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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Despite Lightwing's objections, Solar Lens decided to head out to the Noxferus' house that night. After their evening with Scarlet - a night long remembered by the townsfolk for its wildness, the Scholars retired to the upper room. Lens examined the book to make sure it was the Black Sun Prophecies.

Through her glazed eyes she examined the ancient text. "Yes, yes, yus," she muttered. "This is watt the Noxfurus seeks."

"I don't know what he wants with it. Nothing but strange pictures," said Southwatcher, disappointment behind her voice. She had taken the pleasure of checking it out while the pegasus and unicorn were drinking with Scarlet. "Nothing of worth, save for that it's antiquity."

Lens nodded and set the Prophecies back into the case that Hammer held on his back. Or at least attempted to, as the book landed slanted. Lightwing muzzled the book into it's right position and it fell in properly. The pegasus then said, "Doctor, I really don't think you should go now… not after-"

"Nunsense. Doktor Noxfrum wanted this book asf soon as possible. I told him I'll be back this afternoon! Nuw it's too late, and I don't want to make that hot stallion wait any languor," slurred Lens.

Southwatcher's left eyebrow rose at that last comment. Before Lightwing could make any more comments, the Doctor was already out the door. She was wobbling in her trot, but otherwise was able to stand. Despite her intoxication, Lens was now focused. Or as focused as she could be after so many drinks. Lightwing sighed, and followed after her. "Alright, keep an eye on the book," he said before leaving.

"I'll keep both eyes on it," said Hammer.

Trotting down the lamp lit streets, Lens began to blush more and her eyes began to twinkle. Her heart began to beat faster, exhilarated by the thought of meeting such a brilliant mind. They made it to the corner where they had previous stood yesterday. "Wait here, Lightwing. I'll deliver the news," she said. The walk help clear her mind, though she paid no thought of the smell of alcohol about her.

Lens walked slowly on the darkened street, making no pony saw her. The Scholar's cloak aided in masking her appearance. Approaching the large doors, she knocked, than sat down, and waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EldritchOne
Avatar of EldritchOne

EldritchOne Nephren-Ka Was Here Bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Leaving Tsan to await the return of Amaretto and his payment, Scalpel had descended once more into the bowels of his mansion to continue his work. Already his plans were coming into motion, soon he would have to forward his operations to a new location, one which he had already decided upon whilst searching for the most ideal positioning on the maps and data he had gathered from his sources.

This place would be the cradle of his new civilisation, and the beginning of a new world.

However, as of this moment, a greater issue stood in his path.

The Corona Star chamber was filled with the power of harnessed magical energy, lightning strikes of it bouncing off the walls and making the air crackle with power whilst the centrifuge spun and altered itself around a levitating glowing black sphere. Dressed in dark mechanised armour, Scalpel floated before the orb, horn aglow and face set in a frown of intense concentration, lightning crackled and whipped around his form in chaotic fury, but he remained unscathed thanks to the Corona suit.

Created out of both magical and clockwork machinery, the armour like all of Scalpels thinks was heavily enchanted and enruned. However further developments had been created by applying certain principles from the Machine gods first form, and now the suit had a series of miniaturised Tesla coils across each platelet of the armour. The designs rearrangement of certain aspects, including the coils, had resulted in a suit in which magical energies could be redirected around the person in question. In high intensity situations, such as the case of being in a chamber rippling with ambient magic, this would provide immense protection whilst still allowing him to project his power. Lines and circles crisscrossed the entire thing providing an extra magical nexus in which his energies could be fully channelled whilst stray magic could be redirected to the coils, all of it glowed with a deep ominous purple light.

Beneath the plate the device became even more complex, enchanted gears and cogs responding to muscle based stimuli and powered to allow him greater lifting capabilities, whilst also magically lightened to allow him to move unhindered by weight. The entire device could have never been create before the Machine God began to speak to him, but now new horizons were opening up with the gift of knowledge, and the vast branching rivers of ever expanding innovation.

The orb hummed and sang as he alternated the magic which flowed through it, listening for the key tunes from which he could properly enhance the material and thus bend its crystalline structure to his will. The entire thing was made out of matter which had come from the heart of a dead star, launched from the explosive power of its death spasms and flung to earth in a hailstorm of light.

This fallen material had descended the better part of a century ago, and his great grandfather, who had been an astrologer and meteorologist, had collected it and brought its remains to the family mansion. When he had broken it apart after he had discovered these three crudely shaped orbs inside, each slightly larger than a equine heart and made of a strange material which he called “Black Diamond”. Over the course of the next decade his great grandfather had carved the matter into perfect spheres and kept them about his mansion, always muttering about how they “weren’t quite ready yet”, until his sudden death by heart attack whilst smoothing the last orb. Eventually the family removed them and stored them in the depths of the family vaults in this mansion, where Scalpel had discovered them a century later and brought them up for viewing.

Only now did their true purpose come into play, a focusing and immense storing point for magical energies, but still unfinished and unfocused without the correct magical language. Still they had immense potential, and with the right signs and rituals they would provide him with an important instrument in the Apotheosis rite. As he slowed the power of the machine and slowly ended his magical direction, the orb came to rest once more in its place and his face relaxed into a proud smile.

“And soon I shall have the words…”

The room quickly descended into silence as he left through the black steel gateway through the control room, the ambient buzz of magic and heat giving way to the coolness of inactivity. As he continued along the long straight corridor to the outer layers of the Inner Sanctum he wondered about the tremendous power that had been shifted into his hooves of late. He was sure that something was amiss but couldn’t quite put his hoof on it, regardless he would continue in his search for boundless knowledge to further strengthen his ascendency whilst his Nightingales investigated.

Passing into a small pointed arch door he entered one of his more personal workshops which had been scattered around the entire facility. The place was a writhing mess of materials, half finished constructs and objects and wiring, scattered amidst piles of oil stained notes and plans in his usual esoteric scrawl. A great desk at the far end was probably the most organised part of the entire room, fitted with gothic artistry and a high back chair. Ledgers of materials, machinery, and Drones covered the surface amidst tottering piles of copied lore and scraps of text and lore, a mosaic of a bizarre writing black cyclopean star providing an intriguing backdrop to this inner study.

With the tests completed he figured he’d have a few moments to himself to allow him to develop some of his more extraneous experiments, The most notable being a pair of complex metal legs for Honey. The entire thing was a creation of sublime beauty and care, mimicking the muscle structure of an equine leg and covered in beautiful calligraphy, creating a versatile and complex magical commune between the artifices and their owner which would aid greatly in connecting the brain and the machinery together with seamless reaction speeds. With a few adjustments to the weight changing magic and the local power cells the mechanical limbs would be ready for use, and Honey would no longer require the cumbersome wheels to move about. Instead she would be given limbs of steel and magic, limbs which could crust stone and cripple metal if so needed, but elegant and delicate enough to be more than capable of matching any normal legs in everyday activities.

Soon his niece would walk again unhindered… but it was not what he ultimately desired, for that the true flesh and blood restoration of her legs.

His mood darkened a little with these thoughts, but then lightened when he remembered his successes and the immense progress he was making. The artefacts would be his means of achieving the fundamental goals he sought, and his ever-growing army would march before him in a war which would shake Equestria to its core, and re-establish universal order across the divided realm. Already he had managed with his ever increasing staff of worker Drones to multiply his numbers of servants into the hundreds, and they in turn assisted in the production of more and more!

Furnaces were burning, electrics crackling and magic humming through the air! This was industry, the fires of the future were burning away in untameable fury and intensity, and with him at the forefront. in his mind’s eye he saw a vision of endless marching legions of armoured soldiers, hundreds of siege weapons and instruments of war behind him, driving away the foulness of the civil war and bringing about a new age of prosperity. Weapons both new and old would bend in tribute to the war, he saw legions of pike wielding soldiers, those armed with complex firearms and some even handling strange instruments which launched concentrated magical lightning and other unnameable magic.

The old world shall burn in the fires of the new…

No taint, be it pre-war failure or a malignancy forged in the fires of this current discord must remain to infect the future.

Soon, very soon, armies of hundreds of thousands would march to the drumbeat of the Black Sun, and they would scourge the world of its failings, and herald in a new world of innovation, freedom and prosperity.

And after that?... Equinity would reach for the stars, and then go forth and conquer them.

A Heavenly Empire awaited.
With a creak the door opened before Lens and a small flying orb peered out at her, a giant purple crystal eye inspecting her intensely.

“Oh! You’re the lady from the day before! Hi!” it proclaimed in a cheerful childlike electric voice, “Papa said you would be coming soon, so I have orders to take you down to the outer sphere of the Inner Sanctum.”

The door bobbed open and the Sphere hopped away to let her past, whistling a merry tune as it did so. Even on the surface level the mansion was a hive of activity, with a seeming endless number of Worker Drones travelling to-and-fro, followed by speeding Spheres and the occasional Warrior Drone.

Tsan who was overseeing the movement whilst he waited eyed up the Scholar in front of him, raising an eyebrow at – although somewhat decreased level of - Len’s obvious intoxication. “Follow the Sphere” he stated matter-of-factly, whilst gesturing her to enter “It’ll take you to our Father, I have already sent down a messenger to tell him of your arrival, He should have everything ready by the time you are there.”

The melon sized orb happily began to flitter away at a measured pace, singing some odd little polka song which wouldn’t have been out of place in a Cult of Laughter recruitment tune. Occasionally as it bounced down the stairs into the earth it paused in its tunes to gibber something somewhat irrelevant, like “Don’t go wandering off, the Drones might mistake you for not-quite-so-dead stock” or “You have nice ears, I wish I could wear them”, but mostly kept to its singing.

The stairways eventually gave way to a labyrinthine nest of corridors of stone which were fitted with magically powered brass lanterns, and surprisingly wide for underground tunnels. These were even more saturated by work and industry, with Drones pushing carts of corpses or machinery elsewhere, or otherwise involved in the transport of coal or raw materials from the facilities extensive underground warehouses. These creatures barely gave the two any mind asides from the occasional swift glance and snarl, and even the predatory Warrior Drones barely acknowledged them as they prowled the corridors looking for prey, or otherwise ran past in packs to the secret woodland tunnels to bring in more charnel resources.

Eventually the corridor gave way to one of the great factories beneath the earth, showing a huge network of furnaces and endless tables and forges directed to the production of machinery and weaponry for the army of Scalpel. Immense numbers of mass produced limbs, swords and armour lay in great organised piles, numbering in hundreds if not thousands already under the ministrations of the workforce. Worker Drones were everywhere, perhaps consisting of over two hundred individuals moving back and forth across the factory, or forging the materials, or bent over work tables fixing the finer details of the equipment in mechanical precision. On miniature rail systems immense piles of coal were carted through to feed the forges and furnaces, which in turn made an atmosphere of powerful heat, only alleviated by the developed ventilation system which had been installed with the factory.

Anyone with good enough sense could tell that this was not the industry of a vague disorganised experiment.

The master of this house was preparing for war.

Winding its way through the flurry of workers, it cleared a path for the two of them until after some time I made its way to the end of the factory were two Warrior Drones guarded a great arched brass door. Pushing through the door, the Sphere made for another long corridor which branched off deeper into the underground industrial complex, happily calling after itself “This way!” as it did so.

After a dizzying number of twists and turns they slowly began making their way into the Inner Sanctum. The first sign was the thickening of the air as it grew heavy with the hundreds of traps and enchantments which crisscrossed the place like a spider web, with the unfortunate travellers beginning to feel like the flies within it. The humming of the Sphere became much quieter, and it became much more nervous as it approached the first apparent change in the facility. The Stone walls of the previous tunnels gave way to walls of carbonated iron, heavy with enchantment and fitted with more exquisite lamps and an intensive nexus of magical symbology. The very atmosphere of the place took on a different tone as well; the sounds of the industrial section long since faded by distance and silencing spells, and cultivating an almost monastic intonation. There was very little traffic in this section, and only the occasional Sphere of Worker passed through, with books levitated or carried on its person, furthering the sense of meditative isolation.

The feeling was broken by the heavy footfalls of an armoured giant as it rounded the corner, the mechanical form of Lambda making a steady jog through the facility on some unknown task. As he passed it was revealed that he was far from alone, a small white and gold maned pony with no back legs sat on his back reading a book as he effortlessly sped past. The two of them quickly disappeared into the distance, but not before the young pony had glanced up from her book and given Lens a small thin smile, and delivered a long curious stare from her blue-green eyes.

The spirits of the orb seemed to rise at the sight of the pony, and it turned around and seemed to almost waved at her as she disappeared, shouting at the disappearing figures “Have a good day Mistress!” before nodding to Lens once again to follow it round a corner.

After another few minutes of progress they eventually turned the corner into a great central hallway which seemed to disappear far into distant blackness and hurried onwards. Eventually they came to the same doorway Scalpel had entered earlier, and the orb stopped and hovered before her in anticipation.

Knocking on the door it turned to her again and announced in a cheerful way “The Master will see you now, but I must go, I will return when you conclude your business to lead you the way out. Toodley Pip!” With this the Sphere bobbed once in the air, did a little flip and zoomed off into the network of tunnels, only the sound of it humming giving any direction to his presence in the maze before even that was swallowed up by the silence.

Disturbing that silence however was the sound of a brass coated door creaking open and a familiar face peering out at her through big catlike eyes, the face of Nocturne.

“Hallo Lens!” she proclaimed happily, her face crinkling into a smile, “Herr Doktor is expectink you, please come inside.”

With this Nocturne opened the door further, revealing the full extent of the workshop and study, and the armoured figure of the Doctor at a far desk, frowning over piles of paperwork. Nocturne herself was wearing a heavily bloodstained lab coat herself, but overall hadn’t changed clothes since their meeting beneath that. With a gesture Nocturne ushered the pony in and gave her a big apologetic grin, “Sorry about not tellink you sooner, Herr Doktor likes to keep his associates connections secret in ze public.”

With that she turned to him and raised her voice so Scalpel could here “She has arrived Doktor!”, before turning to another corner of the room and trotting off to continue fixing a portion of an experimental weapon.

Scalpel turned his eyes up from his work and gave Lens a genuine smile “Why Ms Lens, I didn’t expect you to return quite so soon. Welcome to the Inner Sanctum. Now! I understand you have a book you wish to trade with me, and I…” he levitated a heavy tome up into the air, the same one which he had shown her the first time “…Have my part of the aforementioned trade.”

“So Ms Lens…” he finalised, leaning back from his desk, “Shall we complete our arrangement?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 40 min ago

Amaretto and Theá found themselves standing outside, the book held in the former's magical grasp. He looked it over with apparent disinterest, wondering why anyone would want to read through a book such as this, only to dig out what truths were buried under the rubbish. Despite his apathetic opinion of the book, he still held it with great care. Only a solemn promise that the book would not come to harm had let Arcon part with it. Otherwise, he had said, he would not let them leave his fort. Amaretto couldn't help but count himself lucky that he had been primarily ignored throughout the entire ordeal, as the glare Arcon directed towards Theá on more than one occasion made even him uneasy.

"I suppose it's time to head back," he said, eyes still looking over the old tome for a few more moments before he carefully deposited it in his saddlebags. He then glanced at Theá, almost as if waiting for her to do something.

"I suppose it is. Though I am not eager to return. I cannot put a hoof on what is going on in that mortal's mansion, but something is off. Something I do not think should happen. At all." She fluffed her wings, extending them slightly from her sides before settling again. "Though I could annihilate him and his entire home in the blink of an eye, whatever goes on in that mind of his... it unsettles me. Something about him... is not of this world. I am sure of it."

She sighed and looked away, eyes trained on the horizon for several moments before she turned back to Amaretto. "But enough of that. Let us be on our way." A small flash of light and Theá was gone. Or rather, she had changed her shape into that of a tiny bug again, settling behind Amaretto's ear. "Use the key again. Trigger the inlaid enchantment with your own magic and it will return us to where we last were. Do not worry about his detection spells discovering me, or that the key is fake. However off-worldly his mind may be, he is but Mortal and yet no match for me."

"So long as you can get me out of there should he prove dangerous. I'm willing to do what you ask, but putting myself in harm's way when there is no need to is a risk I'm not willing to take. Family comes first."

"I understand," was all Theá said. Next thing she knew they were back in the mansion, Amaretto having used the key to teleport them back to where they were. For anyone looking, it seemed as if he appeared through the door to the library.

Now, it's only a matter of waiting until that Mortal gets here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Lens had no idea wither it was the drink or the brilliance of the Noxferus that caused the surreal sights. The strange singing sphere, the half-machine pony with manners, the maze light surreality of the house. The Scholar blushed at the comment about nice ears and muttered some thanks. She barely reacted to the carts of bodies. In fact, it almost warmed her heart as if she was back in her grandfather's labs. Then she was in a vast forge, wondering she accidentally stepped into Hammer's own factory.

"Confounded drink… whatever that stuff Scarlet let me tried. I may be dreaming for all I know," she muttered to herself. Had her head been more clear, she probably would have pondered the weapons factory, asking why such preparations were being made.

They continued, and Lens had a vision of an adorable but legless mare. Her hair shined like the sun, and her fur like snow. And then the unicorn was gone. A phantom? The Sphere greeted the sight. Ah Noxferus' companion, so adorable!… I wonder if she is his daughter. Lens grimaced at the thought. Ehhhh, I was hoping he wasn't married.

After reaching the door and the lively Sphere leaving, Lens eyes widen as she meet Nocturne again. Lens smiled and gave a short bow. "Nokky! Heh, I see the Noxferus has a good eye for associates. I was worried you wouldn't get home, not after all those other drinks! Actually… how am I still standing after that?", she said.

But Lens stopped in the sight of Scalpel, gasping at the sight. In his armor and the light of the room, the stallion looked more regal and wonderful than he had before. Her eyes sparkled and her blushed deepened so much that she appeared violet. In that one sight, the majesty of Scalpel seemed to blaze. Had the Noxferus sprouted wings like an alicorn just now, Lens would've not been surprised.

"Oh yes, the Prophesies!" Lens said when Scalpel was finished speaking. "Well, if I recall from yesterday's meeting, you wanted to be informed when the tome is here in town 'physically', and you will make your preparations for the exchange and message me latter." The mare frowned a bit, looking a bit sad. "Did I misunderstand?" Tears began form in Lens eyes and she bowed down. "I'm sorry The Noxferus. I-I must have misunderstood…" Lens began to sob tears. The frozen facade gone, melted by the warmth of many drinks.

"BURP!" Lens let out a belch. She stopped crying and then stood, regaining some composure but now feeling throughly embarassed. "Er… my apologies, sir. Nocturne had shown me a good time tonight… er may be too much of a good time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
Avatar of Bright_Ops

Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

Torrential did not dare take his eyes off the pink abomination before him. His gut told him that dropping his guard for even a moment would end in pain and disaster.

Still, he didn't need to look in order to sense the presence of both Star Dancer and Snow Tail. A part of him was quite literally with them after all and after spending some time with both of them he felt he had a fairly good idea about what the two mares would do in this situation, fool hardy through it might have been. Since it was clear that the two of them weren't planning on fleeing to safety, he would have to remove the source of the danger itself...

For a split second, Torrential glanced towards where Star Dancer had been standing... Then there was pain.

The movement itself would be next to impossible for the mortal eye to follow, but in the blink of an eye the pink mare had gone from where it had been standing to Torrential's side, beach umbrella back in hoof and the sharp, pointy end at the bottom clearly driven into Torrential's barrel, sticking out the other side and dripping golden blood into the water as the mare itself tried to bite the alicorn's horn off. Anyone who had studied pony biology and assuming that an alicorn would have something like it could tell from the angle of the umbrella that it must have passed through a lung at the least.

For his part, Torrential had not been completely flat footed. He had shifted his body enough so that he would merely lose a lung to impalement instead of having a sharp piece of metal jammed through his heart, his front hooves locked onto the mare's body and preventing her from removing or moving the umbrella or herself away from him. Around his horn was the strong glow of magic, the only thing keeping it from being bitten off by the undead monster fighting him.

Closing his eyes and forcing himself to do what needed to be done through the pain, the only regret that Torrential had was that he was going to live to regret doing this.

Even as the mare focused her attention on trying to bite through raw magic and dehorn an alicorn, the air itself filled with the sound of crackling. Like a thousand angry birds singing off tune all at once into a microphone that wasn't working properly. Electricity snaked through the dark clouds above, gathering in a single stop above Torrential and the pink creature. It seemed to take forever to charge...

For a moment, the world was silent.

Then there was a flash of light so bright that it was blinding. While it might not have been at the same levels that a different alicorn had done mere days before, ponies for many miles around would see the flash of white light burn itself into the sky for several seconds. Some ponies would claim that it appeared to be a beam of white light coming from the sky; Some unicorn scholars would claim it was a kind of lazer spell charged to levels that were at the moment insane to be truly considered possible by anypony mortal and for them to continue living.

In truth, it was a bolt of lightning. The full fury of a raging storm condensed into a single strike that lasted several seconds. Both Torrential and the pink thing vanished from view as both of them were standing at the point of impact. The lightning itself seemed to make the very waters of the lake that was on top of Ponyville glow white hot as the water started to boil and every water soaked thing that could burn was reduced to ashes under the intensity. What undead that had still been in contact with the lake they had been crawling out of when the lightning hit froze up and twitched uncontrollably as what could burst into flame did so, the parts of them that couldn't doing so seconds later.

Soon enough, the endless moment of white would come to an end... and the shock wave that boarded the ear drum rupture mark consumed the world with its deafening noise, branches being broken off trees as the thunder roared in the aftermath of the lightning strike to end them all. The waters of the 'lake' formed great waves that crashed onto the shore. The sky itself once covered in dark clouds was once again sky blue as the storm itself was used up.

The undead that had been walking the shore dropped to the ground like puppets that had had their strings cut, as lifeless as they should have been in the first place. A surprising victory for a Stormwing stallion that had charged into what would normally have been a suicidal battle of attrition. He had wounds that would really need to be looked at by a doctor before the rust and gods knows what else had been on the undead weapons that made the wounds, but with proper care he would have an amazing story to tell.

And on the shore of the lake, washed there by the short lived but great waves lay Torrential, umbrella still piercing his body and hide as he struggled to breath with a lung filling with blood and water as he contemplated what he had learned in that final moment of the battle as his oppoant had been destroyed in a flash of white...

A powerful demon shaped and fashioned to look and act like its mistress to defend a site close to her heart... nothing more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EldritchOne
Avatar of EldritchOne

EldritchOne Nephren-Ka Was Here Bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Scalpel rubbed his eyes with a forehoof at his blunder, “Apologies Ms Lens, I had expected that you would have sent a message to me, not come bearing news by yourself, so I misinterpreted your presence here.”

Raising his eyes to meet hers once more, he grinned sheepishly, “But now that you are here you can relay my original plan to your associates. Normally I would direct them here to do business, however I am dealing with a client currently…” his brow furrowed into deep-set grooves, “… And I believe the house is being watched by a rather unpleasant entity I have had the misfortune to encounter in my travels.”

Turning his head to look behind the chair, a spark of magic lit upon his horn and a dusty map began to levitate through the air. Turning back he unravelled it before Len’s eyes and pointed with a glowing marker to a specific landmark in the middle of the Whitetail woods not far from Woodswatch.

“This will be our rendezvous point, equal terrain from which both parties will make the trade, It’s a ancient Neolithic site which I discovered in the old maps which had been lost and forgotten for centuries. The place is scattered with numerous groups of ancient stone circles with a titanic perfectly circular boulder in the midst of it, where many antediluvian rites were practiced before even the time of the Sisters. It’s a couple of miles directly south from Woodswatch itself, but far enough that you won’t get sore hooves from the walk.”

He rolled up the map and levitated it to her, waiting for her to take it before continuing.

“My servants will of course clear the area for any unwanted elements beforehand, but during the deal I will maintain nought more than an honour guard in order to offset any nervous tension of your associates.”

He rose from his seat and trotted around the desk, crossing the room to assist Nocturne with the calibration of an electrical device and continuing the conversation through the crackle of tamed lightning, “If I am happy with the trade –and by all accounts if you have given me the right thing, I should be- then I might even let you purvey some part of the grand scene you see in action around you, after all, you like few others seem to have an appreciation for my studies.”

The door suddenly lurched open and one of the Spheres flew through, brushing Len’s ears as it passed before stopping before the doctor and bobbing urgently at him, “Risen Master Tsan states that the client has returned from his journey, he states that the client has definitely returned with something valuable!” Scalpel smiled at the machine and patted it on what would have been its head lovingly. Averting his gaze he looked at Len’s once more, the smile remaining on his face as he did so before speaking once more.

“It seems that business draws me away Dr Lens, I must see to my less than patient client in regards to his… needs. Our meeting will take place roughly an hour before midnight in the specified location, which is a few hours from now, enough time for you to regain your sobriety no doubt…” he gave her a playful wink at this, his face beaming in amusement, “if you have any questions before I depart and my Spheres guide you out please raise them, otherwise I will bid you adieu until later tonight Dr Lens.”
Up above in the mansions ground floor, Tsan stomped over to the returned figure of Amaretto and eyed him up with the dourness that only a cyborg equine could muster, “The Doctor has been informed of your return, he will be here shortly whilst he concludes his work. Please remain here until his arrival.” With this he went silent and positioned himself next to the doorway in which Amaretto had returned from, maintaining a constant vigil on the pony in order that he did not get into mischief. The entire situation was quiet asides from two buzzing Spheres which entered the door in their usual bubbly good cheer, seized a book in a levitation spell, and descended into the innards of the dark house once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

While Snow and Storm and the other were making plans, Star Dancer continued to watch the battle. Torrential looked back at where she was. It was an instant, but for her it was like an eternity. That single sight of his eyes made her feel all the emotions that she associate with him - love, fear, and wonder.

Then suddenly, Torrential face was filled with agony, and Dancer screamed at the sight of an umbrella impaling him. That got the attention of the archers. Snow Tail realized this and cursed under her breath. She leaped over the log before Storm could reply and attacked the nearest ghoul. The pair tumbled on the ground as an arrow barely missed her wing. Of the other ghoul, the mercenary could not tell. In those moments, she was wrestling for her life, her nose filled with the foul stench and unnatural breath of the creature. Her stomach turned and her began to get lightheaded, the decades of rot being a powerful weapon. They struggled in the mud, the creature snapping at her throat, while keeping Tail's hidden claws from slashing him.

Dancer did not move, her attention focused solely on Torrential as he struggled with the horror. Then suddenly a light came, and her sight faded into darkness.

Snow Tail and her opponent was thrown into the air. She opened her eyes at the clear blue sky, ears still ringing from the thunderclap of Torrential. On top of her was the ghoul, no longer moving. Tail automatically jammed one fist into the corpse, while the other decapitated the head. She tossed it far away.

"What a rude awakening," she muttered. "And how long was I out?" She looked around trying to find Dancer, Storm, or Torrential. And was on the alert for any nasty visitors. But the undead ponies lay still, though Tail avoided them. "The Cult loves to play some nasty tric-"

On the shore some distance she saw Torrential. All other considerations had to wait. She flew in her direction, and was thankful neither wing was damaged. "I bet Torrential's clothing had something to do with that." She stopped some distance, and trotted so he could see her and approached carefully. "Master Torrential. Are you alright?", she asked. To her, it looked really bad.
Looking at the map, Lens recalled a fellow Scholar who spoke to her during lunch one day. It was after a successful operation for the order:

"I swear that was no Laughing Cult base we raided to take those artifacts back," said Hopeful the Archeologist. "No motley, the lack of undead in their mist, and the general lack of dark humor. And there was something curious about the underground complex… it was ancient, I felt it down to my bones. The place was far older than even the pre-tribal period…

"The stonework of the place looks similar to the monoliths near Woodwatch. Not very well known - only the foals really went near them to play. I was with a friend who took me to see them while traveling one time, before going to the University. In fact, it was what got me into archeology."

"I thought it was Daring Do that did that," said Lightwing, who was eating with them. "What foal didn't want to be an archeologist after reading those?"

Hopeful smiled. "Ok, ok, yeah the books certainly helped. But the allure of the monoliths…" she shook her head. "Guys, I have a feeling the monoliths, the complex, and that Ancient Cult were all linked somehow. Alas, we had to destroy the place to get out…"
Lens put the map into her cloak. I wonder if the Noxferus knows the secrets of those Monoliths, and about the cults that worship those great old ones.

She listened to the Noxferus and blushed by his sly nudge towards her current state. "I would like to make the exchange alone, but the Director deems either Tome too priceless to let a single pony handle them. As such, I will be accompanied by three others - all trusted by the Director - to safely transport the Prophecies there, and escort the Marvels back.

She sighed. "I wish such an arrangement could be avoided. The fewer ponies that know of you, the better it would be to protect your anonymity. It was the reason I came here myself instead of another. In any case, your conditions are satisfactory." She gave a bow. "We shall meet at the appointed time. Thank you, Master Noxferus." The solemn gesture was punctured by another burp. "Sorry," Lens quickly added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EldritchOne
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EldritchOne Nephren-Ka Was Here Bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Scalpel gave Lens a curt nod, “That is satisfactory, and I share your sentiments regarding keeping as few people involved in this as possible, but the others seem to be a given necessity taking into account first negotiations. I look forward to our next meeting and the conclusion of our trade, hopefully with both parties pleased with the exchange, until later tonight Dr Lens.”

He turned to the still hovering Sphere, his face hardening to one of command, “Take Dr Len’s out through one of the alternate pathways, the one near the bottom of the hill itself next to Woodswatch, Section A-Two if I remember correctly.”

The Sphere bobbed in acknowledgement, “As you will, Lord Father” before flying across to Lens and signalling her to follow before leaving to traverse the labyrinth of the Mansions underground in search of Section A-Two.

With the business below dealt with, he pondered the various possibilities regarding this arrangement. Could the entire deal to be a trap? Lens seemed painfully genuine in her emotions, but with so much good luck coming to him of late he had to wonder. The other option was either Astral or Amaretto, former of which he knew like the back of his hoof, and the latter he had some serious concerns about.

It was all well and fair for Scholars and fellow scientists to seek him out in the name of an equal exchange, and he was well aware of Astrals condition given his analysis of the foulness which now forced its way through his body, but Amaretto was an anomaly. A pony driven by a desire to resurrect his dead friends and family and with no concern for their mental well being was fundamentally suspiciously callous. Surely if one was going to resurrect the beloved dead one would wish it on the best possible terms rather than happily accept mangled, flesh devouring rejects. Furthermore the offering was also somewhat suspect, from what he could tell each god had a sort of blessing which they imparted on their chosen, each with specific attributes and capabilities. This key of Amaretto sounded like one of those blessings, and something which wouldn’t have been easily obtained by anyone but the chosen, given its deeply personal nature. But Amaretto had declared the new gods were “false”, not the actions of a god follower… unless in disguise.

Was he a follower of this Archon then?

Unlikely, he doubted the book thief would have allowed anything of the sort…

Scalpel was uncertain, perhaps he was imagining things, perhaps Amaretto was not the danger but one of the others who held a more watertight case. Perhaps he was a distraction… regardless he’d be watching all of them for any signs, and his Nightingales were on the loose for information.

Any definite information of betrayal, and he’d slaughter any of them in an instant, even Lens despite his appreciation of her interests.

He felt tension form a knot in his gut, something was off, he could feel it…

With a flicker of magic he set out a summoning for one of his Spheres, when it arrived he began dictating orders, pacing back and forth nervously. “Take Squadron One and scourge the area around the Monoliths, the location must be purified of any possible treacherous elements before the transaction with the Scholars…” he paused, considering his options, “Tell Lambda to activate Squad Four of the Warrior Drones and the Prototype Jaeger Alpha Squad in a hidden but nearby location, ready for rapid response if any treachery occurs, the purging of these areas by Squadron One is a given.”

The machine bobbed in affirmation before speeding off and Scalpels thoughts once again turned inward. Behind him Nocturne turned and gave him a worried look, concerned over the sudden taciturnity of the occultist doctor, the glace being passed unnoticed by the now reflective scientist.

Something smells wrong here… he mused, Lady fate has an odd way about her, she’ll give you everything… but then take it all away in an instant if you aren’t careful, I must watch my step.

Finally resolving some of the conflict, he turned his thoughts again returned to the news of the Brewmaster. He paused to consider taking the route through the tunnels, shedding his advanced armour as he did so.

… Too much effort.

With a blip of magic, the room was suddenly brightened as he teleported upwards towards the surface, returning to the place where the grumpy stallion doubtless awaited impatiently.
Flashing into existence near where he had once been sitting, Scalpel took in the figure of Amaretto once more. There could be no mistaking the clear bulge of a book in the giant stallion’s saddlebags, he smiled appreciatively.

“I see you have returned from your trip Mr Amaretto, and with something of doubtless interest to me and the conclusion of the first payment in our arrangement.”

He paused, raising a metal clad hoof for dramatic effect, “I will need one more thing from you before we continue however, a detail you will be able to give me very easily, a list of the names of who you wish to resurrect and the location of their burial sites. This will be passed along to my associates and the appropriate measures will be made for their transportation out of wherever they might happen to be and to my facility here.”

“Now!” he exclaimed, a false smile sliding across his lips, his eyes like icy pools of clear blue water, a hoof outstretched and beckoning, “If you would be so kind, give me the book.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 40 min ago

Amaretto didn't have to wait long before the nutty doctor made his appearance, flashing into existence not far from him. He eyed the doctor with an unimpressed stare, evidently impatient for the deal to be over and for work to begin so that he could begin with the work of bringing back his friends and family. That is, he acted like that. Truth be told, he wasn't opposed to seeing his old friends returned to life, and he was willing to cut them down himself should they be returned as mindless abominations. They'd done far more for him that he could ever repay them for, and sparing them of an unholy undeath was the least he could do, especially since he would be the cause of it should it happen.

A grunt was the only reply Scalpel received upon his request to get the book. His horn flared to life and out came the book, carried carefully in his pale green aura. It slowly hovered over to the--no doubt--excited doctor, stopping only when it was a fair bit in front of his face; old, scarred title on full display. "I don't know what you'd do with this. I don't know a lot about this type of magic, but even I could see that a good bit of it was hogwash. So I hope you're good at sifting truth from idiocy--for your own sake." He waited for Scalpel to take the book before he spoke again. "As for the names and location: Get me a paper and pen, and I'll write it down. We had a small mansion only, so it's only five names. My wife and daughter, two maids and a butler. Shouldn't prove too big of a challenge for you, judging by what you've already done so far."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EldritchOne
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EldritchOne Nephren-Ka Was Here Bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Taking the levitating book in his grip and reading the inscription on the front, he gave a genuine smile. “I thought all copies of this had been destroyed by the Inquisition… most excellent.”

Scalpel gave a curt nod to Amaretto’s other comments, raising an eyebrow at the last statement before busying himself in the pages of the book. Most of it seemed to be awful gibberish, but there was enough here that he could work from to make the theories a reality with some adjustment. He signalled a nearby Sphere and the little orb quickly flew over with paper and a pencil for Amaretto to use, bobbing back and forth lightly before it was taken.

The giant seemed to hunch over the paper, scribbling quickly a list of names and locations before levitating it back wordlessly for Scalpel to take. He did so with a slight twist of magic, settling it on his table and glancing at it silently. The location listed was part of the outskirts of Canterlot main; he remembered the area from his long residence there during his childhood. It was not exactly High class, but high enough to keep them in within boundaries of the city, near the outskirts dominated by the lesser landowning nobility.

He looked up from the list and nodded again, straight face and businesslike, “You’ve fulfilled the first part of your bargain, so I shall fulfil my part. I will send out messages to the appropriate contacts and have them dig up and bring their bodies to this location. This may take a couple of days however, and to properly work them into useable forms it may take any longer, depending how far I can push post-mortem rejuvenation spells before actual resurrection, by my account it may take a week in total to finish all my work on them. I’ll call you back to the house in order for you to identify the corpses in a couple of days from now, and then once again when the process has been completed and they have been resurrected.”

Placing the book down on the side table next to him he took another draught of whisky, before continuing once more in his dialogue. “You must take note that from what you have told me these bodies have been dead and decaying for some considerable time. I must inform you that I am uncertain how far I can restore the original tissue to the way it was by magic alone, doubtless the process of decay may have gone too far for most of the body to be properly retained. Most of the resurrected I have worked with have been the recently dead and deceased, so I can make no promises regarding their stability or even good condition. Much will have to be removed and replaced in order for your loved ones to have functional host bodies, so I doubt they’ll be entirely the same when they come back, at least physically. The discrepancies should disappear in time however, much like the scars…”

He turned to face Amaretto once more, with a face a mask of professionalism and sharpness “Regardless, I assume you have local lodgings which you can retire to? The inn down in Woodswatch provides an excellent service if I recall correctly, and for a cheap price too, although if you are short on cash I can provide some room here, under observation of course. I can’t have you wandering off and touching things you’re not supposed to, or snooping where you aren’t supposed to be.”

“Now I really must see to other business, but before I leave, do you have any questions which you want answered? Within reason of course, I can’t tell you everything, even if I wanted to.” He levitated the book off the table once again and began trotting past the pony, pausing at the living room doorway, a dour stare meeting Amaretto’s intense one, “Otherwise, Tsan here will see you out.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Lens stepped out of the passage and said thank you to the cheerful little sphere. The door, aged so long it seemed almost a natural part of the hill now, close behind her. The Doctor trotted back as fast as she could to the Inn, eyes sparkling. It was a brief meeting and was just to arrange a transaction. But it was made wonderful by the wonders of the Noxferus. She grinned and was glad her demeanor didn't cause as many problems as it would.

But by now, the more logical side of her was only just arising from the stupor. That part of her knew the situation was getting much more serious. The Noxferus was a pony who left nothing to chance. His extensive security precautions and history of covering his tracks were signs of that. One screw up on Len's or the Scholar's side, and she was sure the Noxferus would have them eliminated.

This is no time to be addled by emotions and bias Lens thought. We must be careful, not only to have such a great ally, but to get the tome to grandfather.

Lightwing was waiting on the street and trotted next to her. "Well?", he asked.

"The details later. The Inn now," she said. She made a gesture with a hoof, indicating that it was not best to talk in private.

As the Inn was very lively that night, the two Scholars took the side entrance to get to her room. Before entering their room, Lens stopped to check in on Lilly. The missionary was sleeping in a bed, in a room across from Len's. Her brown mane was still a mess, but the missionary slept soundly. Scarlet was nowhere to be seen, probably still enjoying the night.

I hope my other patient gets some rest Lens thought as she shut the door. But now, I have to brief our peers on the matter.

She consulted with the trio of Scholars in the other room, briefing them of the time and place of the meeting. Lens emphasized above all else not to offend or some come as a threat.

"Sounds way too paranoid for his own good," Southwatcher said.

"In any case, what if this meeting is a trap?" said Lightwing. "You implied that his own muscle is… rather particular and in great numbers. What's preventing him from just taking the book?"

"The Master is quite interested in the Scholarship, well at least in its resources. He's aware of who Director Prancer is, and he should be intelligent enough not to make an enemy of him," Lens said. But in her mind the two sides conflicted. The Logical warning that it could be a danger, that the efficient and direct scientist could just very well take what he wants. But her heart seemed to know that the Noxferus was not one to break a deal… unless the other side was going to betray him. After all, he could very well charge right into this very inn right now. But he choose to be diplomatic and upfront.

"In any case, there's some time left-" Lens hiccuped, "-of which I'm going to lay down and get sober. There's plenty of food and drink downstairs." Lens took the Prophecies with her to her bed, set in beneath her pillow, and lay down.

"Let's get going," said Lightwing. "I could go for a good hay and tulips." The pegasus, Steel, and Southwatcher left the room.
"Sorry about this," muttered Longsight to the Innkeeper. Honeybee and Salty Pebbles was carrying Lilly down the back stairs. The missionaries were rather shocked by Lilly's mane, probably more so than her drunkenness.

The Innkeeper didn't say much, his eyes betraying his dislike for the Baldies. "No problem at all - her Doctor already paid for her drink and food," he said with little mirth.

"What sort of professional has a patient drink all day?" muttered Honeybee.

"Don't know, but I'd love to hear it more from my own practitioner!" said the Innkeeper. They came to the back door, where the other customers would not see them leave.

"Thank you," said Longsight. The manager let them out, and shut the door. The missionaries were about to head back to their camp, when Longsight stopped. "Sorry, I have to go the little mare's room, just go ahead."

Honeybee nodded. "Be careful," she said, her black eye aching.

"Thanks, but I should be fine." The unicorn headed back into the Inn. The moon continued it's journey through the night sky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 40 min ago

Amaretto stood silent for a few moments, eyes turned to the ceiling as he contemplated if there were any questions he wanted answered. In the end he just shrugged. "Not really. You said it'll take a week before your work is finished? If so, then I'll probably see you in a week at the latest. I trust you will be okay with a visit or two during that time, just to allow me to see how the works is going... I trust you will be okay with that?"

The question was not so much a question as him simply stating that there was a good chance he'd come by to see how the work was going. "Also, in case you're still wondering, should either of my friends, my wife or daughter return as a mindless abomination, I will be willing to cut them down myself. I owe them at least that after all they've done for me." A few moments of silence passed, and he actually smiled a bit at the thought. He knew it was morbid, and an offense against nature, but he did truly look forward to seeing them, even if it meant he had to cut down half of them himself. It wouldn't be the worst I've done. If anything, it'll give me a chance to apologise for not protecting them when those Nighthooves attacked.

"But all that aside? No. There's nothing else. I should have enough money for a room in Woodswatch. I'll be waiting there." With that, he turned around and made for the door, following this 'Tsar' out.
"'Can't have you snooping around where you shouldn't be,'" Theá muttered as they started to get within sighting distance of Woodswatch inn. She was still in her insect form, hidden behind Amaretto's ear. "He's definitely hiding something."

"We already know that he's working on a twisted form of resurrecting. Why not just smite him then and there? Should be enough of an offense to leave him a bloody smear on the wall," Amaretto whispered in return, quietly enough that only Theá could hear it.

"I could, yes, but I want to know if he really did intend to try to achieve a fake ascension. While right now I could simply put a hole through his heart, I feel that doing so right now would be... inopportune."

"Inopportune how?"

"Sometimes," she said, "the cat plays with the mouse first."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EldritchOne
Avatar of EldritchOne

EldritchOne Nephren-Ka Was Here Bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(Part one of a two parter by Tai, Mono and Me, enjoy!)

The Innkeeper was in a good mood that night. Despite the improvised surgery and the news from Pathfinder, the bar was filled with customers. And best of all was that Lens had already paid in full before retiring to her room! And in pure gold backed by the Manehatten Bank! It's the best kind of cash. And the money paid could cover far more than the drinks and rooms rented by the Doctor! he thought, smiling gleefully at the great profit.

Leaving the restaurant, the owner headed down a side hall near the restrooms. Another customer had too much ale and expelled his dinner all over the floor. The poor bartenders and barmaids needed more rags, buckets, and whatever could keep the place clean. It was quite a party. Though, I wonder why Ms. Lens and her party decided to go out? They seemed to be enjoying the festivities as anypony else. The Innkeeper tried the handle.

But the door would not open. "What the-" he said. He began to jiggle the doorknob again, but it didn't move very far. He pulled the handle as far as he could. Nothing - the door might as well been rusted shut...
Scarlet’s ears perked, she heard some sort of grunting and exertion nearby. Raising her head to look she noticed the innkeeper… trying to break into his own door?

That was… strange; strange enough to warrant investigation. Pushing herself up she hobbled slightly over to him, asking in bewilderment, “What exactly, are you doing?”

“Well,” he grunted once more as he pushed “, the blasted door is stuck, and I need to get into it!” He slammed a hoof onto the door, and huffed in frustration.

She looked to him, then the door, then back at him. “How important is it that the door still be a door?” she asked innocently.

“I don’t care if it becomes firewood, I’m getting in here if its the last thing I do!” The Innkeeper was quite the determined type.

She stepped in a little closer, “Stand back if you don’t mind, maybe off to the side a little? I’m going to remove the obstacle for you.” While her tone still radiated nothing but pure innocence and willingness to help, the smirk on her face told otherwise.

Grumpily the stallion complied with her request. “Fine, sure. You’ll probably have no better luck-”

Grabbing the edges of the door, and the hinges in particular with her magic, Scarlet gave a little grunt and ripped the door from the frame. “Where do you want this?” she asked politely, little smirk still playing at the edges of her lips.

His eyes still wide in shock, the innkeeper was silent for several seconds. When he finally closed his mouth and regained some wits, he said “Um, er just leave it to the side next to the frame. Thanks?”

With a little mock bow, she set the door to the side as he’d requested. “Sooo…” peering inside the room, “what have we here…?”

Looking inside, the janitor's closet the pair were shocked by what they found. In the corner was a red unicorn tied up and gagged. Her eyes were glazed over, as if having drunk too much alcohol. But the captive's face was emotionless, pale and almost turning into a sickly green. “What in the world?”, muttered the owner.

Stepping in as well, Scarlet’s eyes narrowed, “That’s not good.” she muttered, kneeling down to look into the other unicorn’s eyes. “Hello? Can you hear and understand me? Blink twice if you can and are able.”

But instead of blinking, the unicorn began move her mouth despite the gag. The owner trotted over and began to untie the bonds. Once the rag was out of her mouth, Southwatcher repeated what she said. “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes....”

Scarlet shook her head, “This is, honestly, beyond me. I’ve never studied potions or… whatever this is.” She pursed her lips, “I’m going to assume you’re saying yes to me… can you tell me what happened to you?”

The unicorn arms were limp, and the only visible action was her turning to face Scarlet right in the eyes. “I was eating a meal of hay and oats before Doctor Lens, Steel Hammer, Lightwing, and I were to go complete the exchange with The Noxferus. It was about an hour before I was to go back to the room. While refreshing myself in the restroom, I felt a sharp pain to my side. Turning I noticed a syringe being held by a unicorn I have never meet before.

“Whatever was in the syringe, I found myself becoming lightheaded and exhausted. At the attacker’s suggestion, we left the restroom and entered this maintenance room. I was questioned at length about what I was going to do tonight, who we were to meet, and where. I answered immediately, for reasons I don’t understand. Once done, the attacker took my clothing, bound me, did something to the door, and left. That was several hours ago, and I have been sitting here until you found me.”

Scarlet’s eyes narrowed further, “Who’s this Noxferus? What did the unicorn look like?” she glanced to the innkeeper, “You’ll be able to take care of her, right?”

However, the Innkeeper looked confused and deep in thought. “But it can’t be,” he said.

Southwatcher continued. “The Noxferus is a brilliant scientist who has been living under various aliases and conducting research into mechanical and biological medicine and the occult. He has succeeded to some extent. The Scholarship has been seeking him out for the purpose of both recruitment and to trade for ‘The Marvels Of Science.’

“As for the unicorn that attacked me… probably female, mid-20, Purple mane, yellow fur.”

Scarlet scowled, “She sounds familiar… bit too familiar for my liking. Where are Lens and the others?” she asked urgently.

“They left some hours ago,” said the Innkeeper before Southwatcher could reply. “Paid for everything, and told me they were going out. She-” he pointed a hoof at the unicorn. “-was with them, Doctor Lens and the others.” Then the unicorn spoke, revealing the location and time of the meeting.

Scarlet flashed a look at the innkeeper, one that said without words ‘She’d better have a soft mattress underneath her by the time I’m back or so help me...’
With that she bolted from the building, throwing an anesthetic spell over her leg.

After Amaretto had left him with his new possession, and after agreeing to the current terms, Scalpel had some time to purview the document he had been given by the rustic stallion. The majority of it as he had assumed, was gibberish and foolish nonsense, but he learnt enough from the pages to enhance his summoning magic, and also the spells for redirecting the currents of magic for the oncoming ritual. Already he felt the machine god turn and twist inside his head in revelry, for the time would soon be upon them.

The hours faded quickly, the light of day giving way to noon and the stars. Soon it was time for the meeting with Dr Len’s, with the moon hanging heavily in the night sky, half formed and gibbous in the darkness which engulfed the outside world. He had decided not to change from his advanced scientific armour, instead retaining it in order to meddle with the forces he would be dealing with tonight, as well as protection against any sudden treachery by the opposing party during the deal.

About an hour before the decided time of meeting, Scalpel, cloaked in heavy black and gold silk scarf and hood made his way out of the Inner Sanctum, flanked by Tsan and Lambda in heavy battle regalia and armed with cybernetic talons from which they held massive two handed swords.

“All forces are ready and prepared my Lord Father” Tsan stated matter-of-factly, “Should the night turn against us, the forces for your protection will be available in a matter of seconds upon your signal.”

Scalpel nodded, face shrouded by a heavy hood and facial wrappings below the eyes, “Has the area been cleared of vermin?”

Lambda replied this time, “The First Squadron reports that after multiple sweeps all local vermin have been eradicated from the area, the sacrifices have also been relocated in advance to the centre of the Monolith, as instructed.”

Scalpel nodded appreciatively, “Good, we will need them this night…”

With that the group fell into silence, passing through the great underground network of tunnels that surrounded the local area and towards the Monolith, and the great ritual that awaited them. Behind them the hammering and pounding of steel continued, the sleepless factory ever working in preparation for the great war of their time, tireless workers of flesh and metal grinding ever onwards for the future.

The time would soon be upon them.

The Monolith was not one single structure, or at least it was in the sense that it all contributed to the design of a great ritual ground. Over a hundred titanic standing stones covered in crude writing of prehistoric ancient times -when the Earth and equine kind had been young and wild and had worshipped things undreamt of in this modern era- brooded and towered in this ancient place.

These stones towered above even the tallest trees in the forest by at least ten meters, and would have stood taller if not for the worrying away by the hooves of time upon their primordial structure. A few had fallen to the ground in cataclysmic storms, others were broken and malformed by the decay of ages, still others were consumed by moss and lichen for the carvings to be almost unreadable. However, all the stones encircled almost seamlessly the massive spherical centre stone which Scalpel now stood before.

The thing was ancient, perhaps even more ancient and timeless than the Neolithic stonework which surrounded it, and abnormally smooth and free of decay. From what he could tell it was some sort of unknown form of black granite, which had been moved here by great effort from lands far, far distant from this one, a titanic effort for a seemingly worthless piece of stone. When the people of those unknown epochs had brought it here, they had eased it into a great stone cusp, long since buried beneath the grass and roots of trees, until it had settle midway in, half hidden, half revealed.

This sphere, as large as a meteorite was no normal rock or ceremonial centrepiece.

It was the masterpiece of the lost primeval cults of Pre-Equestria.

Across its surface ran a script… no, not quite a script, a form esoteric and primordial hieroglyphs, and a tongue unspoken for eons, and unknown for thousands of years. When the gods had come to this world, they had wiped out all knowledge pertaining this ancient language and left the great ritual stones to slumber and waste away as they had burned and slaughtered their cultists with righteous fury. But the slumber of the Old Gods was restless, and with the right words these stones would sing a symphony of eldritch wonder once again… the Stones would sing this night!

Around the midway base of the sphere, great metal bars hung, and from these new chains hung, and upon those chains were dozens of silent black bagged prisoners for the ritual. They came from the basest sort of scum he had encountered, and if not for their usefulness here he would have made them into his servants long ago, but the Old Gods needed sacrifice, or the old magic would not work. Some of the more recent texts suggested the use of virgins and equines of pure heart, but he knew from experience the gods had never been so picky with their visceral delights.

Scalpel waited patiently for Lens amidst the shadows of these cyclopean acts of masonry and religion, to each side of him stood his lieutenants, watching the darkness of the Monolith with keen eyes, preparing for the Scholars arrival.

The Sky was clear this night, and above them, away from the bustle of the cities the stars bloomed in beautiful majesty… the stars were right for the ritual of this hour.

From before him, between two great pillars of stone, he heard the rustling of hoof steps drawing near, and before long identifiable figures appeared in the gloom.

He smiled dangerously beneath the opulent fabrics, a wild and deadly smile of a madstallion and a genius…

“So it begins…”
Lens slowly lead the group towards Scalpel and his entourage, near the titanic stones. The four noted the bags surrounding the center hemisphere, but didn’t take too much note. After all, they all worked with Director Prancer on similar projects. Lens wondered if Nocturne was among the hooded ponies accompanying the Noxferus, or if the rather mannerful Tsan was there. In any case, the Scholars treaded carefully as not to misinterpret their intentions.

“The Noxferus will be watching, and we must not do anything that would lead to any misunderstandings,” Lens said during their earlier debriefing in their room. “Otherwise, none of us will see the morning.” As such, they prepared their introductions - every movement, every facial expression, every word was calculated.

Once they were close enough to Scalpel, the group stopped. Lens bowed down respectfully and then looked into the other Doctor’s eyes. “Greetings, Master. We have come to the appointed time and place as you specified,” she said.

The central figure of the group advanced towards her, giving a short curt nod in response to her greeting. Speaking through a deep and resonant tone enhanced by magic he replied, his face a hidden in shadow, but with aspect familiar enough to be recognised as the Doctor.

“So Dr Lens, at last this moment has arrived. I have been waiting patiently for this book you have to offer me and I hope you have not disappointed me.” with a flurry of dark magic, a tome suddenly emerged to the side of the tall figure, The Marvels of Science as he had promised.

“Now your part Dr Lens, show me the Prophecies…”

Lens could not help but be pleased by Scalpel’s cleverness. He had taken precautions to hide his appearance from the others, thus maintaining anonymity. Lens also felt the warmth that she out of all the Scholars, she would have the sole honor to work with the scientist. As instructed, she lifted the Prophecies from Lightwing’s back using her telekinesis and floated it to her side. She waited for further instructions.

Even within the folds of the heavy hood and the distance between them, Scalpel could not hold himself back from letting out an audible gasp of delight at the heavy black leather bound volume that Lens held before his eyes. Even from here he could sense the olden magic which coursed through the words, the words which had been spoken in the dark before the dawn of time, by the other things. “Yesss…” He hissed between teeth clenched in excitement “Most excellent… Allow me, if you will, to examine it more closely…”

Resisting the urge to send the book as quickly to Scalpel, Lens floated the book slowly and gently as if were a newborn. Lightwing would probably objected, worried that the other party may run off before handing the other tome. But the strange ponies guarding the Noxferus made him hold his tongue. The Prophecies floated in the air as Lens waited for a pony to take the text. “You may study the text to verify authenticity,” Lens said.

As if holding a child, Scalpel grasped the book lightly in his magic, for a moment he was paralysed as he held it in front of him, before reaching up a tremulous hoof and caressing the binding like a father reaching for his child. Cautiously, agonisingly, he opened the book with a slight flicker of magic, the pages lazily passing until the first page appeared, revealing the words.

The book was genuine.

Emotion wracked his voice as he whispered to himself, almost insanely as he studied and read the text. “This is it… theses are the words of which my dreams have told… and ‘He’ knows them…” Beneath the hood, almost unnoticeable amidst the darkness, a pulse dark of purple light bloomed momentarily and then faded. Almost entirely distracted, he levitated the other tome towards Lens, barely registering their existence anymore, almost entirely enraptured by the book and what words he read there.

“Take the ‘Marvels’ Dr Lens, you have earned them as is your right. I accept this exchange, and offer up my copy for you and your colleagues to verify as authentic… You have done me a great service this night.” With that he went back to studying the pages in agonising detail, the only movement being Tsan and Lambda as they moved closer to their Master, leaning on their swords as they peered over his shoulder.

Taking the Marvels of Science, Lens entered into something akin to a trance and opened the book. Quickly and effectively she analyzed the cover, the materials used, the writing, the script, the formulas that her grandfather sought. And in the back of her mind, those calculations formed a understanding of the universe - of dimensions beyond the senses of ponies, of other universes parallel yet different. And the ability to warp space and time… and to prevent it from happening. It was indeed the very book they looked for, the one that held the key that could provide the ultimate defense. Some tears flowed down her face, eyes full of joy.

“Yes, Noxferus, this is indeed the text we seek. Thank you, my gr- The Director will not forget your service,” she said and set the book back on Lightwing’s back. The pegasus let out a visible sigh, finally relaxed that the exchange went without incident. He shuddered at the thought of going hoof to hoof with the Noxferus’ guards. Hopefully, I will never have the chance to, he thought.

With the book levitating before him, Scalpel turned to the great granite Sphere behind him, musing and muttering as he did so. “Where is it… where… ah. Here it is. Yes, most excellent.” turning momentarily to look behind him once more, his cold blue eyes glinting in the moonlight, he finally addressed them directly again, “You may leave now if you will, but know that your organisation is in my good graces. The dawn of the Silver Era is upon us, the first light breaches the night this hour, and We-” his eyes pulsed once more, this time more noticeably “Are its harbinger.”

flickering through the pages once more he settled on one near the center of the book, eyeing up the secret diagrams, words and signs… when he spoke again he sound far, far away from this meeting, in the land of dreams and nightmares, “They whispered to me in the dark, they were my only companions in the pit, when the power failed and the elements fell corrupt… now it is time to complete what was broken.”

“Leave if you will, or stay good Dr Lens, and bathe in the glory of the new dawn, the stars are right and the gate is open.”

Again it took all Len’s will not to jump up like a giddy schoolgirl. She was willing to stay and see the ritual. What knowledge could be gained, she did not know. What mattered was that the Noxferus would know, and he would be able to use it for his project.

In contrast, Lightwing was less impressed. I thought he was more of a scientist than some occultist? It turns out he’s another wantabe with delusions of grandeur. Eh, whatever, I have to get back to Manehatten.

As the Scholars had been analysing him with varying degrees of credulity, The Doctor and his companions had been moving. from the folds of his cloak Tsan brought forth a black orb. The Corona Star, the heart of a dead titan of the skies, was given to Scalpel and levitated before him in his grip. He searched the pages for the signs, and found them, with a nod Lambda passed a long sharp object, indistinguishable from a distance, but on closer inspection was the horn of a sea god. He nodded ecstatically, his activities shrouded from onlookers,

“We shall begin.”

Lens smiled that the Noxferus was pleased with the results. Hammer and Lightwing were a looked a bit bored with the obviously delusional researcher , and wanted to get back to the inn. They were still tired from the journey and looked forward to a nice bed. Soutwatcher seemed uninterested in the whole affair.

"Well, Lens, let's get going," muttered Lightwing.

"Go on ahead, I…" she began to blush. "…I'd like to witness this ritual." She turned around and bowed towards Scalpel. "Thank you for the great honor. Alas, my peers must head back to Manehatten, but I am-"

She went silent, her face became contorted and paled, and she slumped to the ground. In her back was syringe, glowing purple from the aura of Unicorn magic. Steel and Lightwing looked back at Southwatcher, her own horn glowing. But it was not the crimson that was typical of their companion.

"Southy, what in the world-" said Steel. He was interrupted as a large rock had slammed into his side at great force. Lightwing gasped as the Earth Pony glowed red and tossed into the darkness. Before the pegasus could react the stone rose again, and at high velocity slammed right between Lightwing's eyes. Gore flowed from the wound and Lightwing collapsed.

Suddenly, the visage of Southwatcher faded as the Glamour spell wore off. Casting off the cloak of the Scholarship, the infiltrator shot a ball of light into the air. And above their position a bright light glowed above them. Under her short violet mane, the fluorescent yellow face grinned without mirth. Soon the area was surrounded by agents of the Inquisition as they teleported to the site.

"In the name of Archmagister Twilight Sparkle and the Inquisition, you are under arrest. Lay down your arms now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
Avatar of Antediluvixen

Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Had Lily been there, she would have recognized the face of Longsight the Unicorn.

With a pulse of magic Scalpel turned to face the Inquisitor, book levitating before him with orb and horn on either side.

“Inquisitors”, the word came out of Scalpels mouth like he was spitting out a bad taste, anger slowly rising in his tone as the force of Len’s betrayal hit home.

Regardless of her actual intent, she had failed him.

“You think I would lay down my arms to you and your backward state again creatures of Moon and Star? Fascinating… but unfortunately very irrelevant, you do not have the capacity to stop the Dawn. As for Twilight, she can burn amongst her grand golden idiocracy and shining ivory towers, she failed unicorn-kind just as she failed her teacher.”

The heavy cloaks of Lambda and Tsan fell away as they discarded them, rising up onto their back-hooves and grasping in metal talons the great swords which they had brought with them. In the light of the moon, they revealed the full extent of their unnatural state, clad in heavy armour and fitted with dark machinery unseen before, they glared at the Inquisitors with utter hatred.

“Twilight could never look beyond her own select regime of textbooks” Scalpel continued dispassionately, as if describing the most boring topic in the world, “She lacks motivation and the capacity to try ‘real magic’ and since the descent of the Alicorn race once again, she has failed to study and develop her understanding of that which she seeks. This Inquisition is the greatest catastrophe to her efforts if ever there existed one, she fails to see beyond ‘accepted magic’”

A flicker of magic coursed across his body as he regained a form he had not taken in at least a decade, “She failed, for instance, to take in the importance of my own work when I served under her House, dedicated to the cause for which she sought, and now she and her house shall pay the price for it.”

Pulling the scarf and hood away, he revealed himself in full.

This was a face which had stirred the nation for a month after his ‘death’, a tragedy which had united the last disparate nobles in support for Moon and Stars racial theories and development of the Slave Domes.

For before them was Dr Tempest.

Ex-leader of the medical division of the Canterlot Slave Domes, high geneticist and occultist of Twilights new empire, innovator, scientist… and martyr for Moon and Star.

The Red Death lived.

Gasping, she remembered where she saw that face. It was on the newspaper memorializing the fallen scientist. "That's impossible. You died years ago…" Fear filled her own face, as the sudden realization that this was no mere rogue unicorn. Here was the Red Death himself, and she was facing him head on.

Longsight realized that night may be her last.

The face of Tempest faded like ruined ink, returning to the colours of his true appearance, but even then the Inquisitors could recognise the Stallion from his ancient paperwork, aged, hardened by experience, and the infinitely deranged by maddening complexities of his work, but still the same in so many ways.

And now with imparted with godly fury.

“I was reborn amidst the fire and ash of the Dome like a phoenix rising from its death, Inquisitor! Reborn with power which has until now has lain dormant, but now no more!”

Light began to pour from Scalpels eyes, his flesh taking on the aspect of the machine god, his voice becoming as booming as thunder in the darkness of the Monolith. His body began to rise from the ground, higher and higher into the air as he levitated without any light emanating from his horn, a dark smile crawling across his face.

“From the ash of death I brought new life, I achieved what was deemed impossible by your false religion!” he spread his front hooves wide as if raising prayer to the heavens and as if on command, they descended.

The Spherical children of his making, giggling and rejoicing in the power of their master, descended from the sky to revel in his power. Slowly they began to circle around the group of Inquisitors ominously, and as they did so the Inquisitors all unconsciously stepped back, closing rank in nervous tension.

“The Lady doesn’t like us!” one of the Spheres giggled, sounding as sweet as a young child as it inspected a purple maned, green coated Inquisitor, as her eyes flickered back and forth in terror at the unnatural and vicious feelings these things seemingly childlike and innocent things gave off.

“Silly Lady…”

The glow of the raw energy was now rippling off Scalpel in great tides of furiously eruptive lightning, creating an electrical Corona around him like some eldritch lord of science. His eyes now glowed a almost unbearable purple light, sparks, flames and flashes of lighting erupting angrily from his form like a dark and abominable deity.

“The Gods have come down from the sky, and they have brought nothing but emptiness, all consuming fire, drowning waters, famine and broken promises with them, as their forbearers have done before them!



He paused, and the very atmosphere became as silent as the void as it awaited, holding its breath in terror and fascination as the pony who was not fully mortal made his proclamation. When he did so it was in a voice which was no longer equine, but of brass, steel, grinding gears and of infinite multitude. It was the terrible voice of the legion.

[/b]“Țͩ̍̈ͫ̿H̱̠̖̻͓͔͖̲̅̀̈̀̀͒ͧE̜̜̻ͯͥ͊ ̂ͯͬͩ̋ͤͭͤ̚ͅT̝̯̙͉̉̾̑̓I̜͒ͦ̏͐ͥ̅ͣM̦̻̭ͬ̐ͨͤ̀̐̒E̘̫̱̦͇͒̿̚̚ ͔͇ͬͤͭ͂I̦̟̟͓̮͓̔̈̎ͫ̆S̪͔̙͓̺̣͍̈ͧ ͎̤̰̱͈͓͛̎́̿U͇͖̙̞̫͈͎̬͌̇͂͊͋P̗̰̬ͦ͊̊ͭͥͪ̾O̟͖̻̘̞͗̓̈́ͬͯ̐̒N̥̞̆͂͐ͤ͒ ͇͕̱̪͍̰̦͚ͪ̑ͬ̎͋ͦ͌̇Ũ͖ͫ̏͆ͥ͌̎ͥͅS̖͈̱̣̘͒ͤ͑̀.̗͈̲͓̗̒͋ͧͅ.̻̥͚̬̣̎̃ͫ̽ͧ.͉̩̥̻͓̣̞̦͗ͦ̚ ͈̥͈̪̔̑̓͆͛ͫ͒͌T̜̯̰̮̖̃̏̋̈́̉ͫ̒H̬͇͓̮ͤͦ̄͒̾E̞ͭͬ ͓̪͚̲̆ͣ̋̈́̂ͫṬ̤̠̞͇̗̪̞̙̾ͥ͛̿̚Ĩ͍̳̬̰̦̣̥̋͑M̳͈͗̑̊ͤͦE̙̬̭̥̤͒̈ͯ̃̔͌̑͊… ̟͓̟͉̤ͥ̈̈́ͪͯͅO͎̼̣̲̦̻̯͉̮ͭͥF̊͋ͦ̓̍̊ͅ ̼̳̟͙͇̜̓̇A̝̼ͤ̄N̰̽ͪ̍̒ͤ̓̔̓̔G͎̯̙̟̮̜̜̠̰ͬ̄̆̚E̤̱͖͖̤̩̮̎̓̂̔ͣ̑͒L͕͚͕͇̜̖͚ͣ̆S̬͈͔̉ͩ͑ͣ.̳̫̝̄ͬ”[/b]

With that he spoke the word…

…The word which would echo through-out Equestria and bring an age of wonder and terror upon the world….

…The Word which would begin the Time of angels.

The Monolith erupted, light blazed from every word, every symbol, every crevice, every line of the great monument to the ancient gods, illuminating itself in terrible, dark purple light… And as the great orb began to rise and turn after its long silence, six wings of pure elder light emerged from the back of the mortal who had awoken them.

There was silence.

Then he spoke the final command, amplified by magic, and enhanced with its terrible potency.

"̙̗͉̎͆̄͋K̯̩̱̠̫͕͎̆̉̾I̳͛̚L̞͔̲͈͓̆ͣͮ͊̅L̗̬͓̬͖̝ͩ̈́ͨ͗̇ͯ ̙̠̹̪͎͕͎͗̊ͅT̞̱̏̊̐ͮ͐͗̾ͣH̖̠̟̼̅͂ͮÊ̜͖̊̽͒́͑Ḿ̺͙̮̙̫̖̹̓̆͆̓̂͂ ̥̻͗̓̄́̑̍ͦͤͬͅA̬̦̥̮͇̩͈͒̏̋ͨ̂͂̊L̤̙̳͔̩ͪ̔͆ͅL̘̣̺̠̲̦͖̉͐̌̏̆̉̌.̜̯͔͓͎͉̬͔ͫ̌̂̚"̱̦̰̺̈̓̇ͦͩͮ

The Gates of Hell had been opened.

And the screams of its demons were not far behind it.
Scarlet watched as the Inquisitor took out the Scholars, the corners of her mouth twitching on the edge of a snarl. “Oh, that is not cool you bitch.” She hissed at the Inquisitor, who she definitely recognized if not knew. She’d seen her before fleeing M&S territory with a precious artifact of theirs, needless to say she wasn’t fond of the Inquisitor.

“Looks like your friends are doing their thing, sweetie.” she chuckled menacingly to the dead Inquisitor she held in her magic, “I think we should join the party, eldritch summoning rituals be damned, I like Lens.”

Leaping from her hiding place she flung a pair of throwing knives at the two closest Inquisitors, one of whom was Longsight and the other one she didn’t recognize. The nameless Inquisitor went down screaming as the knife found a home in his jugular, and the other whistled by Longsight’s ear, taking off a small chunk of it but nothing else.

“Turn around a bit more so I can put the next one up your ass, bitch!” She cackled, throwing the dead body next to her at the group where the explosives she’d prepared on his body shredded the leg of another Inquisitor and sprayed the others with bone and chunks of gore.

She looked over at Scalpel with an impressed whistle before shouting at him, “How about a temporary alliance against mutual enemies?!”
Upon his command every blade of the Spheres had been activated at once, the childlike laughter turning into the vicious and hateful screams of brutality and darkness. The Inquisitor who had been the focal point of their interest was the first to fall, barely even registering the attack before falling as the Sphere sliced her throat open and a rush of blood spurted forth in sanguine streams.

“Dead Lady!”

Before anything else could occur the Inquisitors began to open fire on the mechanical abominations, which managed to escape through versatility for the most part, aside from a few who were struck and fell burning to the ground. The Spheres immediately scattered, flying furiously like enraged hornets around their targets, as they began to maim and mutilate their opponents.

Before the Inquisitors could get the upper hand however The Risen joined the fray. With mighty sweeps of their swords two more of the enemies number were beheaded and disemboweled. The Inquisitors began focusing their on them, blasting them with fire and ice alike as they attempted to take these abequine monstrosities down.

What they did not expect from that moment was for sudden reinforcements to emerge from behind them and begin to slaughter them. From the right came the mad beastial Warrior Drones, leaping from the darkness to plunge scythe like leg blades into their opponents soft flesh and grind it under their metal teeth. From the left, the Jaeger corps, experimental soldiers entirely clad in armour from head to foot, asides from six glass eyes, and wielding huge cleaver like swords began to eviscerate their opponents, almost dancing through them and cutting them down like threshed wheat. They all screamed and bellowed in zealotic fury, casting aside all qualms and butchering unrelentingly.

Two Inquisitors managed to make their way past the Risen, charging suicidally towards Scalpel in order to stop him before he even began the great ritual.

Scalpel didn’t even spare them a thought before he ripped their bones from their carcasses, feeding their souls into the ancient magic he had now awoken, along with the screaming sacrifices which now burned and melted on fully risen orb as it spun and hummed with ancient magic.

He must have heard Scarlet in some form however, for despite his children’s utter slaughter of the inquisitors, they passed her by almost unnoticed.

As he continued the ancient chant, the words boomed from his lips like thunder, and causing the air to roar with eldritch cries and undulations as his brethren responded in the void. He raised the orb and horn before him like the priests of old, raised it and bathed them in the magic of the ancients. This sacrificial dagger, this breaker of all physical bonds, would bring his ascendency and the Corona star would be his glorious light in heaven.

He felt like a god.
Longsight felt the nick of Scarlet’s blades and the dripping of blood. She looked behind her and saw the face of a mare. Next to her, Ringing Bell finally fell dead to the ground after his neck was punctured. Cooly, Longsight’s horn glowed with power, and was preparing to attack. But the explosion had caught her off guard, a distraction that took her away from Scarlet and to the incoming spheres. And the horrible sight of Scalpel’s forces.

The unicorn let loose her magic,unleashing beam after beam of energy. Spells were cast, blades flashed, and the roaring of pain and rage filled the ruin. It was but only a few minutes, but to those still standing it felt like a lifetime.

Blinding another drone with intense light, Longsight ran back to help support two other agents. She blasted a nearby monolith and it collapsed, though she did not know if she got any of the horrible monsters. So fucking fast , she thought. The Scholars nor Sweeper’s Cult had nothing like this… who are we fighting? The agents took cover behind the rock, and tried to assess the situation.

“Ma’am! What do we do?”, asked a youthful stallion. Probably a new recruit.

“We will not fail due to neither false god worshipers nor a delusional freak,” Longsight replied. She spotted Lens, still drugged and unable to move. “We must fall back. Quickly, we take the Scholar.” The Inquisitors nodded and ran towards the Scholar. Though the Recruit’s face was shredded by a Sphere, two other agents had joined the party. They came close to Lens.

Scarlet jumped in front, swords and axe drawn, “We going somewhere, cupcakes?” She smirked, twirling the swords around and leading them ever closer to the Inquisitors. “I think you three need to relax, let out some pressure, can’t be healthy. Here, let me help you.” the right blade flashed and the neck of the Inquisitor on the right began to spurt blood.

“Oh, looks like a shallow wound. Here, let me help you again.” she cooed almost nurturingly, both swords diving into his neck while the axe lopped off the ear of the one on the other side. She quickly rectified that mistake, burying the axe in the neck of the mare, who crumpled like a rag doll.

“So, what’s your name again?” she asked Longsight, “I know you, just not your name, could you oblige me?”

The agent smiled, a part of her wanting to burst out in laughter. My fellow Inquisitors are dying, an army of abominations threaten Equestria, and a dead martyr returns as an unholy alicorn. Yet here I am, cornered by some random mare who wants to know my name of all things.

“Why not,” she muttered. Before continuing the unicorn casually cast a spell that sent a block of stone in the direction of some Spheres, as to avoid being interrupted. “Alright, my name is Longsight Everclear Brightness.”

Whilst the Inquisitor and the mercenary sized each other up in preparation for conflict, the skies above began to twist and warp in hideous contours, writhing with half-formed shadows and great burning lights. Any sane creature which might have looked up at that moment, under the light of the Monolith, would have sworn the very fabric of reality was unraveling before their eyes.

They would have been right.

Scalpel was not just sane at that moment however, he understood the very means and the way of parting the veil, using the ancient rituals he bent the laws to unleash power of the great void upon him. Around the great ceremonial structure rumbled and shook as it had not done for perhaps forty thousand years, preparing for the way for what was to come.

The titanic central orb was now burned as brightly as a small sun, the roasted bodies of those sacrifice to it turned to ash by its immense power, and the souls of the recently dead driven the unholy machinery onwards to the final pinnacle of energy saturation.

Scalpel twisted and swayed in the sky, his body and mind wracked with ecstasy and rapture which had been brought by the power of the godlike being within him. The ritual was almost complete, soon everything would be as promised. The Black Sun would arise, the injury which had been brought by the failed ascendency would be purified and perfected, he would be as blinding as the sun, and burn with the power of that which had been denied.

Turning his thoughts away from the luxurious ecstasies of the olden magic, he began the final stage in preparation. The pages of the black sun prophecies ripped from their bindings to float in a fluttering sphere around him, and from each page he took the symbols to bind the power of the old magic upon them, carving them unto the heart of a star with the horn of god. With each new addition, the Corona Star resonated with newfound magic, the frequencies of the great void and itself synchronizing, linking, preparing for the godlike lightning which would resurrect this dead husk into living antediluvian star matter once more.

A few desperate stragglers, maimed and critically injured by his children tried to make their way towards him and tear him down.

...And so they had burned in his light, as the old magic stripped them of their bodies and cast them into oblivion.
Her head down, Longsight looked like she was on the verge of despair. “You know… I don’t remember seeing you before, yet you say you know me? Strange. Did I do some harm to a love one? Destroyed your father perhaps? Or was it something more mundane? I stole some cake from you when we went to school together? Dated your boyfriend?”

Her gaze was still averted from Scarlet. “You know, I have so many enemies in my real life, I tend to forget who they are. That was the nice thing of going undercover, being able to forget about the old foes… It was easier to sleep!” Suddenly the two unicorns were engulfed in a blinding light.

The second Longsight cast her spell, she jumped on top of Scarlet and began to stomp with all her might.

Scarlet rolled to the side as Longsight jumped at her, “Your name doesn’t suit you, are you sure you aren’t nearsighted? You’d think a mare with that name would be able to know a bad idea when she has one.” she commented offhandedly, “Now I’d like to make sure you didn’t hurt Lens or her friends too badly, so I need to wrap this up.”

Jamming one of her swords up to the hilt in Longsight’s chest, and using the other to split her horn so she couldn’t counterattack, Scarlet brought in the heavy axe for a finishing blow, neatly severing Longsight’s spine and about half of her neck with it.
With a final cataclysmic roar, the fabric of reality finally tore asunder amidst this decimation of Inquisitors, breaching the bounds and lighting the air with alien skies and eldritch lights. A million flames erupted and exploded around it, as reality groaned under its temporal rejection.

And from amidst it all, he saw the body of a dark god loom above like a destructive angel of times since lost.

Glowing spheres and lightning filled the sky, twisting abnormally around the nameless thing which sound not be, and as it turned its attention to the rupture in space and time which presented itself before it. The world parted, ash fell, trees erupted into burning cinders, and the world exploded into a thunderous roar of unnamable, horrific screaming.

In a harsh blast of bright purple light, a great flaming eye appeared above them, as titan as the sun, dwarfing all the sky under its intensity and searching gaze. From its midst it appeared as if the god of storms had created it out of pure raging chaotic lighting… intense, rapturous, powerful… furious. Amidst its centre was the slit pupil, as if a gigantic snake was peering down from above, ready to lunge and devour the earth with fangs of demonic power, staring at the world with amoral and unknowable intent.

But the pupil was not right… it was growing larger and larger, and the more Scalpel gazed at it, intoxicated with power and madness… the less it seemed to be a pupil….

It was a dark figure… and it was growing.

The final phrase of the ritual fell from his lips like stone, the magically enriched air, enforced by the sacrifices given this night, whiplashed as the ritual was fulfilled. Energy was drained from every corner of the Monolith, even from the trees nearby, who greyed and wilted under the strain. It was if a great vacuum had sucked the oxygen from the world, dragging it screaming into the void.

One by one, the great standing stones of the Monolith fell silent, their power muted, their glowing symbols dulling, draining like blood out the veins of a titan, collecting in infinite density in the dark heart of the Corona Star.

Everything fell silent.

And from the eldritch stars and the burning eye fell a pillar of lightning, falling from the darkness like a dying god might fall, burning and shining as it descended from the heavens.

The world was engulfed in burning white.

And then all was darkness.

Then from the darkness a glow emerged, a dark ominous light, shining with power and transcendent magic… nestled within the hooves of a mortal.

Scalpel gazed down at the Corona Star, its shape alight with glowing power as it began to awaken from death once more, to burn brightly in his hooves once more… and open the gateway to his ascendency.

Then he felt it through his hooves, the deep sonorous beat, the pulse of energy, the primal magic which had been forbidden to all but gods and demons.

The dead heart of a star had begun to beat once more.

Scalpel held it in his hooves, cradling it like a newborn infant, face filled with wonder and glory at his achievement. The light fell away from his eyes, becoming as calm as they had ever been, but now brightened… blue turned azure… and then Tyrian purple. The wings upon his back, once angelic and full of blinding light, began slowly to fade away, like ash on the breeze of time… and slowly the angel that had arisen descended to mortality once more.

As Scalpel touched the ground, he barely registered the obliterated corpses of the Inquisitors, nor the now bowing legions of assembled Risen which knelt before him, revering in the glory of the resurrected star.

The time was now upon this mortal world…

The Time of Angels.

Armifera smirked as Winterjet issued her challenge, raising a keg towards the northern mare, “Cocky, aren’t ya?” she grinned, “I like it.”

Casting a sobriety spell on herself before corking the whiskey and stowing it in the small pouch on her side, which she handed off to Summer Winds, Armifera’s horn began to glow, surrounding the two sheathed swords at her sides, “Shall I keep an emergency healing spell handy, or do you think you should play it safe and we cover the edges on these contraptions?”

Her horn glowed further, reducing her size and the size of her armor until she was only a little taller than Winterjet, after all it wouldn’t be much of a glorious battle if she dwarfed the mare. Flaring her wings, which now bore gleaming wingblades, she shouted, “I think I’ll take you up on that challenge of yours!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
Avatar of Bright_Ops

Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

It was quite clear from the difficultly that Torrential was having breathing and the pained expression on his face that he was not having a good day. Being hit by his own lightning strike had hurt like all hell; The fact that there had been a metal pole rammed through his lung at the time didn't exactly help matters and sure as hell didn't do him any favors. Still, despite the horrible condition he was in, his horn started to glow softly... somewhat weakly in fact. The pole that was still impaling him started to glow as well, slowly and with the odd pain filled jerk it started to be removed from his body. Still progress was slow... and a helping hoof wouldn't have been turned down in the slightest.

Snow's blue dress seemed to lose its solid form, melting into a blue liquid again before sliding back towards its creator. It seemed to pool around the wound caused by the pole, draining into the hole left behind as space was freed up, reforming its into the bits and pieces that were missing and repairing the damage that the impalement had done. By the time the pole was removed completely, the damage it had done was merely superficial and being undone with each passing second. Torrential still looked like he had gotten the absolute shit kicked out of him and that he wouldn't be moving all that fast for a while, but he seemed more alive as he forced himself into a proper sitting position, allowing him to look around much easier then before. Turning to look at Snow again after doing a quick look around for threats, he offered her a small smile as he simply said "Thank you. As the old saying goes what doesn't kill you can certainly make you wish that it did. Are you and Dancer alright?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

When there was no immediate reply, Snow tail began to worry. Mortal weapons were not that much use against an alicorn. But the damage done by what she thought was the Laughing Mare? I know some field medicine, but I'm no cleric who knows how to tend to an alicorn, she thought sadly.

Suddenly she felt the clothing around her become like water. It was soothing and inviting, and she watched as it rejoined the whole of Torrential. The mercenary began to relax, knowing that the alicorn was mending himself in some mysterious way. Her face brightened at his smile, like a child seeing a mother after being gone so long.

"I'm alright. Got in a tussle with a ghoul, but managed to avoid being its lunch," she replied. "Dancer… Shit, I don't know! I came to you when I saw your injuries. Er, sorry for my language." She looked over to the other shore. "I'll try to find her, and see if that one Stormwing trooper is still around too."
She was floating in water. Star Dancer was on a cool blue lake with the stars shining brightly above her. Meteorites blazed through the atmosphere, leaving bright blue streaks in their wake. But Luna's ward was not to be seen, and the sky seemed to be magnified.

Singing from the left, she turned her head and saw Sliver Sweeper in the water, surrounded by soap bubbles. Her horn glowed as a safety razor floated into the air, and began to shave the alicorn's leathered scalp.

"Oh hi Star Dancer!," Sweeper said. "I have a huge date with Discord today and need to look my best!"

Beside the alicorn she could see Scroll in a bed, without his cloak and laying on his stomach. He was smiling like a cat… in fact his face looked like a cat! Purring he seemed to wait for Dancer to join him. She blushed at the thought, for she did find her college attractive.

Suddenly a wave engulfed her face and the ocean glowed…
Tail had pored some water on Star Dancer's face. She was still near the log she was watching, if a bit covered in some debris. Taking her canteen from her sack, she poured some fresh water to see if she would awake. Soon Dancer eyes opened and coughed. "Wha," she sputtered.

"Sorry, but you weren't waking up when I shook you," said Tail. "You aright? The battle's over and Torrential's safe. But I don't know where Storm is. Hopefully she's ok."

Dancer was sure her eyes were opened. But she could not make out any forms, or shapes. The pegasus closed them again and saw darkness. Opening, all she saw was light.

"Dancer? Is everything alright?"

"No Snow, no. I can't see anything else."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

Blue Skies

In the town of Blue Skies, an even that had been months in the making was finally taking place.

Originally the wedding of Lucky Day and Calming Star was meant to be a small affair; Both unicorns belonged to upstanding and well liked families, but neither family really had the money to spend on a large wedding. That changed when by chance Bishop Consort and his followers had arrived in Blue Skies and heard about two ponies seeking to cement their union under the gaze of the goddesses. Bishop Consort had taken it as a sign from the goddesses that this wedding was to receive their blessing and whoa and behold if he wasn't a humble servant.

What had started off as a small and private wedding quickly grew as the Bishop and his followers poured more money and supplies into the wedding, quickly becoming a town wide event. Everyone had been invited; While the slave caste hadn't been allowed to attend to wedding or the after party, they had been allowed a half day off from their hard duties as well as access to fruit juice, wine and cake in order to toast and celebrate the happy occasion.

After the first toast to the newly wed couple, the Bishop had politely taken his leave in order to check up on a personal matter while the party carried on without him. In truth he had withdrawn to his own personal wagon, allowing himself the chance to be alone for a few hours to enjoy the company of his dearly beloved wife. He could still quite vividly remember the very birthday that he had proudly announced his engagement to his friends, family and in general just about every pony who had ever met him back in his home town. He still remembered the toast... how the wine had made him feel perfect bliss as his poison had done what he had designed it to do.

The only being that had the right to know his real name was his beloved Laughing Mare herself. Still despite his attempts to join her during his birthday party with everyone else who had known his real name, she had spared him and sent him back in order to help make others as happy as he made her. It was a duty the newly named Laughing Consort took very seriously.

She always liked it best when he sent her happy souls. They always put her in a good mood.


Torrential continued to sit for a little while, resting. With each passing minute, he appeared just that little bit healthier. That little bit stronger. However, for the moment he was simply going to wait and recover his strength. He trusted that Snow would find Star quickly enough and make sure she was alright. There were other ponies around, but until they acted against him and his own, he would treat them with the same mutual respect as any other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Snow Tail carried the blinded pegasus to Torrential. Star didn't say much afterwards, and Snow was unsure what to tell her. From experience in battle, she knew how some stray spells and Sunray blasts could cause blindness in others. But depending on the circumstance, disability tended to be a temporary effect... sometimes.

"Makes me wish the Colonel would issue goggles in battle," Tail said to herself. Dancer still didn't speak. The mercenary frowned and wondered what she could say.

Soon Tail could see the sight of Torrential on the shore. "Alright, looks like Torrential is looking better!", said Tail.

At last Dancer spoke, "Is he alright?" Her voice was low but concerned.

"I guess so, and he'll be much happier seeing you!" At this Dancer smiled a bit.

They set down facing the alicorn. Before Torrential could speak, Tail went to his side and whispered the news concerning Dancer's sight. The pegasus in question bowed, hoping she was facing the Master of the Rain. But she remained in her sullen state.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Longsight stood there, icy steel piercing her body, her magic torn away. Looking down she saw her severed horn laying useless and the sword-

In her last moments she recognized the sword - The Blades of the Platinum Dynasty. Was at display at Celestia's academy for her best unicorns. She remember when she was assigned to investigate the theft, being one of those sent to monitor the school.

And after all this time, I've found them. No, they found me, she thought. She looked into Scarlet's eyes and smiled grimly. The inquisitor could not say a word, but her eyes would have communicated the idea: Now I remember, that one misfit. Heh, heh.

Then the axe came and shattered her body. But despite the blow, Longsight lived if only for a few moments more. It was so perfect the plan, kidnap Lens, use her to get Prancer's aid in capturing Sweeper. Then her cohorts and the missionaries would be arrested for their blasphemies - another shut and closed case. In her mind she regretted in the failure. Failing her fellow sisters. Failing the Archmagister. Failing Ponykind.

The last few moments before departing was one of utter bewilderment. Lights, alien shapes, the one called Noxferus completing the ritual. Underlying the whole sight was how small Longsight felt, a primordial fear that gripped her heart. Perhaps it was merely a dream, but it didn't matter soon.
As Scarlet was finishing her opponent, in the darkness Summer Dew began to rise up slowly. He had lost his right foreleg, but he still lived. And had enough will to aim his horn and unleash one more spell. The Noxferus was too far away, but Scarlet was in his sights.

His horn glowed, and he he wearily aimed his horn. Silence filled the landscape as the Risen bowed down to their reanimator. The stars seemed off. Everything was off. This was not supposed to happen. This was supposed to be quick. Dew aimed and put all his hate into the blas-

A solid metal box slammed into Summer Dew's head, so fast he had no time to notice. The unicorn was thrown a good distance by the impact. Steel Hammer stood grimly, his cloak torn, and he coughed. He trotted slowly over to the box, with a leather harness, short, broad, and about the right size to hold a large book. Despite being forged from the best metals by the smith himself, Longsight's attack had dented it inwards.

The case held the Prophesies that day, and was meant to protect the Marvels of Science that night. Hidden under the mantle of the Scholars, the box protected Steel from a fatal blow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 40 min ago

Amaretto closed the door to his room behind him, throwing his saddlebags onto the bed unceremoniously as Theá flew off of him and reverted to the form of the puppy she had used earlier.

"So what do you think?" The stallion asked, the plated parts of his armour hitting the floor with loud clangs and thuds. "Crazy nutjob, or mad scientist? Not that that leaves a lot of room for imaginations."

"He's certainly not stable," Theá murmured, and jumped up onto the bed, laying down with her head resting on her paws. "I will be watching him for the time being. Already he has broken Our laws of playing with life and death, a territory prohibited for all but Mother--I do not trust that he will stop at only this. I feel like something more is bound to happen, yet what I cannot say."

"So it's not just me who has this foreboding... feeling?" She sighed, throwing the last of his armour towards the pile of metal and steel on the floor. "So what now?"

Theá grunted in reply and turned to him, one "eyebrow" raised in an unasked question--something which looked rather cute in her current form--, it was a gesture that obviously told him that she had spaced out for a moment, lost in her own thoughts.

"I asked what we were gonna do now?"

She opened her mouth, showing cute--albeit pointy--little teeth, and would have answered had a titanic torrent of magical energy not crashed against her senses in that moment. For a moment she was stunned, eyes clenched and teeth ground together against the onslaught. The feedback was immense; so large that she knew only one thing could have possibly unleashed that much power. A growl emanated from deep in her throat, sounding completely out of place when coming from such a small creature. Yet, she was not some small creature, harmless to ponies. She was a Goddess of immense power, commanding forces that no mortal could ever fully comprehend.

And right now, she was angry. A Ley Line had been torn open, albeit very briefly and only a relatively small amount had been drained from it.

"This time he dies!" She growled, up on all fours and moments from charging out the window. Yet... something stopped her. A fire still burned in her eyes, and a deep frown still marred her features, but she forced herself to lay back down on the bed, resting as she had before, though her burning gaze never left the window.

The clock on the wall managed almost an entire round before Amaretto eventually spoke up, confusion evident in his voice as well as on his face. "What?" He asked. "You were about to go mental and now you're just going to lay there and pretend like nothing happened?"

"I am not pretending," she replied, her voice tight and controlled; replies minimalistic.

"Then what the hell happened? One second you're about to fly out the window, and the next you go back to being a good lil' pup sleeping on the blasted bed!"

Raising her eyes to Amaretto's, from where she was looking out the window she gave him a long, hard look. "It is not yet the right time." She said no more after that, and no matter how much Amaretto prodded and poked, interrogated and demanded answers, he got none.

He was confused but, at some point, also a tiny bit worried. What could have caused Theá to suddenly stop like that? He knew she was a hunter, a predator, and knew when the time to strike was right, And yet... this still felt odd. He eventually settled for just getting something for the two of them to eat: simple vegetable stew for him, and some meat scraps from the kitchen for Theá.

She smiled.
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