It's a very..... unique..... type.
duck55223 said
Be honest with yourself Wilson, any RP you create will either not have anybody who wants to join, or last for a very short amount of time.
Kyelin said
To be honest, I might join Wilson.If you will have me that is
duck55223 said
I estimate you have about another 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000..........WARNING ERROR OVERLOAD, CAN NOT COMPUTE REMAINING HOURS TILL KEYGUY POSTS.
Kyelin said
Will get a post up tonight. Need a new race to go and bother, any takers?
Kyelin said
That could work. The Ethereals were there once, though for stupid reasons (I had no one else to interact with XD)
Apollo26 said
Wooot, post is up. The drums of war are pounding!!
Keyguyperson said
*Random human joins in on a kazoo*