Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dalharil


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Phoenix nodded to Sammy. Smiling after her blunder with the handshake. "I did, apologies for the hand though. I guess I'm just used to it being the customary thing." She looked up as she heard the bell. "Mind if I tag along with you? Although I imagine you don't know where you're going either.?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Kyo dropped the fans at the sound of the bell, surprised out of his focused state. Was gym class over already? He must have spent the entire time in here. Now that he thought of it, he hadn't even gotten anywhere while he was in here. Had he really just wasted all that time? The housekeeper would probably be irritated...and he still didn't know if Liz was okay. If she didn't want to be found, though, she probably wouldn't be. He lacked any sort of ability that would be particularly useful in locating someone as far as he knew, so it wasn't as if there was much he could do. I might as well go back before the housekeeper punishes me...

As soon as he picked up his fans, he started toward the door to go to the next class. Something stopped him just before he left, though. Some sort of weird feeling...
Although he was unsure why he felt that he had to do so, he crouched down and left one fan just inside the room, a few steps away from the door. Once it was there, he stood again and left the room, wondering if he would actually see it again in the near future.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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Katherin set her jumprope down and began searching for her cane. She was relieved that gym was done. It was one class that always made her nervous. She understood that she had to find a way to live with both her ability and her disability. She knew there were stories of blind people to both ordinary and extraordinary things. She just wish Hague could learn where she wasnt a threat to others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sammy went to follow the housekeeper. He turned to Phoenix and said,"Are you coming?" He put his rope down and padded off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dalharil


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She smiled and followed after the cat. She liked him, it was a refreshing change from the people who'd hated her when she went into town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Kyo walked to the classroom he was used to going to by now and sat down quietly in a chair in the corner. Hopefully this class would go better.

...or maybe not, since apparently he had forgotten to get his tablet back. Suddenly realizing that he had left it in the gym, he stood up and started to walk back there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As he followed Kyo to the classroom, Sammy wondered where Liz was. He hoped she wouldn't stay where she was the whole day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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As no response came from the cold presence, Py took it as his mistake and decided to carry on. But the bell rang soon so he left his rope and began looking around for his cane. Since he had been jumping and shuffling about a few steps, his mental radar was way off from finding his cane. He knew he had left it near some corner but where exactly was a problem. There were a dozen things in the gym room that could be mistaken for a cane so he just brought his hand in front of him and calmly waved around hoping to catch the cane. He was crouching and counting his steps so that he can map a route afresh.

The housekeeper had the right intention but he thought she was a bit too quick and eager to get them going. He needed some time to sort himself out but in the end he had only achieved losing a possible friend and with the way things are going, Liz's gentle and likable personality he'll soon alienate other people that like Liz. Not a good start but he'll live here until he is thrown out and improvise from there. As the thoughts ran through his mind he still searched for the cane, he was on all fours now hoping that he'd get lucky or that someone would help him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

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Alastair stopped staring at py's empty eyes, he had a odd feeling while staring at him. Once he dropped the jump rope Alastair disappeared, reappearing in the class room where the housekeeper had called them. Alastair was feeling irritable for some reason, he went and put his head down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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As soon as he retrieved his tablet from its place in the gym, Kyo turned to see Pyktis...doing something. With his tablet back in hand, he could actually ask what was going on now, so he began typing. "Pyktis, are you looking for something? Do you want any help?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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YamiCuoreLaroux said
As soon as he retrieved his tablet from its place in the gym, Kyo turned to see Pyktis...doing something. With his tablet back in hand, he could actually ask what was going on now, so he began typing. "Pyktis, are you looking for something? Do you want any help?"

The mechanical voice broke the silence and Py's prayers were answered. It was Kyo and Py was really thankful to fate. "Yeah! My cane. I don't remember where I kept it. Could you be kind enough to search with me." Py requested. Something that had stuck him as odd though was the way Kyo had called him on. He had used his full name to sound formal, was the effects of what he did to Liz already snowballing out of control. Were people already made a notion about him and shunned him? Well the process had started, Kyo who he thought was the most gentle seemed to be doing this only out of habit it seemed.

This realization had an effect on his features, his shoulders drooped and the face also twisted itself into a sad expression. Perhaps he had been a bit too harsh on the shy girl, all she wanted to do was help. He could've always left things at the wounds and never talked about energy transfer.

'You stupid stupid man!' he berated himself mentally as he still physically searched for his cane.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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Diabolicalrhapsody said
The mechanical voice broke the silence and Py's prayers were answered. It was Kyo and Py was really thankful to fate. "Yeah! My cane. I don't remember where I kept it. Could you be kind enough to search with me." Py requested. This realization had an effect on his features, his shoulders drooped and the face also twisted itself into a sad expression.

Kyo nodded out of habit, not even caring at this point that it couldn't be seen. "I see. I will take a look." Turning around, he began to search for the missing cane as well. He doubted that it could be very far away. Perhaps only a few meters at most...ah, was that it?
Picking up the item off the floor, he took a moment to examine it. This was the one he had entered the gym with, wasn't it? He thought he had seen him carrying it around after breakfast. Since he had it, he looked back to the boy only to notice that something had changed in his expression. "Pyktis? Is something else wrong? I think I found your cane."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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YamiCuoreLaroux said
Kyo nodded out of habit, not even caring at this point that it couldn't be seen. "I see. I will take a look." Turning around, he began to search for the missing cane as well. He doubted that it could be very far away. Perhaps only a few meters at most...ah, was that it? Picking up the item off the floor, he took a moment to examine it. This was the one he had entered the gym with, wasn't it? He thought he had seen him carrying it around after breakfast. Since he had it, he looked back to the boy only to notice that something had changed in his expression. "Pyktis? Is something else wrong? I think I found your cane."

As Py searched in vain, Kyo managed to locate the item. He turned at Py and inquired about him innocently. Py just gave off a wry grin, he knew that Kyo was just acting out of his caring nature and that he deserved no help after what he had done to Liz.

"Nah, I'm fine. thanks for asking. Where is Liz by the way? I have upset her and I am deeply sorry for my actions." he lamented.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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Diabolicalrhapsody said
As Py searched in vain, Kyo managed to locate the item. He turned at Py and inquired about him innocently. Py just gave off a wry grin, he knew that Kyo was just acting out of his caring nature and that he deserved no help after what he had done to Liz."Nah, I'm fine. thanks for asking. Where is Liz by the way? I have upset her and I am deeply sorry for my actions." he lamented.

"I cannot find her. I'm a bit worried." Kyo walked over to the boy and placed the cane in his hand. "I saw her go as far as one of the upper floors, but I lack the physical ability to have kept up." He thought back to his time in the theatre. Why didn't he start searching the other rooms? What made him so sure that he should go there? Oh, the cat. He frowned as he thought of it again. He must have been in another waking dream or something. It certainly hadn't helped him as much as he had hoped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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YamiCuoreLaroux said
"I cannot find her. I'm a bit worried." Kyo walked over to the boy and placed the cane in his hand. "I saw her go as far as one of the upper floors, but I lack the physical ability to have kept up." He thought back to his time in the theatre. Why didn't he start searching the other rooms? What made him so sure that he should go there? Oh, the cat. He frowned as he thought of it again. He must have been in another waking dream or something. It certainly hadn't helped him as much as he had hoped.

"So she wishes to be left alone. I can understand that. I think she needs time to sort her emotions out and also me not being such a jerk." Py replied.

"Well, I wonder what's up next. Did you see Katherin around? I want to ask her how her session went?" Py pondered as he absently asked Kyo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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Diabolicalrhapsody said
"So she wishes to be left alone. I can understand that. I think she needs time to sort her emotions out and also me not being such a jerk." Py replied."Well, I wonder what's up next. Did you see Katherin around? I want to ask her how her session went?" Py pondered as he absently asked Kyo.

Kyo raised an eyebrow at his response, but wasn't sure whether he should ask. Technically, it wasn't his business, but still...
Instead, he looked around to see if Katherin was still in the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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YamiCuoreLaroux said
Kyo raised an eyebrow at his response, but wasn't sure whether he should ask. Technically, it wasn't his business, but still...Instead, he looked around to see if Katherin was still in the room.

"I am here." Katherin called. "Like you I missed placed my cane. But I have found it. What happen to Liz? She seems like such a quiet girl." Katherin stated as she made her way over to them.y
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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KatherinWinter said
"I am here." Katherin called. "Like you I missed placed my cane. But I have found it. What happen to Liz? She seems like such a quiet girl." Katherin stated as she made her way over to them.y

"Umm..I ended up horrifying her.All she wanted to do was help but my humor was a bit too dark and she misunderstood." Py lamented.

"Well how did you do in this skipping class. I fared horribly. Not only did I ended up bruised but by the looks of it I lost a probable friend with maybe more to follow." Py said in a low voice.

"Had it not been for Kyo, I would have taken much longer to find my cane. So do you know which class is next?" Py inquired Katherin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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Diabolicalrhapsody said
"Umm..I ended up horrifying her.All she wanted to do was help but my humor was a bit too dark and she misunderstood." Py lamented."Well how did you do in this skipping class. I fared horribly. Not only did I ended up bruised but by the looks of it I lost a probable friend with maybe more to follow." Py said in a low voice."Had it not been for Kyo, I would have taken much longer to find my cane. So do you know which class is next?" Py inquired Katherin.

Katherin didnt know what to make of half of what Py told her. Most of it didnt make any sense. "I think I did alright. No one complained that I hit them so I guess I didn't do too badly." She told them as she stopped close to where she heard Py's voice. "We have class next. The housekeeper has set up so that we can continue whatever education we have."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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KatherinWinter said
Katherin didnt know what to make of half of what Py told her. Most of it didnt make any sense. "I think I did alright. No one complained that I hit them so I guess I didn't do too badly." She told them as she stopped close to where she heard Py's voice. "We have class next. The housekeeper has set up so that we can continue whatever education we have."

"Do we always have this many classes? I thought we would go out and get to know our abilities and stuff better." Py just asked, confused about the packed schedule.

"I mean unless you get to know and experiment your powers. You won't refine them like you want, right Kat?" he asked a more direct question this time.
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