Was her only response. She looked down and saw a massive vat of a glowing green liquid directly beneath her maybe thirty feet below.

She carefully reached up with her left hand for the top of the railing. It was cold and wet with some gel but she gripped it tightly and pulled herself up slowly. It was no good her hand slipped and she fell jerking the cat-walk with began bouncing slightly from the sudden movement. She held the grip of her right hand but it was slipping. "Stupid future guy." She mumbled out loud before she lost her grip and fell into the vat. She closed her eyes peacefully her long pigtails flowing in front of her face she held the arm that lost its grip before her and she plunged into whatever the glowing liquid was, her hand was the last part of her to disappear. The phone fell from the catwalk just after Nieet was fully submerged. Before it sank it spoke, "Configuration error resolved... Initiating travel sequence... Date set for 1751... Transporting in: 3, 2, 1... Warning contamination breech!"

A spark emitted from the phone and grew until it engulfed much of the liquid in the vat. Then A loud clap of thunder was heard.

Nieet once again felt strange sensations and her head spun.

What the hell?! She thought once it was over. She was lying on what felt like wet dirt. Her vision was gone again but she heard a bustle of people. She was still covered in the glowing green stuff. She could feel the sun overhead. She wiped her eyes clean and the first thing she saw was a wooden sign that read the Old Boar's Inn. She was feeling kind of thirsty. So she got up and noticed the phone lying on the ground. She was still mad at it but picked it up any way. With a sigh she turned to walk into the inn... Then she paused and yelled, "Where the fuck is my hammer?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhaevnn Xeno
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Rhaevnn Xeno Caster of Shadows

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mkay, time to attend to some buisness:

The reason I moved us to this forum was to attain some more players. Unfortunately, with the exception of Lionheart, we didn't gain much. Thus, I want your opinion in what is to happen next:

1) I think I want to change the amount of characters each person can play - I'm thinking putting a max of three per person, just seeing that we're not getting that much of a playerbase anyway, and I would like to accelerate plots further along while showing different angles to the overall story. However, the one downside to this idea is that posts could take longer to post up. Would you guys like to have characters to play but have longer posting times or keep it the way it is?

2) Do we really want more people in here? Because if not, we could always just move back to the old forum. I've gotten some complaints that some liked the old forum better. Also, I can control a lot of more from there (editing things, organization with the filing cabinet, etc).

Regardless, I will be making a decision about these two things in the next few days/a week, so input would be appreciated before I make an executive decision. :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nilly


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It's your decision, Rhae, and honestly so much stuff has happened in this story already that maybe some people feel a little weird joining a story already in motion.

That being said: I do sort of like this board, even though it was really hard to find this thread until I went back on the old board to directly find the thread. The OOC and IC threads being attached is a super neato concept. But on the other hand, the board has some issues - server instability prevented me from posting for several days, for example, and I'm sure others were having trouble too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King in the North

King in the North

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The coding (? might be the wrong word) on this forum seems terrible and the sheer number of people almost makes it seem like it has less of a community.

I'm fine with the old forum because we don't really need more people but if we loose people that might change and not being affiliated with anything like the old, old lfg forum nothing is really bringing in new people. I might be up to more than one character later but not so much right now (since I'm having trouble posting for one) but posting for more characters less often might actually be easier for me.

Nilly, I had the same problem. The subscription feature at the top of the page does work as a solution though once you've found the page once.

In other news I'm pretty much back to normal health and such but a little behind in dealing with everything not just RP and I'll try and get a post up when I can but I do have more pressing matters that need some attention as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sessamaru
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Sessamaru The Grumpy Hermit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

*yawns and stumbles into the OOC*

After mulling it over, I came to a decision. Rhae, the RP needs to remain here. If we move it back, it would just be a bit troublesome and irritatingly redundant. Granted, this place isn't the best, but... meh. It's here, let's leave it. If things go south again, we can just wait it out. It's not really like the activity of the RP has really increased, server problems or otherwise, so it's a rather moot point to move the RP even if there are complaints. I much prefer leaving the RP in a single place (here) and not have to constantly cross-reference posts, as well, unless you're willing to copy/pasta every single thing said into the other forum.

Also, I wouldn't mind playing with two or more characters, either. I would very much hate having both of my characters miss out on whatever action that is occurring in their midst.

Ah well... these are my opinions (and probable advice).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhaevnn Xeno
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Rhaevnn Xeno Caster of Shadows

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(Meant to post this yesterday, but)

So, I came to a decision: All players will now be able to post for three characters (any beyond this number, all "KO" rules will apply). As for the forum jump, I'm deciding to stick it out here for now. If things get really irritating for whatever reason, we'll migrate back. But yes. REJOICE!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nilly


Member Offline since relaunch

Technically I've always sort of been running two characters through Missile and Nikita but given they're two people in one body, it's a bit hard for both to be awake.

The day they merge, if that happens, will be very weird.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sessamaru
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Sessamaru The Grumpy Hermit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rhaevnn Xeno said
(Meant to post this yesterday, but)So, I came to a decision: All players will now be able to post for three characters (any beyond this number, all "KO" rules will apply). As for the forum jump, I'm deciding to stick it out here for now. If things get really irritating for whatever reason, we'll migrate back. But yes. REJOICE!

Ah, well... if that's the case... *laughs maniacally*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King in the North

King in the North

Member Offline since relaunch

Hey, you want to knock Pullo out or something. I've got some issues that are going to keep me from being able to get into the right head space to post for him and I'm not sure when I'll be able to resolve them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nilly


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King, I saw a guy in a band at a show last night that (with the exception that he was wearing pants and not a kilt) acted exactly how Pullo does on stage. It was fucking awesome. Thought you'd appreciate the coolness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King in the North

King in the North

Member Offline since relaunch

Was it a band I would have heard of? Or some one local? Did he murder anyone mid-song?

I'd been meaning to mention a while back I saw some one playing acoustic guitar while rollerblading and thought of Pullo. The guy was kind of hippy-dippy (as evidenced by the rollerblading in this decade) but the co-ordination to pull it off was very Pullo-esque.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nilly


Member Offline since relaunch

They're called New Years Day; I'd never seen them before and they may or may not be Canadian given they were touring with a Canadian band, The Birthday Massacre.

That's pretty great. Now I'm picturing Pullo skateboarding and playing his guitar.

I will post by Thursday, guys, things are weird.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King in the North

King in the North

Member Offline since relaunch

I've never heard of either of them but Canada is a big country.

I can't picture Pullo skateboarding. Skateboarding used to be punk before the 90's completely ruined it (along with the concept of punk music). Besides Pullo has a fucking horse. The most metal of all non-automotive modes of transportation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhaevnn Xeno
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Rhaevnn Xeno Caster of Shadows

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alrighty, so update: Apparently, all of my professors decided to coordinate all of my projects due at the same time, so I have been /extremely/ swamped with those. Fear not though! The post will be coming ASAP (I'm hoping Sunday, but realistically, it won't be until next week).
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