Normal was a very funny word. Reina didn't like the word and it never really applied to her. Reina wasn't "normal" or at least in her mind she put herself in a different category from everyone else she met. Maybe to other people she seemed like a nice girl with her head on her shoulders and a dream that she was willing to sacrifice for. In reality though she was just anti-social and was following a laid out path that was put before her by her overbearing parents. From a young age, Reina's parents had over looked her every move and made sure they did their parts to put their daughter at an advantage over other children. Being the only child, it wasn't too hard for her parents to make sure ever detail was perfectly planned. Even the private school she was attending was another step to her path of becoming a doctor just like her father. It was a perfect plan, but Reina just wanted to be able to go about her life with no worries and be herself... well one day she was able to find one thing that wasn't listed on her drawn out path.
As the bell rung, signalling the end of the school day, Reina hurriedly packed up her books and pens and started to make her way out of the classroom before the traffic in the hallways became too thick to walk through. Even if she did attend a private institution, the children there were still eager to get out and go home to do something other than sit in a classroom. Even though the brunette had ample amount of time to get to the library, she still wanted to make sure she was there early and ready to begin her weekly study lessons with her teacher and tutor. These regular meetings had started when Reina had started to have trouble with one of the subjects she was learning. Foreign languages had always been hard for her, so the teacher was kind enough to take notice and offer to help her. Reina was a bit hesitant at first, but she figured that a little help wouldn't hurt her.
Reina got herself into the library and sat down at the table that was hidden between tall walls filled with books. The two of them were practically hidden and people usually weren't in the library so it was a relatively private area. The teen reached into her briefcase looking bookbag and pulled out a small round mirror and began to fix her hair and apply a little bit of chapstick. She wanted to look good, her heart beat just a little bit faster knowing that her teacher would be coming any time soon. Reina didn't know when this started, but she had begun to develop feelings for her teacher. Granted, Reina was only 17 years old but she was still a woman too! It was unexpected, yes, but she was happy when she was with him... he was special to her, and even if her feelings weren't returned, she was happy to have known him.