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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fixer finally finished the door and was heading back to his station when more notifications appearing in his hud. "warning unknown organic beings have entered the facility locate and investigate." "warning multiple subjects have escaped their holding cells, locate them and return them to working holding cells." Fixer responded "Fixer accepts mission one" The voice said "security bots accept mission 2, Fixer head to sector 3" Fixer began to head to sector 3.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nihilus


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Meanwhile, the Gorgon still had not looked away from the line-up of pods spaced along the hall. Daboia raised a claw to her face; Unable to scream, she managed to gasp instead. It was a menagerie, with creatures of every shape and size somehow contained within the thin glass rooms. Some had bestial heads and multiple arms. Some had large, membranous wings on the backs of their body. Several of them had the same squashy-flat faces that she remembered noticing on the creature beside her. No Hydra graced their head. Only a few even resembled her own species, and even then the comparison was vague at best. It was as if she'd stumbled into an alien zoo. Were any of these entities from anywhere near the planet Drellm?

It almost felt like a perverse fascination. She couldn't look away from them, but felt guilty for staring, despite them all being unconscious. Of which she couldn't understand why. It was only her here, in this cell, she realized. For all she knew, she was completely alone...

A loud noise caught her attention. Glass broke from a pod several yards away. Daboia stiffened from her place on the wall. It seemed she wouldn't be alone for much longer, for even from her distance, she could see some sort of monster emerging from the pod. It appeared as a blot from where she stood, but she could hear it. It made a lot of noise. Growling, barking... it sounded like some kind of animal. From here she couldn't place it, but the sound filled her with a sudden deep, intrinsic terror.

Immediately, she ducked down behind her pod. She hoped she still had her bag. Somehow, the Pyramid might have picked it up with her during ascension. Maybe they'd place it inside the pod, or underneath it. She had left her knife in there. What little means of protection it would grant her, would probably help her more than nothing now. Unbelievably, she found it hanging from a metal shelf above. The Gorgon would have shouted out in triumph if she wasn't trying to hide from what could be a monster down the hallway. Rifling through, she scoured the contents before finding the knife, and shockingly, the scripture, still inside the bag.

She pulled out the knife, a very standard defensive weapon of her tribe's, and readied it by her side. If it came to physical violence, she was -somewhat- prepared. The blade shimmered, catching green and silvery light, and she wondered if it would be enough.

Behind her, she heard something knock against the glass. Startled, the snake-woman twisted around. The mutant-creature had awakened! Approaching the case, she tapped the glass lightly with a claw, before pressing one finger up in front of her lips.

<Shh, quiet Tribe-less. You'll alert something far more dangerous than I unless you hush.> She snarled, speaking lowly in her society's native language. It hadn't occurred to her yet that the other creature might not understand her, but for all she thought, the other was merely some sort of mutated Gorgon, and not an extraterrestrial itself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

nookzer said
James was surprised to say the least no at the attack but at what tried to attack them he had to admit Roxy was good. the person that attacked them had what looked like dog ears and a tail he was sure there where no normal civilians in here so the chance that he was a cosplayer went out the window "what are you" he asked placing as much authority in his voice as possible.

[PS I have cat ears by the way]

Tanikazi was quite surprised that they didn't know what he was.well after all they don't have ears or tails so I can't expect them to know What I am I guess
so confused-like Tanikazi said "I am a kitsune what else would I be?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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Oh my god, it saw me! Runo tried to shrink even further into the glass when it approached, now thoroughly terrified as it tapped the tank. What was it doing? As he continued to watch in horror, though, he was slightly surprised to see it make an oddly familiar gesture. It... wanted him to be quiet?

After making the gesture, it started saying something that he couldn't understand in the slightest. He couldn't even tell what the tone of voice was supposed to mean, though it was still frightening to hear. Maybe it wasn't happy with him, though he really had no idea why. What was that other sound? It wasn't making that, was it? It sounded like barking, even though it seemed far away. Whatever it was, the other creature seemed worried as well, so perhaps that was why.

Wanting to be anywhere else even more, Runo tried changing colors to blend into the background, just like he would to avoid humans before. It felt like it was coming a bit slowly this time, but eventually, he managed to match the odd green colors of the wall behind his tank. Maybe whatever was coming would ignore him now. But what about that other thing in the room? What would it do?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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nerminator said
[PS I have cat ears by the way] Tanikazi was quite surprised that they didn't know what he was.well after all they don't have ears or tails so I can't expect them to know What I am I guess so confused-like Tanikazi said "I am a kitsune what else would I be?"

James looked at the strange teen "a kitsune?" he asked lowering his weapon, just enough to seem like less of a treat but still high enough to shoot him if he tried anything funny "kitsune? doesn't that mean fox in Japanese" he thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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nookzer said
James looked at the strange teen "a kitsune?" he asked lowering his weapon, just enough to seem like less of a treat but still high enough to shoot him if he tried anything funny "kitsune? doesn't that mean fox in Japanese" he thought.

"Something like that. I remember reading about them somewhere." Roxy commented. She returned her knife to it's holster and picked up her gun. She thought it was a good sign that the kinsune hadn't attacked them. However that didn't mean that she was going to let it out among the population. "What are you doing here? How did you get here and where are you from?" She asked the questions quickly. They needed information and they needed it fast. They needed to know if the beings inside this pyramid were a threat or not. No one was leaving the pyramid until she was complete sure that they were not a threat to her people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"so what are you then" Tanikazi asked the group. tanikazi Grabbed his pipe with two hands and held it by his side a bit Tanikazi didn't trust these people. heck he never trusted anyone in his entire life
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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James looked at the now identified Kitsune "we're human and I've never seen a kitsune before what are you doing in here?" he was hoping to get some answers and report back but something told him it wasn't going to be that easy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Human? what the frack is a human? "would you believe I was Abducted by robots" Tanikazi said grinning a bit but not too much. acting happy made you look weak.
"but what the heck Is a human?" *these people obviously weren't Abducted they probably entered the pyramid to investigate or some crap
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiaRainx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Gwen's eyes widened at the sight of the strange hybrid creature. Without the fur, perky ears and tail, she thought that he could actually pass for a human considering the fact that he seemed to be dressed like one. Her initial theory was that perhaps the pyramid was used for surgical experiments to enhance the human race but that didn't explain what it was doing in the middle of the park or why it had suddenly landed there. She pursed her mouth to the side as she tried to comprehend the situation. She also became slightly anxious at the fact that he was still clutching at a metal pipe cautiously.

As the armed individuals began to question the kitsune, she took the opportunity to observe the room around them. Gwen suddenly noticed the screens that seemed to be linked up to the security cameras around the pyramid. She stared at them in shock as she caught sight of rooms filled with various pods and cells and all different uniques organisms and species. She even thought she caught a glimpse of a gorgon standing outside a merman's tank. She shook her head. No, it couldn't be real.

Hearing the kitsune's response, she decided to enlighten him. "We are humans," Gwen explained with a smile. "Abducted by robots? Does that mean there are robots here too?" She asked, sounding a little too excited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fixer arrived in sector three and began to look around to the intruders. He then entered a hallway and looked down the hall to see the three humans and the kitsune. "Unknown organic beings, identify yourselves, Kitsune subject 86 stay where you are and prepare for processing " he said in a loud voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valkyr
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Valkyr Pacific Standard Time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Volkun turned away from the pod. He began taking a few careful steps forward, testing his balance. Once he was confident that he was ready to walk, he looked back up and continued through the rows of pods. He glanced into a few of them and grimaced, bearing his fangs at the strange creatures. None of them were his kind, only disfigured beings from, presumably, other worlds. He continued walking aimlessly until he noticed something out of the ordinary. One of the pods was open. He narrowed his eyes and began stomping over to it. His clawed fingers curled, ready to rip and tear if he needed to.

"Is someone there? Show yourself!" He shouted loudly. He stopped for a moment and closed his eyes. His ears flattened against his head, his head suddenly aching from the shouting. After a few seconds it faded, and he continued moving forward. He wasn't sure if the creature, if it was there, understood his language; perhaps it didn't even speak, but he didn't care. It should know that he was aware of its presence, and that was all that mattered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PeppermintKisses


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Chester woke up and groaned. "Uhhhh she tasted sooo good" She moaned as she licked the dry blood off her lips and fingers as she slowly sat up. She slowly opened her blue eyes and looked around. "A cage?" She wondered a she stood up and began bending the metal enough to let her slip through. She was hungry and could smell blood...though very little of it was human. She was intrigued.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

the only way out of the room was blocked by the robot. *so there still is robots here* Tanikazi didn't want to be thrown in a Tiny Cell again so he yelled "Like Hell I will!" and ran towards the robot attempting to Smash it with a lead pipe
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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nerminator said
the only way out of the room was blocked by the robot. *so there still is robots here* Tanikazi didn't want to be thrown in a Tiny Cell again so he yelled "Like Hell I will!" and ran towards the robot attempting to Smash it with a lead pipe

"I think there has been enought violence for awhile." Rixy said stepping between the two. "You don't have to go back to your cell or whatever you wAnt to call it, but I'm afraid I can not allow you to leave the pyramid. You are welcome to explore as long as you don't get in our way"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

a female soldier got in Tanikazis way right at the last minute no matter how big the pyramid was tanikazi was NOT going to be trapped in it *i'm just going to sit here in this big pyramid-thingy? Heck no* tanikazi turned to the female soldier and said "I am getting out of here whenever you like it or not!!" tanikazi said holding his pipe up at his side as a warning. tanikazi could probably fight them all. so tanikazi pushed the female soldier out of his way and attempted to get past the robot
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PeppermintKisses


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"Heeeeeeloooo Kitties!" Chester called, an evil grin on her face, "Come out an plaaaaay." She purred.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kevin without recognition to interact with the pyramid flew around it with his jet pack and landed in front of the entrance. The jet pack minimized and slid into a tiny holder on Kevin's glasses. He walked into the entrance with a scalpel in his hand and starts to examine its inhabitants. "GREETINGS extraterrestrial. I'll be dissecting you all today! Don't worry not all of you will die, but I cant promise your survival!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

tanikazi walked past the robot casually. then saw a women scream something insane-like [chester] Tanikazi just ignored her and saw someone scream "whos there show yourself!" the person [volkun] was standing in the middle of the hallway. now tanikazi knew not to talk to people who act like that but he was blocking the hallway so tanikazi walked up to him and said "i'm right here now can you please move out of my way" past the person was a crazy guy threatening to dissect everyone wearing a jetpack *all these so called "humans"*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PeppermintKisses


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Chester was quickly behind Kevin and bent his head to the side. She dug her fangs into his neck and pulled away, watching the blood trickle down his neck. She began slowly licking up the red pathway. "What was that about dissecting us?" She purred.
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