Golden acres the scum of society as were the lowest of the low conglomerate in groups and masses. Wether it be the shady dealers were the very houses the live in can be ticking time bombs with meth manufacturing to the lights never going out causing sleepless night. Thugs and small time killers extorting for profit, sometimes to no avail as most of the trailers are packing some sort of weapon. Arms dealers with enough to supply small armies giving the phrase trigger happy a bad name as gun shots are all too common thing. Hookers and prostitutes that walk the rows, not all women but with some men selling themselves for god knows what reason; drugs, food or any other reason. The homeless always trying to sneak and steal for what ever commodity that it is they need, with them flowing in by the day with promises of something better or theft.
According to official police reports, any calls that come from Golden acres result in at least two deaths of any sort of any peace officer. Swat, police in riot gear and some federal agents hit the trailer park quarterly, to stim any grow tide of rampant corruption to little resolve but it helps keep the residents in line for at least a while. With the average arrests being rounded over a hundred. From petty theft to cold blooded murder often with there being five to ten charges on the minimum. With the most on record was over sixty, five years ago since a mass murderer had been found in one such raid. It takes not only guts and a will to live but to devolp a personality to take it all by handles and peddle like hell.
Appearance: (Self explanatory)
Name:(Self explanatory)
Age:(Self explanatory)
Rap Sheet:(Feel free to go as wild as you want here.)
Bio/Personality: (Self explanatory)
Dirty Secret: (Well whats something most people know about your character.)

Scott Ardister aka Torch
Rap Sheet
17 Counts of Arson (Known about)
10 of alleged 1st degree of murder
19 Counts of drug carrying with the intent to sell
3 Counts of theft
If there is anything about product of the system it is Scott, born from rape between a stripper and strung out meth addict. In foster care bouncing from place to place, unable to stay in with one such family for more than a year partially due to his obsession with fire. Leading up to the point where he was outright abandoned by the social services and anyone in the system at the age of thirteen, having to live off the streets until his first incarceration into Juvenal hall at fourteen for theft. For once he felt at home with the others who had been thrown away and the key long forgotten. Able to live of the hopelessness from others making his first contacts in during his lockup, learning and watching how to maneuver the system and make the money from it.
Getting out Scott drifted between crack dens and underground whore houses supply the needs of the clients, until one day he made a deal. In exchange several bags of his finest for a home. Not the best of deals but it was a home to lay down. Taking the key to Golden acres browsing threw the trailers, until he found his place. A piece of crap but it was something, until he was extorted the next day and beaten to a pulp. A dozen of bruises, a few broken ribs and a couple of silver teeth, he found the assailants house. Armed with a half a dozen Molotov cocktails tossing four into the large double wide home until the two that beat the life from Scott came running out, the last two were thrown and the two roasted alive. Making his statement, justice by fire.
Over the years he had grown in reputation and made his fortune in the drug market, mainly in main Cocaine, Heroin and Meth. Which allotted him some of the finer things despite the large amounts of theft, though one thing he takes pride in his the military grade flamethrower. In according with the last psyche evaluation according to police he's a certified genius but the lack of an education has developed into a street smart psycho. Earning the nickname of Torch because of anyone who had wronged had met their end by fire and a rather painful slow death.
Dirty Secret
His half sister is a police detective that both extorts and protects him strangely enough. Probably to line her own pockets.