The Sacred War.

IC info:
SOLDIER! Pack your bags and get ready to march! High command has seen fit to order us to liberate the city of Novgorod in Western Russia from fascist rule. So we, the 16th Rifle Division, are to take it from their cold dead hands. The city is aproximately 3 days travel from our current location if we take the transports, but our first objective will be to liberate the city of Nym-storovje, a smaller city which is on the way to Novgorod. We can arrive there within a day or less. High command says that there are aproximately 200 Wehrmacht soldiers there which are supported by a small amount of panzers -- Hetzers, Panzerkampf Wagen 4's, Panthers and several Tigers.
Our strength is estimated at aproximately 150 infantrymen, and several tanks to support us. However, that is not whom you are part of; you are part of a squad which is to be amongst the first to head into the city -- you're a squad of veterans and fresh conscripts alike, pushed into the brunt as part of the first offensive. You are to be supported by atleast a T-34-85, and to work in close relations with this tank.
God bless comrades, and remember: za Rodinu! Za Stalina!
Our strength is estimated at aproximately 150 infantrymen, and several tanks to support us. However, that is not whom you are part of; you are part of a squad which is to be amongst the first to head into the city -- you're a squad of veterans and fresh conscripts alike, pushed into the brunt as part of the first offensive. You are to be supported by atleast a T-34-85, and to work in close relations with this tank.
God bless comrades, and remember: za Rodinu! Za Stalina!

OOC info:
As of today your character will be part of Zaburdajev's squad, a veteran of the Red Army, who has seen his fair share of combat. He was involved in the invasion of Poland in unison with the Germans, however nobody would've seen it coming that Germany would attack their Eastern neighbours, with whom they had shared Poland at first. Your characters will be part of the offensive on Nym-storovje, a small idyllic city which has fallen to the German blitzkrieg. Stalin and his commanders have seen fit to order the retaking of this city, on the way from Leningrad to Novgorod. The characters can be either veterans from the preceding times (1939 to 1941, perhaps from the invasion of Poland) or can be fresh conscripts sent to the front with nothing more than a gun and some ammunition, to replace losses in the squad. There will also be a tank present: a T-34-85. This tank was efficiently the 'showcase' tank for Russian tanks -- when you think of a Russian world war 2 tank, this is the one.

This tank is up for grabs for anyone that wants to play as a part of the tank crew. If nobody picks the tank commander, I will play that role as well -- but I don't expect these to be hard to fill. Who doesn't wanna drive a Soviet tank after all? I just hope that people will keep in mind that this RP will be focussed on the infantry mainly so atleast consider an infantry character before you hop onto the tank.
There will be NPC's in the story as well -- Soviets/Germans that we meet during our assault who will play small roles. Think of a certain German commander that we find killed in the streets, or a Russian squad that we meet by chance who will asisst us doing task x or y. Also, tanks. For instance a KV-2 being contacted on the radio by the tank commander, who then assists us for a short time. Either way I hope to have interested you enough to partake in this RP. If you are interested please fill out the character sheet and post it -- for ease, you can press 'view raw' in the top right corner of my post and see the raw BB codes of this post, from there on you can copy the . Za Stalina!

This tank is up for grabs for anyone that wants to play as a part of the tank crew. If nobody picks the tank commander, I will play that role as well -- but I don't expect these to be hard to fill. Who doesn't wanna drive a Soviet tank after all? I just hope that people will keep in mind that this RP will be focussed on the infantry mainly so atleast consider an infantry character before you hop onto the tank.
There will be NPC's in the story as well -- Soviets/Germans that we meet during our assault who will play small roles. Think of a certain German commander that we find killed in the streets, or a Russian squad that we meet by chance who will asisst us doing task x or y. Also, tanks. For instance a KV-2 being contacted on the radio by the tank commander, who then assists us for a short time. Either way I hope to have interested you enough to partake in this RP. If you are interested please fill out the character sheet and post it -- for ease, you can press 'view raw' in the top right corner of my post and see the raw BB codes of this post, from there on you can copy the . Za Stalina!

Katinka thanks you for your services, men.