Character Name: Jeremiah Blankenship
Alias/Nickname:Jerry, Menace, Maniac, Psycho, Psychopath, Homicidal threat, Public Enemy, Wanted, Deadman, Vigilant, Vigilante.
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Human
Age: 34
Birthplace/original pack: Winchestersonville, Iowa
Occupation: Shifter Hunter(Traveling Deathtrap.)
More: He will sometimes take odd-jobs, or side-jobs, in towns or cities to get some money when extra cash is needed, or when hunting is poor.
General Appearance (no picture necessary, but you can):

More: He has a series of three scars across the back of his left calf from a werewolf. He also has a scar on his right forearm, which is on the outside of his forearm, from a large knife. He has a series of small scars across his chest and back from various sources, but all of these are very small, little more then small dots or specs now.

1)45-70 Hunting Rifle/Brush Gun
2)M9-1911 9mm
3)Military Issue, Survivalist, multi-purpose Shortsword.
Equipment:He carries around a few boxes of rounds for both firearms, a rucksack full of snare and trap equipment, and a small medical kit.
Current Goal/Purpose in life: Eradicate the Shifter Race... with a passion.
Talents: He is a wilderness survivalist, urban survivalist, former Doomsday Prepper, and Ex-US Ranger. This makes him an expert Huntsman, sure-shot, and survivalist. His knowledge of hunting and hunting techniques are only comparable to his knowledge of weapons and weapon forms.(when training with different, or otherwise special/unique weapons.)
Inabilities: He is entirely incapable of letting a Shifter leave his presence alive, public situation or not.
Fears: That his work, and the work of all Shifter Hunters, will go incomplete and the Shifters will one day be a completely acceptable situation within society.
General Personality: He, on the outside, is a man of little words, few secrets, and obvious action. He does very little in public of mention, but does leaps and bounds behind the closed doors of the Shifter World.
Inner Personality: He loathes all Shifters, good or not, because he believe Morality is a skewed line that tends to begin and end in ridiculous cycles. He sees his work as a reverse food chain, eliminating the apex predator so that his race can survive without threat, fear, or future problems. He sees all Shifters as a predator mousing their way into Human society, so that they can uproot and destroy the human population.
Secret: This isn't quite a secret, when everyone knows.
General History: Jeremy grew up in Iowa, and stayed in Iowa for most of his early years growing up fascinated with Archery, hunting, guns, fishing, and nearly every aspect of living off the land as a hunter and survivalist. This advanced into a hobby, and then a way of life, before he joined the military, became a US Ranger, and then was ex-communicated for killing fellow officers. Those officers however were Shifters, and this was a discovery for Jeremy that his father had tried to subtly warn him of, but failed at doing. The man was dishonorably discharged, and was going to face the death penalty, but he escaped with the help of a few others who viewed shifters the same way as Jeremy. He was removed from the immediate zone, and pronounced dead on al paperwork. He was then left off the grid in a small, undisclosed location where friends of those who are enemies of the wolves can survive and stay hidden.
Present Life: Jeremy now roams the country in an SUV with his "tools" for working, his necessities for life, and his life in his own hands. He is currently in Boston city.