Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
Avatar of Kurisa

Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Kan nodded as Kaizo grabbed hold of both woman, shunpo'ing them to the surface seconds before the webbing attempted to grab them again. Once at the top, Kan let go of Hana's hand as the latter wiped her forehead. Looking over at Kaizo, Hana leaned closer to him and looked down at him. Both women where about 2 inches taller than Kaizo which was now visibly seen since they weren't in darkness anymore. She asked with a confused expression. Kan instead only looked down at the woman she was holding in wonder before looking up... Her eyes widened for a second as she spotted Huerona's body lying on the floor, also seemingly knocked out. Looking down once more, Kan pursed her lips. Kan uttered to herself quietly.

As the two women stood up Kaizo noticed they were taller than him which was odd, one then asked him how he got in here prompting him to shrug "I have no idea. I was just looking at Rio then suddenly I blanked out and woke up in here...so beats me really. And...well I don't really know but I'm guessing this is Rio's inner world?" Kaizo was still pretty confused about some stuff...but one thing was made clear, whatever happened to that woman happened to Rio which was a bad thing...if anything it made him glad he didn't continue to attack her
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
Avatar of Kurisa

Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zane620 said
"Indeed we do..." Yu said thinking that most would likely think him, still not accepting the fact Shinji turned on the soul society, would be retarded of him. When she asked if they can kill them, he gave a shrug in return. "Depends, the leader they want alive, but if hes proving to hard to bring back alive, we are allowed to kill him. His little squad however, are left up to us if we decide to let them live or not. This would be a simple matter for me, a gang is of no issue. So I decided to let someone who would gain from this to handle it. However, i do either want that hand healed or bandaged first. While im not your captain or a captain. I still want it done beforehand."

Shizuka looked at Yu then listened to him speak "Could we not just say the leader was proving hard to capture and thus we had to kill him?...He's just scum at the end of the day...he's only going to die eventually, we may as well just speed up the process.." Shizuka then looked to her hand as he spoke about it "It's not bad...but fine have it your way" Shizuka then reached into her left sleeve with her right hand then pulled a long bandage out of her sleeve and wrapped it around her left hand "Now can we go kill these pieces of shit?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kurisa said
Shizuka looked at Yu then listened to him speak "Could we not just say the leader was proving hard to capture and thus we had to kill him?...He's just scum at the end of the day...he's only going to die eventually, we may as well just speed up the process.." Shizuka then looked to her hand as he spoke about it "It's not bad...but fine have it your way" Shizuka then reached into her left sleeve with her right hand then pulled a long bandage out of her sleeve and wrapped it around her left hand "Now can we go kill these pieces of shit?"

"Leaders usually are, its either they succeed or struggle and resist. And their are many types of scum in the world. Like petty robbery of something simple, while some can consider the person to be scum, it wouldn't be right to go and kill them for that." Yu said and watched her say her gushing hand wasn't bad but bandaged it anyway which made him give her a questioning glance. "...... You are an odd one. Oh well, we all have our quirks, besides not like I can judge." Yu said as he motioned for her to follow him and shunpoed at a reasonable enough rate that she could keep up with. Within a few minutes they would arrive in the district where in the distance was a little hideout with guards on standby. Yu sat down on the roof and looked at Shizuka. "Well go on then. I'll step in if I feel you are about to die."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Hana looked at Kaizo with a raised eyebrow, placing her hands on her hips. I see... And yes, that is where you are. Since this is an extremely rare occurrence, might as well introduce myself" Clearing her throat, Hana smiled politely. "Hello Kaizo, I'm Hana, one of Rio's slash Huerona's Zanpakuto spirits~ And this woman beside me is Kan, Rio's slash Huerona's other Zanpakuto spirit~ No need for you to introduce yourself, we already know alot about you~" She grinned and motioned to Kan when speaking about her, meanwhile Kan continued to look between both Rio's and Huerona's bodies... until she noticed Rio twitching in her arms.

Kan's eyes silently widened a touch as she watched Rio's body continue to move until the her eyes fluttered open. This promoted to look towards Huerona's body, who too was waking up. "Hana, 'getting-to-know each other' time is over. They're both waking up..." Kan gently placed Rio down onto the floor after she sat up and looked around. "Thank you Kan..." She whispered while on her feet.

Rubbing her eyes gently, Rio looked around, her sight landing on Kaizo before a small smile lit up her face. "Kaiz-"

"You worthless... useless... good-for-nothing... pieces of shit!!" A voice sounded from where Huerona was, gradually growing angered. Immediately Rio's face straightened as she gritted her teeth a little. "So you're still alive..." Huerona slowly picked her body off of the ground, her eyes glowing a searing red with nothing but pure rage... She flicked her head up to look at the group, before setting her eyes on Rio. "And soon you won't be... I won't let invalids ruin my plan! You fucking thief!" As Huerona gathered her energy, her tails lifted off of the ground from behind her.

Kan looked at Hana with a serious expression before slight confusion crossed her face... Hana was in fact smirking at Rio. "Hana? What are you thinking?" The woman turned her smirk onto Kan, beginning to grin a little. "Kan, I think it's time~ There's only one way I know that Rio could win this and put an end to it all~ Besides, I think she's earned it, you?" Hana asked as Kan started to catch on to what Hana was talking about. The latter then smirked a little, crossing her arms. "I see. Well then, let's do it."

At that moment, Kaizo would of been forced to wake up, opening his eyes to find himself in the area he once was with an unconscious Rio laying on top of him.

"Rio, me and Kan have a gift for you~ Use it wisely alright?" Rio's ears suddenly perked up at the sound of Hana's voice as she looked back over her shoulder at the woman. "... Okay... I will" Rio agreed despite not knowing what Hana was talking about, however whatever it was would be better than nothing at the moment... "Good." Kan cut in before the two spirits began smoking... Purpley-black smoke emitted off of the two before wrapping around them and both of their smirking faces. The smoke thickened as it continued to travel faster around the two individually.

This, of course, caused Rio's eyes to widen, having absolutely no idea as to what the two were up to. Huerona couldn't help but watch the odd occurrence. "Whatever you two are doing IT'S NOT GOING TO HELP!" She yelled but did feel a little worried... She knew not to underestimate those two...

Two cords of smoke then travelled to Rio's arms; one cord from Kan's smoke tunnel that latched onto Rio's left, and one other cord from Hana's that latched onto Rio's right. Rio just let her arms drop and relax as the cords wrapped around her hands and then travel up her arms. She trusted her spirits and so she let her body be smothered by the smoke cords as they covered her before a visual boom from Rio's position caused the smoke to clear the area. A strong gust of wind burst through the world, blowing Huerona's hair and tails back. The latter quickly threw up her arms and closed her eyes to shield her face from the smoky wind.

Once the area was cleared of wind and smoke, Huerona looked around frantically. Her eyes widened once she noticed that all of the tree's black leaves had been blasted off of the branches, leaving all of them completely bare. Gritting her teeth hard, she looked over to Rio's area... Both spirits had vanished, but what made Huerona's eyes widen further was Rio's look... and dramatic power increase.

Rio stood with both eyes closed, holding a large Kunai with glowing red markings on the surface of the blade in her left hand while her right hand, fingers and forearm was covered by a Gauntlet which also had glowing red markings on the surface. The long part of her hair seemed to of been tied up by strips of red smoke while the end of her ponytail also began smoking with the same type of smoke. Parts of her hair pointed and curved upwards while the rest of her usually shorter hair straightened and pointed to the ground. A scarf and belt of thick red smoke wrapped around her neck and hips, along with this her clothing was torn as a large red marking was added to it on both sides.

Huerona's eyes reverted to normal size as she continued to observe Rio, the latter was just standing there with her eyes closed. After a moment of silence had passed, Huerona grinned evilly, straightening herself up with confidence. "Is this it? Was this all you lot had planned?! A change of appearance won't help you at all!!" The woman began chuckling, the joyous sound turning into a hearty laugh after a few minutes. "HONESTLY I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU THOUGHT THAT THIS WOULD STOP ME!! HOW PITIFUL!" Huerona continued to laugh loudly and obnoxiously as she took a few steps forward, flicking her tails up and over her head to point them at Rio. After a short while the woman quietened down, leaving behind a confident grin. "Time to end this once and for all~"

Rio's left eyelid opened slightly, leaving her looking at the floor. "I concur." Her eyelid then slid completely open, revealing her plum iris. However, her right eye stayed sealed shut. She seemed calmer than ever as she turned her body to address Huerona. Her face was serious, but a relaxed seriousness, almost looking bored. Huerona only continued to grin before breaking into a run, sprinting towards Rio, yet the latter stayed still and didn't move an inch, only watched.

The two clashed with a mass of dust kicked into the air before it cleared with Huerona standing behind Rio, a little space between the both of them. Huerona straightened her body before looking back over her shoulder, still grinning maniacally while chuckling a little. She watched, expecting Rio to collapse or something... but nothing, the girl hardly moved, in fact she didn't even flinch...

"Lower." Rio suddenly spoke, still not moving at all. Huerona's eyes drifted down, stopping at her lower right tail. At first, it looked as though it had a light scratch which made Huerona raise an eyebrow.... but then within another second, her tail shattered. Huerona gasped at this, the whole length of her lower left tail had crumbled completely. "Wh-what" She let out shakily before glaring at Rio. "Nice try but not going to work." As Huerona spoke, at the base of her lost tail more crystals began sprouting out of the area before the tail completely grow back, as good as new. "Heh, neat trick wouldn't you say?~" Huerona chuckled once more, receiving no response from Rio... This began angering Huerona as a short growl vented from her throat. "HEY I'M-!" Huerona started yelling but was stopped by her top three tails shattering abruptly. Her eyes then widened as she glanced up at the falling shards before looking back to where Rio once was... "Wher-?" The girl had disappeared... but then her voice-

"Here." Rio answered before Huerona could even gather her thoughts to ask the obvious question. Looking to the left of her, Huerona managed to get a quick glance before her left eye was drowned in red. The woman yelled in pain as she felt the sting of a large slice down her left cheek reaching her jaw line. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Cupping her cheek, Huerona looked to her left again to find Rio had disappeared again. This caused the woman to frantically look around, slowly taking steps back before finding Rio in the same spot she started in, but this time just looking at her.... She didn't speak, only stared at Huerona.

This shook Huerona's confidence as a spike of sudden fear pierced through her body at that moment... Gritting her teeth once again, Huerona quickly gathered herself. "I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU!! I WILL KILL YOU!!" Regenerating her three tails, Huerona jumped high into the air before diving for Rio. "COCKY BITCH!"


"Ulgh.... huu....hu...." Huerona collapsed to her knees onto the floor, gasping and panting while Rio stood in the same spot, merely watching Huerona without a single scratch. Looking down, Huerona dug her finger into the dirt as her arms shook. "How... is this.... h-happening... to m-me...." She uttered to herself, her body bruised and covered in various deep cuts... Blood from her face dripped onto the dirt, soaking into it... along with a few tears. "Sh-she... stole my b-body... this isn't.... right...." Growling once again, Huerona blocked out her feelings and dragged her body to stand. Her right arm was smothered in blood as a deep cut that stretched from her shoulder to her elbow refused to stop bleeding. Lifting her head up, she looked at Rio once more, her teeth grit as hard as possible while her glare pinned to the woman... Said woman who only just stared back. "ARRH! STOP LOOKING AT ME!!" Rio hadn't spoken for a while, only just watched at Huerona and waited for the latter to attack first... She wouldn't even attack when Huerona was sprouting a load of insults and death threats for everyone Rio knew and cared about... no matter what Huerona said, Rio wouldn't retaliate unless Huerona attacked first...

Huerona's anger was off the charts at this point, the mere presence of Rio threw her into a vengeful rage... "WHY WON'T YOU FUCKING DIE ALREADY!" Standing straight, Huerona sent the seventh set of regenerated tail at Rio all at once, the tips aiming for the right side of Rio's head since her right eye was still closed. Huerona hoped that this was a blind-spot... clearly just trying anything and everything in a bid to even just scratch Rio, or atleast get her to talk...

As the tails grew closer, within a split-second of reaching Rio's face, the latter lifted her right hand. The tips of her fingers and thumb caught the tips of all five of Huerona's tails. The pressure was unbelievable, Huerona couldn't move her tails forward at all... And when she tried to pull them back, Rio only moved her hand toward her to keep hold of the tail's tips. Then, Rio started to walk, finally moving at a pace that Huerona could follow... but this made Huerona panic.

Huerona pushed against Rio's gauntleted hand, but that did absolutely nothing to stop Rio's slow advancement. After a few more steps, Rio stopped suddenly, making Huerona question what she was up to until Rio closed her hand. She did it so fast that Huerona couldn't follow... before Huerona knew it, the tips of her tails were crushed by Rio's hand. The force of this echoed up each tail, making them all shatter once again.

"Let go Huerona..." Rio's voice surrounded Huerona's hearing, the words seemingly coming from every direction although Huerona's eyes didn't move off of Rio's body. She then gasped as Rio suddenly appeared right in front of her after being a comfortable distance away a second ago... Huerona couldn't act, she was too paralysed to move or even breathe... Her panic only escalated further as she felt Rio's right gauntleted hand travel up to cup her left cheek. "Huerona... Stop this.... This isn't you..." Rio held Huerona's face firm with her right hand. "... L-Let me go!" Huerona shrieked, still too paralysed with fear to do anything....

Rio looked at the girl before slowly opening her right eye. "Look at me..." Once it was open, Rio's right eye gazed deeply into Huerona's. A bright flash blinded Huerona's vision abruptly before....
"Mother! I passed with one of the highest scores in all of my classes! I can't believe it, soon I'll be able to join Squad Six finally!" Huerona looked up at her mother with a joyful grin, beaming with happiness.

Ronda smiled down at Huerona, giving the girl a hug. "I'm so proud of you honey, I knew you'd get such great marks~ You are an Umeko after all" Chuckling a little, Ronda let go of her daughter. "Why don't we celebrate your graduation? This is an important occasion after all~ Oh how my little girl has grown up so well" Ronda smiled brightly at Huerona, which Huerona rolled her eyes at with a smile of her own. "Oh come on mother, I'm not a little girl anymore and haven't been for a long time" Ronda chuckled a little at this. "You may be right, but you'll always be my little girl, no matter how mature or old you are heh"

"Mother... I miss you so much... but I will never be able to accept what you did to me... Surely there was another way..."

As the light faded, memories of Huerona's began playing... it was as if both Rio and Huerona were watching Huerona's memories.

"Did you enjoy you graduation sweetie?" Ronda asked as the two walked through a forest towards their house. "I really did, today has definitely got to be the best day of my life! You know, we should celebrate more occasions" Huerona grinned as she spoke, following behind her mother. "Just as an excuse to spoil you right?" Ronda added with a chuckle. "Well, more as an excuse to do something nice together instead of train 24/7" Ronda continued to chuckle before it slowly died down. Stopping, Ronda turned around and smiled down at Huerona. "That would be wonderful" Ronda continued to smile, however a tear unexpectedly left her eyes.

Huerona stopped after her mother did before raising an eyebrow as her mom started crying. "What's the matter mother? Are you Okay?" She asked, extremely concerned. Ronda wiped her eyes before pulling Huerona into a tight hug and whispering. "Huerona Umeko... Hari... I want you to know that no matter what happens, I love you so very much.... Everything I do is for you... my only daughter... I want you to grow up strong and wise... Be the best you can ever be and never give up no matter what.... I only wish that I'll be around long enough to see you grow up.... but I know that is a wish that won't come true...."

Huerona was extremely confused at this point and didn't really know what to say... Lifting her arms, she hugged her mother back. "Erm... I don't know what this is all about.... but I know you love me and I love you too mom.... So why are you saying all of this?" Ronda pulled back, still crying as she held her Zanpakuto hilt tightly in her hand. Huerona looked at the sword in even more confusion... "You want to train now?.... Or is something happening?.... Mom, I'm confused.... What's going on?" The girl questioned.

Ronda inhaled before speaking again, her tears continuing to stream down her cheeks as her face drowned in sadness. "I'm... I'm sorry honey.... I promise... it shouldn't hurt..." Huerona's eyes then widened as silence fell over the area...

"She knew what would happen and planned out everything.... During that time, my only goal was revenge... I wanted revenge for the deaths of people within my clan... and for the pointless murder of my father and Kazuhiko's mother.... I wasn't stupid, I knew exactly what happened despite how I acted. I pretended to have no clue and acted as though I was lost to what really was going on... but I knew exactly. Ursula killed so many people... I wanted her dead.... I wanted to be the one to free our families... Mine, Souta's and Konome's, Patrika's, everyone's... especially Kazuhiko's.... Little did I know, my mother was planning the same thing... I don't agree with her methods... There could of been another way.... but, I wouldn't of been able to stop her none-the-less... Besides, I was the main component of her plan, the key to it being successful... or more you were...." Huerona's voice continued to echo as Rio gained access to more of her memories.

"M-...mot...her..." Huerona looked down to find that Ronda had stabbed her sword through the middle of her torso... "Why?..." She then passed out, caught in Ronda's arms. "I had to honey... to save you...." Ronda whispered. There was no wound, however Ronda's blade had disappeared, leaving behind only the hilt.

Rio was only able to recall waking up at Squad Six after that event had happened, meaning Ronda must of purposely blocked out that part of her memory... which begged the question of what else had Ronda made certain that Rio and Huerona would never find out?... "After my mother had stabbed me, I was dragged into my inner world, straight into the lake... An effect of my mother's Zanpakuto clearly... She must not of expected me to survive what happened or more she must of counted on me being trapped in that web, whatever it is.... However, as I fell, I caught the ledge and pulled myself up immediately before stepping back away from it and sitting down... I was out of breath, panicked... alone... scared... clueless... and trapped... I didn't know what to do... all I did for however long was scream and yell for help... yelling questions that never received answers... I figured no one could hear me after a while, but I didn't stop... I attempted to leave multiple times, but the lake had a barrier.... so I couldn't do anything but yell and scream... or cry.... As this went on, my emotions were slowly changing... corrupting... soon I felt nothing but hatred, it was either that or just want to die.... You don't know what it's like to be in literal darkness with no one other than yourself for company... What it's like to be plucked from the outside world and sealed away all of a sudden.... Then to be replaced with a completely different person in the same body, living my life... You can't blame me for turning out the way I did...."

The memory of Huerona being sealed away played next... the thought of it made Rio's heart drop.... She was able to feel everything Huerona did during that time... Able to feel her emotions whirling into nothing but anger.
Another flash of bright light flickered through Huerona's eyes before she was brought back to her inner world.

Rio immediately noticed a change in atmosphere, mainly to do with the change in Huerona's aura... All of that anger and rage had been replaced by sadness, which was displayed through Huerona's face being nearly brought to tears due to having to re-live the most painful moments of her life....

Rio stayed silent, her lips turning into a saddened frown.

"S-so... there you g-go... I d-don't want to be a-angry anymore.... I... I don't want to b-be anywhere...." Huerona's looked down as she accidentally let a tear drop before instantly wiping her eyes and trying to steady her shaking voice. "But... I've got to.... thank you for.... letting me.... avenge my father.... free my mother... and my clan..." Huerona uttered before taking a deep breath.

A short silence past before Huerona spoke up once more. "... What now?... You've won... this is your body now.... so do I just disappear or?..." Huerona asked, looking to her left with her eyes on the ground...

Rio thought for a moment before leaning forward and wrapping her arms around Huerona. This made Huerona's eyes widen, however she didn't respond negatively to the action, instead she hugged back tightly. This made Rio faintly smile. "No, this is [i]our
body... You belong here just as much as I do... we are one in the same, yet have slightly different personalities.... You're not going to disappear... Besides, like mother said, never give up.... And I wouldn't of been able to defeat Ursula without you.... I knew it was your crystal power.... I thought it was our mother's at first but it didn't feel like mother..... It felt different, and now I know... it was yours.... You freed our clan" Rio's form soon began turning into smoke, drifting away from her before forming into both Hana and Kan. Huerona's tails had also reverted back into her body, showing that she had truly given up on wanting to take back her body. If anything, this felt... better

Both Hana and Kan watched the two for a moment before Hana let out a relieved sigh. "I'm glad that's over~" Kan nodded at the statement. "However, this does pose a question... I guess now the both of you will be habiting this body, interesting" Kan looked at the two as they pulled apart and looked at the spirits. Rio smiled a little. "I guess so" Huerona then took a deep breath before rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. "Erm yeah... I'm sorry for everything.... Honestly, I really couldn't stop myself... eheh" Hana walked over to Huerona and instead of being mad at her like Huerona expected, she hugged her. "Don't worry about it, we know~ I'm just glad no one died heh" Huerona hugged back before smiling herself, uttering. "Me too"

Rio then stepped back to give herself some space. "I should get back to the Soul Society, no doubt Kaizo must be worried..." The three said their goodbye's before Rio woke up, returning to reality with the ordeal officially over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
Avatar of Kurisa

Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zane620 said
"Leaders usually are, its either they succeed or struggle and resist. And their are many types of scum in the world. Like petty robbery of something simple, while some can consider the person to be scum, it wouldn't be right to go and kill them for that." Yu said and watched her say her gushing hand wasn't bad but bandaged it anyway which made him give her a questioning glance. "...... You are an odd one. Oh well, we all have our quirks, besides not like I can judge." Yu said as he motioned for her to follow him and shunpoed at a reasonable enough rate that she could keep up with. Within a few minutes they would arrive in the district where in the distance was a little hideout with guards on standby. Yu sat down on the roof and looked at Shizuka. "Well go on then. I'll step in if I feel you are about to die."

"Hm..." Shizuka listened to Yu call her odd which made her question herself for a second however found nothing odd about herself. Yu then shunpoed off clearly she was to follow and did so, she shunpoed at a speed that kept up with the one he had set however her shunpo seemed almost lifeless, She'd appear and disappear in a near enough standing position while maintaining decent speed. Soon enough they arrived on a roof top which Yu sat down on, he then spoke, telling her to go on with it. Shizuka looked at the guards, she thought instantly about how she could handle them...Shizuka then shunpoed down to ground level and looked to her left hand which was still bleeding rather badly. Shizuka then began walking towards the guards, pulling the bandages down from her face. She then took a deep breath as she then brought upon a brighter and softer look to her face as she then approached the guards, as she got close to them she made her walk seem a little weaker as she held her left hand with her right as she then spoke to the guards in a soft voice "E-Excuse me...c-ould you please help me? I-I've wounded my hand rather badly" As she said this she took her right hand off her left showing them the palm of her left hand which had bloody bandages wrapped around it, her left hand was held out to one of the guards as her right fell to her side. as they'd get closer Shizuka would fire a hado 4 from her index finger on her left hand through one of the guards chests, at the very same time she threw her right arm up towards the other guard, her knife sliding out to her right hand as she slit his throat as the expression on her face turned cold once more
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu observed what she was doing and even was shocked himself when he saw her pull off that innocent side, when he not even a minute ago saw her stabbing a hollow for fun. She used her wound to her advantage to trick a bunch of criminals. Maybe he should have found a better group for her to take down, since these ones seemed rather dumb if they even attempted to help. But the guards were dead so her trick worked out for her. A female guard then opened the door and looked at the two dead guards and the one woman standing among them. She stared at her for a bit before closing the door where you could then hear shouting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
Avatar of Kurisa

Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zane620 said
Yu observed what she was doing and even was shocked himself when he saw her pull off that innocent side, when he not even a minute ago saw her stabbing a hollow for fun. She used her wound to her advantage to trick a bunch of criminals. Maybe he should have found a better group for her to take down, since these ones seemed rather dumb if they even attempted to help. But the guards were dead so her trick worked out for her. A female guard then opened the door and looked at the two dead guards and the one woman standing among them. She stared at her for a bit before closing the door where you could then hear shouting.

Shizuka felt the blood from the guards throat hit her face as it sprayed out, as he fell to the floor slowly she pulled up her bandages around the bottom half of her face as usual as a women then opened the door and looked at the guards then her before she then closed the doors which shouting then followed. Shizuka pressed her left palm against the door then spoke "Hado #32, Okasen...." As she said this a wide yellow beam shot out from her palm and through the door likely killing many inside due to it's wide area of attack, Shizuka then took her left hand off the door as it fell open. She took a glance around the room observing how many had been killed and how many were left. Shizuka then walked in slowly before she began shunpoing around the room, bouncing off the walls and slashing people while firing the occasional Hado 4, each cut was precise and aimed at a part of the body that would be fatal. Once she had finished the people inside off she stood in the middle of the room covered in their blood, which just made her look even more intimidating
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well easy to say the hideout became wrecked within a few seconds of Shizuka just rampaging through it, which made Yu question just how much damages was he going to have to pay for after this. And withing a minute or so she practically killed all the guards, as she stood in the middle of the room drenched in blood, which made a bigger man about 6'4 come out of a room and look around at the damages and dead bodies everywhere. "M-my comrades! Y-y-you dirty heathen! Oh Soul king lend me your power to strike this filth down!!!" The man said as he drew a sword and rushed at her thrusting it at her chest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
Avatar of Kurisa

Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zane620 said
Well easy to say the hideout became wrecked within a few seconds of Shizuka just rampaging through it, which made Yu question just how much damages was he going to have to pay for after this. And withing a minute or so she practically killed all the guards, as she stood in the middle of the room drenched in blood, which made a bigger man about 6'4 come out of a room and look around at the damages and dead bodies everywhere. "M-my comrades! Y-y-you dirty heathen! Oh Soul king lend me your power to strike this filth down!!!" The man said as he drew a sword and rushed at her thrusting it at her chest.

Shizuka watched as a rather tall man stepped out a room and looked around at everything, He then prayed to the Soul King for power...how pitiful...as if the Soul King would do such a thing for anyone, the Soul King wouldn't even shit on this man let alone let his eyes pass over him...This man was not only a fool but clearly weak...if he felt the soul king gave him powers then she would sever that very thought. Shizuka watched the man close in on her as he then thrust his sword towards her chest, This caused Shizuka to Shunpo back, as she did she held out her left palm towards the man and fired a Hado 33. Shizuka then landed outside the building as her knife glew black as she then began twirling it, the knife slowly turning into a Scythe. Shizuka then gripped her Scythe with both hands and held it out to her left as the blade ignited with black flames that let out immense heat that would burn those even if they managed to dodge the direct attack. Shizuka then swung her scythe from her left to her right releasing a large arc of black fire that flew towards the building, aiming to try ignite it and also cut through it due to the flames carrying some actual cutting power
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Shizuka might have overdone it a bit, cause when she finished her attack, the building came toppling down and the man was not emerging Thats when a woman smaller than Shizuka by four inches looked at the building beside her while holding a stff. "damn girl I know he was cheesy but did you have to go and sin this much? Man the gods is gonna be pissed." The woman said as she twirled the staff around then planted her feet and swung the staff at Shizuka's stomach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zane620 said
Shizuka might have overdone it a bit, cause when she finished her attack, the building came toppling down and the man was not emerging Thats when a woman smaller than Shizuka by four inches looked at the building beside her while holding a stff. "damn girl I know he was cheesy but did you have to go and sin this much? Man the gods is gonna be pissed." The woman said as she twirled the staff around then planted her feet and swung the staff at Shizuka's stomach.

Shizuka watched as the building toppled down on the man, unfortunately she saw no blood which was disappointing, Shizuka then noticed a woman holding a staff who then began speaking about some crap. The woman then went to swing her Staff towards Shizuka's stomach. Shizuka responded to this by spinning her scythe, using the back of the small blade at it's base to come up at the Staff being swung at her and knock it up into the air, the main scythe blade then began to emit black energy as Shizuka continued to spin it, the scythe then tore through the ground before bursting out of it and releasing a large arc of black energy towards the woman.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The woman jumped to the side away from the giant arc and rested the staff on her shoulder. "Wow innocent people exists so you know, real bad shinigami. Oh well Ill just knock some sense in ya with my beating stick." She said before shunpoing above her thrusting the staff downwards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zane620 said
The woman jumped to the side away from the giant arc and rested the staff on her shoulder. "Wow innocent people exists so you know, real bad shinigami. Oh well Ill just knock some sense in ya with my beating stick." She said before shunpoing above her thrusting the staff downwards.

Shizuka watched as the woman jumped away then began speaking again about shit Shizuka didn't care much for "You're so noisy..." With the rate this woman spoke, it made Shizuka want to tear her throat out with her scythe, she was so irritating and this only compelled Shizuka to want to finish this fight as soon as. Black spiritual energy then formed from her shoulder blades that then formed into a large pair of black spiritual energy arms, in the right formed a large sword of black fire and in the left a large shield of black fire. Shizuka used the shield to block the staff then with the large sword she then used her right spiritual energy arm to swing the sword of black fire towards the woman aiming to completely cut her and burn her immensely
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The woman swung her staff around to block the sword but could feel the heat of it and pushed herself back which made her take a deep breath in before releasing. "Wow ya a gusty one, I like ya. You really got that vrom vroom ya know what i mean, strong too, very strong. Stronger than me, I aint go no special trick only words. Oh and this staff but no tricks so i quit, game over good fight I lose you win. yayyy buddies...... I'm going to jail arent I?" She said before Yu wrapped a Horin around her and patted her head. "indeed. Hey Shizuka, Good job, you wern't hurt at all. Ill send your captain a message about your amazing show today. By the way. next tie try not to destroy everything around you." Yu said before picking the girl up and shunpoing off at out sight just like that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zane620 said
The woman swung her staff around to block the sword but could feel the heat of it and pushed herself back which made her take a deep breath in before releasing. "Wow ya a gusty one, I like ya. You really got that vrom vroom ya know what i mean, strong too, very strong. Stronger than me, I aint go no special trick only words. Oh and this staff but no tricks so i quit, game over good fight I lose you win. yayyy buddies...... I'm going to jail arent I?" She said before Yu wrapped a Horin around her and patted her head. "indeed. Hey Shizuka, Good job, you wern't hurt at all. Ill send your captain a message about your amazing show today. By the way. next tie try not to destroy everything around you." Yu said before picking the girl up and shunpoing off at out sight just like that.

Shizuka watched as the woman seemingly backed down then within moments she was wrapped in a Bakudo and taken off. Shizuka looked at where they both were with a blank expression, although on the inside she was frustrated that this hand ended so quickly...The black fire soon turned to smoke as the arms of Spiritual energy dispersed. Shizuka then turned and began walking off, no doubt to take her frustrations out on hollow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Out of sheer frustration, and a bit of ambivalence Sinai left squad 2. In fact she intended to leave the serireitei as a whole had she not run into the nurse that had treated her at squad four. She was yelling at a man with a strange mark on his head but she stopped when she noticed Sinai. Sinai wasn’t sure if it was the same woman but the multicolored hair wasn’t really a common style.
“You’re in squad two right?” the nurse asked Sinai with a sweet voice unlike the one she had spoke to the man with
“Technically” was Sinai’s response. She barely counted herself a member. On top of being new she had also never been on a mission with her squad mates. She really only knew three of them, and only two of them by name. So technically seemed to be the most honest answer she could muster up.
“How is your skill in Hakuda?” the woman asked but Sinai noticed the man roll his eyes and mumble something under his breath.
“I’m pretty good” Sinai looked directly at the man as she spoke but he didn’t say a word. It was the woman who kept speaking
“Good so you can teach him something.” That wasn’t a question, Sinai could tell that much and clearly so could the man since he was glaring at the woman. But she didn’t seem to care. “Let’s go”
Again the man rolled his eyes but this time he spoke to Sinai. “Feel free to say no. she aint the boss of everyone” the comment was met with a slap upside his head. “Get out why you still can” he continued and was hit again.
“Are you two….together?” Sinai had to ask.
“NO!” the answered at the same time.
“My name is Giovanni Cain, Lt of squad five”
“Technically” the woman added causing him to glare at her again.
“and this cranky nurse is Genesis Rain from squad four” Gio introduced her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mirja wandered aimlessly around the 4th barracks, covered in bruises of varying degrees, and possibly with a broken rib as well. Not that this really bothered her at all, since she was smiling as she wandered. She wasn't exactly sure what she was looking for, just knew she was looking for something. But, a few minutes into her search she gave up on who she was looking for, and sat down in a corner, pulling her Zanpaktou onto her lap. She might as well try to talk to whatever was inside while she was waiting to remember who she was looking for. Or, why she was looking for them. She didn't usually look for people, Except that girl from 11th, the Lieutenant. She would definitely look for her. And then a thought occurred. Was it her she was looking for? if so, why was she in 4th? Could it be the Lieutenant was injured?

Somewhere along the very distorted train of thought, she found herself slipping from the material world, and into the world with materials from somewhere else.
"Needs a cool name, like...Shazam Realm" she muttered to herself, and a deep rumbling came from somewhere beyond the murky black.
"Shazam Realm sounds...interesting" It replied, politely but with a gruff rumble.
"Yea. Wish my place was called that. It's just a boring sereteireitei." She grumbled, absently thinking this second time was going a lot better than the first. If this wasn't the first. If it was, then it was a good first.
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