Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 3 days ago

So Boerd - I appreciate the possibility of being something akin to a non-American Enclave on the East Coast. However I feel that for something of this size having warships to the sizes you propose are a little bit overpowering, and I am concerned. Especially when the bulk of naval operation in the area is usually presented as being ships the size of the Duchess Gambit. Other plot-device ships are usually presented as being on their very last leg, and to keep such things in working order you need a well built industrial complex, which in this world doesn't exist, putting a lot of them on the fast-track to becoming a Rivet City. Even with knowledgeable ghouls on hand that still doesn't make a well-kept navy and you'd be lucky to keep one in working order (let alone capable of firing).

CourierSix - Looking better! My only qualm is probably leaving out some of the things the canonical games have confirmed about Denver even after VanBuren's failure to launch. But those can be brushed up in IC and don't need to be strictly addressed in the app.

And I do hope you meant 2187 and not 2087.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

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-- --

Nation: The Teslaist State of Neo Electros


Location: Detroit City, Michigan. Capital located within the confines of Saint Anne's Cathedral.


From the transcribed historical records, the truth believed by the majority of the state is that Father Nilsson is the founding father of the Nation of Tesla. In the years following rising tensions, Gabriel Nilsson anticipated the utter demise of the concept of America and immediately conducted plans in motion to set up a new idea, a new nation for the future generations of his friends and family.

Having owned several factories providing for the American War Machine that provided much needed aid to the brass in Operation Anchorage, on top of being well renowned within the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and having contacts in several unions, he proceeded to build in secret a nuclear fallout shelter beneath the church he preached at. Obtaining blueprints bought off bribed Vault Tec representatives, the design had Nilsson hoping it would secure the permanent safety of his future generations. He was wrong, however sooner problems arose before electrical concerns in the vault were apparent.

Colonel Richards, stationed in the nearby army garrison base, noticed right quick exactly what was going on with the construction "around" the church. He was too clever, nonetheless, and opted for a more corrupt approach to the situation. Three weeks before the bombs fell, twenty soldiers and a Colonel Richards went AWOL along with millions of dollars in confiscated equipment. In the middle of the night a cadre of power armored troops, some few donning an advanced tesla variant, stormed into the cathedral along with the rounded up members of the church fellowship and hand picked members within the IBEW. The vault was forced open early before proper final examinations could be done, and it's supposed permanent residents sealed inside of it on that night for what they believed would be forever.

The catholic preachings had become commonplace, for besides occasional recreational baseball, nothing of entertainment was present in the vault. Three weeks after it sealed, however, came an event known as the Shockwave. It had been made apparent that the effects of the nuclear blasts decimating Detroit reached the vault, Nilsson had been betrayed by Vault Tec and handed failed blueprint designs. Electrical surges fried the vault's reactor killing seven people, and within minutes the vault's generator would have run dry, sealing the vault door forever whilst additionally suffocating everyone inside. As the air grew sparse, the electrical workers accomplished miracles in bringing the vault back to life. Regardless, it was a shortly celebrated relief. For the next two hundred odd years, the vault's residents came to rely on the electrical workers for their very survival. Over time people began to revere them, and eventually they began interpreting certain biblical scriptures in a way that revered technological advancement and the powers of electricity being so detrimental to mankind's survival. Four years prior to the current date, the vault's reactor simply couldn't sustain itself anymore. A council was held and they decided to open it up forever, lest they be sealed within forever and doomed to suffocate. It was at this point they had completely replaced Catholicism with their own forged religion of Teslaism. They spoke two languages, the most common being English of course, and a wild perversion of English and Latin spoken rarely by only the most prominent members of the society.

They first laid eyes upon a city entirely in ruin. Vibrant skyscrapers shown in pictures below now had been revealed as a skeletal husk of a dead nation. Regional suburban warlords took the titles of "County Sheriffs" or "Elected Mayors", constantly fighting one another with looted national guard equipment and surplus supplies. They had sharpened poles of rebar into metallic spears, rock slings with seemingly unlimited amounts of debris and concrete, and of course they resorted to firearms as a last resort measure for ammo had become sparse over looting and fighting over the past dozen years. When these common raiders laid eyes upon four men clad in some advanced form of prototype tesla armor, they had witnessed something they'd never seen before. Their primitive weapons could only do so much to put a dent in their plating, and the laser based weaponry turned some of their fellow brothers into cooked and singed piles of flesh. After a few brief confrontations, the drug addled raiders simply began to throw their weapons down and bowed before the awe-spiring presence of the tesla creations.

Things changed quickly after the integration of the locals. The Code of Teslaism practically puts forth the "Ensured Survival of The Human Race" before literally anything else. It was a swift transition growing up within the vault that turned the majority of the male population to view their fellow women merely as breeding cattle. "Strength In Numbers" was yet another common preaching within the church, and so became the degrading mistreatment of women. In the vault they had been assigned to key male figures, as it opened up and they gained a grasp of the outside world, they followed up by simply herding women into boarding houses where they slept on straw piles or animal hides with rarely any clothing or food. Only the most "genetically superior" females that met the mandated requirements had been placed in comfortable accommodations, however had been forced to undergo the most breeding. They've found themselves nearly five years later with a generation of strong and stout children amongst the elitist class, and a sickly generation of malformed children as a byproduct of the lower class females and integrated raiders riddled with drug addictions and STDs. Tensions have brewed among the lower class, but the elitist "Inquisitors" and "Prophets" continue their effective methods of controlling the population through fear, intimidation and systematic torture and brainwashing. Scouts known collectively as "Teslaist Missionaries" continue branching out toward the outskirts of Detroit and exploring outward into the Midwestern and Northern Wastelands.

Other/Misc/Notes for Consideration:

- The Cathedral of Saint Anne was rebuilt atop the vault by the forced labor of the surrendered raider armies within Detroit. It was renamed the Electros Fort Prophesum of Zeus, or simply known as The Teslaist Cathedral by a majority of locals.

- The vault, having since been forced open, has absolutely no power running through it. It is used as a secret church, fortification and military base as well as a sacred ritualistic ground. It is eerily lit by candles and old pre war lanterns and torches.

- Settlements around Detroit are mostly comprised of shanty town scrapyards, the safest abodes taking shelter within abandoned automobile factories. The largest settlement outside the cathedral is Chryslus, many of it's buildings appearing to be made out of old rusty Chryslus body parts along with other materials like plywood and sheet metal.

- While they haven't made contact with any sizable nation other than "savage" tribals and "uncultured" wasteland settlements, it's not far out to wonder if they might be akin to forging an alliance or even a simple trade agreement with another sizable faction that might rival their own. They do, however, have a crusading mentality about them and would be quick to go to war over their beliefs, leaving their intentions to be easily questioned.

- In actuality, only twelve individuals are known to have donned the advanced tesla armor. Four of which have died since the opening of the vault, having been overwhelmed by a significant force of tribals and literally striped bare as they ran out of ammunition. The remaining eight are reclusive, embarking upon only the most important and conclusive objectives detrimental to the cause.

- Their main fighting force consists of drug addled ex-raiders or brainwashed integrated tribals donning Teslaist symbols on their newly fashioned rusty metallic armor forged from the welding of old Chryslus parts. Occasionally a "Battle Priest" will be seen leading them, adorned in robes and shouting out readings from their scriptures. Only a small percentage of elitists are known to take part in skirmishes donning more standard forms of power armor.

- More to be added later possibly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

I'll be adding my logo up in a literal few minutes. Sorry if certain parts are too vague as I had trouble remembering certain dates. There also may be a few small things about my nation i've forgotten to mention, but more than likely they'll unravel as the roleplay goes along, if the idea gets accepted that is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

For the practical aspects, I think if Liberty Prime, which never worked in the first place, could be activated by the BoS (with no industrial base), the Dominion could maintain a battleship, particularly by limiting the use. Perhaps they exert control over NS Mayport in Jacksonville to use ita facilities?

For the gameplay aspects, you're probably right. What would serve as a better replacement? I could do HMS Warrior. I want the sea/river equivalent of Vertibirds; high tech hard hitting fast moving vehicles, but can't really hold territory.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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GM's not here, but, yeah, that sounds good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So Boerd said
For the practical aspects, I think if Liberty Prime, which never worked in the first place, could be activated by the BoS (with no industrial base), the Dominion could maintain a battleship, particularly by limiting the use. Perhaps they exert control over NS Mayport in Jacksonville to use ita facilities?For the gameplay aspects, you're probably right. What would serve as a better replacement? I could do HMS Warrior. I want the sea/river equivalent of Vertibirds; high tech hard hitting fast moving vehicles, but can't really hold territory.

Liberty Prime took a long time to become active. In fact, the Brotherhood of Steel - one of the most advanced factions in the Fallout world - was unable to get it operational and had to enlist the help of Doctor Madison Li, a dedicated scientist with ties to the Institute. They were also fortunate enough to find Liberty Prime in a near-finished condition, and were able to salvage advanced technology from the Citadel/Pentagon. They had no real industrial base, but they never really needed it to complete Liberty Prime, since all it needed was power. The Brotherhood acquired said power when they seized the water plant and got the scientists to work.

If you can propose something more agreeable, I'd be cool with it and (probably) so would Aaron. But the idea of functional metal ships going around bombing coasts and pretty much having total naval dominance is a bit concerning. This is just a suggestion, but maybe the ships could be a sort of hybrid? Like, maybe they're made of wood and use sails and other simple components, but have limited advanced technology installed as well. Maybe the original ships were pretty much inoperable, or close to being inoperable, so they were dismantled and some of their parts were used to reinforce a simple kind of sail-ship? You would still have a total naval advantage on pretty much everyone, since the most people have is ships like the one Aaron showed you. And most wastelanders stay off the water anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Fleet of HMS Warriors?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Not Pepperm1nts, but that sounds awesome!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So Boerd said
Fleet of HMS Warriors?

I just looked it up, and yeah, that looks more agreeable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

I sure hope my application looks fine! I can't wait to jump into this, I've been wanting to play in a fallout faction type roleplay for ages.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Dinh AaronMk said
And I do hope you meant 2187 and not 2087.

My bad. I tend to overlook numbers when I glance over what I write, so I missed that typo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 3 days ago

Imagination - You're good, although I have to point something out.

Their primitive weapons could only do so much to put a dent in their plating,

On mention of Tesla armor going into the vault I had to double-check if such a things were pre-war or a post-war Enclave invention. They turned out to be pre-war so you're safe. However when double checking I did notice something about the pre-war Tesla armor...

Wiki said This armor is designed to deflect energy weapons. However, its protection against impact attacks falls far short of what its military designers were looking for.


Though it might deflect the odd round from a old .38 or some small arms it's not as balanced between energy attacks or bullets and stuff as the Enclave's post-war models of Tesla Armor. High powered weapons and most standard military gear will probably still be able to damage it.

Despite that though, I can see some people being intimidated if someone basically crawls out of the ground with electrical sparks arcing across their shoulders or something and then proceeds to vaporize a few people. Slings and spears may not be able to take 'em down still but the pre-war Tesla suits wouldn't take kindly to a wall-place rifle or assault rifle bullet.

Boerd - I'm going to have to agree with Hugs here. And you can go ahead and convert them to sailing ships, at least the smaller ones.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 3 days ago

I feel people should stop trying to use complex custom icons. They don't always turn out great when I shrink them!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm constructing an entity that is entirely centred around a specific organization, which would thus be considered a faction. However, the faction manages a highly populous model city of sorts, and has a distinct national theme. Would it be better to use the faction sheet or the nation sheet?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 3 days ago

Either one is fine by me. But I'd go a nation, unless it's inside NCR.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dinh AaronMk said
Either one is fine by me. But I'd go a nation, unless it's inside NCR.

Nation sheet it is, then. I have no idea what the name for this 'nation' would be, though, so I'll just use the main faction's name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

" Their primitive weapons could only do so much to put a dent in their plating,"

- Quite the oversight on my part, unless in my mind when writing it I was referring to actually primitive weapons like spears and stones.

Regardless I had in mind the armor's cosmetic effects to be more intimidating than it's actual effects being powerful. I mean, looking at that armor, does it even stop energy bolts aimed at your lower body? It didn't look like there was any plating other than the torso haha

Also, my icon doesn't look bad at all to me, even shrinked up on the map, however I found some alternatives for you if you like them better.

Erm...just found one actually hahah. Can't quite find any other better icon to represent my fated to be doomed peeps.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nation: The Vindicators.

Location: Reduit: a highly populous and heavily fortified residential, commercial and industrial compound constructed around the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in the post-apocalypse ruins of Atlanta, Georgia.


History: The Vindicators' story begins with Roger Maxson's revolt at the Mariposa Military Base in 2077. The founder of the Vindicators, Andrew Vaccaro, was a high-ranking U.S. Army member, who served alongside Maxson in Colonel Robert Spindel's outfit. After the discovery of the human experiments at Mariposa, which subsequently resulted in Robert Spindel being found dead, Vaccaro became the impromptu leader of a small faction of the Mariposa military staff who opposed Maxson's new direction. Vaccaro and those loyal to him suspected that Maxson was the one truly responsible for Spindel's death, and that he had framed the event as a suicide to ensure his unchallenged rise to commander of the outfit. When Maxson had the Mariposa scientific staff executed for the brutality of their human experiments, Vaccaro and the small few who sided with him managed to hide away a small number of the site's scientists in an isolated chamber of the base, allowing them to be spared Maxson's rage.

In the following days, shortly before the Great War, Maxson announced over the radio the desertion of his forces at Mariposa from the authority of the U.S. military. This act, even more so than the execution of Mariposa's scientists, brought a multitude of Mariposa's men to Vaccaro's side. Vaccaro was able to manipulate Maxson's desertion from a loyalist standpoint, using it to acquire support for a now public ridicule of Maxson's emotionally driven decision to execute the site's scientists. Roger, not wanting to escalate the situation, offered that Andrew and the rest of the site's men that remained loyal to the U.S. military would be given the freedom to choose whether to leave Mariposa and remain with the military, or stay with Maxson. The day the loyalist group was to be offered free leave was the day the bombs fell.

The outbreak of atomic war and devastation of the U.S. military forces outside of Mariposa rekindled passionate support for Roger Maxson. Andrew Vaccaro and his group, now considerably smaller than before, were stripped of their freedom to leave, and compelled to sign onto Maxson's new yet-to-be-named organization. Outnumbered, they begrudgingly complied, and were set to leave Mariposa along with the rest of the Mariposa soldiers and all of their families. The day the exodus from Mariposa occurred, though, Vaccaro led his own revolt. The Vaccaro loyalists seized control of the facility's exit just before the exodus was set to take place, and the Vaccaro loyalists, their families and the surviving Mariposa scientists abandoned Maxson, taking a large quantity of military and scientific equipment—as well as all of the Forced Evolutionary Virus serum they could carry—with them. The premature abandonment of Mariposa was seen as a betrayal by Maxson's organization, and their theft of the facility's military equipment and vehicles was at least partially responsible for the ravaging that Maxson's organization took on their way to the Lost Hills bunker. This has resulted in strong animosity existing between the BoS and Vindicators, even up to the present day.

The Vaccaro loyalists, though well-supplied, were largely without direction following the departure from Mariposa. They were U.S. military loyalists, but they found little to no evidence that the U.S. military had ever existed over the course of their journey through the post-war ruins of America. Distraught, Andrew Vaccaro came across a saving grace when his group arrived in Georgia. The former United States Centers for Disease Control, the CDC, was largely intact. Seeing opportunity, Vaccaro led his men to liberate the facility's surrounding areas from raiders and other ne'er-do-wells, and restored the CDC to a functioning laboratory environment. Once the CDC's laboratory was in working condition and its environs were under Vaccaro's undisputed control, he announced the formal creation of the Vindicators. This new group would have as its objective the vindication of the work down by the Mariposa scientists murdered by Roger Maxson, by finding new, constructive uses for the FEV.

The founding of the Vindicators and the ensuing myths of a swarm of heavily armed military personnel conquering half of Atlanta led to a wave of migration to the CDC. Military remnants all across the American South and Gulf Coast area, either cut off from the Enclave or wilfully ignoring them, were welcomed at the CDC and found a place among the Vindicators. A perimeter fence was established around the CDC, with portions of old ruins being used to wall off the compound from the outside. Whilst during Vaccaro's era a combination of scavenging and feeding off of the original Mariposa haul sustained Vindicator activities, the organization entered a dark period upon his death. The massive build-up of military personnel, equipment and soldiers' civilian families produced severe overcrowding and supply shortages in the CDC compound. An expansion of the compound was necessary, and a new method of supply-gathering more effective than simple scavenging was in order too. The FEV would turn out to come in handy for both problems.

The CDC's place inside of the ruins of Atlanta ensured that the ruins were always kept clean of raiders and wasteland critters, a fact that very quickly came to be taken advantage of by squatters setting up inside of the decaying, half-destroyed buildings neighbouring the walled CDC compound. The Vindicators tolerated small levels of squatter presence outside their walls at first, but eventually came to see the squatters both as a literal military threat and a threat in regards to their consumption of the region's already minimalistic foodstuffs. Thankfully, a strand of the FEV modified to stimulate accelerated and highly resilient plant growth became a potential tool to end the region's food shortage. The Vindicators offered the Atlanta squatters an agreement; a zone permitted for non-Vindicator settlement, to be called 'Reduit', would be constructed around the CDC compound to safely house and maintain order among the settlers. In exchange, the settlers were to serve as labour on FEV-modified farms set up by the Vindicators within the Reduit zone (as well as, without their knowledge, to serve as test subjects for whether or not the FEV-modified food products were safe to consume). The vast majority of settlers accepted, and Reduit's ensuing population boom resulted in the 'zone' becoming the region's largest settlement, far larger and more populous than the CDC compound which it surrounded. New FEV strands were formed to do everything from protect the people against disease to ensure either the docility or death of Reduit settlers that made themselves enemies of the Vindicators.

Over time, Reduit evolved from a glorified refugee camp to a genuine city. The Vindicators ceased to be seen as the Vaccaro loyalist descended upper-class of Reduit, and it came to be that the vast majority of the Vindicator membership were simply people born in Reduit who wanted to help defend their home. The CDC became a purely military, scientific and government compound, with the Vaccaro loyalists now living in Reduit alongside the descendants of the Atlanta squatters, as well as new arrivals to the city. Instead of only being given direct injections of FEV, all Reduit citizens now consume small amounts of modified FEV material in their daily lives. All food and water available in Reduit is laced with some level of biological manipulation, ranging from changes that were used simply to improve yield all the way to concoctions thought up to either protect or control the population in any imaginable manner.

With the synthesization and modification of the FEV also came a modification to the way the Vindicators operated. The American nationalist patriotic comradery of the early Vindicators came to be replaced by dogmatic and absolute loyalty to Reduit, and to the Vindicators themselves—not as a body of the United States, but as a sovereign organization. The present Commander of the Vindicators, Harold Reed a native-born citizen of Reduit, has propagated these ideological changes extensively. His reign as Commander of the Vindicators has seen the production and release of massive amounts of propaganda into Reduit's radio stations and onto her streets. The law, under his command, has become iron, and the Reduit society centred around self-sufficiency has evolved beyond that to become an industrial-scale manufacturer of firearms and ammunition. Love for the Vindicators and for Reduit has never been stronger, and neither has her army. The Vindicators seem destined to forge themselves a genuine empire in the south-east of the ruins of America. It is a day that Andrew Vaccaro would never imagine, but one that Commander Reed seems obsessed with making a reality.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

In the course of my research on British political heritage, I've just learned from reputable and well-reasoned sources that today there are thousands of frankly ordinary blokes (to say nothing of the hundreds of unimportant nobles higher up) in the line of succession. Therefore, it is not only posssible, but probable that the Dominion found in its early years a legitimate king to exercise monarchial powers, to say nothing of any charlatans showing up with vellum proving descent from Sophia of Hannover.
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