Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RemStryx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Normal was a very funny word. Reina didn't like the word and it never really applied to her. Reina wasn't "normal" or at least in her mind she put herself in a different category from everyone else she met. Maybe to other people she seemed like a nice girl with her head on her shoulders and a dream that she was willing to sacrifice for. In reality though she was just anti-social and was following a laid out path that was put before her by her overbearing parents. From a young age, Reina's parents had over looked her every move and made sure they did their parts to put their daughter at an advantage over other children. Being the only child, it wasn't too hard for her parents to make sure ever detail was perfectly planned. Even the private school she was attending was another step to her path of becoming a doctor just like her father. It was a perfect plan, but Reina just wanted to be able to go about her life with no worries and be herself... well one day she was able to find one thing that wasn't listed on her drawn out path.

As the bell rung, signalling the end of the school day, Reina hurriedly packed up her books and pens and started to make her way out of the classroom before the traffic in the hallways became too thick to walk through. Even if she did attend a private institution, the children there were still eager to get out and go home to do something other than sit in a classroom. Even though the brunette had ample amount of time to get to the library, she still wanted to make sure she was there early and ready to begin her weekly study lessons with her teacher and tutor. These regular meetings had started when Reina had started to have trouble with one of the subjects she was learning. Foreign languages had always been hard for her, so the teacher was kind enough to take notice and offer to help her. Reina was a bit hesitant at first, but she figured that a little help wouldn't hurt her.

Reina got herself into the library and sat down at the table that was hidden between tall walls filled with books. The two of them were practically hidden and people usually weren't in the library so it was a relatively private area. The teen reached into her briefcase looking bookbag and pulled out a small round mirror and began to fix her hair and apply a little bit of chapstick. She wanted to look good, her heart beat just a little bit faster knowing that her teacher would be coming any time soon. Reina didn't know when this started, but she had begun to develop feelings for her teacher. Granted, Reina was only 17 years old but she was still a woman too! It was unexpected, yes, but she was happy when she was with him... he was special to her, and even if her feelings weren't returned, she was happy to have known him.
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Hibiscus the Wise

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

To teach well is to teach from the heart, not with the heart. It seemed that there was more on Mr.Roman's mind than grading papers. He recently started meeting with this new student in his Latin course for study sessions in the library. Everytime he would get there, the scent of her perfume would put him at ease and the soft look of her lips after applying chapstick made it even harder to resist her. He knew that she was always excited for their private study meetings, but was it for the same purpose? He was glad that he could see her for more than an hour a day. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with her, and that was a fact. It was like her soft brunette hair was a web that he couldn't break free from, and he was held captive in it. He would stay willingly.

He strolled down the stairs with his lesson plans and study guides tucked under his arm, peeking into the library to see if she were there. She was, and his heart melted a little. She had just finished touching up her hair and put on his favorite chapstick that she wore. He took a deep breath and walked in, clearing his throat to announce his arrival. "Hello, Reina. How are you? Did you enjoy the lesson today?" He tried to keep it casual, but excitement peaked in his voice. He tried to adjust the lesson plans as to how she had explained was her preferred method of learning, but he didn't think that he had noticed. "I brought you an extra study guide just in case." He slid it over to her and sat down across from her, his leg accidentally brushing hers. "Sorry." He mumbled, flipping through papers, trying to distract himself from the thought of how soft her skin was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RemStryx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Just as she was finishing up, he teacher had walked up to her, the sound of him clearing his throat causing her to look over at him from her mirror. "Good Afternoon, Mr. Roman." She smiled a bigger smile than usual. Other students didn't get to see this side of Reina, and she was glad that it was this way. She got to give something to Mr. Roman that other people didn't get to experience and she was able to show it to him in some sort of repayment for how he made her happy. It was a small thing, but she wanted to thank him even if it was in a small way like a smile. "The lesson was great! I think I understand the prefixes and suffixes more. I really enjoyed the activity! It really helped me a lot." She started, looking down at the paper that was handed to her, "Oh, thank you. You're so thoughtful." She commented, watching the other male sit down across from her. The girl absentmindedly stretched her legs towards the man, wanting to get closer to him, but she pulled back when their legs had touched.

"Oops." She giggled softly. Reina looked down at her paper, her cheeks tinted a slightly from excitement of even touching her teacher's leg. Maybe that was a bit of a childish thing to do, but... It was nice when little things like that would happen. Reina looked up from her paper, seeing that the man was busy flipping through his study plans. Mr. Roman never really showed much of a sign that he was into her or not. so it was hard to judge what was going on in his head sometimes. Was this how adults were like? Reina pouted, taking her eyes off of him to reach into her bags for her Latin material and a pen. Maybe today could be the day that she would confess to him? She had been thinking of how and when she wanted to come out to Mr. Roman. Early on she had decided to tell him when she felt like it was the right time, but knowing her time at this school was going to end after that year was beginning to make her anxious. It was only the 1st quarter of the whole school year so she still had some time. Reina looked up at her teacher, a small smile settled on her plush lips as she leaned forward a little. Was today the day? She wanted to wait, but at the same time it was hard to keep her voice back as it began to come up her throat, "Um... Mr. Roman, is it okay if I asked you something?" She said in a lower than usual tone, her hands in her lap as she played with her own fingers nervously.
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Hibiscus the Wise

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Her giggle made his heart soar and the corner of his lips twitch in a smile. He peeked up from his papers and saw her blush, which he thought was adorable in a childish way. When she looked up, he looked back down. He didn't want to tell her about his feelings, knowing how bad problems would arise. And it was unprofessional. As he would say to try to convince himself that flirting with a minor wasn't worth it. There was just something about Reina that made him think of her all of the time.

When she asked, he smiled at her. "Yeah, of course. Ask me anything you'd like, Reina." Maybe she would confess her feelings? Or maybe she knows and didn't want to be tutored by him anymore. He calmly folded his hands on the table and leaned forward, playing the 'interest' card. "If it's about the test, everything you would need to know is on the study guide that I gave you, I'm sure. I also added some helpful tips in the back of the packet for you." He noticed how unsettled she was. He wanted to hold her tiny body close to his own and stroke her hair, to tell her whatever she was worried about won't matter because he'll make all of the problems in the world go away, just for her. Instead, he just held his breath.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RemStryx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thump. Thump. Thump. Reina could feel her heart beginning to push against her ribcage as her teacher gave her the go ahead and leaned himself on the table. It was embarrassing that she couldn't remain as calm and collected as her teacher seemed to be. Then again, he probably didn't even think of her in the way she thought of him. "Oh, of course..." She commented, looking down at the paper in front of her. It was true that she was slightly worried about the exam coming up, but Reina had other things on her mind at the moment. Should she confess? Should she just blow it off and act like she was trying to ask a question about the exam or something? Reina gathered some fabric into the palm of her hands and let out a sigh. It was either now or never and she couldn't keep blowing it off.

With a deep breath, the teen finally came up with a resolve and looked at Roman straight into his eyes through his glasses. "I know this might seem a bit odd and a bit strange, but please hear me out." The teen tried her best to keep eye contact, her hands balling up into tighter fists. "You're a wonderful person, Mr. Roman... and I really do appreciate everything you've done for me... but there has been something bothering me in the past couple of weeks. I know you might get this a lot, but I just wanted to let you know..." Reina paused, looking down at the table nervously. The teen wasn't shaking, but she was scared of what her teacher would say about this random confession. "I... have feelings for you, Mr. Roman." Her voice was low, scared of what Roman would tell her, but also to keep others from possibly hearing. "I-I understand if you don't return my feelings, but I would really enjoy studying under you. A-And if you're uncomfortable I would understand if you would want to stop tutoring me! I just... needed to let you know that I l-like you."

With that the teen bowed her head slightly before looking up with hopeful eyes. It was scary, confessing in front of an adult who might not even harbor the same feelings as her.
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Hibiscus the Wise

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

His eyes widened with each word that she spoke. "I...Reina, you know that this is a very, very inappropriate topic to discuss." He cleared his throat and couldn't help but noticed that his leg was pumping up and down out of a nervous habit. "So...you like me in a romantic sense?" He leaned back in his chair, trying to seem relaxed. On the inside? A horde of butterflies were banging around in his stomach. He never knew he could get like this again. "I'm also much older than you, you know." It kind of made him feel insecure, like he was too old for her. He was only in his 20's.

"I could also get fired if someone started a rumor about us being in a serious relationship." This is where his true fears came out. "I...don't want to...not..see you again." He was fumbling over his own words now. If he told her, what would happen? "Reina...I feel the same way. But...this could be dangerous." He mumbled to her, looking around to see if anyone was listening. "We can't go on as a serious relationship. The risks are too high."
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Hibiscus the Wise

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

His eyes widened with each word that she spoke. "I...Reina, you know that this is a very, very inappropriate topic to discuss." He cleared his throat and couldn't help but noticed that his leg was pumping up and down out of a nervous habit. "So...you like me in a romantic sense?" He leaned back in his chair, trying to seem relaxed. On the inside? A horde of butterflies were banging around in his stomach. He never knew he could get like this again. "I'm also much older than you, you know." It kind of made him feel insecure, like he was too old for her. He was only in his 20's.

"I could also get fired if someone started a rumor about us being in a serious relationship." This is where his true fears came out. "I...don't want to...not..see you again." He was fumbling over his own words now. If he told her, what would happen? "Reina...I feel the same way. But...this could be dangerous." He mumbled to her, looking around to see if anyone was listening. "We can't go on as a serious relationship. The risks are too high."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RemStryx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Holding in her breath, Reina wanted to hide her face. Of course it would have been an inappropriate conversation. What was she thinking, that Roman would just accept her advances with open arms regardless of their circumstances? It was silly of her to even bring up her hopes like that. "I'm sorry... but, yes. I like you like a woman is attracted towards a man." She explained, her voice low and lacking that usual excitement. Reina listened to her teacher, feeling scolded for what she had done. The teen wanted to get up from her chair and run away. She had always gotten what she wanted from her parents, but now that she finally faced denial in the face it was hard for her to keep her composure as her eyes began to water up.

Suddenly, Roman spoke up and revealed that he had indeed felt the same way about her as she did him. Hope filled up her heart, and the teen looked up from the spot on the table that she had been previously staring at. "Y-You really mean it?" She asked, holding her hand up to her eyes to wipe away some of her tears. She felt silly, crying over something like this. She was supposed to be mature and someone Roman would like. Not some sniffling child that still needed guidance. "I-I understand..." She muttered, looking down at her study guide silently. Quietly the teen thought over what had just happened and tried to figure out how to respond to it. Well it was true that Mr. Roman was older than her, but he wasn't that much older than her. "You know Mr. Roman I do turn 18 in about 7 months... I'm not a child anymore. It's not like you would be prosecuted if I gave you my consent. Besides, we wouldn't have to let those at the school know. We could find somewhere safe to be together." She muttered before shaking her head to herself. "It's not use though isn't it? I would hate for you to lose your job over me. It's okay."

Reina took in a deep breath and stood up from where she stood. "I... Need to go home now." She gave Roman a small smile and began to pack up her things. Once she was done, the teen bowed her head and spoke, "I'm sorry to have inconvienced you," before turning to leave the library. Her tears were welling up and it was only a matter of time before they overflowed her heart.
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Hibiscus the Wise

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It took him a few moments to think things over. Everything seemed to have hit him all at once, and her absence didn't help any. He wanted answers, he wanted to know why, out of all people her age, she would like him. He wanted to know if she would really risk it to be with him. He quickly packed up what he could, messily shoving papers into his bag. She was halfway down the hall when he caught up to her and took her by the arm.

"Wait." He panted. "I...I want you to know that if we do this... you can't tell anyone. If you do, you could risk my job. Hell, I could even be thrown into jail." He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand and tucked his glasses into his shirt pocket. They were for reading after all. "I want to be with you Reina. You make me really happy, and as much as I want to I just...can't control my feelings for you. You're sweet, kind and beautiful." Words were getting caught in his throat.

"That being said..." He took out his cellphone and checked the time. It was almost 6. Would you...like to get some takeout?" It was his lame excuse for dinner, because a teacher and his 17 year old student going out to dinner together didn't seem right. It would only give people a reason to become suspicious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RemStryx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As soon as Reina felt that she was at a safe distance she allowed herself to shed a few tears. Of course it was a foolish thing to do, how could she ever have thought that a man like Roman would love a child like her? It was a cruel thing of the universe to do, to have made them born years apart that it made it impossible for their feelings to be accepted. Even thought it wasn't the end of the world. it was a hard thing for Reina to comprehend and grasp seeing that it was her first love and this was something that she hadn't been directed by, by her parents. Maybe it was safer to just listen to them? In that case she would never get too badly hurt.

Just then as she was wiping a tear away from her cheeks, a strong force gripped back at her ar and pulled her back. The teen was startled for a moment, letting out a small noise of surprise. When she saw it was just her teacher, she gave him a confused look. "What's wrong?" She asked, before the other began to speak. Reina's eyes opened wide, not expecting what she was hearing. So Roman would take the chance on her? Oh, this made her so happy! Reina smiled, wanting to jump up into Roman's arms but she refrained herself and just smiled. "I-I don't know what to say." She said with a blush forming on her cheeks. He called her beautiful and sweet, and that alone was enough to make up for the rejected feeling she was feeling earlier. "I completely understand, Mr. Roman. Don't worry about a thing!" She chimed, jumping slightly.

Reina watched Roman, looking down the hall as she thought quietly to herself. "I actually drove here today... so if you don't mind I could just follow your car?" She suggested, "Besides, I can only be out until 9. My parents keep a strict schedule..." She muttered quietly to herself. Thinking of her parents caused the teen to furrow her brows slightly. "They don't really care where I go, just as long as I'm home in time." She explained before smiling again. "So shall we head off?"
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Hibiscus the Wise

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"You can call me David." He mumbled, shoving his bag over his shoulder. When he saw how happy his words made her, he smiled softly. "Yeah, I suppose we could do that. But I can speed a little so if I'm going too fast, flash your headlights. Also, don't worry. We could watch a movie at my place. I-If you want! I mean...yeah." He felt like a high school kid again, getting nervous around girls. He walked her outside and shivered. It was getting cold, and he realized that she only had a sweater. "Here, take this." He shed off his jacket and placed it around her shoulders. "I don't want you to get sick. That means you'll miss my class." He smirked.

"So where's your car? By the entrance or in the back parking lot?" He asked, squinting into the lot and digging for his keys. He didn't drive anything too flashy, just something that his dad used to drive. It was rusted in the back, but still ran pretty well. "And where do you wanna eat? Chinese? McDonalds?" He looked up to look at her.

He hadn't been in a relationship in a long time, so he didn't remember exactly how these sort of things would go. "I'm not picky. My house is full of takeoiut containers and all, so please. Whatever you'd like." He chuckled, looking down at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RemStryx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh... Okay, David." She said, letting her teacher's name roll off her tongue for the first time. "That's kinda weird to say, I think I might just stick to Roman." She giggled, her hand grasping the leather strap of her briefcase like bookbag. "That sounds wonderful to me," She said, moving slightly closer to the older male. With that the two of them were off, walking together side-by-side and Reina wouldn't have it any other way. It was a bit sad that she couldn't hold Roman's hand, but she would wait until it was the right time. For now things were at a content level. Once outside, the cold wind blew against her body, causing her to shiver because of the lack of clothe she had on for the weather. "Oh wow it's cold. I didn't expect it to be this cold." She muttered quietly before a warm coat was place upon her shoulders. Looking up, Reina gave Roman a smile and huddled up even more into the warmth. It smelled just like her teacher, and she couldn't help but let out a blissful sigh. "You're right, that would be a horrible thing to happen." She nodded before reaching into her sweater's pocket to retrieve her own keys. Reina drove a model of the year car, in a shiny black color that her parents had given to her for passing her SATs and ACTs with high scores.

"Oh I parked it up by the front. I don't really like going to the back where all the annoying people are." She explained, rolling her eyes a bit at some of the antics she had encountered the first couple of times she was forced to park in the back of the school. Reina hummed to herself, wondering what she was in the mood to eat. "I know a nice authentic italian place not too far from here. We can get something there? I kinda want to eat some spaghetti. Besides, my mother would kill me if she knew I was eating fast food." She laughed a little, reminding herself of the diet her mother put her on. At home they only ate together two or three times a week, but her mother made it known that she did not want her daughter to eat fatty foods that would make her fat. After all no man wanted an ugly girl. though she had her mother to thank for her appearance now. If it wasn't for her she probably wouldn't go to the gym and eat healthy foods. "It's near downtown, do you know where it is?" She asked, the restaurant she was talking about was one of the more expensive choices of foods, but to her it wasn't too terribly expensive. After all her father was a doctor and her mother a secretary to a very good lawyer.
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Hibiscus the Wise

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He's never have anyone prefer to call him Roman but the principal, who usually called teachers by their last names anyway. He listened to her talk and nodded along. Even just listening to her speak was enough to make him happy. "Wow, I wish my mother had put me on a diet when I was younger." He pat his stomach and chuckled. "Well, maybe I should just follow you there instead." He was a little worried about the price, since he didn't have much on him, but he shrugged it off. There would probably be an ATM close by. One thing was for sure, he wanted to take her home with him. Not more anything lewd, just to be with her, alone. He looked around, and knowing that the school's security guard wouldn't be watching the cameras, he leaned down and kissed her on the top of her head. "I'll be right up front in a minute,"

When he got to his car, he slid into the seat and rolled down the window a little, letting the air blow through. He leaned back and sighed. "Finally." A huge grin spread on his face. "She's finally mine." He sighed, shook his head and pulled out of his parking spot. He saw her car and gawked at it. It was way nicer than his, and he was the adult. He followed her into some place downtown, a lot of shops and restaurants were located here. He parked across form her and quickly hustled over to her car, opening the door for her. It was something he remembered that girls liked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RemStryx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

With a giggle, the teen shook her head slightly and said, "I think you look fine, Mr,Roman." It was going to take a bit of getting used to, to call the other by his official name now, but when she caught herself she just covered her mouth with her hand. When the plan was decided she nodded her head and pulled the jacket tighter around her smaller frame and just as she was about to move, the older male had leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. Reina was frozen in place for a moment, a blush warming her cheeks as she quietly nodded to Roman before walking off quickly to avoid her embarrassment from being shown. Once she found her car, she slipped in and had a mini freak out over the events that had just unfolded. Here she was sitting in her car, wrapped in her crush's jacket, about to drive off to get some food and spend time with him other than learning about Latin.

When she was buckled into her seat, and made her way to the front of the school and met up with her teacher's car. The car itself wasn't nice like her's but she didn't pay any mind to it. If anything she thought it was kind of school. Reina had always been attracted to things that were less than perfect, or not "normal" because it reminded her of herself in a way. Once they were ready she lead the way to the restaurant downtown and parked a block away from the restaurant. They were going to have to walk since she didn't see any parking in front of the store. Looking outside she saw that Roman was making his way to her car and before she could open the door herself, he was already doing it for her. "Thank you." She said happily, grabbing her purse from the passenger seat before getting out of the car. "The restaurant is a block from here down that way." She explained, beginning to get off of the street as she pushed a button on her key chain to lock her car. Reina was still wearing roman's jacket, having had put her arms through the sleeves. It was a bit big on her, but she didn't care too much about that. She was just happy to be able to wear it.
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Hibiscus the Wise

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He nodded as he held the door open. "Not a problem!" Once they started to walk, he noticed how loose his jacket was on her. It made him laugh and he cuffed up the sleeves for her. "Alright, that's fine." He looked around and stayed close to Reina. A lot of crime could happen downtown, and he didn't want Reina to get hurt. He wanted to pull her close to him by her waist, but that just seemed like it should be held off until a later date.

At times, their hands would touch and he would want to hold hers, but David was afraid of people seeing them, and just nervous in general. Her hands were so warm and soft, while his were a little bigger and much warmer. "So, Reina, this is your opportunity to tell me about yourself." He looked down at her and reached up to push a strand of her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RemStryx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Reina pouted slightly as the other began to roll up the sleeves to fit her better. It felt like she was being treated like a child, but she let it slide as they began their journey down the block. Reina at times would move closer to the other male, wanting to be in a more intimate position, but she knew that it would be risky even outside of school. At least to others it would look like Roman was walking with a niece or maybe a younger sister. If only she looked older it wouldn't have been a problem. Sighing to herself, Reina would just settle with what they had now. When her hand would brush the other's she would smile, relishing at the small touch. Occasionally she would do it on purpose just to feel him. Humming as the other spoke up, Reina looked up and smiled softly when her hair was gently caressed. "There really isn't much to say about me... I guess one thing I could say is that... I like to collect antiques." She said, placing a delicate manicured finger on her chin in a thinking manner. "What about you? Do you have something interesting about yourself?"
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Hibiscus the Wise

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Antiques, huh? That's cool. I used to play the piano." He shrugged it off like it was nothing, but he actually wanted to impress her. "I used to play it like there was no tomorrow. I'd push off my studies for it, even my friends. Playing it would make all of the problems in life just melt away, you know?" He sighed as they approached the restaurant and held the door open for her, smiling when she did. The waitress looked at Reina and then at David. "Table for two, I assume?" She sounded a little jealous and bitter, but she covered it up with a smile. "Yeah, that's correct." The waitress kind of pouted and looked at the available tables. "Alright, come with me." When they were walking, David hesitated between holding Reina's hand or just leaving at his side. He reached out and softly grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together. He leaned down to explain. "Everyone is to busy eating. Nobody will notice." He whispered.

Once they were seated at the table, they were given two cups of water and a pitcher in case they ran out. With the bright lighting in the restaurant, Reina really did look like an angel. He cleared his throat softly and looked into her eyes. "Reina? When did you...start developing feelings for me? Why did you start, anyway? There are plenty of guys your age that are drooling over you." It wasn't that he wanted to end what he had just started, he was just curious as to why she chose him instead of anyone else. "I'm only curious." He added, hopping that if he offended her, that would cover it. He took a sip of his water and sighed. It was cold and refreshing, and the sound of the ice clinking against the glass distracted him from bad thoughts. He looked back at Reina.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RemStryx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Reina's eyes lit up when Roman mentioned the piano. "Oh really? You should definitely play something for me one day! I bet it would sound lovely if you spent so much time with it." She hummed, placing her hands together. Just then Reina spotted the restaurant they were heading to and pointed it out to the other. The teen quietly followed her teacher into the restaurant as he took the lead and placed a reservation for the both of them. The girl could tell that the waitress seemed uneasy, but she just blew it off and focused on her date for the evening. "The food here is very good." She added as they both walked through the the tables filled with people who were well dressed and couples whom were enjoying eachother's company. Suddenly her hand was grabbed, and when the strong hand that was holding her's intertwined with her own delicate fingers, she couldn't help but blush. "M-Mr.." She started, her voice being hushed as the man explained. "I supposed you're right." She giggled, moving her body closer to his as they continued.

Once they got to their table, Reina took her seat and took off the jacket to place it on the back of the chair since the restaurant was warm. Reina began to fix her hair, pushing the neat curls closer to her head to help them keep their form. Once she was settled, she looked at Roman with a smile, her hands neatly placed on her lap as she listened. The teen couldn't help but pout at the question thrown her way. Was Roman that worried about her reasoning why she liked him? Honestly, she had never really thought of why she liked him, but she knew that she was very attracted to the older man. "I..." She started, pushing some of her hair behind her pierced ear. "Well it started after about 4 weeks. I just really liked you and you were always so kind to me. Plus you're very intelligent and besides most of the boys my age are complete idiots." She started, her disdain for others clearly showing out in her choice of words. "I mean I don't know if you've noticed or not but I am pretty mature for my age and those other kids don't know what responsibility is. They just joke around and act like they can get everything they want just because of their position or name." It was true that some of the kids that attended the private school did come from wealthy families and it would have been logical and beneficial to her to marry one of those boys.

Reina sighed, looking down at her hands, "To be honest I don't want anything to do with those boys. They could never give me what you have... You just have this air about you and I was just drawn to it." She explained, smiling as she ran a finger over her manicured hands. "I don't necessarily love you, but I do admire you in a way, and you make me happy."
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Hibiscus the Wise

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He listened to her reasoning and nodded. He understood where she was coming from. When he went to school, all of the girls only wanted to prove their worth by sleeping with a certain amount of guys, or having the most money. Things never change, do they? He couldn't help but feel a soft blush when she complimented him, though. "Reina, you are one smart cookie." He joked, a small chuckle rising from him. When she mentioned her not loving him, he raised an eyebrow. "Not just yet you don't. Just wait until I start grading papers." He smiled, flashing his bright white teeth.

The waitress came around again with some menus. "I'm sorry for the wait. When you've decided on what you would like, flag me down okay?" She bowed slightly and scurried off again. This made David's brow furrow, but he didn't pay any mind to it. "This place is much better than takeout Chinese food, I'll give you that." His eyes flicked side to side as he read. After about 2 minutes of silence between them, he put the menu down and looked at her. He could feel himself give a half smile. "Well, I've decided on what I want. What about you?" In his mind, he was deciding if she were a salad or a pasta type of girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RemStryx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Reina smiled, giggling at the other's comment. "I'm not that smart." She retorted, kicking her feet lightly. "Come exam time you better not give me a better grade just because you like me. Others might get the wrong impression." She said as a tease, but there was some seriousness behind her words. It was true that if out of the blue that she started getting better grades that some students might get the wrong idea. It wasn't like she had a bad reputation as it was. Some other students didn't like her and if they were caught together some speculation might arise that she was sleeping with Mr.Roman for better grades. That's why it was even more important for her to be graded equally or even harder than her peers. "Lets not talk about school now, though." She added, wanting to spend the time with Roman as a woman and a man who were attracted to one another. Not as student and teacher.

When the waitress came around she accepted the menu with a 'Thanks' and began to look for the meal she usually ordered when she came. The waitress was a little bit more casual than the ones that usually served her, but Reina just figured that the woman was a new worker. "I told you, and you should try some of their garlic bread! It is to die for." The teen hummed as she looked through the menu. The restaurant wasn't a fancy restaurant but it was above average and that's why Reina liked coming. It was good food away from the annoying rich adults that went to the fancy places her parents usually took her. Her parent's weren't wealthy enough to be considered millionares, but they did own a large 2 story home and had some help around the house. It never occurred to her that Roman wasn't part of her world in that sense. Never in a thousand years did she think that it would become a blessing or a curse to have been born with a silver spoon in her mouth when it came to love.

When Roman called out to her, she nodded and spoke, "I'm going to get Spaghetti a la Puttanesca." She said, pronouncing the words fluently. Reina was actually part Italian from her mother's side of the family and she had learned how to speak it from her and relatives that would visit often when she was younger.
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