Name: Frank Waters

He stands at 5 foot 11.
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Power: Can spot a good cup of coffee from a mile away, none.
Frank was born in Yakima, Washington to a police rookie father and a housewife mother. As a young lad he idolized his father and constantly went raved on about how one day he too would become a 'policeman' just like his dear old dad and go about saving the town from whatever imagination filled villain popped into his head at the time of the story. Of course, there were spots in his teen years in which his angst got the best of him and he announced he hated the world and whatnot, but that was all talk.
It turns out the idolization he had of his father affected his later life as he did in fact join the police force after leaving university in which he studied law. He stayed on the force for quite a few years before being offered the position of detective within the force. He accepted with delight and began going through cases as best he could. It was only until a year into his new position that he met a case that plagued him for many years of his life. An arsonist had gone on a short and abruptly ended spree of crime within Frank's precincts jurisdiction without leaving enough evidence to gain a proper lead on the case. Frank took this to heart and began making it his life's goal to find and arrest the arsonist. He tracked him for years while juggling other cases and tasks set to him. The arsonist grew wiser as time went on, he stopped doing crimes as often and started spreading the buildings he lit alight out. The case was driving Frank around the bend he grew angrier and angrier with each day that the arsonist walked free. It was only until the arsonist affected Frank personally that he finally lost it. Frank's father was in the hospital after surgery on his bowels. Frank and his mother were visiting him when the arsonist struck again.This was the biggest case that the arsonist had done yet and now it was endangering Frank and his family. As the building set alight, Frank caught a glimpse of the arsonist just outside the window through the rising smoke. He leaped onto the fire escape and began a chase through the streets of Washington. He didn't think about the people in the hospital and the people he could have saved, just the ones he could prevent having to save in the future. The chase ended up in a secluded alley, a corpse lay in front of Frank and a smoking gun was gripped tightly in his hand. He only realized what he had done after he had done it.
He was stripped of his badge and gun. He had no idea what to do with his life. He spent about a year wallowing in self-pity and wasting his savings on cheap booze and fast food. It was only after his father had visited him that he had an epiphany in the night. He would move to a new city, start a private detective agency, get off the booze and get in shape. It was as if an angel had been sent to him telling him to turn his life around. He did just as he thought. He stopped eating fast food and replaced the liquor with coffee along with spending the last of his savings on buying a building, decorating it and getting all the equipment he needed to start the agency. He has been doing this for a year or so now and is quite content with the money he is making.
Personality: Frank acts as any detective should. He is calm headed and able to think on the spot if need be. That being said, he does have a few qualities not regularly found in detective stereotypes. While a detective may be thought of as a cool, silent badass who takes dames like he takes cigarettes, Frank is quite the opposite. He likes to talk quite often and would rather have one 'dame' than multiple. Along with this, he isn't too fond of smoking to be honest.