Hopefully this is okay. :D (Hiders don't seem to work atm, sorry!)
**Real Name:** Rin Kanesaka
**Character Name:** Mez
**Age:** 24
**Gender:** Male

**Beta-Tester:** Yes
**Personality:** Mez is a staunch leader and devoted warrior. He fights for every good cause but holds no time for trivial matters. Although he may come across to others as extremely serious, he does have a softer side. Sharing a joke within a group or attempting to console close friends is generally proof of this. He is extremely courageous but doesn't allow his pride to get in the way when it comes to fighting. He knows when to retreat and when to press the attack. When it is time to rally together, Mez's voice can usually be heard above most of the others, leading a charge towards his enemies.
**Brief Real Life Background:** Not much is known about Rin Kanesaka. He tends to keep his focus on clearing the game, rather than talking about the real world. As such, he hasn't told many people about who he is, or was, in the outside world.
**3 Main Skills:**
- Two-Handed Greatsword
- Leather Equipment
- Agility
**_Ghoul's Grin:_** This Unique Skill affects all weapons held by Mez. This skill allows him to instantly equip any weapon within his inventory immediately during battle, even mid-swing. He uses this predominantly in conjunction with his Greatsword; Judgement and his Shortsword; Retribution. Switching between these two weapons grants him a temporary boost for a maximum of 15 seconds during battle. _(1 post)_
- Judgement to Retribution grants a 20% speed boost.
- Retribution to Judgement grants a 20% strength boost.
_Note: Mez can only use this skill once per battle._
**Other Skills:**
- One-Handed Shortsword
- Battle Healing
- Parrying
**Current Weapons:**
- [Judgement](http://i.imgur.com/ZNXGYt6.png)
- [Retribution](http://i.imgur.com/aiC09Zs.png?1)
**Current Armour:** Same as image above with a black cloak.
**Play Style:** Leader
**Guild:** Lords of the Asylum
**Guild Info:** _Lords of the Asylum_ is a guild made up of five high-level players, each of whom specialize in combat. They are an exclusively Green Guild that take on dangerous missions for a reasonable price. Their Guild Hall is called _The Spire of Othe_ and is located on the 32nd floor. It remains inaccessible to non-members due to the Spire being situated in the middle of a extremely large lake that is filled with high-level monsters. It also requires a specific teleportation crystal to enter. Entry requirements for the Guild are unknown, however, it is widely speculated that only Mez decides who is eligible to enter.
The current five members are as follows:
- Mez - Venerable Lord of the Asylum
- Rhan - Dread Lord of the Asylum
- Syn - Lich Lord of the Asylum
- Razgrid - Dark Lord of the Asylum
- Azhriel - Flame Lord of the Asylum
It is particularly rare to ever see more than two Lord members in one place, as they are always out completing jobs. The only time someone would see them all together would be during their monthly meetings at the Spire, except no one outside of the guild can access it. If more than two Lords are ever seen in the same place, it generally means that something strong needs to be killed, usually a boss but even this circumstance has only ever occurred once previously. Their presence within the game is one that can lift the spirits and morale of even the most exhausted of warriors. Even despite the high levels of its members and their vast battle capabilities, the guild is not listed within the Top 5. However, this does not stop at least one Lord being hired to help fight against floor bosses or to lead clearing expeditions by the front line guilds.
_Please Note: If this guild is accepted and you are interested in your character joining the guild or already being a member, I am happy to discuss your entry to the guild that we can roleplay in game or, alternatively, I can replace Syn, Razgrid or Azhriel with your character instead._
I love your milkshakes!