liferusher said i tought it was meant like you shouldnt rush into the cave and in the ic i saw that somone wrote that there where only figured that i wasnt in the group yet. sorry for the minor confussion, i had a good idea for when i already belonged to the group and i could post 2 days earlier if i kind of didnt "fuck up'' my post
It's all good brah.
I was suggesting you or Deathedge hang outside of the Cave for a bit mainly because I figured it'd be hard to write *pops into cave* in an interesting and meaningful manner, especially 4 pages in (I also wanted Marinette to have some dialogue).
We can play it as your character and my character do this kind of thing all the time, or you are just really new to everyone--
Raijinslayer said Hey, mistakes happen. Besides, this makes it more interesting.
Could we have it so that your character had already met mine,so as to ease the transition into the group. They could've met before he entered the group. They met in game and struck up a friendship. He hasn't told her about the group because he isn't the inviting type, he leaves that to Prince Cat-nap. He also never thought about it.
Or this! I like this idea.
It's whatever you're down for chief.
Cryptiic said Yeah, it could actually be a bit more interesting that way... :D
I'm going to post under shortly so you can respond to Darcs, by the way.
I just love the idea of Grey coming back right that moment and casually engaging in conversation with Marinette as though she holding someone at knifepoint. ^_^
This is awesome we should do this.