Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

The sun was setting on Altdorf, a modern city with history dating back thousands of years. Altdorf is also known as the City of Hope and Despair; it is known for having the highest average of both educational prowess and the rate of suicides in Germany, traits the locals believe are caused by supernatural means, but nothing has been proven. Some locals also report seeing shadowy figures skulking about during twilight, and thus most of the populace tend to put warding charms on their doors out of superstition.

One such figure could be seen standing at the roof of the school you were attending, like a spirit come to contemplate the human world. The mysterious person wore a hooded cloak black as the deepest night, accentuated by purple highlights in the form of streaks and diamond patterns. The costume had an otherworldly look to it, and was surely not a design of any brand known to man.

There were five Sleeping Ones in total summoned to meet with the elusive creature that introduced itself simply as Qubus. Some of you may have known each other already from school, while some may have been entirely new faces. However, you were all connected by the same purpose, and the same destiny that was about to unfold. One of the girls had short brown hair, wore a blue hoodie and jeans, and seemed to be really excited about the opportunity.

You ascended up to the rooftop through the open front door of the school. As soon as the last of you arrived up the staircase, the mysterious person turned around, and revealed itself to be a girl your age as she said in a low, almost whispering tone:

"So, you have decided to become Magic Knights then."

She removed her hood. Her long, black hair weaved in the light breeze as her purple eyes looked upon you with unnatural coldness yet also fierce determination.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ancia rocked lightly side to side, one to keep warm in the cool breeze, but more prominent was sheer anticipation. She still couldn't completely believe what was happening, mainly a telepathic ferret had offered to grant her a single wish, also among other thing like hidden magical potential whatever that could mean. Really in the end Ancia had no idea what to think even coming to this meeting was insane, still she felt compelled to come anyway, plus she wasn't alone so perhaps there was something to this, right? Ancia looked over the other four "Sleeping Ones" two of them she had never seen before, obviously they were students just strangers to her.

Now the other two she knew, or well at least knew their names, Felice Mayer and Ryan Kane. They shared a few classes with Anica so overtime its natural she'd learn at least the bare minimum. Felice from what Anice remembers is pretty normal, at least in class. One thing that could be said about her is she does seem spacey, lot of the time Ancia swears she's distracted or daydreaming. With Ryan, Ancia honestly didn't have an opinion, they never shared a conversation ever, plus he was a quite guy.

Ancia returns her focus to what was going on, she wondered where Qubus was she assumed the sentient ferret would be here, instead there was this girl. To be honest with herself, she didn't like the looks of whoever this mysterious person was, really any extra mystery on top of what was already there not something exactly welcomed. Anice looked around didn't seem anyone was going to step forward, even that brown haired girl who seemed too excited to be a part of this. There was also that boy wearing some fancy clothing, if Anise had to guess the boy had to be wealthy, never even knew rich boys went to school with them, whatever the case is like the others he didn't seem about to speak up. She drew in a sharp breath, not much of a people person but that shouldn't be an excuse to not say anything.

"Yeah I guess that's why we're here, I'm still not one hundred percent sure on what's going on, but I did come anyway. So how is this going to work?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Felice was trying hard not to let her mind wonder off as she waited for this mysterious ferret to come grant her a wish an give her magical powers. It was fair to say that this was no easy task. While Felice had narrowed down what she wanted as a wish, it was so hard not to think of what sort of powers she would be getting. But she had to stay focus so when this Qubus ferret got there, she wouldn't seem like a spaced out idiot. So instead she focused on the people she had for company. She was actually surprised when she found people up on the roof, she was the third to come up. She at first thought she was interrupting something but found that they were waiting as well. At least that meant that she hadn't gotten so lost into one of her fantasies that she had actually believed it to happen.

After that, two more had arrived, and out of those four, Felice only recognized two. The first was Ancia. Like most of the people she shared classes with, Felice was on good terms with Ancia and the two had had a few conversations together. If anything reinforced that this wasn't a fantasy gone to far for Felice, it was seeing Ancia here, since Ancia was probably one of the most focused, down to earth people that Felice knew. The other person that Felice recognized was Ryan. Felice had tried to become his friend a couple of times, and it wasn't that they didn't get along, it was more like he never really started a conversation and Felice's people skills kind of made her lose track of him. Perhaps now they could become better friends? The last two people she didn't recognize. One was a kind of handsome guy who dressed nicely, and the other was a short, brown haired girl that looked extra excited. And together, they all made a rather odd group. It made Felice wonder why they were all called together, it didn't seem like to her that they really had anything in common after all, other then all of them seemed similar in age. 'Well, maybe the answer was only to be known by a magical smart ferret.' Felice thought to herself.

Then some random girl revealed herself to them. 'Huh, who's this?' Felice though quietly. 'Is she waiting on Qubus too? Or perhaps she knows Qubus already? Is this a magic knight as well? But if she is, why is she calling us fools? Maybe she didn't like her job? Or maybe her powers. Or maybe she made the wrong wish. Maybe...Maybe you're spacing out again.' Felice thought as she realized that and quickly shook her head, finally paying attention in time to hear Ancia speak up. "Uh, yeah, who are you? Do you work for Qubus? Is she around? Do you know how is this going to work? Is Qubus just going to say a spell that'll turn us into magical warriors, or is there some sort of training program that'll slowly turn us into them? Also how do our wishes work? Is Qubus just going to snap her fingers...paws?...and give it to us, or are we going to have to work for it first? And what about those magical powers, are well all going to get the same ones or are each of ours different or-." Felice closed her mouth when she realized she was rambling again. "Sorry."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Markus was largely unknown to and ignorant of these others. He did in fact go to their school, but had only recently enrolled, having previously attended a pricey private school. He didn't know their names, and was only vaguely sure that they attended the same school. Of course, probably they did, if they lived around here. None of them went to his old school, he knew that for sure.

And then there was hood girl. He was just as confused as the rest of them, and probably just as anxious. Whoever she was, all he could gather was that she was already involved in whatever the rest of them were falling into. They were fools, she said, for wanting to be Magic Knights. But was that what any of them even wanted? He knew he didn't.

"Fools?" Markus spoke up finally, "Why? Is it dangerous? Is the magic rat duping us?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan inhaled slowly, then exhaled with the same slow speed. It seemed so odd that he was following the instructions of a little woodland animal, and coming here. It could very well be a prank, simply being played to cause each of them stress for the next day just for the laughs, however a talking ferret made that seem a bit less likely. He cocked his head to the side slightly as the person that was there before any of them seemed to simply call them fools. It seemed like the person thought that either, they would be cowardly enough to simply leave because they were called fools, or the person was perhaps barred from saying to leave, lest they be tortured or punished in some way.

Ryan tried to decide which it could possibly be for a moment, before suddenly hearing the others responding to the girl. Each responded separately, but it seemed like they each continued the previous set of questions, only increasing the number of questions that would all have to be answered at once. He glanced around at each of them, letting the questions be asked without hindrance while he thought over what they could each possibly want with their wishes. As he looked to each, none of them were people he was particularly friends with. There were a few that he knew from classes, but didn't really speak to, but other than that, nothing worth noting, in his opinion.

Ryan listened to the last of the questions before looking around, searching for any sign of the ferret. "Fools, maybe... But everyone is, honestly..." He said this, mostly to himself, but also slightly in response to the girl. Though his response was rather late, so he assumed he'd come off as odd, but what did it really matter what he seemed like. To him, that was only a worry worth having when it came to his true friends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Damiann47 said
"Yeah I guess that's why we're here, I'm still not one hundred percent sure on what's going on, but I did come anyway. So how is this going to work?"

"You will find out in time," the girl said with a slight tone of contempt before she turned back to look at the sunset.

Gisk said
"Fools?" Markus spoke up finally, "Why? Is it dangerous? Is the magic rat duping us?"

The girl flipped her hair. "The magic rat is going to make all of your wishes come true and give you powers of gods. It's a perfect offer for fools like us."

rusty4297 said
"Fools, maybe... But everyone is, honestly..." He said this, mostly to himself, but also slightly in response to the girl.

She turned around, and looked Ryan straight in the eyes. "Indeed. You have much to learn, but you may yet grow strong."

onenote said
'Maybe...Maybe you're spacing out again.' Felice thought as she realized that and quickly shook her head, finally paying attention in time to hear Ancia speak up. "Uh, yeah, who are you? Do you work for Qubus? Is she around? Do you know how is this going to work? Is Qubus just going to say a spell that'll turn us into magical warriors, or is there some sort of training program that'll slowly turn us into them? Also how do our wishes work? Is Qubus just going to snap her fingers...paws?...and give it to us, or are we going to have to work for it first? And what about those magical powers, are well all going to get the same ones or are each of ours different or-." Felice closed her mouth when she realized she was rambling again. "Sorry."

"Your eagerness is good, but could spell your doom if not controlled in time," The girl clad in black then said, and turned around. "I am not here to satisfy your need for answers, in any case."

"Why are you here then?" The girl with short brown hair finally spoke up after getting a hold of the situation. "Just trying to be creepy?"

The mysterious girl was at first silent. "I'm expecting someone," she then said as she was watching the sun fade into the horizon.

It was then that another girl's voice could be heard from the stairs. The girl with the short brown hair that was with your group turned back to the stairs and said: "Oh there you are, Marie. What took you so long?"

"Sorry, Sofia. I dropped my bag and had to retrieve it." A shorter than average girl wearing red ribbons appeared from the stairs. Her hair was dyed a warm pink, and was dressed in a orange blouse and white skirt. She was carrying a white bag with a cute kitten picture on it.

"This time, huh..." The black-haired girl whispered under her breath.

"Wha-Julia? What are you doing here? And what's with that costume?" Marie asked.

"Wait, Marie, you know who this creep is?" Sofia asked, confused.

"Sure. She's in the same class as I am."

"Oh yeah, now that I think about it...you're the new exchange student from yesterday. I didn't recognize you in that getup." Sofia pointed at the black-haired girl. A moment of silence happened, until Julia responded:

"That is correct,", She then turned towards Marie, staring at her with more intensity than the others.

"Marie Schmidt, do you value your life?" She suddenly asked, with no change in inflection.

"Wha-" Marie was holding her mouth with her hands.

"Do you value the life of your family, or your friends?"

"I...Uh..." Marie was stuttering.

"Because if you do...you will never become a Magic Knight."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Anica narrowed her eyes, the more she seen of this... what was her name? Julia maybe at least that's the name she heard. Anyway the more Anica seen from this Julia character the less she trusted her, whatever's going on its anything but normal then again not like it was in the first place. Whatever the case is from what she could tell they were all students as well, its starting to be strange on how all of them share this one thing, hmm. Ancia looks over the rest of her peers, she knew none of them and really that means she can't trust them, sadly that was usually the case anyway. Still whatever was going on was big, if it was not for Qubus everything would be different, she could just shove this all aside as a prank. Only that's not possible.

She's going to need a friend in all this, some kind of ally. While Anica doesn't like bothering with others having some support would be to her advantage... and maybe even nice. She glances over at Felice, out of everyone she's the most trustworthy even as a space cadet, at least they talked together multiple times before. Ancia edges closer to Felice, trying to be discreet as possible.

Anica whispers, "Don't know about you but this is all strange. Can't be a prank with what we seen right? No idea what to think, might be best to stay on our toes."

At this point there was no reason to believe Felice would be any help, but still Ancia has her wish in mind, part of it could be trying to make it real herself. Might be uncomfortable, but taking charge is what she wants right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Typical..." Felice sighed and thought, 'when does an enigmatic character ever answer any simple questions?' Felice was inclined to ignore the girl in general since she was calling them fools, but not willing to answer any of their questions. But perhaps she could put some answers together if she just thought about what the girl had just told them. "There was obviously a tone of "Better then thou" in this girl's voice when she answered Anice, and she also sounded experienced when she answered Ryan. Combined with "It's a perfect offer for fools like us" and the fact she at least seems to knows more of Qubus then the rest of us when she answered that other boy, she might already be working for Qubus....'

Felice managed to pull herself out of her thoughts to catch some of the conversation between the rest of the girls. 'So her name is Julia...and she transferred yesterday, the same day we heard Qubus...shes waiting on someone. Perhaps Qubus...then that might mean-'

Felice was pulled out of her thoughts again by Anice coming over to her and whispering to her. "I don't think this is a prank." She responded. "Unless we all imagined Qubus or someone knows how to put voices inside of our heads, it's safe to assume that this is real. I don't know how safe this all is anymore...But that Julia girl. I think shes with Qubus. I think shes a magical knight. I also think the reason she transferred here yesterday, is because Qubus wanted her to be with us, to help us maybe...or test us." Felice sighed. "Of course, all I'm going on is hunches and trying to read in between the lines. I could be completely wrong but I guess we'll find out soon...I'm still going to go for it. My wish I mean. I want to give this a shot."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Fools like us, she said. And she was actually just another kid like the rest of them, she even knew one of them. Another new student, though, like Markus. That was a bit of a relief, Markus had originally taken her for... well, he didn't know. Something strange and frightening. He relaxed a lot under the impression that she was more like them than she had first appeared.

"So," he asked, wanting to clarify, "Are you a magic knight already? Can you tell us about it instead of being cryptic?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan's eyes widened slightly when a threat of danger to his friends appeared. After hearing that... Do I leave to keep them safe? Or do I stay here, hoping my wish doesn't fall through and end up with my friends being in danger...? He looked to the girl that he had forgotten to listen for the name of, who was also the one calling them fools. My wish goes against that though... If any of them get hurt over this, I'll never be able to lose the thought that I killed them myself... Maybe I should distance myself to keep them safe? Or should I simply change who my friends are... Should I treat those who also came to this meeting as friends, knowing they'll be stronger, thus safer...? He shook his head slightly, attempting to dislodge the hold that fear for his friends seemed to have now. His wish did, after all, go completely against what this girl was saying, so of course it would be safe for his friends.

Ryan looked around at the others nearby, sighing quietly. He looked around for Qubus once more. Why would a ferret be running late to their own meeting...? What else is it doing? Getting more recruits? I think it's a bit late at this point... He looked towards the 'fool' girl, wondering if she was perhaps Qubus in disguise, simply testing their resolve to follow through with this. Or perhaps she was to be a sign that it was not a lie, in case only one of them had shown up. "Sorry, but the most foolish here is the one trying to convince others not to join you and help. You've got people here willing to become allies to you, and the first thing you do is call us fools, then basically tell us to leave if we value our friends and family? Do you regret what you've become?" Though most of the time he was quiet, this time, he had to speak. He had to get the thought that this could tear each of them apart inside as soon as they join out of his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ancia couldn't help but to smile at Felice's response, even if it just barely counted as a smile it was pretty rare for her outside of family, perhaps the first time she's come close to smiling at school like this. Felice was thinking, and thinking about quite a lot if she came to that kind of conclusion already. She's been paying attention despite her tendency to drift off. Felice was going to make a great ally in all this, just maybe not a friend, maybe.

The smile that occupied Ancia's face quickly faded, force of habit if nothing else. She nodded, still whispering, "Yeah that makes sense, Julia here could have been already involved in this for who knows how long, a veteran sent here to do... whatever with us. Don't know why that telepathic ferret named Qubus couldn't be here, plus who can say Qubus is the boss she herself could report to a even higher power. Also who are those two, Marie and Sofia right? They have some kind of relation direct or otherwise with Julia, not random students like the rest of us. What do you think?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Felice smiled a little as well when Ancia smiled at her. in all the time she had known Ancia, she had never really seen her smile. But the smile didn't last to long and Felice's own smile went away as she started to go over what they knew again to answer her questions. "Well if there is someone over Qubus that opens up quite a few more questions. Already theres the question of if Qubus is powerful enough to magically grant wishes, why does she need our magic? And if there was someone even more powerful then her, why do they need us. The magical abilities we're supposed to have awakened in us might be more powerful then them if we train and that's why we're all young and around the same age...or we might be cannon fodder and that's why they're recruiting a bunch of us all at one time so that we might last longer." Felice sighed, "I don't know enough though to really continue on that line of thought."

So Felice turned her attention to Marie and Sofia. "Well the first thing that catches my attention is how they act to one another. It's obvious that Marie and Sofia know each other.Also now that I think about it, I think I've seen those two around the school before. I don't think they know Julia that well, if at all really. They both agree that she transferred yesterday, and it doesn't sound like they met her before then. Also Marie and Sofia had plans to meet up here together, Sofia seemed surprised to see Julia. The last thing is, Julia is trying to intimidate Marie, and Marie's shock looks genuine.It's quite possible that the three of them are acting, that they all really know each other and are putting on an act. But that begs the question of why they would do that?" Felice closed her eyes and thought some more. "I do have one theory. It doesn't answer if they know each other though....But it might answer why Qubus isn't here. Julia calling us fools, not answering our questions, trying to scare us...I think shes trying to scare the weaker willed of us out before Qubus gets here. That's why Qubus hasn't arrived yet, Julia isn't finished with us." Felice nodded and opened her eyes. "We just have to keep our resolve up and then we might finally get some more answers."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Sofia moved in front of Marie, who was still reeling from Julia's harsh words, and said: "Hey, what's the big idea? She hasn't done anything to you. Why are you threatening her like this?" She was visibly infuriated with the mysterious girl.

Julia stood there like nothing was happening around her. "It was a warning," she simply said, causing Sofia's cheeks to turn red with anger.

rusty4297 said
"Sorry, but the most foolish here is the one trying to convince others not to join you and help. You've got people here willing to become allies to you, and the first thing you do is call us fools, then basically tell us to leave if we value our friends and family? Do you regret what you've become?"

While at first Julia didn't seem to react at all to your words, your finishing question caused her to blink. "Sometimes I do," she answered. "However, I have a promise to keep, and thus I will hold on to this frail hope of mine." She made a glance at Marie as she said those words.

Gisk said
"So," he asked, wanting to clarify, "Are you a magic knight already? Can you tell us about it instead of being cryptic?"

The cloaked girl was about to pull something from under her cloak when a voice suddenly rang out in the distance.

"Hold it right there!"

An older girl wearing a yellow costume swung from a nearby rooftop using what appeared to be a yellow ribbon and jumped between Julia and Sofia. She wore a very stylish costume consisting of a short, yellow skirt lined with brown, brown corset, white shirt and a beret with a tuft of fur and a bright yellow jewel shaped like a star as an accessory. The girl's blond hair was styled into a pair of spirals that came out as looking very regal, yet also carefree due to their short length. You were surprised not only by her appearance, but also by the fact that Qubus, the mysterious creature who was the reason you all came to this meeting, was riding on her shoulder.

"No..." Julia quickly whispered.

"Well, I've never seen you before. You aren't from round these parts?"

"You could say that," Julia responded with her usual cold tone. She was obviously tensed up by the older girl's presence.

She took a quick look at the others, and then back to the blonde girl. "I have nothing more to say," she said and turned around.

"You're going to leave? Just like that? And we were just getting to start to know each other," the girl in yellow said.

Julia jumped to the edge of the rooftop. She took one last look at Marie, and then she jumped.

You looked down into the street, but found no signs of her. It was as if she disappeared into thin air.

"Sorry about that, I was worried that she was about to attack you for a second there," The blonde girl said as a bright light suddenly consumed her and she was suddenly wearing regular clothes: a white jacket and a yellow skirt lined with orange.

"What just happened?" Marie said, still trying to grasp at the events that just unfolded.

"Well, for starters, she was being rude and creepy for no apparent reason, that's for sure." Sofia said, obviously missing the point.

"You're safe now, so no worries. I'm Dora Hartmann, a Magic Knight," the blonde girl said, and made a curtsy. "Pleased to meet you."

"Excuse me for my untimely arrival," Qubus said telepathically. "I had a very urgent meeting to attend to."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

As the newcomer accosted this Julia, Markus backed toward the door that led back inside. Apparently this girl wasn't necessarily on the same side. The mystery girl that Qubus rode on didn't know her, and if Qubus' companion didn't know her, probably Qubus didn't either. Markus didn't know what that meant, and so was moving to where he could make a retreat if he needed to. It was something he was good at, being a fencer. He knew where to stand if he needed to retreat, and he knew when that actually was.

But it didn't come to that, Julia fled, and now they were on the roof with Qubus. Markus could only hope that he had chosen the right side, now that he was unsure how many sides there even were.

"Perfectly understandable, " Markus spoke up, taking a diplomatic lead with Qubus. He offered a hand to Dora, "Markus Goethe... Student. Was that other girl... an enemy? Or just unknown?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ancia tapped on Felice's arm, and motioned to Qubus and her knight companion as they arrived. "Looks like the ferret made it after all, even brought a plus one." Anise watched with intrest as the knight basically chased Julia off, only added more confusion to this whole mess. Anise continued whispering, "Hold on does this mean that Julia is not with us? Maybe she's part of a different knight branch, or some kind of anti-knight? Whatever is going on seems like this meeting is gonna get moving, time to get initiated with the world of magic huh?"

When the knight known as Dora somehow changed out of her outfit and into normal clothing, Ancia was even more intrigued, this was the final proof that magic is real at this point it was impossible to deny it any longer. The rich boy then stood forward, finally introducing himself as Markus Goethe, huh Goethe the name sounded strangely familiar. Markus made the first move in welcoming Qubus and the knight, it seemed to be a good idea, keeping the meeting stable would benefit them all. It was time to speak up, but first Ancia turned slightly to Felice, and for a moment said nothing before saying, "Thanks for the conversation, might not know it but I'm not great at this kind of thing, still you're easy enough to talk to." Right, Ancia turned back to the group and stepped forward, taking in another sharp breath.

"Ancia Broker, also a student. I didn't like whoever that Julia was, knew something was off with her. Anyway I'm glad this meeting can get started now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Felice had just finished stating her theory...when Ancia tapped her arm to show her that Felice's theory about Julia was wrong. "Damn...then who was that then..." Felice mumbled as she began to think. 'Perhaps a magic knight of a different branch like Ancia suggested? Don't think she was an anti-knight though, she still seemed tied to the cause...I think... But what was she doing in Qubus' territory then, if there are even others like Qubus who have magic knights under them, with out her knowing? And why did she transfer here then? And who was she really waiting for then? Ugh, so much to think about...but I'll worry about that later.' Felice thought and snapped out of her thoughts. Not that Felice would have stayed in her thoughts for long when she saw the new girl's clothing change. Magic was real...which meant that she might actually be getting a wish granted and her own magical powers. All of this still surprised Felice. She was about to go introduce herself along with Markus when Ancia thanked her.

"Oh! No problem! Thanks for hearing me out." She replied back to her as Ancia started towards the girl, Dora, and Qubus. Felice smiled, thinking that it might be fun to work with Ancia. Now that that was out of the way, Felice to made her way over. "Felice Mayer here!" She said cheerfully. It's so nice to finally meet you in person Qubus, and its nice to meet you as well Dora. Will our questions be answered now?" She asked them, already trying to pick the most important questions in her head to ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan nodded as the girl responded to his question. She regrets her choice... Meaning there has to be something Qubus didn't tell us about all of this... Maybe it's just that what we're getting into is dangerous, maybe it's that we have to put something on the line... I don't know... Whatever it is, it's worth it to keep my friends out of harm's way after all that they've done for me by just being there... He watched as some new girl arrived, scaring the previous one away, and lo and behold, it seemed that Qubus had arrived as well. He looked around as the others began introducing themselves, and then followed suit, albeit with a quieter voice than he had used originally with the first girl. "Ryan Kane." He looked to Qubus, wondering to himself Can it read my thoughts? Will it already know that what I want is to protect my friends, or do I have to say it in front of the others here to get my wish granted...?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
Avatar of Ariamis

Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Gisk said
"Perfectly understandable, " Markus spoke up, taking a diplomatic lead with Qubus. He offered a hand to Dora, "Markus Goethe... Student. Was that other girl... an enemy? Or just unknown?"

"Hard to say," the blonde Magic Knight pondered. "She's not a regular since she knows about us, and she pulled a pretty impressive disappearing act on us, too." She turned her head towards the white creature on her shoulder. "What do you think, Qubus? Is she a Magic Knight?"

"The human has not made a contract," the red-eyed being responded. "Yet it has somehow gained the powers of a Magic Knight. She is a logical impossibility, an anomaly. She must be avoided if encountered again in the future."

"I knew she was bad news the moment she came to our class," Sofia said. "Sofia Bremer, student. How ya doing?" She cheerfully greeted.

Damiann47 said
"Ancia Broker, also a student. I didn't like whoever that Julia was, knew something was off with her. Anyway I'm glad this meeting can get started now."

rusty4297 said
He looked around as the others began introducing themselves, and then followed suit, albeit with a quieter voice than he had used originally with the first girl. "Ryan Kane."

Marie seemed to be nervous, and had trouble introducing herself to the others. "I'm...I'm...ummm..." Sofia tried to encourage her. "Come on Marie, most people here already know your name, don't be shy~"

"...Marie Schmidt. And I'm also a...student." Her eyes wandered towards the edge of the rooftop where Julia made her escape, and then looked at her feet.

onenote said
"Felice Mayer here!" She said cheerfully.

"Hi Felice!" Sofia greeted you. "Didn't expect to see you here, hehe!" She said with her hand to the back of her head, smiling.

onenote said
"It's so nice to finally meet you in person Qubus, and its nice to meet you as well Dora. Will our questions be answered now?" She asked them, already trying to pick the most important questions in her head to ask.

"Of course," Dora answered. "I don't know how much Qubus has filled you in, but I can answer questions."

Qubus stretched her limbs and then jumped from Dora's shoulder. "As you all know, you have the choice to make a contract with me. I can grant a wish for each of you, and in return your magical powers will be awakened and used for destroying the evil presence in this city." The white creature looked around the group. "You all have the potential to become powerful warriors, if you only will yourselves to become one."

Sofia leaned towards Ancia. "This is pretty exciting, huh?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yeah all this actually was exciting and terrifying. Exciting due to, well everything, the wish, the potential to wield magic, just raw power in of itself. Still they were going to be using these powers to fight whatever evil, although just saying evil is way too ambiguous, it could be anything. Ancia was no stranger to war, not in the personal sense of presence, but through studying on the subject. Really no conflict was good, at least for the soldiers who fought them and is that who they were, soldiers drafted to fight whatever war was going on, in war soldiers lose their lives... Ancia then realized she was spacing out, she still hasn't responded to Sofia, but for a moment Ancia chuckled to herself, drifted off just like Felice there.

Ancia turned to face Sofia and crossed her arms. "Yeah sure, although if you don't mind just don't distract me, for once some progress is being made on whatever is happening." There was a hint of venom in her voice.

Ancia turned away to face Qubus again, and cringed. She didn't want to say that, especially like that. It was a huge understatement to say all that came out wrong, Anica only wanted to ask Sofia not to distract her, because she really was interested in what was going on. Hell she was doing great today, it went so well with Felice just minutes before...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Felice gave Sofia a smile and a small wave before turning her attention back to Dora and Qubus. "I was going to ask about the process of becoming a magical knight and about the magic and wishes, but now I have some different questions to ask. The first is about this evil presence that you keep mentioning Qubus. What is it exactly? What does it do to people? If it's so bad, how come nobody ever noticed it before now? Is this evil just in this city, or does it affect places all over the world?" Felice stopped for a moment as she realized she had no ideal what this evil looked like and scary thought came to mind. "It doesn't look like humans?" She asked. Felice thought she could handle fighting scary, evil looking monsters, but actual humans...she wasn't sure how well she would be able to handle that...

Felice shook her head, no point in worrying about it. It would be what it would be..."Anyways, my next questions are about the magical knights. Who are you guys? Like, what's your history? Do you just fight this evil? Are their others like you around the world or do people just from this city get recruited for the cause? Will we have to go leave our normal lives to train or something?...Sorry for all of these questions." Felice said, blushing slightly as she realized she started rambling on and on again. "There's just so much I'd like to know."
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