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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


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MysticFox said
"K-Kiss me?" Azalea spoke softly with wide eyes, her fingers gently running over her lips. She tilted her head to the side and her hand brushed up against the tip of his tail. She curiously stepped forward and placed her hand on his shoulder, gesturing for him to turn around. "We've only just met. I-I don't even know your name." Azalea blushed, her cheeks a deep shade of red now. She looked up at the boy and her lips formed a sweet smile.

Not being able to stop himself Vince puls into a quick kiss his tail curling around her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintersunshine
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Slendy said
"Sure." Keith shadow formed into a hand floated over to her sp she can give him some. "Well.....i'm evil and that guy over there is the same. I was hoping we could become allies so he could help me with a couple of things(mischief)." Keith smiled. " Don't worry you seem like a nice girl so we could possibly hold a relationship between good and evil. But if the time comes were we must step forward and take each other down. I will not hold back."

Liliana gave him some and look at him. "Take each other down? Why would we? Wait you guys like in a secret evil club to take over?" She giggle and ate some trail mix "what if we like date and I'm mostly good would you still take me down? You haven't asked about my gift yet"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"I don't know for sure." Keith thought to himself for a moment as he ate some trail mix from his shadows hand. "No there's no club just me at the moment and if we did date I'd be like your guardian angel....well guardian demon." He laid down on his back looking at the ceiling. " So what is your ability? Does it have something to do with swords like you mentioned earlier."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Izo tenses at the appearance of the new girl. The temperature dropped around him, cooling the temperature to create ice at a faster pace then starting from the normal temperature. He listened to the conversation, studying them both. He was surprised Keith so opening shared what they were doing, his eyes flicking back and forth between the two. He let their conversation continue on for a few moments before he decided to interject," my name is Izo, by the way. And if it were me, I would take you do without a hesitation if you tried to fight against me." He kept his eyes on her, folding his arms across his chest. His distrust of people was apparent, keeping an eye on both if them. Last time he trusted someone they abandoned him. He refused to trust anyone again, because trust can be fooled, and used against a person in the end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintersunshine
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"Guardian demon that cute" Liliana giggle and smile at izo "hi oh you speak I thought you were a mute for a second" she saw the ice and felt the cold a little. "Nope I wouldn't go against you you freeze people? I would lose hands down" she chuckle and look at them both. "Depends if you wish for it. Wish for something" she stood and pull her sleeves up smile. "But something small please"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Ok...hmmm...I wish that you'd have your sword." Keith wished cracking a grin. "Yo! Izo buddy stop being so cold and suspicious the only reason I would abandon you , if we worked together is because I died. "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintersunshine
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"I said something small" lily groan and flick her wrist and a sword appear in all their laps and any student nearby"You have to be specific as to who you wabt to have a sword youd could mean anyone. " she grab the chair and fell to the ground her nose bleeding and was dizzy having lost some energy with the wish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysticFox


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Azalea flinched, her face turning as red as a tomato once his lips touched hers. She pulled away quickly, stumbling backwards. Her delicate body trembled as looked up at him with a frightened expression. "W-Why did you do t-that?!" She began to back up even more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Blushing ferociously Vince makes sure the frail girl doesn't fall with tail. "I-I don't know what came over me... look, I'm s-sorry... Might I show you to your r-room?" Realiseing what he sayed he blushes even more and quickly stamers "I-I-I didn't mean.... I've been showing all the peopple thair rooms under masters instruction!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Izo cracked a small smile at Liliana, but there was no humor in it. He said," I can do more then just freeze people." He then focused on Keith with a shrug," I grew up on the streets, at least the later part of my life, I don't trust people. The people that I've met will as quick sacrifice your neck then theirs. And I have the same philosophy." He looked at her as she suddenly made swords appear. He looked at the sword in his hands, arching his eyebrow a bit. He said," huh." He turned it over, looking at it carefully, eyebrows furrowed. He didn't seem to really pay attention, let alone care, about the state Liliana was in at the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wintersunshine said
"I said something small" lily groan and flick her wrist and a sword appear in all their laps and any student nearby"You have to be specific as to who you wabt to have a sword youd could mean anyone. " she grab the chair and fell to the ground her nose bleeding and was dizzy having lost some energy with the wish.

"Ha! Karmas a serious b¡t¢h on your ability!" He laughed helping Liliana back in the chair. "Are you ok? You seem to be bleeding." When Keith asked that he frizzed. He thought to himself did I just ask about her health? Since when did I care about anything but mother? He began unconsciously pace back in forth in front of Liliana. " I cant have feelings for this girl I just met her." Keith whispered to himself. He plops down on the ground frustrated and confused about this rare emotion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysticFox


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

She put her hands up in defense and slowly shook her head. Azalea was afraid, if she couldn't use her power against him what good was it to have. "I-I'm sorry, I need to go." She picked up her book and bolted past him, her short legs not getting her far before she got caught at a dead end with locked doors. Azalea panicked, practically panting by now. She called out her help, her voice echoing off the walls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintersunshine
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lily sat on the chair and grab a shirt out of her bag put it under her nose. "Don't laugh. It stupid. You have to be specific and say what you want say it wrong and next thing you know you wake up in a strange place no memory and they say your parents disappear" she put her head back to stop the bleeding feelig dizzy. "I'm okay. It a side effect bigger the wish more energy and my health get worse and it take longer to recover. Thank goodness you didn't say yall or I would be in a coma" she tried to find her water and was having trouble since she has to keep her head back
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vince, surprised, falls out of reality and falls into his lord Kitsune's realm.

Ah, You Effed Up. She... She's Crying.

"s-sorry sir... why... why did you want that?"

I Wanted You To Bring Her Into Our Group, Romance Seemed Serviceable. She Is Important Now, You May Need To Get Her Later. She Has A Soft Spot For You And You Have To Be Together.

"Sir... Fine..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

After some time passes his master lets him materialize back at the same time and place as he left off. Vince isn't sure about why he is so despret to make a conection with the girl, its more then just for the master but why? In any case, He chose to go over and try to speak with her. Not realy realiseing that no time past for her and she is just as freaked out as she was. Walking over he finds her in a dead end and trys to talk to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Seth & Sam Chat

Sam listened to Seth and when he offered her his number she would have blushed if she'd thought to do so. It was strange but one of the side effects of controlling every aspect of her appearance meant that Sam didn't react visibly the same as normal people for when she didn't tightly control her look her eye color was want to shift and give away her gift.

Thank's Seth but to tell the truth I heal quickly due to my gift, you see I'm a shape shifter and damage is merely an alteration of my shape. Painful yes but a simple shape shift and I am restored though I am I admit weaker afterwards
Hmmm... I wonder if your gift might restore the power I lose when I shift an repair?
she says with a thoughtful look in her eyes
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Seth's eyes brightened with curiosity "A shapeshifter?" He imagined her shifting into a cat in his mind and brought a hand to his mouth, trying to hold in a laugh. "Heh, sorry, I had an image pop into my head."
"So you're capable of self-regeneration as well. I could definitely help with the recovery process and maybe you wouldn't have to expend your energy to heal yourself, since I could take care of you." He said. His stomach then chose the best moment to interrupt and growl.
He swept his eyes to the skies, it looked like the day was approaching noon. Perhaps he could search for the school's cafeteria, but he needed to bring his bags to his dorm room first.
"Guess it's time to eat soon. I'm starving!" He said and then gestured to his belongings, "I've gotta get these to my room."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seth & Sam

Sam Giggles as she hears Seth talk about being hungry then she says

Well I wouldn't actually call it regeneration as much as resetting my shape

Sam's hair grows shorter and changes from brown to electric blue

It's all a matter of concentration and energy an as I said when I'm injured it's basically an involuntary change in my overall shape.
Not that I couldn't use help in extreme cases replenishing energy lost during such repairing shift.
She smiles her eyes now as blue as her hair

I was just thinking of something sweet to eat. I guess if you want to put your things away. I could go to the Cafeteria.
Who knows I might still be there when you pop in.
she says as her appearance returns to normal
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

(Sorry to confuse you, it's a dining hall >.< )

Seth nodded in understanding and watched as Sam played with her appearance, cocking his head and furrowing his eyebrows as he observed her form change and then shift back into normal.

He looked at her with a certain fondness in his eyes mixed with a wondrous curiosity and cracked a smile, "You're a very interesting person Sam. We should definitely talk again whenever we get the chance. Maybe I'll see you in the dining hall during lunch, I shouldn't be too long, I'm just gonna drop these off." He picked up his suitcase and took one last look at her, imprinting her face into his memory, before he parted ways with her.
Seth felt euphoric! As he rushed through the main corridor and up the stairs through each floor, he couldn't stop smiling to himself. He had made his first friend at this school and it had gone better than he had expected. She was a shape-shifter, which really intrigued Seth, and she seemed so nice!

He was standing before a window, looking out over the courtyard, when he heard the excited footsteps of a student. He observed the student with his calculating pink eyes until the teenager faded from his vision. He then turned back to the window, looking out in deep thought with the barest hints of a grin on his lips.

'Soon. . .'
The Dining Hall - located on the second floor

As the great dining hall opened, the big crowd of students pushed past him.
"By Jove! All these hungry students! I will do my uttermost best to quench their thirsts and satisfy their cravings! For I am their server for tonight..." The waiter punched his fist into the air and proclaimed, "FAILURE is not an option!"

It looked as if most of the tables were filling up, but there seemed to be a single table empty in the third row, at the left side. . .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintersunshine
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kat got up and headed to the dining hall. She was looking for Alex first to go together and to thank him for covering for her with Vince. She owe Alex a lot for everything he has done for her so far. She kept the rose he gave her in her hair loving it and look down the hallway by the dining door for Alex.

He smile standing in the dining hall watching as students came in to eat. "Oh wonderful. It will be a great year I know it!" He beam with happiness his arms folded watching with glee in his eyes.
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