The planet of Balmorra, the Republic's number one planet for weapons and combat droid manufacturing. Chace Hadred, a trooper who'd been stuck on this dull guard assignment for over three years and almost entirely for the duration of the war, sat in a bar in Sobrik with a bunch of his buddies who were also off duty and watched the news while they all laughed and joked around. One of them, James Mitchell, elbowed Chace. "Come on, man. We're all off duty, try and enjoy yourself." Chace looks at James and shakes his head.
"Oh sure, laugh it up on an easy posting while our brothers and sisters in arms are out there dying fighting off the Sith invasion." James rolled his eyes and turned back to the others, while Chace flipped him off to his back. "Feel free to keep doing that, I'll keep track of the war." With a grunt of disgust, he turns his attention back to the news.
"-_Spire_ was shot down over Taris today and the Sith armada have blockaded and occupied the planet, presumably in search of any survivors. We'll bring you more as we learn." From there, it became the weekly weather report for the local area and Chace sighed. He didn't know of any ships with Spire in their name out there, and none of his buddies off-world would share their assignments anymore, not with the war going to poorly. Looking at the others, he sighs and sits at the table they were playing cards at. "Deal me in." With a nod, the person who's turn it is to deal gives Chace his hand and the group of troopers go to their game.