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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Well, I'll take the letter but I don't see the need to follow your directions." Light said, taking the letter from her hands. "First off, my room lead to a new place that couldn't have existed alongside it, so it's impossible to be explained by science." Light pointed out. "Second, you just called us guests when we weren't invited to anything. That makes you highly suspicious, because that means you know something. Why would I go over to that place where there's nothing but chaos going on? you must be mad." Light said, listening to Fry cry out in pain.

"I don't work well in too much violent situations. I'm a chess master type of guy, just so you know. Thanks for the letter though, it'll help explain a lot." Light said. "I'm looking out for myself on this one. This is just too dangerous for me right now. Maybe when everyone's calmed down." Light started walking past the maid. "Why don't you drop the act and go deal with them yourself, if you feel so inclined?" Light said with a grin, looking back before continuing to walk.

Honestly, so easily handing over vital information like that to a stranger, what an idiot.. Light thought to himself. Even more so since I have no reason to trust her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Hearing Trig behind her, the pink-haired girl glanced over, her eyes narrowing down at this man who demanded his guns. While it was obvious that a girl like her wouldn't have them, she didn't seem to be in the mood to be pushed around like this... "I haven't seen anything like that, so maybe you're asking the wrong person," Yuno bluntly replied, not caring if she were initially making a bad move to a new person. As if he didn't matter to her anymore, she had her blank expression return to her happy one right away, quickly holding onto Yukiteru's hand.

"Er... it sounds like this 'Beatrice' person is important here. Maybe she's the wife of the owner here... or even the owner herself. I'm just hoping this was one huge misunderstanding... because I'm starting to not like it around here...," Yukiteru thought out loud to himself, wondering just why they were all brought here. It all didn't make sense at first, and for some reason he thought that explanations on their predicament would only worsen the confusion.
The maid had surprised expression on her face, but she couldn't do anything about it since she had to formally greet the other 'guests' that were let into this mansion in the first place. Before she would take too much time trying to think of a response to say to Light, the maid knew that she would be caught slacking off, and began to make her way to the entrance hall.

The hallway that Light had chosen had been a strange one. There was no light to this hallway, and for some reason... all of the doors were unable to be opened. Not because they were possibly locked from the inside of the many rooms, but it felt more like the doors were literally cemented shut or were simply walls with trick doors. If he were to decide to go over the contents of the envelope, it would be that there was one letter, written in neat cursive and fresh with pen ink. The letter itself read:

I welcome you, my dear guests, to this lonely mansion of Rokkenjima. Please accept my hospitality in allowing you to take shelter from the dreadful typhoon outside. There is no need for boredom, I will keep you all entertained, if you're willing to play along that is. But first, please put yourself at ease. There is nothing too difficult to think about. Accept entirely, silently, the events to happen. That is all that is asked of you. Being well rested, have you managed to think carefully about your next move? I expect great things of you, from the opening on; in this wager, put in all your spirit. I look forward to your next move. Please, enjoy my game to your heart's content. You will catch on to it's premise in little time from the time you read this. May we meet again after the seagulls cry.

~The Golden Witch Beatrice

It was obviously a letter that was supposed to be read to the other 'guests' that were stuck in this mansion, and it did raise questions as to who the 'Golden Witch Beatrice' was. Then again, Light's sudden and abrupt arrival to this mansion would otherwise suggest that this could be the work of a real Witch.
Before the group of people in the entrance hall could get far to explore, the maid that had run into Light earlier had finally shown up, taking a respective bow before speaking,"Sorry for the delay, but I give a dear welcome to all of the 'guests' that had made it to my Mistress's mansion. I'm one of my Mistress's maids, you may call me Shannon. I was supposed to have a letter to share to you all from my Mistress... but I had run into a problem upon losing it... I could recite the letter's contents word for word though.. if you all like..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Eh, can it meat bag." Bender brushed Yukiteru's thought process aside rather rudely. Now that he knew more about the painting, he assessed it's worth. Probably a lot, based on the fact that it was in the entrance and was probably of the owner. Walking towards the middle, he telescoped out his arms to grab either side, and began to pull the painting off the wall. Did it matter that he was thieving in front of a large group of people? No! Since when did he let a crowd stop him! In fact, bring them! Let them see his glorious work! Although, as he took it off, he began to wonder where he would store it ... minor problems always annoyed him.

Speaking of minor problems, that was about when the maid came over. "Aw crap" he muttered as the maid began to tell them something. It seemed she didn't see what he was doing yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Light found himself at another logical problem: how exactly was it that all the doors in this hallway weren't able to be opened if that maid had opened a door and shut it just a moment ago? that made no sense. He had tried all those available to him, but there was nothing. He had looked over the letter, and it only left him with more questions than answers.

The ink is still fresh..did she really think I wouldn't suspect she wrote it? afer all, how do you get a fresh letter from a closed room unless you wrote it? is there some kind of trick to the doors? Light wondered. What exactly did that maid have that he didn't? she looked pretty human to him.

Was she hiding some supernatural ability like a Shinigami? was that maid the "Golden Witch Beatrice"? it was entirely possible. Light folded the letter and put it in his left pocket, he'd go over it again if he needed too. Light aimlessly wandered
into another direction as he thought to himself.

Also, this mansion seems pretty empty, and including the futile doors, common sense would tell you a maid working in a life less empty mansion during a typhoon is a maid with a few screws loose.. Light thought to himself, only suspecting her even more in having concocted the whole thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

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[never happened]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Welcome Guests"

Regardless of what Bender had tried to do, the portrait was strangely taken out of his hands and immediately placed back onto the wall. There was no sign of the unseen force behind this... but it can be assumed that the maid, Shannon, had something to do with it.

"I'm... I'm sorry, I can't allow that to happen to my Mistress's portrait. B-But... since you are all the guests that my Mistress had been awaiting for a long time, I'll recite the message of the letter she wished to show you..." Shannon said, and then reciting the very letter that Light had taken from her... word for word. There was no error, it was eerily the same message. Seeing the uncertainty in this group of guests, the maid decided to offer,"Oh... I believe all of you are questioning how you all got here... my Mistress knows ways... but if you like, I can bring you all to her..." It was basically the group's choice to take the maid's offer, but something about it didn't seem right at all...
As for the two that have separated themselves from the main group at the entrance hall, Light and Teru, one of the many 'closed' doors had opened without any sign of there being anyone to open it at all. It made you wonder if there were something in there that was important? Actually, it didn't seem reassuring when a symbol drawn with... blood was found on this door that had been opened for them.

(for those that have roles, check your PMs!)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Count Helcrest has observer the people in the hall with him for a while. 'Well out of the place I could have ended up this is one of better place,' he thought to himself inspecting the items in the hall. He ignore what yuno said about what was written on the plaque. The count notice the maid and listen to what she had to say. "I am Intrested in meeting your mistress i have some questions to ask her." Count Helcrest said as he walked up to the maid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

La Croix and Brigette Prologue

"C'monnnn, it'lll be funnn!" The feminine figure stumbled about, spilling the rum from her flask as if it would never drain. It was there, but it also was not, everything appeared blurry.

"Brig, you're drunk," replied another shadowy figure, this one dressed in a suit.

"So??? Ahm always drunk! Everyone's always drunk! Fuck! Less juss do somethin'-- ANYTHIN'!" She wasn't human, she resembled a human, but her figure shifted as she moved, as if it was shaped by the background noise of existence, she appeared as though she was made entirely out of the things people dream of, and shadowy wisps wafted off of her being. "Pleeease Samedi???"

A few other figures laughed off in the distance, the strange dimension seemed to distort sound as well as vision. These figures weren't humans, they were something that existed beyond... spirits, maybe?

A low baritone voice boomed from darkness, "Sure Brigette, we'll play..."

La Croix and Brigette had asleep for a while, La Croix from the stresses of incarnating into a human shell, Brigette from a hangover. La Croix woke first, and found himself... more than dismissive of the company he found himself in. He could deal with Brigette, but some of these ruffians... gave him an 'off' feeling. People spoke, people moved, things happened, and La Croix observed, for now. Lighting himself up a cigarette, he took note that wherever he was, whichever realm he was in, his cross pin had been taken from his mortal shell.

He'd need to get that back.

After a few puffs, he took note of Count Helcrests initiative with the maid, scoffing, and throwing the cigarette onto Brigette's drunken human shell, he followed behind behind the Count, flattening out the creases in his suit as he walked up to the two, "Quite-- I'd like to meet with her as well. Sort all this nonsense out." Turning to Count Helcrest, observing his armor, La Croix offered his hand for a shake, hoping the mortal would take it as a sign of manners, "Baron La Croix, pleased to make your acquaintance,"
Meanwhile, Brigette woke to the sound of her own blood pounding against her head. She was a fan of the feelings of drinking in a human body-- not so much the human hangovers. With bloodshot eyes, she wearily observed the room, before feeling around her dress for where she had left her flask.

Hair of the dog would fix this feeling...

Her search became more and more frantic-- she couldn't find it-- where was her flask!? Half-drunkenly stumbling to the center of the room, she fell to her knees, shouting. "WHERE ISS MYYY BOOOOZZZE!?!?!?!?!?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Toby listened to the maid but decided to wait and ask the important questions later and focus on his hatchets. He walked up to her and glared at her through his goggles. "Since you w-work here, can you t-tell me something?" He didn't wait for her to answer before almost getting in her face. "W-where did p-p-put my hatchets?!"

Masky was suspicious of the maid but he hated Toby even more and got closer to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Toby was very prone to doing stupid things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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'Mistress knows ways?' this line was in Six's head while others were speaking to this maid. "Um sorry to interrupt but Boone and I were in one hell of a fight before waking here. So how the hell did we get here from the Mojave Wasteland?" Six asked the maid seeming very suspicious of this 'mistress'. She had walked over to the others making sure her helmet was properly on. The fact that this place seemed a lot cleaner than anywhere she had been. It all seemed to bother the post apocalyptic courier.
Since the issue was brought up by Six there was no need for Boone himself to comment on it but it still confused the former 1st Recon Sniper.

(a little short so apologies.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Teru was Intimidated by the Large crowd of people, He always Hated Crowds, Its hard to Tell good from evil, So teru decided to walk out of the Group sighing, He wasn't going to Join there Stupid Game he was going to Find his Stuff and then Figure whats Happening, Teru walked through the Building Searching for his stuff. the House was much bigger than he expected, and Everything looked like it was Really Old, So Teru walked into a Large room, it actually Looked Very, Suspicious. It was Completely Empty except for a table in the Middle, and the Only door was Lockable, God whatever you want me to do, I hope you know what your Doing Teru Thought as he walked towards the Table and Saw that it had two Hatchets on it. This room Looked weird, Teru Quickly Grabbed the Two hatchets and Held them. He overheard a Angry person yelling at someone else About his Missing Hatchets. Teru decided to return it, Teru gotten out of the Room and Began to Retrace his Steps back to where Everyone was. Is this some kind of Game?, why did God send me here?. and why is everyone's Lifespan Changing? teru Began to Ask himself more questions and then Looking up he Saw the face of a Teenage Kid around the Age of 18 [light], He ran straight into him By accident Dropping the Two Hatchets on the Floor, Grunting a Bit Teru Said Politely Pardon me I wasn't Looking where I was going, Teru Grabbed the Two Hatchets and said I found these Hatchets and I think they Belong to someone. So I was returning them, Teru noticed the Person was named Light yagami, and His Lifespan wasn't visible at all. He had none. This place never fails to Surprise me teru thought in his head
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Trig was taken back by the woman's response, his smile curled down. The very suggestion of not having guns made him faintly livid. When a maid entered the room and began talking on someone's behalf, Trig was once again forced to watch her. Watch her. When she had quieted up as well, Trig nodded to himself. Two speeches were enough for one day. Something about seeing the mistress of the mansion? The hell would she know about his guns? He needed to find his guns! Trig decided it best to investigate another for the disappearance of his weapons. Someone different, someone reliable. Not some pink haired little girl, how could she be of any use, only one way to find out.

"Hello. I've been asking around, do you know where my guns are?" Trig asked Yuno once again. "The last person I asked didn't know, maybe you would know?"


(Where the hell's Red, that character we all love and want to ship with our own characters?)

Speaking of Red!

The woman stirred in her sleep. Her resting form was against the front doors of the mansion, sprawled outward in a lazy fashion. Mouth gaping, faint snoring, the start of drool, a perfect description for the ever lovely Red. She cupped her hands on her waist lethargically as she attempted to adjust her position. Her eyes snapped upon a dreaded realization: it was no longer on her. Red pounced upright and began to feel around for it, pushing the new environment or people from her mind.

Her bat was gone.

Paralysis took her over as she began gasping. Her back slapped softly against the door behind her as she sat, twitching at the thought of stolen property.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Bender mumbled about the failed attempt at stealing the painting, Fry was busy looking around. It had been a while since he had been in such a nice place. He then figured if the place was as fancy as it looked, then it would definitely have the one thing that made life livable.

"Hey, do you have TV here?" He asked after waiting for the others to finish what they were saying. If they had TV as he hoped, it was likely a very nice one. Probably large, which would be awesome. He could just see it now. Sitting in front of a massive TV on a super nice couch, with a can of Slurm in his hands as he watched a movie or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"I don't know..." Yuno simply left it at that for the apparent gun-wielder, she didn't want to waste so much precious time answering what he wanted to know, knowledge that she didn't have in the first place.

"..." Yuno didn't have much to say as she stared intensely at the maid, she certainly was suspicious for even being associated with this place. She kept close to her Yuki, she didn't want anything to happen that would separate the two.

"...U-um" Shannon stuttered, all of these people were demanding answers from her, and it was so much pressure. It didn't help when she knew that she couldn't possibly answer all of their questions. She did know that maybe leading them to her Mistress would solve this problem. "If all of you have so many questions to ask... maybe we should go and see my Mistress. S-surely she knows more... than what I know..." the maid says instead of answering all of the questions, including questions that were simple ones.

"E-everybody... follow me if you want to see and ask questions... to my Mistress," Shannon repeats for those that possibly missed her offer, walking over to another hallway that was dimly lit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Teru noticed that the Group had walked Past him weirdly, Teru just held the Two hatchets for the time being and Well Goodbye I have to keep up with the group Teru Said to light yagami, Teru Still wanted answers so Staying with the group seemed like a Smart Decision for the time being
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"My apologies. I was under the impression that you would know." Trig nodded slowly while forming a smile. He stepped away once again, folding his arms behind him.The creature bit his lip to vent frustration. The more he thought about them the more he let his mind wander: how could someone steal all of them? Trig was tearing himself apart about this, unconventionally when compared to the others in the room. Nah, he'd be alright. All he needed was his stuff back, simple as that, then perhaps he could calm down. Trig just needed to ask some more people, or whoever was more resourceful about the situation... what about that girl who read from the plaque earlier? She should know what the hell is going on.

Before he could ask Yuno for the third time, the maid had actually said something of interest. Question. Like his question? That checked out in his book, even if it was another speech. He moved away from the girl he was pestering and after the maid. This whole ordeal was almost mocking Trig, insulting who he was. He wanted to see who this mistress was... inside his mind fumbled around the feeling of excitement.


Prologue: Trig and Red

"For example, people with red hair are prone to be dicks~"

"You have red hair."

"Well... yeah, but you don't see me going around stealing things do ya?"


During the commotion of the Maid's entrance, another figure slithered besides Fry. Keeping profiled away from him with eyes locked forward, arms crossed sternly and some sweat forming on her forehead, Red was considerably upset. She kept quiet for sometime, contemplating her next words carefully. Knowing that she was not the best at saying clever things challenged her to speak. In the end, as is with most situations, she would just revert to crumby insults and threats.

"Hey Redhead," her whispers were sharp and quick. "I'll be more than happy to take it back when things quiet down." She trembled uncontrollably as she spoke, daring not to look at the neighboring bandit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Before that i'd feel a lot safer if I had my katana back. Speaking of which since you seem to work here did you take our stuff?" Six said seeming to press the issue and her suspicions further. It was clear that she probably wasn't going to trust whoever this 'mistress' was. It was also clear that Boone had the same feeling over the matter but was a lot less vocal than Six.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChadsWorth The Third

ChadsWorth The Third That One Banana You know

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rorschach's Journal Dec. 13 1956
Dead Cat in Alleyway. Rat eating corpse. Reminds me of the city, and my mother.
Made my rounds. The City will never be silenced of evil. But Never give up.
Never Compromise.
Even In the face of Armageddon.

Rorschach awoke in a entrance hallway. He quickly stood up, scanning his surroundings.


Strange things are in this house.

Looking at the group that was leaving, He decided to follow, but not talk to anyone until he found out what was going on.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Teru looked around and Couldn't find the User of the Hatchets, Teru Just Held them both by His side and Looked Behind him Checking if there were People, Teru Noticed another Newcomer, This place is Always Growing Teru thought and Looked at the New guy, Teru Stared at his name which Wasn't Displayed, Or his lifespan, Nothing was Displayed Was he even Human?, Teru Noticed he was Falling Behind in the Group, Without Saying anything Teru Speed-walked back to the Group
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChadsWorth The Third

ChadsWorth The Third That One Banana You know

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

nerminator said
Teru Noticed he was Falling Behind in the Group, Without Saying anything Teru Speed-walked back to the Group

Rorschach looked at this young man that approached him. His mask began to change as he thought, noting his surroundings.
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