Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Yes, this is a My Little Pony Roleplay, centered around the setting known as Equestria Divided. Here is a link that leads to a forum which has the majority of the information needed (reading the header about each Faction is recommended). This forum page doesn't have everything, so a quick google search will lead you to the rest. There are 6 factions in total, which means there are 2 missing from the forum page and the header image for the faction known as House Everfree. Every necessary information can be found with these two links. If, however, there are any questions left then feel free to ask me.

In Nómine

An Equestria Divided Role Playing Game


In the beginning, there was Faust.

She stared out into the vast aether, the void between realms and felt a longing to fill it. For all was cold and dark, and she alone drifted through its expanse. She spread her wings, and lo, the cosmos were given birth. A single tear from her shining eyes became all of the seas. She placed a hoof and mountains rose from the level plains. Her sigh the eight winds of the earth. She placed two great shining orbs into the sky to give all Light.

Faust looked out over the land she had created; the lush forests, the rolling plains, the icy mountains and endless seas, and found it lacking. A world filled and a world empty. Faust looked deep within her, and found enough for one last act.

With the first verse came the Great Lords of Harmony and Discord, firstborn and mightiest of her brood. With them, Faust placed the easel of all creation within their power.

With the second verse came the Sisters Celestia and Luna, wardens of Faust’s Lights. With them, Faust placed dominion over all their light fell upon.

With the third verse came the last of Faust children, many in number and name, beings formed of her divine song. When they looked upon what their Mother had created, they bent the knee to the Sisters, to the Lords, and to Faust herself. These were the alicorns of old; wise and powerful beyond measure. With them, she placed all that remained; guardians of the land, sea, and sky and all within. They looked down on their Mother’s creation and smiled…

-An excerpt from ‘The Mother of us All’

There are countless legends throughout history. Tales of heroes and mighty battles. The ponies of old fought for freedom they cherish. For the honor they hold so dear. For the Sisters who they adored without question. We blessed them with summers that never ended, harvest that never failed, and foals that never ailed. But the arrow of time points in only one direct

Until at last we were remembered only in song and legend…

That is, until our Sisters had vanished. Now they would forget us complete. They cling to these… Houses of theirs and allow their hatred to rule all judgment.

With each passing day, the mortal races grow more daring. They dabble in forces beyond their comprehension and control. Seas of blood fertilize the barren salt sown land in their petty squabbles. They sacrifice their own to feed the hunger of eldritch spawn and let loose abominations upon the land. The dead walk amongst the living. Creatures and spirits from Elsewhere poison the mortal minds and will to their bidding. Those blessed with magic dare try to walk where we alone may tred. They knock upon the very wall of the Astral Plane, and a poison seeps into the realm of the Divine.

They have destroyed Faust’s paradise. The flower is wilting and our power wanes with it. They have forsaken us.

Equestria’s darkest hour has come… and we will no longer be remembered as just fairy tales anymore. A consensus has been reached amongst we few. Now, for right or ruin, we shall return. All of Equestria will tremble before us and bend the knee. For those who resist… well…

We all know what happens to thing that cannot bend.



Welcome to Equestria Divided RPG: In Nómine.
The idea behind this RP is that it is now twenty years after the start of Yorick’s universe (five years after official present canon). The war between the houses has escalated to all new heights and none of the sides show any signs of truce. Hundreds of thousands have been thrown into the war machine and the damage is extensive. Hunger, poverty and disease run rampant through city streets and hundreds die in combat daily. The once beautiful Equestria is no more. It is a wild and dangerous place. Ponykind’s gods have abandoned them, and thus, the ponies have forgotten them.

Until one day… they return.

That’s right. I’m encouraging you to make Alicorns. Let that sink in for a moment.

Your god, for their own reasons or at the will of another, has descended from the Astral Plane and Eternal Fields to walk upon the mortal ponies once more. Maybe you come to try to end the current conflict; maybe you wish to expand it. Perhaps you feel this is the time to carve out your own niche and form your own kingdom, or try to fill in the power void that Celestia and Luna left? Will you raise an army and your own banner? Will your name be the one that fills the voices in choirs and cathedrals? Will you make war against your fellow brethren, or work together?

That is for you alone to decide.

To be fair, I should say this RP takes place 3 months AFTER the return of the alicorns. You, of course, will write the prior of how they came to Equestria. Grand return and all that, and help set the stage, and then we step into current events.

Now, before many of you balk about the absurdity, I have to ask; is it absurd? In nearly all mythologies, there have been stories in which the Gods themselves would walk and act amongst mortals. The most famous, of these would undoubtly be the greek pantheon, who took sides and even fought in the battles of Troy. The same goes for the omniscient and all knowing bit too; the Greek Gods weren’t and neither are these alicorns.

Now, your gods are powerful, but not all powerful. To put in comparison, these alicorns would be weaker than Celestia and Luna, but far more powerful than Cadance or even Twilicorn (if she existed in this universe). If you could have tiers, imagine Faust being Tier 1, Discord and Harmony Tier 2, Celestia and Luna Tier 3, and now we’re Tier 4, with Cadance/Twily/mortal alicorns at Tier 7 or 8.

Now, personally, I’m a little surprised by what people consider an RPG. Ladies and gents, this is going to be a simple freeform text RP without all the extra bells and whistles. No dice or rules of movement, character sheets, monster books, game masters, ect. This is intended to be purely shared storytelling narrative between equals following a few basic guidelines above which I shall take the responsibility to moderate. We start with the basic premise, and we’ll go with the winds that take us. Anyone can contribute (but not control, myself included) the plot and flow of the story. There can even be multiple story lines going on if you or someone else want to focus on them.

Please only join if you can post frequently as folks who go too long without posting will be pruned from the game. Multiple/few times a day is preferable (more on post length below), but no one is going to come at you with pitchforks and torches if you can only write once a day. Unless like, y’know, there’s a mob with pitchforks and torches coming after your character. Point is, we’ll try to work around your character in absence, but if you up and vanish, their life expectancy will decrease suddenly. It is surprising how often people die via stray arrows to the knee…

If for some reason a player informs me that they will becomes unable to post or need to stop altogether, said character will be requested to a) killed off, b) Separate from the group via story or plot, of C) failing the previous two, we’ll come up with something that results your guy vanishing into obscurity.

This is meant to be a game of intrigue, war, and betrayal with adult themes and real consequences. Due to the nature of the source material, this game will be rated ‘Mature’ and I ASSUME by joining that you lot are mature enough to participate. I encourage graphic description of gore and conflict, to whatever you and others feel comfortable with. Obviously, if you wind up writing the next Cupcakes and somebody is bothered by it, you’ll have to scale back.

In regards to clop, that is forbidden in this RP. Your character wants to make a perverted joke in a tavern, go ahead. That sort of stuff is permissible. You want to bump uglies in the bushes, go do it in the PMs or another RP. Romance and off scene stuff can happen, but nothing that can be considered ‘lime’, ‘lemon’, or ‘softcore’. Look, just make both our lives easier and don’t have sex with anyone. You have sex, you die. Proven fact.

Me: My name is Kapuchu (and Dawnscroll, my co-conspirator) and as the Alicorn God (actually, I AM an Alicorn God!) Mod of this RP, my job will be to sit back, sip this mojito, and make sure you darn kids don’t break the neighbors’ windows.
No seriously. I’m not a mod who will control plot, character interactions, or even the appearance of villains. I’m giving everyone in this RP (nearly) full creative freedom for the happenings of the RP. Nothing contrived, nothing that’s outside of the realm, and nothing absurd. Now, obviously the idea of ‘Lord Caxatur from the 11iethbillion dimension and flaming sword of starblood’ is out of the question for a villain. I’m not here to control the plot. What you produce has to be of good quality, and has to be cleared with the people you’re working with if its big or a plot line sorta bit. No need to go into uber detail, just shoot everyone involved a PM or add something here in OOC about what you vaguely want to do.
Course, I’m not completely lazy. I’m still a mod, will also help settle any disputes and offer information asked for by the players. Just here to keep the peace folks.


Da Rulez

Not to be confused with ‘The Rules’ or ‘Da Rulz’

A few rules to follow for this game.

I. No god-mode. Yes, considering most of you will be playing as GODS, this almost seems counterintuitive, but I’ll get to this in a bit at the botttom. Few things in a freeform game are as annoying as a God-Mode player. The sort that pull random things out of their tails to dominate the story, making up powers and assets on the fly without any explanation and always expect things to go their character’s way. While I DO encourage creativity, that does not mean that your pegasus pony ‘suddenly’ gains the ability to make anvils rain from the sky just because you are surrounded by wildlings that want to turn you into bitesized pony-bits. As Mod, I WILL react with the force of a.. no wait, TWO sonic rain-nukes at such blatantly outlandish things. If you do something incredibly stupid that will warrant death (Like for instance attempting to assassinate Lady Rarity in the name of the Cult in the middle of her Court when she’s surrounding by guards, by breaking wind in her general direction) then don’t expect to just be able to just say ‘whoopse’ and walk away. Injury and death is a REAL possibility in this game. And if you DO decide to Ezio your way out of there, for heaven’s sake, write it as a realistic possibility for your character.

II. Story is King: My approach to any RP. Characters come and go and plots will be twisted and subverted (take that as you will) but all things that happen must progress the story of these characters, their interactions, and the interactions they have with the rest of the world. The better your description of your actions, the more you can do and the better everybody else can react to them. It is critical in these sorts of games to play attention to what your fellow players are doing in character. With this now being said, I’d like to point out an absolutely brilliant freaking RP called the ‘Caravan’ led by none other than our beloved L2L. If you read it, you’d be in awe at the amazing length and detail she and her crew go into each of their posts. Pretty freaking sweet, right?

To people that have a tendency to create exceptionally long posts, this section is practically directed to you. I’m not asking that from you. I’d actually like to discourage it. Not the incredible detail or writing of course! But rather, the length and wait time between responses. Reading the Caravan is like reading each post as the chapter of a much bigger story. Its mouthwatering incredibly good, but it's also slow and character interaction seems minimal, primarily because people in that and other RPs each have their own plot with their character, and NPCs to support merely that plot. Its like reading Game of Thrones. Interaction is something I heavily encourage (just like multiple posts!). Let’s build this plot together and our characters interact.

Therefor, for posts, I’m asking a minimal of a few paragraphs for each post. Keep detail and writing skill high. No need to write 8k word posts or anything like that. I mean, if you want to do that for your opener, go ahead. More power to you, and THAT is supported. But Im not asking for you to (and would prefer that you not) write a book with each post.

III. Mutual Character Approval: While I am not adverse to the player control of NPC’s so long as they keep in character, and everyone handle's their own NPCS, puppeting another player’s character is STRICTLY forbidden. If the green pegasus and yellow earth pony get into a fight, the green pegasus cannot write up a complete curb stomp battle description declaring herself the winner without the consent and input of the yellow earth pony’s player. While I am happy to help moderate such things, I would ask that players work out between themselves how such interactions will go and come to a mutually acceptable outcome. If need be, I’ll take the facts about the situation, and promptly chuck them out the window. We're all mature adults, and if you two can't play nice, don't play at all. That said, I will not ‘execute’ a player without permission or warning. While players can die, they will have full control of when they wish their characters to die. Just write it realistic, plausible, and no deus ex. Other characters MAY have to come save your ass. You may have you character’s death as a complete surprise to shock us all. Also, if a player grows bored with or wants to go in a different direction plot wise, again, PM the people you’re with of write it here in the OOC.

IV. Meta-gaming: Please keep in character information IN character and out of character information OUT of character. Just because the yellow earth pony has revealed to the green pegasus that she is a member of the Cult of Laughter does not mean that the blue unicorn who was not anywhere near the scene at the time knows about it. This game will have many twists, secrets, and (hopefully) dramatic reveals, but try to keep track of what it is your characters know about your ‘allies’ and what is to be discussed ‘in character’.

V. Format: Please use proper narrative. Italics for thoughts, “speaking in quotations” and such to make it clear what is being thought and what is said. Use the ‘quotes’ boxes (ala [-quote-] OOC stuff [-/quote]) when speaking out of character such as to ask questions, comment on things happening as a player instead of pony. I, and nobody else will go ape-crazy on you for minor spelling and grammatical mistakes. We all make them. If you ‘rite liek dis, hten I afraid ur dead bro.’ Arrow to the knee.

VI. Godly Rules – Since there’s gods in this RP, we need to establish some ground rules.

1) The first rule of immortality is that one day you will die. Just like the gods in most mythologies, you are powerful. You are immortal. And you can be killed. Now that you have left the Astral plane, you are subject to the same rules. While an alicorn can take far more punishment than a mortal, they have their own breaking points. A single foot soldier could do nothing against you. An army, or another god, would be an entirely different story.
2) You cannot create life. That is to say, you cannot create something from nothing. That alone belonged to Faust and the Lords. You cannot will a pony or creature into existence, and not even you can bring the dead back to life. A forest or nature god, however, could urge a forest to grow around them or for plants to grow a certain way or speed.
3) You cannot control that which is not yours. Fire god has no control over water. That sort of idea.
4) You are not omniscient. You do not know everything that was or will be. You cannot see the future. You cannot be everywhere at once. Imagine like the greek gods; they were able to lie and cheat and trick each other. Your character might know things, but they do not know everything, nor can they.
5) Collateral Damage. I’m allowing it. Extensively.



To submit a character, please use the following template as an example. I will need to approve any character that is presented, but this is mostly to just trim out any rough spots and make sure nopony is OP.


Name- (Please try to keep in regular Equestrian tradition. So no Georges, Geoffs or Greggs. Greenbean, Graphite, and . You may also use more ‘unusual’ names for your divine being, so long as it correlates to their sphere. Celestia-Day and Sun, Luna- Moon and Night)

Species – (Self explanatory.)

Gender – (You have two options. PICK ONE. I shouldn’t have to explain this, but my god, I have seen things man…)

Coat/Eyes/Mane/Cutie Mark: (Their appearance in general. Go into as much or as little detail as you want. Add weapons, cloaks, whatever. Please try to keep a ‘normal’ color scheme. Pretty much anything is allowed, but be realistic. If you make your guy black with blood red hair, I’ll bite my tongue in disdain, but I’ll still pass them. If you give them rainbow colored hair, bat wings, and golden hooves, I shouldn’t have to tell you what will happen. Arrow. Knee. You do the math. If you’re an alicorn, I do encourage a little ‘oomf’ to some trait of your character. Celestia’s hair flows with solar wind, and Luna’s is filled with stars. I see no reason why a Nature god, for example, couldn’t have flowers grow and die in their footsteps or such.)

Cutie marks should obviously correlate to your special talent. However, in regards to Divine Beings, you are allowed to have a bit more of an abstract cutiemark.)

Ponies Only – This is for all mortal characters

Special Talent: (WHAT exactly their cutie mark represents. It doesn’t need to be super specific; Rarity’s three gems represent her ability to find gemstones, but on another pony it could be a jeweler, a gem cutter, a miner, a designer, ect. So long as the mark can correlate with the talent somehow, its all good. Obviously don’t make talent OP, but don’t feel like you need to hold back. Ponies get their marks for being good at things.)

Occupation: (What they are currently doing at this point and time as a profession)

Affiliation: (Is your pony loyal to any of the houses or dieties?)

Personality: (Don’t need to know the inner psychological working of your character in every expressed detail. But give us something that makes him seem real. You should put a few good lines into this part and flesh them out. One line, one-dimensional, or stereotypical characters will be rejected.)

Other: (Literally, anything else you folks can think of. Anything you want to add or put here about the character that you couldn't find a spot for.

Back-story : (For their bio, I’m being generous: You may put as much or as little as you want here.The reason why is because there ARE things people generally want to reveal via story or plot lines. They have history or things they want to tell other characters. There for, no need to give away those juicy parts, and can keep the entire bio vague if you want. You still need to give us SOMETHING, but like personality, make it a good paragraph or two and just make it something to chew on.)

Divine Only – This is for all alicorn characters

Spheres of influence: A sphere of influence is essentially what your character is god or goddess of. In the idea that Apollo was god of prophecy, music, intellectual pursuits, healing, and sometimes, the sun, you too should claim one or more spheres of influence. This is likely going to be the part that I will reject frequently, to lower the possibility of power abuse or mary sues. For instance, you can’t be the god of Order. This falls under Harmony’s dominion, no can you be God of the Stars, because Luna controls the stars under her influence of the Night.

Powers and abilities: Self-explanatory and should correlate with your spheres of influence. This is less ‘magic’ and more natural ability. As an alicorn, you are already blessed with the traits of unicorn, earth, and pegasi. But Luna could walk among dreams and controlled the night sky, among other things.

Seat of Power: A seat of power is where your character has claimed as the stronghold of your dominion. It can be for strategic location or because of your own personal reasons. For instance, a God of the forest or nature of some sort might chose ‘The Cave of Life’ in the Everfree as their seat of power. Or, they might choose the ‘Heart of the Everfree’. You can choose wherever you like, but it is entirely up to you to describe what such a location would look like in your RP posts. A map of Yorick's Equestria, as well as various seat of Power can be found HERE.

Number of followers: How many ponies have pledged themselves to your cause? The number does not equate to how powerful they or their followers are. Does your character work with a few trust worthy groups hiding you in secrete, or do they have thousands of followers ready to die in your name?

Divine Blessing: A gift bestowed on your faithful, if you choose to give one at all. It can be an overall blessing or physical tool for them to use, and must correlate to your god’s sphere of influence. Ex: A god of the sea might give his faithful the ability to breathe under water, or maybe even allowed to walk on its surface. You only get to give one, however.

Purpose: Why did your character descend from the unknown heavens and return to Equestria? Was it to fill the void of power left by Celestia and Luna’s disappearance? Rule Equestria for themselves? Maybe they are just content to be worshipped, or they have come to erase the Sisters’ mistakes from the face of the earth. There is a purpose which compelled them here, and let us know it.

Divine Flaw: A flaw or weakness in your characters personality or beliefs which contrasts with the idea of an ‘infalliable’ or perfect god. For instance, one could argue that Celestia’s Divine flaw was her reliance on schemes and plots to achieve her ends, or that Luna’s was her jealousy. Or to give a more common knowledge example, Zeus’s; his ridiculous pride and stubbornness, coupled with his adultery with mortal women.

Other: (Literally, anything else you folks can think of. Anything you want to add or put here about the character that you couldn't find a spot for.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name- Arcon
Species – Alicorn
Gender – Male

Coat/Eyes/Mane/Cutie Mark:
Arcon’s stands about half a head taller than Princess Luna would, and his fur and feathers are a sandy tan in color. Both his mane and tail are black and worn long, and his eyes are a dark iron grey. His cutie mark, a black key within a circle, is frequently hidden from view by the thick grey woolen robes he has a preference for wearing.
Spheres of influence: God of Doorways, Gates, Beginnings, Ends, Locks and Keys.

Powers and abilities:
Aside from the regular blessings bestowed upon the three pony races, Arcon draws power from his respective spheres in a variety of ways.

-Unlike his followers, Arcon needs neither a Key nor his Hall to move between doors, and can exit anywhere he chooses so long as there is a door or gate to step from. His can do this effortlessly and at any distance. (The effect would be akin to him leaving out the front door, only to suddenly walk out of the bedroom).

-If no doors or gates are at hand, he can form a rift to step through. This, however, is incredibly draining for even him and requires time to accomplish. Something he usually has precious little at hand.

-Is extremely proficient in the skills of Abjuration and Binding Magic, and uses all sorts of magical locks, barriers, seals, and wards. He can usually dispel any magical defense by exploiting its weak points; instead of trying to force his way through the spell, he'll pick at the loose strands and try to unravel it. However, if faced with a trick or spell he has never seen before, he can be halted and sealed himself, or at the very least slowed for quite a while. Furthermore, while his own defenses spells are amongst the most powerful, they are not impervious and could be penetrated by a strong enough force.

-In combat, Arcon will often use summoned chains inscribed with binding runes to try to entrap and restrain his opponents or use them as physical weapons for damage. He lacks any sort of true offensive magic or divine powers, or truly any control over the physical elements of the world, and instead focuses on trying to bind or seal his foes.

Seat of Power: Deep within the span of the Wasteland lies a single, solitary peak. The inhabitants of the ashen plains have no name for it and no life grows upon its surface. This mountain, however, is where Arcon descended from the Astral and deep within the heart of the mountain, he has made his home. Carved within the center is a series of tunnels and rooms that house his followers, and massive vaults where he stores his ill gotten tomes.

Number of followers: At the moment, Arcon has only about two dozen followers of all ages under his control. They serve less as fighters and more as caretakers for his Seat of Power, as well as Seekers for his collection. Arcon chooses them all carefully; a mix of archivists, mages, and librarians and when he finds a pony to his taste from the general populace he presents them with a Key.

Divine Tool: When Arcon wishes for a pony to join his service, he presents them with a nondescript metal key which they are to keep on themselves at all times. The Key will open any hinged door with any lock anywhere in the world, turning the door into a portal accessing Arcon's Seat of Power regardless of where that door would normally open. When exiting Arcon’s hall, the doors open not necessarily to the original place of entry, but to any room the holder of the Key has in mind, or to a random room if the user does not focus. To reach a specific room the user must have a clear picture of the room's door and the area around it. The Hall thus serves as a means of instant travel between similar doors anywhere on Equestria. Sliding doors and rotating doors cannot be used to access Arcon’s Hall. The door used does not have to be installed in a wall and can be free standing or a stage prop.


“I will tell you this: Books are doors. Doors to knowledge of the ages. Doors to the past itself. Sealed within them are everything that has ever happened, or ever will happen. All one need do is open them and suddenly they are transported to a world long dead or one conjured from the fertile womb of the mind. A beginning and a end of something beautiful… or tragic… or intriguing.

The ponies of Equestria are blind. They are stupid. They are children.

Eight thousand years ago, the great Library of Marexandria was burned to the ground. In a single night, the history and lore or an entire empire disappeared in smoke. A thousand years ago, the great Isle of Stars was plundered in retaliation for Night Mare Moon. Again, the loss was incalculable. The knowledge, irreplaceable.

Why, the ponies of ancient Roan once had knowledge of an herb that served for all their medicinal needs. The name of this plant was lost to equine stupidity. The ponies of today don’t even know what it looked like! How many other pieces of priceless knowledge have been lost through the ages? What treasure, what unsung masterpieces now lie as ash from the neglect or hatred? Even now, these… Houses burn and destroy anything that would go against their specific doctrine. They erase their past to justify their present. In doing so, they forget who they were. They forget where they came from.

They forget us.

Ponykind will remember the events of today. I will ensure it. I will minimize the damage to their species. Only one in a hundred ponies may survive, but I will ensure their progress is not lost. What knowledge they currently have cannot be entrusted to their neglect. I know a far better place…”

Divine Flaw: Arcon holds absolutely no concern or interest in the fate of Equestria, firmly believing that no matter what ponykind does, there will always be survivors. Therefor, he is completely indifferent to the loss of life, whether allied, innocent, or enemy, from his actions or the war as a whole. While he has a respectful relationship with his followers, he is more concerned with the safety and wellbeing of his collection and his Keys than that of those who serve under him. Let a hundred, let a thousand, let ten, a hundred, a million lives end before allowing the last copy of a book to be burned. More ponies can always be made. But knowledge can be lost for millennia until it is rediscovered, if ever.

Other: Will use any sort of magic to achieve his spells, whether blood magic and sacrifices or arcane runes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Name – Theá Éri̱mo

Species – Alicorn (I never thought I'd actually write that)

Gender – Female

Coat/Eyes/Mane/Cutie Mark:
She has an aqua green coat that seems to change its nuance ever so slightly depending on where she's standing to better hide her. Her mane and tail are a healthy, nutty brown, both of which are constantly kept in a tight braid (individually of course) which are only ever untied if she decides that she finds a male worthy of being her 'prey'. Her eyes are a dark blue that seems intense at first but is softer than one would think.

A quick look on her wings reveals that they are built for speed rather than long flights, though she is easily capable of travelling long distances via flight. They are incredibly large to the point where they poke out a small distance behind her when folded at her sides. Her horn is both long and slender, though it is not even close to reaching the length of Celestia's. It is more similar to Luna's, shorter.
Her body is one of typical 'Alicorn design', if one can call it that. Her legs are long and sleek, her barrel small and muzzle slightly elongated compared to the typical pony.

Her Cutie Mark is also significantly more intricate than what is seen on mortals, where they may have something as simply as a flower, a shovel, a tart or the likes, hers covers the vast majority of her flank, the lowers point going just a little down the leg itself. The mark portrays a dual image; It is a thick brown arrow pointing downwards, seemingly made of bark. The cock feathers are wider than they should be, and aren't the typical white one would imagine, but a large collecting of beech leaves lying in the shape of the cock feathers. The Cutie Mark is the picture of both an arrow and a tree.

Spheres of influence:
Hunt, Wilderness, Wild Animals and Fertility

Powers and abilities:
A collection of her more signature abilities, including but not limited to:

- Her 'basic' attack is conjuring an arrow out of pure energy that she simply fires at her opponent in a straight line. They can wary in strength and number, depending on how much power Theá puts behind the spell.

- Can move through the forest and wilderness with almost no difficult and nary a sound, as well as being nigh on invisible when standing still when surrounded by foliage and the likes.

- Shapeshifting. She's capable of taking on the form of any wild animal. The only limitation is that said animal has to inhabit the Wilderness, so only the ones that lives in forests, plains, and the likes. Birds, Fish, Insects and so on are beyond her abilities.

- Theá can call forth a small number of woodland creatures (non-living, basically puppets or familiars)
to aid her in a battle. They have the same abilities as their living counterparts, being no weaker or stronger. The only difference is that they can carry small, verbal messages.

- Can sense the presence & species of every creature - but the most skilled at hiding - within a fifty metres radius

- A spell that drastically increases her speed, allowing her to move much faster than she usually would be able to.

- Other standard spell such as Telekinesis, shields etc.

Seat of Power:
A hunter never settles down. A hunter will go where the prey goes.

Number of followers:
She has never really bothered to keep an exact count, but she estimates her amount of followers to have reached about four thousand. Their numbers range from bounty hunters to nomads that pray for good huntings. The only price she demands is whatever information she can give them about the going-ons of the world.

Divine Blessing:
Being the goddess of the hunt, she has granted the Boon Of The Hunter to her followers. It provides them with sharper eyes and ears, as well as allowing them to move more silently. Doesn't mean that they can't be heard, but they are significantly more difficult to hear when approaching a target.

She also offers a addition to the blessing. Being able to move silently and get slightly enhanced sense is not her full blessing. Every single one of her followers is given a choice. They can get the "normal" blessing which leaves out the final part, or the full one. A "full" blessing allows the mortal to not only move silently, see and hear better, but also to consume meat should they be herbivorous. Only a fraction of her followers have taken it, but the ones that have are those she consider her closest followers.

To restore the wilderness to its former glory, stop the needless slaughter and let the natural order of the hunter killing its prey return to its rightful place in the world. In other words: Stop the war, and especially stop the Everfree Liege and Laughing Mare.

Divine Flaw:
Theá's greatest flaw is her extreme stubbornness. She hates to lose and will do anything she can to win. It has often led to violent outcomes. She's also known for trying to seduce both stallions and mares, mortal or not. To her, they are just a different kind of prey.

She is extremely patient as any hunter should be, but ruthless once engaged in combat.
She's mostly acts neutral, but is benevolent to those who serve her. Her boon is also freely given to those that bring her the hide or other trophy of a beast, proving themselves as hunters.
Her physical strength is lower than that of other Alicorns, though her speed is far greater.
She is omnivorous, in that she consumes both vegetarian food and meat.
Her Voice
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KittyE


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Name:Crashing Wave ( The Unbreakable)

Species: Alicorn

Gender: Male

Appearance: Crashing is heavily built with sleek serpentine quality to it. His fur is silky smooth and incredibly short to reduce friction between him and the water. His fur is white and darkens to azure at his hooves. Crashing's wings are sleek and waterproof from an oil his feathers produce. His eyes are striking bright green. His mane is cobalt blue and cut short . His tail is long and set into three braids, each set with a silver harpoon hook at the end. Crashing's cutie mark is the black silhouette of a roaring sea dragon around dark blue tidal waves. Crashing also has a tattoo of twin coiled dragons around his neck. His only form of clothing is series of belts made from enchanted leather to hold his weapons.

Spheres of Influence: The Sea and Tide, Freedom, and the Leviathans of the Deep.

-Crashing is able to turn his body into water at any given point in time. He can also summon large amounts of water and use them for an array of spells. He can create constructs from the water that are copies of predatory creatures of the sea.
-The Leviathans, ancient monsters of the deep answer to Crashing's beck and call when he is in the Sea.
-Despite his use of his magic Crashing is adept with a blade. He wields a pair of twin scimitars he has dubbed Theras and Artesc, named after the demon dragon's he had slain in an age long since passed. These intricate blades were forged from their bones and are a trophy that Crashing Wave sports. As well he also finds that he enjoys using an arquebus, a weapon of Whitegold make that his followers had 'acquired', and after three months of practice he now holds a pair at his side at all times.
- Crashing Wave's most prominent spell is to run a current of pressurized water along his coat making an armor with the efficiency of steel.

Followers: Any that wish to shake off their shackles are welcome to join him. As well the sea ponies of the East sea look to himas their Patron God and gladly follow him His followers range in over two hundred.

Divine Blessing; The Sea's Embrace is the blessing he give to his followers. It allows them to breath underwater as the sea ponies do and swim through the sea as if they were a fish.

Seat of Power: Crashing is not one to stay in one place but he is often seen in the company of the Kraken's Fleet. A group of free privateers that are loyal to him and just as rowdy. They take up coastal residence in the Moon and Stars marine territory. they work with him to free any slaves form the passing vessels and give the unicorns a good taste of free steel.

Divine Flaw: With his lax, easygoing and, more often than not, cocky attitude Crashing very rarely takes anything seriouysly. He is also prone to acting before thinking anything through. Crashing is very trusting and will give anypony a chance should they ask it. Finally any flame that touches his skin can cause extreme pain and damage to him.

Goal: Crashing has decided to enter the Mortal Realm because of the slave trade that is running rampant in Equestria. He seeks to see to it that this is corrected one way or another. His enemy resides in House's Earthborn, Moon and Stars and Stormwing. He also hopes to find out why The Royal Sister's disappeared.

-Crashing had a special connection to the Lunar Warden and even held romantic feelings for her. The last time he had entered the Mortal Realm he had professed his love to her by linking his Sea to her Moon thus giving her power over the tide of the shores of the world. But it was met with mixed results. Celestia was furious at this and Banished him to the Sea's bottom for a hundred years saying that it was an Abomination that he felt this for Luna. When he was released he had found out that Luna had become Nightmare Moon and had been banished by the Elements. Crashing Wave went back to the Eternal Plane after that with but said one thing to her. 'I hope the day you Banished her your heart shattered as mine has.' He never returned to the Mortal Plane after that, until now.
-Enjoys the company of others and strong drink. Is an amazing Soprano too (In his mind).
-He also wrote the book on pirating.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name - Sliver Sweeper

Species - Alicorn

Gender - Female

Coat/Eyes/Mane/Cutie Mark: Having an grey coat, her Mane would be a light blue.

The reason there's a "would be" is because she has no mane at all, or fur on the top of her scalp. This rather unusual oddity for an Alicorn is due to her flaw and purpose - to maintain a state of immaculate order of appearances. In other words, to keep things clean. After coming to the conclusion that Manes were by nature messy, she shorn her own locks.

This is just one reason that everyone considered her a bit strange.

In any case, her look does bring out her hazel eyes. Her cutie mark is that of a four interconnecting gold rings, with a few sparkles - probably indicating the nature of being free of impurities and filth.

Spheres of influence: Tidiness, Cleaning, Shininess.

Powers and abilities: Despite the connotations with personal purity (being honest, without flaws, and virtuous), Sliver Sweeper's cleanness is more on the literal side - everything she focuses on is on keeping things organized, free of dirt, and physically beautiful. As a result… her powers are relatively less powerful than most other Alicorns.

- Increase Shine: Can increase the luster and beautify of any object in per presence. However, there must already be a light source available.

- Repel Filth: The ability to cast an aura on certain objects or a area (such as a room), allowing them to keep their edge or freshness without change, as well as keep from being dirty or disorganized. However, the effect is only temporary ( a few weeks), and can be cancelled out.

- Reconstruction: Can repair and clean things to their original form, just by taking a look at the remains. However, this does not mean she can resurrect the dead or rebuild something from ashes. There must be enough of the original so she can figure out what it was and how to return it. And it takes time. For example, Sliver Sweeper can restore a degraded painting if there was enough of it left. To a lesser extent, this power could be applied to Ponies (say one gets a bad haircut, Sliver Shine can undo the damage).

- The Cutting Spell: Probably the most dangerous power - the ability to generate a a magic force that can cut most materials. However, it's short ranged (a few meters) and can not harm living animals. However, Sliver Sweeper has been known to get around this limitation making the area unstable around her targets (ie. cutting down trees or creating holes). Or if she's really annoyed, she could apply the spell to the target's Mane (an odd technicality - hair isn't living). The spell also has a small scale - for example, it can not be used to cut a mountain in half. Nor can it penetrate the shields created by other Alicorns. In addition, Sliver Sweeper can not cut more than one thing at the same time. For example, she can not use the spell to cut down two trees in opposite directions at once.

- Standard Alicorn powers (flight, telekinesis, shields).

Seat of Power: The Palace of Ivory Shores. Really, a rather small building (just two stories tall, and nearly empty) in the middle of nowhere. Good luck trying to find it on a map.

Number of followers: The unusual look of Sliver Sweeper hasn't gathered too many followers to her. Nor her mission has attracted too many. Those who do take to her cause are either idealists (scholars and historians who long for an ideal past) or the very poor servants who do the really dirty jobs (the garbage collectors, the maids, barbers, etc.) In any case, her followers may be a most 1,000, though more likely between 500-700.

Divine Blessing: Being focused on Cleanness, her followers have the Boon of Restoration. They have a better ability to keep things organized, preserved, and maintained than what would normally be capable of. A Maid can make things feel brighter and cleaner. An artist can make her work glow, pushing beyond the limits of the material. A singer can remember a song perfectly and singing (even if not the best) can warm the darkest heart.

Purpose: To return the world to a state of beauty and order, so it may shine untarnished by decay and collapse. For mortals, this means a cleaner, hygienic, and somewhat nicer looking place to live.

Divine Flaw: Eccentricity. Her desire to make everything clean and orderly is taken to rather unusual lengths. Not to be confused with being obsessive (otherwise she would be doing nothing cleaning all day). Rather, she's a bit unorthodox and somewhat erratic. One day she could be help restore a desolated museum, then drop it suddenly, and focus on making sure the ponies got clean water. Or lead a random attack on anyone for being "defilers". In this case, it's quite literal - a "defiler" is anyone she deems to be actively trying to dirty up the world through some fashion.

Other: Sliver Sweeper personality has two major facets. One were she is totally focused on her goal, silent and dedicated. The other, when she becomes social, warm and sweet, but unfocused.

Sweeper is also unsure about her role in the events to come, somewhat feeling like a third wheel or a burden to her kin. As such, she wishes to be useful, but doesn't want to interfere with the other Alicorn's goals. She is anxious about her brethren, and the potential fates they could face while in the mortal realm, perhaps worse than death.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xCRAZYxFACEx
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yaaay copy pasta

Name: Xerihan

Species: Gryphon

Gender: Male

Appearance: A very lean, agile gryphon. Has white feathers, and black fur and hair that he typically combs back. Wears a simple brown vest, along with several pouches and a bag to carry his belongings. His face has been marred, a piece of a bronze jester mask melted to his face. It covers the upper left portion of his face, leaving his beak and right eye unscathed. He can still see out of the left eye, although his view is slightly obscured.

Further marring his body is the prosthetic claws he has attached to his front limbs. The original claws were severed years ago, which he replaced with metal talons made of various knives and daggers. He possesses gloves he likes to use to cover them up. Overall, his appearance his gaunt from his experiences and recent events.
Special Talent: An extremely charismatic individual. Xerihan received special tutoring as the child of a gryphon noble, and has been trained to both use his voice and behave with his best manners at hand. This training has proved useful to him, as the grind of several painful years have driven him insane - the only way he can maintain a conversation is if he forces himself to remember social niceties.

Occupation: Xerihan is a former Jester of Baltimare, having worked for the Cult for seven years. Only recently has his job been called into question, with recent events throwing his life into chaos.

Affiliation: Former Cult of Laughter disciple. With his status revoked, he is now a target for the Cult. Has several ties within the Gryphon military and nobility, both good and bad.

Personality: Before he joined the Cult, Xerihan was capable of being suave and confident - his noble upbringing required him to undergo tutelage in many areas, including social niceties. However, this training hid a more manipulative personality, and by mixing the two Xerihan was capable of talking his way out of nearly any situation. Recent events have troubled him immensely, and he has become more withdrawn. Furthermore, a crippling addiction has rendered him partially insane, and his daily life is falling apart.

Other: Formerly a gryphon noble, and then a Cult of Laughter Jester. He was banished from the Gryphon kingdoms for abusing drugs while enlisted, and used it to his advantage while working for the Cult. Specifically, the Cult provided him with a performance enhancing drug dubbed, "Pinkie Powder". He used this to great effect, spreading chaos among his enemies and boosting his allies' power with the drug. After several years of drug abuse, though, his body is falling apart. He refuses to take more, knowing it will only kill him. As a result, he fights severe drug withdrawal. The effect is only worsened as the powder enabled the Laughing Mare to directly contact and influence him with ease. Now on the run, he can never truly escape the influence of the Cult.

His gear is varied, and speaks of his previous occupation. He possesses the metal talons given to him years ago, a fearsome weapon that simultaneously causes him constant pain and discomfort. In his pouches, he carries two dozen throwing knives and six small bombs; three explosive, three smoke. Training as a Jester also allows him to use the environment around him as a weapon.

Backstory: Xerihan was born into a large family of lesser nobles in the gryphon tribes. He was brought up to be both a diplomat and gentleman, and it shows through his manners and charisma. From a young age, he was drafted into the militia and trained to fight - typical for the sons of reputable houses. His skills in combat were honed, and he found it easy to fight and win with his claws. As a gift, his father bought him a fine pair of metal gauntlets that augmented the killing power of his claws with small metal blades.

Once Xerihan was of age, he enlisted into the army and served as a border guard, flying the boundaries of the gryphon tribes and Equestria. His introduction to 'Salt' - a type of addictive recreational drug - took place on a typical patrol day, where a sacked caravan had been found near the border. Searching the wreckage, he found a well hidden pouch of the substance and decided to keep it for himself. After only a few uses, he found himself spiraling into dependency.

Finding and using salt became his primary focus, and often interfered with his duties as a guard. His position as the son of a noble kept him safe, but frustration among his colleagues grew. They found an opportunity to be rid of him when a particularly nasty fight broke out with a pack of manticores. Xerihan was nowhere to be found, and was later found high and incapacitated in the company's barracks. Tried and convicted of cowardice, his claws were severed and he was banished from the gryphon tribes. Upon hearing the news, his family disowned him.

With nowhere to go and bleeding profusely, Xerihan headed for the first town he could think of: Trottingham. Once there he received medical attention, solving only the first of many problems. His claws were gone, and all he had left was the metal gauntlet. Now poor, in an unfamiliar city, disabled, and permanently addicted to an illegal substance, Xerihan found it too easy to fall into despair.

His salvation came from the Cult of Laughter. Upon hearing their cheerful cries and promises of a better future, Xerihan gladly embraced the Cult and became one of its most faithful adherents. Finding aid in the community, he began to work as a Jester and built himself up from there. The blades of the metal gauntlet were attached to what remained of his limb, using the necromatic magic of the Cult. Now with weaponry and working talons again, he found that his work came naturally easy.

The Cult immediately knew of his addiction; instead of fighting him over it, they used it. They supplied him with salt, which augmented his natural abilities significantly. Xerihan became resistant to its effects after only a short period of time, and proposed creating an augmented version to use in battle. With the blessing of the mages in the group, they created Pinkie Powder for his personal use.

That happened over seven years ago. With the war at its peak, the Cult was calling for more assassinations every day, gradually exposing its true motivations. Xerihan gladly replied, killing whenever needed. With the aid of a small band of Jesters under his command, as well as the aid of old friends from the gryphon military that wished to escape Stormwing servitude, Xerihan managed a powerful force. He was known as the Guidon of Joy.

Three months ago, with the return of the alicorns, the Cult became wary of the new powers, the Laughing Mare especially. Calling upon Xerihan, now one of the most respected assassins in the Cult, she asked him to orchestrate the assassination of one such being. He called upon his followers, and attempted the mission. It ended in failure, the first and only in his career. All of the Jesters and nearly every gryphon ally he had died in that raid, with the exception of one friend. Compounding the severity of his failure, an explosion had torn off half of his Jester mask and melted the rest of it onto his skin, permanently grafting it to his head.

His return to the Cult was inglorious, and he was immediately stripped of his title. Almost immediately after that, the Cult attempted to kill him - in their words, they were letting him join the Laughing Mare in the Astral Plane in order to have him move beyond his failure. Xerihan outright refused, and fought against his allies-turned-enemies.
He escaped the Cultists, his only friend helping with their escape. He is now on the run in Trottingham, without a home or a goal. The Cult desperately wants to kill him, foregoing subtlety in their zeal to kill him. The Stormwing garrison has caught wind of a riot, and now are added into the chase as well. Finally, the citizens of Trottingham have been terrorized by Xerihan for years now and can recognize the killer easily; once they see the disgraced gryphon on the run, they will do anything in their power to stop him.

Xerihan has only one objective in mind: escape.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 7 days ago

Name- Torrential Waters

Species – Alicorn

Gender – Male

Coat/Eyes/Mane/Cutie Mark: His eyes and coat seem to shift and change with his mood. When happy, playful or just in a good mood in general, his eyes and coat are the lightest of sky blues, calming and relaxing to those who see it. However the darker his mood becomes, the darker and more foreboding his coat and eyes will become as well. His cutie mark is also affected by his mood. While happy, it is merely a humble little raincloud, lightly watering a flower; The darker his mood becomes, the darker the cloud becomes and the harder the rain falling from it, until the flower below it is drowned in a flood.

Spheres of influence: Rain, Weather, Storms, Farmers, Floods and Mudslides.

Powers and abilities:

Make it Rain: Torrential Waters has a great deal of control of the weather, mostly in relation to rain. With little effort, he can conjurer clouds above him with ease. A little more effort and he can get them to rain. How long it rains and how hard depends on how much effort Torrential puts into it.

Water, Mud and Wind, heed my call!: Water, Mud and (to a much lesser extent) Wind are Torrential's dominion and thus he has a level of control over both; However, his control over Water and Mud are much grander then his control of Wind.

A blessing on this humble spring: Torrential can bless water so that it can encourage the growth of new life, from plant life to pregnancy.

Seat of Power: The Open Sky; A nomad by nature, Torrential doesn't stay in the one place long enough for him to establish an official Seat of Power.

Number of followers: If they know it or not, every farmer on the planet prays to Torrential at one time or another for timely rain, or for rather fair weather. In the oldest of Pegasus myths and stories, there are legends of an alicorn who took the time to teach them the secrets of how to control the weather; Members of either group would get a gut feeling that they know Torrential from somewhere and that they used to be close friends but can't quite recall how or why.

Divine Blessing: Those who follow Torrential are taught a blessing that purifies water, as well as makes it healthier to drink then normal water.

Purpose: Torrential has returned to the mortal realm after a long absence in order to reestablish himself in the world with the disappearance of Celestia.

Divine Flaw: Torrential has something of a short temper and thus takes insults very seriously. He has flooded and killed ponies in the past because of an arrogant slight against him.

Other: Torrential has a very strained relationship with Celestia. When one of Celestia's personal students insulted the Alicorn of Rain by openly telling him that his 'winged barbarians' could do a better job of controlling the weather then he could, Torrential proceeded to become so enraged that he flooded the town, personally killing the arrogant student and several of her unicorn friends for laughing with her. Celestia made Torrential leave the mortal realm after this incident, making her disappointment with him publicly known for many years afterwards amongst their kin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

And we are OFF to an awesome start folks. Bright and Grim, well done on both of your intro posts! I'm loving the feel of both and such very distinct personalities just in those alone.

Right. We'll wait for the rest of the folks to make their intro posts, and then we'll move onto 3 months later~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

(This isn't too late, right?)

Name- Armifera Imperatrix
Species – Alicorn
Gender – Female

Coat/Eyes/Mane/Cutie Mark: A mane the color of steel erupts from a short ponytail pulled up behind her head. Her amber eyes burn with an innate flame, seeming to make the very air before them shimmer with heat. Her coat is a light marble that seems to glimmer with a coppery sheen in light. A cutie mark of two intricately inlaid crossed swords with silvery hilts the shape of a stylized heart decorates her flank when not covered in armor. Her two swords sheathed at her sides are a constant sight, never leaving her side and able to be transformed to fit whatever fighting style she needs, though they take the default form of two of these. An angular breastplate of blued steel emblazoned with her cutie mark sits prominently on her chest. Sturdy greaves and other armor of the same metal cover her legs, intersecting perfectly to provide maximum mobility as well as protection.

Spheres of influence: Martial Arts, Swordplay, Passion, Strategy, Whiskey

Powers and abilities:

- "Standard" Alicorn abilities

- She has an innate skill with blades, only honed further by years of practice. In swordplay she is unrivaled.

- To augment her physical blades, she can conjure ethereal weapons of almost any sort.

- She can sense passion for a cause in the heart of a pony, unless they be exceptionally well defended mentally.

- She has a faster than normal reaction speed and ability to think clearly under stress

- She is well versed in the arts of battle magic, though her knowledge of other fields has suffered as a result

Seat of Power: Flying City Cloudsdale

Number of followers: She doesn't keep an accurate count, but a quick estimate might place them at several hundred, if not far more.

Divine Blessing: Those she confers her blessing unto find a blade turns quicker in their grasp, strikes harder, feels lighter, and that they can tell what their opponent will do next greater ease; they will also find that their passions will hold more resolute in their hearts against discouragement and doubt.

Purpose: Armifera may not fear war, but she bears no love for it either. She seeks to bring about an end to the war that tears the land of ponies apart, and restore peace, backed by force of arms.

Divine Flaw: Her brash and proud nature hinders her when it comes to accepting advice, and she will take any insult to her honor or skill as a deeply personal offense- worthy of physical retaliation.

-Armifera considers force as just another tool, and one that must be kept at it's sharpest, thus she will be heavily inclined to deal with a problem by stabbing it, rather than a different option.

-She held much respect for Commander Hurricane and his pegasus warriors, and would even whisper to them in dream on occasion, such as the eve of a great battle. She is heavily inclined towards House Stormwing as a result.

-When not slaying anything, or speaking in a precursor to slaying, she has a rather easygoing, jovial personality, more than happy to swig a pint and laugh heartily about battles past than maintain the reserved demeanor one might expect of an Alicorn.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Monochromatic Rainbow said
(This isn't too late, right?)

I think we just got started - all you have to do now is add your intro to the IC section of this thread.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EldritchOne
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EldritchOne Nephren-Ka Was Here Bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Silver Scalpel

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Coat/Eyes/Mane/Cutie Mark: Silver Scalpel’s coat consists of a dull industrial grey with his mane colour consisting of burnished copper with strands of muddy gold. His eyes are a deep watery blue, with flecks of sea green, and he has sharp, refined aristocratic features due to his Canterlot upbringing and family ties. He dresses well, but his clothing of a red and gold paisley pattern waistcoat, silk shirt and formal black tie, and long styled coachpony’s coat show the wear and tear of the road. He wears a cracked Nazar amulet from Saddle Arabia, and carries with him a worn doctor’s satchel made of crocodile skin. His Cutie Mark consists of a book, scalpel and singular teardrop of blood.

Special Talent: Silver Scalpel’s special talent lies mostly in the fields of surgery, anatomy and haematology; thus he has a talent for intensive work on the most mangled and damaged of creatures and thus has an expansive magical talent for healing. However, a more abstract interpretation is his own studies into changing the body from one state to another, or metamorphosis through physical transmogrification upon the bodily form, represented in his darkest experiments into forbidden, and “blasphemous” learning.

Occupation: Medical practitioner/Occultist

Affiliation: Silver Scalpel’s loyalty is only to himself, he uses the other houses where he is welcomed as a means to an end for his own immoral experiments and for access to esoteric information. He has extensive connections in Moon and Star territory through his family who have benefited from Twilight’s dictatorship as well as minor connections with the Cult of Laughter (although not a member), Stormwing and Everfree. With war ravaging Equestria, doctors are in short supply and an asset amongst all factions after all, no matter their unsavory history.

Personality: With his upbringing in Canterlot, Silver Scalpel inherited the aloof and cold personality of the Canterlot nobility, as well as their growing prejudices against many non-unicorn ponies. He has a barbed tongue and asides from disapproval or disinterest rarely shows any positive side to him. In his work he is clinical and emotionless, occasionally muttering macabre observations whilst working but mostly acting in a semi mechanical fashion. The only time he becomes animated is during his studies in which he will pace and speak emphatically on obscure pieces of information, or occultic passions. Silver Scalpel also expresses grave distaste of Earth ponies, almost to the point of bigotry due to the Earthborn’s dehorning and execution of many of his family members, as well as the actions of desperate ponies in the Moon and Star slave domes.

He is ambivalent about Pegasi and dragons, but is disparaging of Griffons, viewing them as bestial savages. He does however, not let prejudice cloud his judgement in terms of work, so long as you pay him he will at least be civil, if not friendly with other species of pony and griffon. With the elitist personality also comes a tendency towards secrecy and paranoia, much of his work is in a secret code of his own making and designed to be obscure and vague. Silver Scalpel cannot stand being stared at by ponies directly, or long durations in tightly packed crowds due to certain unpleasant memories of his work for Moon and Star early in his career. Silver Scalpel also expresses a complete lack of moral codes in regards to his research, if you provide to know something he wants, he will not cease in his efforts to gain it. Due to his secrecy, he frequently goes by pseudonyms and has frequently dyed his coat during his long history to maintain anonymity. As it is, those who know of him only know him by many different names, and so no definite description of him has ever been created by certain authorities that might wish him dead.

Back-Story: born in Canterlot six years before Celestia’s disappearance, Silver Scalpel was raised with all the expectations a noble family of his standing was deemed to abide by in societies standards. He was however, a sickly, frail foal but with studious edge and great aptitude in both magic and biology, so was sent to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Despite his intellect, he had very poor relations with his close family, specifically his father, who viewed him as a disappointment for not fitting to the militaristic standards he expected of his first born colt and was extremely abusive. Silver Scalpel kept himself chained to the library for most of his period of study in the School and rarely made many friends, instead focusing on learning and improving his magical abilities. His social impairment lead to frequent bullying, and he grew to hate crowds and children equally from this period of time.

With the disappearance of Celestia and the chaos that followed, Silver Scalpel’s education was disrupted before being taken over by Moon and Star ministrations, which propagated a distinctively racial edge to his studies. With his early graduation ten years later and a further three in university and another two at medical school due to his skill, he became a practicing surgeon in the Moon and Star slave domes and thus gained an outlet for far less moral work in the study of biological magic and unorthodox research. He became infamous for his work in altering the base magical properties of his subject’s flesh, the altering and adapting their forms, and the macabre study of death, frequently working in brutal conditions without aesthetic. Due to this he quickly earned the name amongst the Slaves as “the Red Death”. Knowing of the possibility of the failure of Moon and Star before entering his duties, Silver Scalpel requested the government classify his name and work, and dyed his coat and changed his name before entering the domes. As it is, few knew his real name, and retribution would be hard to enact by opposing parties interested in assassinating him if he happened to go into hiding.

However, this semi loyalty work for Moon and Star was to change following an especially traumatic experience during a slave rebellion. Following this Silver Scalpel increasing cane to distrust and resent the government, who used his studies to further their own means and disallowed him access to his own private research notes despite his involvement. Silver Scalpel in the following month overheard whispering from the slave pens about another revolt in a few days and decided to use it to his advantage. The night before the rebellion he stole his research notes from the government safes and enacted one last experiment. This experiment however proved to be an extremely important discovery in his research field and he struggled to get down even half his observations before the riots ensued. Forced to leave his surgery as the riots overwhelmed the guards, Scalpel fled through hidden tunnels out of the slave dome and onwards to freedom. The Moon and Star administration declared him legally dead and hailed him as a martyr for the Unicorn cause in the newspapers, using his pseudonym instead of his real name. Through official channels he was relieved to find that his researches theft had been put down to Earthborn treachery.

Following this he practiced as a freelance surgeon across the war torn nation, collecting information to further his goals, but always seeking another chance to recreate the conditions he found on the day of the riots. Known as a butcher, and monster and a manipulative creature, he has gained a reputation under dozens of names as nightmare itself, as his massive web deceptions begin to crack and collapse, and tales of a dark doctor spread. With the arrival of the Alicorn’s, he sees a prime chance to further his own immoral bloody research, who knows… perhaps he shall finally know the blood and flesh of a god under his scalpels and thus complete his research...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 7 days ago

So how many people are we expecting to show up?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Bright_Ops said
So how many people are we expecting to show up?

Now clue how many! But the more the better, I say. We can expect ~7 or so people, possibly more of others from this site decides to join us.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 7 days ago

kapuchu said
Now clue how many! But the more the better, I say. We can expect ~7 or so people, possibly more of others from this site decides to join us.

Fair enough. But when can we continue?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

When the ones already here have posted their intro posts, then we can all continue.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 7 days ago

kapuchu said
When the ones already here have posted their intro posts, then we can all continue.

Fair enough. So how do you believe your huntress will get along with my rain maker?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Bright_Ops said
Fair enough. So how do you believe your huntress will get along with my rain maker?

Who knows? Maybe they will, maybe they won't :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 7 days ago

kapuchu said
Who knows? Maybe they will, maybe they won't :P

...I can just picture a young colt Torrential hugging a cloud and zooming away from a completely drenched and angry filly Theá who's shooting those little rubber toy arrows at him from her little toy bow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KittyE


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bright_Ops said
...I can just picture a young colt Torrential hugging a cloud and zooming away from a completely drenched and angry filly Theá who's shooting those little rubber toy arrows at him from her little toy bow.

Oh if only you knew -chuckles and shakes head-
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Loving the intro post everyone :)

Considering Archon's purpose, the Scholars (the small order of educators and technical experts trying to preserve knowledge, which makes first contact with Sliver Sweeper) probably would want to know more about that Alicorn. Maybe see if his mission is the same as theirs.

And considering Silver Scalpel's interest in forbidden knowledge, the Scholars would be a good source considering the vaults of knowledge they're trying to maintain.
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