Name: Major Charles Richardson
Nickname: (leave blank if they don't have one) Major Rag and Bone,
Birthday: 13/04/1976
Age: 38
Skills and abilities: Extensive time in the armed forces from the age of 18, can smell trouble where other people smell gas, compulsive lier yet still believer
Personal struggles: Drink and PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder, can hear his friends screaming and has nightmares about it, he also see's visions of his dead son who died in a house fire and he couldn't save him)
Dreams or Goals: we;; he dreams of world peace. just kidding, his goal is to watch the world burn one gunshot at a time
Personality Traits: calm, solitary, drinker, dark, creepy, "insane", over powering, intelligent, stubborn, aragont, gambler.
Family: Junior Richardson - Son (Dead), Sergeant Thomas Richardson - Brother (MIA), Jayne Richardson - Mother (Alive)
Medical Information: (Issues or anything else go here) PTSD and a missing right eye
Phobias: Eleutherophobia- Fear of freedom, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666
Bio: (Tell us anything else you want us to know about the character)
The mind of a man is a sensitive thing, many a catastrophe can push it over the edge, it can experience love, hate, friendship and everything else. what im trying to say is that its a amazing thing. now to couple that with the travesty we have faced in our lives here and we get a emotional train wreck. now this is where we meet our new friend here, Major Charles Richardson, Thug, Solider and Officer a real nasty piece of work.
he was born into a dark Gray world or drugs, sex, murder and death. you know the places the city don't want you to see on their posters, where getting lost may cost you your wallet and few things beside that. he realises that he would have to look after himself at a young age when he finished secondary school with barely any qualifications, he joined the army as a grunt and worked his way up. he would know a gang was there for him, over the course of his life he worked his way up showing a real disregard for other people lives and only to get the job done. his men lovely called him Major Rag and Bones because if you got into a fight worth him that all that would be left. he left the army recently when some of the men said they had a racket down-town providing protection and they needed a "leader". they lasted one day before they were all shot. and now hes looking for a new group to call his own.
Trigger Warnings and Discomforts: (Post here anything you do not want to be subjected to, and anything you are not comfortable putting your character through) i can put my character through anything as i have played him along time.