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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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The White City:

For a fortified safe haven, the place seemed to be into a panic. The walls the held were fine but it came to a time where they realized that the defense was all they could do. The strategist that made up the table were gathered around with the leader trying to think of a way to finally go on the offensive. If they did then Hell on Earth would finally get a break to reorganize and with the people that place produced, organization could turn the tide. The problem was that there was never a way for them to stay organized because of all the fighting. A plan had to be made, a plan that could finally turn the tide.

Hell on Earth:

The ground shook and the air screeched with howling demons, damned souls, and those in between. Bullets wizzed across the field as a legion enclosed on the outpost. The place was more rowdy than normal. It was as if the demons were starting to seem a little desperate. There were heavy casualties on both sides and field itself was stack with bodies from both sides. A greater demon grew a pair and decided to attack the outpost. That's how this started. They knew it was more than one and they were strategically scattered throughout the battlefield. This plan was made by one who was higher than greater demons. It's a good thing greater demons aren't the best at being patient. One rushed in without thought and was gunned down. This left a chance for breach in their defense and push back the demon horde that tried to lay waste to the outpost.


The place was quiet as usual. Scouting parties reporting in like they always did. Hit and run parties were successful when the enemy couldn't find where the party ran. The outpost went well for one that was inhabited by demons and humans alike. A plan was being formed by the leaders. They had decided that there was enough hiding. They knew they had to do something. Everyone there was getting sick of hiding and anyone who had a plan was welcome to speak their mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Me Da Insane

Me Da Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jenkins ran to the wall while loading his rifle. "Alright let's push them back again men!" He got to the wall and was briefed by a soldier there. "Demons getting ballsy huh" he chuckled to him self, as he looked for the opening that the now dead greater demon left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lilith looked at the leaders and thought quietly to herself, talking to Sis "I dont even want to be here, truth be told it's you who fights, not me..." a rippling laughter came from with in her mind, distorting all her thoughts

"Well then give me full control, it's almost like you dont even want to be here, let me take over now, let me kill people, but that wont even happen right?"

Lilith smiled slightly for little to see "go to hell..." A carbon copy of herself with pure red eyes appeared in her mind

"We already went there, remember" with that, Sis smiling, disappeared again.

Lilith cleared her throat a little, her voice monotone "Dont quote me on this, but I am pretty sure that a plan can arise from Micah, as he seems to always have one" she looked over to the other demon in the room, not the best of company but still someone she looked to as...a someone, rather than a no one, like some of the others within in the room they were in now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As they were thinking about the situation at hand, Micah idly looked around the room, judging the humans. this meeting was sudden enough to leave little time for planning, and of course, they didn't have any of their own. Their faces showed that some weren't even trying to think, just waiting for someone to say something. Lilith being the one to break the silence, Micah wasn't surprised to find themselves called upon.

"Of course I do." Micah brought their attention to Lilith, their oddly feminine voice filling the silence, "I believe we could try for an alliance with the White City. From the reports our scouts have given us, I see that Hell is almost reaching a point of desperation. We could use our offense with the city's defense to exploit the weakness before they recover. Something akin to a blitzkrieg, possibly." Being put on the spot, their plan wasn't one-hundred percent refined yet. However, they at least had the basics down, and so far nobody seemed to have a better plan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Levina retrieved one of the throwing stars from the back of the greater demon and flitted back to the wall near Jenkins in a lightening quick movement. Her chest rapidly rose and fell to the beat of her raspy breathing. This fight was hellish and it was taking a toll on all of them, even the strongest of the fighters. Levi lived for this though, she was born and raised for it, and an evil smile was plastered on her face just the same. The silver of her ninja star reflected the image of her devilish grin, paired up with a healthy splattering of dark demon blood on her cheeks. Being silver, the demon blood on the star itself was sizzling... it was no holy artifact by any means, but silver is quite the painful irritant for demonkin. "Let's send them back to the hell in which they belong" Levina said in a low growl behind Jenkins, her gray cloak shrouding her in a way that she seemed little more than a shadow on the wall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Simpletons!" Levi murmured as he watched from a distance on his earth built pillar he created. After watching both sides of the parties take heavy damage Levi just sat wondering what is the point of this continuos blood bash. Soon a near by demon could be herd shouting for support at the wall. Levi took a deep breath." I might as well help." He stood on his pillar and shaped his hand to make them look like guns. He stared down the whole in the wall.
"BANG!" Levi shouted as small rocks floated by his side and shot at the walls. The rocks had similar characteristics as a bullet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Me Da Insane

Me Da Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Haha I love the you think kid, but first we got make that opening there bigger." Jenkins pointed to what was a very small gap in the demons charge. He knew that people would die in this charge but defending the city was important. "Levina,how many men do you think we'd need to charge the gap?" He noticed the pillar of earth" oh ya maybe you can see if mister nice demon wants to come to."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lilith looked up at Micah and shook her head "I dont even see them seeing us as allies, more like an accident waiting to happen, plus the fact that that place might as well be heaven. The sheer amount of holy weapons there would be torture to be me and you, as well as the others around here" She crossed her arms, thinking momentarily, she wasn't much for plans, but going to the white city could very well be the end of her very long life, and she wasn't looking to die because she wanted allies. She walked over to Micah and talked lower so that little to no one could hear "We could find an angelic and have them travel, with one of the humans to the white city, but i honestly don't think that me and you will be welcomed there. Remember what happened in hell? I'd figure we're just as much not welcomed there as we are in hell" her tail waved from behind her as she moved away from Micahs shoulder and held her hands behind her back "But it's your call, you are after all, the one with the plan."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The White City:

Jack sat there and waited until he was called upon. Jack then walked up to the table. "If we are to turn the tide then we must find the holy relics that were left behind by the angels." Several people looked at him. "Do you know where they are?" Jack held no expression to his tone. "Only four. There are the blades of Masrith. An angel who was an assassin. These blades can cast small illusions and can burn a demon if touched. Then there is Mako's rifle. It used to be a gun that simple couldn't miss. Now it is only extremely accurate and that no outside force can slow the bullet. A greater demon could dodge the bullet if prepared but other than than, their head will come off. Then there is divine intervention. A glove that manifests a shield of holy light. It used to make its wielder almost regenerate instantly. Now it can just block demonic magic. It is still something we need. Then the last one I know of is Sif the holy Goliath. The relic itself is a construct. It transfers the mind of its wielder into the construct for a certain period of time. It is the most powerful construct to date and if you simply talked about finding you would make demons around here uncomfortable. The only problem is that someone has found the relic before us. They can't use it or move but I still don't dare to mention who guards it from us." The people at the table sat and thought until the leader spoke up. "Jack...I need you to head to Hell on Earth. We will be sending them what spare ammo we have. I want you to go ahead and help them until we get there. We will give you a gun although I doubt you will use it." Jack was given a heavy mg and a large back pack full of ammo. "That back pack is for the people at the outpost. Use ammo from it only if you need to. "Jack looked at them. "My sword doesn't need ammo." He then left on a horse. It was faster than running and made less noise then a vehicle. A man spoke up. "We will send a messenger to Absconditus to see if they can help in any way."

Hell on Earth:

A man ran up to Jenkins and the people in the area. "West side of the fort is making progress but we have a problem. The greater demons are using their magic to make a combined shield above their people. That means our mortars are useless unless we can take them down. The greater demons have to have concentration to hold the shield. Just shoot the shot out of them and the mortar will do the rest."


A demon looked at Micah. The White City isn't gonna like us. If you would like to go to them and see what they have planned and then make a treaty there then it's fine." The demon handed Micah a rag with a marking on it. "If you go then that will let them know your a rogue. It might let you talk before being shot."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"They won't like us, but they might just tolerate the humans. If I go, I'll take one with me." But the two did raise some good points, one they themselves hadn't gotten around to thinking about yet. They listened to Lilith, and in the same tone, "The problem then becomes even finding an angelic; they're all so devoted to their god...I'd rather not." Micah gave a brief smile to her as she walked back. Hell didn't take traitors lightly, something they remembered clearly.

Micah sat back, looking at the empty piece of paper in front of them and scribbling ideas down in their native language. Micah took the rag, laying it down next to the paper. "I'll work on this more. Personally, I believe we're trying to force events that would come naturally in time, so it has to be perfect." They sighed, shaking their head. They had always been fine with letting the parties do their work until events started to unfold naturally. "We could also take everyone by surprise, and organize something close to our hit and run parties, except on a larger scale. Each side is so focused on each other it would be hard to manage a third party so suddenly." It was clear that plan was off the top of their head, but if they were the only one throwing ideas down, they might as well throw them all. Thy also didn't want to go to the White City unless they absolutely had to, even if it was their own plan. Holy weapons weren't things to be ignored.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Levina was about to respond to Jenkins when the man ran up to them to inform them about the problems on the west side. Shoot them? Well, Levi wasn't really one for the use of guns, killing was more worthwhile when you put your own force behind it. While she wouldn't be useful in shooting the shield, she could serve as quite the distraction to brake the concentration of the greater demons. With a quick nod at the man, she simply said "I'll help."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laochra Naofa

Laochra Naofa

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Raphael was about a mile away from hell on earth and could finally see the force gathered outside it. He could make out a large mass of demons and even a few greater demons. He pulled his blessed swords out of the backs of the two demons he had ran into and took off full Sprint towards the outpost. With his speed he was able to cross the span in a matter of minutes. Before he could think of a way in from his side he ran into a small group of demons trying to sneak over the wall. He tackled the middle one, stabbing both of his blades through its spine. Before the other two could react he hopped up, slitting ones throat and driving his other blade through the last ones chest. The commotion had attracted others, so before they could get to him he knelt done and jumped straight over the wall. He landed in front of a group of three of the defenders where he heard the female say she would help. He looked at them and said" where do you need me." With a slight smirk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Me Da Insane

Me Da Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jenkins was about to give out his orders when some kid landed a top the wall saying he'd help. "Hmm look Levina he's like you" Jenkins laughed out loud. "Well kid you can help little Levina here she'll fill you in. Levina I know you hate em but at least take my pistol, and take some men get those big guys down. I'll punch a hole through through line here." Jenkins said tossing Levina his pistol. He gestured a soldier to get some men ready for the charge." Good luck both of you and don't die."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PURRfect93
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PURRfect93 From the old guild I came, In the new guild I live

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Behind most of the demonic forces in the assault at hell on earth stood what most would have thought to be a metal statue. This was obviously not the case. The metal figure scanned the diminishing demonic forces with a scowl, cursing the greaters at their foolishness. They were to far spread out and easily picked off. At the rate they were dying off the shield that was preventing the mortar fire from shedding the other demons apart would be gone soon. With a shake of his head he started walking into the fray. After all, if it was going to get done right he'd have to do it himself...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Levina didn't even bother to catch the gun, she simply looked at it with great disgust as it clattered against the stone walkway. "You can take it if you wish..." she said to the other angelic, who seemed to be far too cocky for her taste. He seemed the type to get so caught up in hubris and heroics that he'd make a stupid mistake in battle. "Firearms are for cowards. A true assassin bathes in the blood of their enemies as their own hands are pressed into the fatal wounds they inflicted." she said with a twisted smile, her eyes flashing a crazed look. Not all angels were good, some fell from heaven, it could make one wonder what kind of angel blessed her birth parents. With that said, she took off towards the west, pairing her stealth skills and angelic speed to become nearly invisible among the shadows.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laochra Naofa

Laochra Naofa

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Raphael looked at the fallen gun and said" I am good, I tend to get too close for a gun to be of much use. Plus its not personal enough for me." Bending down he picked up th gun and handed it back. He was questioning the soldiers decision to send him off with some obvious assassin. He couldn't help to think it ironic that she called the gun cowardly when she would most likely be fighting from behind or in the shadows. He if given The choice preferred to fight his opponents head on. Anything else he saw as weak. He took off and easily caught up to the assassin and stated "I am Raphael." as they ran
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Leviathan stopped his rapid fire upon the hole and watched the small group be greeted by a man riding a horse. The man spoke to them and after a few seconds past one of them ran off in another direction. Leviathan wanted to help but he didn't know how the group would react to a demon who wants to help defend them from his own kind. He jumps off the pillar and lightly lands on the ground. "I-I'd like to help. If that's ok with you guys." Leviathan says creeping up on them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"A bold name, let's see if you can live up to it." Levina quipped, not offering her own name in exchange. The original Raphael was one of the archangels, and overly-proud blessed parents often named their angelic children in such a way. Levina wasn't named by her parents out of pride or love, she was named for the skill she would be raised for - lightening bolt - a quick and instant killer. A seemingly allied demon approached them and offered his assistance. "If you wish..." she said to him with a dark smile. She sometimes liked the demons more than humans and angelics, they often shared similar pleasures as her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laochra Naofa

Laochra Naofa

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Raphael couldn't help but smile at the assassins quip. "I have proved many times over that I am deserving of my name since I started my hunt. But if I must I believe I'll have the chance to show you." That's when he noticed the demon. He offered them his assistance he heard the assassin tell him he could join us. " sure demon you may join us but know this I have sworn to kill any demon who gets in my way. I don't tell you this to scare you but as a warning. If you are planning to cross us you won't live to regret it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Understood." Leviathan says shaking his head agreeing with Raphael words. " What are we doing exactly?" He asked as he glance back and forth at Raphael and Levina.
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