Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Orca98


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Shiro stifled a yawn, the smell of baking pastries and coffee wafting through the room making her feel strangely safe and sleepy. Like when her mother used to make cookies and hot chocolate on cold, Winter days. With a pang of guilt she walked into the shop a little more, wiping away the tears that had welled up in her eyes from the over-sized yawn and stood next to Aaron. He seemed a little.. off compared to everybody else. Was off the word, or was he normally so tense and withdrawn, like there was a constant war going on within his own mind? "Hey, you alright?" She asked softly, gently elbowing him beneath the ribs, just so she was sure Aaron was aware of her presence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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The voice continued to implant thoughts into Aaron's head until he was brought back into reality by another voice. He jumped slightly before realizing where he was, "Oh hey, sorry I was..thinking about what my familiar would be. I'm fine though just a little anxious ya'know?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Ryu turned towards Sakura "so how exactly does getting a familiar work then do you summon it of something" Ryu had that particular question bugging him for a while now and it had finally become to much to contain and had to ask not knowing something was something he hated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Orca98


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Shiro studied Aaron's features for a few moments, ponderingly. Gauging his reaction. Furrowing her brow, she nodded slightly, the action slight and almost discernable. "I don't think I would know," she replied by means of acknowledgement, relaxing once again as she looked away from Aaron and towards the many pastries and cakes on display, all of which were tantalisingly out of reach, protected by a glass pane. She signalled towards the food, "but I'm sure it won't be edible. Want one?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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NekoJordan said
Uta-san looked at Lis with a confident face "Only the finest pudding in Hibikiaru love." Uta-san said

"yes!" She said pumping her arms then rolled over to the counter to order a couple of sweets. As she approached the counter she noticed shiro staring at the one behind the glass "are you going to get something too?" She asked as she got up to the counter and ordered her pudding
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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Orca98 said
Shiro studied Aaron's features for a few moments, ponderingly. Gauging his reaction. Furrowing her brow, she nodded slightly, the action slight and almost discernable. "I don't think I would know," she replied by means of acknowledgement, relaxing once again as she looked away from Aaron and towards the many pastries and cakes on display, all of which were tantalisingly out of reach, protected by a glass pane. She signalled towards the food, "but I'm sure it won't be edible. Want one?"

Aaron shrugged approached the display, "Sure why not, I'm sure I got some cash on me. What do you want? My treat" He needed to clear his head, I could use a drink he thought as he looked to the person behind the counter, "Hey can I get a coffe with French vanilla and my friend here will have-what do you want?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Orca98


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Well - actually...," Shiro began, but Aaron was faster and was already halfway to the counter and placing his order in. She gave up before she'd even began, any meal was good and if it was free - even better. Apparently Aaron was nicer than he had appeared just seconds ago, or perhaps that was just the promise of food talking. "I'll take the biggest jam doughnut you've got!" She announced in an authorative voice and a curt nod towards Lis. The attendant gave a tight-lipped smile as she placed both the doughnut and the cup of hot liquid atop the counter.
"That'll be ¥3.25," the lady behind the counter muttered as she took Aaron's money without a word. "I hope you have a nice day," she finished, the acid in her voice contradicting her words.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

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nookzer said
Ryu turned towards Sakura "so how exactly does getting a familiar work then do you summon it of something" Ryu had that particular question bugging him for a while now and it had finally become to much to contain and had to ask not knowing something was something he hated.

"Good you should ask that Ryu." Sakura said as she pulled out a couple slips of paper. "Here each of you take one of these slips of paper." Sakura announced as Shinji took one of the slips. "In order to summon your familiar for the first time you'll need one of these slips." Sakura said "Take the slip and hold it in front of you focus your mind on the paper only. Think of a goal your own personal goal not the goal to become the strongest group of mages. Think of the one thing that only you'll be able to achieve with a familiar. Once you find it focus on embedding it into the slip of paper." Sakura explained slowly as Shinji holds the slip and thinks to himself. "I'll find her. I'll find my sister no matter what.I'll prove she isn't a traitor." Shinji thought and thought but nothing happened no matter what he did nothing happened to the paper. "It's not working. Why isn't it working?" Shinji said angrily "Stay calm Shinji." Sakura said comforting Shinji "Keep trying." She added. "Okay" Shinji said as he focused back on the paper "I can do this. I can do this." The slip starts to glow bright red "It's working!"Shinji said as it the light grew brighter and brighter when suddenly the paper is engulfed in bright silver flames. Shinji panics and drops the paper stomping on it with his leg that was cut up. a few of the wounds on Shinji's leg begin to open up and bleed badly. "Shinji! Your leg! You're bleeding!" Sakura cried as she grabbed a first aid kit out of her bag. "Shino! Help me bandage him up!" Sakura yelled over to Shino as she rushed to open the kit and take out the bandages.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Ryu looked at Shinji wide eyed at Shinji's fallen form "what the hell does he cut himself every time he does magic, how does that even work!" he also ran towards Shinji and began to help bandage him along with Sakura and Shino "guys a danger magnet."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Toby was suddenly awaken from his nap. "What the hell." He mumbled hearing someone shout commands and notices Shinji's leg bleeding. He rubs his eyes and walks over to them yawning not really showing a panic to the situation." What's going on?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

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"Hey only enhancement spells take their toll on the human body." Shinji said angrily. Just then a slow clapping was heard at the doorway "Shinto why are you here!" Sakura asked Shinto who was standing in the doorway "I came to see how the traitors kid brother was doing as well as to give him a bit of a fighting chance." Shinto said arrogently. "What..are you..talking about?" Shinji asked while in pain as Shinto gave a big crazed grin "I came to give you a little challenge from yours truly. Fight me Shinjimoto! Fight me and I'll take back what I said about your sister! Sounds like a good deal right?" Shinto said crazily "You're crazy Shinto! There is know way Shinji can fight in this state!" Sakura said full of anger. Just then Shinji put his hand on Sakura's shoulder. "I accept Shinto!" said Shinji "Great glad you are cooperating." Shinto said "Shinji you cant fight in this condition besides you don't have a familiar!" Sakura said concerned for Shinji "Don't worry have faith Sakura." Shinji said looking at the group "None of you interfere this is between me and him." Shinji said in a serious tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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Aaron watched as Shinji stood up to face Shinto, he wanted to help but shinji said this was for him to deal with. But Shinto was a third year, he could easily take down Shinji if he wanted to, plus Shinji was already injured from his earlier stunt.You can feel the anger inside you growing, so why not let it out? Why be "the better man" when you can show that kid true power? Just let go, let your anger take you, let all the hate rage on in you. Then you'll see, they all will fall in line behind you. Trust in me and you will bethe strongest mage there ever was, the voice he Aaron suspected to be his familiar returned. This time, however, he could speak back to it.

What do you want from me?

To help you realise your full potential. Trust in me and I will show you true power.


When the time comes you will know.

Well can I at least know who you are?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

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"Uta-san may we use your arena please" Shinto said as he looked towards Uta "Sure why not I'm eager to see how this turns out." Uta-san said with a eager smile "Uta-san are you nuts at this rate Shinji will die before he can find his sister!" Sakura cried as tears came to her eyes Shinji then placed his hand on top of her head "Sakura please believe in me." Shinji said as he looked towards the others "All of you believe in me if I cannot beat Shinto now then...I am not fit to become the strongest mage along with you all!" Shinji added as he walked over to the arena Shinto followed. "So Shinji I hope your ready to lose?" Shinto said with a grin as he held his arm into the air "Faithful guardian of the black flames hear my voice! I Shinto Kamito now release you from your shackles! Come forth! Spirit of Amaterasu!" Shinto chanted as black flames surrounded his body "Now Shinji meet my familiar!" Shinto shouted as a black nine tailed fox made of black flames was shown. "Now Amaterasu attack!" Shinto cried as the black flame fox attacked Shinji causing him to fly back into the wall. "Shinji!" Sakura cried "He can't be...no!" sounds of rubble was heard hitting the ground as Shinji came falling out of the wall. "Shinji!" Sakura cried "Stay back!" Shinji said quickly "This is my fight and no matter what...I will win!" Shinji cried as he stood up and Sakura gazed at him "He really is your brother.." Sakura thought to herself as she wiped her tears."I realize now my goal earlier was wrong!" Shinji said walking up to Shinto "My goal all along was not to find my sister and prove she is not a traitor, no. My goal...was to become the strongest mage and beat you Shinto Kamito!" Shinji announced his true goal as he he held his left arm into the air. "Guardian of the moon hear my plea" Shinji said as bright silver flames emerged and surrounded him. "I, Shinjimoto Kagemura call to thee become my familiar and follow me as your master!" More and more the silver flames emerge as Sakura looks in shock "Shinji thats the chant for..." Sakura thought to herself "Come forth, Familiar of Tsukiyomi! Surround my enemy with your moons light!" The flames engulfed Shinji's entire body "Nice try your gonna become ashes before your familiar arrives!" Shinto cried as a bright silver fireball was shot from the flames and hits the black flame fox destorying it. "Amatersu!" Shinto cried as the flames around Shinji disperse revealing Shinji who's left arm is covered in silver flames and is holding a gun. "You lose Shinto." Shinji said calmly. Shinto looked down at Shinji's leg and is shocked to see the bandages gone and his leg healed. "How your entire body should be crushed even your leg was in bad shape!" Shinto cried "My familiar the spirit of Tsukiyomi weilds healing properties. Thus my leg is healed." Shinji said calm as ever. "Shinji you did it!" Sakura cried as she hugged Shinji "This isnt over! There is still the festival tournament!" Shinto said running away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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Aaron's eyes widened as a result of what he just saw. Even the voice in his head seemed to be surprised as it said, I have not seen power like that in quite some time..

"Still think you can make me the most powerful mage?", Aaron replied to the voice in his mind. Even if it meant he would not be a successful mage Aaron was happy he wouldn't have to deal with such a malevolent being. There was a silence from Cairn before he spoke again. He may be powerful but that is only with the aid of his familiar. With your inner strength and my power the two of us could easily defeat him., even though he didn't admit it Aaron did like the sound of that. If Cairn could give him more power than what he just saw then he was very interested.

"So what do you need me to do?", he asked it in his mind.

When the time is right I will give you the incantation to summon me. Do that and your oath to domination will begin
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FluffFluff
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Lulia was sat for a while in the librarg going over the same few paragraphs explaining how to summon a familiar, "incantation" she muttered to herself quietly, as she began thinking. Just then she felt a gentle poke on her arm, lulaia ignored it and went back to her reading acting as though it was nothing. Another poke in the same place, then another. It kept happening till she looked over at a small child with short blue hair, blue eyes and was in a white dress. The little girl looked like a extremely normal 7 year if it wasn't for the fact no one could actually see the girl besides lulia. "Go away" lulia said. "But I came all this way to find you! Why did you leave me behind?" The girl asked with a pout. "Why should I have brought you? Your just a silly little haullucination that just stays round to anoy me" lulia answered. The girl sat down at the chair opposite lulia, a pout still upon her face. Now she was more higher up she could see lulia was reading a book. "What you reading" she asked interested, "its nothinbg your tiny brain should worry about" lulia said as she got up and walk off with book in hand, the blue haired girl jumped down and followed, her head tilted to the side she could just about read what the cover said "fam-ili-ars?" The girl said "oh your trying to learn how to summon a familiar?" " none of your beeswax" lulia said.
Lulia had walked through the school and outside and round the back where she wouldn't be spotted by anyone, the girl had followed her. "I could help if you like" the girl said as she sat down where lulia had placed the book. "I can do it myself" lulia said. " whatever you say" the girl said. Lulia was stood infront of the girl, she stood there calmly, her eyes shut and her breathing low. She opened her eyes suddenly and began saying something which she thought would work as an incantion but nothing happened. Once again lulia tried and fail. The girl giggled "I'm still here if you want help I know how to summon a familiar" the girl said but before she was allowed to speak again lulia shot her a glare as to say 'say one more word and I'll cook you up for lunch'. The girl became quiet and sat there watching
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