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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

SomeoneSomewere said
Izo scowled at Keith as he disappeared into the floor, looking once at Liliana before heading off towards the mess hall. He didn't ask her to follow, nor did he expect her to follow. Along the way he was sure to drop off the wallet that he stole, keeping the cash in his pocket. He walked into the room, scowling at everyone, he gazed around, before spotting Keith. Him being his partner, apparently, he walked over to him, sitting down in front of him, glancing at the people that were sitting at the table aswell close to them. His eyes scanned the rest of the place, a small frown upon his face. Then his looked at the touch screen menu, wondering what to order.

"Hey buddy! You need to cheer up. Why are you eyeing down this place like your about to escape prison and making sure there's no guards around." Keith laughed. " You don't have to be very communicative to me but until you do I'm gonna call you Izo-kun" He loved getting on peoples nerves. Especially when its someone he knows that might cause serious damage when angered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintersunshine
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Liliana watch him disappear and she sigh. She went put her stuff away then went to the dining hall and found Keith and izo. She smile and walk over and sat next to Keith sand wave. "Hi so what you getting?" She touch the screen and started looking. "Chicken sound good but I won't eat it all" she frown being small she didn't eat a lot.

Kat sat next to Alex and smile. She odered a hamburger as well and a water and saw seeing everyone sit at the same table. She ask the waiter for a cup of ice and once the got it she started eating the ice slowly and look at Alex. "What your classes?" She ask soflry
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wintersunshine said
Liliana watch him disappear and she sigh. She went put her stuff away then went to the dining hall and found Keith and izo. She smile and walk over and sat next to Keith sand wave. "Hi so what you getting?" She touch the screen and started looking. "Chicken sound good but I won't eat it all" she frown being small she didn't eat a lot.

"Hi and I'm not gonna be having anything, but if you don't mind me and you can share your chicken." Keith said kicking his feet up on the seat across from him next to were Izo sat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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John & Sam

Sam looked at John as she finished her salad hearing him ask about her gift

My gift is a simple one though complex in it's application. I am a shape shifter with a twist, if I touch you then I can become a copy of you, my finger prints and your's would be the same and that's because I copy DNA when I touch someone. Once I've touched someone I can recall their DNA anytime I concentrate them.
I know I copy DNA because my mom took a blood sample when I'd mimicked my best friend. When she ran a comparison there was no difference between the mimicked and the original DNA
says Sam as she pushes her empty plate away
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Seth stood in front of the mirror, now dressed into a black polo and black jeans, along with a pair of black converses. He took a moment to channel his energy into his hands and green energy floated around him as he tapped into his healing powers. Taking in a deep breath, he gently applied it to the scratches on his face and caused them to close and fade away, although you could still see faint white lines where the scratches used to be. That would disappear tomorrow once he had a chance to sleep. He studied his face again and noted his eyes were a little bloodshot after he used his power. He shrugged, it probably was due to fatigue no doubt, nothing a little food and shuteye wouldn't fix as he hadn't exactly got enough sleep while traveling earlier. He relaxed and cut the energy off.

He put on some really nice smelling deodorant and once he deemed he was ready, he set out for the dining hall, running down the stairs and floors of the Main Corridor while smelling like a "million dollars."

MysticFox said
"Romance? You're trying to get with me?" Azalea stepped back and her arms fell to her sides. "You think I'll just fall in love with you instantly, with a kiss?" Her hands balled into fists she she glared at the boy. "I'm not just some slut you can pick up on the street."

"I'm not just some slut you can pick up on the street."

As Seth heard that in passing, he slowed down and looked around for the source. He stumbled upon two students, a girl who seemed very flustered and a guy who...was a combination of a fox and a human. Seth hesitated, he didn't want to interrupt the two's argument.

Seth peeped from around the corner. Should he tell them of the banquet that was being held in the dining hall?

22xander said
"No..." Vince says, whimpering again. "That was my idea, really more an impulse... He just made me love you more, your so beautiful..." Vince slips down and his eyes water. "I just... I think your beautiful and..." Vince cant go on and just starts to scribble on the floor.

His breath caught in his throat. He realized he was observing something very personal and he felt like he shouldn't be there. But our foxy friend started to scribble on the floor and Seth wondered why he was doing so. He decided to watch for a little bit, making sure to stay just around the corner.

But then the urge to sneeze suddenly came up, and he resisted, his eyes starting to tear up as he did so.


Pip, the overdramatic waiter (Kat's order)

"A burger for the young miss over here!" Pip yelled as he rushed towards the red headed girl, Kat, with a large plate in his hand. Once he reached her table, he grinned as he set the plate down in front of her with a solid slam! The burger itself was pretty big, enough to satisfy even the hungriest of men and women.
"Madam I present to you, a burger! This burger has been grilled and charred with the burning passionate flames within my heart! And a cup of fresh water, taken from the glaciers in the Artic Ocean! You may find ketchup, mayo, and mustard on the table, in the center, so you may have to talk to other people to get what you need. I hope you enjoy!" He then set a glass of water next to it. Once he was finished, he bowed and disappeared with a *pop!*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"So your another student with a biological gift? that's cool. I also have a gift based around biology, I can manipulate my biological material to allow myself to shape-shift as well, like this" he said and held up his arm for her to see. His skin was normal at first but a couple seconds later it morphed in appearance. his skin became scaly like the skin of a reptile and then rows spikes made of bone grew out of his forearm. Finally his fingernails grew into extremely sharp and large claws that were fit for a terrible monster.

"I can also mess around with the biology of animals to mutate them. to tell you the truth, I don't need to actually eat food, i can just absorbed the biological material of animals to nourish myself, but human food does have the pleasure of tasting what you eat, so I still eat like a regular human" he explained to Samantha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysticFox


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

22xander said
"No..." Vince says, whimpering again. "That was my idea, really more an impulse... He just made me love you more, your so beautiful..." Vince slips down and his eyes water. "I just... I think your beautiful and..." Vince cant go on and just starts to scribble on the floor.

"Love me?" Azalea shot him a death glare, her nails digging into her skin from how hard she was clenching her hands into her fists. She held back the urge to punch him, deciding it may look bad on her record if they kept any here. She looked down at him shook her head. "How can you say you love me, when you hardly know me? Hell, you don't even know my name!" Azalea practically screamed at him. Her face was red, both in embarrassment and anger. "Love is a strong word, you can't just throw it around like a hello, please leave me-" She paused, turning her head to a sound. Was that a sneeze?

She bolted, running past the fox on the floor and around the corner where she trucked into another boy. Azalea fell back on her bum, her hands protecting her head from hitting the ground. Slowly she opened her eyes, noticing the boy more clearly now, and his scent. He smelled delicious.. Had he been listening the entire time? Azalea frantically crawled over to him, panting with a frightened expression. "P-Please, keep that mad man away from me. He keeps saying crazy thing and I just can't h-handle it..." She fought back tears that were forming, almost enhancing her doe-like eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vince finishes his glyph, crying, and he disappears into a big hole in the floor which he forgets to close. The hole leads to his personal pocket dimension, where he had been for a bit after his master told him off. Muttering to himself, his master couldn't reach him in here, he starts to talk to himself and wander around. He doesn't notice as someone desideds to come into his privet home.

"I.... I cant beleave it. Here I am, I-I find a beautiful girl, one who shouldn't care about the master and all of his stuff. But here I am, she thinks I'm some sorta creeper or something. I wouldn't understand it if master hadn't made me watch a thousand romantic comdeys up their. And I know love isn't the right word, hell we only just met, I tried not to use it but that was what the Master had tried to do. He new I thoght she was cute, so he used his pupital influence to make me love her outright. But I reject that, let me build to that like a human! And now it might even be lost forever. MASTER DAMN! I just... I just hope theirs some way I could be with her, at least as friends and alys. Was thair some way I could have gone? I meen Azalea... she's so..." Here Vince breaks down crying as whomever came down watches.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Crap! He realized he was found out. Next thing he knew, the girl had crashed into him and she was on the floor in front of him. The poor girl was a wreck and Seth sighed, seeing her on the verge of a breakdown.
"Hey, you'll be okay. Just stay behind me." He stepped forward and in front of her to prevent any further interactions with her, but it looked as if he didn't need to.

22xander said
Vince finishes his glyph, crying, and he disappears into a big hole in the floor which he forgets to close. The hole leads to his personal pocket dimension, where he had been for a bit after his master told him off. Muttering to himself, his master couldn't reach him in here, he starts to talk to himself and wander around. He doesn't notice as someone desideds to come into his privet home.

"I.... I cant beleave it. Here I am, I-I find a beautiful girl, one who shouldn't care about the master and all of his stuff. But here I am, she thinks I'm some sorta creeper or something. I wouldn't understand it if master hadn't made me watch a thousand romantic comdeys up their. And I know love isn't the right word, hell we only just met, I tried not to use it but that was what the Master had tried to do. He new I thoght she was cute, so he used his pupital influence to make me love her outright. But I reject that, let me build to that like a human! And now it might even be lost forever. MASTER DAMN! I just... I just hope theirs some way I could be with her, at least as friends and alys. Was thair some way I could have gone? I meen Azalea... she's so..." Here Vince breaks down crying as whomever came down watches.

He heard a hum come from the direction of the boy and witnessed a dimensional rift tear open the floor. Lights from the swirling cosmic energy lit up the hallway ahead of him. He stayed around the corner, for fear of being sucked in and against the well... The poor guy was probably so distressed that he forgot to close the hole. As much as Seth wanted to, he didn't have the power to close a dimensional rift by himself.

"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you or try anything on you did he?" Seth asked the girl, extending a helping hand to help her stand up. He noticed she had snow white hair and red eyes, reminding him of an albino mouse. She was also small and appeared fragile, much like a china doll...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysticFox


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Are you okay? He didn't hurt you or try anything on you did he?"

Azalea silently looked up at the boy, shaking her head no as she took his hand and stood up. She didn't feel it was appropriate to tell him about how the fox boy kissed her. After all, why should he care? It was her problem. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run into you. I wasn't watching where I was going." She backed away slowly and frowned, peeking her head around the corner. There was a black hole now where the fox boy had scribbled on the floor. Azalea glanced over her shoulder and looked at the boy, noding her head. "I'll leave you be."

Her thin pink lips formed another frown as she approached the mysterious black hole. She picked up her book, and a rather heavy book it was. She stood there, peering into the hole of nothingness for a few moments before she had an idea. Her hands released the book, it disappearing into the hole. A few minutes passed and stepped closer to the hole. "Come on Azalea, just jump in the hole." She whispered to herself, her frail body trembling in fear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"You don't know where that could lead to. What if he's unstable and he sees you?" Seth said to her, concerned for her safety, "What if you go back to him and he tries to force himself upon you? There won't be anyone around to help you...and you'll be in his home field so to speak. Be rational about this."

22xander said "I.... I cant beleave it. Here I am, I-I find a beautiful girl, one who shouldn't care about the master and all of his stuff. But here I am, she thinks I'm some sorta creeper or something. I wouldn't understand it if master hadn't made me watch a thousand romantic comdeys up their. And I know love isn't the right word, hell we only just met, I tried not to use it but that was what the Master had tried to do. He new I thoght she was cute, so he used his pupital influence to make me love her outright. But I reject that, let me build to that like a human! And now it might even be lost forever. MASTER DAMN! I just... I just hope theirs some way I could be with her, at least as friends and alys. Was thair some way I could have gone? I meen Azalea... she's so..."

Seth carefully walked up to the hole and peered inside. "He definitely sounds remorseful. If you're going in, I'm going as well just in case. We can jump on three."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintersunshine
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Liliana smile at Keith and nodded "yeah let's share. I won't eat it all either way" she chuckle and hit the button to order it. She order some water and sat back watching as students were arriving. She was looking around and notice a girl eating ice and thought it was strange but shrug it off. She yawn softly and flick her wrist and a pillow appeared and she rest her head on the pillow look at Keith "I don't sleep much" she chuckle
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysticFox


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Her eyebrows furrowed as she glanced into the hole. He did have a point, if he tried to touch her in any way again she would be helpless. And her power wouldn't be there to help. Azalea turned and faced the boy, placing her hands on his chest. "You can't come with, I don't want you getting hurt. It's my problem and I'll deal with it." Her lips formed a weak smile and she stepped closer to the hole, now on the edge. Hell, who was she kidding. She needed him. Azalea's small hand latched onto the boys and she glanced up at him, mouthing the words 'Thank you' before jumping in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Keith smiled. " So your gonna sleep now. " He began to laugh. "What if the chicken come and I eat it all before you wake up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vince was siting on his thrown, taken straight out of Sheogorath's castle, crying his eyes out.

"I... I don't understand what is wrong with this... I-I watched so many of master's Videos, what the hell... I just, I just wanted the damn girl!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

(Elder Scrolls reference? :O )

Seth took a deep breath before following her down the hole. Lightning flashed around him as he traveled from one dimension to the next and he could feel himself getting sick. Wind howled in his ears as they traveled and it felt like an eternity before they arrived. There was a loud snap and a rift opened into what appeared to be a throne room of some sort. Seth was propelled through the rift and landed onto the cold stone tile floor of the room. He steadily got to one knee, panting as he was catching his breath. The world was wobbling around him and he felt dizzy. He put a hand on the floor to steady himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintersunshine
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"No just rest my head. I would use your shoulder but I didn't think you would let me so pillo was second choice." Liliana smile at him and giggl. "If you at it all I would order another one silly"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vince doesn't notice as the two enter his realm, he just keeps talkin to himself about how much he wishes it all could have gone better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysticFox


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Azalea opened her eyes, down on all fours on the cold stone floor. She took a few moments to catch her breath and to let her headache to subside before she slowly rose from the ground. She glanced down, lifting the hem of her white skirt to look at her knees. On her right knee was a small misshapen circle, a bruise already beginning to form. She already always bruised easily. Azalea winced when you touched it, gently lowering her skirt before smoothing out the wrinkles in it. Her white hair framed her face as she stared down the fox boy who sat upon a throne. "Explain yourself." She spoke softly, nervously holding onto the boy's arm that had traveled into the other dimension with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vince looks up sudenly to see Azalea. "Azalea!" he yells, huredly. "I... I'm so sorry, I..." He looks over. "wait, I forgot to close it didnt I? DAMN DAMN DAMN!" He snaps and severs the connection to the real world. "Look, I'm so sorry I mean... Its just the master he told me I had to... and I'm not used to my master being wrong, I grew up in his relm after all... So when he told me I had to love you I didn't see what was wrong, you were so cute and..." Vince trails off, not knowing what to say...
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