Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Bug Corest
Age: (Looks) 16 (chronologically.) 200,000
Powers: Acidic lifeform: All of bug's bodily liquids are highly acidic, eating though most materials. As such, melee with the demon child are quite dangerous.
Insect druid: Bug's body is a large walking hive, holding thousands of insects, with hundreds of species. As such, bug can repair his wounds by assimilating more insects into himself.
Infection: If someone is injected with Bug's blood, or venom, small eggs will form in their flesh, eating away at them, and absorbing the melted down flesh. These insects will take from the magical energies from the person they consume, and for non-magically inclined people, they will simply be rather large, dangerous maggot creatures.
Evolution: Bug, when extremely injured or when he has consumed an extremely high amount of sugar. These evolution will get more and more extreme each time, causing Bug to grow in power rapidly if he is repeatedly brought to the brink of death and back.
Forgotten Magic: Bug, being the last of his kind, is the only living user of special "racial druid" magic, allowing him to manipulate insect life on a massive scale. This also allows him to project large blasts of acidic liquids. When using such magics, or when he gets worked up,
Soul Magic: Bug practices the same soul magic as Stine, and the staff and students at the DWMA, allowing him to use demon weapons, and project his soul wave length. As such, he can to an extent counter such attack, with his own.
Master Manipulator: Bug can disguise himself, and lie extremely well. Not to mention, he can use soul magic to hide his own soul, making it hard for people to read him.
Medical degree: Bug has several degrees in medical science, allowing him to preform surgery, and use this knowledge to strike at the most vulnerable parts of a human body.
Looks: Bug has a extremely pale complexion, with freckles. He has large, insect antenna, which are quite sensitive to pain. He hides these antenna with a large wizard hat, and normally wares long brown robes, with many pocket. His eyes are larger than any human sized eyes, and are those hexagonal bug eyes. While normally his eyes are yellow, when he gets excited, or enraged, they turn emerald green. Sometimes, bug will switch his outfit out for a surgeon's garb, with a face mask and hair net. In this outfit, his antenna are plain to see.
Bio: Well, you either know him, or you don't....
From: Hell's coffee lounge 1
Theme song: Gonna go far kid- the offspring
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NoahFire


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Amon Hatori

Age: Unknown, looks around 19

-Flying- Amon can fly when he wishes, but he has wings. His wings can only be removed by iron, such as an iron blade cutting them off. Any other mineral or magic cannot take them off. Amon can have and not have his wings as he wishes, they appear and go through his clothing when he wishes but do not appear if he does not wish for them to. His wings go half a foot above his head and the tips hardly dont touch the ground. When fully extended his wings are about 8 ft wide each.
(Incase pic doesnt work) Amon's Wings
-Summoning- Amon can summon any animal, plant, or weapon he wishes, however he can only do it about 3 times (Depending on size and rareness of object) until he is too tired to summon and cannot summon anything else until he has slept.
-MindReading- Amon can read peoples minds, however he can only read one mind at a time until his own gets distracted by something else, say an explosion or someone touching him. Small things like someone talking to him will not distract him and he cannot hear people when he is reading minds.
-Teleporting- Amon has the ability to teleport around to different places, and worlds. He cannot however, teleport to different universes

Looks: (Incase pic doesnt work) Amon Hatori
Amon wears a big furry brown jacket, because he owns very little clothing. He has dark brown tennis shoes with white lases and a white bottom and stitching. He has a torn up black and white stripped short sleeve shirt. He has dark blue jeans that are torn here and there and have a big hole on the left knee.

Bio: Amon used to have a master, her name was Akari Somotoshi. Akari would always mistreat and harm Amon. She would beat on him and starve him at times. Once she nearly cut off his left wing, but she stopped and did not harm his wing. Amon was not born, he was created. He has a human body and bones and blood, but his mind is programmed so he has to listen and obey his master. One day Amons chip in his brain glitched and allowed him to escape Akari. Akari, in her rage at finding out her servant was gone, went looking for him, but met her demise when he killed her. Amon killed his master because his chip bugged out and caused him to think that she was someone Akari had ordered him to kill. Amon does not remember he killed his master, he believes he killed another woman his master had ordered dead. Amon has run away far from Akari's world, and has fled to many different worlds. He is very un-trustful of people and believes that everyone he meets can and will try to take his wings, so around strangers he tends to attack at the smallest warning of danger.To this day the chip is damaged and can cause Amon to attack or kill. But it rarely does that unless you make him mad...

From: My Mind

ThemeSong: Hmm... DragonForce Cry Thunder, Because I cant think of anyother song xD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crymie-chan


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Giria Gasai
Age: 19 almost 20
Powers:He has the abilities to tell a persons self respected, being able to violate and deceive there mined drawing the slowly into madness. He can also call fire crows at will the crows being able to live it'll they hit the target bursting into flames even able to burn the most nonflammable things, not being real fire but some sort of magic. He can also send strings able to in bed there self in peoples skin making them into a puppet for him to play with the strings awful strong, stronger than led and platinum, the string being able to tie around your bones, he can also change him self to blend to his surrounding being able to block out his mine and body heat basically making himself dead,but he can only do it for so long till he dies. also having a mask offered to him by the devil to let him breath in any toxin, but having to give up half his soul and sanity. also having a gun with self made bullets, once shot sending about 25 blazing hot quarters onto the victim (got from resident evil). He can lose his sanity at any time not caring who you are, he will attack in less your his sister
( here if that dont fucking work looks ))
Bio: Being the only child his parents kept losing Yuno to a shitty family. He slowly started to get depressed and suicidal, also cutting word into his wrist (seen in the pic above)
Missing Yuno only seeing he fresh out the womb he sword to protected her but seeing she was gone when he came home, He grew made only being a preteen he ran into his room were his "emo stage" begun (only way i could describe it with out to big of words) he came out a few mouth later on his birthday turning 13 all he wanted was his sister not getting her back hearing a family from another planet and her being the most precious thing to him, he snapped grabbing his pocket knife out killing his parents in cold blood, a few days after getting his powers from a deal he made with the devil getting his mask and gun, his skin turning pale from not using the mask for awile, his hair white from the ashes from setting his city on fire, also killing his girlfriend for making fun of him losing his sister, he soon destroyed his own plant, finding his sister's. He took a home there and settled in trying to make his life normal till he found her.seeing her one day he almost went to her but saw yuki and backed off, fine thinking she made friend being happy for her. He lived his life like a normal person would getting a job were yuki's mom worked he learned about him from yuki's mom growing fond of him he left them bee> To this day he has never got to talk to her hoping soon he will.
From: My mind or me just waking up seeing a pick.
Theme songs:

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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Akihisa Yoshii The Ultimate Epitome of Stupidity

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Giving HIM a character sheet

Name: He has a name, but it is never given. Referred to simply as Him or Kare.
Age: Looks around 40, but is indeed far older than that
Powers: Kare is a very powerful individual, capable of such feats as warping reality, telekinesis (though, for us, not in-and-of-itself odd, but the extend to which he can use it is truly extreme) and the ability to resurrect the dead with little to no difficulty. Kare is a Devil, and will act as such, manipulating others into doing his bidding or taking control of their minds if the other option doesn't work. Kare is a highly dangerous individual, in that, there is no known way to kill him at this time. Regular weapons could not possibly pierce him, including bullets, no matter what the size and speed they are launched, and even the enchanted blade, belonging originally to the (deceased) samurai, Jack, that was thought to be able to destroy any and all evil, was corrupted instantly by coming into contact with Kare.
Theme Song:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bringing back and redoing a char I used while rping on youtube

Name: oni
age: unknown. Looks about 35
looks: oni appears as a tall, decently muscular man (though this is after he had completed his training. Assuming and wears a large leather overcoat, large samurai armour (minus the helmet) and a demon mask
superhuman abilities- due to his training, oni has immense physical strength and speed. He can also shrug off wounds that would kill a normal human.
regeneration abilities- kinda self explanatory. This ability has allowed oni to get back on his feet even when he's on the brink of death. This, along with his abnormal durability, don't make him immortal. It just means he's a lot harder to kill than most humans
sword summoning- oni's sword is the physical embodiment of his fighting spirit. As a result, he can make it appear, call it to him via telepathy, and even repair any damage done to it
magic breaker- a technique oni created as a countermeasure against magic users with immense power and to test the non-magical strength of an opponent. When used, it creates a powerful sub-limiter that temporarily nullifies almost any form of immensely strong magic his opponent uses. Weaker forms of magic such as magic capable of destroying small buildings and minor healing magic are not affected. It is only used as a last resort and if it seems like it won't kill his opponent. The effects wear off if oni stops using it.
forsaken god form- a variation of magic breaker, this grants oni enhanced speed and strength as well as immunity to magic. It is used in case the use of magic breaker results in his opponent's death.
forsaken bezerker form- thought to be magic breaker's greatest flaw. This occurs when a massive amount of unhealable damage brings oni to the brink of death. He loses control of his anti-magic abilities and enters a bezerker-like state. Greatly enhancing his strength and speed. Oni also gains an immunity to magic capable of cancelling out another being's immunity to magic. Due to the very nature of this phenomenon, oni both hates and fears this ability. Claiming that any victory he has gained in this form is his greatest defeats. As he fought while unable to control magic breaker
bio: a legendary warrior turned mercenary, oni fights every battle to the very end. Driven by his goal to surpass the gods. That, and the fact that he enjoys fighting. Mainly opponents that are stronger than him. His only fear is that he will become "a mindless beast seeking only to destroy"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alright, more chars

Name: lu (real name unknown)
Age: 10
Looks: lu has chalk-white skin, hair, and eyes. She wears a small sorceress' robe of the exact same color
powers: barrier magic- considered to be the youngest sorceress to master barrier magic, lu has perfected and built on this form of magic. Her various barriers range from physical, mental, and soular protection barriers to special barriers used for offense. Her latest achievement is perfecting what she calls "the barrier filter"
erase note- having found it on her travels, the erase note erases whatever the user writes in it. With the following limitations.
1. The erase note cannot erase objects or living beings
2. The erase note relies on cause and effect. In order to erase what is considered the effect, the user must get rid of the cause.
Bio: a child prodigy with a no fucks given attitude. Not much else to say

Name: cecil "doc" farns
age: at least 40
Looks: cecil wears a wide-brimmed hat and a heavy cloak. Usually covering his face with a gas mask
advanced immune system- having researched various diseases, cecil has gained a natural immunity to most diseases
Bio: a former disease researcher working for kishin, he was exiled for creating the black widow virus. A disease that has been confirmed to be incurable because of it's capability to adapt to any immune system.

All done :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This is gonna be good

Name: the seer
Age: unknown
looks: the seer is a short statue-like golem with a featureless face. Normally wearing a heavy cloak
enhancement through imbalance- the seer gains extra power in a location with spiritual imbalance
Hades gate- the seer's most powerful spell, it only uses this in extreme situations. The Hades gate allows it to resonate with the souls of the deceased
familiars- the seer controls millions of mosquito-like familiars that feed on soular energy
bio: to be revealed
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


power:he has cartoon logic (it takes power from his soul instead of mana,it regenerates over time ),and he can turn into a electricity to travel thru the air(short range ,about 20 feet) or thru a conducter(as long as it goes)(this also takes from his soul energy)
by me


by my bud leo

(Height :5,11)

equipment:2 gauntlets of indestructble metal called cartoonium(the owner of cartoonium has a telegenic effect on it) that can shoot plasma,

wing pack that makes hard light wings

domino goggles;a pair of goggles with scanners and internet access

And this hammer

(all of theese are made from cartoonium(the crimson cartoonium he uses for the hammer can hurt anything and packs more of a punch then the silver type,but cant conduct anything),and they all take power from his soul)

And explosives

also anything he can pull out of hammerspace.

personality:a troll with a heart of gold,teo likes messing around with both friend and foe,and also insane.


other:has immunity from mind reading/control,is also a mad scientist,has a PHd in cartoon physics,the more soul power he uses,the weaker he gets.His soul cannot be destroyed(not to say he cant die),and if someone devours his soul,the will explode,soul is extremely strong ,like over 900000
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, new char time. (Please note that this char was chosen for the sole purpose of pwning the crape out of OP chars)

Name: najimi ajimu
Age: 3,402,193,822,311
Powers: najimi ajimu has 12,858,051,967,633,862 abilities. One of then being the ability to count large numbers of stuff. Also she is super fast and super strong
Bio: having lived for over a million years, najimi ajimu's life eventually came to an end at the hands of someone stronger than her. Even when she was using at least one of the two abilities that would've still allowed her to win. Long story short she revived herself after an unknown amount of time. Only to end up in another dimension. Thus began her quest to become a multiversal superjesus
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Hashiro
Age: unknown

nature magic: control over nature in various aspects. has alot of overlap with aeromancy, pyromancy, geomancy, vitomancy, and a bit of cryomancy as well as his most notable ability: naturalization which is the ability to reduce something to it's base or natural state removing augments and defects in any form however it cannot bring back the dead

example: when minx is naturalized she returns to human form but doesn't lose her force powers where as someone struck with a cursed weapon would have the curse removed, healing them.

fox fire: a mystical flame inherited from his mother which can either burn any substance or trick people via auditory and visual hallucinations. however they cannot be used for the same thing at once

sealing magic: basically what it sounds like however the power and intricacy of said seals are dependant on certain conditions ranging from making someone incapable of pronouncing 'p' correctly or sealing of an entire section of the multiverse in such an intricate way that nearly anything attempting to bypass it would find the effort impossible

sealed power: unfortunately due to events that took place in his past, hashiro is incapable of accessing his full power of his own free will which is represented by him only having access to 4 out of 9 tails the scaling of which are as follows: 1=base 2=2x 3=4x 4=8x 5=16x 6=32x 7=64x 8=128x 9=256x

Looks: hashiro is 6'5 with all white fur aside from two red spots above his eyes (yes he's a furry) while he largely resembles a wolf due to taking heavilly after his father, his tails are foxlike in nature. his eyes are grey and he favors kimonos
From: oc
Theme song:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Najimi Ajimu

Najimi Ajimu

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Tyki said
Name: HashiroAge: unknownPowers: nature magic: control over nature in various aspects. has alot of overlap with aeromancy, pyromancy, geomancy, vitomancy, and a bit of cryomancy as well as his most notable ability: naturalization which is the ability to reduce something to it's base or natural state removing augments and defects in any form however it cannot bring back the deadexample: when minx is naturalized she returns to human form but doesn't lose her force powers where as someone struck with a cursed weapon would have the curse removed, healing them.fox fire: a mystical flame inherited from his mother which can either burn any substance or trick people via auditory and visual hallucinations. however they cannot be used for the same thing at oncesealing magic: basically what it sounds like however the power and intricacy of said seals are dependant on certain conditions ranging from making someone incapable of pronouncing 'p' correctly or sealing of an entire section of the multiverse in such an intricate way that nearly anything attempting to bypass it would find the effort impossiblesealed power: unfortunately due to events that took place in his past, hashiro is incapable of accessing his full power of his own free will which is represented by him only having access to 4 out of 9 tails the scaling of which are as follows: 1=base 2=2x 3=4x 4=8x 5=16x 6=32x 7=64x 8=128x 9=256xLooks: hashiro is 6'5 with all white fur aside from two red spots above his eyes (yes he's a furry) while he largely resembles a wolf due to taking heavilly after his father, his tails are foxlike in nature. his eyes are grey and he favors kimonosBio: From: ocTheme song:

Neat. But it's impossible for me not to be capable of the impossible. Too many abilities. Also fourth wall break
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Najimi Ajimu said
Neat. But it's impossible for me not to be capable of the impossible. Too many abilities. Also fourth wall break

Miss...please, take a big step back, and go learn a new power. The power, of go nerf yourself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I think for good. So here's a updated CS.
Name: Crow Vishta'kk
Age: 18
Powers: She has a better basis on using shadow magic and can fully use her flight and senses to avoid attacks. She now also holds a katana that she's infused with some of her own powers.
Looks: She now has grey streaks of hair running through the black. Her eyes have dulled to the color of dried blood and multiple scars cover her body, the main one being the large gash on her back. She is almost grey in complexion and wears blue, ripped jeans, black boots, a simple white top and a dark green jacket. She's thinner than she was and is practically just bones. There's black around her eyes from sleep deprivation.
Bio: After having disappeared from the Lounge one day, she ended up trying to get a better basis on her powers. Many fights later, she's decided to return to see if everything is still ticking right.
From: You should know by now this is a OC.
Theme song:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Najimi Ajimu

Najimi Ajimu

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

supertinyking said
Miss...please, take a big step back, and go learn a new power. The power, of go nerf yourself.

Yes well hashiro's sealing magic is basically a way of limiting what people can do and where they can go. Don't believe me? Check the cs and see for yourself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Najimi Ajimu said
Yes well hashiro's sealing magic is basically a way of limiting what people can do and where they can go. Don't believe me? Check the cs and see for yourself.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

And this entire area is now completely and utterly pointless. Anyone who was thinking of posting a CS here, we now have a specialised CS area built into the thread. How cool is that?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 1 yr ago

> And this entire area is now completely and utterly pointless. Anyone who was thinking of posting a CS here, we now have a specialised CS area built into the thread. How cool is that? Fuckin sweet!
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