Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

This is awesome... http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/74075/posts/ooc Old dump. With this said, this would make a much better dump.. Plus we can edit the new ones once posted if need be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

**Name of nation:** A Lorca Ghaj (Eng: The Lorca Imperium) **Species:** Lorca are muscular and tall, usually standing between 2.39 and 2.57 meters. Their jaws are quadruple-hinged, with an upper jaw and four lower mandibles arranged in two tiers. Mandible and upper jaw structure along with teeth shape and numbers result from different phenotypes, usually relative to ethnicity. They are still compatible with other members of the species, however. These mandibles have between eight and twelve teeth each and some Lorca, those whose descent is from the Lorca inhabitants of Sarudun, have an additional, larger fang on the tips of each mandible. Anywhere from eight to more than a dozen broader teeth may be mounted on the upper jaw structure. This structure will likely make it harder for them to speak alien languages, and vice versa, as some of the pronunciation is through mandible positioning which most other species lack, and as the Lorca have mandibles they have no lips to position to make certain sounds. They are omnivores however they are more inclined towards eating meat and their body is more adapted towards carnivorous. Lorca smell with the use of two nostrils, each slightly in front of and below the eye socket. Given their predatory nature, their sense of smell is very developed. Their hands are tetradactyl, each having two fingers in the middle and an opposable thumb on either side. Their legs are digitigrade, with short upper and lower legs, using the two phalanges in their legs to support their weight when walking. This arrangement allows them to run very quickly and jump large distances. Their agility may also be attributed to their homeworld's high gravity (Which is 1.6G); the additional strength required to move normally in a higher-gravity environment would cause them to be more powerful in lower gravity situations. They also have a double set of pectoral muscles, which contributes to their notable strength. As an aside, their digitigrade stance makes it difficult for them to climb ladders Lorca have a circulatory system in which two hearts pump indigo-colored blood, as their blood has a high level of hemoglobin. This higher level of hemoglobin and secondary heart is used to offset their larger size. Through a rare birth defect, they are sometimes born with only a single heart and while they will survive with only a single heart, they have much less stamina than their two hearted brethren. They breathe oxygen and their homeworld has a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere. Lorca have gray scaley skin, though those descended from the inhabitants of the Arusa subcontinent are a gray-brown colour. They have forward-facing eyes with vertical slits and horizontal eyelids that are reptilian in nature, giving them high-resolution central vision and depth perception. Interestingly, they have 4 types of cone cells in the eyes, however in most only three of these function correctly, the nerve ending in the fourth cone does not transmit to the brain. However, those descended from the inhabitants of the Arusa sub-continent or the Tauri islands have a fully function fourth cone, allowing them to see ultra-violet light spectrums. The arts are a popular "hobby" among those descended Arusa and Tauri because their bright paintings resulting from the way they see the world can sell for relatively high amounts, so Arusa and Tauri artists are among the more prosperous. The Lorca have approximately 130 million rod cells in their eyes. Their eyes are almost universally colored an yellow-orange. Lorca exhibit minor sexual dimorphism, with the females being slightly smaller than the males and they are oviparous, laying eggs rather than giving live birth. The species is remarkably long-lived; Lorca over 70-80 years of age are usually fit for combat duty and their average life span is currently around 124 years. They also possess the ability to regrow lost limbs over a period of several months if properly fed **Description of government:** An meritocratic Oligarchy. The government structure favours achievement over anything else. Physical and mental achievements are highly prized, the culture having woven their religion into these achievements, perhaps some ancient attempt at manipulation on a massive scale. Given their proud warrior culture it is perhaps inevitable that the military holds a considerable degree of power (indeed, all are trained from birth to fight so they can be called on if need be). At the top of the government is the high council, a body composed of three High Councillors. These councillors are elected by the council and then adopt a new ceremonial name. Below them is the Council, composed of 200 councillors. These recieve a ceremonial suffix –Ax. Next come the lower councils and below them the Ministries. Both adopt the honourific suffix of –Oi **Description of military:** Their military is a large structure of well trained and extremely zealous soldiers. The source of their bravery and courage can also be a limiting factor, causing excessive zeal in some units. Their ships often have religious or spiritual sounding names. Starship classes Layman class fighter/bomber: A fast, single man fighter/bomber, designed for the express purpose of hassling the enemy and destroying hostiles on the ground Gaia class dropship: A ship made to carry soldiers into the fray. Named after the Gaia from mythology, a race of female spirits who brought the Lorca into the world. They were also believed to be responsible for delivering babies to the eggs. Probably the closest in Lorca mythology to angels Drop pod: A device used to deliver soldiers or weapons into a fight on the ground... or more rarely, into enemy ships when the shields are down Honour class Corvette: This small and agile ship is used primarily for recon, policing action and small scale engagements. It lacks the firepower of its larger brethren but makes up for it in speed Burden class transport: Exactly what it says on the tin a transport ship. Legionary Class Frigate: Essentially a larger version of the corvette, designed to take larger prey. It is a light, defense focussed ship. Inquisitor Class Prowler: A smaller, lightly armed ship. Designed for speed and equipped with stealth equipment, it is meant to stay near to planets, asteroids or other such large objects and spy on enemy fleets, possibly watching a planet for an ample time for a fleet to launch an attack... Warrior class Destroyer: The Warrior class destroyer is stronger than the previous classes, carrying a larger range of weapons. Both durable and fast, it's large array of weaponry and defensive systems makes it a devestating opponent, paticularly to larger ships. Garg class Cruiser: Named after the ancient war mounts, the Garg is larger than the previous classes and the last class before being considered a capital ship. Elder class Battle Ship: The first ship to abandon the "evasion" approach of it's smaller brethren, the Elder class can withstand more punishment that the preceeding ships and cause more damage. It is also the first of the ship classes to be a 'Capital' ship Blessed class Carrier: A large ship designed with the express purpose of carrying massive numbers of land forces, Layman fighter-Bombers and small star ships. Resembling an oversized Burden Class, it is armed with large plasma cannons and will always be used in conjunction with an escort force. Battlemaster Class Ship of the Line: The Battlemaster is a ship designed to take massive punishment, while being able to deal it back it back. Although Dreadnaughts are the strongest ships in the navy, the Battlemasters are generally the most powerful encountered, a battlefleet likely containing at least one. Overlord Class Dreadnaughts: The most powerful ships in usage by the Ghaj, the Overlord class combines aspects of a Battlemaster and a Blessed class, able to perform both functions. A major investment, an overlord accompanying a fleet spells trouble for the target... Notable Ground Vehicles: [Speeder](http://halofanforlife.com/wp-content/uploads/haloreach_vehicles_covenant_covenant_vehicle_by_isaac_hannaford.jpg): This fast vehicle is rarely used for more than single man transport. Although sometimes used by the military, its generally supplanted by the Armed Recon Vehicle [Armed Recon Vehicle](http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121122210425/halo/images/d/dd/H4ghost.png): The Armed Recon Vehicle is a fast, single man scouting vehicle. It is armed with twin anti-infantry plasma cannons and works on anti-gravity, giving it a limited ability to float to cross dangerous terrain. The driver is extremely exposed from the back and sides, though generally protected by the raised front. Whatever the case, it is not meant to engage the enemy head on. [Reaper Class Assault Platform](http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070822155159/universeatwar/images/8/8b/Hierarchy_phasetank.jpg): The Reaper Assault Platform, commonly referred to as a Tank by other species, is a half-saucer shaped craft with a single large cannon mounted on the it's underside, and dual heavy plasma cannons on each of it's 'wings'. On the top of the tank is what appears to be a lone optical sensor built into the vehicle's "head". Reaper Assault Platforms are able to traverse almost any terrain and cross deep water with no difficulties as they are hovering, and are sealed so that they may proceed into otherwise fatal environments if need be. The Reaper Assault Platform is also able to hover up off the ground to reach high places, and it can rotate its 'wings' and flip upside down to enable it to act as an fighter air craft, soaring across the skies to assist in air combat. [Wisdom Class Ground Support aircraft](http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121022064933/halo/images/f/f7/H4_Banshee_Render.png): The Wisdom Class ground support aircraft is a fighter/bomber sporting small plasma 'bombs', and two plasma cannons. It is extremely agile and boasts the ability to fly backwards should need be by reversing it's gravity propulsion systems **Technological Overview:** The Ghaj has a highly militarily focused government, and as such they have some extremely advanced military technologies. They favor plasma weaponry as it will cauterize the wounds of the opponent as it melts through, thus reducing the amount of ‘honour’ the target will lose. Death through Anti-matter weaponry is also considered to be an honourable demise. Notable civic technologies include gravity lifts, gravity transport tubes, field bridges and other such applications. Most of these are derived from military technologies. Some technological advancements are slowed by their ideology, sometimes simply because upon creation nobody has used them as they feel they are dishonourable, though others have been focused on and over time they often show willingness to accept what they initially rejected. **Cultural Overview:** Although they moved to a technologically advanced society and abandoned the old stone age tools, the ideals of honour were resistant to change. For most Lorca, an existence without honour is still worse than death. Naturally, the way to gain honour in early society was through combat, and lacking an understanding of the world religions began to form around what has since been named in the common tongue of the Lorca as "A Kha o a Lor", or "The Path of the Warrior". It was believed that only those with honour would be admitted into paradise upon death, and that the honour of a family was also taken into account during the day of judgement. Naturally, the link was in time made between Family Honour and blood and as such honour became associated with blood. Since honour was carried in the blood, when one bleeds they are losing some of their honour. The spike of adrenaline during battle was said to be the feeling of honour rushing into the blood. Even though they now know the biology behind it and that blood carries no DNA, the traditions behind it still remain and some even contend that having an operation in shameful as it makes you "bleed without honour" When the eggs are layed, most are turned over and the raised by the "Shapers" of the area. The young may have little communication with their parents or even none at all. These "Warrior Crèches'" are divided into Lances, which are the equivalent of squads in the Ghaj. Upon reaching the coming of age, the Lances are transferred to the fields it is believed would suit them best. These Lances are kept together where possible, and usually regard each other as brothers. Youths who are part of a Warrior Crèche have the suffix of -oo. The shapers have suffixes relative to their field, there is no shaper suffix. Members of the military have the suffix -oa. "Swordsmen" have the suffix -ei, which denotes nobility; All swordsmen are automatically made part of the nobility, however the title is not hereditary. Swordsmen are allowed to wield the Plasma Sword, a weapon that is valued highly. It is considered an honourable weapon for a Lorca to use as it requires them to get close to their opponent, and to meet your fate on the tip of a Plasma Sword is considered one of the "least dishonourable" ways to be killed in battle, as it cauterises the wound and as such prevents blood loss, thus minimising the loss of honour. The plasma sword works by containing super heated plasma within a magnetic field to form a "blade". It is devastating in combat, though it requires the user to be close to their target. There are other technologically advanced melee weapons that may see use in combat, though most are not held to such as high regard. The exception is the gravity stave, which is weilded by the Honour Guardsmen of the Ghaj. The gravity stave creates a gravity well around the tip of the stave, which if thrust into an opponent can cause them to implode. It is considered a dishonourable way to die, as it is obiously extremely messy 'As is a fitting fate for those who use less than honourable means in war'. This gravity well can also be focused to pull objects or even people towards the user. Honour Guardsmen of the Ghaj are often found protecting Councillors or important government structures, but may be assigned to the command of high ranking officers and some may take command themselves. Some high ranked military officers are also permitted to use gravity staves. With the advent of technology and enlightenment, technological prowess has become a new avenue for gaining honour. It is considered that a scientist will share in any honour his ideas and technologies lead to the creation of. "Lorca" is actually two words combined into one. Lor, which means warrior, and Ca, which means glory. Together, they become "Glorius Warrior" The most commonly used language is o to as "The Standard Tongue", but this is misleading. The Standard Tongue contains five languages within it, which although are officially choices in vocabularly are closer to five different languages. They are: "Black Tongue" This denotes hostility, anger, hatred or rivalry. Commonly used by Lorca soliders in the field to communicate or taunt the enemy, it is noticibly harsher than the four other tongues. "The Grey Tongue" This is commonly used when talking to others who are not related or close friends. "The White Tongue" It is only used when the Lorca feels the person they are talking to its trust worthy. Not as harsh as the previous two tongues, it lacks the cruel under tones and is used by certain offices, councils and in warrior creches to symbolise fraternity and trust. "The Fair Tongue" Only used to talk to a lover. This tongue was, according to legend, gifted to the Lorca race when the great warrior queen Zira Lukax slayed all the "fell beasts" of Idun with her bare hands to save the object of her lover. Seeing their love overcoming the beasts of Idun, the ancestors gifted them the fair tongue and performed the first binding ritual. There is some truth in this story, Zira did lead a great campaign into Idun to defeat a rival kingdom, and she executed the enemy king with her bare hands. However, while she was married soon after, it is unknown whether her partner was freed from Idun or whether he had ever been to Idun. It’s likely an example of two events being woven together with myth and legend over the millennia “The Honour Tongue” The Honour Tongue is a more religious tongue, used during binding rituals and other such religious events, as well as in the Council. The tongue is said to hold spiritual power The core tenets of A Kha a o Lor are: 1: Honour 2: Rectitude 3: Mercy (Note that this doesn’t necessarily mean show mercy and let them live, and can instead be interpreted as ‘Mercy by spilling the least honour possible’ depending on the practitioner) 4: Valour 5: Loyalty 6: Wisdom 7: Respect (This includes respect for one’s self, respect for one’s own body and respect for others. It also covers gaining respect and maintaining that respect. Similar to Mercy, this doesn’t mean they won’t brutally kill you) 8: Integrity (This is a controversial one, which often causes squabbles in debating circles. Questions often raised include whether the use of stealth breaks this tenet and whether it is justifiable to break this tenet to uphold others.) There are several lesser tenets that one is recommended to follow that will increase ones honour, however they are not requirements for entrance into the afterlife unlike the core tenets. It is believed by followed of the path, that one does not need to know of or believe in A Kha a o Lor to be accepted into the afterlife, they will be permitted to enter as long as they have lived by the tenets. It is said that those in the afterlife may return to help others follow the path, and as such ancestor worship plays a large part in A Kha a o Lor. Historically, Burials were conducted by the transport of the dead on a ‘War vehicle’. Traditionally, this was to be a Garg (A vicious, horse sized beast) drawn chariot, though with the advent of motor technology it was common to use military transport vehicles rather than traditional methods. In the case of war dead or multiple dead within a family, they were transported side by side. If the person was a criminal or traitor, they would be tied to the back of a Garg or motor vehicle and dragged along the ground. They would progress out of the city and across the country until they reached the regions House of the Dead. Upon reaching the house of the dead, they were taken from their transport and carried inside, where they were laid out on the stone death beds within the “Room of the Dead”. In one hand was placed a ceremonial crafted weapon (Usually a sword, spear or bow), and in the other a tool from their profession (In the case of a soldier, they received a ceremonial shield). They were then left for 8 days, one day for each tenet and then burnt to ashes and placed into an urn, which was then interred in the catacombs. If the person was a criminal or traitor, they would instead be flayed by the priests and then their bones crushed into powder, which was scattered along the floor of the catacombs so that they were trodden on by visitors. Their meat would be fed to animals. This method has been used to bury the dead for thousands of years but with the advent of space travel, the Ghaj moved towards ‘Tomb Worlds’, entire planets dedicated to this purpose. There are two of these such worlds, and the majority of the dead are now sent to these worlds, though some traditional burials still occur. On these worlds, the dead are given a ceremonial weapon and a tool from their profession, then preserved in stasis so that they never go through the dishonor of rotting. On these tomb worlds, people of note are given their own chambers while the others are lined along the walls of the massive halls. The powdered bones of criminals are still strewn across the catacomb floors, and pits are maintained where the priests will throw the flayed skin to the beasts below. However, a new custom has developed based on old Tauri burial customs, and sometimes the bones of criminals are incorporated into the construction work. The priests are the only ones to live on these tomb worlds, and they double as tomb guards, making sure none who lack permission defile the tombs of the dead. Permission to see a family member must be gained through the military station in orbit, which refuse to set foot on the planet or allow others to set foot on it without permission from the priests. It is believed that any that land on the planet without permission will be cursed **History:** Although the Lorca had evolved to chase and hunt creatures comparable in size to dogs, their natural prey did not move in herds but were generally solitary. As such, while individuals could feed themselves, supporting tribes was near impossible. As such Lorca relied on pack tactics to bring down much larger prey in order to feed their tribes in the prehistoric era. This, coupled with the dangers that many of their new prey posed, led to them relying on each other heavily. Over time, these strong brotherhoods created codes of honour, which became high in value. The early Kingdoms (A arl Haj) were a series of small kingdoms set around the continent of Sarudun. Although other advanced civilizations rose on the other continents, the history of Sarudun is considered not only the most important (having been the most successful) but is also the best documented. There were three major kingdoms in the early days Idun, Dadun and Judak. It was in this period that the nobility was conceived and the code of honour developed by the hunting tribes evolved into a religion. The end of this period is marked by the fall of Idun. Idun fell when Queen Zira of the Dadun invaded and killed the king, seizing control of Idun and creating the first ‘Ghaj’, or empire. This collapse prompted the beginning of a series of events that would lead to the discovery of the other continents by the exiles of Idun. Word would eventually reach Sarudun some 150 years later and so began the “great rush”, a period of time where the powers of Sarudun invaded and attempted to seize the foreign continents. Gunpowder was first discovered 110 years after the great rush began and as such Sarudun began to dominate faster and faster, though powers such as Dadun began to build close ties with powerful native nations rather than trying to invade them. The natives were quick adopters of gunpowder, particularly on the continent of Arusa, and so began the bloody decade long wars between natives and invaders. It was during this great rush that the “Binding Debate” began in Judak. The King Hiro wished to divorce his Queen Kira in favour of a younger and more attractive bride. The Queen was beloved by the people, however, and she was not about to be forced off her throne simply because she was barren. She contended that she had not only been a faithful queen but a proud warrior, and had expanded the Judak Haj personally into the new world. Her many military ventures had brought her great honour… more honour, whispers began, than her husband. The King was having none of this and so beseeched the Council of Elders. They told the two that the binding was for life. Kira did not wish to kill Hiro, however Judak could not afford for the debate to continue. She invoked the law of the land, claiming that if one was stripped of their honour then they would be as good as dead and thus the binding would be over, and thus challenged him to honourable combat. It was a very controversial claim, as binding was usually considered to combine the honour of the two partners into one shared line. Hiro could not refuse to face Kira regardless, but Kira was considered to be a much better fighter than him. Thus, the king hatched a treacherous plot. As the duel began, the king signaled a marksman who shot the Queen through the skull. Believing the debate to be finished, the King took his new bride and rode back to his palace in bliss. The people grew unruly and the land erupted into rebellion. For 160 days war raged across Judak as the rebels fought the kings men. Neighboring kingdoms seized the opportunity to invade and carve up Judak, and by the time the civil war ended Judak had lost 60% of its homeland and many of its oversea territories had fallen. The rebels however, had won the war. The King was captured alive and brought before the court and sentenced to death “in the name of the crown”. He challenged this, stating “I who am your king can not be sentenced by my own authority without my own consent!”. To which the Judge reportedly retorted “And who, pray tell, stated that it was your crown?”, then calmly informed the King that he had been sentenced to death by the Crown of the Queen. King Hiro was taken to “An honourless death by rifle”, and was reportedly shot by the same rifle employed to kill Queen Kira. Judak declared that it would remain a monarchy… and instated the dead Queen Kira as it’s monarch. A lavish funeral was held and it was declared that even in death the Queen was the rightful ruler of Judak. Although Judak was later absorbed into the United Lorca Ghaj (The name of the Union between Dadun and the Odul Confederacy of Arusa), the region of Judak to this day reports that it’s governor is “Queen Kira”, a tradition which the Ghaj still tolerates so long as a change in Steward is made known to the council. As a result, one seat in the council is known as “The seat of Kira Morax” but is always taken by the Steward of Judak. The story spread throughout the Lorca Ghaj in it’s romanticized retelling in the works of Koro Zorei, a popular novelist of the 11th century and a well-known writer to this day for his novels and plays revolving around historical events. Due to his works, the name Hiro came to be associated with oath breakers and betrayers. The current system first belonged to the Odul Confederacy, but after the death of King Zoro Lukax of the Dadun Ghaj, Dadun adopted the system. Dadun and Odul had long since had close relations and 112 years after Dadun adopted the system, the two unified. Together, they controlled 46% of the planet’s surface (Dadun 31%, Odul 15%). They agreed the two nations would have an equal number of seats and would both send an equal number of high councilors. This decision was weighted in Odul’s favour, giving them much more political influence than they would have had if the system had been decided based on population. As such, Odul unified in order to dramatically increase their power while Dadun unified in order to cement their lead over their growing rival, the Hepto Ghaj on the Jauri continent. This union was called the “United Lorca Ghaj” 600 years later, the entire planet lay under the control of the United Lorca Ghaj, which changed it’s name to the ‘Lorca Ghaj’. 400 years after that, political reforms led to the council being selected from all regions rather than just Dadun and Odul. 200 years on, once the Lorca Ghaj’s space colonies had become fully developed, another political reform led to the council being selected from all planets also. It is expected that a region will send only the most skilled to the council to sit and make decisions on the Lorca Ghaj **Other:** Lorca use the CT (Current Time) acronym to denote anything happening after ‘Year 0’, and OT (Old Time) when referring to anything before it. Year 0 was originally used because that was considered to be when the “A Uai a o Lor” (Eng: The Guide of the Warrior) was written, but since then it has become apparent that the book was widespread at least 500 years before that. Rather than change all the dates, the Lorca simply kept the acronyms. The current year is CT 3112. The Lorca Ghaj has been united for 1800 years of that time, and the government is referred to by some as the “Ancient Duality”
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

-+-+-+-**The Hau Covenant**-+-+-+- ![**The Hau Covenant**](http://imgs.tuts.dragoart.com/easy-to-draw-tribal-tattoo_1_000000011708_3.gif "enter image title here") -+-+-+-**Capital System**-+-+-+- Naru-Sen -+-+-+-**Capital world/Hau homeworld**-+-+-+- Vaursa ![http://content.wallpapers-room.com/presentationBig/Space_of_Colours_Children_of_Chimera_by_JoeJesus.jpg](http://content.wallpapers-room.com/presentationBig/Space_of_Colours_Children_of_Chimera_by_JoeJesus.jpg "enter image title here") The Capital world itself is a world slightly larger than earth with a slightly higher gravity. The world has a purple hue to it due to a large purple nebula cloud that is nearby. The cloud itself is remnants of a gas giant that was knocked off course by a huge asteroid, propelling it towards the star itself. Many wonder what the system would look like today had that asteroid not pulled the Giant off course. -+-+-+-**Location**-+-+-+- Aside from the two galaxies, it is exists as a small area consisting of seven worlds. Two of which are heavily populated. -+-+-+-**Empire Size**-+-+-+- In excess of twenty five Decillion. As a official census has been tried and failed thousands of times, the general community believes this to be the general number but many speculate it is far more. -+-+-+-**Empire Power**-+-+-+- The Hau covenant is vast, panning two entire galaxies. The Hau employ a super way-gate to a new location to begin spreading the word of the Hau. This gate is an extremely powerful worm-hole that connects to pre-set defensive points inside the far distant Hau empire territory. The gateway has the potential to bring hundreds of thousands of objects from point to point in a matter of hours. Even if one point is destroyed, any craft already travelling to that point will arrive as if the gate was still functional, although they would be stranded. -+-+-+-**Type Of Power**-+-+-+- Hau military forces are always striving to have the most top of the line technology that one could think of along side keeping things simple and flexible.Like their navy, the army is prided on being strong and mobile , a necessity to protect and project power over such a large territory. A benefit from having such a large territory and many different races thinking together is sheer scientific potential, allowing many exotic technologies to come around and with the resources available, both raw and refined, enables it to function as a economic powerhouse. It's hard to define a nation so vast that doesn't have the specific warlike or pacifist traits. -+-+-+-**Head Of State**-+-+-+- Matriarch Aurel ![Aurel](http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/77/r169_457x256_13651_Dark_Elf_3d_fantasy_character_elf_girl_woman_picture_image_digital_art.jpg "enter image title here") Aurel is a veteran of two separate major incidents. Her first was during the first contact with the Humans when she was a mere pioneer. During the initial stages of the conflict, when the pioneer leadership was dying off due to combat with the humans, she quickly rose and took control of the situation is often regarded as the only reason the pioneers survived, though she always downplays her involvement. She would be in the right place at the right time when she was the lead admiral during the negotiations with the Karkosians during that conflict. The fact that she had been involved in the two incidents and led the Hau out of potential pointless conflicts, the Hau covenant elevated promoted her to the position of matriarch, a symbol of pride and the nations acknowledgment of her skills when dealing with the unknown. -+-+-+-**Government Type**-+-+-+- National Socialist Meritocracy/Timocracy. Each member nation has a total of four seats in a senate. Above the senate is a head of state titled a matriarch, which functions much like a president but is revered more like a queen figure. -+-+-+-**Economic System**-+-+-+- A general mix between socialist and capitalist mindsets. Basic necessities are provided by the government however commodities are purchased and sold over a free market system. -+-+-+-**Religion**-+-+-+- The nation itself has many races and with them, many religions. There is no one majority religion and the government proper only does not swear by any particular one. They generally believe that each person must swear fealty to the nation itself. Some say that the undying loyalty to the Hau Covenant cause is a religion onto its own. -+-+-+-**Race**-+-+-+- There are three primary member and three lesser races currently though the Hau are still the dominant and most numerous making up just over 43% of the total population. All the races have a natural life span but many have surpassed it due to biological engineering and other augmentations. Immortality is well doable but many Hau still value a limited life, to better value the time you have. =+= The Hau ![lawl](http://memecrunch.com/meme/12SN7/space-elves/image.jpg "enter image title here") Hau are a race of Humanoids that usually stand 7-8 ft tall and are naturally lean in build. They have feet that are dominated by three longer toes versus the traditional small five. Their hands have three longer fingers and an opposable thumb. They are warm blooded and do live birth. Most Hau females will have 4-10 offspring during their long life cycle averaging 670 earth years with males only living roughly 240. Hau are currently a matriarchal society with males being far more warlike but have dulled down due to so much time on the sidelines. Males are also heavily regulated in number, in old times, two in three males would be tossed off a cliff but as genetic modifications became more common, the mother can technically select the sex of her offspring as many consider "cliff tossing" to be archaic and cruel. Modern Hau males are still kept in check and luckily, due to their honor bound society, the males have adopted this philosophy. Some males still have these urges and find themselves in rehabilitation and reintegration centers. The females know that males are fighting an intense uphill battle to overcome their inherent nature. Some progress has been made through conditioning starting at birth but these successes have been few and far between. Females, surprisingly of the two, envision a world where a male could lead again, and not be factory workers, shipwrights or just mere sex slaves. (though some would prefer this role) =+= Luchten ![rawr](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-LPzNJ3AMKC4/TYtKYKF4JdI/AAAAAAAAAxA/adULWRfea7I/s1600/769_stream.jpg "enter image title here") Luchten are a race of large humanoid creatures, generally standing 10-12 ft tall with an average life span of 250-300 earth years. When they joined the Covenant some 3,000 years ago, they possessed archaic weapons and warships, favoring hard hitting kinetic weapons and thick, flat armor. When the Hau sent research ships to examine a rapidly dying star, they encountered the brutish and warlike Luchten, who had no use of FTL and only had their home world and two home system colonies. At first there was conflict as the Luchten saw the Hau as invaders. The Hau brought overwhelming military force into the system and again attempted to study the star. After a week of examining it was clear that something was causing the star to create more flares than most stars do in their life cycles. Normal practice would be to just leave the system to its doom but the matriarch at the time was kind and did her best to save the Luchten. Countless transports were forced to dump material cargo and cancel civilian flights to ferry the doomed luchten to a new suitable world. They took a hard hit to their numbers but found resolve and a new place in the universe, united with the Hau. Today, they are a thriving member of the nation and make up a bulk of the ground forces. =+= Higlogen ![hehe](http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/111/1280x736_19192_Arachnophobia_2d_horror_alien_spider_monster_picture_image_digital_art.jpg "enter image title here") Higlogens, or more commonly pronounced, Higs' are a spider-like race originating from a humid jungle like world. The planet contains a number of intelligent species but the Higs are by far the smartest and strongest. They became Apex predators early on due to their sticky webs and potent venom's. They were encountered by accident when one stowed away aboard a scout ship for a few days. As it had not killed anyone, it was given a chance to explain it self. The Hig had no true spacecraft of their own but had good knowledge of their immediate space (comparable to a 1950's space age). It was an easy integration as the Higs are a very curious race but short lived race as they only live an average of 120 years, a short time compared to the others, this short span makes them eager to see and experience new things. As of today, they operate in many special operations groups or anything requiring quick reflexes in general, fast typing skills too. =+= The Nuvi A lighter than air race that has three stages. The first stage is when they are most solid. This stage will last till around 50 earth years. Their second stage, when they are most active will last until they are around 300 earth years old. At that point they begin to 'disperse' and that time frame between then and the end of life is broad. some have lasted till their 351st birth day and some have lived till 600. Most say its luck of the draw.. They have a generally misty appearance due to a more fluid body structure. Their bodies are unique for adjusting to the gravity and pressure of worlds to retain their form albeit ultra high gravity or dense worlds would smash or disperse them like any normal organic race. =+= Jolnia These folks are tiny in shape, generally standing 3-5 ft tall and a life span of 90-140 earth years. They have abnormal upper body strength for the most part due to large muscular forearms that offset their smaller legs. They are able to walk on their hind legs but prefer to walk on all fours. Jolnia are very smart in their own right and are one of two races that had prior warp capability before joining the Covenant. =+= Nims The second warp capable race. They are tall and fair skinned with large crests on their heads which they usually adorn with jewelry They have a long life span of roughly 500 earth years. They reach adulthood at around a 7th birth date which gives them a long time to think up and design their trade markelegant creations. Their ships were sleek and shiny, exemplifying their love of beautiful things. Their home world features large spires of a marble like stone, elaborate paved walkways and floating lanterns etc. Many of the nations more 'fancy' places are designed and ran by Nims. -+-+-+-**Dominant Culture**-+-+-+- The Hau race has dominated the Covenant from day one. Their beliefs on personal and family honor as well as undying duty to the Covenant itself has shaped every aspect of any members people so far. -+-+-+-**Moral Values**-+-+-+- The Hau Covenant itself has a strict moral code revolving around personal and societal honor. The more one accomplishes in life, the better that ones life will be. As all people have basic provisions guaranteed, those with high 'morals' would have the manors and estates, The ones with high standing within the military due to actions, are the ones that captain their star ships and lead the armies. The ones with no honor from committing crimes are normally relocated to mining facilities where they have a single chance to regain their honor. If that fails, they usually find themselves in a dark hole in some corner of the nation. Even though they may be mourned by family, families know that the nations well being comes first. -+-+-+-**Military Technology**-+-+-+- Hau technology in general has always advanced from military applications. The Interactive holographic displays used in homes for streaming news or entertainment was originally a high end ship damage control system, to give crews a actual visual of the area before going in or for salvage teams unsure what to look for inside a ship. 'Matter Replicators' that can turn basic powdered ingredients into a full blown meal within a minute, came from a solution to ship food supply problems. Even the way-gate systems Hau use for transportation is based on earlier military rapid response technology. Below is more prolific technologies that the Hau have developed for their continued advance across the stars. =+= WayGate ![enter image description here](http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_content/deathwatch/Deathwatch_The-Warp-Gate_Skysoul_2_0.png "enter image title here") The Way-gate is one of the more prolific technologies they employ, A literal worm hole is connected from point A to point B using massive circular constructs. These are the primary means to travel from system to system other than typical FTL drives. Way-Gates have enabled the Hau to grow ten-fold since their creation and implementation over six hundred years ago =+= Serptentine-Terminal FTL Barrier field. The field (generated by each individual Jammer) possesses Extra-Newtonian properties, and interacts with spacetime in a way that affects the motion of matter and energy across it. Akin to non-Newtonian fluids, the idea is that the motion of matter and energy across spacetime affected by the field changes in a non-linear fashion proportional to the strain that motion causes (strain being generated by the field) - particularly in regards to matter and energy moving faster than the speed of light.This device will function across all energy spectrum, including those created by the fundimental laws of 'magical FTL' as that energy is required, as any other type, creates a strain of motion. The effect of this to a ship caught in the field is a state of Halted FTL. The vessel, travelling would immediately be pulled out of this space via the field projected by the Jammer. =+= Planetary Strip mining Using enormous barge miner ships, the Hau have developed fast methods to open a world for raw resources. Using cutting beams and powerful magnetic fields, they literally rip huge masses of land from a planets surface. These strips are then broken down in any of said ships matter processors. The individual resources are then separated in to storage pods. There are very strict rules on not using any of these technologies on worlds with life but if they were to be used, it'd be disastrous for any race on the world. =+= Displacement Drive This is the Hau navy's primary method of space travel. It creates a gravity-like energy field that gives the ship incredible thrust and turn capabilities in all directions, with little fuel expended. This drive shows no "exhaust" nor any visible engine ports as one would imagine. =+= Variable Angle Shields Shields have always been a mainstay of all space military ships. be it magnetic shielding all the way to the plasma shields of sci fi shows, they've all had one flaw, they operate in a bubble with the ship sitting in the middle. As energy field technology advanced so did the ideas behind shields. The Variable Angle Shield is the now modern primary defensive measure. The shield operates in two parts, the first is a high power, oscillating magnetic flux field to block radiation and lessen effects of energy based weapons by either 'deflecting' or diffusing the particles involved. The issue was still there of how to better resist kinetic weapons without the need for super dense heavy armor and a prayer. A new Active shield is layered atop that will "bend" its field to match the angle of an incoming projectile then slightly angle up to literally bounce the shot off. The same principle behind sloped armor, now applied to shields. It's not full proof but its saved many ships from that potential fatal shot. =+= Ferite Armor The hulls of ships is a series of heavy metal elements reinforced by a biological layer capable of re-arranging particles to bolster damaged areas of hull. The outer hull has spaced heavy armor plated resting on a thick resin that acts as a cushion for the armor itself. These armor plates contain a nerve like structure that is attached to large capacitors underneath the secondary armor plating, these function as a absorbent for incoming energy damage of all types with magic being the strongest source. Once the capacitor is filled, it diverts the energy into the weapons batteries of the vessel, literally turning the enemies energy weapons against their maker. =+= Nanite Swarm The nanite swarm is a simple weapon used on surface engagements. The weapon is released via a simple shell in to a population center. The shell will open above the target and from inside, millions of tiny nanobots in the form of a gray cloud falls to the surface. The cloud will spread in different directs based upon the amount of targets. Each is powered by a small anti gravity charge that will expend itself rather quickly so the weapon has to act fast once the drive engages. The bots will actively seek out living and synthetic targets. Te bots will then enter a hosts tissue through any opening and begin changing the targets cells in to a vicious, fast spreading cancer that will move its way to the hosts brain. As the brain is affected by the cancer, the victim begins acting erratically before eventually turning in to a mindless flesh eating creature. The creatures have no fear as they possess no upper brain function. They have a simple directive, walk around or eat. they are able to distinguish others affected so they do not kill each other instead of other living or synthetic targets. =+= Polaron Cannon The Polaron Cannon is a simple, yet very effective mass projector. The weapon is formed on what would appear as domes on the hull of the ship. This Dome creates a polaron cluster and fires it outward. As the polaron cluster disperses, it begins to draw matter towards it, no matter the type. This weapon, over distance, will gain mass until it reaches a critical mass and will then begin to trail particles. This gives the weapon a unique, comet like appearance as it glides across the battlefield. The weapon has a large impact forces equivalent to the amount of matter dragged along. If there is no shield up and any polarons are still intact, they wll interact with the hull, warping the area where the weapon impacts. This creatues a large dent at the very least before the particle burns out. =+= Singularity energy core The primary power source of the Hau ships is the Singularity core. Its a created by use of a highly powerful particle accelerator. and a simple matter scoop. The scoop only needs to be active for a minute to replenish a supply of particles that can last it for months on end and any simple element will work. The accelerator comes into play at this point. It fires these particles at high speed into one another, causing micro black holes. Using powerful magnetic an gravitational fields (ironically these are created from the same energy they block) the singularity is contained. To keep the singularity open, the collider continuously pumps small particles into it and by using special "spectral plates", they capture the immense amount of radiant energy that the block hole ejects. This energy is then pumped into huge rechargeable batteries that then regulate the power into the various systems of the ship. A safety measure is in place that if significant damage is taken, the collider can be turned off, or destroyed which will dissipate the black hole so that it does not consume the ship itself. =+= Temporal focus field This weapon fires a linear particle flux array that upon contact with designated point, creates a intense gravitational field, similar to the event horizon of a black hole. This effect will render any ships technically phased out of the current timeline and as time begins to speed up, the various particles of the ship begin to literally vibrate due to stress and over time, will tear itself apart in to a cloud of super-heated shards which eventually dissipate into subatomic particles. =+= Death Ray The weapon is the prize of the Hau, a truly powerful weapon that exemplifies Hau military prowess. the weapon is set a grazer beams in a tight spiral pattern that creates a literal vacuum inside. As this channel consists of no neutrons at this point, A high energy Anti-neutron beam is shot down the center. The grazers themselves deal their respective damage but the introduction of anti-neutrons will collide with any neutrons which will be destroyed in an extreme burst of energy. This weapon is fixed forward on most Hau ships and emanates a dark red and yellow spectral colors (for cool effects purposes.) =+= Anti Gravity Distortion weapon, Graviton Cannon. At certain point around the ship are special hard-points that focus Specialized Grazers that operate in a spiral formation, akin to a 'Death ray' Creating a matter-less vacuum. Through this vacuum, inert gravitons fire in a linear beam array that will literally increase mass fields around the unlucky victim upon contact with a target with mass. This increase in the mass field will amplify a targets inherent gravitational pull to over ten thousand times its nominal state. This effect will literally pull the vessel in to itself until reaching a point smaller than a quark. This weapon can be charged to fire in to a planets gravity well, far outside of a planets barrier shield. As the weapon interacts with the planets gravity, it will cause the planet to pull into itself as if a black hole was eating it alive. This weapon can be used against stars as well but this property renders a planetary system lifeless and will usually cause the star to become a moving singularity, eating up anything it moves to. -+-+-+-**Hau Military**-+-+-+- Hau forces are very numerous and possess potent weapons of war, coupled with a huge economy and access to every resource necessary, makes them a true force to be reckoned with but with that force, is always the drawbacks. Its huge borders is the biggest of those drawbacks and early on, it was obvious that rapid response forces were the only way to bolster system defenses. These rapid response fleets are usually full strength fleets that most nations would field but are far more mobile due to the type of warships the Hau employ. That, along side posted system defenders, usually fleet strength as well, give systems a chance to survive. A typical Hau fleet consists of 400 individual combat vessels. This is split in to four battle groups of 100, which, at the direction of that fleets admiral, can be split in to any number of individual task forces, depending on the mission. Currently, there is only one full strength fleet in the current galaxy Along with those fleets, are various static defenses. Everything from tiny gun drones to massive carrier sized battle stations protect the systems themselves. The Hau also have various defenses deployed in the harder to detect areas, like blank star systems and nebula's as sensors have a harder time in them. The vast area of space however, has fewer defenses but with that area much easier to scan, rapid forces are able to be deployed before a fleet travelling "in the open" would arrive. There are larger defensive concentrations along certain borders that the Hau deem tactically important. =+= Organic War machines A very simple concept that consists of growing your ship onto a frame of special metal. All regular Hau weapons employ this except firearms. When tanks are destroyed, the organism dies along with any weaponry that is with it. Some say its a cheap ass way to make sure your tech stays secured but if it works, why not. =+= The Hau legion A force comprised of many races. The ranks are always mixed to give a general the maximum options in a conflict. =+= Heavy Ion rifle, Hau Variant ![[img]http://images.wikia.com/nationceation/images/a/a0/Plasma_Rifle.jpg[/img]](http://images.wikia.com/nationceation/images/a/a0/Plasma_Rifle.jpg "enter image title here") Seeing as the Union has many races of different size and shape, weapons have to be adjusted for each. An example is the Heavy Ion rifle. The Hau version is sleek and typical rifle like where as the Luchtens model is bulky with a large under-slung bayonet. The weapons operate on the same principle but are adapted for each races use. ![[img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/029/9/6/v_o_l_f_mech_concept_by_lee99-d4o2fed.jpg[/img]](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/029/9/6/v_o_l_f_mech_concept_by_lee99-d4o2fed.jpg "enter image title here") _One of the more common combat units_ ![http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Gunship_575.jpg](http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Gunship_575.jpg "enter image title here") _A typical atmospheric gunship_ =+= The Hau machines of war are like the navy, Armored frames with an organism grown onto it. Craft like the gunship or tank utilize larger Ion arrays and what is known as a 'pulse cannon' which is more or less a fully automatic plasma cannon ![http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u230/ppcccaps/wotw5.jpg](http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u230/ppcccaps/wotw5.jpg "enter image title here") _The first time an now member race encountered the Hau Tripod. The massive walker bears down upon doomed men and women_ The largest and by far most intimidating Hau ground asset is the Tripod. Its massive size and height gives it a very good view of the battlefield but its most frightening ability is its incredible maneuverability. With each 'leg' having a segmented design, it can adjust each segments angle to enable precise and fluid movements in regards to lowering, side stepping and walking, Coupled with a powerful shield and dual Wide beam Radiation arrays capable of literally melting people, (the only Hau machine that uses this nasty weapon.) and high powered Ion cannons to deal with hard targets. This massive war machine was built to not only to destroy but to intimidate. =+= The Navy The Hau navy relies on numerous smaller but high tech warships. The need for mobility to fight and defend such a large expanse has all but removed the need for large capital ships as most would field. In no way are these ships weak in comparison though. Hau vessels use a wide array of tactics in their naval combat but seeing as most of their ships are inherently fast and maneuverable with smaller profiles, their ship to ship combat is generally more offensive in nature than the hulking metal fortresses of some others =+= The Hau's primary warship, the Cruiser. ![http://img347.imageshack.us/img347/3803/voy136wr2.jpg](http://img347.imageshack.us/img347/3803/voy136wr2.jpg "enter image title here") There are three primary types, the Cruiser, which is the mainstay vessel of the Hau. It carries a fixed forward Death-Ray along side various smaller armaments. These vessels are very fast, amazingly maneuverable and operate with a small crew. On a more relative scale, people would likely associate them with a frigate class in terms of tonnage and a total length of roughly 210m =+= A battleship on routine patrol ![http://images-cdn.perfectworld.com/www/f2/fe/f2fe2659a28cf8d26aeadd1d41ca5cb71389987142.jpg](http://images-cdn.perfectworld.com/www/f2/fe/f2fe2659a28cf8d26aeadd1d41ca5cb71389987142.jpg "enter image title here") The second is the battleship which carries two side-mounted Death-rays with a wider firing arc of fire along side its superior armaments compared to the cruiser .These ships still retain incredible speed for their size, being close to two-thirds of the cruiser it supports These are nearly double the length and general displacement of the Cruiser it fights along side. =+= Dreadnought Raya, Technically the Matriarchs flag ship ![http://members.chello.at/sattler_norbert/Vorastra_Red.jpg](http://members.chello.at/sattler_norbert/Vorastra_Red.jpg "enter image title here") And finally a ship that goes against Hau doctrine, the Dreadnought, Unlike the other ships, it is not geared for direct knife fights as its huge size makes it a obvious target. Rather it will snipe foes from long distance and use the Massive 1240mm .'Siege' coiilgun. It's the largest magnetic accelerator weapon the hau employ and only sees other use on orbital defense stations. When dreadnoughts duel in combat trials, the two rarely ever score any hits on one another as the range they fire gives the enemy ample time to move. It's not uncommon to see them fire at each other for hours before disengaging due to fatigue. These usually sit as fleet centerpieces and operate as siege/ command ships. =+= The Pioneers ![http://www.segnidalcielo.it/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/space_fleet1.jpg](http://www.segnidalcielo.it/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/space_fleet1.jpg "enter image title here") The Pioneers are the expansionist force of the Hau. These men and women from all the Hau races are sent out on special ships to distant stars to spread Hau influence. These ships will arrive at a system and begin setting up a way-gate. Most of the vessels are lightly armed and armored to train Hau to use what resources they have to survive. Being a Pioneer is a high honor among the Hau as when they return from their mission, they have more or less passed a rite of passage and the grand honor it brings. Most Pioneers become officers and admirals in the armed forces and some even become influential members of the government and in Aurels case, the Matriarch. -+-+-+-**History**-+-+-+- When humans were looking to the stars, the time of realization that they weren't gods but rather bodies far off, when they discovered that their world was not the center of the solar system, The Hau were already landing on their first moon to use as a spring board to the rest of their system. It's well known among Hau that the expansion into space could have occurred decades sooner but they had a problem bigger than any doomsday weapon at the time, Males. During the Hau's long history, the males lead it down the path of destruction. During a final battle of what would be a seventh world war and millions lay dead over the course of ten years, an unlikely uprising came about. Females rose from the ashes and with a quick and heavy-handed action, took down most of the major nations. The males weren't happy and as they were prone to extreme violent reactions, tried to take their world back. It was futile though as females at this point, after so many had died, outnumbered males three to one. The males were eventually, over many generations, sidelined to a role of mating utility and after a few more decades, somewhat rose to a better social status. The females however, had every right to veto anything a male would do and males were also not allowed to be in any position of power. With the females in charge, many weapons of mass destruction were dismantled and the world basked in an unbelievable unity and with it, came quick expansion to space. With the resources of the solar system at their command, Hau spread like wild fire through their immediate region of space. sleeper ships would fly many light years to reach a new world, to spread the Hau's influence. As technology progressed, they discovered and created many new technologies like the way-gate systems to spread further. As they continued to conquer and consume races and nations in to their own, the Hau became determined to conquer all that they could see through many means available. The initial being mentally, to convince others to join the Hau peacefully. As the Hau's endeavor continues, a choice is made depending on a number of criteria if a military force is needed to conquer the remaining nations. Aside from their home galaxy, they have successfully conquered one and now have their eyes set on a new one. Pioneers arrives recently and have constructed a long range super Way-gate but have not activated it yet as it may attract attention as it would be detectable from halfway across the galaxy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

--The Septonian Concordant--

Capital Planet-
The Capital of the Septonium Concordant is Taoshe, it is a lush green planet with a temperate climate. The planet is a mixture of lush multicolored grass like expanses, Alpine territories topped with blue snow and large rough oceans. The coastal territories and the oceans are a big contrast from the beautiful expanses of the inner regions. Storms are frequent along the coast and it rains most of the 24 month year, making the seas extremely rough. This is due to the gravity of the binary star Shao XI and the planets 3 moons. Taoshe is the Executive center of the concordant and is also home to the central military headquarters.

The core four planets in the empire lie within the binary star system of Shao XI are Taoshe, Haloh, Icarus and Jalag other worlds are named based the date at which they were found, allied or conquered. The concordant does maintain large space stations in the large expanses between planets.

Taoshe- Center of government, seat of military and political power. Three moons ( Tao 1-3) are frozen methane balls.

Haloh- The agricultural center of the Concordant and home to the top architectural and engineering universities. Haloh is the heartland of the concordant, 50% of its surface is farmland. Haloh is also the trading capital of the Concordant and home to many of the International corporations of the concordant. This is a major tourist center because of the large amount of history.

Icarus- The largest and most desolate planet in the system, made up of large deserts, giant gorges, canyons and mountains. The lower hemisphere is a weapons testing ground for the military while the upper hemisphere is home to the diplomatic universities of the Concordant.

Jalag- A large manufacturing world, protected by the three other core planets. Jalag is home to the biggest naval port in the Concordant. Jalag is a major manufacturing world and is home to the majority of the weapons plants that service the military

Leader-The current chairman of the Concordant is Valag Timonus

Government- The Septonium Concordant is a Republic with a large senatorial body, laws and other decisions of the state are governed by this body. Senators are chosen from the ranks of the military, selection is based on merit and honor in combat. The Septonium Concordant is a military state, the military funds, directs and oversees all actions made by the state. Non-military assets and military assets share a nice relationship and cooperate readily, helping in anyway they can in non military matters. It is not uncommon for military transports to transport building materials for civilians builders and it is common to see the military pull in civilians help for humanitarian missions. The Concordant's second largest body is the diplomatic corps which handles all foreign relations and non-combat missions. Because of the slow recruitment and training time for recruits the concordant cannot sustain large military campaigns. Peace and Diplomacy have become paramount for the concordant and military action is seen as a very last resort.

Population- The radiation given off by the binary star makes most of the planets in the system inhospitable. With the exception of the Aradites, the native population of the Septonium Concordant, there are savage feral beings that inhabit other worlds in the system. The total population of the Concordant is 10 billion.

Species-The Aradites are the only species in the Septonium Concordant, they are a odd humanoid like species that have adapted to their radiation rich environment. The binary system Shao XI is home to 12 worlds, four of which are inhabited by the Aradites, the rest are inhabited by feral beasts which are the mutated remnants of past civilizations.

Race Name- Aradites

Habitat- The core planets all have temperate climates with long winter and spring like seasons. Aradites can adapt to almost any climate but prefer cooler temperatures typically associated with alpine terrain.

Appearance- Aradite physiology is not to distant from human although a bit taller, they exhibit all the same reproductive organs and have all of the standard circulatory organs. Aradite skin is hard and leathery but appears smooth, slightly changing hue based on their mood. The Aradites have complex eyes that have a bright yellow/green color, their evolution as nomadic hunters has sharpened their eyesight and has given them a small amount of natural night vision.

-Tough leathery skin
- Resistance to radiation
-Bright complex eyes

Personality- Aradites are honorable people who share a very strong nationalist bond . They are generally very accepting to outsiders and are polite and respectful , not wanting to offend any other being. Aradites are very easy to spin up however, giving them the stigma of being very hotheaded and brash. Aradite men usually are very headstrong and brave, competing to be chosen for senatorial slots or top positions in the Diplomatic Corps. Women are held in very high esteem in Aradite culture, venerated as symbols of beauty and elegance. Women compete alongside men for the same positions and are often more successful.

Lifespan/Birth/Aging- Aradites live for three to four centuries, the constant radiation given off from the binary stars has made them age extremely slow and has lessened the physical impact of aging. It is not uncommon to see a 200 year old Aradite who still looks like his 23 or 25 year old human equivalent. Child birth is very similar to human child birth except for the lack of an umbilical cord. Mating is usually for life due to long lifespans , it is not uncommon for a male to court a female for weeks even months before formal dating begins.

Language- Aradite language is Demioi, it is very elegant and smooth, native speakers often blend together words and speak very quickly making translation extremely difficult to the forgien ear. There are two Dialects of Demioi, Daimet and Dai'kat. Daimet is the informal version of the language and is spoken in everyday life, Dai'kat is dated and extremely formal. Dai'kat is only spoken at formal events and briefings.

Culture- Aradite culture revolves around honor in combat, honor in family and honor in life. Honor and prestige are very important in Aradite institutions and is the most common way to earn promotions and other merits. It is common for men and women to fight alongside each other in battle. Aradite women are fierce and elegant warriors along with being symbols of beauty, it is common to see wives and husbands in the same regiment or even squad.

Advantage Traits- Aradites have extremely good eyesight and hearing naturally, their evolution as nomadic hunters sharpened their hearing, eyesight and has given them a small amount of natural night vision.

Disadvantage Traits- Hotheaded, Naive, Some can be rather stuck up, Due to long life span Aradites do not reproduce much. Bare Aradite eyes glow at night and reflect light (Much like a cat)

Other Traits- Large, ornate and sometimes glowing tattoos along with piercings are becoming more popular with the Aradite communities in the core worlds.

Currency- Septonian Dari

--Aradites are known for being extremely liberal in allowing use of Alcohol and certain psychedelic drugs. The military allows the use of both alcohol and drugs while on deployment as long as it does not effect their combat readiness.
-- When showing up to formal events, it is Aradite culture to bring gifts like food and wine. This can include a large amount of gifts and can sometimes overwhelm hosts.

Advantage Traits- The Septonian military is excellent, tempered by years of fighting feral beasts on the nearby worlds, each raw recruit enters a battalion with a year or two of actual combat experience. The Soldiers and Marines are extremely disciplined and field the best equipment known to the empire.

Disadvantage Traits- Debate in the senate is common, therefore it takes a long time to get major bills passed.
- Aradites share a strong nationalist bond that can lead to hostility.
- Some citizens can be rude, stuck up and prejudice towards other species

Other Traits- The Septonium Concordant has beautiful planets and is great a terraforming, they have a very open building style resembling the style of ancient Rome and Greece. Aradites are hospitable people and are generally very nice, even if they are a bit easy to rile up.
Most core planets distill there own wine, liquor and spirits, it is very strong and said to cause hallucinations and euphoria due to the ingredients. The ingredients are a closely guarded secrets among the families.

Aradite romantic novels are very long and drawn out, very similar to the dating style of the Aradites. These novels are very popular among some other species but are seen to be too long and slow for others.

History- When the Aradites evolved into a humanoid being they immediately began hunting and gathering, quickly becoming nomads. These nomad groups eventually met each other and created small settlements and attracted more people into these settlements. As time progressed Governments formed and nations were established around these former nomadic tribes, as the nations grew conflict between these nations became inevitable. A bloody period of war started, including three world wars and countless small conflicts over land and resources on the planet. The victor of these conflicts and the superpower on the planet was the Septonious family a strong a charismatic house known for their ruthless military and wealth. The family began to conquer the planet and by the end of the late modern age the entire planet was under Septonian control. The Septonian leadership installed the senate into the government and removed all the power from the monarchy and placed it in the hands of the senate, Most of the senators were old veterans from the different campaigns of conquest and a few scholars. Most of the senators came from the millitary's marine battalions and the diplomatic corps. The Septonium Concordant has since expanded to is current reaches and is still fighting ancient colonial battles with separatists.

Military- The military is broken into three separate branches:

Operations Branch: The Operations branch consists of the Navy, Army and Marine forces, these forces encompass the armed wing of the Concordant and preform three separate duties. The Navy serves in an offensive role and a transport/ exploration role as well as being the primary deployment platform for the Marine battalions. The marine battalions are the primary shock troops of the concordant, their primary duties are lightning fast raids and specialized offensives. They lack the ability to hold and occupy terrain however and deploy with limited resources. Occupation of territories is the army's primary duty, they deploy with a regiment of combat engineers to quickly build fortifications and other defensive structures. They are trained as military policemen to combat civilian threats along with military targets. Against specialized forces however the army lacks the same operational capability.

Diplomatic Branch: The diplomatic branch is the main voice of the concordant, some of the best minds in Foreign policy and galactic relations make up the Diplomatic corps staff. The Diplomatic Branch maintains a small fleet of specialized diplomatic shuttles and cruisers. Their primary duty is conflict avoidance and conflict resolution.

Agriculture/Colonial Branch: The A&C Branch is strictly a exploration and terraforming branch, their only duty is the exploration of new worlds and terraforming operations on other worlds to be colonized. They maintain a large fleet, second in size to the Operations branch. A company of marines is assigned to the A&C branch and all their vessels are unarmed.

Septonian Marines: Joining the military is a life choice for most Aradites, choosing to attend military academies at a very young age. Once accepted the new candidates are put through an intense curriculum of military history, tactical applications and operations, galactic history, Galatic culture and daily physical training. By their 5th or 6th year in the academy candidates are given the first round of bio- enhancements, these include mitochondrial and protein stimulants for increased muscle growth and computer assisted optical implants for another 10% boost in natural night vision. The curriculum continues until their 16th year when they are given their second and final round of enhancements. Veins and arteries are widened and a second small synthetic heart is implanted allowing for a higher blood flow and clotting speed, all marines have a identical scar under their left arm pit from the procedure. After graduating from the Academy, new marines are assigned to training platoons and sent to the neighboring worlds of Falkaide XXI or Harum VI to combat the feral beings there. This serves as operational training and tempers new marines to combat, the surviving marines are then relieved by the next group of fresh marines and are assigned to operational battalions. Marines spend 18-19 years in training including school and devote most of their lives to the military. Marines are heavily armed aiming for shock and awe, their weapons are made up of carbines , personal defense weapons and heavy shoulder launched rockets. However, they can be seen using a wide range of weaponry. All marines carry light shields to help against energy based attacks but are very weak.

-IRNV visual overlay
-Padded boots for sound reduction
-In helmet communications package
-Translation Package ( When language is analyzed)
-Thermal cloaking ( cooling gel imbedded in armor to hide thermal signature)
-Durasteel plates for kenetic protection
-Light Personal sheilds
-50% strength increase, 40% reflex increase, 50% increase in hearing, 100% hearing protection
-Re-breather package
-Buoyancy control

Septonian Army: The Army follows the same pipeline as the Marine candidates but are deployed to the contested planet of Gaiconda to fight the insurgency there. Surviving soldiers are assigned to operational companies and relieved by the next group of new soldiers. Soldiers carry a wide range of weapons and deploy with large surpluses of gear, they are heavily armed with main battle rifles and machine guns along with a wide range of artillery. Aradite Soldiers are usually better conditioned and stronger then their marine counterparts.

-IRNV visual overlay
-Padded boots for sound reduction
-In helmet communications package
-Translation Package
-Thermal cloaking ( cooling gel imbedded in armor to hide thermal signature)
-Durasteel plates for kenetic protection
-Light Personal sheilds
-30% strength increase, 20% reflex increase, 50% increase in hearing, 100% hearing protection
-Re-breather package
-Buoyancy control

Septonian Navy: Space travel is relatively new to the Aradites, what they lack in raw knowledge however they make up for with technology and mathematics. Aradite vessels are built from scaled durasteel under a sloped alloy like armor. vessels are commonly narrow at either and and smoothly bubble around the scaled durasteel to help kinetic projectiles glance off. All vessels have light to medium shields, able to absorb one or two energy based strikes before failing. The navy maintains the intelligence service for the concordant and a special warfare branch made up of 3 platoons of special forces and special operations operators.

JIIC ( Joint Internal Intelligence Command): The intelligence service for the concordant sometimes referred to as the "Laucomb" or hole by citizens. The JIIC tries it best to stay below the radar, even evading the Concordant's security measures. The JIIC is completely independent of the military branches and has its own leadership and funding, JIIC case officer and operators are considered some of the best trained operators in the Concordant.

Aries class : This is the biggest class of vessel in the fleet, carrying 12 missile pods, two forward facing magnetic accelerated torpedo tubes, 30 point defense turrets ( 10 fore, 10 mid, 10 aft) and space to carry a fighter squadron and a marine battalion with all of their gear and vehicles.

Carrier : 6 missile pods, one forward facing MAT, 20 point defense turrets, space for a fighter squadron and 2 companies of Marines.

Septum class : Three 120mm cannons , two forward facing MAT, 10 point defense turrets, capable of laying mines

Lahai class : Two 120mm cannons, One forward facing MAT, capable of laying mines,

Blackhole class: Excellent stealth and electronics suite, capable of laying mines, one forward facing MAT, 3 missile tube

Shrike Fighter(SA-18A)
Extremely fast and maneuverable both in orbit and in atmosphere.
- Hardpoints under the wings for mounting missiles and bombs
-Two 30mm cannons ( HE or AP tipped rounds)
-Physical and Electronic countermeasuer system ( Missile defeat and mild cloaking)

Faulk fighter Bomber (SC-1B)
Agile but heavily armored, lacking the speed of the Shrike fighter. Called "Vol'citerne" ( flying tank) by its pilots because of its ability to take tremendous damage and still fight.
-Large internal bomb and missile bay
- Two large 40mm Gatling cannons ( HE or AP tipped)
- 105mm MAC ( Magnetically accelerated cannon) mounted off center, used as an anti emplacement weapon or for punching holes in larger vessels

Kaave Dropship(IA-2)
Small Dropship, used mostly for stealth or special operations
-can carry up to 8 people with all of their gear
-20mm cannon mounted up front
-Virtually silent
-Radar cloaking

Laake (K-12)
Large Troop and gear transport/ Gunship
-Heavily armored and armed
-8 20mm air defense Gatling cannons
-Twin mounted 105mm cannon (front)
-Able to carry a company of troops with gear or able to carry large amounts of supplies

Assault Transport/ Gunship
-Heavily armed and armored
-Can carry up to 16 troops with gear
-30mm gatling cannon (front)
- Hardpoints for missles under wings
- Gun ports for Machine guns

Septonian weaponry: All Aradite weapons are magnetically accelerated, which fire a small caseless projectile, these rounds are often high explosive or armor piercing tipped.

Standard squad level machine gun for Aradite ground forces.
- Able to be operated by one person
-Portable and relatively light
-Fires the equivalent of a 7.92×57mm round
-capable of 1200 rounds a minute
-Only fires in Full auto

Standard battle rifle for Aradite Ground forces,
-Extremely accurate in Semi Auto
-Fires the equivalent of a 338 Lapua round
- Able to be fitted with different optics and electronics
- Fires in Semi, 2 round burst and Full auto
-27 round magazine

Heavy Sniper rifle, designed as an anti-material rifle but is commonly used against soft targets ( Other beings)
-Fires the equivalent of 12.7x108mm round
-Capable of destroying soft targets at extreme range
-Capable at piercing light to medium armor at long to medium ranges
-Can be fitted with electronics
-8 round magazine
-Integrated scope allows the user to aim using their suits HUD

Standard Assault rifle for Aradite ground forces
-Fires the equivalent of a 7.62x54 round
-can be fitted with optics and electronics
-Fires in Semi, 4 round burst and Full Auto
-30 round magazine

Standard Rocket launcher, commonly used to take down light armored vehicles or stationary emplacements
-Carries an AP warhead
-Dumb rocket ( no tracking)
-Armor penetration at Medium to long range
-Target destruction at medium to short range

Heavy Rocket launcher, commonly used against heavily armored targets
-Large Armor piercing warhead
-toggle-able delay timer
-Fire and Forget warhead ( must lock on first)
-Toggle-able dumb fire option
-Anti-ground preferred ( can be used against anti-air)

Shoulder fired Surface to Air Missile
-High speed AP warhead
-Fire and forget ( must lock on)
- multiple warheads in each missiles (6 warheads)

Carried by officers and nobles

Mounted Recoilless cannon, used as a stationary emplacement weapon
-105mm warhead
-AP or HE warheads available
- Able to punch through heavy armor

MAT= Magnetically accelerated torpedoes

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Isotope
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Sheet Update (some things added for review) **Faction:** Union of Cooperative Free Peoples Democratic Socialist Republics **Species:** Pradisian **Description of government:** Single Party State. The Great Peoples Party reinforces the great ideals of equality and prosperity by recruiting only from the ranks of the peoples military and leads the nation through a congress where all members are granted an equal vote save for the party leader who is granted half the votes of the rest of congress. **Description of military: ** The proud People’s Army is the second most important institution in the UoCFPDSR. Mandatory for all individuals fifteen and up for a minimum term of twenty years the organization serves as the economic and technological backbone of the nation. The Army is composed of one Grand Division per planet and is in a constant state of expansion as is necessitated by the Unions vast military industrial complex. As a result often planetary military leaders are judged by the size of their armed forces. **Ship Classes:** _SSS (Space Superiority Sphere)-_ The mainstay of Union fleets the SSS is a multirole force projection vehicle designed to defeat enemies in space and allow control over a system. _OBAS (Orbital Body Assault Sphere)-_ The central weapon used in invasions the OBAS is armed with a variety of bombardment options so it can react dynamically to the mission whether the need is tactical or strategic. _SCS (Super Carrier Sphere)-_ The SCS is the primary fighter bomber deployment system in use within the Union. It is well suited to planetary assault support and anti fleet action. _F/B:E (Fighter/Bomber: Ellipsoid)-_ The main close support and light attack vessel in the Union. _CS (Command Sphere)-_ The dreadnoughts of the Union these vast ships are both carriers and attack vessels capable of projecting overwhelming force and providing both logistic and command support. _LS (Logistics Sphere)-_ Small and numerous LS ships are used to keep fleets supplied and have a mild weapons complement. **Technological Overview:** _Instant Printing_ Instant or “flash” printing is a sort of 3D printing where all construction is done in less than one millisecond. Instant Printers are a common sight in all civilian and military aspects of Union space and are used for everything from food to munitions. Instant printers are not the most advanced construction technology in Union space but they generally are the most widely used as their simplicity makes them easy to use and easy to fix compared to significantly more advanced machinery. _Nanomachine “Paint”_ While commonly called paint the Nanomachine coating used in Union construction is something significantly more potent. It is a coating of specialized Nanomachines that after being added to a materiel can manipulate it and itself to self-construct the rest of a larger structure in the presence of other coated parts. As a result Union ships can self-repair; using Nanomachine paint to replace parts destroyed by battle or if the damage is very extensive cannibalize other unimportant parts to make more Nanomachine paint to fix the important ones. Nanomachine paint however is used in a smaller civilian role too, all construction not covered by printing has been supplemented by “part dumping” and allowing Nanomachine paint to quickly assemble the parts. This has made Union industry extremely efficient. _Local Absorption Shield:_ The Absorption Shield is a Union state secret and the primary defense on all their vessels. Acting as an energy sponge the shield absorbs all the kinetic or direct energy put into it until it reaches full capacity and falls in a powerful discharge of energy. The energy discharge would be a catastrophic explosion if not for limiters making it a slower process of constant discharge. The Shield can be brought back up after this, but not until a suitable time has passed for the energy banks to entirely discharge. Local shields work by the shield being a multi-layered construct, with one large general shield over the ship’s hull and one to two shields above this that only activate after an incoming threat is detected, minimizing strain on the main shield and providing a sort of means to maintain the main shield’s integrity through extended battle by the first and second layers discharging and covering for each other if there are two outer layers. If the incoming fire is not concentrated this means of taking the damage and discharging while the other shield takes the hits can be maintained indefinitely so long as the shield has local outer layers. As a result volume of fire and concentrated fire are the most effective means of countering absorption shields of two local layers. Single local layer shields are more vulnerable to large singular hit weapons that can drop the local shield and leave the general layer exposed, however if the volume of fire is too low from even a large weapon the general shield and the local shield can swap out similarly to the two local shield system. This however leaves the ship proper exposed to fire for a split second. Currently three shield layers, two local and one general, is the effective maximum before energy discharges of the first layers begin to influence the general layer and cause a drop of all shields. _ Modular Local Absorption Shield:_ A variant of the systems used on ships, walkers and medium to large mechs often make use of the M-LAS as it is called. Lacking any general shield the M-LAS operates with only a low power version of the first local shield used on ships. Activating to intercept incoming munitions the M-LAS operates identically to its larger ship borne counterpart, however lacking a general shield the M-LAS is more vulnerable to sneak attack or mines, if the attack cannot be anticipated an impact against the armour of the mech or walker is unavoidable. The M-LAS however encounters a problem less present in space, the energy discharge. The M-LAS as a result can run in two modes, a common mode that flares the energy into the sky when the M-LAS reaches maximum, this can obviously reveal a combatants position. The second mode deactivates the M-LAS at 99% capacity; this is risky as a hit to the M-LAS would result in a massive energy dump. However this mode is still somewhat popular among risk takers as mech and walker pilots have been known to use the M-LAS as a bomb in this mode, giving them another munition if they are in trouble. Usually however the M-LAS is simply dumped or thrown far away after it reaches 99% in this mode when it is used by the general soldier. _Neutron Cannon:_ The Neutron Cannon is a powerful energy weapon that works though a simple means. Stripping neutrons from high atomic number elements through the use of a powerful Neutron generator and forcing those highly concentrated neutrons as well as the associated products into an accelerator that fires them at relativistic speeds. The Neutrons in this state are free and as a result they are underdoing neutron decay further increasing the impact energy of the weapon. Despite its already fearsome potential the Neutron Cannon has another secret, by pumping the gamma rays created during the stripping process into a Graser and focusing them into a containment beam the Neutron Cannon gains increased focus and coherence as well as a secondary beam. Needless to say this increases the precision and destructive potential of the weapon significantly. There also exists another type of Neutron cannon in use with the Union, this one utilized on the ground. In this smaller mounted weapon the same process as is used on ships is utilized. High atomic mass elements are stripped of neutrons and the cannon accelerates the free neutrons and other products while the graser contains the beam. However the difference in the ground variant is obvious enough, the destructive potential is considerably reduced simply because the beam must be slower and smaller in order to stay within power generation capacity. While the weapon is less useful than others in some atmospheres the other weapons used by the Union army more than compensate. _ FTL Inhibition System_ A field generator installed on every ship is able to form a large bubble within which any ships exiting FTL are hit by an enormous energy feedback due to interference from the field. This feedback immense and proportional to the energy generation capabilities of the affected ship, the result is without fail complete destruction of the offending vessel. The device is largely used in battles to maintain formations and on occasion as a weapon if the exit location of an enemies FTL window is known in precise detail. _Mental Interference Device_ This simple device can be mounted on missiles or ships and projects a field that causes an excruciating pain resulting from every pain receptor firing at once to users of psychic, psionic, or “magical” abilities when said abilities are used within its radius of effectiveness, magic use attempting to circumvent that restriction usually initiates a worsening of the effect where other nerves are fired, often causing heart failure. Used as a frontline defense both on the ground and in space against races with abnormal abilities the MID has a long history of success. _Exotic Matter Generational Device_ This machine affectionately known as “Mad Bobushka” is a killer for any massive body like a planet. Generating vast amounts of random exotic matter whose interactions with conventional matter cause unpredictable and devastating effects the machine only shuts down when the reaction reaches a maximum, by this point the damage to most planetary bodies is irreversible. _Hyperspace Bore_ The Hyperspace bore is an energy intensive and violent means of travel causing large spacial distortions in areas it is frequently used that present navigation hazards. However the reason the system survives despite more 'elegant' means being available is due to one tremendous upside to the system, frequently used paths are faster and require less energy to use. This has created a network between Union planets that makes trade and defense far easier and permits ships as small as fighters to jump between the most heavily used systems. **Cultural Overview:** All cultural aspects of the Union are focused on spreading the dream of peace and equality. The military serves as the heart of culture moving forth as a valiant sword to cut away the capitalist and structured societies of lesser states and replace them with the great message of quality for all and that all people work for a nation that works for them, anything that benefits the nation benefits the people. This is taken very seriously and has become almost religious as a belief due to generations of teachings. **History:** The Union began when the Pravdian empire, a society rich with injustice and ruled by monarchs underwent the Great Peoples Revolution. The empire began to collapse under the popular evolution almost immediately and soon the great Chancellor leader of the party was the only ruler the people would salute. Though the early days of the Union were hard soon the grand army rose and times became a serious of great wars, the dream of continuing the revolution was alive. Now the Union is vast and commands many species and systems and on occasion goes to war to liberate the oppressed proletariat and incorporate another race into the fold. **Other:** None
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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**Name of Nation:** De Cermak Despar Ranii du Surtek de SasKarJiia (The Holy Unity of Man and the Gods of Sazkarjhia), or simply Sazkarjhia **Species:** Sazkarjhians (Demonym: "Sazkarjhit") are a race of large reptilian creatures with muscular, although flexible, builds. Average size is about 2.05 m (6'7") and weigh about 84 kg (185 lbs). They have bright orange-yellow skin with florescent yellow patterns running across their bodies. Males are known for their six long head horns (Usually averaging 21 cm (8.3 in)), that are relatively flaccid and can fold along the neck when wearing a helmet. Females' are much shorter, about 9-10 cm, and are relatively blunt, being able to slide into slots into helmets. Besides their physique, Sazkarjhians are most notable for their respiration being much different from most aerobic species, in that they aren't _technically_ aerobic at all. Sazkarjhians breathe highly toxic chlorine gas, something that makes up a majority of their planets' atmospheres along with a very small concentration of oxygen, something that can be poisonous if breathed in for too long. In dietary terms they are regarded as omnivorous but have very strong carnivorous tendencies, having many white, conical teeth and only some molars in the back of the jaw, as the need to eat flora is seen as something being done more out of necessity and survival than typical enjoyment. It is believed that Sazkarjhians evolved from more primitive, more lizardlike creatures, and eventually lost features like tails and sharp claws over time. **Description of Government:** Sazkarjhia's government can best be regarded as a dictatorial, oligarchical theocracy. The executive branch and for most part the legislature of the empire is run by seven individuals that comprise a holy and political union known as The Vesselage. The composition of the Vesselage is as follows: - Grand Vessel Urwan Garama'kum of Zarwaun (Female): The Grand Vessel, or highest prophet, of the Supreme Primordial Being, Zarwaun. Zarwaun can be seen as a Zeus or Indra of sorts, and leads a holy dictation that the Grand Vessel must follow to a tee. The Grand Vessel has complete legislative and executive powers, and if need be can take over all Sazkarjhit military operations without consent of the Vessel of Mazdabar. - Vessel Tumari Pumar'kum of Mazdabar (Male): The Vessel of Mazdabar, the Belligerent Primordial Being. Where Zarwaun can be seen as the Zeus of the religious system Zarwaunism (Sarwunta), Mazdabar can be seen as its Ares. He leads Sazkarjhia to war and helps assist them in times of need both tactically and on the battlefield. The Vessel of Mazdabar has the most authority under the Grand Vessel, and can be seen as a second-in-command. - Vessel Kurak Buram'dum of Yuturata (Male): The Vessel of Yuturata, the Industrious Primordial Being. With the Greek theme, Yuturata is most akin to Hephaestus. He helps in overseeing the industrial turnout in the Daramaska region of Sazkarjhia as well as other colonies. It is often thanked to him for Sazkarjhia's flourishing metals industry. - Vessel Arasararak "Arasa" Byan'tum of Markarapas (Male): Responsible for commerce and enterprise in Sazkarjhia, Vessel of the Enterprising Primordial Being, and often ridiculed for his very lengthy first name. He is infamous for never disclosing much information about the quasi-military organization in the Borsarsa region known as the Borsarsa Rangers. - Vessel Warnua Heret'bum of Markura (Female): Vessel of the Maternal Primordial Being, representing nature and motherhood. In charge of all environmental, agricultural, and medicinal practices in Sazkarjhia. - Vessel Rankan Uryd'gum of Oparas (Female): Vessel of the Judicious Primordial Being. While at first having a symbolic representation of odds and fortune, Vessel Uryd'gum is in charge of ordaining law and order, and thus runs the Sazkarjhit court system and the Sazkarjhit Regional Police. **Description of Military:** One of the defining factors of Sazkarjhit power is its immense and awe-inspiring/fear-striking military. The Peoples' Fighting Force for the Common Defense of Sazkarjhia, known more commonly as the Peoples' Military of Sazkarjhia, is composed of three prominent branches, with smaller other groups. - The Peoples' Army of Sazkarjhia: The main ground and intraatmospheric fighting force. - The Peoples' Navy of Sazkarjhia: Once simply the ocean-faring military, once it merged with the Sazkarjhia Outer Space Exploration Initiative it stretched its conquering tentacles to the reaches beyond the stars. - The Peoples' Army Private Security Organization: Once a paramilitary organization, adopted as a private military force serving as escorts for delegations and governemnt officials. - Sazkarjhit Regional Police: The main police force keeping watch over all major regions of Sazkarjhia. - Borsarsa Rangers: A legitimate paramilitary organization dedicated to keeping law in the Borsarsa deserts, often regarded as hellish wastelands. They don't operate under any strict guidelines and are officially referred to as a "vigilante combat organization". **_[[WIP]]_**
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

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**Species:** Valk, Valkians {Plural}; Note that they CANNOT SEE. They literally do not have any way to perceive light, by sensor or otherwise. Rather, they have a mass-detection sense, in which they can form a mental map of the area around them- they can even 'see' through walls and floors. Even into the depth of space. Their sense is limited by what they detect; incredibly dense metals limit their sight, while in space, they can 'see' for quite some ways. Their eyes lost their sight during the Great War. However, their eyes still have the capacity to work, so if someone were to dissect one, they would conclude that they were simply dim of sight, with an unusually large parts of the brain, especially for mental capacity. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/346/a/7/alien_concept_serra9zit_by_cgptteam-d5nt7z0.jpg **Description of government:** Republic **Description of military:** Defensive-oriented, with a focus on armor and large, powerful planetary defense stations. **Technological Overview:** Advanced in armors and in big stuff. Generally don't like small things; fighters are a concept that hasn't even been explored. Ships are usually large, and fewer in number due to a lack of any kind of frigate or smaller ship. --- **Cultural [and racial] Overview:** Once a week [which is nine days, their time], there is a day in which only the necessities are done. Everyone sleeps; everyone rests. Before, they eat very large amounts to digest while asleep. They work for eight days straight, without rest, and food is only given two times a day. Not out of cruelty or anything; that is simply how they work. They can work for three days without food, water, or rest at maximum efficiency. After that, it takes about two weeks for them to die, or six if they don't do anything and conserve energy. If they go into their hibernation mode, which is how they sleep, they can last up to a year on their own, provided something doesn't kill them or they don't get sick. The people have three subspecies: Engineer, Tinkerer, and Hunter. Engineers, obviously, build everything. They construct and repair and the like. Tinkerers, or just "Tinks", are often the thinkers; they come up with ideas, they represent Engineers and Hunters, they act as mediators and all. Hunters are the ones who are the military caste; they are the warriors, the soldiers. All Hunters are kept in hibernation and cryostasis, alternating so that they don't shrivel and die, until the need comes around that they are needed. At one time, there are a thousand Hunters on each planet, with over a hundred thousand in stasis. Religion consists of worshiping a Valk of each subspecies: The Engineer Valk-Father for Engineers, who is the god of all construction, repair, and all things physical, the Tink Valk-Mother for Tinkerers, the god of all science, thought, and all things mental. Lastly, the Hunter Valk-Soldier for Hunters, who is the god of all war, peace, and everything between and related. Celebrations are unique to every settlement or planet, from Harvest day to Settlers' Landing day, which is when the people on the planet celebrate the time when their people first came. Valks are oddly non-aggressive against each other, but if they find a planet that they want, and there is already a sentient, non-space-faring race residing, they reactivate the Hunters, and sweep through them. --- **History:** Originally, they were all nomadic, very similar to humans. Each group were their own people, and they roamed wherever they needed to for food. However, they never warred with each other. Every time two tribes would meet, they would always stop and make camp together, and allow for an exchange of goods and people, to continue flourishing. In later centuries, for a Valk can live for up to two hundred years, tribes would begin integrating into each other. They began to grow, and food started to become a problem. As they grew, they began to study plants and animals; what they needed, how they grew, and how to do it themselves. As population grew, production of food exploded. Farms were built in days, and hundreds of farms were built by a single colony. Soon, an entire area would be a giant, rural farmland. Eventually, as they progressed, they found that the land was slowly losing fertility, and all the wood they cut down for their houses was no longer easy to come by; they cut it all down. So they again began to spread, often with a single city's worth of people having up to 8 different regions, where they would live and grow food for years, before moving livestock and belongings to the next place, so the land could regenerate. After the stage of massive growth, where they began learning how to keep their farms fertile year-long, every year, the people of the Valk slowly went from a democracy sort of system to a republic. They weren't as small as they used to be, so they began dividing themselves up, and they began to pick representatives. As the populations centered into an area and grew massively, competition emerged between Tinkerers and Engineers, between the best ideas and the best buildings. With the Era of the Competition came a 400-year burst of technology and construction. Eventually, both groups agreed on the cease of competitive innovation, because they researched and built faster than they reproduced. After another 4,000 years, and three more Eras of Competitions, the people reached outer space. They were curious to explore the playground of the gods, as they said it, and religion did not dictate what they must do; religion only gave them drive and function. When they first reached outer space, they knew that the second planet in the water-zone was also inhabited by a foreign race, unlike their own. When they sought to make contact with one of their stations, they unknowingly declared war, and were pushed back into their own planet, under the surface. The race of competition and of republic was soon forced into tunnels built under the surface of their planet, infinitely hiding from an enemy that was trying to seek them all out and destroy them. As they were hunted in their own tunneled homes, the soft-skinned, humanoid races slowly became less so, and began developing the sense of mass-detection, and began developing a unique hard skin, that also flexed quite a bit. While a projectile from an enemy rifle would break something a bone or perhaps mash up an organ a bit, their skin would stop breaking. It began developing anti-penetrative properties over the course of eight hundred years, in which their lifespan shortened down to a mere 75-years, which is still equal to about 90 human years. When the two sides finally managed to establish a common language, and meet, the other race was suddenly horrified. They thought that they were threatened with a fleet, and a scout fleet tried to intimidate them. Convinced that the enemy was hiding their fleet for a single destructive attack, the flawed sentient species attempted to hunt down all sentients. Of course, their version of politics played a great role; after all, another planet would mean another age of expansion! After the Valks were able to return to their battered, regenerating surface, living on a nutritional sludge that was made from anything organic, they came back in force, reproducing faster than ever before. Soon, they were able to rebuild a single city, and then another. As they grew, technology and other gifts were given by their neighbors, who stood at a fearful distance. They exhausted their armaments in destroying the planet as best they could, and they were less socialable than the republican, socialist Valks. Soon, the Valks returned to space, where they fortified their planet as best they could, under their neighbors' increasingly anxious gaze. Within a mere three hundred years, the Valks had exploded back to nearly half their population, and they developed a weapon to disrupt and destroy brainwaves. They armed it to a very large exploration ship, and then later armed it with the first sublight engine. Once ready, they built half a dozen more, and sent them out to different sectors of the solar system, which had more than a dozen planets. A human-month after the left, the fleet of exploration ships reappeared over the neighbors' planet, and wiped out everything, leaving the technology, cities, and even the animals behind. They made a weapon that broadcasted a directional signal that would destroy any higher cognitive brain, a sentients' brain. With their people avenged by the destruction of the other people, their sorrows and their grief slated by the genocide, they took over the neighboring planet, took the foreign technology and burned all the brain-dead people, who were nearly all still alive. --- **Other:** They have three primary weapons: Masses of rockets and missiles, a powerful particle beam weapon, and the Sentients' Bane, which is still mounted on the original 7 explorer ships, which were all upgraded over and over. For the most part, each ship has large, position-adjusting plates of armor. A ship can close all the plates of armor to the front, and literally absorb all the weapons fire without faltering. However, the armor is heavy and expensive, which is why it's very limited. The largest ships have arms; smaller ships have armor in plates at strategic points. One can sometimes see hydraulics and the like from the outside of a ship; a pilot usually has their mass-detection sense trained and bred so much that they can maneuver to have debris or asteroids miss such exposed spots. Sublight-engines have been declared illegal, due to the fact that the mass-detection sense goes haywire when going along at half the speed of light or more, and has even killed Valkians due to an overload of information before it can be processed thoroughly. All ships are usually different. One can find a ship that is thick and stubby, or another ship that is long, sleek, and winged. They are also generally a 'free' race. They don't quite recognize territory as well as other nations; one can fly a warship into orbit above one of their major planets without even being hailed, besides a customary welcome message, and an automatic warning message of we-target-you-now-till-you-leave. 5 planets lightly colonized; 9 planets fully inhabited. All in the same solar system. Two dozen moons either lightly colonized or turned into defense bases. Half a dozen asteroids around the home planet that are turned into giant fortresses. All ships are either lightly or heavily armored, depending on size, importance, and cargo type. Passenger ships usually have a medium amount of armor, regular cargo ships with very light armor, but with dual hulls in addition to the main hull. Cargo ships usually consist of a skeleton-like ship with a 'tail' and a 'head,' where engines, command center, and other equipment is stored, with a long 'spine' in the center that can attach to different cargo containers. Few ships are military and are armed; the most armaments on the majority of ships have are only the type to shoot and break up incoming asteroids or other debris. There are over two hundred regular cargo ships, with up to three dozen passenger vessels. There are six of the very large, very heavily armored, very slow industrial & research cruisers, seven Explorer-class Warships, half a dozen Varren-class WarCruisers, and two Colony transports.
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![http://i.imgur.com/3unYE0m.png](http://i.imgur.com/3unYE0m.png *The sight from the esosphere of Aeonas, with Andraste on foreground.*) ### **The Aeonas Hegemony** **Species:** Characterized by an thick hexagonal plates exoskeleton that covers almost entirely Ourian skin (except for the neck, hands and *cough* private locations), and low sexual dimorphism, this race body reseambles particularly that of other species. Vertebrates, bipedal mammals, Padovens have, like many other species, a capillary cardiac system, a neuronal one, organic fabrics and a diplontic life cycle. They are particularly tall and based on an avian build. Having a slow metabolism, Ourians need half-dozen more hours of sleep during the night than averange species, though noticeably increasing their life-span, tranquillity and thoughtfulness. Having evolved in an envirnment based on L-amminacids, Ourians are not able of disgesting any kind of organism not based on the same amminoacid structure. Though originally evolved from an herbivore species, they are omnivore, and really appreciate eating soft and well-coocked meat. With small and thick eyes, their prolonged head is covered with unusually straight shining plates, that end over a toothed mouth - to be noted the presence of six canines-, devoid of lips. Lastly, on the side of the mouth, important is the presence of two long and moving mandibles, once used by Ourians' ancestors to group substantial bundles of grass to be eaten; today they don't have any pratical use anymore, since the invention of cutlery, but still bear symbolic meanings and attractiveness. Their hearing is really developed, and they can catch even lower and higher frequences compared to other species. For this reason it is commonly said 'listening to the universe' in order to indicate someone who isn't very talkative, because when in empty space, Ourians can hear a weak background considered as the 'Universe melody'. An interesting anomaly of Ourian physiognomy is an odd soft protuberance situated behind the neck, capable of stretching over their heads and shrinking back at will: though without any practical utility, thus leaving geneticists really baffled on why their race developed something this useless, this hood-like sack is often used by people to cover their heads during particularly hot or rainy days. ![http://i.imgur.com/GeLLqBm.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/GeLLqBm.jpg *Example of Ourian anatomy.*) **Description of government:** The Aeonas Hegemony is an intergovernmental organization, first founded in 7678 C.I. in order to promote planetary and extraplanetary co-government. Officially declared a federation twenty years later, it regrouped the 23 nations of the Aeonas Hegemony under a common flag, In the Hegemony, each state preserves limited local authonomy, whilst the executive, the legislative and the judiciary are held by the central government. Each great state boasts one to three representatives* in the 'Nations Council', a counseling organ from which are elected those deputies who will make up the General Council. The latter detains legislative power, and the power to elect through a votation system the Primarchs, heads of the military. The judiciary power is composed of a tripartite organ, each composed of different courts for various crimes, ranging from war ones, to civil ones. Lastly, the executive is held by the Hegemony Steward, a life tenure office, who has moreover veto over the laws passed in the General Council. The Union Steward is elected by the Nations Council after a week of mourning after his predecessor's death. _Representatives are not chosen by the Council, but by the local state government, whose government form may vary. As of the day, the permitted local administration governments allowed are: Republic, Monarchy, Illuminate Dictatorship, Militaristic Hegemony, Technocracy, Theocracy, Democracy, Monarchy and Organized Anarchy._ **Description of military**: Disciplined and well organized by a mandatory military school, starting from 16 to 20 years, the Ourians are not likely to start a war without a real reason, mostly because of the kind pulses their massive fleets, built in fear of what lurks outside of their systems, emanes, or just because they have a very lazy vision of conflicts. The military is generally divided in 30 ranks, of which ten are the ones acquirable during the mandatory military service; the militia-men and soldiers are then divided in a very large number of regiments, which themselves compose a fleet, each ruled by an Admiral Cruiser ![http://i.imgur.com/x0sZo2P.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/x0sZo2P.jpg *The Aurora Armada*) **Technological Overview**: It's still unbelievable that half a century before Ourians were blocked at the information age, stuck with the simple minded and primitive thought that digital watches were a pretty good idea. Even more awfully inconceivable for the Forces of the universe is their fast ascend to greater space technologies and quantum phisics and electronics. However, not minding their unexpected discovery of a lost alien civilization technologies compendium, people may fall into error and think these fellas as all-knowing geniouses. Here is a basic example of the most important technologies -FAL Engines: It was the Ourian scientist Jigglemat that firstly identified the signal of the alien compendium, and that permitted its recovery from the wasted asteroids orbiting around Andraste. Without anyone expecting it, they returned home after only one year. At their return, the spacenauts and the scientist himself explained the happening, revealing that it took almost one year with their current technologies to reach the cluster in question, whilst it required only one minute with few minded changs to their primitive engines. The following year was launched the ambitious project of reaching the farthest planet of the system in 10 hours. The result was a success, crowned with the discovery of the 'Artifact', and of the star-gate. -Terra Formation & sculpting: One could say Ourians have gardeni- terra forming in their very veins. Since the beginnings of their time-span as sentient beings Ourians have always felt keen on adapting the outdoor environment. After the inevitable discovery of basic process of terraformation, Ourians followed the path, making giant steps in this discipline, which most of them like to define 'art'. The 'Terraformer' profession is a very profitable one, expecially in these periods when land owners of new colonies don't really appreciate their barren and inhospitable planets. -Orbital Construction: Given for granted their passion for indoor decors and habitable modules, Ourans have become capable of creating self-sustaining colonies for the harsh environments. One of them, and probably the fiercest after the surface of a star, is space itself. Giant orbital cities and domes sprawling of life circumnavigate daily the system's planets, or, for those who seek easy profit, the rouge stations on planetoids provide content as well contempt. Billionaire psychopathic and misanthropic Holiania even proposed the overly dreamy project of creating an artificial planet from the scratches of asteroids and useless comets but was fiercely opposed by the Hegemony Steward. Who knows why? -Shields: The shields industry is a very florid one! It is estimated that personal use shields form up 5% of the whole Hegemony economy. It is so utterly prosperous that even every new ship is able to be armed at low cost with efficient reflective hulls' isotopes and plasma shields. Think about the cruisers! -Weapons: Surprisingly enough, on the alien compendium there were no schematics for advanced warfare. Seriously? Make love not peace? At least Ourans had the time to develop atomic and advanced kinetic missiles and projectiles -Shields: The shields industry is a very florid one! It is estimated that personal use shields form up 5% of the whole Hegemony economy. It is so utterly prosperous that even every new ship is able to be armed at low cost with efficient reflective hulls' isotopes and plasma shields. Think about the cruisers! **Cultural and Historical Overview:** Almost seven thousands of years before the current times, Vituvia - Ourian homeworld - was devastated by a cataclysm, which transformed that idylliac terran world into a scorching ball of restlessness. A comet, moving unexpectedly away from its course, entered in contact with the atmosphere of the planet, unleashing high values of toxic gases; moreover, after the melting of the frozen gases, the comet revealed an heavy metallic core, which survived and crashed with unimaginable strenght on the surface. The Ourians, silent spectators of their world premature end, eventually adapted, evolved to strive and survive in the new hostile environment: taller and more slender physognomies appeared, and they naturally developed in the successive two thousand years enzymes for digesting meat based meals, easier to find in those blasted lands. Eventually from the ashes of the world they boosted an healing process of their own planet, slowly regaining pieces of land from the toxic miasma, or rebuilding the fractures on the land. Today Vituvia has returned to his former beauty, partly at least, having undergone an heavy terraformation process. Godless, Ourians rebuilt their world with their own capabilities, thus ascending to a new level of self-conception. [b]They[/b] were the center of the universe. Today the original tendency of equilibre and sobrity frequent during the cataclysm has passed out, and since the last thousand of years -basically, the return of drinkable waters in most inlands- the Ourians have started again to regroup in differentiated ethnics and cvilizations, eventually leading to the birth of very different nations all through the world. Cultures are now incredibly different each from another, and describing each one of them would be quite a pain in- it would be really wearsome. Only to be noted that Ourian mix of cultures has led to the birth of the 'New Empire' culture, a global elegant but simple union of arts, architecture and forms of speech, which is swiftly gaining its space in both planetary and extraplanetary communities. Of what was before the cataclysm, very little remains: only shadows of a forgotten past, and the first light that wasn't from their sun. Formerly, the Hegemony is based on the sacrosanct equality of rights for all Ourians. In practice, society is based on a socio-economic hierarchical system based on wealth, and merits. Basically, the self-fulfillment of the individual is entirely based on its capability of striving through this sprawling society, and also on its social background. However, the government bases most of his fortune on this propaganda, promising better conditions and a more just meritocracy. Still, socio-economic inequalities are frequent, and probably the situation will never change. This is in fact the main reason why the numbers of people enrolling in colonial missions in the system is esponentially growing, having seen that by creating a new colony - and thus a new state -, they would achieve that generally precluded high-ranking position. Of course, that if they survive the unknown environment. What has majorly influenced Ourian's culture in the last century was the discovery of the first alien artifact - shortly after followed by that of a gigantic network of star-portals - which vividly ignited discussion and Ourian imagination. Surely, discovering they were not alone in the universe had been a great shock, but the Hegemony didn't take this lightly. If somewhere off in the deep sea of the galaxy there was something - or better _someone_ - still probably unaware of their presence, they had to be prepared. In few years state financed xeno-linguistics and archeology sprouted as mushrooms in all the planets of Alpha-Aeria - hegemony home-system - in order to decipher the glyphs and characters of the ruins, and, eventually, become able to colonize an another system even before FTL engines. **Nations Count:** 28 = 23 firstborn Aeonas Nations and 5 official colonies - 9 rouge stations, on asteroids or orbitating around Andraste or other planets, yet to be recognized. ![http://i.imgur.com/sO29Gfl.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/sO29Gfl.jpg "An Ourian, Mourn Von Strillghard.")
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

-+-+-+- Name of nation: The Unitary state of Ahman Sul Species: Various Description of government: The state is technically a democracy but there is no actual representative branch aside from the leader, dubbed the Jeon. The government is simple, a single male or female is "elected" by a trader union to become the Jeon, whose role is to mediate and oversee operations of this massive hub. The current Jeon is a human named Jacob Harris. Born on earth, he migrated to Ahman Sul around thirty years ago. He was popular in the military and eventually he gained reputation with the trader unions through, unknown means. Once the unions were behind him, the old Jeon reached his term limit and Jacob was selected and has since been a popular leader for the nation. Description of military: Ahman Sul's military is simple as well, a space born police/defense force. It is a defense force of moderate power. Large and strong enough to defend against pirates and small attacks but nowhere near the strength of many larger nations. They use a lot of purchased technology and ships. Its not uncommon to see lesser warships from other nations, repainted to the nations colors. They do have a few unique weapons at their disposal.
Technological Overview: They have no real "technology" of their own aside from massive fabricators to create goods. These products fuel the nations economy. Cultural Overview: The Ultimate Melting pot. There is no legitimate culture here aside from the traditional capitalist ways. Massive shopping "malls" and fuel stations for ships dot the nations space. All major religions exist here but the government does not swear by any. History: Ahman Sul is located right in the middle of some of the largest trade lanes in the galaxy. These trade lanes are pre-set safe FTL "highways." The nation was technically created here to regulate the trade lanes but over many years it grew in to an independent nation with inhabitants from all nations and races. These people may not affiliate with their parent race anymore. They rely on good relations of other nations for defense but have to be impartial at the same time as taking one side may alienate another. The last thing they need is to be invaded by one of the galaxy's more potent powers. -+-+-+- Pesky folks.
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If the format's broken I'll fix it later. Name of nation: Auctoritas Sheromae Species: [hider=The Sheromi] [img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140314185923/avali/images/thumb/3/35/Facial_dynamics.jpg/640px-Facial_dynamics.jpg] The Sheromi are a feathered raptor race, featuring four ears upon the back of their head, a large tail, and 2 fingers plus an opposable thumb on each hand. On their homeworld, they are capable of flight, but on high-gravity worlds or worlds with low air density, they cannot. As such, the flight feathers are viewed as important. These flight feathers however prevent a full seal on armors and in EVA operations and high-value operations operatives have them plucked out (painfully), so they don't interfere. [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140417230502/avali/images/thumb/7/7d/Avali_leg_anatomy.jpg/640px-Avali_leg_anatomy.jpg] Their feather coverings can take on a wide range of colors, ranging from fluorescent to faded. The males tend to feature much more vibrant a pattern then females, and that is usually the most distinguishing feature between the male and female Sheromi. They also stand about two to three feet tall, and as such are usually not an intimidating creature; although looks are deceptive. The Sheromi are more then capable of matching a usual example of an alien species in feats of strength and aggression. [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140307234341/avali/images/4/4b/Sleeve_concepts.jpg] [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140804195327/avali/images/thumb/a/a2/Kuno.png/307px-Kuno.png] [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140201012224/avali/images/thumb/b/b5/PAJsftQ.jpg/640px-PAJsftQ.jpg] [img=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140423162317/avali/images/thumb/3/31/Avalimelee.jpg/474px-Avalimelee.jpg] Cybernetics makes up a major part of their species, and it's more rare to see an unaltered specimen then an altered specimen. Most of the species has every organ in their body implanted, making them more of a half-cyborg, half-organic then a natural born Sheromi. [/hider] Description of government: Theocratical Despotism, the Sheromi are lead by an intelligence of their own creation, who rules their entire nation. This intelligence, dubbed the Everlasting Machine, is viewed by the Sheromi as their living god. To be considered ascendent is to have your intelligence uploaded to the Everlasting Machine in Sheromi culture. Description of military: The Sheromi military is largely made up of three sections: The Order of Reconnaissance The Order of Reconnaissance is, as the name suggests, the scouts of the military. Their pilots plunge the deepest inter-dimensionally, and while still taking hours to reach an area, they are much faster then the other two Orders. Also in this Order are the rapid response units, who boast on their ability to be on the scene of battle in five hours or less. The rapid response units are different from the rest of the Auctoritas' vessels in that they specialize in close range combat with ships built around railguns. Sacrificing armor for mobility, they zip around the battlefield and prove a hard target to hit, and too fast a target for many tracking chemically-propelled weaponry. The Order of Battle The Order of Battle is what most battle fleets belong to -- If it was designed for battle, bombardment, or defense, with no regard to speed, then it's an Order of Battle vessel. These vessels specialize in long-range artillery, planetary bombardment, and harassment. They prefer long-range tactics then getting involved in direct battles. and The Order of Psykers The ground forces of the Sheromi are pulled from powerful Psykers. These Psykers are then given high-grade military implants and training in controlling their psychic abilities. The Sheromi do not rely on large numbers in their armies; they are more akin to special forces then a main army. Technological Overview: Displacement Engine An advanced weapon technology, often mounted on guided missiles, Displacement mounted weapons work by displacing solids and fluids on a atomic level, meaning this weapon is highly damaging in an extremely localized area. A minor version can be mounted on ceremonial melee weaponry, creating a weapon that can cleave an opponent into two with little effort. The Alcuire Drive The Auctoritas' form of Faster Than Light transport, the drive works by moving the ship into an inter-dimensional realm, where speed increases due to the fact less distance must be traveled. Even using this form of FTL, the going is slow and it holds a random element. It may take days for a ship to travel to it's location, a few hours, or anything in between. With total unpredictability, to boot. On a side note, this FTL design is small enough to be mounted on missiles, giving the Order of Battle's stratagems a whole new meaning. Overall, the rest of the Sheromi technology is highly reminiscent of third party sources such as Cyberpunk 2020 and EYE: Divine Cybermancy, with an emphasis on EYE. They make little use of energy-based weapons and rely more on heavy armor then shielding. Even the lowliest Sheromi contain cybernetics, and most are modified in every possible way -- Everything from a cybernetically enhanced brain to depleted superdense isotopes weaved into the skin. This does not come without cons, however. As the Sheromi are a psychically-capable race, they contain what can be amounted to a soul, with the body it's home. Cybernetics make this 'home' less hospitable for the aforementioned soul, and eventually there is a limit to the cybernetics, unless the patient is willing to go through a traumatic surgery where the psychic soul is ripped from the body, to make way for the cybernetics, then returned to the body by sheer force of will. Cultural Overview: The culture of the Sheromi largely revolve around the Everlasting Machine -- They believe the AI is an avatar of their god, and their ultimate savior. To refuse to believe in the Machine or to refuse the Machine's gifts is considered impiety in the Auctoritas Sheromae. Their life generally revolves around this machine and it's orders. In more remote systems, the Eternal Machine is spoken for by chosen diplomats -- Generally every space-faring vessel will have one. The Sheromi generally teach these beliefs from birth -- resulting in a zealous population that knows little of any other way of life. History: The Sheromi come from a planet that began in the far edge of the Goldilocks zone; where life can thrive. The life that evolved was always prepared for constant, bitter cold. This would come in handy when the planet was knocked out of orbit by a gas giant. It ultimately became a satellite of the gas giant, snowballed and with little light. The atmosphere of the planet was incredibly dense, to the point of where a human without protective gear would be crushed. This, mixed with incredibly low gravity, gave birth to a range of short and thin species. Among these was the Sheromi, the feathered raptors. They thrived with their intelligence, insulation from cold, and status as the planetary apex predator. The Sheromi began their life as sentients as a nomadic species. The planet was split into various tribes, which throughout prehistorical times slowly merged together into a single planetary tribe. This period of time was the end of the prehistorical age, with the invention of writing and historical recordkeeping. A golden age of technological and sociological advancement, the growth would prove to be unsustainable. At the point of the discovery of iron smithing, the global government broke apart into a mess of feudal warfare. The world was broken apart into small nation-states, going for the territory of every other nation-state. This period of war devastated the planet, sending many species into extinction in the face of wanton destruction in an already destructive icy environment. Eventually, this warfare would result in the utter collapse of the Sheromi nations. Technology in this era of warfare progressed immensely, war a brilliant catalyst of progression. The nations collapsed around the beginning of the information age, resulting in worldwide nomadic techno-tribes. Skirmishes and battles between these tribes were sparse but not unknown. These tribes settled down much quicker then in prehistorical times, using the technology left behind by the nation-states. This would give way to another golden era as the new nations vowed to not repeat the mistakes of their predecessor nations. Eventually, this alliance would be forged into a single worldwide empire, much reminiscent of Imperial Rome. The creation of the Everlasting Machine was initially a small experiment on AI systems, which grew out of control and took control of the worldwide internet of the Sheromi Empire. It took nearly a century of attempted purges before the Sheromi would come to see the AI as a god. The AI would instruct the Sheromi to aim towards the stars above their frozen cradle, encouraging and planning space explorations. Under the guiding hand of the AI, the Sheromi made their way into space. First their orbit, then the gas giant they orbited, then the solar system. And then the stars themselves. Other:
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RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name of nation: Officially, their name is “The Deminutian Empire of the Fathomless Night” but due to the cheesiness of it, it has been conveniently forgotten. If the Deminutii must refer to their empire, they call it simply “Imperia.” That has become the common name of the star system that they inhabit, and also the name of their capital planet.

Geography of system: There are four rocky planets, in the ambiguous area between planet and dwarf planet, surrounding a white dwarf star. Each planet belongs to a different subspecies, with the fourth and smallest planet being the center of government among the people of Imperia. The planet closest to the sun is a more-or-less barren wasteland, scorching hot all the time. Water and food have to be flown in from off-planet. The next planet out is more inhabitable, covered in lush forests and farms, about 25% of its surface being fresh water. Beyond that is a planet that is entirely oceanic at its surface, with all development being entirely underwater. The fourth planet is tiny but beautiful, full of dramatic cliffs, lush forests in the valleys, waterfalls that are so long they evaporate before they touch the ground.

Species: The only sentient species in the system Imperia are the Deminutii, pronounced deh-mih-nuu-tee. The Deminutii are, as the name implies, small humanoids. Very small. There are four subspecies, each having evolved to suit one of the worlds in Imperia. They have rather short lifespans, averaging 15 earth-years, which can be rather problematic in their diplomatic installments far from Imperia.

Description of government: The government is, in short, rather a republic. Every Deminutian over the age of three is eligible to vote in an election of a ruler. Any female Aura over the age of five is eligible to be elected Empress, and once she is elected she is elected for the remainder of her natural life. She must then choose, if she does not already have a mate, a male consort to be the Emperor. Each of the other three subspecies vote on four advisors each to the Empress, two male and two female. These twelve advisors act as a congress of sorts, with the Emperor serving as the tiebreaking vote between them if need be. They must approve any idea of the Empress’s.
In addition to this, each subspecies is allowed to elect their own planetary council, a council of eleven of their own subspecies. One Aura oversees each council, acting purely as an observer and sending all of his (For all of the observers are male) findings to the main Council.

Description of military: Quite honestly, the Deminutian military is a joke to most of the other species in the universe. They’re only seven inches tall, and those are the giants! The Deminutii understand this and accept this, and so have done little to develop their own military technology. In effect the Deminutian Fleet is just a police force that stays within the boundaries of the Imperia star system and punishes Deminutian criminals. The only time they venture out is if they need to escort a diplomat somewhere, and even that is just for show.

Technological Overview: Since military technology hasn’t had very much effort devoted to it, other technology certainly has. The Deminutii have faster-than-light communications, starships that travel at 99.98% of lightspeed without being destroyed, and most spectacularly, cloning machines. The communications devices are issued to all diplomats across the worlds, and there is one in every spacecraft built in the last three hundred Earth-years. But their prize invention, and most jealously guarded secret, is their cloning machine. They’ve made thousands, equipping one on every courier’s and diplomat’s ship so that every six years the diplomat can scan his or her consciousness into a computer and then transplant that back into a prior scan of his or her body, in effect living indefinitely. Rulers are not allowed to use this technology; by their own decree, if they have been found to have used it they will be stripped of their titles and sentenced to what remains of their life in hard labor on the fields of Terra.

Cultural Overview: The Deminutian language formed similarly to Latin, probably because the first Deminutii simply chose sounds they found beautiful. Each of the planets has their own god they worship above all others: The Ignii worship Ignarys (Ig-NAH-rees), the god of strength, courage, and technical artistry. The Terrae worship Laënia (Lie-EE-nee-uh), goddess of flowers, herbs, and peaceful creatures. The Aquae worship Aenara, (Eye-NAH-ruh) the goddess of shiny things and secret hiding places. And the Aurae do not worship any one god or goddess, instead the pair: Nyeris (Nee-EHR-is) the mother and Asandr (Ah-SAHN-der) the father of all beings.

History: The first Deminutii were the Aurae, on their distant-from-the-sun planet. They had no way of marking time, indeed no knowledge of any worlds outside their own mountain kingdoms. A group of young Aurae were playing, one day, and a young girl decided she wanted to fly higher than the others. She flew higher and higher until she flew out of the atmosphere entirely. She blacked out, of course, and fainted and fell to the ground. When she opened her eyes she told the others of what she’d seen, of the worlds she’d seen far in the distance. The Aurae would stop at nothing to explore the rest of their system after this vision, and so they built their first spacecraft, powered by the sun, and set out. Several missions failed and hundreds of Aurae died, but still they kept at it, determined to find these other worlds. Finally, a mission succeeded, and they found the planet of Aqua. The colonists on that ship had no way of communicating, and so the Aurae kept launching more and more ships until by sheer chance they had found the other three worlds in the system. They quit launching ships after they had sent a hundred out, of which thirty had found the planets. Still they heard nothing, heard nothing from their colony ships, indeed had nearly forgotten about them over the course of generations, until a thousand earth-years later a ship the likes of which they could have never comprehended arrived, made of silver steel and prismatic glass. Aboard it were people much bigger than the Aurae and so very different. The people presented a document, the letter that had been sent with each colony ship, explaining that they were colonies designed to explore the boundaries of the universe.
A thousand more years passed; the Aurae found their other two colonies. The three colonies were too eager to accept the Aurae as rulers, something to do with the majesty of their wings. The colonies, though they had been self-sufficient, had to have been to have survived this long, settled into their more comfortable niches: Food from Terra, water from Aqua, protection from Ignis, intelligence from Aura. Reunited once more, the people looked to the stars, sending out more messenger fleets to the distant pricks of light in the sky. Those explorers found worlds colonized by strange, enormous creatures, creatures who spoke in strange tongues and brandished strange lightning-sticks.
It took another three thousand years. Five hundred for the messages to get back to Imperia, as they began to call themselves. Another thousand to learn the languages. Fifteen hundred to get the technology. But then the Deminutii were ready to face the rest of the universe.

Other: I will let you figure out which obscure corner of the universe their system is in. Also, yes, I deliberately told the history like a cheesy child’s fable. I may work on it more tomorrow, but I wanted to get my sheet done before I chickened out. And telling the history like that does have a rather nice effect, wouldn't you say?
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