Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

DFA said
"Huh and he can create food as well?" Seth muttered to himself as he looked at his hands. Just how much power did Vince contain within himself? Speaking of powers......He glanced at Azalea, wondering what she was really capable of underneath that fragile nature she displayed. She hadn't exactly showcased her powers just yet, but he got the feeling that she was a lot stronger than she had let on. Earlier in the hallway, she quickly transitioned from being a victim into wanting to tackle the problem, by herself of all things! She was also quick to trust people it seemed, as Seth had witnessed on himself and on Vincent just now. He promised himself he wouldn't try and abuse that trust."You're pretty willing to forgive him, Lea..." Seth noted and spoke to Azalea, "Maybe it's the fact that he really meant no harm in the end and was just trying to find a way to express his emotions, just not in the correct way. If I were presented with a situation like that, I would've beat the crap out of Vince with every fiber of my being and dish out a full course menu of suffering if I had the capabilities to do so." He shook his head, "I don't know...do you think if you would've gone alone, would this have ended up a different way?" Seth was just rambling and voicing his thoughts out loud to pass the time until Vincent was done with his . "Would you have had the power to steer the outcome in your favor?" "Well regardless...it's a good thing we didn't end up fighting him. I'm not much of a fighter myself, sure I could throw a few punches and protect myself, but I don't posses any offensive powers. I heal people." Seth lifted his fingers and green orbs shimmered around his hands and then faded away. "I don't think I would've been much use if things came down to a battle. I mean what would I do? Heal him into submission?" He joked.Pip, the overly dramatic waiter*POP!* Our wonderful waiter was back, with a cheesy grin on his face and a rather large plate in his hands."Hahahaha! A lot of business here I see! Now then..." He turned his gaze onto Izo, "...a medium steak for the frosty looking young man as requested!" He chimed as he set a plate with a still hot and sizzling steak on it. The man placed a steak knife and a fork next to the plate, a smaller plate of sauteed mushrooms and onions and a glass of water soon followed. But the waiter wasn't done...."Might I recommend trying a glass of chilled oolong tea with your steak? I find that the earthly and bitter quality of oolong tea goes well with meals such as this and it helps with digestion" He also set a glass of brown oolong tea next to his water."Now, giving a shady looking man such as yourself a steak knife might not be the best idea in my humble opinion. But please try not to carve drawings into the table, they do cost a fortune." He bowed and smiled. "Enjoy."*pop!*

"I-I-I relay hope it doesn't come to a fight, I am no fighter..." Vince says as he compleats his portal to the dineing hall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JohnnyBoi

JohnnyBoi ...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alex pulled out his schedule to look at when Kat asked him what classes he got for this year.
Schedule said ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Control 101/Homeroom
Gifted History

He saw that some of the classes he didn't like and thought that he's going to have to study and pay attention in class or he's going to fail. He showed his schedule to Kat and said, "Looks like I got some good and bad classes like math, I always fall asleep for some reason so I don't know how I'm going to pass." Then a waiter popped up in front of them, which made him jump a little when he did that, and set down what Kat ordered and popped away. Then he wondered what classes Kat had since she asked him so he asked while taking a bite out of his burger, "So what classes did you get Kat, anything you looking forward to?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysticFox


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Azalea stood silently as she listened to Seth speak his mind. Everything left her wondering. Why had she been so forgiving to Vince? He had forced himself upon her, wouldn't any girl beat him to a pulp? But she couldn't. Not then, not there. She had never been the violent type, her power usually gave her what she wanted.

"I don't know...do you think if you would've gone alone, would this have ended up a different way?"

Those words engraved into the back of her mind. Azalea thought about it long and hard. If what Vince said was true, that he was immune to her gift, it would most defiantly have ended in a most likely unpleasant way. She would be truly helpless. Now she stood there quietly, looking both of them over thoroughly. Azalea was scared, she couldn't protect and defend herself if she became friends with the fox boy.

She shook her head, snapping back to reality. Her lips formed a frown while she gazed at Vince for a long 10 seconds before looking away. Azalea couldn't be friends with this boy, he was a potential threat to her and she would defend herself at any cost. But how could she possibly do that if she remained friends with him? "L-Let's go eat..." Her hands fumbled with the hem of her skirt nervously while she now stood behind Seth, keeping her distance between herself and the fox.

But who was she to trust either of them?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vince looks sadly back at Azalea,and sighs. He wispers at Seth: "L-look, I know this is an odd question... and I know I should drop it... but, is thair any way for me to be with Azalea?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

'Was it something I said? Seth asked himself, seeing Azalea start to shy away from both of them. He frowned to himself as he directed his gaze over to Vincent.

"Vince." Seth seriously racked his brains in an attempt to come up with a response. "I...I believe...in finding love and being ridiculously dopey and sweet to a girl. But it's not only that...There's something else to it, but I can't get a full grasp on what it is yet."

Something else... Was there an interaction between the two that he had missed? Seth thought back to their encounter in the hallway. You couldn't get broken emotions in an instant like that, there had to be some sort of build up. Especially, their foxy friend, who had dived down into his own fox hole on a whim, whilst depressed and sobbing, and Azalea who seemed almost defensive at the moment.
'There must be more...I have to find out somehow...' Who would he talk to though? Vince or Azalea?

...Or perhaps both?

" I'm a little limited in my knowledge when it comes to relationships, because I've never had the chance to experience a very meaningful and deep relationship of my own yet. Any girls I've ever met, I've always been associated as a 'friend' and nothing more, I've never taken one out on a date ever. That's why I said I couldn't guarantee anything, because I've never had the experience. I'm just going off of my intuition here and what I see at point blank range. I guess I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic now that I think about it."

Seth softened his voice, "I'm not saying it's impossible Vince, but it's going to take a lot of effort, patience, and a lot of adjustment. You also have to be considerate to her feelings and how she views you. If you want the best results possible, you have to be realistic about this. You're asking her to become YOURS ONLY, that's not something most girls would do for a stranger on the spot." He placed a hand on Vince's shoulder, "There's a difference between those who like each other and those who love one another, Vince, and a one sided love versus mutual love. In the end...if you ever feel like giving up or if she doesn't return those feelings, just let me know. As much as you'd like to think, she's not the only one out there..." Seth took his hand off of Vincent's shoulder and turned towards the glyph, briefly glancing at Azalea.

"...unless you think she's worth all of your effort."

Honestly, when it came down to it, he only wanted what was best for the two of them...

"Anywho, would you mind opening the gate, Vince?" he asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysticFox


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"I'm not worth all your effort Vincent." Azalea spoke softly as she walked up to the fox boy. She took her hands in his and gazed up at him, locking her eyes on his. "Listen Vince, I'm going to say this and I'm only going to say this once."

"You don't love me." Azalea stared at him with an emotionless face. Yes, that was a bit harsh but this boy was clueless. "How can you possible say you love me, when we only have just met? Who am I to be giving you advice on such an confusing topic, when I don't know a single thing." She sighed and looked down. "I have no experiance with love. But I do know this, you do not love me." Her face was becoming redder by the moment. "Love is an intense feeling of affection. Love is a strong word to use when speaking to a stranger." Azalea paused, debating on speaking about what this was truly about.

"You can't force it. You have to let it happen naturally." She stopped speaking, only leaning in closer to his face so he would comprehend what she was saying. "When you kissed me, that was force." She let go of his hands, her own dropping to her sides. "What I ask of you is this, please do not force yourself upon me. It will only drive me away." She glanced at Seth and frowned, staring down at the ground. She began speaking again in a calm but firm tone. "I know this is truly difficult to comprehend, I don't understand it either, but I'm asking you to try to understand." Azalea wrapped her small arms around the fox boy's body for a few seconds before pulling away and taking a few seconds back. Tears had gathered in the corners of her eyes, ready to spill at any second.

"Please, the gate."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Sighing, tears welling up, Vince presses his hand on the Glyph and re-alines them with the world. "But..." he mutters to himself under his breath. "But I've known you for so long, even If you only just met me. I realise that I dont love you per-say, but all I ever said was that I was atracted to you and I saw that you were to... then I spent thouseds of years contemplating you and your form and I talked with the fracking LOVE GODDESS! And yet I'm still hopeless... And you call my most, my only, impulsive molment in my life to be forced. Yes Master told me I needed to make freinds with you, and yes he wanted to capitalise on the mutual attraction we had, but then I shut out for the first time in my life... I just..." After this he folows the others out and closes the gate again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Seth mulled over the fact that Vincent had already kissed Azalea. He didn't say anything as they were speaking to one another, choosing to listen to both of their words. Vince was getting so emotional to the point where he was almost mumbling underneath his breath and Seth couldn't quite hear what he was saying, he had to turn his ear towards him to pick up on his words.

Once they had reappeared into the school, he took a moment to regain his breath and balance.
"I'll never be used to inter-dimensional travel...I wasn't ever made for that." He muttered.
Seth lead them to the second floor, to where the dining hall was. As they got closer, he could hear the laughter and excited buzz of people who were having a great time while eating with their friends.
He wheeled about and faced his two companions, they both had tears in their eyes. Seth approached them and with a quiet comforting tone, he spoke.

"Hey, c'mon guys. Let's just relax and have a good time while we're here. Forget about your emotional turmoils, forget about your master for now, and let everything go just for this hour. Now, for both of your guys' sake, I'm sitting in between the two of you so you guys can at least calm down. We can continue this later on, why don't we go in and tell jokes and maybe have a laugh or two over a bite of pizza and ice cream?" Seth pointed to the doors of the dining hall and shot a rather cheesy grin at them. "It's what friends do after all."

With a deep breath, he entered the dining hall and paused, in awe of the number of people gathered in one area. It was huge! At the end of the hall, he saw the school staff seated at an ornate table perched on the top of some stairs. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, giving the place a grand look. Table were lined across the hall, and he could see that almost all of them were full with the exception of a table towards the center.
He saw a familiar face with brunette hair. That was Sam! She appeared to be having in a conversation with another first year and they both looked pretty animated about it. There were five empty seats that weren't quite adjacent to her, but at least close enough to talk to her if he so desired. He turned to his companions and silently gestured to the empty seats before walking over to the table.

He seated himself diagonally from a brown haired, green eyed girl and she seemed to be almost cuddling up to a gray haired student to her left, both enjoying themselves with a rather tasty looking pasta. Just a seat over to the right of him and seated across from the gray haired student, there was a rather dark looking character. You could almost see shadows flitting around him once in a while if you paid enough attention. He made sure to leave room for his two friends and he turned to them, patting the seats on either side of him.

School Dean

Mr. Sean adjusted his glasses as he peered across the room, surveying the mass of students before him. He grinned to himself in anticipation of the year to come. This year, things would change and he would be at the fore of this wave of change that was to come. The headmaster was sure to make his speech soon as most of the students appeared to be in their seats already.

Everything would come to him in due time, it was just a matter of patience now. The dominoes were already set and whenever the time was right, he'd knock the first one down and the rest would fall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Tired, and still a bit upset, Vince simply folows Seth after closeing the portal. He starts to draw a complex glyph on the underside of the table as he waches the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintersunshine
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

GamingOwl said
Alex pulled out his schedule to look at when Kat asked him what classes he got for this year.He saw that some of the classes he didn't like and thought that he's going to have to study and pay attention in class or he's going to fail. He showed his schedule to Kat and said, "Looks like I got some good and bad classes like math, I always fall asleep for some reason so I don't know how I'm going to pass." Then a waiter popped up in front of them, which made him jump a little when he did that, and set down what Kat ordered and popped away. Then he wondered what classes Kat had since she asked him so he asked while taking a bite out of his burger, "So what classes did you get Kat, anything you looking forward to?"

Kat smile seeing the classes he. Has and has the same except for physics. She smile and showed him his scheduwl and take a bit of her burger. "I can help you in math I'm pretty good at it" she smile at him with ketchup on her lip.

The headmaster stood and said loudly for all to hear. "Welcome to waverly academy! My we have a large group this year! I'm so excited for this year it will be splendid wonderful fantastic and this year we will all get to go camping yay!" He was excited and spoke loud with a booming voice.

Kat jump when she heard him speak and froze hearing the word camping. Camping mean trees and that isn't good for her with her gift.

Liliana giggle listening and smile look at Keith "I never been camping is it fun?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Wintersunshine said Liliana giggle listening and smile look at Keith "I never been camping is it fun?"

"Well its fun to me , but I go camping for evil reasons. Also I'm not a big fan of the sun so....if we were to date don't expect alot of fabulous vacations." Keith says winking at Liliana.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The doors to the dining hall opened as a guy walked in. The first thing people would probably notice is his crimson hair and eyes, and the bloodstained bandages wrapped around his hands. He looked around, and noticed that there was only one open seat(of course it's at the same table as the others. :P), so he just went and sat down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintersunshine
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Slendy said
"Well its fun to me , but I go camping for evil reasons. Also I'm not a big fan of the sun so....if we were to date don't expect alot of fabulous vacations." Keith says winking at Liliana.

Liliana giggle "it's okay. I been to a few places and there not all that great plus as long I have you if we were to date I don't care where we go"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

School Dean - The plot begins!

Mr. Sean smiles to himself as he takes his glasses and polishes the lens with his shirt. He was eyeing two figures specifically, a brown haired girl named Liliana if he recalled correctly from this year's roster, and a boy named Seth. Those two would be the first domino to fall and set the chain reaction that was his plan. His next move would be something more visible, so to speak.

While his colleagues' eyes where on the headmaster, he inconspicuously casts a small curse with his hands underneath the table where the fabric would hide them from view. Once done, he put his glasses back on, the pink irises in his eyes gleaming with anticipation.
He catches the eye of Ms. Haswell, the school's new secretary, and playfully winks at her.
"I can pitch a great tent, if you know what I mean."

'Hm..how about a large pepperoni pizza?'
Seth was browsing through the menu when he felt the air shift around him. He frowned for a second and looked around the table before returning to the menu. He never noticed that a small pressure was beginning to form at the back of his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysticFox


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Once they had arrive in the lunch room, her red eyes scanned over the room. She silently followed Seth to the table where other students were already engaged in conversations, along with the rest of the room. Azalea took her seat next to Seth, smoothing out her skirt as she did so to cover her already purple knee. Why she bruised so easily? That was something she was curious about to. The bruises weren't normal either. They were very painful and took a long time to heal. The slightest touch of the injury caused extreme levels of excruciating agony.

Azalea snapped back to reality once she had caught herself spacing out. She scanned over the crowd once more, stopping to study the occasional student. A boy with red and red eyes and what appeared to be bloody bandages wrapped around his knuckles caught her attention for a split second before she continued to study the students. Her eyes didn't stop wandering until they paused on the dean. She stared at him for quite some time, her eyebrows furrowed. Slowly, she looked away and turned back to her schoolmates that sat at the table along side her.

Her body sat still while her face remained expressionless. Azalea couldn't help but think about what Seth had said. His words replayed over and over again in her head on repeat. If she would have gone alone into that dimension, would she have been sitting where she was at this exact moment? If Seth hadn't been eavesdropping on Vincent and her argument, she could be dead for all she was aware of. Azalea turned in her seat and faced Seth. She leaned in close, accidentally brushing her lips against his ear as she whispered to him softly. "Thank you for helping me out back there. I'll return the favor somehow." Was there a need to thank him? That's what friends were for right? Helping when help was needed. Azalea pulled away and returned to her motionless position, listening in on other's conversations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Wintersunshine said
Liliana giggle "it's okay. I been to a few places and there not all that great plus as long I have you if we were to date I don't care where we go"

" You know something. Now that I got a better look at you , your pretty cute." Keith said putting his hand under her chin to adjust her head were she and Keith are looking eye to eye. " I'd like to date you and probably get to know you better Liliana."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintersunshine
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Slendy said
" You know something. Now that I got a better look at you , your pretty cute." Keith said putting his hand under her chin to adjust her head were she and Keith are looking eye to eye. " I'd like to date you and probably get to know you better Liliana."

Liliana blush and smile place her hand on his cheek. "I would like that Keith. I think your handsome yourself" she smile at him. Then she felt a small headache forming and place her hand on her head. "Ow. I think I have a headache it hurts" she whisper in pain
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

arowne97 said
The doors to the dining hall opened as a guy walked in. The first thing people would probably notice is his crimson hair and eyes, and the bloodstained bandages wrapped around his hands. He looked around, and noticed that there was only one open seat(of course it's at the same table as the others. :P), so he just went and sat down.

A blotch of red caught his eye and he turned his head, observing a red head seat himself at their table. He didn't know who he was but he looked a little threatening with his appearance.

He turned his attention back to the menu. Seth was startled as he felt Azalea's lips and her breath lightly graze his ear.
"Thank you for helping me out back there. I'll return the favor somehow."
Due to him being startled, he accidentally ordered two large pizzas instead of one. He desperately navigated the screen but he found no undo or cancel button.
It's the 21st century, and it doesn't even have an undo button!? Seth thought and mentally sighed. Guess he'd have to share with the whole table when it got here, at least they weren't charging him for it, but he wondered if there was a fee for not eating your food?
He was watching the couple across from him, taking mental notes in his head for later reference whenever he'd start teaching Vincent how to get the ladies...or one particular lady in his case. He was deep in thought as he contemplated his current circumstance.
Seth thought camping might be a great way to get to know each of them better, and thus, he began his planning for "Phase I" of his strategy codenamed, "Operation EnVINCEable".
"Camping, eh? We can toast marshmallows together and tell scary ghost stories." Seth said to both of his friends. "Either of you have a problem with going? It'd be a nice way to get out and see what's in the area I think."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"no problem, thair might be a few local gods to talk to thogh...." Vince says simply, still continueing his glyph on the underside of the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

James unwrapped just the tip of his finger and touched the table, and was able to feel everything about it because he needed to know everything about it in order to know how it would make an effective weapon, just in case. He could also feel the glyph being drawn on it. He had just been listening to the others' conversations until now. "Whoever is drawing a glyph on the table might want to stop...it's messing with my senses...." he said, before rewrapping his finger.
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