Reina smiled, giggling at the other's comment. "I'm not that smart." She retorted, kicking her feet lightly. "Come exam time you better not give me a better grade just because you like me. Others might get the wrong impression." She said as a tease, but there was some seriousness behind her words. It was true that if out of the blue that she started getting better grades that some students might get the wrong idea. It wasn't like she had a bad reputation as it was. Some other students didn't like her and if they were caught together some speculation might arise that she was sleeping with Mr.Roman for better grades. That's why it was even more important for her to be graded equally or even harder than her peers. "Lets not talk about school now, though." She added, wanting to spend the time with Roman as a woman and a man who were attracted to one another. Not as student and teacher.
When the waitress came around she accepted the menu with a 'Thanks' and began to look for the meal she usually ordered when she came. The waitress was a little bit more casual than the ones that usually served her, but Reina just figured that the woman was a new worker. "I told you, and you should try some of their garlic bread! It is to die for." The teen hummed as she looked through the menu. The restaurant wasn't a fancy restaurant but it was above average and that's why Reina liked coming. It was good food away from the annoying rich adults that went to the fancy places her parents usually took her. Her parent's weren't wealthy enough to be considered millionares, but they did own a large 2 story home and had some help around the house. It never occurred to her that Roman wasn't part of her world in that sense. Never in a thousand years did she think that it would become a blessing or a curse to have been born with a silver spoon in her mouth when it came to love.
When Roman called out to her, she nodded and spoke, "I'm going to get Spaghetti a la Puttanesca." She said, pronouncing the words fluently. Reina was actually part Italian from her mother's side of the family and she had learned how to speak it from her and relatives that would visit often when she was younger.