In 1995, an unnamed scientific organization abducted several infants from their homes. These infants were injected with a special chemical that causes painful mutations to occur throughout their life, the last mutation less painful than the last. These infants were all placed in the same town, with families oblivious to their "affliction" when they were first found. This organization has been documenting the lives of these people for the last 20 years. Influencing the experiment in different ways, keeping them apart to see if they would war over territory was one. Another was to see if the town would notice the presence of their mutations and take action. They wanted to see how a creature of myth would survive in the modern world. Little did they know, that their experiment was about to unravel.
So, as you might have already guessed, this is a werewolf rp.
First things first, let's keep the romance to fluff. I would rather avoid any heavy romance all together, as this is a story about revenge.
All of the characters know each other in some way. Whether it be friend, enemy, truce, temporary alliance, they all know each other. And there will be one character that somehow finds out about Chemical LW and the story will go from there. This is gonna be gritty, gory, real and dark. And awesome. So. Interested?
So, as you might have already guessed, this is a werewolf rp.
First things first, let's keep the romance to fluff. I would rather avoid any heavy romance all together, as this is a story about revenge.
All of the characters know each other in some way. Whether it be friend, enemy, truce, temporary alliance, they all know each other. And there will be one character that somehow finds out about Chemical LW and the story will go from there. This is gonna be gritty, gory, real and dark. And awesome. So. Interested?