Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago


As Isaac received new orders from Kuckoo he could only give one reply "affirmative"
Soon after he started to work on what she told him to do.
All this time he already had the shields online and put his remaining focus on one of the turrets as the gunner for that one strangely enough still had not arrived and worst was, he knew that if he did either use the intercom or pilot the ship from the computer, then he would not be able to use the turret anymore.
still he had to do his job which resulted in one of the turrets suddenly stopping its fire but right after his electronic sound came from the speakers once more.
"All gunners and ship's Pilots report to your stations ASAP" after setting up that massage, which he hoped would help real soon he started to hack into the computer monitors of both the gunner stations and the ship's brig, giving a recorded report of what Kuckoo told him.
Still he felt it would take to much time to wait and tried to hack into the ship's navigation computer, yet the moment he barely tapped its programming folder the ships shields started to flicker, forcing him to put his focus back on the shields.
Cursing himself a little, he was unable to focus on anything else if he were to pilot the ship, if he even tried, it would take off all other commands he had given and worst was, he was starting to reach his limits due to all this multitasking.
he could only hope the pilot would show up ASAP.
it was a relieve that he suddenly felt the second turret coming online from its station, the gunner had finally took his or her position.

Alexis looked at the woman not so much as cocky as more like wondering what she was talking about.
the situation could go all way's, this moment it looked pretty grim but he was not panicking, at least not as far as he knew...
"yeah, I'm fine, just wish I could do, well you know more then just act as a living sensor "
mentally he cursed his father to death, all his military crap, all this so called training, yet the old fart never thought him how to actually fight, never learned him how to actively glitch his aura, all his stories yet never mentioning the swords abilities.
it was painfully clear to Alexis that all his father did for him was shape him into nothing more then a piece of trophy, never even bothered to give his own son any upbringing that could be useful, likely the fart was afraid that he would rebel of he knew what he could do, still failed to realize he would rebel anyway....

As he was tasked to cover his 6, something he did not even fully understood, all he knew was he was supposed to cover her, but what was this 6 stuff?
anyway she tasked him that much so he figured he could try at least.
it was luck that most enemy soldiers were getting preoccupied enough that all shots fired at them were way off, seeing Alexis had no idea how he could cover her in the first place.
he could have jumped at the enemy, acted like a distraction, but he sensed she wanted him to follow...

Once they got the the crate he pretty much sat down on the ground closing his aura and tried to sense anything he would had to report, it was not till he heard the heavenly wounded woman laugh manically that he bothered to check her aura.
it was wild and currently leaning closely to pure insanity, it was, well for Alexis kinda terrifying, and he noticed he was not the only one worried about the woman as Kuckoo's aura made it perfectly clear that she was concerned at this woman who she seemed to feel close to, family perhaps?
he opened his eyes just in time to exchange the concerned looks.

"guess I'll better help or lose my mind by staying next to her" he simply said, kinda joking but he feared that he truly might get infected by the woman's insane aura wave length.
Pulling his sword once more he charged into the battle field, using his sense to its fullest since ever, hoping he might sense all something in the enemy aura to indicate that they would fire to him, but there were too many enemy's, it was impossible to tell who was thinking what, there were too much emotions, too much intentions to much chaos, he did not even noticed that a large man was standing in front of him until he slammed into the man.
Alexis opened his eyes to see what he thought to be his doom, finding it strange that he still felt no fear what so ever, but what appeared in front of him was a large rock made man who extended his hand to help the kid up.
"uhm... thanks?" was all he said to the man.
"no problem"

the man seemed to have his back against something that Alexis could not see yet faced the war zone with his front and seemed to hide the kid with his arms at this moment.
It was just then that he realized they were pretty much surrounded...
As he looked at the sword he pretty much sarcastically summarized the situation as "great..."
He looked at the man and then back to the sword "fine piece of legendary weapon you are, cant you least tell me what the fuck you can do, you worthless piece of metal" he whispered as he hit stabbed the swords tip in the ground due to frustration.

hell in his own home, father who only noticed him as trophy, mother who did not seem to care much, grandparents who for some unknown reason were banished from the family by his father, he had nothing on his home world..
finally got away from that hell and now he was stuck and like;y going to die!
His frustration ended up getting the better of him as he pulled the sword out from the ground and pushing the rock man's hand away, ot realizing that the open area's in the blade had filled with a blue light and the red gems were glowing "FUCK YOU!!!" he yelled as he trusted the sword forward in, well nothing as the enemy were aiming from a safe distance.
Yet the moment he trusted the sword the blue light pulsed from the blade and created a blast of energy that seemed like it was made from wind.
this Gust, or Whirlwind knocked away the enemy bullets and cleared the space in front of Alexis as it blasted away the ones in the whirlwinds range.
the ones that were spared from this blast were kind shocked and got taken down by the rock man and others that took their chance to shoot these enemy soldiers.
One of these people even came to Alexis his side, only to capture the exhausted kid as he fell forward breathing heavily
what became of the soldier's who were blasted away pretty much depended on where they landed...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of the species attacking us." Shor'Gen replied, his head oriented towards Terra's wounded shoulder. It looked far worse than it actually was, and fortunately for her, the bullet had gone clean through. The elevator stopped, and Shor'Gen hurried Terra along and into the medbay. They passed through the examination room and into the operating room, which was not even remotely ready to recieve any patients. He stood still for a few moments, before turning his head back to the examination room "Please, sit down." Shor'Gen said as he back-tracked into the exam room and motioned towards the examination bed. He righted himself from his crawling stance, returning to his tall, tripod-like pose so he could open the higher cabinets. Suddenly, the door to the medbay opened, and Shor'Gen regarded Gunnos and what appeared to be one of the nurses, both carrying a heavily wounded crew member. The state of the Korrvain nymp was especially concerning to Shor'Gen.

After a couple seconds of thinking, Shor'Gen spoke up. "I apologize, Terra, but there are more urgent patients to attend to. Nurse?" He said, and the nurse perked her eyebrows. "I need you to stop the young man's bleeding. Give me the nymph, Gunnos. She needs surgery, immediately." Shor'Gen ordered, immediately knowing the injuries on both new patients. He took Gogo up in his upper pair of pincers, and entered the operating room, the door closing behind him. The nurse set about moving the young man onto the exam table and began to use a wall-mounted medkit to treat his injuries.

While his upper pincers held Gogo, his lower ones operated a wall panel, activating the room's surgical table, which he laid Gogo down on top of. Opening some sleek metal storage cabinets mounted on the walls, he procured an autoinjector, and administered a dose of anesthetic to Gogo, waiting for her to go under before he began his meticulous work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 37 min ago

Terra followed the lobster man as he left the elevator, letting him lead her to the med bay. She hesitated a little as they begin to head to the operating room, though the physician seemed to arrive at a similar conclusion. When directed, the woman would seat herself upon the examination table, and waited patiently for the doctor to tend to her injury. She wasn't long when something happened, though it wasn't what she wanted. Not that what she wanted was anything to what these guys needed. Her hand rises to cover her mouth in shock, and her head snaps away momentarily. She was wise to duck in, when she did.

The nurse was moving that injured man onto the examination table, so Terra cleared off it, standing aside. The nurse would probably get to her soon. These people were in worse condition that she was, she could see that.

She couldn't help but wonder how bad it was for the rest of the city. Were her neighbors home? She pulls out her PCD. She was on a military network, right? Maybe it would get through somehow... She sends a message out to her neighbors, but she had to wonder if it would make it through. She slips the device back into her pocket for now, and instead grabs the crystal around her neck once more.

It seemed like a terrible dream, but she knew it was real. Dreams have a certain way they work, and this wasn't anything like that. So... the city was destroyed? The weight of it dawned on her, and she slumped herself into a chair. She wanted to know her neighbors were alright. She wanted... to help them, somehow. She couldn't, but she could help someone, couldn't she? She was bleeding and powerless and scared, but... there had to be something.

Terra had lost track of time when it happened. She felt a warmth in her hands and opened her eyes to a light, shining from her crystal, brilliant and blue. Her fingers unfurl and release the crystal, which floats up and away from her. The cord around her neck applies resistance, and the crystal stops moving. The light leaves it, stopping shortly, and the crystal falls down to rest around her neck again. The baby blue light condenses and congeals, growing more brilliant before it becomes more contained, and in a final flash, a fairy is born.

She could only stare in amazement. It... worked? The little blue creature floats around her once, and she could feel the blood and sweat being cleaned from her. As the fairy settled in front of her, the technician presented a finger for the fairy to perch upon. She glowed softly green, but... her wings? She had to look for them, before she saw the distortion in the air where her wings would be. She had no idea what it meant, but it seemed kinda cool.

"Sylph..." She murmurs softly, still watching the fairy, fascinated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"FAAAK U, YA... ya... YA FUZZY ASSHOLE!" Unlike her cousin, Gogo had no issues with the Korrvain, seeing a competent soldier as a competent soldier, regardless of racial history. What she did have a problem with though, was being forcefully ejected from a battle. She continued banging against Gunnos as he carried her to the Exeralune, "ahm... ahm telin' u!! AHM FIIIIINE!!!! Don' was ur tahm on me! Go fite!" It wasn't any use, he was simply stronger than her, especially with her weakened state. Her hamartia was hubris. "ahh SAID! AHHH AMM FAAAAAHHHHHNNNNE!!!"

The medical crew aboard the Exeralune didn't think so.

Soon enough she found herself under the care of Shor'Gen, her blood poured out at slower rates when she began, in a futile effort, to bang her fists against his carapace. "LEMME OUTTA HERE!!! Mah cuz is out thar... ah gotta..." He laid her on the table and applied the anesthetic. "Ah can pro... tec..." She was already small, but by now she had lost several pounds of blood and was running on fumes, she knew she needed this, but a soldier would fight until the bitter end, even against his allies. Her mind lingered on Kukcoo and, surprisingly, Gunnos-- I need to find the asshole who put me in here... and thank him..





Kukcoo rolled her uniformly black eyes. 3d printed guns were so much more convenient than this constantly reloading nonsense. Still, she went behind the crate to do the repetitive action. This whole thing felt off to her, far too repetitive, she didn't know, but she had a strong hunch they were being stalled with this. The situation needed to change, soon. She looked at the ship in concern, it still being in the port, what's taking so long? Nearby she could hear their stowaway, Alexis, fighting with his sword, Kukcoo smiled, it wouldn't turn the tide of the battle, but it was help. The gun clicked. Great, full magazine, she moved around the edge of the crate again, gun pointed carefully in front of her and looked for the nearest exposed silver limb...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shor'Gen disregarded Gogo's initial hostility, instead preparing his medical tools. Gogo's case was a dire one, especially in this situation. Shor'Gen had none of the prep necessary to deal with these kinds of injuries, yet he found himself with no other choice but to operate. He cursed his luck. Had the medbay been set up, he would've been able to treat Gogo without a problem.

First order of business was her arm, or what was left of it. It was something he could salvage, hopefully. pressing a button on the side of the table, a tray loaded with an extensive variety of sanitized medical tools sliding out with a hiss. He took up the necessary tools in his lower claws, and they went to work, using heat-fusers and fleshmelders to seal whatever gaping cuts he could, and applying synthflesh to the cuts he couldn't. After her arm, he'd move to her body, to the several concerning bullet wounds. Using his dextrous claws, he snipped open those wounds and plucked the bullets out, discarding them onto a tray. After sealing those wounds up, it was the most Shor'Gen could do for the nymph without havinganything else. Once he got the necessary samples from the crew during their physicals, he could get the medbay's Organ Printer up and running, and he would be able to replace her lost teeth.

To finish the job, he used a handheld sanitizer to disinfect and clean her entire body, and placed her arm into an autocast so it could finish healing over time. Bandages for the rest of her body, and she was more or less done. Shor'Gen lifted her from the table, and set her down onto the operating room's counter, initializing the automatic sanitation process for the bed.

Poking his head out of the operating room, he looked to Terra. "I will see you now. Come inside." He said, before turning his head to look at the nurse, who was finishing up with the other wounded man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Daniel couldn't remember much of what has happened, all was more or less normal until everything seemingly fell into chaos. Shor'Gen suddenly took off, for what Daniel had no idea at first he figured it was nothing. That is until the captain's announcement came in, from then everything became a blur of movement as various crewmembers rushed to their stations. He couldn't quite recall, but Daniel was sure he was moving as well trying to get on the ship fast as possible. Daniel sat down in a chair, when he got there he couldn't say, where he was he couldn't say. Explosions rocked him the sound was muffled by the hull, Daniel was out of it. However slowly the shell shock wore off, Daniel's surroundings became more coherent, his breathing slowed as he relaxed. Sounds of combat still rang outside the relative safety of the Exeralune.

Daniel having never boarded the ship still didn't know which room he was sitting in, still it didn't matter he could still do his job. With flick of a tiny switch on the thin eyepiece he wore, the lens and frame extended into its full size until eventually becoming full, tinted googles that occupied the entire area of his eyes. The VAE hummed to life through the speakers over his ears, luckily he had already got authorization to hook up into the Exeralune's main system. A detailed wireframe of the ship came into view, already a flood of information swarmed the "screen". With a swipe of his hand, Daniel dismissed the reports so he could focus on the big picture. Overall the ship was in good condition, minor damage to the hull and some rooms lost lights, otherwise not much of note.

Daniel reached to his ear, shipboard channels for engineering haven't been sorted out so he had no choice but to broadcast to everyone, hell they could sort everything out later anyway.

"To any able bodied engineer and technician, this is Officer Daniel Althor. If not already there proceed to your station, and prepare for imminent launch procedures. I want a quick diagnosis on all critical engine, reactor and, navigation componets sent to me within the next five minutes. Hell of a first day on the job but we got this, good luck everyone."

Daniel leaned back and slowly deflated as air left his lungs. He hoped he didn't make any mistakes in his announcement, the business of leading a crew of his peers was pretty daunting. Whatever the case is Daniel turned his attention back to his display to continue watching the situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 37 min ago

Terra looked away from her newly born Aeva companion to Shor'Gen, and then... Daniel. He was addressing the technicians. Well, that was something good, then. She could give her report. She stood straight and offered him a brief salute with her good arm. Didn't care enough to hold it. Not right now. "Sir. Communications equipment received minor damage during the attack, but I managed to repair most of it. But, right now, the physician is looking at me." She waved as she turns to head into the operating room, the fairy mimicking her motion before following after her.

She slipped into the operating room, her fairy constantly flitting through the air around her. Terra found herself a seat on the table, after it had finished sanitizing. The pale blue sprite floats around and inspects her injury carefully. The bleeding had slowed down, and the wound had been cleaned. Mostly... She wasn't trying to move her arm and find out if there were any fragments inside or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Let me see..." Shor'Gen muttered, leaning his head closer to the injury. Perhaps his initial observation of her shoulder wound was fuzzy because of the background noise, but looking at it now, in the relative silence of the operating room, Shor'Gen could see that the round was still in her shoulder, and had left some fragments behind inside the muscles. "It's good that you didn't try to move your arm. The bullet itself is still in there, and it's left behind shards, one of them is in your shoulder blade. Unfortunately, to move you to a lying down position would cause more damage." Shor'Gen explained, one of the tendrils coming out of his head extending itself a bit to probe at the edges of her wound.

He stood still, thinking, before coming to a conclusion. "Would you like something to bite down on?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Daniel barely acknowledged Terra as she gave her report, at the time his sole focus was on working damage control. As she walked away Daniel looked from his readout to get a better view of the room around him. Did she say physician? Sure enough judging by the decorations and general sterilized feel of the room it made sense. Good to know where he made it to during his dazed escape now. Suddenly the ship shook with a strong impact that even knocked out the lights in the medbay. After a few seconds backup lights flickered on bathing the environment in a dull red hue.

Danie frantically scanned over the list of automatic damage reports. A stay shot punched through the outer hull and even the armor below it, fortunately the breech was on the lower parts of the ship, a maintaince tunnel that was far from any populated areas. Problem was the damage destroyed part of the primary electrical subsystem which disabled any power to some of the ship. More bad news is obviously the medbay was one of those sections affected by the outage. Daniel started to relay repair instructions to any engineers onsite through his earpiece, it was of high importance to restore power and close the hole soon as possible.

Daniel jogged into the operating room where he saw Shor'Gen still operating on Terra. "Shor'Gen." Daniel started, "Everything has been knocked offline in here, we'll be trying to repair the damages but no promises on when that'll be. Unfortunately you're going have to deal without any power for the time being."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Up on their command ship used in the bombardment, the lord of their war party observed the situation through a video feed of the battle. A few moments ago he had authorized reinforcements from his...less than special comrades in arms by way of drop ships sent from his craft. They were all very eager to fight now that they no longer had to be skilled enough to remain concealed, allowing them free reign to join the battle. Saln'Morden was the type of guy who just couldn't say no whenever someone wanted to join, even if their battle potential was dubious at best and they were woefully unequipped, some only with daggers, but it wasn't his problem if they were willing and able to join the cause. There are two main types of his race around; those who fight for the joy of victory or those who fight for the joy of fighting. Although he was the first type, many of these reinforcements were the second, and even if they sucked at their job, they did nothing to ruin Saln'Morden's chance at victory, so it was a win win as far as he was concerned. In fact, even at their worst they were at least a distraction to stall the ship from taking off. Eventually his main forces would be able to overtake them, capture the ship, and make a smooth getaway.

As for right now he was no longer able to provide bombing support due to enemy ships closing in on his position to take him on. They had gone into stealth mode and were rushing off to another safe place in order to resume their attack when the opportunity presented itself. So far their high tech stealth system was working as desired. Although extremely expensive it was apparently well worth the money that his people had paid to get their hands on the design. He just needed it to keep working long enough to provide the support that the Exeralune would need to escape once he got his hands on it.

"Sir, our forces are taking heavy casualties," someone informed him as they watched the view screen. Okay, maybe not everyone on his personal team within the ship was the brightest crayons in the box. He could see the video himself so the need to blurt this out was entirely unnecessary.

"Yes, but look how much fun they're having, taking on those two sword users...and they're dead now...oops. Well anyways, not much we can do about that. We maintain our current course," he ordered. As he watched the battle take place he took note of the interesting people that showed up by way of small cameras on his soldier's helmets. If these interesting people survived he might have fun turning them into combatants to be used in an arena. His people always liked it when new people arrived for them to take out their aggression. It would also bring in a lot of new revenue for his war party. Not that he'd need it for what he was getting paid to take part in this assignment. But of course it never hurt to have more money up until the point where he literally drowned in it.


Ahn and Arma climbed out of their crystal bunker, taking advantage of the chaos to slip out into the hanger that held their ship. It seemed like most of the people here had forgotten about the people inside the crystal, got tired of waiting, or a severe case of being dead, so this step was easy enough. However, there were still many aliens in their path that would have to be taken out of the equation one way or another. That problem might be more difficult than it sounded due to additional problems flooding into the hanger from various openings, filling up the spots left by the recently deceased.

Ahn got onto his communication device on his wrist to inform the ship and it's crewmembers his current situation.

"This is captain Ahn Vora speaking. I'm currently in the hanger and am hiding, with a Selvan ally, behind the crate just next to the crystal wall at the hanger door. You have all fought well, but everyone outside of the ship, try to board as quickly as possible and I shall join you the moment a path has been cleared. At that point we leave through the damaged ceiling doors. I'm afraid that the crewmembers not currently with us are either deceased or unable to get to us now that the hanger door is closed off and flooded with enemy forces. Let's make due with the people that we do have, so best of luck to everyone, and it's an honor to have you all aboard for it's maiden voyage."

A bullet hit loudly next to the two men, causing Arma to shriek like a little girl into the device, a sound which could be heard echoing out the open door of the Exeralune through the ship's speakers. Arma tilted his head down and to the side, concealing a blush of embarrassment. Even though that was a stray bullet lucky to get so close, it provided the enemy with knowledge of where they were due to the scream, allowing many more bullets to follow, some of it from the enemy's elite team. Crap.

"We may need a bit of help clearing a path," the captain added to his little speech. "I'm afraid this crate isn't made out of urtanamite so we may not last much longer."


"Huh...what's...all this...noise..." a computer's A.I. thought to itself as it began booting itself up from it's "sleep", woken up by something effecting the main system. It was a female voice with a clear robotic tone underneath. She spoke with emotion, although in her current state mostly sounded groggy. "Intruder...in my system...damage from outside..."

She "woke up" far more quickly now as she got all her most intensive programs up and running, freeing her mind to better process what was going on. She had started up today earlier than expected but appeared to be able to function well enough now, much to her relief. What wasn't to her relief was the situation behind it. Her first order of business, as she determined for herself, was to see what this intruder of her's was up to. Rather than analyze all the system details being changed by him, only having a vague idea what he was doing such as messing with shields and turrets somehow, she decided to take the quickest approach and get the answer directly from the source. She linked up her communication to the man and him alone, shouting, "What's your deal?! I wake up from my well needed "beauty sleep" and find you messing around with my insides and enemies poking at me from my outsides! You guys better explain what you're doing or I'll fry you through our connection!"

While waiting for a reply she did more in depths checks on the effected systems, hoping to glean additional information that he might leave out, intentionally or otherwise.


M'rayl would have liked to help out in the battle more, but from her position at the ship's doorway she could only fire potshots whenever an enemy poked into view, ducking for her own cover whenever an enemy attack go to close. So far she had gotten no kills. Due to the ship having cling shields it was glitched out near openings such as this, causing almost all protection to be lost and allowing them free reign to keep attacking this area, even stepping on board if they got close enough. She made sure they wouldn't slip by on her watch, just in case they were planning any funny business during all of this chaos.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago


"To any able bodied engineer and technician, this is Officer Daniel Althor. If not already there proceed to your station, and prepare for imminent launch procedures. I want a quick diagnosis on all critical engine, reactor and, navigation componets sent to me within the next five minutes. Hell of a first day on the job but we got this, good luck everyone."
So the tech head seems to have finally showed up huh, good, now we might finally get this show on the road.
soon after Terra reported (as Isaac had listened in) the electric sounds came from the speakers once more, though only in the med room.
"This is Isaac Adapt, technician computer specialist, I already have the engines online and running, shields online and active, only the entrance is glitched due to it being open, most hits come though that area, however I cannot pilot the ship from this point, its too much, are you able to get this ship off the ground, field officer Kuckoo wants this thing to hover and cover the enemy drop ship before we get overrun"

however as Isaac reported this he failed to notice the shields dropped as his mind was getting to tired to do both at the same time.
The enemy however seemed to notice this pretty well as a heavy hit came to the ship, disrupting the ship's power.
A large screech came from the intercom as the power shortage hit Isaac knocking him out of the computer.
"ugh, damn"
He felt lucky to be alive, if he still was stuck inside the systems the moment the shortage happened it could have cut off his mind like a running program when the system gets crashed, utter destruction of his live, but something inside the systems pulled him back to the main computer just in time.
"I know i should not but" he said as he put his hand on an electrical plug, he knew the ship's power was effected but he needed to check on what that thing was he felt and get the ship's shield up ASAP.
Electrical current came from the plug as Isaac drained from the plug in order to restore himself, once he had enough to do what he needed to do he touched the main comp again, sending his mind inside, going straight for the ship's shield, getting them back online right away.
Straight after the shields came back online a voice ringed inside the comp room, Isaac felt the origin right away, it came from inside the comp room.

"What's your deal?! I wake up from my well needed "beauty sleep" and find you messing around with my insides and enemies poking at me from my outsides! You guys better explain what you're doing or I'll fry you through our connection!"

"Morning miss, were in a bad spot, enemy's are trying to kill us, you included, pretty much no one outside the gunners are on their spot as it seems and I did not know you were an AI, I have been doing my best to keep you and the rest alive by sending my mind into the systems and trying to do everything at the same time but its not going so well, enemy reinforcements keep getting dropped, the cap is stuck outside the hangar and your nav programming is too large for me to handle at all, let alone set in some orders while keeping the shields up, worst we just got hit and lost a lot of the ship's power, I hate to ask a lady who just woke up but is there any way you could give us some help?"
Isaac was not lying that he felt bad to ask the ship's AI to help, well herself in a way, then again she was likely build for this much right?
"if your wondering about program damage, I made sure to keep your systems functional in full, resetting to before I did anything the moment I get out, what kind of happened just now, I did however restarted the shields to prevent more damage, besides as long as I am inside here, I am just as much AI as you are"
That thought made him wonder, maybe the ship's AI would like to have her own humanoid body, something he would ask her once they survived this, it would be a nice new project for his magitech attempts.

As Volray and Asuka were still fighting together when a blast of what seemed like a giant whirlwind blasted pretty much their entire target line back against the wall and most seemed to be K.O. from the wall kiss, and the ones that did get up got into a fight with others, though the amount of people fighting started to lessen a lot once an order came from the man with the mask who to Volray's little surprise seemed to have been the ship's captain.
As he looked to the location the whirlwind came from he noticed a young blue kid, a Glaizart race he guessed from the appearance and from the looks of it the kid he was out for the fight.
Volray launched himself again in order to capture the kid.
"Asuka get the kid to the ship, I'll try to help your captain, not like I am part of the crew anyway"
"your not from our ship?"
"uhm... no, but that can come later"

Asuka took Alexis and made her own run followed by the rock man.
Volray started to run towards the crystal bunker and jumped inside it right after reaching it.
"so.. how can I help" he said smiling a little as he said that while his barrier device was blinking a red light, indicating his shields were down and had to recharge.
Volray looked at the thing and sighed inside his mind, the battery was nearly empty.
once the shields were up they likely wont be able to take much and once they were down they were down permanently until he got to recharge the thing, so he would soon be hugging all bullets in this place and they were increasing a lot.
Still he said nothing about it, he had already started to like these people, he was not part of the crew, they wont miss him and he wont mind to take this for the team, he lost his own crew already so why not join them while helping these people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 37 min ago

"My shoulder blade...?" Oooh, that wasn't good. And there were bullet fragments in her muscles? Ooh, not good. She had to relax, though... she couldn't get tense, or that would make things worse. She watches nervously as the lobster alien physician probed near her wound. "No anesthetic...?" Oooh, this was gonna hurt. He posed her a question, and her response was to simply open her mouth. She'd bite down on whatever he provided (provided it was reasonable), and brace herself. Her fairy, sensing her distress, flitted over to her other shoulder and- Oh, the lights went out.

Terra looked around, frowning as emergency power comes in. "Uh... you can see, right?" This red light didn't seem like it would be the best for a procedure like this, but surely, an obstacle light this wasn't enough to stop the lobster they hired for a physician. Yeah, it made her a little nervous, but she just had to trust his ability.

Luckily for the doctor, the Aeva named Sylph emitted a soft green light, complementing the red. She began to cast magic into Terra's shoulder. Nothing seemed to change other than a soft, blue glow, but Terra would be rather unresponsive during the procedure. She'd flinch and groan and whine and everything, but she wasn't screaming like probably should be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

When Terra presented her mouth, Shor'Gen turned, and placed a rolled up medical rag in her mouth. He was about to start work, when the lights went out, and the ship rocked lightly with the impact of...something. Not that Shor'Gen really noticed the lights going out anyways, save for his hearing vision going almost immeasurably fuzzier, since the photons in the room had a minute effect on his vision.

"If it brings you any comfort, my species does not have eyes." Shor'Gen said, as if something like that was good news to her in this situation. This situation required absolute precision, so Shor'Gen couldn't really rely on having to used medical tools by proxy.

To steady her arm, one of his primary pincers closed over Terra's forearm, while the other placed itself against her back. Leaning forwards slightly, Shor'Gen brought his lower claws to bear. They held nothing, save for one, which had a pair of microtweezers in its clutches. two of his lower claws placed themselves around the edge of the wound, holding it open so Shor'Gen could work.

Gently moving the microtweezers into her arm, he proceeded to remove the pieces of shrapnel in Terra's shoulder. It was a meticulous (and most likely painful) process for Terra, but once he was done (after ten minutes of working on her shoulder, the tweezers came up one last time, holding the remnants of the bullet. Dropping it into a disposal tray along with the other pieces of bullet, Shor'Gen followed up by sealing the wound with Synthflesh, and closed it off with a heat cauterizer.

As he applied bandages, he spoke up. "Do note that you have been moved down in the crew physicals schedule, in order to give your wound more time to heal. However, should you heal before you are called, come see me at once." He said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kwon Woo Bon
A short while away from the fighting, one of the inhabited sectors of Elistore now lay demolished by the planetary bombardment. Among the rubble of destroyed homes, a metal trapdoor slowly opened up just a crack, allowing a pair of green eyes to peek through. There were a few armed invaders in silver armour still outside, Kwon could see, patrolling around as if looking for something, or someone. They looked on alert, but weren’t bothering to check any basements at the moment, which is surely where the surviving civilians would be hiding.

The Mon Kett slunk back into the basement, the only part of this home that remained mostly intact. A family of Furzai was hiding down here as well, huddled up in a corner as far from the trapdoor as possible. Kwon had been out on the street, heading towards his first day at work on the Exeralune, when the bombardment started. He was lucky to have this family notice him and invite him in to shelter with them, else he surely would’ve been dead by now.

From what he could see and hear, the bombardment seemed to have stopped, or at least moved on to a different area. Although the threat of armed invaders was still out there, Kwon knew he couldn’t keep hiding here. The Exeralune would have need of him in order to take off. There was little he could do for these civilians now, but if his crew could escape this warzone, they could call for help from outside, or even off-planet if they had to. He knew very little about the nature of this invasion, but it seemed like their best bet.

Yes, he’d made his decision. “Stay down here no matter what,” he told the Furzai family. “I’ll make my way to the military base and seek for help. Everything will be fine, I promise.” With that, he peeked out the trapdoor once again. He waited until all the invaders in sight happened to be looking the other way before slipping out of the trapdoor, closing it behind him and hiding behind the nearest chunk of destroyed wall. Unarmed and unarmoured but for his LightWeave uniform, he’d have to rely on stealth to get anywhere. His bright white fur wasn’t exactly good camouflage, but at least Mon Kett are nimble and light-footed.

Quickly but carefully, he went from cover to cover behind the remains of collapsed houses, avoiding detection for now. He could only move slowly and deliberately at first, with the hostile soldiers nearby, but once he'd made it out of this block the amount of invaders thinned heavily, allowing him to travel faster. It was almost like they were stationed specifically in that spot to intercept someone, perhaps even Kwon himself, knowing that the ship couldn't take off without a pilot. He soon broke into a sprint as he made his way towards the intended location of the Exeralune.

By the time he finally reached the hangar, fighting had broken out between the invaders and what he assumed to be the crew of the Exeralune. With bullets flying everywhere, there was no way he could simply dash through to the ship and hope to survive, so he’d have to rely on his natural abilities once again. He rapidly clambered up the wall of the hangar, grabbing onto support girders and pipes until he reached the ceiling, thankfully not yet drawing the attention of the invaders. Upside down, he then made his way through the rafters towards the direction of the ship, navigating around huge shards of crystal that had mysteriously crashed into the hangar roof from above at some point.

Eventually, he reached the other end of the hangar, where he could descend down the wall again in relative safety and approach the ship from the other side, where there was less risk of getting shot. He made his way into the ship just in time to hear the disembodied voice of the engineering officer ordering for the ship to be made ready for take-off. As Kwon scrambled around the ship in search of the bridge, he turned on his own ear piece and responded. “First helmsman here, on my way to the bridge.” Upon reaching the bridge, he ran towards the pilot’s chair, jumped over it and landed right in the seat.

This ship was an older model, but the control panel was familiar enough to the trained eye. He quickly skimmed the screens for relevant information before broadcasting his voice again. “Shields up, engines running, awaiting orders for take-off.” According to his feed, other engineers were taking their positions now, as well as the second gunner, so things may be smoothing out now. Wait, didn’t I see that turret firing when I came in? “There’s some full-penetration damage in the bottom floor of the ship. If possible, repair it ASAP to prevent risk of depressurization.” Even with a damaged hull, the shield would keep the ship from depressurizing as long as it stays up. But being under fire, he'd rather not take the risk unless given no other choice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nanao's small blue form rushed through the hallways, at first to avoid the firefight taking place outside, but now to reach a gaping hole in the ship's exterior that the alarm on her wrist device warned her about by way of flashing lights and a touch screen stating the systems in need of repair. Some of the major repairs she wasn't qualified for, but she was more than qualified as an engineer to fire the adhesive vacuum sealant (AVS) spray, which would form a temporary wall to stop depressurization when out in space, where they were apparently needing to go to as soon as possible, certainly not having time to wait for the spare parts to be fetched and installed. They'd have to make due with the temporary fix until this whole mess was settled.

Her thin fingers clasped onto the red canister containing the spray which was located only around 6 feet from the breach, these canisters lined up in multiple places throughout the wall of the ship due to every second counting in the event of a hall breach. Sliding doors would close off the afflicted hallways to keep the vacuum at bay, but it would need to be fixed sooner rather than later in almost any case. Of course it was much easier on land without the vacuum so that she could just run up and fix the problem. In space it would be a nightmare.

She readied the nozzle as she stepped in front of the hole, only to be taken completely off guard to see a figure clad in silver armor climbing up through the wreckage. Behind her, as evident by her breastplate that she was a she, was even more people filing in, but the exact number of their forces was unknown due to the rest of the ship obstructing her view. The intruder seemed just as surprised as Nanao due to pausing abruptly in her tracks, her helmet pointing her way. Nanao panicked, knowing that she would be completely outmatched in any sort of confrontation; even if this intruder stripped off her armor and engaged her in hand to hand, one on one, the odds would still be against her in a fair fight. The Niiroan people weren't the most sturdy people around is what she was getting at. She had to end this fight now before it even truly began. Her first instinct was flight but that would be no good. This lady and her friends would be up into the ship in no time to give chase and shoot her down. Instead Nanao quickly changed her plan from flight to fight, her mind being both quick and sharp, important qualities for her occupation.

She used the element of surprise to bash the woman over the head with the canister, and while she was reeling backwards she kicked her out of her position entirely, sending her crashing into the women behind her that caused a domino effect of them all falling to the hanger floor with a loud clash. Using this moment she fired off the AVS spray, the white foam catching onto the edges of the hole and quickly filling in more and more until it completely coated the opening. It would then harden with incredible speed, sealing the ship's wound from even the affects of a vacuum. The enemy might be able to tear at the foam over time, but by the sound of things the ship would hopefully be taking off soon before the enemy had a chance to do any significant damage.

Just as she was taking a step back to examine her handiwork one last time, out of the corner of her eye she spotted a silver figure turning the corner hurriedly, gun in hand. Uh oh. Alerted by the sound of her comrades falling, no doubt, and that means that some of them had already gotten on board before she had even arrived! Her bug looking eyes couldn't widen in surprise, already being quite large, but that's what would have happened had this not been the case. She turned tail and dashed around the corner, narrowly avoiding a hail of gunfire that instead riddled the wall behind her.

She opened up her communication device and, due to being shy, "yelled" the situation in a manner that was barely audible to anyone on the receiving end of her call. Normally she'd avoid all communication but this was life threatening.

"I fixed the breach but there are enemies already inside. I repeat, enemies inside near the breach! Please help me!" She informed them frantically. To the normal speaker system it just sounded like static and a ghostly mumbling barely audible over it. However, the ship's AI ran a program to remove the static and enhanced the voice. Even with her best efforts Nanao still sounded like she using a normal inside voice, but that was all they needed to be able to understand the message. The AI accessed the cameras, revealing a group of women storming the halls. However, it appeared like they had given up on the small blue girl who's long black hair flowed in back of her, in favor of another more important list of targets. They spread out to various areas, likely an attempt to kill off the most vital people before they knew what was going on. Unfortunately a lack of power took down a lot of the cameras, leaving the exact where-a-bouts of the intruders unknown. Not good.

"Alert to all personnel about the Exeralune. An unknown number of silver armored assailants is onboard at unknown locations, likely multiple ones. Find the nearest security members, team up, and remain calm," she ordered. She had no real authority in such matters so could be overruled, but for now that seemed like the most logical plan so there was no need to wait for a higher ranking organic to point that out.

She then turned her communication just to the man who worked his way into her system.

"As for you, I don't know how you got in here but you don't seem to be too bad, at least not as bad as these silver idiots. Therefore, I offer a truce, at least until I can better analyze our exact situation. Although I'm weakened right now I can at least do twice as much as you, so we shouldn't have much of an issue keeping things held together. I'll cover whatever systems you fail to," she explained in a blunt tone.

Then she processed to herself what the enemy could be planning. It appears like the suicidal men outside, as her cameras saw, were a distraction for these women to sneak aboard. A clever ruse. Perhaps it was some weird form of chivalry? Although it wasn't like sneaking onboard was any safer. All in all these people had far more bravery than survival instinct. She just hoped that this bravery wouldn't allow them to damage her too much more. She hated being seen in such a rundown state. Even if this ship wasn't her real body, her robotic one connected to the central computer, she still felt like it was, so the enemy would pay for messing with her!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Daniel moved back into the waiting room for the moment there was nothing he could do other then continuing to watch for any other major complications. It seemed Terra was going to be alright, fortunately Shor'Gen didn't have any problems without electricity. A report the flashed on the VAE's display, it seemed sensors were no longer detecting a breach anymore. That was good news meant that engineers were able to patch the hole up, maybe with an application of AVS temporary for sure, but it'll do. Daniel made a mental note to send a team later to make more proper repairs later once everything calmed down. Still there wouldn't be much they could do other then wield extra metal plating, the ship would have to enter a dry dock for real repairs.

Static burst through his earpiece, Daniel winced as he listened to the "message." There was seriously not much he could make out other then some faint mumbing. Could have communications gone down? Daniel was about to rush to the comms room to check the equipment, not like he could ask technicians if indeed broadcasting was offline. What stopped him was an announcement which one meant everything was actually working, and two the announcement itself.

"Alert to all personnel about the Exeralune. An unknown number of silver armored assailants is onboard at unknown locations, likely multiple ones. Find the nearest security members, team up, and remain calm,

Well shit, a bad day has become even worse. If Daniel was to guess the invaders probably entered through the breach. They would have a hard time fighting them off in the ship's current state, power needed to come back soon as possible. That meant he had to make his way to the one section of the ship that was likely to hold the highest number of attackers, fun.

Daniel touched his earpiece, " I need to make my way to the damage, I'm going to attempt to restore power. I can easily make the repairs myself, but I'm not much for a fight so going to need some security. If anyone can assist, work your way to the front starboard in the lower section."

He pushed his way into the hallway outside the medbay, hopefully the others would be alright in there, although not like he can help defend them anyway. Doors should still have been functional, they were the first thing to revive emergency power other then life support. Given reserves didn't run out too quickly there shouldn't have been any problems to move around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 37 min ago

Doesn't have eyes? Terra looked at Shor'Gen, momentarily stunned before she sighed. "No, I can't say that's particularly comforting... Ngh!" The woman flinched when she felt the doctor begin his work. It didn't hurt as much as she thought it would, she could see her Aeva using magic on her shoulder. Probably why. As he worked, she had to say, she was impressed. This was a good choice for their doctor, and now she could see why. She was just lucky she had a source of anesthetic. Though, by the time Shor'Gen pulled the last bit, Terra was ready to stop being in pain. The Synthflesh felt... weird, mostly, but that heat cauterizing cut through her fairy's magic. She shrieked at first before controlling herself, breaking into a sweat as she endures the pain. She slumps visibly when it's over, her fairy petting her hair consolingly.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for patching me up." Terra lets the doctor bandage her before she pushes herself from the operating table. It was then a voice announced some terrible news in her ear. Well, first was a burst of static, with some faint audio she couldn't pick up. Then the terrible announcement that they'd been boarded. She felt dread set in, but she had to shake it off and make ready to repel boarders. She moves out to the waiting room and begins to conjure. A golem made of dirt begins to form in front of her and grow larger. If she could get it to fill the doorway, that would be good.

Maybe she'd be able to push them out with waves of dirt? It'd be nice if she could build up that much. Honestly, she wasn't sure how much use a dirt golem would be against armed invaders, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago


"uh, thanks" Isaac said, he knew the AI was better at this then him, he was just a soul able to hack into a system with his mind, he had human limits, she was build for this so..., but still it sounded like she insulted him.
Soon he heard a new report over the audio, well more like his mind processed it as the data was send throughout the ship.
The pilot had finally gotten to his post, activated the shields officially, taking the need for Isaac to do it away.

"You, if that body in my main room, you going to get company from those silver idiots"
"then I guess I need to leave you alone, i'll be back once I deal with it, unless some other party attempts to join in"
"just dont let them damage anything"
"will do"

Just the moment Isaac exited the computer and returned into his body the door opened and 3 female silver armored hostiles entered the room.
"Hey freeze" one said as she aimed her gun at Isaac, surprised to find someone in here.
"twat dont use that, we cant risk damaging anything in here" the one that entered last mentioned.
"besides, he is an unarmed human"

Isaac smiled "say lady, can you close and lock the door for me?"
The 3 silver clad woman looked weird when Isaac asked that.
"why would we close the door for you?" the one that been quiet up till now ask.

Isaac grinned this time "who said I asked you"
Suddenly the door closed shut and was locked.
"thanks" Isaac replied to the ship's AI.

The woman looked confused "why the door closed"
"trivial, take him down and we can figure it out" the one that had entered last seemed to be this little bands leader.

"try me" Isaac said right before his body turned into full electricity.
"what the, what is he?" the one that had entered first asked.
"An Eremend, damn and we got trapped here" the seemingly leader said.
"so you know what I am, in that case, sorry girls but I cant let that get out" Isaac reported.
"crap" was what one of them replied.
"sorry I cant finish this painless" was the last Thing Isaac mentioned before he pretty much zapped at one of the females, grabbing her face.
She tried to scream but the electric currents rushing though her face were to much for her muscles to handle.
Isaac then grabbed the second woman by her arm and increased the voltage, electrocuting them as fast as he could.
the one that was left was the seemingly leader of the group who had pressed her back to the door as much as she could, watching as her two partners were getting turned into coal.
Her helmet made it impossible for Isaac to tell her facial expression as she watched.

once he knew that the 2 in his hands were fully dead he let them go before walking to the last one.
"tss, this is the end right"
"fear so, sorry but I dont have much choice, anyone that knows of the Eremend race is a risk for my race their survival" As he said that he returned into his human form.
Isaac grabbed the woman's neck, she seemed to had made piece already as she did not even tried to break free.
Then he grabbed his rod and opened the tip to reveal the hidden blade, stabbing the woman in her gut as electricity rushed over the weapon, frying her from the inside out.

"sorry you had to see that, my race has had its share problems so we are kind of bound by a rule that we must do all we can to prevent our existence from getting out"
He then walked back to the computer's monitor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Gunnos was providing covering fire for the personnel who were, upon the captain’s command, retreating back into the ship, when he heard the warning about attackers inside the ship and the engineering officer requesting back-up. At first he doubted if he shouldn’t help the captain get to the ship first, yet was still one of the first to step forth for the job. After all, the captain had commanded them to get inside the ship and be ready for take-off. A muscular Blumn, a purple-haired Faera and a big humanoid dog rose with him, so without much hassle, they decided to band together and go in as a team. “We’ll go assist ‘im, but don’t let yer guard down. The cap needs cover to get inside!” Gunnos announced before departing with his team.

“Gunnos here. Comin’ to assist ye with three others, bud,” he spoke into his own earpiece. Since he was broadcasting, the intruders would be able to hear him too, but he had to let Daniel know somehow. “We’re already nearing the intended posi-“ “RUFF!” Suddenly, Gunnos found himself tackled to the ground by Ruddus’ furry form as a burst of bullets flew overhead, narrowly missing them and denting the wall at the far end of the hallway. “Sowwy,” the giant hound mumbled as he scrambled to his feet and into the nearest doorframe for cover, pulling Gunnos with him. There were at least two intruders at the end of the hallway, firing at them from around the corner. The other two security personnel had taken cover as well and were returning fire, to little avail so far.

“Hostiles encountered, be careful Daniel.” He knew Daniel had to be nearby, but didn’t dare ask his location, lest the intruders would hear as well. For now he remained in cover and returned fire, hoping that, at the least, their resistance could pull the intruders attention away from Daniel until they could manage to take them out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Daniel was running through the halls while he had memorized the layout of the rooms, everything looks different while actually navigating them, still it shouldn't have been too much of a problem. A new message rang through his earpiece, Daniel stopped to listen. It was Gunnos, looks like he answered the call for help with a small team good to know some guys are moving. Over the radio Daniel could hear sounds of combat behind Gunnos' words, damn meant the invaders were already widespread within the ship.

As Daniel passed through an open door and into the next hallway, he caught a glimpse of sliver. He ducked behind the doorframe, with luck they didn't see him yet. Daniel slowly looked around the corner, careful to keep hidden, from the looks of it this group was occupied with some of security. Right then was probably a good time to make a run to the elevator that lead the lower sections, problem is going in alone was probably also a stupid idea. Daniel groaned as he thought about this, there had to be a better way. His eyes wandered around the hallway, suddenly an idea came to him. On the wall next to him was a panel, it was a maintenance point for electronic connections with the right knowledge anyone manually activate or deactivate different systems.

Daniel moved infront of the panel, he reached into his uniform pocket fishing out his multitool. He flipped it open to a screwdriver head with it he started removing the screws that kept the cover for the panel in place. The last screw clattered on the floor, at this point he was able to expose the panel and work on its insides. Inside there was complex crisscross of wires, each one in charge of functions such as door control, lights, atmospherics and so on. Daniel flipped the multitool to a new setting, this one known as a wire pulser, while he could wire cutters, a pulser also stops flow through the wire without actually damaging it.

Daniel reached to his earpiece, "Gunnos, if that's you out there in a firefight I got a way to give you the upper hand, be ready." Daniel took the pulser to one of the wires, a small wave of energy emanated from the tool. The effects were imminent, what Daniel did was manually activate the fire suppression system, soon fire retardant foam spewed from micro nozzles on the ceiling. This created a good screen of cover that could have potentially masked any approach from Gunnos' team.
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