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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Well, I was kind of going for an alternate universe with realistic tendencies in tactics, tanks, weaponry and the likes -- however if others feel that it is okay we can shove the date back to 1944 to make it more realistic.

The village is one that I made up -- I don't have an intricate knowledge of Russian (sadly) and cannot for the life of me read the maps from that time which is what actually made me just go for an alternate universe. It's a small city, about halfway between Novgorod and Leningrad, but since the fronts had already passed on the garrison was kept to be minimal as they needed all men to stop the Russian charge.

Historically, 1941 wasn't even relevant to the Russians pushing back, since they were just being attacked and mercilessly slaughtered by the blitzkrieg. The actual date of the pushing back is, as I recall, around 1943. But that wasn't even the time they pushed out of Leningrad, that was much later, I believe to be somewhere more close to 1944.

However like I said, we can push the date back as it isn't a big deal for me. I just don't want to be confined to roleplaying things that actually happened because that will get boring -- if you wanna read what actually happened you should consider just reading a book about it. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SvenO100


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

I have read books and know quite a lot about the Soviet Union in general, i'm quite interested in their history. Especially during the world war periods. I understand that you're trying to do something alternative now, but I had not figured that out before. You can keep the historical inaccuracies if you don't mind them yourself. Its just not very appealing to me. Especially if you know that the Tiger I didn't appear on the battlefield till 1942 and the Panther did not appear on the field of battle untill 1944. So, seeing those mentioned while we're supposed to be in 1941 confused me.

Edit: And I know this might be getting annoying, but the 16h rifle division did not take part in the combat operations around Novgorod and it certainly didn't liberate the city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Full name: Dimitri Gobachuvisi
Age: 22
Gender: Male

The one pointing somewhere.


Dimitri, brutal and cold, as he with his own free will signed into the army to defend his motherland and to protect every brother and sister that believes in the glorious revolution that will one day either die out by the fascist plaging their country or liberate the fascist lands and bring honor and glory to the motherland and to the revolution which he believes in without a doubt on his mind, and would gladly die for the cause.

He sees the battlefield like a playground, like a chest bored, where pawns can be only used for to sacrifice for the bigger picture which he has already embraced that he will also be seen as that if he dies within his tank together with his crew.

The fact that he could die at any moment within his tank by an enemy Ap round also makes him have a feeling of brotherly love towards his fellow soldier, if the revolution didn't make him feel love for them this sudden chance of death would well anyone that has the same beliefs that he has will be treated this way. All the others that don't agree with his views will either know he doesn't like them or will feel it whenever he can see the window to do the finally strike to wound or kill this enemy to the revolution.

Brief history:

On his own free will Dimitri Gobachuvisi joined the army in these harsh times of war against the fascist pigs that have plagued the lands of his motherland, his family, his people. He had a smile on his face as he walked up to the signing man that will bring his destiny upon him, for him to join the red Army to serve and protect the USSR and his family. Going through the military school to be trained in the workings of the Soviet standard tank the T-34-85 that he will drive into the battlefield to either die a hero to the revolution as he had served his duty to protect the motherland or come out alive to keep fighting against the fascist pigs that plague the country, that is if he even completes with passing colors the test from the academy, which he had been quite lucky to be even accepted into with his crash course of how the tank worked, what to do if this or that problem would arise.

The young future to be Tank commander had nearly not been accepted into the ranks of the military school since he had woken up a little late than he had set his alarm on the clock to ring at, for him to get a bath and still have time for breakfast. He did have time for the bath that he took every two days but no breakfast. So running out of his little one roomed apartment he nearly also forgot to close the door of his little cozy home, but lucky remembered taking out his key he locked the door and went on his way down the stairs from the second floor and down to the ground to jump onto his bicycle only to arrive at the military school ten minutes before the entry exam began.

Which he passed thanks god. So the first two weeks went with studying the workings of the motor the T34 runs on, different parts on what to do if it broke down and pistol training on how to clean and shoot with it. As a week had gone by with him relaxing with taking and remembering the gun of his, go to school for the crash course that he would be using in a few hours since He would be going to the front then as a commander for reasons he really don't know. He has had quite fun this last week studying and memorizing each part while training his pistol masrksmenship at the target range at the school when he could, doing that from monday to friday as he used friday and Saturday to go out drinking with his fellow comrades at the school. sunday was used as a recover day from the hung over from the wild dinking of his but then monday came again, standing in front of the school early in the morning he got the okay to finally be drafted out into the battlefield.

Role: Tanker: Tank Commander
Expertise: The normal crash course of how the Tank works how the pistol should be cleaned and how to repair the Tank in case of break downs or any other failures that dosen't require a trained mecanic.

1x Tokarev TT-30, a handgun with two mags of ammo.
2x RG-42, fragmentation grenade.
1x binoculars
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

SvenO100 said
I have read books and know quite a lot about the Soviet Union in general, i'm quite interested in their history. Especially during the world war periods. I understand that you're trying to do something alternative now, but I had not figured that out before. You can keep the historical inaccuracies if you don't mind them yourself. Its just not very appealing to me. Especially if you know that the Tiger I didn't appear on the battlefield till 1942 and the Panther did not appear on the field of battle untill 1944. So, seeing those mentioned while we're supposed to be in 1941 confused me.Edit: And I know this might be getting annoying, but the 16h rifle division did not take part in the combat operations around Novgorod and it certainly didn't liberate the city.

I know, but I don't really care about that. They were originally made in Novgorod which is why I chose them.

Waving a historical knowledge e-peen about won't do you much good if I know exactly what you're talking about but instead chose to just capture what I liked about the conflict, such as the tanks and such and put it in a situation/setting that I liked. If you're not interested -- don't post. Simple as that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SvenO100


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Fair enough, I was just trying to give you some details is all. I wouldn't mind doing some research for you as to which divisions/armies participated in the assault near Novgorod, I already have some figures present on which armies liberated the city its self. And I know details about the condition of the city after it actually got liberated. I figured doing background checks on several things would make the roleplay more realistic and more enjoyable.

Side note: I also edited an earlier post with some information on the 16h rifle division we are currently in according to your intro. It might be interesting to know, I encourage you to check up on it. But anyway, I apologise for having annoyed you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThePirapora


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Well, IIRC the Red Army launched some failed counter-attacks early in the war. We could always be one of those, imagine that: Outnumbered and outgunned we manage to expel the Germans from the village, only to be forced to retreat because the rest of the front is still collapsing. And from there, things slowly start to go down the AH route.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Full name:Peter Zhavkovich
Age: 18 (April 20th 1923)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Peter could be described as average, not to handsome and not to ugly either, standing in at 6 foot and a frame that reflects the farm work he used to do, his Light brown hair that could almost be described as blonde is cut to the grain, his blue gray eyes have a dreamy almost distant look to them like they are million miles away. He wears the conscript long coat and uniform but it's dirty and hasn't been cared for, it appears to be moth eaten
Personality:Peter is young and kind to everybody his happy go lucky attitude even appears to be infectious, but his inexperience makes him a little bit naive, it also appears his first few battles have driven him into a land of imagination within his head, the kid is cracked and it's beginning to show it's only a matter of time before hes entirely broken.
Brief history: Born in a small village in Georgia, to a farming family. Peter understood hardship and what it was like to work by the sweat of ones brow, but he loved it he wouldn't have it any other way he grew up on farm work for the first 17 years of his life, his father was conscripted, he was conscripted almost every boy and girl in his village was conscripted and sent to the front. His last promise to his mother and grandparents was he would return alive and bring glory to the family name.

His first battle was hell on earth, put into a green as grass regiment they were expected to charge German positions armed with little more than farm tools and a few assortment of rifles and guns. It was at that battle the regiments radioman was wounded knowing he was done for he called over Peter and in the process of bleeding out taught him how to use the radio. He expired just minutes after his little lecture, Peter took up his new job with gusto, but that didn't save his regiment from being all but wiped out the survivors being transferred into other regiments.

It was after that battle that Peter found himself in the 16th, he became their new radioman and learned further how to use the big ass thing that dominated his back. There he serves with the 16th ready to roll into Novgorod and into the fires of hell itself.
Role: Radioman
Expertise: Being a radioman, he hasn't killed anybody directly, but indirectly he's probably killed tons.
Weaponry: SVT-40 Carbine
Smoke grenades
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Sounds like a plan, but I did intend for us to actually assault and push back Germans. But -- this is up for debate, I'm not Stalin (though some RP'ers have likened me to him before.. :P) so I am willing to discuss any ideas some of you might have.

And ofcourse the Red Army pushed back, who willingly gets pushed into a defensive war without attempting to retaliate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SvenO100


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

ThePirapora said
Well, IIRC the Red Army launched some failed counter-attacks early in the war. We could always be one of those, imagine that: Outnumbered and outgunned we manage to expel the Germans from the village, only to be forced to retreat because the rest of the front is still collapsing. And from there, things slowly start to go down the AH route.

Yeah, that is possible. But we would be in a much larger group of soldiers if that was the case, mind you that the division that is being portrayed should have 10.250 soldiers.

Side note: I'll throw up a character sheet in the coming days, its late here now. And i'm working tomorrow and the day after that, but I should be able to put something up tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

By making a CS I am assuming you agree to it that we'll be using some historical inaccuracies in order to gain a more interesting setting?

Nobody wants to fight leichtetraktoren. :/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SvenO100


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Partisan said
Sounds like a plan, but I did intend for us to actually assault and push back Germans. But -- this is up for debate, I'm not Stalin (though some RP'ers have likened me to him before.. :P) so I am willing to discuss any ideas some of you might have. And ofcourse the Red Army pushed back, who willingly gets pushed into a defensive war without attempting to retaliate.

We can discuss some things in private if you like. Also, if you hadn't noticed. Look at your name and check out my avatar. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThePirapora


Member Offline since relaunch

Partisan said
By making a CS I am assuming you agree to it that we'll be using some historical inaccuracies in order to gain a more interesting setting?Nobody wants to fight leichtetraktoren. :/

I dunno, they look way less threatening than those big Tigers
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SvenO100


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Partisan said
By making a CS I am assuming you agree to it that we'll be using some historical inaccuracies in order to gain a more interesting setting?Nobody wants to fight leichtetraktoren. :/

Leichtetraktoren were never used in combat, well. Except in World of Tanks of course. ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

SvenO100 said
Leichtetraktoren were never used in combat, well. Except in World of Tanks of course. ;)

'twas merely used for training I believe. In order to learn how to steer and aim with tanks 'n shit.

It's a good game by the way, if you excuse it's useless act of portraying thanks that were barely used. But yeah, PzKpfw 35's and such weren't particularily powerful, and we need something to match the T-34.

Don't get me wrong; I'm a sucker for historical accuracy but in this case I just think it'd be more fun and interesting if we just took what we liked and placed it in a setting where we can have a real goal other than 'kill fascist swines and take Berlin.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Could we be a german?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

LordZell said
Could we be a german?

First and foremost Russians, later on I will give options for people to play as Germans as temporary characters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Excuse the double post -- RPG is being a bitch again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

LordZell said
Could we be a german?

First and foremost Russians, later on I will give options for people to play as Germans as temporary characters.

@Sven, PM me with suggestions and I can look them over. Once more, I'm not looking for 100% historical accuracy, but for interesting things to RP. Pushing the date back to 1944 is fine with me, but I don't want to meddle with other stuff too much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SvenO100


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

I tried to start a private conversation with you Partisan, but after sending the message the conversation screen was blank. Just a white page, can you try sending me one first incase you haven't received anything yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

I advice to not repeatedly try sending the same thing, it seems RPG is having it's whimsical problems again where it's not actually showing you it's sent something, but then later sends it anyway. I refer to the 3 posts above in which I thought it wasn't sending it, but it was.
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