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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jadedjadedusk


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It hasn't started yet so you are more than welcome to join. If you want to use my template go ahead :) it likely won't start until we are all ready to go
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Is there still room. This sounds very interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by fantasyfan28
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fantasyfan28 Legendary Sage

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Great, I will get started on a character sheet. Will most likely have it ready by tomorrow afternoon (just gone 12.30 am here).

I was thinking an ex vice cop who got addicted to his work.
Good with guns, a people person
Headstrong, tough, likeable in jerkish kind of way.

Anyways that is just a rough idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jadedjadedusk


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I like your character idea. If you want to make two characters or more you are welcome to.

Also yes, there's plenty if room for you to join Katherinewinter :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red_massa
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Red_massa Chocobo Handler!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Calvin Dempsey

Nickname: Cali

Birthday: August 25th

Age: 22

Skills and abilities: + Fighting + Attention to details + Good with numbers.

Personal struggles: + Addicted to fitness + Struggle with previous events in his life.

Dreams or Goals: + To come to peace with events from his past + Have a semi or professional kickboxing match again.

Personality Traits: + Can come off as a very angry and tense character however this is a facade to portray his as a tougher person.
+ He loves to engage in conversation about topics that he is passionate about.
+ Sometimes he spaces out like he is in a different universe.

Family: None remaining.

Medical Information: Missing his left foot and has a prosthetic replacement.

Phobias: + Aichmophobia

Bio: Has one small dachshund as a pet. Loves techno music and the art of parkour since he himself cannot do it effectively. Calvin had been a fighting in the style of kickboxing ever since he was 8 years of age. However he had been forced to stop fighting professionally since he had lost his foot. Calvin he still loves to fight and trains kickboxing frequently. It isn't unusual for Calvin to spend between two and three hours inside of a gym.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

jadedjadedusk said
I like your character idea. If you want to make two characters or more you are welcome to.Also yes, there's plenty if room for you to join Katherinewinter :)

Awesom. I have the perfect girl for this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Nickname: Roxy
Birthday: December 17
Age: 18
Skills and abilities: Roxy is skilled with knives, especially throwing them. She is an excellent pickpocket. She moves with grace and stealth when she wants to.
Personal struggles: Roxy's biggest struggle is her father. She want to get out of the 'family business'. She has no interest in taking over. She want freedom to do her own thing.
Dreams or Goals: Roxy would never admit it outloud but she dreams of being a dancer.
Personality Traits: Roxy comes across hostile and sarcastic. She does this to try to people. Every time she cares about someone her father uses them against her.
Family: Her father is Gordon Black. She has a 2 year old son named Drake.
Medical Information: can't think of anything.
Phobias: enclosed places
Bio: Roxy is the only daughter of an up and coming criminal boss. She has been trying to get away from him and the 'family business'. He forced her to have a child when she was sixteen in an effort to keep her under his thumb. She reluctantly does jobs for him.
Trigger Warnings and Discomforts: nothing I can think of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Dennis Montgomery
Nickname: Suit
Birthday: February 6
Age: 23
Skills and abilities:
•Excellent with guns.
•Great at negotiating
Personal struggles:
•Easily pissed off
Dreams or Goals: To become a successful tycoon the illegal way.
Personality Traits: Tends to give off a cold hearted mood when it comes to business.
• Father : Don Montgomery ( Deceased )
• Mother: Anna Montgomery ( Alive ) , but is chained in the basement of Dennis's new house.
•Half Brother: Danny Montgomery
( Deceased )
Medical Information:
• Suffers from paranoia
Phobias: N/A
Bio: Think of the most fucked up child hood there could ever be. A mafia boss father , a slut of a mother and a half brother that's gay. Even though Dennis brother was gay he loved him. His parents on the other hand hated them both. His father who didn't have much time for any of them abused Danny for being gay and treated his mother like crap. Dennis just watched and held in all the emotions that raged in him as he watched the scenes play before his eyes. Sadly the beatings escalated to far and Danny ended up dieing from a strike to the head from a blunt object. Dennis mourned over the lost of his brother while his parents didn't give a shit and kept living as if nothing changed. Dennis decided that he finally had enough of this bullshit of a family and did the only thing he was taught to do. He assassinated his father. He disposed of the body by himself and decided that he will run his father's company. As for his mother he chained her up for being such a class a asshole.

Trigger Warnings and Discomforts:
•Dennis has a habit of lighting a cigarette and smoking it before he shoots the person who aggravates him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Think I'm going to voice some interest but not in a place to start a character right now plus want to spend a good amount of time on him as well. Anyway that said I'll get him up when I can.

Edit: Ah sorry, after looking over things I think I'll retract my interest. Again sorry for the false alarm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Slendy said
Name: Dennis Montgomery Nickname: Suit Birthday: February 6Age: 23Skills and abilities: •Excellent with guns.•Stealthy •Great at negotiatingPersonal struggles:•Easily pissed off

He and Roxy have a lot in common!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jadedjadedusk


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh man! this is really coming together! Great job guys!


Sage The Medic
Anna The Gambler Thief
Damon The Rogue
Kain The Persuasive Connection
Calvin The Muscle
Roxy The Ninja
Dennis The Hitman Legacy

Wow, what a team already! Now one thing I'd like to suggest is if we can get a technological genius (or more than one works for me, preferably the cute socially awkward ones with high school bullying issues and parents being suffocating jerks issues leading them down a path of corruption) for our team to handle electronic situations. Also I can already see how these people might connect to one another and potentially form bonds.

If anyone has any plot suggestions I'd love to hear them. So far my idea was to somehow get all these people together, and have them decide to make the best damn gang ever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Miss24601


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Isabel Caldwell
Nickname: N/A
Birthday: September 9thx
Age: 22
Skills and abilities:
Isabel has multiple talents, particularly of the less-than-admirable sort. However, of all her skills, her greatest, and most precious is without a doubt her silver tongue. She is very charismatic, able to turn heads and twist opinions through the mere use of her words. She is skilled at hand-to-hand combat, and a remarkable liar.
Personal struggles: Isabel has major trust issues, as well as a hot temper. Past events have left her with an inability to sustain a committed relationship. She isn't very good at thinking things through, and is very impulsive, despite her seemingly cool-headed persona.
Dreams or Goals: "To get rich. Duh." In reality, Isabel has many dreams. She wants to forget the past, and get out of the ditch she has dug herself. She also wants to just be happy.
Personality Traits: Isabel is as sharp as a whip, with a knife-like tongue that cuts and slices with every cynical comment, sarcastic jab, and witty remark. She is cunning and sneaky, as well as a very, very good liar. She is seductive when she wants to be, but uses her looks and talent as a way to obtain secrets rather than sex. She is bold, and not afraid to speak her mind at any time, and possesses a slightly mysterious air, despite her charismatic nature. She hides her softer side beneath solid armour, and hates being told what to do. She is impulsive, and cares about the gang far more than she'd care to admit.

Family: "Urgh. Don't even go there."

Medical Information: "I'm a bit of a klepto, but that's more of a hobby than an obsession."
Phobias: "Phobias? Well... I guess sharks freak me out...." She also gets a little claustrophobic at times.
Bio: (Tell us anything else you want us to know about the character) To be revealed in RP.

Trigger Warnings and Discomforts: I can't really think of anything at the moment...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Joe Walker
Nickname: Ace
Birthday: August 18th
Age: 27
Skills and abilities:
- Good driver;
- Good mechanic;
- Knowledge on cars;
Personal struggles: Joe can't get over the loss of his girlfriend, Angela. It happened 2 years ago after he was challenged by two rival street racers. Joe insisted on her to participate with him making it a race on 4. During the race, Angela lost control of her car after she dodged some traffic and slammed violently into a wall. Because of the high speed and the violent crash, Angela died on the spot. The ambulance only arrived at the scene to declare her death. Joe loved Angela very much and feels responsible for her death, especially since he insisted on her participating with him. Joe carries picture of her with him all the time.
Dreams or Goals: He used to want to become the best street racer in the city but that goal is not that important anymore after Angela died.
Personality Traits: Joe is a pretty open-minded and friendly person, although he dosen't talk much and likes to go straight to the point. He's pretty tolerant and rarely gets angry about anything however he has his limits just like any other person. He's very passionate about cars and likes them very much.
- Father: Luther Walker(Alive) - Owns an import-export company and a mansion but Joe hates him because he tried to control his life and make him a worthy successor to everything he has. Three years ago Joe moved away and decided to make his own life after he argued again with his father. The two haven't talked to each other ever since and his father declared once to some friends that Joe is not his son anymore.
- Mother: Lisa Walker(Deceased) - Died after she she gave birth to Joe.
- Brother: Luke Walker(Alive) - Luke is 8 years older then Joe and was in the same situation as him when he was younger. But unlike Joe, Luke got away from his father by moving to Mexico. He now resides in Monterey and works as a bodyguard. He and Joe talk on the phone from time to time.
Medical Information: Joe is a pretty healthy guy. Aside from some alcohol issues that appeared after Angela's death.
Phobias: Is absolutely afraid of spiders.
Bio: Joe is well known for his prefference for american muscle cars. He made quite alot of money out of street racing and also from regular jobs as a getaway driver and car thief. Aside from that, Joe also has a legal business, a car shop. The employees are also members of his street racing crew, T.S.V.(short for "The Street Vipers").

Trigger Warnings and Discomforts: Can't think of anything right now honestly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyrianei


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I like Joe, but he has a very similar name to my character (Kain Fairell compared to Joe Farrell). No worries, I can change it though~

Miss, as for your character...Maybe tone down Isabel's abilities. Because it seems like she is the one-woman army and would not need to be in a gang. So maybe try focus on removing some skills that other players have picked, and go for what Jade has suggested - A character who is good with technology. Because honestly, Isabel so far just seems like she wouldn't need a gang. This is only a suggestion (since I'm not a GM) because it would be a little unfair on others, with the way I'm looking at it. In counting, Isabel has nine talents, where as other people have about three or four. As stated above, I am not the GM, so I cannot say yay or nay to your character, and I'm not trying to be mean, I just wish to point out you have several more abilities than others.

A Recap of Abilities for everyone here:

Accepted Characters:

Sage Rimmel "Red" The Medic - Strategist, Knowledgeable in the Science Area, Medical Training.
Anna Maus "Mouse" The Gambler Thief - Agile, Small Stature for Inaccessible places, Good with Slight of Hand.
Damon Rimmel, The Rogue - Lock-Picking, Parkour and Fighting Skills.
Kain Fairell "Fai" The Persuasive Connection - Self Defense Training, Excellent Liar as he is able to bend the truth with ease, Able to make connections with illegal merchants as well as haggle prices.
Calvin Dempsey "Cali" The Muscle - Fighting Skills, Attention to Detail, Number Skills.
Roxy, The Assassin - Knife Skills, Pickpocketing Skills, Stealth Skills.
Dennis Montgomery "Suit" The Hitman Legacy - Excellent Gun Skills, Stealthy, Negotiation Skills.

Characters Awaiting Approval:

Joe Walker "Ace" The Mechanic - Good Driver, Good Mechanic, Knowledgeable about Cars.
Isabel Caldwell, The Charisma - Charisma, Good Liar as she is able to bend the truth and twist opinions, intelligence which takes the form of cunning than wisdom, Lock-Picking Skills, Safe Cracking Skills, Disguise Skills, Espionage, Hand-to-Hand Combat Skills, Sharpshooter Skills.
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

room for one more?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyrianei


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well there should be. I'm not the GM but there's currently 9 characters, so there should be room for another person.
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

oh goody, i love a crime rp where the GM doesnt fade everything to black.
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Major Charles Richardson
Nickname: (leave blank if they don't have one) Major Rag and Bone,
Birthday: 13/04/1976
Age: 38
Skills and abilities: Extensive time in the armed forces from the age of 18, can smell trouble where other people smell gas, compulsive lier yet still believer
Personal struggles: Drink and PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder, can hear his friends screaming and has nightmares about it, he also see's visions of his dead son who died in a house fire and he couldn't save him)
Dreams or Goals: we;; he dreams of world peace. just kidding, his goal is to watch the world burn one gunshot at a time
Personality Traits: calm, solitary, drinker, dark, creepy, "insane", over powering, intelligent, stubborn, aragont, gambler.
Family: Junior Richardson - Son (Dead), Sergeant Thomas Richardson - Brother (MIA), Jayne Richardson - Mother (Alive)
Medical Information: (Issues or anything else go here) PTSD and a missing right eye
Phobias: Eleutherophobia- Fear of freedom, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666
Bio: (Tell us anything else you want us to know about the character)
The mind of a man is a sensitive thing, many a catastrophe can push it over the edge, it can experience love, hate, friendship and everything else. what im trying to say is that its a amazing thing. now to couple that with the travesty we have faced in our lives here and we get a emotional train wreck. now this is where we meet our new friend here, Major Charles Richardson, Thug, Solider and Officer a real nasty piece of work.

he was born into a dark Gray world or drugs, sex, murder and death. you know the places the city don't want you to see on their posters, where getting lost may cost you your wallet and few things beside that. he realises that he would have to look after himself at a young age when he finished secondary school with barely any qualifications, he joined the army as a grunt and worked his way up. he would know a gang was there for him, over the course of his life he worked his way up showing a real disregard for other people lives and only to get the job done. his men lovely called him Major Rag and Bones because if you got into a fight worth him that all that would be left. he left the army recently when some of the men said they had a racket down-town providing protection and they needed a "leader". they lasted one day before they were all shot. and now hes looking for a new group to call his own.

Trigger Warnings and Discomforts: (Post here anything you do not want to be subjected to, and anything you are not comfortable putting your character through) i can put my character through anything as i have played him along time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kyrianei, i've changeed my character's surname from Farrell to Walker. No big deal. That way you don't have to change yours anymore like you said you would.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyrianei


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well I already did it, but I shall change it back. All these names XD
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