Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarafene


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

There are rules to be followed and some are common sense.

1) Play your character to their personality.
2) Play this realistically as this is a 'realistic rp'
3) NO, I repeat NO ANIME IMAGES FOR CHARACTERS (This is a realistic rp)
Occupation before the turn:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarafene


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Serena Messer
Age: 26

Occupation before the turn: part-time Store clerk at a Hot Topic and college student practicing to become a surgeon

Gender: Female



Appearance: Check picture
Personality: A sweet individual who could never harm a fly unless that fly needed a surgery that is.

History: (This is something you’ll find out in rp)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Miykael L'Ange (I know my name sounds like it came out of a fantasy novel but it is my name...)
Nickname: Miyka
Description: Male model and marketing consultant. (I get more work in the latter) heart condition that causes random palpitations.
Personality: Basically when I'm right, I'm right. Everything I say is backed by facts and information. I wont argue with you over any opinion but if you tell me one of my facts is wrong i will go off on you. I don't get stressed or angry, but I can be agressive on purpose. My emotions dont control me.
Appearance: 6ft tall, pale, medium build, long legs, eye's change from blue to green to grey depending on environment and mood (damnit I sound fake as hell, but its also true, my ID states that I legally have multicolored eyes because of this), Dirty blonde hair,
Physical capacity: High. i know how to conserve my strength and pace myself. i have alot of martial arts and swordsman training, I'm stronger than I look, able to lift things any strong-ish man could, I am very nimble and have spectacular jumping and grip due to freerunning
Backstory: Ah jeez... Grew up without a father because hes on the run from the FBI in Brasil, My mother is insane and thinks shes the greatest, smartest, person in the world. Except we found out when I was very young that I was far smarter than she was. This caused alot of conflict between us, especially because I didnt feel like living up to my "potential". She remarried twic, second husband was abusive and scarred me in verious ways for ten years while they were married, she divorced him and married this other guy whos really nice, but he deserves better, because shes off her damn rocker. I got myself charged as an adult for a crime I didnt commit when I was seventeen in order to become emancipated. It worked and I got out of jaiul in three weeks, and not actually being any kind of troublemaker, got 19 months cut off my probation, at which time I moved 2000 miles away from that crazy woman. i recently started working as a freelance male model, and a marketing consultant (basically i tell people if their commercials suck or not for money)
Weapons of choice: I know how to build crossbows from just about anything, varying in size and style. I also own a set of three katana that I would definately be strapping on in the event of world collapse.
Fears and weaknesses: I'm intimidated by heights, but not afraid of them enough to let them stop me from anything... I dont like daylight much... I feel exposed by it, like my natural talent at sneaking around is impeded by the presence of light. I have one knee that flares up in pain pretty randomly from it getting speared by an icicle once ( I used to be an roleplayer like you, but then I took an icicle to the knee), its healed, but theres a scar and it becomes painful to move from time to time. I usually ignore it. My palpitations though... they slow me down quite a bit...
Interests: Free-running, martial-arts, cooking, swordsmanship, painting, drawing, reading, writing, videogames, acting, directing, film, stage, photography, modeling, and the advancement of sexual prowess.
Other: I've told you my completely fukken ridiculous life story. What more do ya want?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Danielle "Denny" Bryson
Age: 19
Occupation before the turn: Unemployed, (instrumentalist, producer, lyricist, rapper, poet)
Gender: Female


Physical description: Denny, at 5'10'', is quite tall for a woman who eats as little as she does, she pays for her height in a lack of bodily mass, having almost 0% body fat and little in the way of muscle. While her figure does have a slight curvature, her short hair, height, and lithe form make her easily androgynous or masculine to the untrained. To compensate for this she tends to wear overtly feminine clothing and black that fits her form to bring out her form.

Personality: Denny is someone who can appear stoic and detached, and while this may be true to a degree, she mostly suffers from being lost in her own head. Often losing herself in the artistic works she has created or the works of others. Denny is aware that she needs others to survive, but is confident in her own abilities that she doesn't let this hinder the decisions she makes, even if they're overly confident. She is both airy and foolhardy.

(to be developed in IC)

History: Denny dropped out of high school when she was barely 16 in favor of pursuing her artistic and musical passions. While a bold and passionate move, it also led to her relationship with her parents deteriorating, and the past few years of her life have been spent homeless, in shelters, hotels and on her friend's couches. Recently, however, she has begun to find more work doing shows in small venues, such as lounges and cafe-- although she has had to do things she regrets in order to get to this point.

(to be developed in IC)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I seem to recall AnnaBeth tried continuing this precisel where it left-off, and I sat out of it.

Wayne Wilson Anderson, a 28 year old Male Sanitation-Worker

Guy on far-left

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

First things first; Thankyou AngelNoire for giving me a little run down of information in the interest check- I really appreciate it!

Second off, Sarafene would you like everyone to be around the same age or can we play for example a child or an elderly person? I think that might be fun and give me a little challenge. (: I will make my CS as soon as possible after that-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarafene


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Feel free to play any age, though limit on age is a min of 6 years old, a max of well... go for whatever but understand, elderly has a higher chance of dying if you don't play it right
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarafene


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

AngelNoire your character is accepted
Darcs your character is accepted
Foster your character is accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sarafene said
Feel free to play any age, though limit on age is a min of 6 years old, a max of well... go for whatever but understand, elderly has a higher chance of dying if you don't play it right

Thanks! I think I'll make a 10 or so year old (:
She'll be up here momentarily!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarafene


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright and I think I'm going to make one more character, max character per person is 2
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarafene


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Alysia Carter
Age: 8
Occupation before the turn: Student
Gender: Female

Appearance: long blonde hair, hazel eyes, wears a hoodie, a black baseball cap, blue jeans and batman sneakers.
Personality: apprehensive about people, thinks she can do it on her own.
History: The girl was born and raised in Colorado Springs. She didn’t expect her parents to be turned, and yet she ran with her aunt to leave the city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Ferra Hanson
Age: 10
Occupation: Student
Gender: Female

Personality: Silly. Creative. Easily Manipulated. Well Behaved. Polite. Naive.

History: With a mere 10 years on this Earth Ferra hasn't had much of history to speak of, but the life she has lived has been quite well adjusted as anyone could expect in this day and age. Her father and mother separated before her birth, so her lack of father was never too detrimental into her life. Her mother (Francine) works as a dental hygienist and always gave Ferra anything she could ever possibly want. Before the announcement of the outbreak Ferra was on her way to being dropped off at school by her mother when the news cast came on over the radio. Turning around quickly in an extreme panic; they headed towards the highway with plans to go to Ferra's grandmother's home outside the city limits in the mountains.

Appearance Details: Wearing her school uniform; It consists of a dark navy blue jumper dress with a white blouse, and slate grey tights underneath. She has dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She has a pair of black flats on with no socks. She also has a small backpack with her school supplies inside as well as a small umbrella.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Andre


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Tomlin Azarov
Age: 18
Occupation before the turn: Part-time coffeeshop barista
Gender: Male


Personality: Tom is silent most of the time, but likes the company of other people. He doesn't mention it nor lets it show, but he gets attached to others too quickly, and gives his trust away too easily. Usually he seems positive and acts as if he is unaffected whenever something bad happens or when someone tells him something hurtful, but when he gives in to his emotions, he's tempted to become violent.

History: Since his mother died in a house fire that he accidentally caused when he was very young, Tom lived with only his little brother and father in the city, on top of an office tower that they owned. Life seemed great and luxurious, but every night, his father comes home drunk (probably on drugs as well), and yells at Tom about his mother while trying to beat him up. As a teenager, he learned to stay away from home most of the time and instead exploring on the streets with friends. In high school, he had his first girlfriend and they lasted 2 years. It ended when the girl tragically died in a car accident when her taxi got hit by a bus in an intersection. After that incident, he experienced depression, and feared that everyone he grew close to would disappear. He got better after almost 2 years, but he always sticks with his friends, paranoid about how things could go wrong any moment. Because of that, he became more quiet as he is always busy paying attention to every detail instead. He was supposed to graduate from high school in a few months, until the outbreak began.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Ishmael Rhodes "Yes that's my name. Yes I've heard all the jokes."
Age: 27
Occupation before the turn: Mechanic
Gender: Male

Appearance:Basically the picture except he's got a few scars in various places from his old running days.
Personality: Calm and generally kind individual but also quiet and reserved especially when in regards to his past. He doesn't take too kindly to people who question him about it or him in general. Very defensive and aggressive when threatened.
History: "I'm just an ordinary mechanic trying not to get eaten. Grew up in a bad neighborhood but that's all you need to know." (Revealed in rp)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Angelnoire: the eye-color is officially called 'gunmetal' since it varies in shade like parkerized steel. The pigmentation is constant, but the lens-shape distorts the color (the shape itslf also further distorts with blood and inter-ocular pressure, because sience)

For simplicity, our DMV claims I have green eyes and red hair, both are lies that note you should check photo-ID.

Andre said
Since his mother died in a house fire that he accidentally caused when he was very young, Tom lived with only his little brother and father in the city, on top of an office tower that they owned. Life seemed great and luxurious, but every night, his father comes home drunk (probably on drugs as well), and yells at Tom about his mother while trying to beat him up. As a teenager, he learned to stay away from home most of the time and instead exploring on the streets with friends. In high school, he had his first girlfriend and they lasted 2 years. It ended when the girl tragically died in a car accident when her taxi got hit by a bus in an intersection. After that incident, he experienced depression, and feared that everyone he grew close to would disappear. He got better after almost 2 years, but he always sticks with his friends, paranoid about how things could go wrong any moment. Because of that, he became more quiet as he is always busy paying attention to every detail instead. He was supposed to graduate from high school in a few months, until the outbreak began.

I'm tempted to buy this man a pair of socks. Nice shoes though.
-I mean, I know driftees tend to strip-down their packs, so an incomplete ALICE butt-pack jury-rigged to the suspenders without a hip-belt makes some sense. They're crazy-pragmatic when it comes to packing.
(The vest probably carries the more important stuff)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarafene


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

MissCapnCrunch your character is accepted
Andre your character is accepted
Drakeonis your character is accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarafene


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

For those whose characters have been accepted feel free to post
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Angelnoire: the eye-color is officially called 'gunmetal' since it varies in shade like parkerized steel. The pigmentation is constant, but the lens-shape distorts the color (the shape itslf also further distorts with blood and inter-ocular pressure, because sience)

I've spent my entire life not knowing what my eyecolor is because of that phenomenon. Thank you so much for shedding some light on that for me!

First things first; Thankyou AngelNoire for giving me a little run down of information in the interest check- I really appreciate it!

No problem!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysticFox


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Mind if I join?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

MysticFox said
Mind if I join?

just kidding of course you can join, we still have a few slots open.
Not that I'm the GM, but she mentioned it not too long ago.
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