Name: Alexander Hercules Jaegers
Age: 26
Gender: Male
6’0 feet tall, and 182 pounds of muscle. (Lol, ignore the general’s strips.)
Background: Alexander was born in Montreal, Canada. His father was in the Middle East, serving his country; this left Alex alone to be raised by his mother. Being an only child, Alex found himself spoiled to death by his mother for most of his pre-military life. During his teenage years, Alexander took a liking to rugbee. He eventually became good enough at the sport to land himself a spot in a competitive team. The strength he gained during his years playing rugby, as well as the balanced diet his mother had put him on when he announced his interest in the game, gave Alexander the strength he'd need to survive in the military. After Alex's father returned from active duty and retired, Alex found himself convinced by his father's words to join up when he turned eighteen. Boot Camp wasn't as much of a breeze as Jaeger originally thought it would be. After discipline was drilled into Alexander's brain, he went off to Officer Training school and jumped up to the rank of second lieutenant after he gained his commission at the age of twenty four. Alexander spent the next two years of his military service guarding out of the way research stations and reserve campuses. A worthwhile note is that during these two years, Alexander was marked as having one of the highest mech simulator scores in recent national history. Another thing to note, is that Jaeger had yet to actual fight in a mech.
Rank: First Lieutenant
Unit: 122th Armored Drop Platoon ‘The Jaeger Platoon’
Platoon Leader: First Lieutenant Jaeger
Recon: Warrant Officer Rodriguez (NPC - Alder mech; outfitted with grappling hooks)
Long Range Support: Ensign Malone (NPC - Mattis mech; outfitted with 120mm Mortar Launcher and a 40mm Grenade Launcher)
Anti-Air and Anti-Armor: Sergeant Makovic (NPC - Ranger mech; outfitted with 25mm Assault Rifle, Rocket Launcher, and a chest-mounted 7.62mm machine gun)
Anti-air and Anti-Armor: Petty Officer Hazels (NPC - Ranger mech; outfitted with 25mm Assault Rifle, Rocket Launcher, and an automatic twelve gauge shotgun)
Anti-Infantry: Second Lieutenant Ford (NPC - Mattis mech; outfitted with 40mm Grenade Launcher, a fifty caliber machine gun on each shoulder, and a chest-mounted 7.62mm machine gun)
NOTE: Players may replace NPCs at any time, if they wish to join the Jaeger Platoon.
Role: Platoon leader, heavy assault
Gear: Alexander is equipped with a mixture of new Canadian technologies, as well as weapons from other NATO countries.

Tactical Armor (for) Pilots MK III (TAP-3) - Designed by the greatest military minds in Canada, TAP suits are only a decade old, and only in the last six years have they been deployed to the majority of Canada pilots. TAP utilizes the most cutting edge technology in lightweight Kevlar armor and ballistic foam. The armor's helmet comes equipped with a night vision mode, and a magnification mode. The helmet also possess a HUD, showing relevant data (like google glass, but for the military!) The HUD is also wirelessly linked to the sights, allowing for more precision aiming.
Latest Heckler and Koch MP series Personal Defense Weapon - Uses HK 4.6×30mm ammunition, and is accessorized with a Zeiss RSA reflex red dot sight, a laser aiming module, and a supressor.
Silenced fully automatic pistol
Combat knife
Mech: HBMP-9 Mattis
The Liberator has various Russian stars crossed out dotting its hull. A large Canadian flag covers the left shoulder, while the right arm has the NATO symbol plastered on. Fourteen is Alexander's call sign, given to him after he found himself continuously getting fourteenth place in just about everything. The number 14 is written on all of the joint platings spread across the mech.
The words "Kill all Russians" are painted on the Liberator's back in red white and blue.
The Liberator is Jaeger’s personal heavy bipedal mech platform. The mech itself stands at 5.45 meters tall. The Liberator is equipped with the 25mm caliber medium range assault ririfle As a secondary, the Liberator is equipped with wrist-mounted machine guns. Finally, the Liberator uses a shoulder mounted 105mm tank cannon. Being the command mech, the Liberator has been decked out with advanced communication and scanning systems. The mech also has a counter electronic warfare suite installed, although its anti-hacking abilities are nothing like that of a dedicated tech mech.