"Oh, I see." Reina nodded, figuring it was a stupid question on her own side. Of course Mr. Roman was a busy man, but still she would have figured that the other male would have possibly met somebody when he had be younger. Possibly a woman who he would have liked to settle down with. It was a sad though to think about the other with another woman, but she was glad knowing that Roman wasn't taken and that she had a chance to be with him. However, the girl realized that their relationship wouldn't be as traditional as any other couple that was currently dining in the same restaurant as them. "Well I guess it would have been an awkward situation if I didn't like you." She mused, "Had you confessed and I didn't like you I supposed there would have been some issues." Reina frowned, and was about to say something but the food had arrived and she felt her stomach growl at her. The spaghetti looked very good and she thank the waitress before letting her go tend to other tables. Reina followed suit and place a napkin over her lap like she did when she was at home. "Yes, it looks and smells heavenly! I haven't eaten since lunch!" She exclaimed as she eagerly picked up her fork and began to eat the meal by picking up the spaghetti with a fork and then proceeded to spin it on a spoon before placing it into her mouth. "Delizioso." She hummed after swallowing before giggling at the other's comment. "Well of course, takeout couldn't compare to this." Reina continued to eat, looking up at the other occasionally. Sometimes she would extend her leg to touch the other's foot as she would sometimes do during her tutoring, but this time she would let her foot linger instead of making it seem like an accident. The teen blushed slightly, hoping the other didn't mind her touching him as they ate.