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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

General Magecraft's been added to the OP.

Alrighty, looking forward to it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So, this is something that I totally can't remember ever having been addressed-

If spells contained in a Magic Crest possess an attribute different from the user's, can the spell still be used despite the user lacking the attribute to use them naturally?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


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Nope, needs to be your attribute.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow said
Nope, needs to be your attribute.

I thought as much, it just crossed my mind.

Imagining Bern cosplaying as BB produces a very wierd image. I don't think I'm going to try that again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


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...why were you imagining that?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

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GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow said
...that...what......why were you imagining that?

It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Two good things combined does not always make another good thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 64-Hit Combo
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64-Hit Combo The Invincible Lucifer

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Got my eye on Castah. Application in a while
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Legitimately Best Class is yours to mess with. Good luck~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sublimation
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Fate RP I was in which let me exercise a lovely idea died, so I'd like to continue the wonderful idea on this RP. Is it ok if I switch again to Assassin?
Sorry for all this switcherooing lol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Feel free. Ahchah is open once more, then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Scratch that, Grey has promptly decided to snatch up Archer.

Open slots are Zerker and Rider, then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sublimation
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Has anyone submitted a servant master pair yet?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sublimation said
Has anyone submitted a servant master pair yet?

Everyone's working on their apps, just in PMs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sublimation
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ah I see.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sublimation
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alright servant sheet finished and approved - also bumping.

Name: Hassan I Sabbah(III) - Doesn't know his name, but prefers to be called Hishiyya over the simple Assassin.

Class: Assassin

Gender: Male


Birth and Death Dates: 1186 CE - 1218 CE
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Assassin is a quiet and reserved man who generates an unique completely unassuming air that draws attention away from him. He outwardly maintains a facade of undying loyalty and emotionless devotion to his duty as a servant. Assassin is however, an empathetic man who can perceive the mental state of others with a sharp eye. He much prefers to lead than to follow, and has a surprisingly powerful will behind his glazing of subservience. Assassin is a deeply philosophical individual who considers everything with an almost inhuman level of unbiased consideration. As such he will come to conclusions that are always rational and reasonable but not always acceptable or moral. Assassin is also a highly perceptive man who can sense the slightest of changes in both his environment and in the emotional state of a person. Assassin upholds firm pragmatism as his combat mantra, and he is willing to cast away any honor in order to achieve the goal of victory. Assassin is also not a blind follower, and will often rationalize events on his own terms and disobey his master if he does not believe that their current course of action fits the sole accomplishment of victory. Assassin is a calculating man who strives for his goals, but at the same time he does not abandon his basic humanity in the process. He can cast away noble ideals such as battle honor without a second thought, but senseless killing will fall under the action category of "unnecessary" to Assassin, which is unacceptable to him both in moral terms and in practical terms.

Assassin is a wraith based upon the third Hassan who took control over the Hassassin organization at around 1200 CE. The original third Hassan was born into the society of Assassins and was trained from birth to achieve the apex of what the organization could provide. He was trained in all the fields of assassination and became a superb killer that contributed to countless assassinations through any means imaginable. Throughout this course of life, he felt beholden to the duty of assassination as a means of securing the spread of his religion which he was firmly indoctrinated to. During his teenage years though, he was introduced to the works of intellectuals outside of his limited cultural sphere. He avidly imbibed the complex works of Byzantium, the Daoist philosophies of China, the deep human understanding of Indian texts, and the practical intelligence of Western Europe. From these outside sources he developed an independent mindset with an exceptional acuity that allowed him to see the world around him unclouded from bias. Due to this he saw both the flaws and merits of his religion, and eventually he only practiced it in name to secure his position as the next Hassan. These texts also naturally introduced him to magecraft, which he studied ardently upon realizing that the past Hassan did not have a definite means of ending the life of a mage. However, he himself had no real aptitude for magecraft which limited his options and severely hindered his potential to form a Zabaniya technique. This was solved through an eventual discovery of a means of Self-Modification. By altering his own eyes, an ability of the Elemental Shaytan was gifted to him, much like a fellow Hassan's grafting of Shaytan's arm to his body

Poisoned Daggers

Eight daggers of rare beauty each measuring around eleven inches in length. They are fragile daggers created from cinnabar and orpiment crystals and strengthened with exceptional smithwork. Assassin will never wield these daggers against servants as they will shatter under any reasonable force exerted from a servant, but he will utilize these against masters with impunity. The blades have toxic properties to them naturally and are quick and graceful. Their sharpness is superb though their strength my be lacking, and Assassin utilizes these daggers to slice down vital areas in an instant. They can also be thrown with the skill that Assassin can wield with his chakram. These daggers are able to be poisoned extremely efficiently as well.

Bladed Chakram

Assassin wields fifteen bladed chakrams hidden under his cloak. They have no special properties other than their bladed edges and handles which allow them to be used as melee weapons if needed. They are not very large, being only nine inches in diameter. Assassin's skill with them is extraordinary, and he can fire multiple at once from both hands with precision and accuracy. He can also fire them behind him while running forward consistently with the same accuracy and perform drastically curving shots. These are not thrown to kill against servants as Assassin knows that servants will be easily capable of blocking these projectiles, but he still aims for vital points as that is the only way for an enemy servant to bother to block these chakrams. Instead he utilizes them to scout out an opponent's abilities and combat tactics as well as to disengage from enemy servants when needed. Against masters, Assassin will throw these to definitely kill and will utilize his strategic mind to time his throws so that the master may not defend from them consistently.

Strength: C
Endurance: D
Agility: A+
Mana: E
Luck: D

Class Skills:
Presence Concealment
Rank: A+
It is possible to disappear completely and become almost impossible to be detected. However, efficiency will decrease once preparations to attack are taken, however these preparations do not apply when poisoning something.

Personal Skills:

Projectiles( Chakram)
Rank: B
Thrown projectile weapons are now comparable to bullets

Eye of the Mind(True)
Rank: B
Capable of calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament. So long there is even a 1% chance of a comeback, this ability greatly improves the chances of winning.

Self Modification: C
The aptitude to merge one's own flesh with body parts of others. The higher the ranking in this skill, the further away one is from being a proper hero. Assassin has fused the eyes of Shaytan with his own.

Noble Phantasm(s):
Zabaniya: Ocular Obfuscation
Rank: B
Type: Anti - Mind
Range: 10-20
Maximum number of targets: 1
A technique developed when Assassin had his eye replaced by the eye of Shaytan. Upon activation, the right half of Assassin's face transforms into a mimic's of Shaytan's. Assassin's right eye is transformed into a demonic eye of a perfect circular shape rimmed with crimson red enclosing darkness all the way until the circular snow white iris, with a lavender purple pupil at the center. A larger copy of the eye is centered on where Assassin's forehead should be.
The eyes are essentially the "evil eye" curse of the Middle East, but empowered beyond levels any human mage could attain. Looking at the eyes will cause instincts and fear to flare out uncontrollably, severely hampering motor functions and thought processes. The viewer suffers delirium, migraines, hallucinations and absolute confusion. The viewer is also left with an oppressive urge to fear, causing their actions to become severely hampered and mental processes to become sluggish. The viewer will practically be rendered completely mute from the fear and mental trauma. Movement will become difficult as the mind decays into a state of chaotic fear infused mush and the basic instinctive acts of recognizing threats or flight or fight signals will become severely impaired. As such gazing into these eyes will also render a mage incapable of casting spells as it will remove the possibilities of thinking clearly enough to shape prana. Additionally, traditional methods to remove such mental curses like coursing magical energy through circuits will not work as the nature of this phantasm is close to that of Cybele.

The curse is held as long as eye contact is retained, and it's full effects are instantly realized with even just a single moment of eye contact. Breaking off eye contact immediately will also leave the target with drastically lessened effects of the curse for a few more seconds, but even the act of breaking eye contact will become difficult for regular masters as they will literally be frozen in fear and confusion.
Although this ability is a noble phantasm, its level of mystery is quite low as it is a simple curse in terms of theory. Against servants with magic resistance rank B or above, this noble phantasm is completely useless. Servants with skills that nullify mental interference will also be capable of easily nullifying this ability. Servants with luck B or higher can sharply mitigate the effects of this ability. Servants with magic/mana C or above can sharply mitigate the effects of this ability also. As such, this ability is almost near useless against servants, but highly effective against masters as they will not be able to cast spells due to them being rendered mute and having their mental processes severely disoriented. Additionally, servants that do not meet the necessary MGI/LCK/Magic resistance minimum to resist this ability fill take its effects in complete full, rendering them practically useless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


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Approved, as discussed ahead of time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 64-Hit Combo
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64-Hit Combo The Invincible Lucifer

Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Class: Caster
Gender: Male

Birth and Death Dates: February 21, 921 – October 31, 1005
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Personality: Caster is a fastidious in manner and subdued in bearing. The concept of rectitude holds a great deal of importance to him; the idea that there is a proper way for things to be, and that people should strive to achieve and maintain this state. He has a great love of riddles, puzzles, and other sorts of mental exercise; as well as the 'simpler' pleasures of the world, like well made food and pretty flowers. He has a great deal of wisdom on a broad range of subjects, but this is a two-edged sword in that it can be quite difficult to convince him that he's misjudged something when he's actually wrong about it.

Weapon: Caster uses magic, and not the swordmage type. No sharp or pointy things for him.
Strength: E
Endurance: E
Agility: C
Mana: A+
Luck: A
Class Skills:
Item Construction, Rank C
The skill to manufacture magical items. Caster specializes in the construction of Omamori (charms that confer a generally defensive effect on the bearer) and Ofuda (paper talismans that store a particular spell and a quantity of prana to power it).

Territory Creation, Rank A
The skill to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus. Creation of a "Temple", which is superior to a "Workshop", becomes possible.
Personal Skills:
Hōjutsu, Rank B
Hōjutsu is the other name given to the Thaumaturgical Theory of Onmyōdō, a variant of the Chinese school of Thaumaturgy that uses the concept of yin and yang as foundation. The predominant system of Magecraft in Japan, it is ideologically incompatible with the Western schools of Thaumaturgy. It is a system that excels at divination, curses and the like. Its most famous practitioner was Abe no Seimei. Caster's mastery can be considered well beyond the scope of modern magecraft.

Divinity, Rank A
Caster is the son of Kuzunoha, the Inari Okami of Shinoda.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Approved, as discussed ahead of time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phonic
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Phonic The Pontiff Progenitor

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Cu Chulainn, Blue Spearman of the Wind

Class: Lancer

Gender: Male


Birth and Death Dates: 1st century

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Personality: Lancer is a fierce, but balanced warrior who enjoys combating a worthy opponent. He has a playful attitude and takes a very carefree approach to life, but is quick to work himself into a frenzy during a heated battle. He was known as a brave, compassionate, and likeable young man in the legends. He mercilessly killed his enemies on the battlefield, but he respected faith and had the nobility to never once break a promise he had made.

He has a playful attitude and takes a very carefree approach to life. He enjoys fishing, hunting, and hitting on cute girls. He is a proud warrior, someone who can't abandon a fight just because he's losing. He's ready to fight until the end, for the sake of his fighting will and also for his Master. He easily loses his cool, especially to insults calling him a dog.

He's not interested in killing innocent people, though he still strictly follows the rules of the war to kill bystanders like Shirou. He's very keen on his mission and somehow professional in his "work". He's noble and he can't really stand people who're joking with him or simply betraying his trust. He's also easily touched by others problems and if he chooses to protect someone, he'll do his best till the very end. He really enjoys dating women or simply to spending his time in relaxing hobbies like fishing.

He regretted nothing in his life, though it was one full of wrong turns. There may have been disappointment, but he does not regret his life one bit. His spear only took away the lives of his loved ones, his close friend and son, but it's only regret was that it had been meant to murder a single woman that he was unable to kill. Though it is impossible to swap one's life for another, he thinks saving Bazett from the looping world may allow him to leave the regrets of his youth behind. He only has a complaint about his fate as he tries to save her, that he never has any luck with good women.

Bio: http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Lancer_(Fate/stay_night)

Weapon: Gae Bolg


Strength: B
Endurance: C
Agility: A
Mana: C
Luck: E

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: C
Cancel spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against Magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals.

Personal Skills:

Battle Continuation: A
Makes possible to fight even with deadly injuries and can remain alive so long as one does not receive a decisive fatal wound.

Disengage: C
The ability to break away from combat. Bonus effect of returning battle conditions to what they were at the beginning of the match.

Divinity: B
Divine Spirit aptitude. At high levels one is treated as a mixed race of a Divine Spirit, and the level declines when the Heroic Spirit's own rank as a Monster, Demonic Beast raises. It can also decrease due one's dislike for the gods. It also has an effect which reduces special defensive values called "purge defense" in proportion to the Divinity's Rank. It can break through Skills such as Protection of the Faith.

Runes: B
Capacity to use the 18 original runes.

Protection from Arrows: B
An increased defense against ranged attacks by predicting the projectiles' trajectories through exceptional means, such as hearing the sound of air being cut, or sensing the killing intent of the enemy. As long as the shooter is within his line of sight, he can track down ranged weapons with his eyes and defend against them. Does not apply for attacks made from super-long-range or with a great area-of -effect.

Noble Phantasm:

Name: Gae Bolg
Title: Piercing Lance of Death Thorns
Rank: B
NP Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 2 - 4
Maximum Number of Targets: 1 person
Description: A cursed crimson spear with the infamous reputation of always going through the heart when thrust. What it actually does is reversing causality, the spear being thrust after the outcome of striking the heart is established. When its true power is invoked with its true name, Lancer’s crimson spear gains the outcome of already striking the heart before being thrust. It didn’t hit because it was thrust, it hit so it was thrust, an attack on destiny itself. What is needed to dodge Gae Bolg isn’t high agility but the power to reverse fate before the activation of Gae Bolg: high luck. While it’s strictly anti-personnel and specifically targeting the heart, it’s a top-notch power that decides fate. To put it into game terms, it would be an insane Noble Phantasm with a base damage plus an additional component that scaled with the target's HP. For example, if an enemy's HP was 100, then Gae Bolg's damage would be (Spear Damage + 100). It was also an efficient Noble Phantasm with mana consumption only in the double digits. Anti-Unit Noble Phantasms probably did not get anymore economical than this. It’s a noble phantasm a step away from being an authority, but it's no surprise that it is for its welder Cu Chulainn is the child of a god. You shouldn’t take him lightly just because he's a jobber.

Name: Gae Bolg
Title: Thrusting Lance of Death Flight
Rank: B plus
NP Type: Anti-Army
Range: 5-40
Maximum Number of Targets: 50 people
Description: A carpet bomb attack, the standard use of Gae Bolg. Sheer destructive force in a form that will strike the enemy no matter how many times it is dodged, though this is not due to fate but simply due to the fact that the darts unleashed are too numerous to dodge, so not even EX LCK will save one from it. A decidedly simple attack that consumes a large quantity of prana, and a more true "last resort" than the Anti-Unit Gae Bolg.
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